Нова модель Spitfire HD Gen II з 3-кратним збільшенням із модернізованою оптичною системою HD, що зменшує розміри оригінальної платформи на кілька сантиметрів, є втіленням мрії стрільця.
Більш компактні, злісні та оснащені модернізованою оптичною системою HD для значно меншого та легкого тактичного вирішення, нова модель Spitfire HD Gen II 3x дозволяє вибрати ідеальну висоту установки. Тепер, завдяки сумісності з нічним баченням, стрілка стала реальністю: сітка в стилі BDC, розрахована на використання найпопулярніших патронів 5.56 для швидкого захоплення мети. Конструкція призми та витравлена сітка вирішують проблеми спотворення для користувачів, які страждають на астигматизм. Крім того, призматична конструкція та прицільна сітка з гравіюванням дають вам надшвидке прицілювання, але при цьому функціонують без підсвічування, а барабани відкриті – жодних заглушок та зачепів. Визнайте це, ви вже уявляєте собі таку на гвинтівці!
Сітка AR-BDC4 Даний тип сітки створений для максимально ефективного використання патрона 5.56 у вашій AR гвинтівці, забезпечуючи як швидке виявлення мети, так і градуйовану шкалу ялинку для внесення поправок по горизонту на дистанції до 650 ярдів.
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Spitfire 3x Prism II Scope AR-BDC4 Reticle (SPR-30
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Three Times Is A Charm: Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II 3x Prism Scope
PatRMG returns to give us a look at the new Vortex Spitfire™ HD Gen II 3x prism scope!
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Updated Spitfire™ HD Gen II 3x and 5x VS Original Spitfire™ 3x Prism Scope - FAQ
Find out what separates the updated Spitfire™ HD Gen II 3x and 5x prism scopes compared to the original Spitfire™ 3x.
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Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II 3x Prism Scope | 1MOA Dot | NV Capable | SPR-300
Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II 3x Prisma de alcance SPR-300
Vortex tomó el exitoso Spitfire Prism Scope y lo rediseñó con una construcción aerodinámica para un peso reducido y un perfil más bajo. Diseñado con plataformas AR en mente, el Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II viene equipado con una retícula iluminada AR-BDC4 avanzada con un punto central de 1 MOA en el medio de un círculo abierto de para una adquisición de objetivos increíblemente rápida. Directamente debajo hay cuatro subtensiones BDC que permiten disparos precisos a distancias de hasta 650 yardas. La retícula tiene 12 configuraciones de iluminación, 2 de las cuales son compatibles con la visión nocturna. La retícula en sí ha sido grabada en el vidrio, lo que permite que el Spitfire Gen II continúe funcionando sin iluminación.
Características del visor Prisim Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II.
12 configuraciones de iluminación
2 configuraciones de visión nocturna
Disponible en aumentos de 3x y 5x
Este artículo puede estar regulado para la exportación por el Departamento de Estado de EE. UU. O el Departamento de Comercio de EE. UU. Al hacer una oferta o comprar este artículo, entiendo, reconozco y acepto la Política de exportación de EuroOptic.
Número de pieza del fabricante SPR-300
UPC 843829115025
Tipo de Batería
Campo de visión: 37,9 pies a 100 yardas
Acabado del alcance: negro
Posición del retículo:
Compatible con visión nocturna
Diámetro objetivo de la lente:
Configuración de brillo 12
2 configuraciones de visión nocturna
Alivio de los ojos: 2,6 "(67 mm)
Ajuste de paralaje: 100 yardas
Retícula iluminada: Sí
Ajuste de la torreta (valor de clic): 1 MOA
Peso del alcance: 9 oz.
