Випарник Smok TF-RCA RBA Coil (SMTF-RCARBAC) Обслуговується випарник на одну спіраль Smok TF-RCA RBA Coil для атомайзера Smok TFV4 / TFV4 Mini. Історія бренду Smok - лідера інтелектуальної e-cig індустрії.
Торгова марка Smok - провідний бренд Шеньчженя, професійний гравець на ринку дослідження і виробництва електронних сигарет. Компанія розташована в районі Наньшань міста Шеньчжень, в центрі світових поставок електронних девайсів.
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#TFV18 #SMOK #Morph2 #RBA Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SMOK TFV4 Subohm Tank – революционный танк от компании SMOK, который может похвастаться впечатляющими характеристиками, великолепной передачей вкуса и клаудчейсерскими способностями. Огромная линейка сменных испарителей и RBA-баз, которые подойдут для любого сценария использования. Вместительный бак на 5 мл, комбинированный дрип-тип с функцией охлаждения пара, система регулировки обдува, оригинальная верхняя заправка, роскошная комплектация, солидный внешний вид и качественная обработка и сборка. Возможные цвета: стальной, черный. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор и намотка гибридного бака SMOK TFV8.
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Обзор клиромайзера / обслуживаемого атомайзера Smok TFV4 Mini
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Track: Adam Hairston - All The Time
Miley Cyrus – Wrecking Ball (Caked Up Remix)
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SMOK TFV18 RBA - Another RBA for a stock coiler which doesnt cut it?
The SMOK TFV 18 is one of the biggest stock coil tanks SMOK have produced for a long time, with the size of the tank comes the opportunity for an RBA head to convert it, and thats exactly what SMOK and Wotofo have produced. The question is, does the SMOK TFV18 RBA actually work well?
═╣ SMOK TFV18 RBA ╠═
00:00 ◄ Intro and specs
01:41 ◄ Close up and build
15:11 ◄ Vape
17:05 ◄ Thoughts
As always with a Vaping With Vic review, you know that I have tested this item for three to seven days, instead of reviewing it the day after it comes channel always tests items first before reviewing.
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Vaping With Vic is a registered business in the United Kingdom. The reviews fall in line with the United Kingdoms TRPR Act of 2016 under the relevant sections pertaining to ECig devices.
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SMOK Fetch Pro POD-mod + RPM80 RGC RBA Base | - все хорошо, за исключением глянца | provaping.ru
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Небольшой обзор и мнение о обслуживаемой базе SMOK TF-R2, для бака SMOK TFV4.
Музыка: Amok - Big Deal (2008 Final Edit) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Имхо о обслуживаемой базе SMOK TF-R2 + укладка ваты.
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Présentation et test de la base du tfv12 prince RBA !
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in this video we go over the basics of using the Smok TFV8 RBA coil. This is not a video for advanced vapers, this a video for someone that is looking to get into rebuildables or would like to try out the RBA coil in this tank. I will be sure to cover more advanced coil builds down the road, but for the sake of this video, we use the standard dual coils that are included with this rba deck. I go over how to check the coil, heat the coil, install the cotton, and then finally prime it and enjoy it!
If you have any questions about this RBA build on the TFV8 or anything vaping in general, please leave a comment down below. If you enjoyed this video, please leave a thumbs up and SUBSCRIBE :)
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SMOK TFV8 RBA TUTORIAL | How To Build/Wick The Included Coil | GREAT Flavor Production!
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на бебу
на РБА
на телеграмм канал
Один из лучших стартовых субомных баков - это конечно же Smok TFV8 baby.
Он прост в заправке, дает много пара и есть вкус на испарителях, если добавить чуток мощности на моде. RBA базу с двуспиральной конструкцией можно приобрести отдельно.
Посадка 22 мм и объем бака для жидкости 3 мл.
Компактные размеры
Удобная заправка
Возможность установки RBA базы
на большую бебу
ниверсальное устройство. Подойдет, как начинающему парильщику, так и человеку, который уже знаком с вейпингом. Успешный поход на рынке TFV8 серии продолжает средняя модель между большим и младшим братом, которая имеет диаметр установки 24.5 мм и объем бака 5 мл, а так же возможность использовать запатентованные компанией SMOK как свои турбо испарители, так и обслуживаемую базу на 2 спирали.
Качество изделия SMOK как всегда на высоте.
Удобная заправка
Обслуживаемая база в комплекте
Вкусные и навалистые сменные испарители Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I just make videos for products that i buy myself or get send for the purpose of the video.
Don't expect facetime, pros and cons or flavor ratings from me, what's good for me might be bad for you...
I have no affiliation with this company or it's after market service!
My name is Jim and i'm from Belgium, welcome to my channel!
English is not my main language, so excuse me if it's not perfect.
I show you the product and the features, if there is something broken on the product i will mention it during the video.
Want to contact me to make a video for your product? Click on my channel and go to "about" and you can find my email there.
When you like my content please subscribe and like the video or write a comment.
I do not promote the use of nicotine!
If I got paid to make a video or to skip the queu, I will mention this in the first minute of the video!
