Інноваційний інтрефейс P.O.I® в кільцях від компанії Leapers пропонує просунуті рішення в трьох основних областях:
завдяки високоточній машинній обробці і контролю внутрішньої поверхні кільця, виріб майже "бесшовно" прилягає до трубки прицілу;
система з одним гвинтом і двома пружними штифтами на бічній фіксуючій пластині дозволяє уникнути перекосу кріплення, яке може виникнути, наприклад, при нерівномірному закручуванні двох гвинтів, при цьому сама пластина сталева;
прямокутний стопор, що ідеально підходить до прорізу в планці Picatinny і є не окремої деталлю, а частиною корпусу кільця, усуває поздовжній рух, спровокований віддачею зброї.
Кільця UTG PRO® P.O.I® представлені компанією Leapers з високим, середнім і низьким профілем. Матеріал - сплав алюмінію 6061-T6 і 4605-ї сталі. Анодовані, колір чорний, матовий.
В этом видео мы посмотрим на коллиматоры от американской компании UTG -
UTG это бренд американской компании Leapers Inc, которая занимается разработкой и производством снаряжения, аксессуаров и тюнинга для спортивного и охотничьего оружия. UTG не делают реплики изделий каких-то более именитых брендов, а создают своё, с упором на качество и функционал при оправданной стоимости.
Коллиматор Leapers UTG 1Х34Х25
Увеличитель для коллиматора Leapers UTG 3X,
Коллиматор Leapers UTG 5th Gen 1x26
Коллиматор Leapers UTG 1Х21
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Доработка бокового кронштейна Leapers UTG PRO MTU016
Простой способ доработать боковой кронштейн Leapers UTG PRO MTU016. Боковые кронштейны для АК Вепрь СВД с доставкой по всей России на сайте Примерка тюнинга в онлайн-конфигураторе! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introduction and How to Install your Leapers UTG Angled Index Mounts
UTG Angled Index Mounts are adjustable for forward or rearward cant and reversible for left or right hand shooters provide an additional means of support hand placement indexing and grip retention. Available for the M-LOK® or Keymod modular systems, our Angled Index Mounts, constructed from 6061-T6 Aluminum and finished in Matte black, blue, or red are a great add-on to your modern sporting rifle.
• Reversible Design for Left or Right Side Handguard Installation
• Thumb Indexing Deck Configurable for Forward or Rearward Cant
• Includes Removable Spacer to Adjust for Clearance Needed to Accommodate Different Handguard Profiles and Other Installed Accessories
• CNC Machined from Lightweight 6061-T6 Aluminum with a Matte Black Anodized Finish
• Compatible with the Majority of Handguards with Octagonal Profiles
Available Now! Contact your local dealer or an online retailer for availability.
UTG Angled Index Mounts (M-LOK® & Keymod): Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Крепления Leapers UTG Pro / пристрелка карабина TG2 коротыш
Коллиматорный Прицел LEAPERS UTG New Gen 1x30
• Коллиматор с двойной подсветкой сетки красной/зеленой.
• Диаметр трубы – 38 мм.
• Поле зрения на 100 ярдов – 27,6 м.
• Диаметр выходного зрачка - 22 мм.
• Визирная сетка - точка с регулируемой яркостью.
• Размер точки – 4МОА.
• Подсветка точки – красная и зелёная по 5 степеней яркости.
• Совместимость с приборами ночного видения – нет.
Комплект поставки:
• Коллиматорный прицел.
• Откидные крышки на объектив и на окуляр(flip-up).
• Литиевая батарея CR2032 3В.
• Салфетка для протирки оптики.
• Инструкция.
Заказать можно по ссылке - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Searching for a new handguard? Check out the Leapers UTG Pro 15-inch Superslim Drop-In Handguard. (Haven't bought one yet? Get yours:
This aluminum drop-in handguard uses the standard delta ring to lock into place. The handguard includes 4 picatinny rails so you can mount any lights, lasers, or forward grips you'd like. No gunsmithing or modification to the A2 front sight is required making this a quick and easy way to upgrade your AR.
