Преміальні валізи CarryOn серії Skyhopper виконані в класичному дизайні із застосуванням високоякісних матеріалів. Корпус валізи виконаний з високоміцного, комбінованого матеріалу - полікарбонату (РС) і ABS-пластика. Всі валізи серії Skyhopper обладнані унікальною і єдиною на даний момент системою пошуку і реєстрації знайдених і втрачених речей - Okoban.
Завдяки унікальному ідентифікаційному коду який має валіза, Ви можете зареєструватися на сайті Okoban. Система Okoban - це перша і єдина на даний момент безкоштовна для користувачів система пошуку і реєстрації знайдених і втрачених речей. Система Okoban розроблялася і підтримується спільно з Міжнародною Асоціацією Повітряного Транспорту, Міжнародним Товариством Авіаційних Телекомунікацій та TSA. Також система Okoban інтегрована в інформаційно-пошукову систему багажу авіапасажирів WorldTracer, використовувану більшістю авіакомпаній і аеропортів світу. Завдяки цій системі пошуку і реєстрації, шанси знайти втрачений багаж набагато вище.
Валіза оснащена чотирма повноповоротними, спареними колесами з можливістю незалежного розвороту кожного колеса на 360°. Системою передбачений рівномірний перерозподіл навантаження на кожне колесо, що в свою чергу сприяє плавному коченню і маневреності валізи, докладаючи при цьому мінімум зусиль. Колеса виготовлені з високотемпературного термопластичного поліуретану (TPU). Матеріал володіє міцністю порівняною з пластиком, гнучкістю силікону, а також має підвищену стійкість до перепадів температур. Відмінною особливістю коліс з TPU матеріалу є зниження шуму до мінімуму при коченні валізи по нерівній поверхні. Завдяки стійкості до стирання матеріал коліс відрізняється тривалим терміном експлуатації.
De Skyhopper heeft een ruim hoofdcompartiment met inpakriemen en extra opbergvakjes met volledig afsluitbare rits. Met zijn 4 wielen en verstelbare trekstang zeer gemakkelijk mee te nemen. Ook bevat deze koffer 2 stevige handvatten. Inclusief TSA slot voor zorgeloos reizen van en naar de Verenigde Staten. Koop hier de CarryOn Skyhopper; Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In deze video vertellen we de belangrijkste kenmerken van de CarryOn Skyhopper koffers en we laten de koffers even rondom zien.
U kunt de CarryOn Skyhopper koffers bestellen via onze website:
+Skyhopper+koffer/?sort=highest Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Koop hier de CarryOn Skyhopper,
Al jaren is de Skyhopper één van de beste verkochte modellen van CarryOn. Dit dankzij het slanke design van het model, de kwaliteit van de schaal en een uitstekende prijs. De vernieuwde Skyhopper heeft daarnaast nu ook dubbele stille wielen, met het middenstuk in de kleur van de koffer. Deze wielen dempen het geluid tijdens het reizen. Daarnaast is de koffer voorzien van een OKOBAN registratie nummer, hiermee registreer je de koffer online. Indien je koffer zoek raakt, kan er dan contact met je worden opgenomen. Een veilig gevoel tijdens je reis. Het luxe interieur van de koffer bevat een dubbele devider om reisbagage georganiseerd te houden. Naast het grote ritsvak is er ook een elastisch vak met makkelijke toegang voor bijvoorbeeld documenten. De CarryOn Skyhopper heeft een internationaal TSA-cijfercombinatieslot die aan alle IATA-normen voldoet. Alle handvatten, wielen en ritsen zijn in dezelfde kleur van de koffer, dit geeft een zeer luxe uitstraling. Al met al is de CarryOn Skyhopper een hele moderne koffer met alle mogelijkheden van nu, een perfecte partner voor je reis.
- Ruim hoofdcompartiment met ritssluiting
- TSA-Combinatie slot
- OKOBAN registratienummer
- Verstelbare trekstang
- Handvat aan de zijkant en bovenzijde
- Luxe binnenvoering met ritsvakken, elastisch vak en pakriemen
- Vier stille wielen (silent wheels) in kleur van de koffer
- Vervaardigd uit een combinatie van ABS en Polycarbonaat materiaal
OKOBAN – Registreer je koffer tegen verlies
De koffer bezit een OKOBAN registratienummer waardoor er momenteel wereldwijd al bijna aangesloten luchthavens contact met de rechtmatige eigenaar kunnen opnemen als de koffer zoekgeraakt is. Registreer je unieke OKOBAN-nummer op de website met je contactgegevens en ga met een gerust gevoel op reis.
