Smok Stick X8 Kit — електронна сигарета і за сумісництвом один з кращих стартових наборів для початківців парильників.
Свою назву набір отримав завдяки клиромайзеру X-Baby, що входить в комплект.
Бак клиромайзера вміщує до 4 мл рідини, дозволяє залити рідину за допомогою верхньої заправки.
Вам не доведеться відкручувати клиромайзер від електронної сигарети, щоб залити рідину.
Завдяки верхньому регульованому охолодженню, ви зможете регулювати силу затягування і кількість вироблюваного пара.
Таким чином, виріб можна використовувати і як звичайну електронну сигарету, і як серйозний пристрій для вейпингу.
Вбудований акумулятор ємністю 3000 маг не тільки забезпечує високу автономність, але і дозволяє парити на потужності до 80 Вт (при повному заряді).
Рівень заряду акумулятора показує світлодіодна лампочка, інтегрована в кнопку Fire.
USB-кабель дозволяє зарядити Stick X8 Kit від комп'ютера, ноутбука, розетки або від прикурювача в автомобілі.
Клиромайзер TFV8 X-Baby працює на однойменних змінних випарниках з низьким опором.
У комплект входять два випарника з опором 0.25 Ом (встановлений) і 0.13 Ом. Обидва випарника чудово передають і розкривають смак рідини, а також виробляють густі хмари пари.
До достоїнств TFV8 X-Baby можна віднести верхнє регульоване охолодження, завдяки якому протікання бака повністю виключені.
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Обзор Smok Stick V8 kit: теплый пар и регулируемая подача воздуха
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Stick X8 is the newest pen style starter kit from SMOK, which brings the user experiences to the top level of this kind. The kit owns a battery of 3000mAh super high capacity and 2000amps continuous discharge capability, the tank it included is the powerful TFV8 X-baby tank, which has a capacity of 4ml and a creative top airflow system.
Deatils about SMOK STICK X8 kit here
Find More interest about Smok here
More Information Starter Kit
2017 Mid-Year BIg Sale vape Device here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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♫ Jaco Caraco – When The Good Go Bad
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- все для самозамеса в магазине Лаборатория Пара.
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Smok stick x8 kit. Unboxing, what comes in the kit and how to use. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy it now at
The Stick X8 Kit is a sleek easy to use mod by Smok. Not only does it look good, paired with the TFV8 Xbaby tank, it provides great flavor and clouds. Perfect for a beginner or experienced vaper. When you open your kit you will find everything you need. A instruction manual on how to use your device and care for it, a registration card to sign up with an app for your device warranty with Smok, a usb to micro usb cable to charge your mod where ever you are, a bag of replacement parts for your tank in case any wear out, and a rubber tank ring that says Smok and cloud beast to protect your tank glass from accidental falls. The tank comes with the .25ohm M2 dual coil installed and a spare .13ohm X4 quad coil. Both are wonderful with high cloud production and flavor. Best thing to do is try each one out with your favorite juice and see which you like. Once you screw on the tank and fill it you can enjoy some great clouds. The built in 3000mAh battery pack on the mod is a set voltage at 40 watts that delivers a smooth vape. Made for everyone without a huge price tag, buying the stick X8 is a great starter mod or even a great spare mod to have around. The top airflow and top fill tank are premium features to have. Made without all the complexities of more expensive mods, once you take it out of the box and screw on the tank you are ready to go. Pick one up now at . Thanks for watching and subscribe.
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Stick X8 Starter Kit by SMOK:
Stick X8 Starter Kit by SMOK
Stick X8 is the newest pen style starter kit from SMOK, which brings the user experiences to the top level of this kind. The kit sports a 3000mAh battery for super high charge capacity and 20amps continuous discharge capability. The tank it included is the powerful TFV8 X-baby tank, which has a capacity of 4ml and a creative top airflow system. Besides, its swivel top cap design is convenient to refill, making this a very user friendly kit!
SMOK Stick X8 Features:
59mm Height
Integrated 3000mAh Rechargeable Battery
Stainless Steel Construction
Direct Voltage Output System - 'Smart' Mechanical-Style
Operating Voltage Range:
Single Button Operation
Intelligent Battery Life Indicator
8 Seconds Protection
Low Resistance Protection
Short Circuit Protection
Low Voltage Protection
MicroUSB Charging Port - Passthrough Capability
510 Connection
Available in Silver, Black, Gold, Blue, Red, Rainbow
SMOK TFV8 X-Baby Beast Tank Features:
4mL Juice Capacity
Superior Stainless Steel Construction
High-Grade Glass Reinforcement
Convenient Top-Fill Design with Hinge Lock
Top Airflow Control - Two Large Airslots
Black Delrin Ultra-Wide Drip Tip
TFV8 X-Baby Turbo Engines Coil Structure
X-Baby X4 Quad Coils
X-Baby M2 Dual Coil - Compatible with Mechanical Mod
510 Connection
1 Stick X8 3000mAh Battety
1 TFV8 X-Baby Beast
1 X-Baby X4 Quad Coils
1 X-Baby M2 Dual Coil
1 MicroUSB Cable
Spare Parts
Instructional Manual
Products shown here are available for sale at . Click the links below to browse our site.