Batería CR2032
Detalles de la torreta de elevación: 250 MOA
Factor crepuscular:
Detalles de la torreta de viento: 250 MOA
Pupila de salida:
tipo de producto
Dimensiones: Longitud: 3 pulgadas
Rango de aumento: 3x
Rotación de la torreta del alcance:
Detalles de la retícula 1 punto MOA en una retícula de 18,85
4 subtensiones BDC
Diámetro del objetivo del alcance: 21 mm
Tamaño / montaje del tubo del visor:
El paquete incluye cubiertas de goma para lentes, multiherramienta T10 Torx, sistema de montaje de altura múltiple, paño para lentes y batería
Peso: 9.3 onzas
Transmision de luz
Condición del artículo
Longitud del alcance: 3 "
Detalles de la retícula: retícula AR-BDC4 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
InRange is entirely viewer supported:
In this video, we take a look at the new line of Vortex Spitfire Prism scopes - both the 3x and 5x models. We then test drive them in a drill and then discuss the benefits, or detriments, of each model. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex® Spitfire™ HD Gen II 3x and 5x Prism Scopes - Product Overview
With a redesigned HD optical system that cuts inches and ounces off the original platform, the new Spitfire HD Gen II 3x and 5x models are a shooter's dream come true. Choose your ideal magnification and mounting height, then rely on the BDC-style reticle to subtend with most popular cartridges for quick holdovers at known distances, keeping you locked on target.
Learn more about Vortex® Spitfire™ HD Gen II 3x and 5x Prism Scopes at:
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The Smallest, Lightest Prism Optic: Vortex Spitfire Gen II 5x
The new Vortex Spitfire Gen II prism optics are lighter and smaller for the magnification than any other prism sights on the market. In this episode of TFBTV, Hop tests the Spitfire 5x Prism sight, with a piggy back mounted Vortex Venom red dot; a package which has 5x magnification and two sighting systems despite weighing less than an AimPoint PRO.
0:00 Intro
0:50 Vortex Spitfire Gen II 5x overview
4:29 Spitfire under night vision
6:10 Prism vs LPVO vs red dot & magnifier
10:16 Conclusion
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BEST SCOPE FOR ASTIGMATISM VORTEX SPITFIRE 3X REVIEW. click here for gen 2: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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quick video, down the range views and my impressions on it. i think its a great battle rifle short optic. not many reviews on it out there. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Vortex Spitfire 3X Gen 2 is a light and compact prism scope that's great for rifles. Compared with a 1-4, or traditional 3-9 scopes, or the Gen 1 it is very compact.
00:00 Intro
00:54 Tabletop times
04:05 Range compilation
04:30 Conclusion Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check this beautiful Vortex Spitfire 3x prism scope. New model for 2020 from Vortex I love this scope and I had just a blast at the range scope is very accurate and did not take very long to zero it. Overall im very satisfied with this amazing little scope. This scope cost $399 and the older version cost $349 if you ask me is %100 worth the extra $50 bucks. Vortex has a life time warranty which is another reason why I had bought this scope. Thanks for watching. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Heckler & Koch MR223 A3
.223 Rem
6 MOA Dot Reticle
B&T Industries BT65-LW17 CAL Atlas Bipod Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Today we're reviewing the Vortex Spitfire 3x Prism Scope. An advanced "red dot" replacer, this prism scope doesn't rely on batteries only. It has an etched reticle, which enables you to keep shooting even if you happen to run out of battery power in the middle of a shoot or hunt. The reticle utilizes both green and red illumination so you can choose which you want to use. it features a retention wire for the adjustment caps so that you will never lose your adjustment caps ever again. The construction is superb, and the scope feels like a premium piece of technology. The reticle itself is designed with the cartridge in mind, and has drop reticles all the way out to 500 yards. However, all of these positive features are accompanied by a few dislikes, although moderate. The first dislike of mine concerns the short eye relief of the scope. Only 2.8 inches. That means that you have to get very close to the scope. If you were to use this scope on a higher caliber gun than an AR-15, the recoil may just leave you with a black eye! My second concern is with the weight of the scope. It's pretty beefy. weighing in at as shown on the vortex website, this scope actually weighs more than the previous dedicated sniper scope I had setup on my AR beforehand. However, those small negatives of this scope are far overshadowed by the positive aspects of it. I give it a 9/10 Highly recommended!
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Vortex 5x Prism Scope SPITFIRE™ HD GEN II (SPR-500) Review
This is a review of the new Vortex 5x Prism Scope SPITFIRE™ HD GEN II (SPR-500). Overall, this is a quality optic for the price. The video contains a review of the manual and website material, unboxing, and a view through the lens.