We zijn een officiële CarryOn dealer, je kunt voor de volledige garantie bij ons terecht. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
CarryOn Skyhopper koffer bestellen? Dat kan hier:
De CarryOn Skyhopper 67cm is een uitermate sterke koffer gemaakt van ABS. De koffers zijn kenmerkend door de zeer goede prijs/kwalitieitsverhouding. De koffer beschikt over 4 wielen die elk 360 graden kunnen draaien. De binnenkant van de koffer is uitgerust met pakriemen en een tussenvak met extra vakken.
• Geschikt tot 15 kilogram bagage
• 360 graden roteerbare wielen
• Ruim hoofdcompartiment
• Interieur voorzien van pakriemen en tussenvak met extra vakken
• Telescopische trekstang
• Stevig handvat
• Sleutelslot
• Modern design Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
CarryOn Skyhopper koffer bestellen? Dat kan hier:
De Skyhopper 55 cm trolley van het merk CarryOn is een supersterke handbagage koffer gemaakt van ABS. De koffers zijn kenmerkend door de zeer goede prijs/kwaliteitsverhouding. De koffers zijn voorzien van 4 wielen die elk 360 graden kunnen draaien. De binnenkant van de koffer is erg praktisch ingericht door de elastische pakbanden en een tussenbak met daarin extra vakken.
• Handbagage (voldoet aan IATA norm)
• 360 graden roteerbare wielen
• Ruim hoofdcompartiment
• Interieur voorzien van pakriemen en tussenvak met extra vakken
• Telescopische trekstang
• Stevig handvat
• Sleutelslot
• Modern design Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
CarryOn Skyhopper koffer bestellen? Dat kan hier:
De grote Skyhopper 76cm koffer van CarryOn is een supersterke koffer gemaakt van ABS. De koffers zijn kenmerkend door de zeer goede prijs/kwaliteitsverhouding. De koffer heeft 4 wielen die elke 360 graden kunnen draaien. De binnenkant van de koffer is erg handig. Deze beschikt namelijk over pakriemen en een tussenvak met extra vakken.
• Geschikt voor +20 kg bagage
• 360 graden roteerbare wielen
• Ruim hoofdcompartiment
• Interieur voorzien van pakriemen en tussenvak met extra vakken
• Telescopische trekstang
• Stevig handvat
• Sleutelslot
• Modern design Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Koop hier je CarryOn Skyhopper Beautycase,
Beautycase uit de Skyhopper serie van CarryOn. Op veler verzoek komt CarryOn nu met de ideale beautycase die prachtig combineert met de Skyhopper kofferserie. Het doel was om een hoogwaardig product te ontwikkelen dat stijl ademt maar zeker praktisch is in gebruik. En dat is gelukt! De beautycase is gemaakt van hoogwaardig polycarbonaat, een sterk en krasbestendig materiaal. Het interieur is luxe en praktisch ingedeeld met verschillende steekvakjes, ritsvakken en elastieken banden om flesjes handig achter te bewaren. De beautycase is als schoudertas te dragen maar kan ook met de smart sleeve aan de trekstang van de koffer worden bevestigd als topkoffer.
- Mag mee als handbagage in het vliegtuig
- Dubbele schouderbanden van kunstleder
- Cijfercombinatieslot meegeleverd
- Sluit middels dubbele stevige ritsen
- Volledig gevoerd interieur
- Voorzien van steekvakken, ritsvakken en elastieken banden
- Smart-sleeve aan de achterzijde
- OKOBAN Tag (mogelijkheid tot registratie voor Lost&Found)
- Uitneembare spiegel (bevestiging met klittenband) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Osprey Packs | Transporter Carry-on | Product Tour
Travel light—and in style—with our Transporter Carry-On, crafted with durable and water-resistant bluesign® approved materials. Both domestic and global size options for this luggage bag come with multiple compartments for toiletries and small essentials, easy-access travel items and a large main compartment with mesh dividers that keep your clothes, shoes and other items organized on the go. Plus, they come with padded handles, a removable padded shoulder strap and stowable backpack harness for an exceptionally versatile carry.