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Am plecat la drum impreuna cu cei de la si ne-am hotarat sa facem cea mai mare baza de date de "Ghiduri de utilizare" de starter Kit-uri din Romania!
In acest ghid am prezentat ce se afla in cutie si cum se foloseste dispozitivul Smok Stick X8.
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Tin sa mentionez ca informatia prezentata in acest clip este strict parerea mea personala si intotdeauna recomand o informare amanuntita inaintea achizitionarii oricarui mod/tank sau prepararii oricarui lichid.
Aboneaza-te pentru a sustine comunitatea si pentru sansa de a afla lucruri noi saptamanal !Mai multe detalii pe Facebook .
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In this video we talk about a new product we just got in! The Smok Stick X8 Kit! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Привет, друг!
Сегодня Леонид расскажет о необычном стартовом наборе, поражающем не только своими размерами, но и мощностью. Отдельного внимания стоит отклик этого набора, он как у DNA платы. Ребята постарались и теперь мы можем рассказать про этот хороший набор для новичка, человека, который хочет надежную трубу. Но всё ли так однозначно?..
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Make Sure To Subscribe for the Latest in Vaping! In this video we will be doing a full unbiased review and go through everything you need to know.
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~~~ Contents ~~~
Products shown in the video might contain nicotine which is an extremely addictive substance.
This video is for educational purposes only. All products shown on this channel are intended for an audience of 18+. All content shown in this video is my own or copyright free.
In this video I will be reviewing the SMOK Stick X8 Kit
This video is sponsored by Smok
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Discount Code: AVAPESTER 15% off
Material: Stanless Steel
Size: 145 x
Capacity: 4ml/2ml
Thread: 510
Battery: Built-in 3000mAh
Voltage Range:
Standby Current: 200uA
Standard Edition
1 x Stick X8 Battery
1 x TFV8 X-Baby Tank 4ml
1 x TFV8 X-Baby M2 Dual Coil pre-installed
1 x TFV8 X-Baby X4 Quadruple Coil
1 x USB Cable
1 x User Manual
1 x Vape Band
Spare Parts
EU Edition
1 x Stick X8 Battery
1 x TFV8 X-Baby Tank 2ml
1 x TFV8 X-Baby M2 Dual Coil pre-installed
1 x TFV8 X-Baby M2 Dual Coil
1 x USB Cable
1 x User Manual
1 x Vape Band
Spare Parts
This video is educational. Only viewers over the age of 18 can purchase this product! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Helloo vapesters and nonvapsters.
2day I talked about the NEW SMOK Stick X8 Kit
Get it HERE: https://:
Helloo vapesters and nonvapsters.
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5) One winner will be announced here and on my Facebook page on October 2, 2017. Winner will be posted in the video's description, above the giveaway rules and on my Facebook page (link below).
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Zamplebox flavors:
1)Purple Hooter- blue raspberry citrus
2)White Tiger- vanilla milkshake with berries & waffles
3)Numskullz Wapple- watermelon & sour green apple candy
4)- pineapple gummy bear
5)Lowrider- chewy watermelon green apple candy
6)Razzle pop- kiwi-strawberry hard candy
7)Screamy Strawberry- berry marshmallow cream
8)Black & Blue- berries w/ pineapple
My Favorite Vapes!
cloud beast king sub-ohm tank:
CAMERA: canon PowerShotSX20 IS
Lighting : LED light
Table tripod.
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Instagram: https://mrfacelesssInstagram
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"Vaping Lab" is pleased to make your product review. For cooperation, please contact by email: @ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Smok-Stick Prince
Una poderosa combinación de batería de 3000mAh y TFV12 Prince tank, nace para ser una leyenda. Diseñado con un botón especial de energía hexagonal y una base de batería cuidadosamente tallada, puede sentir lo exquisito que es.
La gran capacidad de la batería de Stick Prince es la mejor garantía para vapear durante mucho tiempo y un indicador LED en su cuerpo puede indicarle las condiciones específicas de sí mismo. El tanque TFV12 Princetiene una capacidad de 8 ml. El mecanismo de bloqueo patentado del tanque puede resolver efectivamente el problema de fugas.
¡La innovación sigue cambiando la experiencia de vapeo! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Have you ever heard of the famous Stick series from SMOK? If you are looking for some vape pen kits, then Smok Stick series kits are your best choice! Now, we are having 2 new members! SMOK Stick R22 and SMOK Stick N18.
View more:
Stick N18 come with 1300mAh built built-in battery with 9-30W output
Stick R22 come with 2000mAh built-in battery with 10-40W output
Stick N18 is compatible with SMOK Nord series coils.
