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EPIC® - це перш за все філософія молодої компанії Scandinavian Travel Innovation, що об'єднала інноваційні ідеї зі споконвічно шведським підходом до створення сучасного багажа, властивим скандинавським дизайном, функціональністю і якістю. EPIC® - це стильні і презентабельні валізи для тих, хто жадає нових подорожей, хто не втомлюється дивуватися і радіти життю, для тих, у кого дух пригод в крові. Вся продукція EPIC® відрізняється високою надійністю і довговічністю, відповідає регламенту REACH, а значить, не містить шкідливих хімічних речовин. Піклуючись про навколишнє середовище, компанія націлена виключно на виробництво товарів з максимальним терміном експлуатації. Адже не так важливо робота це або розвага, багаж не повинен відволікати від основної мети, так як будь-яка поїздка або подорож - це нові емоції, нові можливості познайомитися з навколишнім світом і людьми навколо нас. EPIC® створює саме такий, безпроблемний багаж. Кожен власник EPIC® впевнений в своїй валізі і в тому, що він заслуговує кожного витраченого цента.
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Music and vocals by Farya Faraji. The Hikanatoi were an elite section of the Byzantine army based near Constantinople. They were founded in the 9th century and ended in the 11th. Please take note that this isn't actual Byzantine music, nor does it seek to be--it's modern "Epic" music which mixes a "film soundtrack" style with Modern Greek musical language to produce an image of Byzantine civilisation, not a reconstructive work. I don't claim any authenticity with this piece beyond a very general Greek and Byzantine "vibe," nothing more.
For the pronunciation, I tried doing some research to reproduce the pronunciation of very Late Antiquity to Early Byzantine times--the "x" sound in "pataxadi" would have likely been a mix of "kz" instead of "ks", and the "ντ" cluster would have been pronounced literally as it is written, as a combination of "n" and "t" pronounced together instead of the modern hard "d" sound that you get in Modern Greek; I won't vouch for the utter certainty of that claim though, I might have been wrong. A pretty major anachronistic mistake I made however is in the phrase: ἐν Χριστῷ τῷ Θεῷ, πιστός βασιλεὺς καὶ αὐτοκράτωρ Ῥωμαῖων (en Christó tó Theó, pistós vasilèfs kaí aftokrátor Romaíon)--I've been delving a little too long into Classical Greek literature and pronunciation, and so my natural reflex was to pronounce "Romaíon" as it "Romayion," which is how it was pronounced in the Classical era of Socrates and Pericles. I later remembered that this pronunciation was already extinct by the 3rd century A.D, so keep that anachronism in mind, it's not accurate to any Byzantine era. Also the Latin pronunciation is all over the place, I think I just wasn't focused enough on that day, so some phrases retain Classical Pronunciation and others use Ecclesiastical.
Transliterated lyrics and translation:
To pataxadi basilis megalus, Alliluia!
(To him who defeated great kings, Aleluiah!)
Roma invicta, Roma aeterna, Roma caput mundi
(Rome undefeated, eternal Rome, Rome capital of the world)
Polataetiton vasileon!
(Many years to the Kings)
Vivat Imperator!
(Long live the Emperor)
In Christ, Emperor and Autocrat of the Romans Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
You can buy this song and the rest of my music here:
Music by Farya Faraji, including musical samples by Ancient Greek music specialists. The Battle of the Gates of Trajan was a battle between Byzantine and the forces of the First Bulgarian Empire in 986. It was a decisive victory for the Bulgarian forces, led by Samuil of Bulgaria, and a crushing defeat for the Byzantines. As described by John Geometres: "Even if the sun would have come down, I would have never thought that the Moesian (Bulgarian) arrows were stronger than the Avzonian (Greek, Byzantine) spears. And when you, Phaethon (Sun), descend to the earth with your gold-shining chariot, tell the great soul of the Caesar: The Danube (Bulgaria) took the crown of Rome. The arrows of the Moesians broke the spears of the Avzonians.