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In this video we show you how to build a Clapton coil with the Smok TFv4 RBA deck. You will see us build a clapton coil on the RBA deck using the clapton wire provided in the kit and a few basic tools.
Find the Smok Tfv4 Mini FULL Kit here at a very low price:
Here you will find the Coil Master 521 Tab coil building deck used in the video:
Here you will find all the tools needed for coil building:
Here you will find all types of wicks and wires for builds: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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TFV8 на оф. сайте компании Smok, со скидкой $10 (купон vapinglab ):
Track: Aloe Blacc - I Need A Dollar (Ben-E Falki Remix)
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SMOK TFV12 Prince Sub-Ohm Tank:
SMOK TFV12 Prince RBA Head:
In this tutorial, we quickly go over the correct method of wicking the TFV12 Prince RBA Head so you can get the best possible flavor from your TFV12 Prince Sub-Ohm Tank. If you have any questions or are struggling to put your build together, feel free to leave a question in the comment section below.
SMOK TFV12 Prince RBA Head:
For more great vape products and vape deals, visit our store: ! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I will be reviewing the In this video I will be reviewing the SMOK TFV18 RBA COIL, this product was sent over by Smok for the purpose of review. If you guys could take the time to like and subscribe it would be very much appreciated.
~~~ Features ~~~
Resistance: (45-80W, Best 55-65W)
~~~ Contents ~~~
1* SMOK TFV18 RBA Coil
2* Coils
1* Spares
2* Cotton Strips
Products shown in the video might contain nicotine which is an extremely addictive substance.
This video is for educational purposes only. All products shown on this channel are intended for an audience of 18+. All content shown in this video is my own or copyright free.
#vape #smok #tfv18rba Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is the SMOK WOTOFO TFV18 RBA Unboxing and Review with BEST Single Coil. Yeah you read that right. After unboxing and playing with the TFV18 RBA using the standard dual coil configuration the airflow wasn't what I thought it should be so the time came for finding the best single coil to put into this TFV18RBA module. With the right stainless steel coil and using temperature control on the Arcfox Mod from the SMOK Arcfox Kit I was able to duplicate the vape experience from the OXVA Arbiter which I still say is the BEST RTA on the market today. With a little fiddling and experimentation you can easily customize this SMOK WOTOFO TFV18RBA to reproduce most rebuildable atomizer tanks and fully enjoy your smoking cessation product... even without nicotine. It's because the flavor capability of this setup is so frickin awesome that anyone can quit smoking with vaping.
00:00 SMOK WOTOFO TFV18 RBA Unboxing and Review with BEST Single Coil Introduction
00:22 SMOK WOTOFO TFV18 RBA Packaging and SMOK Arcfox presentation
00:48 Cost of TFV18 Coils is why buy the TFV18 RBA?
01:45 SMOK WOTOFO TFV18 RBA Unboxing
02:10 SMOK WOTOFO TFV18 RBA Package Contents
03:02 TFV18 Stock Coil compared to RBA
03:15 OXVA Arbiter deck vs TFV18RBA deck
03:35 TFV18 RBA ideal coil length
04:05 TFV18RBA Dual Coil Installation
04:35 TFV18 RBA Ideal Coil Placement
05:08 Dry Burn Dual Coil Procedure
05:55 Wicking Dual Coil TFV18 RBA
07:00 Painting Wicks for Ideal Fluid Flow
07:30 First Impressions on TFV18 RBA
08:00 Comparing TFV18 RBA with OXVA Arbiter RTA
09:30 Impression after 2 weeks with TFV18 RBA
12:15 Different Coil Options for SMOK TFV18 RBA
13:15 Ideal Single Coil for SMOK TFV18 rba
14:00 Stainless Steel Coil in TFV18rba
14:30 Using Temperature Control with TFV18 RBA
15:00 Customizing crackle on vape coils
15:20 Final thoughts on SMOK WOTOFO TFV18 RBA Review
#HunkyVapeReview #SmokWotofoTfv18Rba #HunkyVape
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SMOK WOTOFO TFV18 RBA Unboxing and Review with BEST Single Coil
This description has been updated after publishing due to changes in YouTube policy. Some links mentioned in the video may have removed. Sorry for any inconvenience
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SMOK TFV8 + RBA Wicking Tutorial - The Vaping Bogan
In this video we show you how to wick the Smok TFV12 Triple Coil RBA deck. You will see us wick the included clapton coils on the V12-RBA-T RBA deck and test performance.
Find the Smok TFV12 Triple RBA Deck here at a very low price:
Find the TFV12 Cloud Beast King tank here:
Here you will find all the tools needed for coil building:
Thanks for watching! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Le roi des clearomiseurs subohms est de nouveau monté en grade. L'heure est venue de rebooster vos nuages avec le clearomiseur TFV18 de Smok, une bête de power-vaping qui ne répond qu'à la folie et aux watts ! Découvrez l'héritier de la mythique gamme TFV avec le clearomiseur de chasse TFV18, une brute dévastatrice 100% DL que rien n'imite.