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The Vortex Spitfire 3X Prism scope is a great addition to your rifle without breaking the bank. The sight system is engineered to work with the ballistics of a 55 grain .223 Remington cartilage or a nato.
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Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II 5 x Prism Scope and Venom Mounting & Zeroing
In this how-to video, I will go through Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II 5 x Prism Scope and Venom Mounting & Zeroing. We look at mounting options, mount the spitfire and venom red dot. After focusing the fast-focus eyepiece, and bore sighting, I zero on the 25m range then take it to shoot on the 50 and 100m range. I will then talk a little bit about the maintenance of your new optic. Vortex recommends using a 50 yard zero for best results with the AR-BDC4 reticle. The Spitfire™ HD Gen II 5x model comes equipped with a red dot mounting platform for use with Vortex® Viper® or Venom®.
Torque settings:
- Torque base screws to 20-22 in-lbs.
- Torque micro red dot sight to 10-12 in-lbs.
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00:00 Intro
00:27 Mount Height Options
01:10 Mounting the Optic
03:10 Mounting your Micro Red Dot Sight (Vortex Venom or Viper)
04:22 Reticle focus
04:41 Sighting In
05:10 Sighting in/Zeroing at the Range (Boresighting, 25m zero, 50m and 100m shoot
17:56 Maintenance
Adjustments: The Spitfire™ HD Gen II elevation and wind adjustments are scaled in 1 Minute of Angle (MOA) clicks. Rotate the windage adjustment clockwise to move the dot right, or anti-clockwise to move the dot left. Rotate elevation the adjustment clockwise to move the dot up, or anti-clockwise to move the dot down.
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Thank you to Vortex UK for loaning me the Spitfire Optic to try out. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Tune in for a step-by-step guide to mounting your Spitfire™ HD Gen II Prism Scope.
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I do a quick range review of the Vortex Spitfire Prism 3x Scope.
Check out the Feature Review here:
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Vortex Optics Spitfire GEN II 5X Prism 40/340 Yard Challenge
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This is an unboxing video for the Vortex Spitfire 3x Prism Scope - Model # SPR-1303. I bought this scope to put on my PSA PA-15. Please watch my next video, which will show me installing the scope on my AR and sighting it in. This scope is solves the astigmatism problem that occurs with typical red dot sights. Thanks for watching - Please Like and Subscribe!
Product Description:
The Vortex® Spitfire® 3x Prism Scope is a great compromise between a traditional scope sight and a reflex sight for shooters who want magnification for precise shot placement at longer ranges, and rapid sight and target acquisition at close range. The Spitfire Prism Scope uses a reticle that's etched directly to the prism that can be used with or without illumination. Illumination color is selectable from green to red and it has 5 brightness levels. Multiple anti-reflective coatings on all air-to-glass surfaces increase light transmission for positive target ID. The single-piece chassis is O-ring sealed for waterproof and fogproof performance. The Vortex Spitfire 3x Prism Scope comes mounted at a lower 1/3 co-witness height of from the optic center to base surface. If a lower 30mm mounted height is desired the mount riser can be removed.
Manufacturer model #: SPR-1303
3x magnification
Illuminated etched reticle
Red/green illumination
5 brightness levels
Fully multi-coated
Co-witness rail mount
SKU SPR-1303
Made in China
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Product Manual (PDF) Download:
Parts Diagram (PDF) Download:
Fixed-power prism scopes have been topping ARs for decades thanks to their simple, compact and reliable design, but few have come close to the combination of value and performance of the Spitfire 3x. A custom BDC reticle, designed to subtend with most popular cartridges, takes all the guesswork out of the equation on shots from 0-500 yards. Meanwhile, the glass-etched reticle can be used with either the red or green illumination, or without any power at all like a traditional riflescope, making for an inherently reliable, “Always ready” platform.
Battery Life: Up to 250 hours on highest setting. Up to 3,000 hours on lowest setting.
Prism Scopes are not compatible with the VMX-3T Magnifier.