Watch our official Transporter Carry-On Bag review to learn more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Check out the Osprey Transporter Global Carry-On at Enwild:
If you like our videos, please subscribe!
Enwild. Expert Advice, Exceptional Service.
Item: OSPMC413M Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Away Carry-on Unboxing | First Class Luggage pre Review
Away Luggage:
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Still wondering what the best carry on luggage is and here's another entry. The Away carry on is marketed as first class luggage for coach prices but a field test will be the judge of that!
Dimensions of the Carry-On
Size 21.7” x 13.7” x 9” Weight 7 lbs. Capacity 38L
Dimensions of the Bigger Carry-On
Size 22.7” x 14.7” x 9.6” Weight 7.3 lbs Capacity 46L
This video is not sponsored, I am unboxing on camera because I love the brand and want to share better menswear with the world. Have a product you would like me to review? Comment below or email info@
The Kavalier is an independent review network presented by Jon Shanahan for men’s lifestyle products from online only retailers including Everlane, Beckett and Simonon, Frank and Oak, Bonobos, Five Four Club, Mizzen and Main, Trunk Club, Fashion Stork, Bombfell, threads for gents, bespoke post, Jack Erwin, Foremost Edition, Dollar Shave Club, Mack Weldon, MeUndies, Satchel and Page, Dapper Classics, Hall and Madden, Suitable, Indochino, and Gustin. Including products from companies from Mondaine Swiss Watches, Withings, Guideboat, Casper & Leesa Mattresses, Calvin Klein, Ledbury, Burberry, Banana Republic, Charles Tyrwhitt, J Crew, Marine Layer, Stitch Fix, Barbour, Orvis, Baxter of California, and more! Suggestions for products and companies are always appreciated- Comment below
From Away:
What we make
Quite simply: the perfect suitcase. Developed from hundreds of travel stories from friends and seatmates, and designed for the way people actually travel. We don’t make “smart” luggage, we make thoughtful luggage—featuring unbreakable shells, interior compartments, and built-in USB chargers—using the best materials in the world. The result is luggage that is beautifully, functionally minimal. It’s luggage that helps you find your way by staying out of it.
The perfect carry-on, sized up. Unbreakable, thoughtfully designed, and guaranteed for life. Made to fit the sizers of major US airlines, ideal for those flying on big planes and/or with extra outfits.
Start strong
Inside: two compartments, one designed for clothes, the other for shoes, toiletries, and other hard objects. Outside: an impenetrable shell that bends under pressure, never breaks.
Smooth ride
Premium Hinomoto wheels rotate 360° for a perfect roll every time.
Scratch resistant
Scratch resistant
The matte textured surface deflects scuffs and scrapes along the way. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Meet our lightest carry-on of its size: the Ozone 2-Wheel. Featuring a high-clearance High Road LT frame, oversized 90mm wheels for superior rolling over varied terrain and a compartment that fits up to 16” laptops, it’s an ultralight yet durable travel piece that exudes timeless sophistication.
Watch our official Ozone 2-Wheel Carry-On tour to learn more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Solgaard Carry-on Closet 2.0 Review - Best Carry-on Suitcase 2020
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Check out my review of the most innovative suitcase I have ever used - the Carry-on Closet 2.0 by Solgaard. I thought it could be a gimmick, but I was wrong. This is actually the coolest piece of travel tech I own and I can't wait to take it on all my adventures!
If you get the suitcase or anything on their website, be sure to use promo code: JUSTINTECH for 15% off!
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👏 Huge thanks to Toby for Shooting!
