Підзорна труба Hawke Nature Trek 16-48x65/45 WP вдало виділяється своїм сучасним дизайном і надійністю механічних вузлів. Як і годиться оптиці даного класу, труба має знімний окуляр, повністю мультипросвітлені лінзи, призма виготовлена з оптичного скла BAK4, полікарбонатний корпус повністю водонепроникний і заповнений азотом. Варто відзначити також зручність для ближніх спостережень, завдяки надзвичайно малій дистанції фокусування. Польовий захисний чохол дуже зручний, його можна не знімати з труби під час її використання, що економить час, захищаючи прилад.
Як і належить професійній оптиці, окуляр у підзорних труб Hawke Nature Trek знімний і змінний. Окулярний вузол Hawke Nature Trek розташований під кутом 45º по відношенню до поздовжньої осі труби - це дуже зручно для спостережень, як з настільних, так і повнорозмірних штативів. Корпус провертається навколо своєї поздовжньої осі і має кілька фіксованих положень для зручності точної установки в горизонтальному або вертикальному положенні, однак може бути зафіксований під будь-яким кутом. Висувна сонцезахисна бленда захистить об'єктив не тільки від сонячних відблисків, а й від крапель дощу. Монтажна база труби адаптована під стандартне кріплення фотоштатива, так що пошук необхідної опори для спостереження - не проблема.
Повне багатошарове широкосмугове просвітлення оптики Hawke забезпечує однаково високу світлопропускну здатність у всьому видимому діапазоні і сприяє високій контрастності і передачі кольору в природних тонах.
BAK4 (барієвий крон) - особливий вид оптичного скла, який використовується для виготовлення призм оптичних приладів. Цей матеріал має більш низький коефіцієнт дисперсії (розсіювання світла), ніж скло, використовуване для бюджетних моделей. Як наслідок - помітно знижується хроматична аберація (райдужна оболонка на різких межах переходу від темного до світлого). Крім того, строго певний показник заломлення світла дозволяє уникнути віньєтування (явища урізання світлового пучка по краях), що забезпечує рівномірно світле зображення по всьому полю зору.
Waterproof - означає, що оптика герметизована ущільнюючим О-кільцем і захищена від проникнення вологи при зануренні в рідину протягом 3 хвилин на глибину 1,5 метра. Статичний тиск рідини на глибині 1,5 метра не завдасть приладу ні найменшого збитку і не вплине на його функціональність. Такій оптиці ніякі погодні умови не страшні.
Fogproof - означає, що корпус зсередини заповнений сухим азотом N2, що не допускає конденсації вологи на внутрішніх поверхнях при градієнті температур, відсутнє запітніння зсередини, а, отже, не виникає корозія матеріалів під впливом вологи. Повітря видаляється з приладу і замінюється інертним газом (в даному випадку азотом N2), який не містить в своєму складі водяної пари і не конденсується.
Сьогодні полікарбонат все частіше використовується для виробництва корпусів оптичних приладів. Застосування цього матеріалу цілком виправдано його мінімальною вагою, хімічною, термічною, механічною стійкістю і простотою обробки. Полікарбонатні корпуси легкі і в той же час міцні. Вони не вимагають додаткової дорогої фінішної обробки, як то анодування або фарбування.
The Nature-Trek spotting scope family offers exceptional optical performance in a lightweight and waterproof modern design. A Fully Multi-Coated optical system combined with BAK-4 Porro prisms produce extremely clear and sharp images.
The 65mm and 80mm optical systems have been optimised for maximum performance while keeping the scope body short in length making them ideal for hiking and travel. Featuring a rotating tripod band, retractable sunshade and stay-on cover for protection.
The new ultra compact 56mm features barrel focussing with twist-up eye piece, delivering 27x magnification in a scope the size of your hand. Supplied with neoprene stay-on case.
The Nature-Trek binocular family utilises our System H2 optics produced in a shock resistant polycarbonate body, providing a robust yet lightweight package. The high grip rubber armor ensures a secure hold in all weather conditions.
Optics are crisp and clear with notable natural colour reproduction. The precise focusing wheel allows focussing down to 2m. Nature-Trek offers a complete range of binoculars from the very portable 25mm models up to the oversized 50mm models, ideally suited to low light conditions where a large exit pupil diameter is required.