Learn more here:
Check out more drop-in handguards here:
Cheaper Than Dirt! America’s Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter is more than just an online retailer; we're a place for enthusiasts to discuss current events, products and more. Be sure to follow us on all of our social media channels:
Also, check out our blog, "The Shooter's Log:" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Install the Leapers UTG Pro Superslim Handguard
Introducing Leaper's UTG ACCU-Sync quick release one piece cantilever optic mount. These one piece mounts are available for 1", 30mm, and 34mm scope tubes. Much like our one piece fixed cantilever mounts, these models have the ability to mount on your application without the need of tools. Some key features includes:
• Precision CNC Machined from 6061-T6 Aluminum and Finished in a Matte Black Anodization
• Significant Lightening Cuts Massively Reduce Weight Without Compromising Durability
• Radiused Edges and Corners to Prevent Snagging, Scratching, or Tearing of Other Gear and for Effortless Access to Scope Windage and Elevation Turrets
• Patent-Pending Quick Release (QR) Mount Features Tool-free Tension Adjustment, QD Locking Quick Release Levers, and Squared Recoil Stops for a Secure Zero Hold and Return to Zero
Learn more about this UTG® ACCU-SYNC cantilever mount, please visit our website at
link to products below:
Please visit Leapers other social media pages for updates and the latest news:
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Introduction and How to Install your Leapers UTG ACCU-SYNC QR Quick Release Cantilever Mounts
Step by step installation of the Drop in Hanguard by Leapers UTG. Took about 10 minutes in total to remove and install everything. This mounts perfectly to a M&P Sport II Upper with no modification.
LINK TO HANDGUARD: REMOVED BECAUSE YOUTUBE'S OWNER IS A NAZI AND IS AGAINST FREE SPEECH. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
LEAPERS UTG PRO® Billet Receiver to Celebrate July 4th
Руководство по определению подделок -
📍 Стрельбище в Сокуре (НСО)
Телефон - 292-90-96
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Installing Leapers UTG Pro model 4/15 Drop in Hand Guard
Обзор прицелов Leapers UTG ( тест и отстрел )
Ссылка на каталог Leapers/UTG - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The UTG PRO Ultra Slim handguard, with its new minimalist look and feel, features weight reduction lightening cuts and a reduced top Picatinny rail with 3 slots at the front and rear. The Ultra Slim is equipped with M-LOK® slots at the 3, 6, and 9 O’clock positions and at the heart of its installation, includes UTG PRO’s patented two-piece precision barrel nut, completely machined out of Titanium. A uniquely knurled surface on the left and right side of the handguard provides an aesthetically pleasing new look while providing addition grip traction for the user.
UTG PRO M-LOK® AR15 15" Ultra Slim Free Float Handguard with Titanium Barrel Nut:
• Proudly Designed and Made in USA
• 15" M-LOK® Ultra Slim Free Float Handguard with Proprietary Steel Barrel Nut Included
• Features 8 M-LOK® Slots on 3 Slot Tracks at the 3, 6 and 9 O'Clock Positions for Mounting M-LOK® Rails and Direct Accessories
• Compatible with Left or Right Handed Standard Mil-spec AR15 Upper Receivers
• Ultra Slim Design with Lightening Cuts Made Throughout the Handguard to Massively Reduce Weight, While Still Allowing for a High Level of Modularity
• Includes 2 M-LOK® Accessories, an 8-Slot Picatinny Rail Section and a QD Sling Swivel Adaptor, Ready to Use Right Out of the Box
• Integral Anti-rotation Tabs and a Steel Barrel Nut Provide a Secure and Seamless Installation with the Upper Receiver While Completely Preventing the Handguard From Rotating Under Heavy Use
• Ergonomically Grooved Handguard Surface and Overall Octagonal Profile Features Additional Left and Right Sided Grip Serrations
• 3-Slot Top Picatinny Rail Found at the Forward and Rearward of the Handguard
• Precision Machined from 6061-T6 Aircraft Grade Aluminum with a Matte Black Hard Coat Anodize
• Barrel Nut Wrench, Hardware, and Installation Instructions Included for Quick Out of the Box Installation
• Designed to Fit with Standard Gas Tube and Barrel Diameter Not Exceeding 1" Not Compatible with Piston System, Re-designed or Over-sized Upper Receivers
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Подробная статья на моем Дзен канале.