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In order to make a living and continue to create fun content I use affiliate links. This means if you make purchases through certain links in the description of this video, I may earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is the updated version of the Transporter Global Carry-On. Now with backpack straps! 😆
💼 - Osprey Transporter Global Carry-On
Cost: $180
Capacity: 36 liters
Dimensions: 19.7 x 13.8 x 10.6” (50 x 35 x 27 cm)
Style: Clamshell
Weight: 2.8 lbs ( kg)
Laptop: 15”
Materials: 500 & 100D nylon; DWR coating; YKK zippers
Origin: Made in Vietnam
Osprey Transporter Global Carry-On Contents:
0:00 - Intro and Overview
0:52 - Interior Organization
2:04 - Hardware Zippers
2:14 - Exterior Components
3:03- Laptop Compartment
3:58 - Carry System
5:31 - Carry Comfort
5:58 - Pros and Cons
Osprey Transporter Global Carry-On Packing List (Product Links Below):
(1) Long-sleeve shirt
(3) T-shirts
(1) Pants
(2) Shorts
(3) Underwear
(2) Socks
(1) Windbreaker
(1) Sandals
(1) Puffy jacket
(1) Travel Adapter
(1) Battery pack
(2) USB-C Cord
(1) Phone
(1) eReader
(1) Headphones
(1) Car adapter
(1) Toiletry pouch
(1) Hand sanitizer
(1) Alum deodorant
(1) Solid bar soap and/or shampoo bar
(1) Soap holder, cloth bag or Flatpak
(1) First aid kit, bandaids, medication
(1) Razor
(1) Hair gel (in GoTubb)
(1) Toothbrush
(1) Toothpowder/paste
(1) Nail clippers
(1) Plastic hair comb
(1) Mirror
(1) Laundry soap
(1) Drain stopper
(1) Travel towel
(1) Water bottle
(1) Packing cubes
(1) Travel wallet
(1) Pen/Pencil
(1) Sunglasses
(1) Daypack
(1) Travel games
💼 - Seen In Video
Packing Cube, Eagle Creek Medium
Wool and Prince Blend Crew (78/22, Wool/Nylon)
Wool and Prince Wool Boxers:
Outdoor Research Helium ii
CARD 4-Pro International Travel Adapter:
Anker PowerCore Redux PD:
Aftershokz Aeropex:
Boox Nova 3 eReader:
Eagle Creek quick Trip Toiletry Kit:
Crystal Solid Alum Deodorant:
Matador Flatpak Soap Case:
Heroclip Mini:
Microlock Carabiner:
Eagle Creek Hidden Wallet:
Matador Freefly 16L Daypack:
CLC Pouches:
Matador Nano Dry Travel Towel Large
Visit Our Site For More Reviews:
Thanks for watching my Osprey Transporter Global Carry-On Review! If you have questions or comments about any of my travel or gear reviews, please let me know in the comments!
Channel Description:
One Bag Travels provides travel advice and gear review for one bag travelers. If you're a one bag traveler looking to carry less stuff, please subscribe to our channel!
Disclaimer: One Bag Travels uses affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of our product links, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Your support allows us provide the best reviews and content for you. Thank you for your support! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Osprey Transporter Global Carry-On Review (2 Weeks of Use)
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5️⃣Nomatic Navigator Carry-On 37L
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In-depth tutorial about how to pack your Carry-On Closet
#solgaard #luggage #packing #hacks Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Wow! Watch This Carry-On Suitcase Unpack Itself Thanks To Built-in Closet Feature
This is the carry-on suitcase with a built-in closet and backpack—with a TON of compartments—that lifestyle expert and mom Chi-Lan Lieu swears by. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
5️⃣Micro Luggage 3.0
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4️⃣Solgaard Carry-On Closet 2.0 Suitcase
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3️⃣TUPLUS Wheeled Suitcase Trolley Travel Suitcase
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2️⃣Pull Up Suitcase
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Osprey Packs | Transporter Carry-On | Product Tour
Created for travelers who desire versatile carrying options, the rugged Transporter Carry-On is a reliable companion for an on-the-go lifestyle. A deployable backpack harness, an over-the-shoulder strap and padded briefcase-style handles mean one bag can be the optimal solution-whether you're sprinting to a different terminal, waiting in line at security or walking into a meeting. Featuring an open-flat main zip for straightforward packing, zippered mesh and fabric compartments for easy organization, internal compression to reduce clothing wrinkles, a large external pocket for toiletries and a hidden RFID security pocket. Designed to slip over your wheeled luggage handle via a sleeve on the backpanel and meet most U.S. airline carry-on sizing regulations.
Shop the Transporter Carry-on here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Read the Article! -
Delsey vs. TravelPro -
Chester Discount -
TravelPro Maxlite 4 - [Amazon]
Briggs & Riley Baseline - [Amazon]
Chester (+10% Discount) - [Amazon]
TravelPro Platinum Magna - [Amazon]
Delsey Helium Aero - [Amazon]
Looking for International Carry-ons? -
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00:13 - TravelPro Maxlite 4
1:00 - Briggs & Riley Baseline Domestic
1:48 - Chester
2:35 - TravelPro Platinum Magna
3:30 - Delsey Helium Aero
Finding the best carry on luggage doesn't have to be hard! With so many options to choose from, I have dwindled the list down to what I would view as the top 5. I was lucky enough to take measurements of all of these bags, so you shouldn't have any trouble bringing these on any airline as long as you haven't over-packed.