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#hawkeoptics #hawkelife #binocular #binoculars #birdwatching #birding #glassing #spottingscope #optics #nature Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
endurance ed 50mm (rs 28000) vs nature trek 56mm (rs 22000)
buy at , contact 9899212222 , 9560687095 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This short film shows how to fit the Hawke digiscoping adapter to the Nature Trek Spotting Scopes. It features both of the eyepieces supplied with these scopes - the earlier version fitted with the foldable rubber eyecup and the later version fitted with the twistable eyecup.
Since this film was made these adapters are now supplied with additional screws - four in total; three to secure the adapter to the scope and one for the top section. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Собираясь на охоту, не забудьте прихватить с собой бинокль, чтобы высмотреть дичь, скрывающуюся в гуще леса. Сидя на сиже и поджидая появления кабана или медведя, наблюдения в бинокль позволят заведомо обнаружить приближающееся животное. Стоит отметить, что к охотничьим биноклям предъявляют жесткие требования в качестве оптики, механики и, конечно же, эргономики. Кроме того /.../
В обзоре использовались бинокли:
Бинокль Hawke Nature Trek 8x32
Бинокль Hawke Nature Trek 10x32
Бинокль Hawke Nature Trek 8x42
Бинокль Hawke Nature Trek 10x42
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Ideal high power monocular suitable for plane /ship spotting , as well as long distance terrestrial use.
FOV 66m @ 1000m
Close focus
Eye relief 10mm
Weight 415g
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review Celestron Ultima 80 vs hawke nature trek 80mm spotting scope ,which is best for birding-hindi
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You can also contact me via Phone and Email.
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Email: anand1971@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Celestron ultima 100 vs Hawke nature trek 80 vs celestron c90 made in usa-spotting scopes review in Hindi visit us at contact/whatsapp 9899212222,9560687095, we ship entire india.
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Vortex Viper 20-60x85 Spotting Scope:
Vortex Razor 27-60x85 Spotting Scope:
We got the Vortex Razor 27-60x85 and the Vortex Viper 20-60x85 spotting scopes so that we could provide for you an unbiased, hands-on review. Whether you're a hunter, bird watcher, or long distance shooter, these are both great options. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Nature-Trek family utilises our System H2 optics produced in a shock resistant polycarbonate body, providing a robust yet lightweight package. The high grip rubber armour ensures a secure hold in all weather conditions.
Optics are crisp and clear with notable natural colour reproduction. The precise focusing wheel allows focussing down to 5m.
Compact monocular design - ideal for travel
Fully multi-coated optics to produce sharp images
Dioptre Style focus - close focus from
High resolution BAK-4 roof prisms
Lightweight and durable rubber coated full-size chassis
Stay-on lens covers for maximum lens protection
Twist-up eye cups with position stops for eye relief
Nitrogen purged. Waterproof. Fog proof.
Hawke No-Fault Lifetime Warranty.
Height: 105mm 4.1"
Width: 30mm
Weight: 145g
Eye Relief: 13mm
Close Focus: 5m
Field of View: 119m @1000m
Field of View: 6.8°
Field of View (Apparent): 54°
Exit Pupil:
Power: 8×
Objective: 25mm
Focus System: Dioptre Style
Lens Coating: Fully Multi-Coated
Prism Type: BAK4 - Roof Hi-Res
Eye Cups: Yes Twist-Up Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
When you pair the Hawke Endurance ED 25-75X85 spotting scope with the Phone Skope adapter now you have an amazing digiscoping tool! The Hawke Spotter is Great because it gives you features and quality that you find in scopes several times its price. I am just honestly amazed with the quality bright clarity of this glass! Combining it with the Phone Skope set up means that now I am able to capture great photos and videos in a way that I never knew was possible.
#digiscoping #hawkeoptics #phoneskope
Man it’s a great time to be an airgunner!!!
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Hawke Endurance Spotter
Phone Skope
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Nikon Action ex 10x50 vs Hawke nature trek 10x50 binocular review-waterproof FMC ,which is better-Hi
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Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh 201014
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You can also contact me via Phone and Email.
Phone: 9899212222 , 9560687095
Email: anand1971@
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#Mercury #Venus #Earth #Mars #Pluto #Ceres
#Jupiter #Saturn #Uranus #Neptune Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
John Farbrother - 2018 BFTA & WFTC Springer Champion - compares Hawke Vantage VS Athlon Argos Spotting Scopes.