Points clés du clearomiseur TFV18 de Smok :
Clearomiseur super-subohm de 26mm ;
Réservoir XXL de 7,5ml ;
Résistances TFV18 pour vape de 100 à 110W ;
Triple airflow aérien et réglable ;
Remplissage sécurisé.
En savoir plus sur :
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This is a step by step guide to building and installing the RBA coil on a SMOK RPM 4 pod.
SMOK RBA coil comes with its own kit including the base, coil and cotton. Compatible coils can also be used depending on the resistance of the coil.
This RBA is incredibly handy for people who prefer hanging on to be the same coil base and takes little money and effort to rewick it.
Some RPM 4 Pods which are made for The RPM coils may not function with the RBA coil base properly. That is why I have also demonstrated what to do if such happens. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SMOK RPM 4 KIT | RBA Installation | Step by step on RPM pod ®
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In this video i do a coil build on my Smok Baby Beast. The RBA on this thing is great, it's super easy to build on and the wicking is fairly simple if you have a little patience.
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This channel is a "no nonsense" resource for making your own DIY ejuice. We have content uploaded regularly which contain many new eliquid recipes and clones of famous and premium ejuices. We also provide tutorials on making ejuice and other general vaping help like how the make your own coils for vaping and how to wick them properly. I'm not here to make money on Youtube, I do this solely because I have a passion for mixing ejuice and I like to share this enthusiasm for making DIY eliquid with other like minded people and if you're reading this you are one of them and I appreciate your support.
The channel is growing all the time and changing through viewer's input and suggestions. We have a vast database of eliquid recipes and it is growing all the time. These ejuice recipes are a collection and all the recipes made in the videos and a big number of viewers ejuice recipes. Please feel free to share your favorite ejuice recipe and I will try to mix it in one of my videos or place it into our archive for others to use.
Please mix responsibly by using gloves and other protective equipment. Nicotine is highly toxic and can cause severe sickness and even death. I am not responsible for any accidents, injuries or sickness as a result of watching this channel. I am comfortable with the way I dispense my nicotine and I wear all the necessary PPE when transferring the nicotine into a user friendly bottle but please do not copy my methods because it is always wise to mix with gloves.
Not all the recipes on this channel are tried and tested, most of them are put together right in front of the viewer for the first time. This does not guaranty the quality of the recipe and is solely done to encourage new mixers to try new things and not to be afraid or intimidated by try something new. For this reason I often go through the ejuice archive and remove the ones that I consider to be under par.
Here are some links to DIY ejuice resources:
This is my favorite resource for ejuice supplies. They sell VG, PG and nicotine base plus a huge selection of ejuice flavors. You can also buy bottles and other mixing supplies. Their shipping and customer service is outstanding and I highly recommend them.
E-Juice Lab android app for storing recipes and calculating quantities.
Planet Of the Vapes e juice calculator. I have used this one exclusively for 2 years and only recently changed because it does not support measuring by it is an excellent Android App.
E-liquid recipes .com has a massive data base of e-juice is something for everyone.
Bull City Flavors cary an excellent choice of e liquid concentrates as well as VG, PG, bottles and other DIY mixing supplies. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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It's a YouTube thing can't put any links anymore! I apologize but you enough I love EightVape so make sure to check them out! xoxo Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Setting (Coiling) RBA RGC Smok Rpm80 / Fetch Pro .
Coil : Vso Coil Art (0,4 ohm)
Kapas : Kendo Gold Edition
Mod : Druga Foxy
Liquid : Oat Drips V3 Banana Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Available at:
More E-Juice. More airflow. More flavor. More power. SmokTech promised greatness and the TFV8 Cloud Beast delivered. Smok’s newest sub-ohm tank is a Stainless Steel/Pyrex Glass constructed masterpiece and offers a massive fill capacity. The Cloud Beast sports a wide Delrin drip tip and two large adjustable air slots, dramatically increasing airflow in breathtaking fashion. Similar to the TFV4 style, a locking/pivoting top cap sits on top of the tank, revealing a larger top-filling fill port and the massive chimney. The Cloud Beast TFV8 is shipped with 3 new patented coil designs; an Octuple coil head, a Sextuple coil head and a Quadruple coil head (as well as a V8 RBA Head). The V8-T8 Octuple Coil head has a resistance of ohms (50-260w) and reins supreme as Smok’s most powerful coil head. The V8-T6 Sextuple Coil head offers a resistance of 0.2 ohms and is rated between 50-240w. The ohm V8-Q4 Coil head is Smok’s least powerful coil of the bunch and is still rated at 50-180w. A 2-post velocity style RBA head is included in this powerful batch of coils, catering to those who prefer to build their own coils. Smoktech crafted an incredibly powerful sub-ohm tank that cloud chasers dream of. If you’re looking to take your cloud production to the next level, Smok’s all-new TFV8 Cloud Beast will not disappoint.
SmokTech TFV8 Cloud Beast:
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Find more SMOK Vape Mods, Tanks and vape kits here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The SMOKTech TFV8 Cloud Beast RBA Wicking Tutorial
Спасибо сайту за SMOK R-Kiss Kit.
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