Вата MuJi Organic Cotton (MJOC) Бавовна MuJi Organic Cotton - використовується багатьма компаніями в якості гніту до спіралей різних атомайзерів, кліромайзерів і дріпок. 100% органічна бавовна з Японії. Відмінно вбирає рідину.
Характеристики: • 5 пластин • Розмір: 80 x 60 мм • 100% оригінал
Halloo vapers..
Trima kasih buat yg slalu dukung channel yowvape "an sllu bermafaat apa yg gw buat tutorial" seputar vape ini..
Okee ..divideo kali ini gw mo coba sdikit review kapas vape yg menurut gw layak bgd buat dipake untuk ngevape, MUJI ORGANIC COTTON,REVIEW KAPAS VAPE MUJI ORGANIC COTTON 100% AUTHENTIC | KAPAS VAPE,Muji, Cotton,Organic, Muji cotton organik,Muji organic cotton vape,muji organic cotton,muji japanese organic cotton,cotton bacon,kendo cotton,kapas murah,...selain harganya yg murah kapas muji ini jg bagi gw enak qo,penyerapan liquidnya bagus lancar bgd sehingga bisa menghasilkan cloud & flavour yg boleh dibilang 1 lg nicotin yg di kandung liquid jg lumayan dsini gw coba pke settingan kawat kanthal a1 24 awg, gak gampang putus jg .. mnurut gw recommended lah ,dgn harga yg murah bgd tp hasilnya luar biasa begini.. jadi mnurut gw MUJI ORGANIC COTTON ini patut di performanya, ..
Langsung simak video tutor nya ..kuuyy!!
Tengkiyu dah nonton video bantu gw buat ngembangin CHANNEL YOWVAPE ini dengan klik LIKE,KOMEN,SHARE dan SUBSCRIBE juga nyalah kan LONCENG NYA!!!
Jgn lupa bantu dukung channel ini biar semakin berkembang dan tetap sllu berbagi info seputar vape
menghitung lilitan&ohm coil pemula ;
tutorial pemula
review kawat coil
#YOWVAPE #MUJIORGANICCOTTON #kanthala124awg #athentic Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review kapas vape murah enak Muji Japanese Organic Cotton
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Mampir juga ke channel baru kita yah :
Yuk Cat
Yuk Kuliner
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bau sangit ,flavour udah berubah mulai gaenak atau ada rasa perih ???.....
apalagi udah terhitung pemakaian bwberapa hari,....coba deeh ganti gaanti kapas kalian ...gw juga ngalamin hal yang saama flavour jadi hambar atau hot perih tapi coil nya gak apa" ,
gak perlu ganti coil dulu tapi cobaa ganti kapas kalian mungkin udah terbilang udah mengalami yg namanya KAPAS JENUH di coil kalian tu kapaa jadi bentuknya kempes dan gaenak lah...
kaya video diatas gw terapin hal kaya gtu cuma pakai KAPAS MUJI ( muji cotton ) daan gw barengin pake liquid KOPE.... ghiiilaaa.... hasil nyaaa flavour kembali kaya semulaaa👍👌 assliii eeenaaak bgd dan aja simak video nya jangan di skip skip gak gagal paham...
smoga bermanfaat
terima kasih juga buat
support kiriman liquid nya
#YowVape #Gantikapassendiri #wicking Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Укладывая вату таким способом можно забыть про гарь и брызги. Только вкусный и густой пар. Делюсь секретом с тобой. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Organic Cotton Shrink Wrap T-Shirts offer a simple packing solution where space is limited.
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Muji Sheet Cotton Wicking Tutorial
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Koh Gen Do Vs Muji - Organic Japanese Cotton Battle!
For more information on WickingWars go to
Is Koh Gendo Just the same old Muji repackaged and rebranded? Are there any differences at all between the two? Which one give you the best flavor?
You guessed it, you have to watch the video for the answers :)
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I review suitable products only.
All videos and tips presented are my own opinions and based on my own experiences. Please do your own research before implementing any technique or buying any product shown in my videos.
I buy all the products reviewed on this channel, unless otherwise stated. You are welcome to help me cut costs by sending me free stuff :)
I support this channel by using affiliate links in some videos, which I get a commission for.