You can find the Hawke Vantage here:
The can be found at Athlon Argos:
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At Optics Warehouse, you’ll find the widest selection of quality Rifle Scopes and Mounting Systems available anywhere in the UK. We also offer a huge selection of Red Dots, Thermal and Night Vision gear, Spotting Scopes and Binoculars. In addition, we stock an expansive range of shooting accessories including everything you'll need to get out in the field. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Монокуляр 10x32ED с экстра низкодисперсионным стеклом и большим полем обзора от SVBONY из Китая с Алиэкспресс, тестируем прибор. Монокуляр выполнен в алюминиевом корпусе с чистой без хроматизма картинкой, резкостью практически по всему полю, монолитной сборкой. Монокуляр для путешественников, любителей природы и подглядывания :)
Монокуляр SVBONY 10x32ED
Универсальное крепление для смартфона
Зрительная труба 20-60x80 и монокуляр 12x50
Небрендовый монокуляр 40х60
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Монокуляр Nikula 10-30x25, обзор и сравнение с биноклем БПЦ2
В этом видео я сделал обзор монокуляра Nikula 10 30x25 со съемкой из глазка. Его вес составляет всего 123 грамма, что меньше, чем среднестатистический мобильник.
Ссылка на монокуляр:
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Померяв количество пикселей между заданными точками с увеличением и без, получил примерные значения реальной кратности 8,5x - 23x. Не смотря на это монокуляр довольно интересный и однозначно стоит своих денег. В видео обзоре также есть сравнение купленного Nikula 10-30x25 с советским биноклем БПЦ2. При кратности 10x светопропускная способность вполне отличная, и позволяет рассматривать объекты даже вечером. При увеличении кратности картинка становится темнее, поэтому наблюдать что либо на 30x лучше днем.
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I recently purchased the Hawke 22-67x100 spotting scope. This is a quick unboxing, overview and intitial thoughts. Here are some of the accessories I mentioned in the video; Hawke MH6 90x eyepiece, Hawke balancing plate (included), HX3725 universal camera adapter (42mm thread), T2 camera adapters (Nikon & Micro Four Thirds fit).
Filmed on a Canon Legria (Vixia) HF G30 plus Rode Video pro microphone. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Walk-Around Video of the New Hawke Nature Trek 8x42 Binoculars. Full Review:
Please note that this video of the Hawke Nature-Trek Binocular is designed to be viewed in conjunction with the full and very detailed review of the bin that you can find on BBR here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
◆► Зрительная труба SVBONY SV28
◆► Электронный окуляр SVBONY
◆► Зрительная труба SV28 SVBONY 25-75x70mm
◆► Svbony Монокуляр 13x50 SV49
◆► SVBONY охотничий бинокль 8X42/10X42/8X32
◆► Астрономический телескоп SvBony 60420
◆► Магазин SVBONY на Алиэкспресс
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Эта #зрительнаятруба очень крутая. Ее 75Х увеличение позволяет достаточно детально рассматривать луну. Отличный такой универсальный вариант такого дивайса.
В который раз продукция #SVBONY радует.
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Monocular vs Binoculars for Birding, Hunting, Hiking, Sports & Travel
Undecided as to if you should get a Binocular or Monocular and which is best for your needs?
In this video I take you along with me to test and compare the Opticron WP 8x30 Monocular versus a couple of comparable binoculars to discover which is best under different circumstances and for uses like birding, hiking, hunting and travel.
Related Links:
➡️Monocular vs Binoculars - Full Article on BBR:
➡️Guide to The Best Compact Binoculars:
➡️Guide to Th Best Monoculars
➡️Best Monoculars for Birdwatching
➡️Walkstool - The Lightweight, Portable, Folding Stool Review:
➡️S4Gear LockDown Binocular Harness - My Review:
➡️Get Home / Bug Out Bag Binoculars for Preppers:
➡️Exit Pupil: The Complete Guide
➡️Binocular vs. #Monocular hue perception by Jamie & :
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📒Equipment I Use:📒
➡️Microphone: Shure MV51
➡️Lighting: Fovitec StudioPRO
➡️Tripod: Vanguard ABEO Pro 283CGH & GH-300T Pistol Grip
➡️Camera: Fujifilm X-T200
📒100% Honest, Real Reviews, Advice & Opinions📒
I would like to make it completely clear that like all the reviews and advice that I give on the #BestBinoculars Reviews video channel and website, this is my honest and completely genuine opinion and I am in no way compensated to describe a binocular in a particular way or with a bias.