Due to the Bulgarian theme of the piece as well as the geographical location of the battle, I chose to root this composition in the tradition of Thracian music, which is a shared musical tradition between the southern parts of Bulgaria and Northern Greece. Alongside the use of the gaida bagpipe, possibly the emblematic instrument of Thracian music, the music uses an irregular time signature. A person not from the Balkans, Turkey, Greece or other countries with similar music might initially have a hard time sensing where the rhythm of the song is and tapping their foot to it--this is a common aspect of Balkanic music, which often uses asymmetrical rhythmic structures that are unusual to ears from other cultures. A Thracian style choir, most commonly found in Bulgaria, accompanies the song, as well as throat singing which is a nod to the Turkic origin of the Bulgars, an ethnic Turkic people who coexisted and fought alongside the Slavic Bulgarians, and who together with the latter formed the backbone of the First Bulgarian Empire. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Battle for the East - How did Heraclius restore the Byzantine Empire? - Medieval History DOCUMENTARY
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🚩 Heraclius’ campaigns are an example of an indirect approach to war strategy. And although his gains would be swiftly lost in the wake of the Muslim Conquest, the method by which they were achieved would remain a point of pride in Byzantine military history.
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🚩 This video was made in collaboration with Strategy Stuff Check out their channel and give them the credit that they deserve.
📢 Narrated by David McCallion
🎵 Music:
📜 Sources:
Howard-Johnston J. The Last Great War of Antiquity. Oxford University Press 2021.
Kaegi W. Heraclius Emperor of Byzantium. Cambridge University Press 2003.
Daryaee T. Sasanian Persia. IB Tauris 2009.
Kaegi W. Byzantine Military Unrest 471-843. Adolf M Hakkert 1981.
Kardaras G. Byzantium and the Avars, 6th-9th Century AD. Brill 2019.
Luttwak E. The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire. Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 2009.
Pohl W. The Avars. Cornell University Press 2018.
Pourshariati P. Decline and Fall of the Sasanian Empire. IB Tauris 2008.
Reinink G, Stolte B (eds.). The Reign of Heraclius (610-641). Peeters 2002.
Maksymiuk K. Geography of Roman-Iranian Wars. Uniwersytet Przyrodniczo-Humanistyczny w Siedlcach, Siedlce 2015.
Greatrex G, Lieu S. The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars: Part II AD 363-630. Routledge 2002.
#heraclius #documentary #historymarche Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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My tribute to the Byzantine Empire, if you like it, share it.
Roman Nationalism - Message me for information.
Also, thanks to Kryanwan8 for his extended version of immediate music's "With Great Power"
The Byzantine Empire (or Byzantium) was the predominantly Greek-speaking Eastern Roman Empire throughout Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Known simply as the Roman Empire (Greek: Βασιλεία Ῥωμαίων, Basileia Rhōmaiōn) or Romania (Ῥωμανία, Rhōmanía) by its contemporaries, the empire was centered on the capital of Constantinople and was ruled by emperors in direct succession to the ancient Roman emperors after the collapse of the Western Roman Empire.
As the distinction between "Roman Empire" and "Byzantine Empire" is largely a modern convention, it is not possible to assign a date of separation, but an important point is Emperor Constantine I's transfer in 324 of the capital from Nicomedia (in Anatolia) to Byzantium on the Bosphorus, which became Constantinople, "City of Constantine" (alternatively "New Rome").
The Byzantine Empire existed for more than a thousand years (from approximately 306 to 1453). During its existence, the Empire remained one of the most powerful economic, cultural, and military forces in Europe, despite setbacks and territorial losses, especially during the Roman--Persian and Byzantine--Arab Wars. The Empire recovered during the Macedonian dynasty, rising again to become a preeminent power in the Eastern Mediterranean by the late 10th century, rivaling the Fatimid Caliphate.
After 1071, however, much of Asia Minor, the Empire's heartland, was lost to the Seljuk Turks. The Komnenian restoration regained some ground and briefly reestablished dominance in the 12th century, but following the death of Andronikos I Komnenos and the end of the Komnenos dynasty in the late 12th century the Empire declined again. The Empire received a mortal blow in 1204 from the Fourth Crusade, when it was dissolved and divided into competing Byzantine Greek and Latin realms.