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Good quality & low priced organic Japanese Muji pads for your RTA’s / RDA’s
I came across these Muji pads and I was very impressed by their excellent wicking abilities with no cotton taste at all, the only flavour you will taste is your liquid. These Muji pads can compete with much more expensive brands.
They are packaged as 180pcs of unbleached 60x50mm Muji pads, ideal for precise cuttings. (Although on amazon it is advertised as 140pcs and the price is £ not £ as I mistakenly said in the review)
Equally good is the Cotton Labo Organic Cotton Puff (200Pc) from Amazon at £
For further info watch this review. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Complete guide | how to use Japanese Organic Muji pads for wicking MTL RTAs | No leaks or dry hits
This step by step tutorial is for those who are new to MTL RTA’s and need a helping hand to wick properly using Japanese Organic Muji pads. For instance, what width size to cut the cotton pad to fit a & ID coil and when to thin the cotton ends & when not to thin, how to cut to the right length to avoid dry hits or leaking etc... I will re-wick various deck styles that represent most current MTL RTA’s.
4 Basic rules to follow,
Rule 1: Check coil ID for cotton width, = 7 - 8mm. 3mm = 9 - 10mm
Rule 2: Check liquid entry point for precise cotton wicks length
Rule 3: Do not force cotton through coil, light resistance is your guide
Rule 4: Check juice well size & shape if thinning the cotton wicks are needed
Rule 5: Always fluff, lift & tuck making sure they are not folded at the bottom
MTL RTA’s I re-wicked in this tutorial
Expromizer V4 - Spica Pro - Replay - Aromamizer Classic - Pendant V2 - EHPro True Tank
Organic Japanese Muji Pads I use,
Cotton Labo Organic Cotton Puff Size M (200Pc)
Muji Cut Cotton Ecru Unbleached Facial Puffs 60X50mm 180 Pads. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Дорогие друзья, я рад вас приветствовать на своём канале и вашему вниманию предлагается обзор ваты Puff's Lab Cotton + сравнение с Fiber Freaks, Muji, Bocotton.
Огромное спасибо за предоставленный на обзор образец.
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How to use Japanese Organic Cotton; Ko Gen Do. I only use it in extreme cases, like when I am completely out of everything else. I don't know why reviewers tell us to take off the top and bottom layers. Personally, I find that if I leave it on it doesn't burn out from the middle of the coil.
Please watch: "Geek Vape Nova Kit; Is it Worth it?"
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Simple / Minimalist Tote Bag - Muji Organic Cotton My Bag A3
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This is the Muji Organic Cotton My Bag. If you are interested to find out more, you can check out the links below:
Muji Singapore:
Muji USA:
Disclosure: Please note that the links above are not affiliated.
You can check out my review for this item:
My websites:
#thestuffsreview #totebag #muji #minimalist #minimalisttotebag #simpletotebag #asmr Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Theo mình thấy nếu mà xài bông Wotofo cho con Profile RTA này thì có mà bán máu lấy tiền thay bông. Đại khái là với mình, bông xài từ ngày thứ 2 thứ 3 trở đi là đã không còn ngon nữa rồi. Sau khi thử nhiều cách thì mình cũng đã làm được bông Muji cho con Profile.
Khi mà làm thế này thì hương vị juice lúc đầu lên sẽ không tốt bằng bông Wotofo. Nhưng sau khoảng 1 tank dầu thì hương vị lên chuẩn thực sự. Cái thứ 2 là nó bền hơn và quan trọng nhất là nó rẻ vl rẻ...:))))))).
Làm bông Muji thực sự dễ chứ không hề khó, nó chỉ nhiều hơn wick bông Wotofo 2 công đoạn là tách lớp bề mặt bông với lại cắt nhỏ đầu bông. Còn lại là y chang nhau. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Thanks yang udah nonton, thanks yang udah subs..
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BE A SMART VAPER Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
All cotton used to make MUJI apparel is organic cotton.
To restore the relationship between humans and nature, we started using organic cotton in 1999, and all the cotton used in our apparel is now organic as of 2018.
However, organic cotton production currently makes up less than one percent of the global cotton market.
Conventional cotton production requires large amounts of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides.
As organic cotton is grown without pesticides and chemical fertilizers, the yield per hectare is around 70% of the yield of conventional cotton, so it cannot be produced in large quantities as efficiently.