In other words, if I think a binocular or a feature on it is great, I will say so. If I think it is rubbish or it is weak in certain areas, I will also point them out.
Before writing and publishing any binocular review, I thoroughly research, test, and use the instrument in my office as well as out in the field. I also conduct comprehensive comparisons between the binocular under review with a number of benchmark binoculars in both good and bad light conditions.
Whilst I make every effort not to, I do make the occasional error or am sometimes supplied with the wrong details. If you spot any mistakes, please feel free to contact me either in the comments section, via social media or on my site, so that I can rectify it.
As always, I love getting feedback and your opinions. it is these that help me improve and continue to supply you with content, advice, and reviews that you actually want to watch. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hawke Endurance ED 15-45x60 Spotting Scope - Unboxing & First Impressions
Before my full review of the Hawke Endurance ED 15-45x60 Spotting Scope here is a video of me unboxing this compact, travel-friendly angled scope whilst offering my first impressions on it.. completely unfiltered and unscripted!
📒Relevant Links:📒
➡️New!: My Hawke Endurance ED 15-45x60 Spotting Scope Review is now live:
➡️Cost & Where to Buy: Hawke Endurance ED 15-45x60 Spotting Scope
➡️Vortex Diamondback HD 15x56 Binoculars - Unboxing, First Impressions & Win a Vortex Cap!
➡️All Hawke Spotting Scope Reviews on BBR:
➡️All Hawke Binocular Reviews on BBR:
➡️ How to Clean Binoculars & Spotting Scopes
📒Hawke Endurance ED Spotting Scopes: Main Features & Highlights📒
Hawke Sport Optics currently produces its Endurance ED spotting scopes in four different configurations. The largest is an 85mm scope that comes with a 25-75x zoom eyepiece. The "standard-sized 68mm version with a 16-48x magnification range. Then there are the two compact models, this 15-45x60 version that I am testing and reviewing and the tiny 50mm travel scope with an included zoom eyepiece with a range of 13-39x.
ED Glas Lens Elements
Fully Multi-Coated Optics
Dielectric Mirror Coatings
BaK-4 Porro Prisms
Fully Waterproof & Fogproof Body (Nitrogen Purged)
Stay-on Body Cover
Twin Speed Focusing Mechanism
Zoom Eyepiece
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➡️Watch next – Using Tripods with Binoculars & Spotting Scopes: Height & Eyepiece Angles!
➡️Recommended Playlist – BBR BinoWars Series - Binocular vs Binocular
📒Equipment I Use:📒
➡️Microphone: Shure MV51
➡️Lighting: Fovitec StudioPRO
➡️Tripod: Vanguard ABEO Pro 283CGH & GH-300T Pistol Grip
➡️Camera: Fujifilm X-T200
📒100% Honest, Real Reviews, Advice & Opinions📒
I would like to make it completely clear that like all the reviews and advice that I give on the #BestBinoculars Reviews video channel and website, this is my honest and completely genuine opinion and I am in no way compensated to describe a binocular in a particular way or with a bias.
In other words, if I think a binocular or a feature on it is great, I will say so. If I think it is rubbish or it is weak in certain areas, I will also point them out.
Before writing and publishing any binocular review, I thoroughly research, test, and use the instrument in my office as well as out in the field. I also conduct comprehensive comparisons between the binocular under review with a number of benchmark binoculars in both good and bad light conditions.
Whilst I make every effort not to, I do make the occasional error or am sometimes supplied with the wrong details. If you spot any mistakes, please feel free to contact me either in the comments section, via social media or on my site, so that I can rectify it.
As always, I love getting feedback and your opinions. it is these that help me improve and continue to supply you with content, advice, and reviews that you actually want to watch. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hawke Endurance ED 8x25 binoculars Vs Hawke Nature-Trek 8x25 binoculars
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Hilkinson binoculars
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The Hawke Nature Trek 8x42 monocular offers excellent performance with surprisingly low levels of chromatic aberration for non ED glass optics.
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Hawke binoculars monoculars
Viking binoculars
Hilkinson binoculars
Ostara binoculars
Olivon binoculars
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Whether you’re considering the purchase of a binocular or a spotting scope, you’ll want to know the optical device’s magnification. Magnification is a number indicating how much larger an object appears when viewing it through the optic versus the naked eye. Increased Magnification can affect the Stability. Watch this video to learn how!
