Мінімальний розмір - максимальна продуктивність. На етапі проектування ставилося завдання створити компактну і легку підзорну трубу, доступну за ціною, але при цьому відповідаючу бездоганній якості оптики під брендом Kowa. Розміри і вага кожної деталі зменшені настільки, наскільки можливо при цьому зберегти максимальну функціональність приладу. Підзорна труба Kowa 20-40x50/45 (TSN-501) настільки компактна, що її можна взяти з собою куди завгодно. Труба вільно поміщається на долоні руки, а це значить, що вона не займе багато місця в похідному рюкзаку, з легкістю поміститься в бардачок автомобіля і точно буде поруч саме тоді, коли потрібна. Це відмінна оптична труба для стрільців по мішенях, але ще більш захоплюючі види можна спостерігати на відстані всього в кілька метрів. Уявіть собі метелика на квітці на відстані трьох кроків, збільшеного в 40 разів! Технології виробника дозволили зменшити мінімальну дистанцію фокусування до 2,5 метрів, що практично недосяжно для конкурентів. Корпус підзорної труби герметичний, надійно захищений від попадання вологи і заповнений сухим азотом. Навіть в такому ультракомпактном розмірі Kowa знову створила маленький шедевр, який відповідає очікуванням фанатів оптики цього бренду.
Waterproof - означає, що оптика герметизована ущільнюючим О-кільцем і захищена від проникнення вологи по японському промисловому стандарту IPX6. Будь-який потужний спрямований струмінь води не завдасть приладу найменшого збитку, він залишиться герметичний і водонепроникний при стандартних температурних режимах. Такій оптиці ніякі погодні умови не страшні.
Fogproof - означає, що корпус зсередини заповнений сухим азотом, що виключає конденсацію вологи на внутрішніх поверхнях при перепаді температур. Як наслідок, оптика не пітніє зсередини, а також не виникає корозія матеріалів під впливом вологи. Повітря видаляється з приладу і замінюється інертним газом (в даному випадку азотом N2), який не містить в своєму складі водяної пари і не конденсується.
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Kowa TSN-500 50mm Spotting Scope - Designed for All
Enjoy close up views of nature anytime with the Kowa TSN-500 spotting scope. Small and light enough to always be with you whether at home, the park or trekking out in the hills.
See flowers and insects with incredible detail using the close focus capabilities. A responsive focus wheel and smooth 20-40x twist zoom makes operation easy for any age.
Kowa optical technology produces high resolution and clarity even in such a compact optic making a moment more memorable and immersive, then capture it forever with your smartphone using the Kowa smartphone adapter.
See website to check latest compatible smartphone models. Requires addiitonal TSN-AR 66Z adapter ring.
Enjoy close up views of your world anytime with the Kowa TSN-500 spotting scope.
Small and light enough to always be with you whether at home, the park or trekking out in the hills.
TSN-500 is fully waterproof and nitrogen filled, this tough little scope is designed to perform in harsh environments.
Weighing only 400g, the TSN-500 series spotting scope is light enough to take with you even on the longest treks and expeditions.
Measuring just 239mm in length* TSN-500 series is extremely portable – the perfect choice for enjoying outdoor pursuits.
*TSN-501 model.
TSN-500 series is the perfect choice for hunting, archery and target shooting, with a magnification of 20-40x – quickly observe your target in great clarity.
With close focus performance down to just – enjoy incredible detail of plants and insects at up to 40x magnification.
The TSN-500 series is so lightweight and easy to use for all ages, enjoy at home, at the range or out in the great outdoors.
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Лише найкраще для ваших пригод у природі! Представляємо вам підзорну трубу Kowa 20-40x50/45 TSN-501 (11428) – ваш вірний спутник у вивченні неймовірного світу довкілля та дикої природи.
Ця компактна та потужна труба від Kowa вразить вас своєю найвищою якістю зображення, завдяки великому об'єктиву та збільшенню від 20 до 40 разів. Незалежно від того, чи ви любите спостерігати за птахами, дикими тваринами чи просто насолоджуватися красою далеких пейзажів – ця труба робить це максимально захопливим.
У нашому відео, ми розглянемо всі переваги та особливості цієї моделі, а також покажемо, як вона допоможе вам створити незабутні моменти спостережень. Приєднуйтесь до нас і дізнайтеся більше про те, як Kowa TSN-501 може зробити ваші пригоди ще захопливішими! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The small scope with the big heritage.
Enjoy close up views of nature anytime with the Kowa TSN-500 spotting scope. Small and light enough to always be with you whether at home, the park or trekking out in the hills.
See flowers and insects with incredible detail using the close focus capabilities. A responsive focus wheel and smooth 20-40x twist zoom makes operation easy for any age.
Kowa optical technology produces high resolution and clarity even in such a compact optic making a moment more memorable and immersive, then capture it forever with your smartphone using the Kowa smartphone adapter.
See website to check latest compatible smartphone models. Requires addiitonal TSN-AR 66Z adapter ring.
Enjoy close up views of your world anytime with the Kowa TSN-500 spotting scope.
Small and light enough to always be with you whether at home, the park or trekking out in the hills.
TSN-500 is fully waterproof and nitrogen filled, this tough little scope is designed to perform in harsh environments.
Weighing only 400g, the TSN-500 series spotting scope is light enough to take with you even on the longest treks and expeditions.
Measuring just 239mm in length* TSN-500 series is extremely portable – the perfect choice for enjoying outdoor pursuits.
*TSN-501 model.
TSN-500 series is the perfect choice for hunting, archery and target shooting, with a magnification of 20-40x – quickly observe your target in great clarity.
With close focus performance down to just – enjoy incredible detail of plants and insects at up to 40x magnification.