Кольца предоставлены интернет-магазином Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing the Leapers UTG Pro Ultra Slim Handguard MTU019SSM3
Model 4/15 (U416f ). Made in the USA and only 80$, this quad rail is a bargain! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Как выбрать кольца для оптики? Обзор на примере колец Leapers и Burris.
Прицел на АКМ - "Leapers Accushot T8 Tactical 1-8X28"
Прицел на Сайге 9 - "Leapers Accushot Tactical "
Как определить подделку -
В этом видео я сравниваю два прицела фирмы Leapers. Один стоит примерно 10000р, другой примерно 20000р. Тот что подороже я установил на свой АКМ (впо 136), а тот что подешевле установил на Сайгу 9. Ну и пощупал, пожамкал и рассказал чего к чему ;-)
Приятного просмотра! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This installation guide is intended to assist you with the installation of your UTG Universal Dovetail to Picatinny/Weaver Rail Adaptor.
• UTG New Gen Dovetail to Picatinny/Weaver Cantilever Rail Adaptor
• 5.7" Picatinny Top Rail with 14 Slots to Provide Flexible Eye Relief Adjustment and Mounting Flexibility of Various Optics
• Fits 9mm - 11mm Airgun/Shotgun Dovetail Rails
• Comes with 4 High Strength Screws and Adjustable Recoil Resistant Stop Pins Which Ensures Solid Locking and Zero Holding and is Designed to Resist Bidirectional Recoil Force
• Easily Slides On and Universally Fits Both Flat & Rounded Dovetail Receivers
• Precision Machined from Aircraft Aluminum and Finished with a Matte Black Hard Coat Anodize
• Saddle Height is "
Remember to use all firearm safety procedures while using or doing any work to your firearm.
DISCLAIMER: This video production is provided for educational purposes ONLY. Due to the wide variety of Airgun/Dovetail Platforms, This guide may not address all situations. If you are unfamiliar with airguns in general, we highly recommend consulting a certified gunsmith. Leapers Inc. and its affiliates are not responsible for any damage to property or personal injury as a result of these instructions detailed in this production.
For Further Assistance Contact Our Service Team at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This installation guide is intended to assist you with the installation of your UTG Pro Free Float Super Slim Handguard System.
Compatible Models:
MTU005SS (7" Carbine Length Rail)
MTU004SS (9" Mid-length Rail)
MTU006SS (13" Rifle Length Rail)
MTU019SS (15" Rifle Length Rail)
Remember to use all firearm safety procedures while using or doing any work to your firearm.
DISCLAIMER: This Video Production is provided for educational purposes ONLY. Due to the wide variety of AR Platforms, This guide may not address all situations. If you are unfamiliar with AR's or firearms In general, we highly recommend consulting a certified gunsmith. Leapers Inc. and its affiliates are not responsible for any damage to property or personal injury as a result of the instructions detailed in this production.
For Further Assistance Contact Our Service Team at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introduction and How to Install Your Leapers UTG Dovetail to Picatinny/Weaver Adaptor (MNT-DTW145)
We are proud to introduce our universal AK47 side rail optic mount to fit most AK variants. In this video, we will show you how to properly mount the side rail onto the platform. Here are some key product features:
• Universally Optimized for Greater Platform Compatibility
• Matte Black Anodized Steel-reinforced 6061-T6 Aluminum Construction • Adjustable QR Lever Mount Compatible with Most AK Side Rail Widths
• Scalloped 16 Slot Picatinny Rail Features a Deep U-cut Channel for Accessing Iron Sights
• Overall Lightweight Design Features 2 Side M-LOK® Slots for Attaching Accessories
Learn more about UTG® ACCU-SYNC® QR AK Side Mount (Item#: MT-UAK01)at:
link to product below:
#AK47 #kalashnikov #gunsofyoutube #howto #kalash #pro2a #stepbystep #easy Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Кронштейн для фонаря Leapers UTG RG-FL25QS видео обзор 4k
Прииобрести прицел можно здесь:
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Наша группа Вконтакте: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing Leaper's UTG Pro M-LOK handguard for AK47 variants. Proudly made in the USA from 6061 T6, this handguard is your M-LOK mounting solutions. Universally optimized to fit most AK variants. Some key features includes:
• Proudly Designed and Made in USA
• Two-piece Drop-in Design Requires No Permanent Modification
• Modular Top End Mounts Included 9 Slot Picatinny Rail Section or Docter® Footprint MRDS Plate for Optics Installation
• Compatible with Most Romanian, Chinese, and US AK Pattern Rifles
• Durable Matte Black Anodized 6061-T6 Aluminum Construction
• Total of 15 M-LOK® Slots
Learn more about this UTG® PRO AK47 handguard (Item#: MTU053SSM)at:
link to product below:
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Introduction and How to Install your Leapers UTG ACCU-SYNC® Universal Quick Detach AK Side Mount
UTG PRO, Michigan made, +0 magazine base pads available in matte black, red, bronze, and blue colored anodize and constructed from 6061-T6 aluminum are the first in a series of new pistol related products to come. Their extended height and 1 oz. weight facilitates smoother reloads, adds a touch of personalization, are IDPA & USPSA legal, and are immediately available for some of the most popular pistols currently out in the market to include:
Glock Small and Large Frame Pistols
SIG P320 9/40
HK VP9, P30 9/40
CZ P07, P09, and P10c 9/40
S&W M&P 9/40
Walther PPQ, P99 9/40
Springfield Armory XDm 9mm
UTG PRO Magazine Base Pads: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Оптический прицел Leapers 4x32 Compact (SCP-432AOMDL2)( Видео - Обзор )
This installation guide is intended to assist you with the installation of your UTG PRO Carbine Length Drop-in Handguards onto Your Ruger® AR556®.
Compatible Models:
(01:58) MTU001 (7" Drop-in Quad Rail)
(03:42) MTU001T (7" Drop-in Quad Rail with Top Rail Extension)
(05:25) MTU001S (7" Drop-in Symmetrical Split Slim Rail)
(07:23) MTU001SS (7" Drop-in Super Slim Rail)
MTU001SSK (Follow Install for MTU001SS)
MTU001SSM (Follow Install for MTU001SS)
Remember to use all firearm safety procedures while using or doing any work to your firearm.
DISCLAIMER: This Video Production is provided for educational purposes ONLY. Due to the wide variety of AR Platforms, This guide may not address all situations. If you are unfamiliar with AR's or firearms In general, we highly recommend consulting a certified gunsmith. Leapers Inc. and its affiliates are not responsible for any damage to property or personal injury as a result of the instructions detailed in this production.
For Further Assistance Please Contact Our Service Team at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introduction to Leapers UTG PRO Magazine Base Pads
Today we are taking a look at the UTG Pro 5" Forerunner rail. Thanks for watching, enjoy and take care.
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Оптический прицел Leapers Prism T4 CQB 4x32 Circle Dot, на Weaver (SCP-T4IECDQ) купить:
- Одкноклассники
- Instagram
Производитель: UTG Leapers (США / Китай)
Кратность: x 4
Диаметр объектива: 32 мм
Поле зрения (на 100 м): 8,3 м
Диаметр выходного зрачка: 8 мм
Удаление выходного зрачка: 58 мм
Цена щелчка: 1/4 МОА(6,35 мм на 91,44 м)
Прицельная сетка: Circle Dot
Подсветка: красный, зеленый / 36 цветов
Крепление: кольца на базу Weaver/Picatinny
Материал: алюминиевый сплав 6061 Т6
Защита от внешних воздействий: влагозащищеный и азотонаполненый
Длина прицела: 137 мм
Диаметр трубы: 34 мм
Вес: 525 г – с крышками и кронштейном (650 г – в коробке)
Комплектация (?): прицел, крышки «Flip-Up», кронштейн, ключ шестигранный 4 мм, запасной винт M5x10 с шестигранной головкой, инструкция, салфетка, батарейка RC 1632 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Увеличитель (магнифер) для коллиматора UTG 3X с быстросъемным кронштейном на Picatinny и адаптером.
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Оптический прицел Leapers Prism T4 CQB 4x32 Circle Dot, на Weaver (SCP-T4IECDQ)
It's time to install the 13" precision-crafted free-float quad rail AR-15 handguard from Leapers UTG. (Buy now: )
This quad rail accommodates AR-15 rifles with a low-profile gas block. This full-length handguard features a Picatinny rail that extends to the upper receiver for a continuous mounting platform, allowing for plenty of accessories. Universal quick-detach swivel housing sturdily holds sling attachments. The slim profile sports an ultra-lightweight aluminum design that is hard anodized for maximum durability.