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◆► Монокуляр с компасом и дальномером SVBONY 8x42
◆► Зрительная труба 20-60x70 Svbony
◆► Зрительная труба Svbony SV28 50/60/70
◆► Зрительная труба SVBONY SV28 20-60x80mm
◆► Svbony Монокуляр 13x50 SV49
◆► SVBONY охотничий бинокль 8X42/10X42/8X32 BAK4
◆► SvBony Универсальное крепление на смартфон
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Available to purchase here
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Upgraded with a 20-60x eyepiece, the Hawke Endurance ED 20-60x68 spotting scope outperforms many larger spotting scopes with exceptional brightness and clarity.
Chromatic aberration is hardly noticeable, unless you are viewing very high contrast scenes. Very easy to use, with smooth controls. Would have liked the eye relief to be a little longer, but should suit most spectacle wearers.
A lighter option than the 85mm version, coming in at just under . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
With 10x optical zoom for outstanding clarity at distance, the Optics Monocular 10x42 is a vital piece of equipment when it comes to watercraft and observing your quarry. The 42mm diameter multi-coated lens allow light to flood into the eye-piece to offer a greater field of vision, which is especially useful in times of low light, such as dawn or dusk, when fish can be at their most active. It features a solid frame with a textured rubber finish for a reassuring grip. A large rubber focusing wheel makes it easy to adjust for pin-sharp focus, from distances of to as far as the eye can see. The waterproof nitrogen-filled chamber ensures zero fogging for perfect clarity. Weighing in at a mere 324g, this compact lightweight monocular allows extensive use without fatigue. It comes complete with carrybag, wrist strap and lens cloth. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Compact monocular design — ideal for travel
Extra-low Dispersion glass for optimum clarity
Fully Multi-Coated optics to produce sharp images
Dioptre Style focus — close focus from
High resolution Phase Corrected BAK-4 roof prisms
Lightweight and durable rubber coated chassis
Stay-on lens covers for maximum lens protection
Twist-up eye cup with position stops for eye relief
Power: 8x
Objective: 25mm
Lens Coating: Fully Multi-Coated (FMC)
Field of View: m @1000m / ft @1000yds 119m / 356ft
Close Focus: 5m /
Eye relief: 13mm / 0.5″
Height: 105mm / 4.1″
Weight: 150g /
Nitrogen Purged - Waterproof and Fog Proof.
Monoculars have Extra-low Dispersion glass to ensure best image quality and colour reproduction. Available in 42mm or a more compact 25mm
Exit Pupil: 3mm / ″
Prism Type: Roof Hi-Res Phase Corrected (PC) BAK-4
Focus System: Dioptre Style
Eyecups: Twist-Up
Carry Case
Lens Caps
Lens Cloth Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
16x52 HD 16x Magnification Zoom Monocular by ARCHEER Review
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16x52 HD Dual High Powered Focus Optics Zoom Monocular Telescopes Day & Night Vision Waterproof for Hunting Camping Hiking 66m/ 8000m
16X52 MAGNIFICATION - See things 16X closer and Get Clearer and Brighter range of view with 52mm lens - The most powerful hand held monocular available in the market today, that also provides the most pleasant and clear view.
Muilt-coated optics upgraded version of the green AR, Dual focus capability (front and back adjustable zoom).Multicoated optics guarantee superior light transmission and brightness.
Night Vision and Easy focusing: With low-light-level night vision built-in design, it has clear vision when there is reflect light at night. Suitable for Golf, Scope, Camping, Hiking, Fishing, Bird watching, Concerts, etc
Waterproof and Fogproof: Great for any weather and any environment. It’s easy to see why this monocular is frequently chosen by nature enthusiasts.
What you got: 1x ARCHEER 16x52 Monocular, 1 x Bag ARCHEER's 40 days money back guarantee, 18 month hassle-free warranty with considerate customer service
Super Clear, The fully coated optics, meanwhile, ensure superior light transmission and brightness, helping you see just about any target, whether you're searching for birds or trying to get a better view of the stage.
See things 16X closer and Get Clearer and Brighter with 52MM Objective lens and eye larger the objective lens, the more light that enters the binocular, and the brighter the image.
PRISM MATERIAL, BAK4, clear image without black bars,it makes Super Clear and Sharp Images.