Alaska airlines, Allegiant, American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Frontier, Hawaiian Airlines, JetBlue, Southwest, Spirit, United, Envoy, ExpressJet, and SkyWest should all allow the carry-ons listed in this video. However, it is up to the inspectors in the end to determine if your bag may be taken on.
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Combining the ruggedness of our full-body hardside Transporter with the flexibility of an expandable pack, the Transporter 4-Wheel Hybrid is the wheeled carry-on you need for your next trip, near or far. Zippered pockets offer up easy access to various compartments, including a 3-1-1 toiletry pocket, quick-access pocket for travel essentials and a generous main compartment with mesh organization and a clean, unlined design.
Watch our official Transporter 4-Wheel Hybrid Carry On luggage review to learn more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I've been using the Solgaard Carry on Closet for more than a year. After my original unboxing video, I received a ton of questions and comments, so I thought I'd do a follow up review.
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Check out the Osprey Shuttle 30 Wheeled Luggage at Enwild:
Designed with the rugged reliability required for hauling gear, the Osprey Shuttle 30 is ready to accompany you on your next travel adventure. Features include a retractable handle, oversized wheels, and nearly 6102 cubic inches of storage capacity. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Распаковка СoolPack Smart Travel Bag Night meadow 48514CP
Распаковка СoolPack Smart Travel Bag Night meadow 48514CP
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Assembly Luggage Stark Set Unboxing #shorts @assembly9294
VERSATILE DESIGN – This lightweight trolley bag can be pulled easily with its 2 smooth wheels and retractable handle. It can also be worn as a backpack, as it has adjustable straps which can fit children and most adults (please note the backpack straps may not fit very tall adults). The backpack straps can be stored in the zipped compartment when not needed, and the backpack compartment folds underneath the bag to cover the wheels to prevent dirt from transferring onto clothes when wearing the bag.
PERFECT FOR EASYJET – This trolley bag measures 45x35x20cm – fitting perfectly within the new free easyJet 45x36x20cm cabin luggage allowance so you can pack virtually the maximum possible without needing to purchase extra baggage. It is also accepted on the vast majority of airlines throughout Europe including Lufthansa, Norwegian, Jet2, KLM, British Airways, Virgin Atlantic and many more! Dimensions: 45x35x20cm (All Parts) / 43x35x20cm (Body) Weight: Capacity: 30L.
FRONT POUCH – If you are travelling with children or giving this bag to your child, the bag features an adjustable front pouch which is perfect to carry your child’s favourite soft toy, doll or teddy bear. The bag also features front pockets for easy access to travel items such as passports, documents and snacks – or for entertainment items for your child on the journey.
STORE WITH EASE - When not in use, this trolley bag is fantastic for storage, as it takes up little space when not packed. It’ll slide nicely under your bed, or sit patiently on top of your wardrobe for your next adventure. Please note this bag may not stand up on its own if it is not packed fully at the bottom.
GREAT GUARANTEE –The MiniMax features a 2-year warranty for your peace of mind – as well as a special ‘MAX's Passport’ on the hangtag for kids to write their names. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Heimplanet Monolith Weekender is a 40L carry-on compliant pack that works well for one bag travel. We’ve been impressed with the quality materials and comfortable harness system—it’s just a shame there’s no water bottle pocket! View Our Full Review:
0:00 - Intro
0:32 - Material & Aesthetic
3:09 - External Components
6:57 - Inside the Pack
9:12 - Durability & Testing
9:56 - Pros & Cons
10:20 - The Verdict
In this review, we are taking a look at the Monolith Weekender 40L from German tent and backpack specialists, Heimplanet. At 40 liters—and just under carry-on size limitations—this pack looks ideal for one bag travel, which is exactly how we’ve put it to work. In just over a month of testing, this pack has seen use around the southeast of England and on a ten-day trip to Portugal.
We’ve reviewed the Heimplanet Transit Line Travel Pack, and it scored highly, so we were thrilled to get our hands on this one.
At the time of this review, we’ve been testing the Heimplanet Monolith Weekender for one month. During that time it’s seen use on a ten-day trip to Portugal, as well as frequent trips to the coffee house.