We want to spread the practice of growing organic cotton which benefits both the environment and its producers.
So, we are also involved in cotton cultivation instead of just using them.
For every T-shirt* that we sell, we will provide producers in India with 2 organic cotton seeds for free.
To spread the practice of producing environmentally sustainable organic cotton, we support farmers together with our customers through this initiative.
*Target products *Eligible for Short-Sleeve, French-Sleeve, Sleeveless T-Shirt.
Men's: Uneven Yarn T-Shirt, Coarse Jersey T-Shirt
Ladies': Uneven Yarn T-Shirt, Interlock T-Shirt, Coarse Jersey T-Shirt
Kids': Uneven Yarn T-Shirt, Uneven Yarn T-Shirt *Except for printed T-shirts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here's a how-to on wicking with Japanese Cotton for rebuildable atomizers! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hi folks, a quick video with tips on how to make ur muji cotton go further.
Please excuse video ,sound quality as i had to use different set up as my main editing pc has died. Im using a very old system to do very basic editing
so i can still upload content. Please accept my apologies and i hope to have my editing pc replaced or repaired soon.
Please feel free to share or leave comment and most of all,
Thanks for watching.. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Muji (organic Japanese cotton) is the most commonly used wicking material. It's cheap, easy to work with and readily available under a dozen brand names.
But can it beat Rayon in terms of flavor?
Let's find out in this episode of Wicking Wars!
For complete information on the series, the mods and tools used, please visit
Get my used vape stuff at auction prices here:
Want me to review your e-cig and vape related products? Contact me at geekay@
All videos and tips presented are my own opinions and based on my own experiences. Please do your own research before implementing any technique or buying any product shown in my videos.
I buy all the products reviewed on this channel, unless otherwise stated. You are welcome to help me cut costs by sending me free stuff :)
I support this channel by using affiliate links in some videos, which I get a commission for.
Visit for more tips on vaping for beginners, reviews, news and building tutorials. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Muji Cotton Wick for RDA RTA RBA Atomizer 140pcs | by Gearbest.com
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Распаковка «Хлопок MuJi Organic Cotton 60x50 мм» из Rozetka.com.ua
Link mua:
Bông tẩy trang Muji 180 miếng organic của Nhật làm từ 100% cotton thiên nhiên, ít chất tẩy rửa và khử mùi, không trắng sáng như các loại bông tẩy trang khác của Muji.
Là bông cotton 100% tự nhiên, không pha thêm các sợi nhựa như poly và điểm quan trọng là organic cotton chỉ là bông sơ chế chỉ mới rửa và sử lý thô cho sạch nên gòn có trắng vàng tự nhiên, còn một ít sơ màu đen nhỏ. VÀ AN TOÀN CHO MỌI LOẠI DA.
– Số lượng: 180 miếng
– 100% chất liệu cotton tự nhiên
– Bông chưa tẩy trắng
⛩️ 106 Bạch Mai, Hà Nội
📲 096 3923 106 (Zalo/Messenger) (CSKH: 8h30-21h30)
🌐 Website:
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🇯🇵️ 100% giá trị NHẬT cho gia đình VIỆT
#konnichiwamart #106bachmai #madeinjapan #hangnhatnoidia
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MUJI「2019 OS Products」Seamless Jersey Short Sleeve Shirt Pack of 2
A tubular knitted T-Shirt made from organic cotton. Designed to be seamless along its sides, this shirt is comfortable to wear. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cotton for wicking your rebuildables
Muji cotton facial pads bought off eBay $3 huge amount of pads
Super absorbent quick to suck up the juice does not burn easily no bad taste they're unbleached
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drjamesdixon@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MUJI「2019 OS Products」Shoulder Comfort Water Repellent Backpack
Fitted with shoulder pads to reduce the strain on your shoulders.
There is also a pocket designed for laptop storage. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cr20Ni80 Ecig Heating Wire -
5pcs Original Youde 6 x 8cm Muji Cotton - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
вата для вейпа | 80 Sheets Koh Gen Do| 200pcs Delivape Japanese Puff
У данного хлопка более лучшая передача вкуса чем у ваты Амелия, а также легче в установке в коил. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Вата Muji Organic Cotton (MJOC). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17