WATERPROOF, the mirror is full of the high-purity nitrogen, waterproof and antifogging. You can use it in raining day and humid environment, and have no need to worry about this item.
Magnification: 16x
Field of View: 66M/ 8000M
Prism system: Roof
Exit pupil:
Eye Lens Diameter:
Objective lens diameter: 52mm
Monocular Size: 160*52 mm
Color: Black
Weight: 350g (ultra-compact and ultra-lightweight)
1 x Monocular
1 x Carrying Bag
1 x Neckstrap
1 x Lens Cloth
1 x User Manual
It is a kind of low-light level night vision telescope which means it can be used for night vision with some light but can not be used for totally pitch-black night vision.
When you don't use the telescope please put it in a dry place, because it is easy to fall off the film and prisms moldy after a long wet of telescope lenses. As the best way to dirt or marks on the lens is to use a cotton swab dipped some alcohol at home or gasoline, so it would be more easy to wipe volatile liquid. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Best Spotting Scope for Hunting? - Athlon Argos Spotting Scope [REVIEW]
Are you looking for the best spotting scope for hunting or long range target practice? Watch our Athlon Argos Spotting Scope Review to see if it might be just what you're looking for.
Our REVIEW of the Athlon Argos HD 20-60x85 spotting scope should tell you everything you need to know before you buy!
How big is the Athlon Argos spotting scope? How much does it weigh? Is the 20-65x85 size enough for what I need? How clear is the glass? Is it easy to use? What does Athlon claim about it - is it true? Is it well built? How sturdy does it feel? Is it the best spotting scope for hunting? Wildlife viewing? What do other people say about the Athlon Argos spotting scope? Should you buy one of these or check out another brand?
At Review This Thing, we always cover the FACTS: You can fast forward to the time stamps below if you're interested in a particular subject.
Start: 00:00
Fit: 0:51
As Advertised: 3:24
Construction & Durability: 5:46
Testimonials & Reviews: 7:12
Should you buy this thing?: 8:17
If I haven't answered all your questions about the Athlon Argos HD 20-60x85 spotting scope just ask in the comments below, and I'll be happy to try. Also comment below if you like the video and/or if you already have this spotting scope and have some input.
Check out these links for more information (some of these links are affiliate links which means I may make a very small percentage commission at no cost to you.):
Amazon link - angled eye piece:
Amazon link - straight eye piece:
For more information about this spotting scope:
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*All opinions are mine. I am not paid for any of these reviews. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Compact monocular design — ideal for travel
Extra-low Dispersion glass for optimum clarity
Fully Multi-Coated optics to produce sharp images
Focus knob with 2 turns — close focus from
High resolution Phase Corrected BAK-4 roof prisms
Lightweight and durable rubber coated chassis
Tripod thread
Stay-on lens covers for maximum lens protection
Twist-up eye cup with position stops for eye relief
Power: 8x
Objective: 42mm
Lens Coating: Fully Multi-Coated (FMC)
Field of View: m @1000m / ft @1000yds 129m / 388ft
Close Focus: 2m /
Eye relief: 18mm / 0.7″
Height: 143mm / 5.6″
Weight: 320g /
Nitrogen Purged - Waterproof and Fog Proof. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
9 Things To Consider Before Buying A Spotting Scope
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In this video I share the 9 things you should be considering before purchasing a spotting scope.
Who is Ron Spomer
For 44 years I’ve had the good fortune to photograph and write about my passion – the outdoor life. Wild creatures and wild places have always stirred me – from the first flushing pheasant that frightened me out of my socks in grandpa’s cornfield to the last whitetail that dismissed me with a wag of its tail. In my attempts to connect with this natural wonder, to become an integral part of our ecosystem and capture a bit of its mystery, I’ve photographed, hiked, hunted, birded, and fished across much of this planet. I've seen the beauty that everyone should see, survived adventures that everyone should experience. I may not have climbed the highest mountains, canoed the wildest rivers, caught the largest fish or shot the biggest bucks, but I’ve tried. Perhaps you have, too. And that’s the essential thing. Being out there, an active participant in our outdoor world.