The Heimplanet Monolith Weekender 40L is a great addition to the one bag travel market, and another solid product from Heimplanet. Apart from some minor gripes—like the tight laptop compartment and no water bottle pocket—this is a well thought out pack that scores well in practicality, durability, and craftsmanship. If you’re looking for a large, carry-on compliant backpack to throw a load of gear into, the Monolith Weekender is worth a serious look.
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In this video, Nathan Coverdale of Pack Hacker reviews the Heimplanet Monolith Weekender 40L, a large carry-on compliant travel backpack.
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IBIYAYA FS1009 Combo EVA Pet Carrier/Stroller 5-in-1 (Luxury package)
MULTIFUCTION Pet Carrier + Backpack + CarSeat + Carriers with Wheels + Pet Stroller for dogs and cats ALL IN ONE
● 5 in 1 MULTI-FUCTION PET CARRIER - Can be used as a PET CARRIER, BACKPACK, CARSEAT, PET CARRIER STROLLER and ROLLING CARRIER. Perfect for everyday use, trips to the vet, hiking, riding, road trips.
● QUALITY ASSURANCE - [CARRIER] Passed Environmental Stress-Cracking Resistance (ESCR) test, and SGS quality test. NO cheap toxic chemical smell. [STROLLER] Manufactured according to baby stroller standards. Super easy to maneuver. Sturdy EVA wheels. Easy one-hand-fold mechanism. [FOLDING CART] High quality wear-resistant wheels with light metal and plastic frame.
● ASSEMBLY & MAINTENANCE - Assembly is easy and comes with the assembly manual. Switching between functions can be done in minutes. This pet carrier collapses as the two outer shells collide and zip together. Disassembles with SMOOTH ZIPPERS for easy storage and transportation.
● COMFORT FOR PETS - Large opening for getting in and out, a sturdy mesh window and perforated holes to ensure ventilation and visual-ability. Roll-up flap at the entrance for ultimate privacy.
● ACCESSORIES - Stroller Frame. Folding Cart with multistage telescopic handle. Machine washable padding. Tether with snap hook X1, adjustable shoulder strap with padding.
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The expert in pet travel!
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Features include:
- Hang your organizer in 3 different ways: (1) use the webbing strap with buckle to hang from the headrest of a car, plane, or train seat; (2) use the loop to hang from the hook of a plane or train seat; (3) use the removable side hooks to hang from the seatback pocket or tray table of a car, train, or plane
- Zippered main compartment
- Concealed, zippered front pocket
- Large padded pocket with snap closure fits a tablet, magazine, or file folders
- Large zippered pocket for organizing smaller accessories and documents
- Four slip pockets for personal items, electronics, pens, and accessories
- Large zippered mesh compartment is ideal for storing headphones and larger accessories
- Two mesh drop pockets for additional organization
- Top grab-and-go carry handle Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ось такий от крутий Osprey Transporter. Ця новинка в різних кольорах буде доступна в магазинах з осені 2014 року. А наразі, ексклюзивні взірці є в магазині на Гнатюка 13. Всі рюкзкаки Osprey є тут: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Star Wars Themed Luggage From American Tourister - Disney on sale at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Koop hier uw The North Face Vault:
Voor dagelijks gebruik of voor een lange wandeltocht, deze rugzak van The North Face is van alle markten thuis en staat voor kwaliteit! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bringing waist-bag convenience and style to the Transporter family, this ruggedly weatherproof addition to your daily carry makes for a reliable companion. Get clunky keys, wallets and phones out of your pockets and into the stylish safety of the Transporter Waist, which works great when worn as a waist pack or across the body.
Watch our official Transporter Waist review to learn more! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Огляд сумки на пояс Osprey Daylite Waist (ENG SUB)
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When that last minute trip drops into your lap, the Orla Kiely™ Classic Multi Stem Packaway Travel Bag makes packing a breeze.
Durable polyester construction.
Top zipper closure.
Dual carry handles.
Exterior boasts a colorful design.
Flat bottom.
Roomy interior features two slip pockets.
Bottom Width: 21 1⁄2 in
Depth: 1⁄5 in
Height: 17 in
Strap Length: 14 in
Strap Drop: 7 in
Weight: 5.5 oz
This product may have a manufacturer's warranty. Please visit the manufacturer's website or contact us at warranty@ for full manufacturer warranty details.
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