Атомайзер — це найважливіший елемент електронної сигарети, без якої неможливе функціонування вейп-девайса. Часто даний елемент електронної сигарети називають просто «атом». Атомайзер являє собою випарну систему, що працює на спіральному нагрівачі, розігрів якого запускає джерело живлення (мод). Через спіраль протягується бавовняний гніт, опускається кінцями в проточки, де змочується рідиною для електронних сигарет.
Атомайзер є однією з декількох різновидів випарних систем вейп-девайсів. Поряд з обслуговуваними баками існують кліромайзери і дріпки, що відрізняються один від одного конструктивно, а також мають свої особливості експлуатації і обслуговування. У атомайзері є база — майданчик зі стійками для ручної установки койлів (спіралей) та ватних ґнотів. Даний тип випарної системи має ще й резервуар для заправки рідин. Усередині бака знаходиться купол випарного відділу, а від нього тягнеться трубка до верхньої частини бачка для виведення пари при затягуванні. Тому до верхньої частини бачка кріпиться дріп-тип, що дозволяє охопити його губами і затягнутися в момент нагрівання спіралі.
Стильний J MINI XL
Допустимий багаторазовий кліромайзер ємністю 2,5 мл з регульованим потоком повітря, виконаний з металу і загартованого скла з можливістю заправки верхньої рідиною. Сумісний з модами з діаметром атомайзерів 22 мм (Onyx, Supra).
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
PE160 Three layers pipe co-extrusion line #jwell #extruder #municipal pipe
sales manager : Olivia Yang
email : olivia@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851218812
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1997, vice-president unit of China Plastics Machinery Industry Association. Now we have 7 production bases, more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TPU Film | TPU Invisible Braces for Teeth Extrusion Line|JWELL Machinery
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Casting film machine | CPP film extrusion machine | Jwell Machinery
ABCD 4 layer
film width =2600mm
thickness :~
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
K Show 2022 Düsseldorf - Jwell Extrusion Machinery
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : Irene Si
email : salsb@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851219156
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1997, vice-president unit of China Plastics Machinery Industry Association. Now we have 7 production bases, more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Main Features:
Material = PVC
Sheet useful width =1500 mm
Configuration = monolayer
Foil thickness = 2-30 mm
Output =600 kg/h
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jwell Continuous Fiber Reinforced Composite Production Line #glassfiber #plastic
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
JWP Three Machine Integrated #pelletizing #plasticrecyclingmachine #jwell #extrusion
Jwell PET sheet extrusion line with twin srew extruder
sales manager : Megan Dai
email : salcac@
whatsapp mobile: +86 13818591226
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1997, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers
with over 25 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 8 production base , more than 3000 employees,
having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Main Features:
Material = PC
Sheet useful width = 2500 mm
Configuration = monolayer
Foil thickness = 2 -15 mm
Output =600 kg/h
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
JWELL is top plastic extrusion machine supplier in CHINA. We could provide you many machine as below:
1. Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
2. Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
3. Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
4. Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
5. Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
6. All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
7. Recycling and pelletizing machine.
8. T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : Irene Si
email : salsb@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851219156
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1997, vice-president unit of China Plastics Machinery Industry Association. Now we have 7 production bases, more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jwell Machinery specializes in PE/PP/PVC/ABS/PP-R/corrugated pipe production for over 26 years, ranking No.1 in plastic extrusion machinery industry for 13 years. Welcome to inquire: WhatsApp +86 18851201080
E-mail: salcz@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#jwell #315mm #PE pipeline with gravimetric control system ,laser printing,capacity 500-650kg/h
This kind of machinery is for invisible braces\medical packaging\car protective film and so on.
Contact Sales Manager : Tel/Wechat/Whatsapp 0086 15958356827;
Email: infzkh@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jwell Machinery Always adhere to the "persistent, hard work and innovation" spirit of enterprise.
Sales manager : Coco Ma
Email : salbaj@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851230769
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8)T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jwell PVC PE PP pipe extrusion line ready for delivery
sales manager : Megan Dai
email : salcac@
whatsapp mobile: +86 13818591226
The Large Diameter HDPE/MDPE Pipe Extrusion Line research & developed by Jwell Machinery Co., features of unique structure, easily control, highly automation and stable performance. Pipes produced by this machine has the moderate rigidity, strength, as well as good flexibility, anti-rot, anti-stress split, and favorable hot melting, make this large diameter pipe considered as the prefer product for water and gas transportation system in cities.
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1997, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers
with over 25 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 8 production base , more than 3000 employees,
having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
medical tubing,JWELL Machinery PVC medical tube Extrusion Machine (Video) [email protected]
Sales manager : Lily Xu
Email : infssx@ Wechat/Whatsapp: +86 15806225887
JWELL PVC Medical tube extrusion line
This series of equipment consists of a single screw extrusion main machine, extrusion dies, vacuum forming cooling tank, belt haul-off unit, and servo cutter. Equipment and product contact surfaces can be made of stain-less steel(SUS316)or custom designed to match customers' requirements. Applicable materials: PVC, TPU, and other materials for medical applications. Applicable tubes: Nasal oxygen cannula, tracheal intubation, infusion tube, elastomeric infusion tube, double-cavity, multi-cavity, and single row tube, etc. Applicable tube diameter and margin of tolerance: Outside diameter: 1.5~20mm Dimensional tolerance of outside diameter: ±, ±, ± Wall thickness:0.1~
---JWELL Machinery---
JWELL Machinery was founded in 1978, Chinese largest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 40 years in the extrusion industry .7 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) Extruder,Screw, barrel production
(6) Chemical fiber( PET,PA6,PP,POY,FDY,BCF) machinery
(7)Component of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, dryer, etc)
(8) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(9) T die, roller, distributor, etc.
JWELL-extruder manufacturers-extruder company-extruder line
#JWELLmachinery#medicaltubing #tubeextrusionmachine Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : Megan Dai
email : salcac@
whatsapp mobile: +86 13818591226
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1997, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers
with over 25 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 8 production base , more than 3000 employees,
having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
sales manager : spencer zheng
email : infzs@
wechat/whatsapp: +86 18851202565
JWELL Co., Ltd was founded in 1978, the Chinese biggest plastic extrusion machinery manufacturers with over 21 years in extrusion industry .Now we have 5 production base , more than 3000 employees, having a strong technical & after sales service team for serving more than 150 countries.
(1) Plastic(PVC,PP,HDPE,PEX,PPR) pipe extrusion machinery
(2) Plastic (PP,PS,ABS,PMMA,PET,ABS,PVC,PC,PE, PEEK, PVDF, PP & PC hollow) sheet and plate extrusion machinery
(3) Plastic (PVC,PSP,XPE,XPS, WPC) foamed sheet & plate extrusion line
(4) Plastic door/profile (PVC, PP, PC, ABS, PE) extrusion machinery & Wooden (Wooden + PP/PE/PVC)plastic machinery
(5) (Injection & Extrusion)Screw and barrel production
(6) All auxiliary equipment of plastic extrusion equipment (Crusher, shredder, mixer, hopper, dryer, etc)
(7) Recycling and pelletizing machine.
(8) T die, roller, distributor, etc. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Атомайзер Jwell Atomiseur J Mini XL Black (AT04-JMN-XL-B). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17