Stick R22 is compatible with SMOK RPM series coils.
Stick N18 come with size of Ø18 x 145mm, taller and thinner.
Stick R22 come with size of Ø22 x 135mm, shorter and thicker.
Design & Appearance
Boasting high strength SS material and unique design, providing you better visual effect and good hand feel.
Cartridge & Coils
With visible cartridge, you do have to pull is to check the e-juice all the time, and do not have to worry about to burn to coils when e-juice used up. More convenient to use especially for all the new vapers.
Come with Nord / RPM series coils, yes, there is no doubt about the flavor! If you ever used of those coils, I think you will agree with us.
Battery & Output
The power regulator at the base of the device provides multi-level watt values, more easy and convenient to use.
With 1300mAh/2000mAh battery, no worry about the daily needs.
#elegomall #smok #smokstick #smokstickn18 #smokstickr22 #penkit #vape #vapereview #vapegear #vaping
Please note that you must be of a legal vaping age. 21+
WARNING: This product is intended to be used with e-liquid products containing nicotine. Nicotine is an addictive chemical. For adult use only.
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Warning: This is the trial product that is sent by the factory, and it is different from bulk production. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Aqui vemos uno de nuestro produnto marca Smok, el Smok Stick v8 Kit con todo su contenido que viene, no se olviden en seguirnos en nuestro instagram: @vapers_store_cl_official
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El Stick v9 de Smok es un gran equipo para aquellos que desean empezar a dejar de fumar. Cuenta con una batería de 3000mAh que brinda una gran autonomía. Además su Tanque Smok TFV8 Baby V2 viene equipado con las nuevas resistencias de malla S1 y S2 que prometen brindar vapor y sabor al máximo! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hello and welcome to Vapetto TV.
In this video we are unboxing Smok's 'Stick V8 Baby Kit. If you like what you see then order now at
Browse our other products at
Macaroon 5 by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ()
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SMOK STICK PRINCE KIT | Убийца Айджаста! #ijustkiller
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In stock and ready to go 3000mAh battery and a 20amp continuos discharge capability and the tank it comes with has a 4ml of juice capacity Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hey guys this is just a quick vape test of the smok stick x8 cloud beast. The cheapest cloud beast vape you can get!!! Leave a comment on any other vapes I should test out! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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[FTC: All opinions are my own! Amazon affiliate link used in description. Videos intended for education on harm reduction for persons 21 & older. This channel will not be held responsible or liable for any injury, damage, or defect, permanent or temporary that may be caused by the improper use of a Li-ion (Lithium-ion), LiPo (Lithium-ion Polymer) and any rechargeable battery/batteries. Please have a basic understanding of the batteries you are using and how to care for them properly. This channel will not be held responsible or liable for any injury, damage, or defect, permanent or temporary that may be caused by the improper use of nicotine &/or non-nicotine liquid.] Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Run through of the latest pen style kit By Smok, The Smok Stick X8 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SMOK Stick V9 Max kit consists of Stick V9 Max battery and Stick V9 Max tank, it is the latest pen-style vape kit with the largest battery capacity, the eye-catching outlook, and excellent performance make it stand out among stick series. Powered by built-in 4000mAh battery, it can fire up to 60w max output. There is also an LED indicator to tell you the accurate conditions of itself.
SMOK Stick V9 Max Kit:
Stick V8 Kit:
Stick X8 Kit: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SMOK Stick V8! Best Vape Pen | Product Spotlight [UNBOXING and SET UP]
In this edition of Mt Baker Vapor Product Spotlight, we will unbox and do a complete setup on how to vape the Smok Stick V8 Kit!
The Smok Stick V8 is the crème de la crème of pen style starter kits. The new M2 coil heads, specifically designed for the Smok Stick V8, bring the Baby Beast to the next level. With the combination of the Baby Beast Tank and a built in 3000mah battery, Smok makes vaping enjoyable and as simple as pressing a button.
Pick up your Smok Stick today at --
Featured Juice ***Hawk Sauce***
***Make sure you stay connected***
Snapchat: @mtbakervapor Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How does SMOK Stick Prince Kit work | Unboxing | Review | Elegomall
Where to buy Smok Stick Prince Kit with TFV12 Prince Sub Tank
1. Large built-in battery with a capacity up to 3000mAh, powerful and durable
2. Newly designed hexagon power button and carefully carved battery bottom contribute exquisite appearance
3. Intelligent LED indicator shows battery status
4. Provides multiple protections avoid potential risks, including low voltage protection, short circuit protection, 8 seconds cut-off, etc.
5. Equipped with TFV12 Prince tank, offering adjustable airflow and 8ml large liquid capacity
You might also interest in
SMOK Stick V8 Baby Kit
We are giving away 6*Vandy Vape Pulse BF Kit now, check it out here please
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The latest vape gear news channel for the first hand information
The first unboxing and trial video on the newest hot vape product.
The coils used in this video is from Demon Kille, which works great at vape accessory↓
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