Mount Type Multi-HeightMagnification 3xDot Color Red/GreenEye Relief 2.8 inchesField of View 31.5 feet/100 yardsAdjustment Graduation 1/2 MOAMax Elevation Adjustment 120 MOAMax Windage Adjustment 120 MOAParallax Setting 100 yardsLength 5.5 inchesWeight 15.4 oz
Fully Multi-Coated Increase light transmission with multiple anti-reflective coatings on all air-to-glass surfaces.
Prism-Based Design Delivers sharp optics and allows for unique reticle designs that are visible with or without illumination.
Brightness Settings Provides five levels of brightness intensity with red and green illumination settings.
Single-Piece Chassis Compact and lightweight.
Waterproof O-ring seals prevent moisture, dust and debris from penetrating for reliable performance in all environments.
Fogproof Nitrogen gas purging prevents internal fogging over a wide range of temperatures.
Shockproof Rugged construction withstands recoil and impact.
Matte Anodized Finish Corrosion and wear resistant anodization provides low-glare matte surface and helps camouflage the shooter's position.
The EBR-556B reticle (Enhanced Battle Reticle) is designed around the x 45 cartridge to aid in rapid shooting at both near and far ranges—providing holdover and ranging references from 0-500 yards. Etched directly on the prism to assure consistent point-of-aim at all times with selectable red/green illumination of five intensity levels to match specific conditions.
Subtension detail for the Spitfire 3x prism scope with EBR-556B MOA reticle: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Welcome back guys my fist review of a sweet AR 15 3x prism scope. This Vortex scope looks so sweet im already in love with and didn't even shoot with it yet. Please leave any comments or questions you might have down below thanks. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Spitfire 3x GEN2 – Top Optik für kurze und mittlere Entfernungen. Nicht nur für AR15!
Wir testen das neue Vortex Spitfire 3x Gen 2 auf einer Windham Weaponry .450 Thumper mit einem Roedale PROX Schalldämpfer. Die kleine, handliche Optik überzeugt durch präzise Absehenverstellung, ein glasklares Bild und die sehr angenehme Größe. Das Absehen ist beleuchtet, und bietet sogar nachtsichttaugliche Stufen.
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✅5 Best Prism Scopes-Best Prism Scopes Reviews 2021
I have now had my excellent Vortex Spitfire 3x Prism scope for 5 years. In this time it has operated flawlessly. I normally use this on my 223 Steyr AUG, and the BDC tracks great with the 55 grain loads that I shoot. I also use this from time to time on a Sig Sauer 522 which also gives some very useful holdover points for the 22 long rifle cartridge.
I would highly recommend this scope for a quick acquisition and fast shooting scope for short to medium distances. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Spitfire® HD Gen II Prism Scopes vs SPARC® AR and Micro 3x - FAQ
Should you go with a red dot and magnifier combo, or a fixed power prism scope? Learn the pros and cons here.
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Special Discount for Vortex Spitfire 3x Prism Scope EBR-556B MOA Reticle - SPR-1303, Click Here to Get It:
Precision, accuracy, durability, and dependability are the correct words to describe this Vortex Spitfire 3x Prism scope. This device is the right choice for serious shooters and hunters who can appreciate its optical quality and performance. The scope weighs oz and is 5.5 inches long. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fun Gun Reviews Presents:The Vortex Spitfire 1x Prism Scope. Designed specifically for the AR-15/ M4 rifle. It has a 10 setting illuminated reticle in Red and green but it also features an Etched reticle that is a great back up feature. I want to thank 3 Rivers Precision for supplying the Spitfire for the review.
Thanks for watching~ Sootch00
Music is from Jingle Punks Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Spitfire 3x Prism Scope Unboxing
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An Overview of the Vortex Spitfire AR Prism Scope.
Use code "704Tactical" for 5% off your entire OpticsPlanetMusic Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to make the Vortex Magnifier work with the SPITFIRE!
This is a nice little 1X scope that has a lot of features.