Despite the eventual recovery of Constantinople and re-establishment of the Empire in 1261, under the Palaiologan emperors, successive civil wars in the 14th century further sapped the Empire's strength. Most of its remaining territories were lost in the Byzantine--Ottoman Wars, which culminated in the Fall of Constantinople and the cession of remaining territories to the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century.
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ГРАДИЕНТ цветными БАЗАМИ WOW NAIL❤️ топ с шиммером💥 Комби маникюр👍 Перехожу во ВКОНТАКТЕ🤩
My tribute for the soldiers of the Byzantine empire, who defended the empire for a thousand years. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Part 2:
Part 1:
POD of this scenario is the battle of Manzikert, which Rome won instead of the Seljuks.
This is the third episode in series on the fictional modern Republic of Rome, descendant of the old Roman Empire, and later Eastern Roman Empire (Also known as Byzantium). This episode is on the countries surrounding the Roman Republic, showing their borders, and briefly covering their history and place in the world today.
Europa Universalis: Rome soundtrack (Elysian Fields) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Memoir Enchordis-Monumental-Epic Music/A Tribute To Byzantine Empire
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Ancient Byzantine music about the glorious city of Byzantium, which later was called Constantinople after the Roman Emperor Constantine I, and became the capital of the Byzantine Empire. This music is called Byzantium. We hope you enjoy it!
These great Byzantine pictures are done by Kenzhigaliyev (1st pic), Berthold Werner (2nd pic), Benjamin-Constant (3rd pic), and Meister von San Vitale (last pic).
1. #/media/File:John_VIII_Palaeologus,
2. #/media/File:
3. :
4. :
~ Music by Brandon & Derek Fiechter ~ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Byzantine Empire Dead ⚰️ / Countryballs Byzantine End
The Rise & Heights of the Byzantine Empire & The City of Constantinople. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Byzantine Empire existed for nearly 1,125 years, and it’s one of the greatest empires of all time. Yet many people know little about it, other than the word “byzantine” being synonymous for highly intricate, complex, and devious dealings.
Beginning its adult life as the capital for the Eastern part of the Roman Empire, the city of Constantinople—later Byzantium, and Istanbul today—became the center of an extremely vibrant society that preserved Greek and Roman traditions while much of Western Europe slipped into the Dark Ages. The Byzantine Empire protected Western Europe’s legacy until barbarism waned, when finally the preserved Greek and Roman masterworks opened the eyes of Europeans and stoked the fires of the Renaissance.
Many historians have agreed that without Byzantium to protect it, Europe would have been overrun by the tide of Islamic invaders. The purpose of this list is for the readers to take an accurate historical journey—based on real facts—very much worth taking.
Top 10 Interesting Facts About The Byzantine Empire
Thank you for watching! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Psalm 135 Greek Orthodox chant (unfortunately do not know the performers) set alongside a variety of Byzantine inspired imagery. Best viewed full-screen. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hello, this video will show how the Byzantine Empire got so far ahead of its time. Hope you enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video is dedicated to the men that safeguarded the empire ,europe and christianity for over a thousand they forever live in our hearts for all they have done for us
Music: Crusader Kings 2 - Legacy of Rome
Crusader Kings 2 - Main theme Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video continues from the first part of our look at the Eastern Roman Empire, or Byzantium. We look at the Emperor Justinitan, his reforms, and the heritage he left to Christians around the world today.
Ryan M. Reeves (PhD Cambridge) is Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Twitter: Instagram:
For the entire course on 'Church History: Reformation to Modern', see the playlist: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Top 10 Interesting Facts About The Byzantine Empire
Trinity College is running a series of academic taster talks offering secondary-school students the opportunity to immerse themselves in a super-curricular experience. In this history session with Callan Meynell givs an introduction to Byzantine History, with a look at how Roman identities persisted and developed, even long after the period generally recognised as witnessing the collapse of the Roman Empire. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Alternate History Of The Byzantine Empire (Eastern Roman Empire)
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