All loading, handloading, gunsmithing, shooting and associated activities and demonstrations depicted in our videos are conducted by trained, certified, professional gun handlers, instructors, and shooters for instructional and entertainment purposes only with emphasis on safety and responsible gun handling. Always check at least 3 industry handloading manuals for handloading data, 2 or 3 online ballistic calculators for ballistic data. Do not attempt to duplicate, mimic, or replicate anything you see in our videos. Firearms, ammunition, and constituent parts can be extremely dangerous if not used safely.
Produced by: Red 11 Media
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#spottingscope #review #huntinggear
All loading, handloading, gunsmithing, shooting and associated activities and demonstrations depicted in our videos are conducted by trained, certified, professional gun handlers, instructors, and shooters for instructional and entertainment purposes only with emphasis on safety and responsible gun handling. Always check at least 3 industry handloading manuals for handloading data, 2 or 3 online ballistic calculators for ballistic data. Do not modify any cartridge or firearm beyond what the manufacturer recommends. Do not attempt to duplicate, mimic, or replicate anything you see in our videos. Firearms, ammunition, and constituent parts can be extremely dangerous if not used safely. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Celestron Ultima 80 | Set up & Use for Terrestrial & Celestial View | Spotting scope
Celestron 80mm Ultima Zoom Spotting Scope:
Equipment Link:
How to Set up & Use Celestron Ultima 80mm for both Terrestrial & Celestial View
Music : Meditation Impromptu 02 by Kevin MacLeod
Source : YouTube Creator
License :
Meditation Impromptu 02 by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ()
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First impression and look at the Acuter Natureclose 20-60x80mm waterproof spotting scope. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Just like its namesake, the Celestron Hummingbird ED spotting scope comes in a tough little package ready to travel great distances or just hang around your backyard.
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Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#compactbinoculars #buyingguide #opticstrade
What is a compact binocular? The name couldn’t describe it any better – it is small and light, which makes it a great companion for longer tours where every surplus of weight is best avoided. That's why we have created a special COMPACT BINOCULARS buying guide in which we divided our selection of binoculars into 4 price classes, pointing out general features and our top picks.
Read more in our blog post:
00:00 Intro
00:48 Where are we?
01:23 Price classes
01:57 General features of compact binoculars
03:52 Fields of use
07:04 1. price class
07:29 Features of the 2. price class
08:49 Models of the 2. price class
10:23 Features of the 3. price class
11:52 Models of the 3. price class
13:16 Features of the 4. price class
15:17 Models of the 4. price class
16:34 Features of the 5. price class
19:19 Models of the 5. price class
Products mentioned:
2. price class (100–300 €)
Vortex Diamondback HD:
Sightron SII Blue Sky:
Hawke Endurance ED:
Delta Optical One:
Vortex Raptor:
3. price class (300–500 €)
GPO Passion ED:
Zeiss Terra ED:
Nikon Monarch 7:
Steiner Skyhawk 4.0:
4. price class (500–1000 €)
Zeiss Conquest HD:
Leica Trinovid HD:
Swarovski CL Companion:
Meopta Meostar B1:
Swarovski Habicht:
5. price class (1000 €+)
Swarovski EL:
Leica Ultravid HD Plus:
Zeiss Victory FL:
Blaser Primus:
Browse all Compact Binoculars:
Useful videos:
The ULTIMATE 8x42 Binoculars Buying Guide:
Compact VS Pocket Binoculars:
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Best Spotting Scope Under $500 in 2022 [Top 5 Picks Reviewed]
► Links to the best spotting scopes under $500 we listed in this video:
► 5. Celestron – Ultima 100 -
► 4. Konus 7122 20x-60x100mm -
► 3. Celestron Regal M2 65ED -
► 2. Vanguard Endeavor HD 82A -
► 1. Vortex Optics Diamondback -
Today, we decided to review the top 5 best spotting scopes under $500 out there for this year. We made this list after we did tens of hours of research, and came up with the best ones that can fulfill all your needs. If you have any other recommendations, please let us know!
Thanks for watching, i hope you liked this video. If this video was helpful to you, please remember to leave a like and subscribe to our channel to see more videos like this in the future and if you have any other questions related to these products, you can leave a comment down below. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Максимальне корисне збільшення - 100x, Діаметр об'єктива - 50 мм, Фокусна відстань - 600 мм, Оптична конструкція - рефрактори, Тип монтування - азимутальне....
Максимальне корисне збільшення - 140x, Діаметр об'єктива - 70 мм, Фокусна відстань - 400 мм, Оптична конструкція - рефрактори, Тип монтування - азимутальне....
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