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Vortex Spitfire 3X Prism Scope 07/13/2014 initial impressions and range images
Vortex Spitfire 3X Prism Scope 07/13/2014 initial impressions and range images. I bought this for my volquartsen I flute .22 lr today 07/13/2014 and could not be happier. This is one sweet optic. It comes in 1x and this 3x. This just came out at shot show 2014. It is very nicely made. Fit and finish is perfect. The rectivle is lovely to use. I especially like red and green and black. It is perfect for those with astigmatism. This will stay right where it is. The shots were done at 10 yards. Groupings were great. Even though it was only 10 yards. Using this fine glass makes all the difference. It just makes the total shooting experience a fun event. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How To Sight in the Vortex Optics Spitfire EBR-556B Reticle
The Vortex Spitfire is a great optic for the man or lady on a budget! With the EBR-556B reticle it is a breeze to hit targets in the caliber. Although I did find some issues with the ranging capabilities of the optic I will cover in this video.
Vortex Spitfire Optics:
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I just got my Vortex Spitfire 3x Prism Scope. Just going to unbox and review the scope.
Vortex Spitfire 3x Prism Scope -
Fixed-power prism scopes have been topping ARs for decades thanks to their simple, compact and reliable design, but few have come close to the combination of value and performance of the Spitfire 3x. A custom BDC reticle, designed to subtend with most popular cartridges, takes all the guesswork out of the equation on shots from 0-500 yards. Meanwhile, the glass-etched reticle can be used with either the red or green illumination, or without any power at all like a traditional riflescope, making for an inherently reliable, “Always ready” platform.
Battery Life: Up to 250 hours on highest setting. Up to 3,000 hours on lowest setting.
Prism Scopes are not compatible with the VMX-3T Magnifier.
· Mount Type - multi-Height
· Magnification - 3xDot
· Color - Red/GreenEye
· Relief - 2.8 inches
· Field of View - 31.5 feet/100 yards
· Adjustment Graduation - 1/2 MOA
· Max Elevation Adjustment - 120 MOA
· Max Windage Adjustment - 120 MOA
· Parallax Setting - 100 yards
· Length - 5.5 inches
· Weight - 15.4 oz
Fully Multi-Coated Increase light transmission with multiple anti-reflective coatings on all air-to-glass surfaces.
Prism-Based Design Delivers sharp optics and allows for unique reticle designs that are visible with or without illumination.
Brightness Settings Provides five levels of brightness intensity with red and green illumination settings.
Reticle - EBR-556B (MOA) RETICLE
The EBR-556B reticle (Enhanced Battle Reticle) is designed around the x 45 cartridge to aid in rapid shooting at both near and far ranges—providing holdover and ranging references from 0-500 yards. Etched directly on the prism to assure consistent point-of-aim at all times with selectable red/green illumination of five intensity levels to match specific conditions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Vortex Spitfire 3X Gen 1 is a compact prism scope that's great for rifles. Compared with a 1-4 or other traditional scope, it's very compact.
00:00 Intro
01:00 Size comparison
01:33 Features
03:36 Shooting footage
04:04 Conclusion Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Spitfire AR Prism Scope (AR Build Series Ep. 10)
Welcome to my channel I unbox guns in short video format. I focus on what manufacturers include in their packaging but also discuss minor details or features of the platform. I hope you'll subscribe. Let me know if there are any particular unboxings you'd like me to do.