Leapers Inc. has supplied the shooting, hunting, and outdoors community with quality gear for decades, rising to become a leading manufacturer of stocks, products, and accessories for a wide variety of firearms. The Leapers UTG brand has become synonymous with unique and innovative hunting and shooting accessories at an affordable price point. Leapers strives to be an industry leader in high-quality firearms accessories at an affordable price.
Check out all of our AR-15 parts and accessories here:
Cheaper Than Dirt! America’s Ultimate Shooting Sports Discounter is more than just an online retailer; we're a place for enthusiasts to discuss current events, products and more. Be sure to follow us on all of our social media channels:
Also, check out our blog, "The Shooter's Log:" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Обзор прицелов UTG LEAPERS и ВОМЗ | Кратность от единицы.
Leapers, Inc. / UTG / UTG Pro - 2015 SHOT Show Video - Check out what's new for 2015. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, we will demonstrate how to remove your buffer tube for collapsible stocks on your AR variant rifle and installation of our Leapers RBUS5MBS-A fixed buttstock with optional cheek piece.
Learn more about this Leapers UTG PRO RBUS5BMS-A fixed buttstock, please visit our website at
link to products below:
• Proudly Designed and Made in USA
• Stock Molded from Impact Resistant High Strength Matte Black Polymer
• Built for Heavy Duty Use with the Tightest Tolerance Controls to Provide the Most Secure Fit and Function
• Compatible with Rifle-length Receiver Extension Tube, Does Not Require A2 Buttstock Spacer
• 11" Overall Length with Ergonomic Slanted Cheek Rest and Steel Reinforced Rubberized Butt Pad
• Integral Picatinny Rail Attaches Included " Cheek Riser and Other Accessories
• Reversible Quick Detach Sling Swivel Housing for Left or Right Handed Shooters and Standard Sling Swivel Stud for Traditional Slings
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How to Install the Leapers 13” Quad Rail AR-15 Handguard
In this episode we take our Ruger AR556 Rifle and give it some Range Time with the new UTG Extended Handguard and Tru Glo Red Dot Sight.
#GSR #Ruger #AR556 #MSR #Truglo #UTG #MLOK #RDS #AR15
TRUGLO TRU-TEC 30mm Tactical Red Dot Sight, Red Laser
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Things used to make this video
1. Adobe Premier Editing Software
2. Adobe After Effects
3. Abobe Photoshop
4. Westcott Flex Daylight Set
5. Sanken COS-11D Lavalier Mic
6. DJI Mavic Pro Fly More Combo
7. Epic GoPro / Action Camera Mount for your Boat
8. Dracast Pro On-Camera Light
9. Dracast Halo Ring Led Light
10. Nikon D5600 24.2 MP DSLR Camera
11. Sony PXW-FS7 XDCAM Super 35 Camera System
12. Quick Release Shoulder Plate Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Short Video to Leapers UTG 23 Years Manufacturing Journey, History, and Direction
UTG PRO Website:
Music From:
Hitman Kevin MacLeod ()
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
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Introduction and How to Install your Leapers UTG your Leapers RBUS5BMS-A fixed buttstock
for deals and links
UTG Pro Slim Handguard Review
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Range Time with the Ruger AR556 Rifle with the new UTG Handguard #639
Leapers UTG PRO MTU001SS Drop in front hand guard on a Smith &Wesson M&P 15 Sport. This is a review on the Handguard and also some tips on using/mounting options for a Vortex VMX3t 3x magnifier and Sightmark QD Ultrashot Reflex sight! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
UTG PRO Super Slim 15" Rails | A Must Buy | MustyYeti
Доработка кронштейна Leapers UTG PRO MTU016 , для того , чтобы он стал быстроустанавливаемым , а не только быстросъёмным . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A quick look at the UTG Pro side mount rail I used to mount the Bushnell TRS-25 red dot sight on my DDI AK47S.
Link to the UTG Pro Side Rail mount:
Link to my DDI AK47S video:
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Leapers UTG PRO MTU001SS Drop in HG on a M&P 15 Sport Vortex 3x mag and Sightmark QD Ultrashot
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