Miller Gun Company Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Black Friday / Cyber Monday Vortex Optics Spitfire 3x Prism Scope - EBR-556B Reticle (MOA) by Vortex Optics
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Vortex Optics Flip Cap Optic Cover FC-7 (55-61 mm) by Vortex Optics
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Vortex Optics StrikeFire 2 Red/Green Dot Sight with Cantilever Mount (SF-RG-501) and FREE by Vortex Optics
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Vortex Optics SF-RG-501 StrikeFire II Red/Green Dot Scope with Vortex Optics Hat (Colors by Vortex Optics
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Monstrum Tactical P330-B Marksman 3x Prism Scope (Black) by Monstrum Tactical
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Black Friday / Cyber Monday Vortex Optics Spitfire 3x Prism Scope - EBR-556B Reticle (MOA) by Vortex Optics
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Vortex Optics Flip Cap Optic Cover FC-3 (30-35 mm) by Vortex Optics
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Vortex Optics StrikeFire 2 Red/Green Dot Sight with Cantilever Mount (SF-RG-501) and FREE by Vortex Optics
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Monstrum Tactical P330-B Marksman 3x Prism Scope (Black) by Monstrum Tactical
Black Friday / Cyber Monday Vortex Optics SF-RG-501 StrikeFire II Red/Green Dot Scope with Vortex Optics Hat (Colors by Vortex Optics
Black Friday / Cyber Monday EoTech G33 Magnifier with Switch to Side Mount, Black Finish by EOTech
Black Friday / Cyber Monday UTG 3X HD Magnifier with W/E Adjust Flip-to-side QD Mount and Cleaning Cloths by Circuit City
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Quick video on my sighting setup on my DDM4 V7. I'll try to do a more in depth video on this gun in the future. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Spitfire Gen 2 5X Prism Scope w/ offset red dot setup
The Vortex Spitfire AR is a compact, 1X prism sight. I has an etched reticle that can be illuminated red or green, or turned off and you've got a black reticle.
Review article here:
00:00 Introduction
08:44 Range footage
09:43 Use cases Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Go to to buy Vortex Spitfire Prism Sight at the lowest price with Free Shipping.
When situations demand split-second target acquisition and maximum field of view, mount up the StrikeFire II and shoot—both eyes open. Feature-rich, versatile and reliable, the StrikeFire II is a great choice for hunters who want a quality red dot sight.
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The Vortex Spitfire 3X Prism Scope - SPR-1303 is designed specifically for the AR platform, the Spitfire combines an impressive array of high-performance features into a rugged, ultra-compact package. When fast target acquisition in close- to medium-range shooting applications is a priority, the Vortex Spitfire 3X Prism Scope - SPR-1303 excels. Laced with advanced features, the sophisticated prism-based design allows for a more compact optical system without sacrificing optical quality.
The DRT (Dual Ring Tactical) reticle is etched directly on the prism to assure consistent point-of-aim at all times with selectable red/green illumination of five intensity levels to match specific conditions. Prism Scopes are not compatible with the VMX-3T Magnifier.
Fully Multi-Coated: Multiple anti-reflective coatings on all air-to-glass surfaces increase light transmission. Prism-Based Design: Delivers sharp optics and allows for unique reticle designs that are visible with or without illumination.
Single-Piece Chassis: Compact and lightweight.
Waterproof: O-ring seals prevent moisture, dust and debris from penetrating for reliable performance in all environments.
Fogproof: Nitrogen gas purging delivers fogproof, waterproof performance.
Shockproof: Rugged construction withstands recoil and impact. Hard Anodized Finish: Highly durable low-glare matte finish. Operating Temperature: rated from -22 degrees to +122 degrees Fahrenheit.
Variable Mount Heights:Comes mounted at a lower 1/3 co-witness height of 40.4 mm from the optic center to base surface. Remove the mount riser if a lower 30 mm mounted height is desired. Adjustable Brightness: Provides five levels of brightness intensity with red and green illumination settings.
Red/Green Reticle Option: Allows shooters a choice of dot color. Battery Life: Typical battery life is 250 hours at maximum brightness and 3,000 hours at minimum brightness setting.
Magnification: 3 x
Eye Relief: 2.8 inches
Field of View: 31.5 feet/100 yards
Adjustment Graduation: 1/2 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment: 120 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment: 120 MOA
Parallax Setting: 100 yards
Length: 5.5 inches
Weight: 15.4*
Buy Now at Armory Supplies: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sorry if I missed anything please let me know in the comments below
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In this video, I unbox the brand new Spitfire HD Generation 2 5 x prism scope from Vortex Optics.
During unboxing, I’ll go through what comes with the optic. I'll then talk about the specifications, run through the features of this new optic, and show you how to install the battery.
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00:00 Intro
00:26 Unbox
03:13 Specifications
04:07 Features
06:35 Battery Installation
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Spitfire HD Gen 2 5x Prism Scope: Unbox, Specifications & Features
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