The TSN-500 series is so lightweight and easy to use for all ages, enjoy at home, at the range or out in the great outdoors.
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Kowa TSN-501 20-40x kaukoputki:
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Kowa packages absolute affordability, quality, and performance in the compact Kowa TSN 500 spotting scope. Constructed with lightweight polycarbonate, the TSN 500 wins in portability with its 14 ounce weight and under 10 inch length. When you are back home, the 8.2 close focus of TSN 500 works great for backyard observation. The TSN 500 is waterproof, fogproof, and budget friendly.
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Ціна 13338 Грн
Мінімальний розмір – максимальна продуктивність. На етапі проектування ставилося завдання створити компактну і легку підзорну трубу, доступну за ціною, але яка відповідає бездоганній якості оптики під брендом Kowa. Розміри і вага кожної деталі зменшені настільки, наскільки можна зберегти максимальну функціональність приладу. Підзорна труба Kowa 20-40x50/45 (TSN-501) настільки компактна, що її можна взяти із собою куди завгодно. Труба вільно поміщається на долоні руки, а це означає, що вона не займе багато місця в похідному рюкзаку, з легкістю поміститься в ящик автомобіля і точно буде поруч саме тоді, коли потрібна. Це чудова оптична труба для стрільців по мішенях, але ще більш захоплюючі види можна спостерігати на відстані всього кілька метрів. Уявіть собі метелика на квітці на відстані трьох кроків, збільшену в 40 разів! Технології виробника дозволили зменшити мінімальну дистанцію фокусування до 2,5 метра, що практично недосяжно для конкурентів. Корпус підзорної труби герметичний, надійно захищений від попадання вологи та заповнений сухим азотом. Навіть у такому ультракомпактному розмірі Kowa знову створила маленький шедевр, який відповідає очікуванням фанів оптики цього бренду. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ціна 13600 Грн
Для замовлення переходьте за посиланням нижче:
Мінімальний розмір – максимальна продуктивність. На етапі проектування ставилося завдання створити компактну і легку підзорну трубу, доступну за ціною, але яка відповідає бездоганній якості оптики під брендом Kowa. Розміри і вага кожної деталі зменшені настільки, наскільки можна зберегти максимальну функціональність приладу. Підзорна труба Kowa 20-40x50/45 (TSN-501) настільки компактна, що її можна взяти із собою куди завгодно. Труба вільно поміщається на долоні руки, а це означає, що вона не займе багато місця в похідному рюкзаку, з легкістю поміститься в ящик автомобіля і точно буде поруч саме тоді, коли потрібна. Це чудова оптична труба для стрільців по мішенях, але ще більш захоплюючі види можна спостерігати на відстані всього кілька метрів. Уявіть собі метелика на квітці на відстані трьох кроків, збільшену в 40 разів! Технології виробника дозволили зменшити мінімальну дистанцію фокусування до 2,5 метра, що практично недосяжно для конкурентів. Корпус підзорної труби герметичний, надійно захищений від попадання вологи та заповнений сухим азотом. Навіть у такому ультракомпактному розмірі Kowa знову створила маленький шедевр, який відповідає очікуванням фанів оптики цього бренду. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kowa TSN-501 Spektiv Vorstellung
In diesem Video stelle ich euch das Kowa TSN-501 Spektiv vor.
Das TSN-501 ist ein kompaktes und leichtes Spektiv mit 20-40x Vergrösserung, ideal für die Naturbeobachtung, Vogelbeobachtung und Reisen. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Il cannocchiale terrestre Kowa TSN 501 utilizza una lente acromatica con trattamento KR da 50mm di diametro; compatto e leggero è lo strumento ideale per chi vuole viaggiare, ottimo strumento per birdwatching o osservazioni naturalistiche.
E' possibile anche fotografare utilizzando un semplice accessorio della Celestron Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buona sera a tutti. Oggi vi propongo la video recensione del Kowa TSN-501, uno spotting scope compatto, con un diametro dell’obiettivo di 50 mm e un oculare zoom con un ingrandimento variabile compreso tra 20 x e 40X. Costa 309 euro e beneficia di dieci anni di garanzia.
Buona visione e buona lettura.
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Want to be able to rotate your angled Kowa 553 spotting scope? Check out this mount by Aziak Equipment.
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How about this for super compact digiscoping? With the Kowa TSN-AR500 adapter ring, you can now quickly attach your smart phone to our new tiny 50mm Kowa TSN-500 series spotting scopes. The scope weighs just 400g - push your smartphone adapter over the eyepiece and you have an incredibly compact and lightweight super telephoto system in the palm of your hand.
See our websites for latest smart phone model compatibility.
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A journey of over 60 years of heritage, refining and developing techniques passed down decade to decade from the Kowa optical masters in Japan. This legacy leads us to where we are now – introducing the new compact Kowa TSN-550 PROMINAR – a truly unique spotting scope, designed to make your journeys truly memorable and immersive.
Only the finest optics deserve the accolade of the PROMINAR title. Optics that utilise Kowa’s unique benchmark feature – fluorite crystal, delivering simply the best optical performance available today.
At the heart of the TSN-550 PROMINAR series spotting scope beats a fluorite crystal objective lens. This natural mineral has an outstanding feature of very low dispersion that cannot be found in optical glass. This characteristic enables Kowa to eliminate colour blur almost completely and dramatically increase resolution and contrast. Fluorite crystal is a unique feature of Kowa spotting scopes and is a testament to decades of Kowa optical developments.
A mysterious stone called fluorite, emits light like a firefly when it is heated or exposed to ultraviolet radiation. Fluorite has an outstanding feature of very low dispersion that cannot be found in optical glass, This characteristic enables Kowa to eliminate colour blur almost completely and dramatically increase resolution and contrast. Fluorite is considerably more difficult to handle than optical glass, it requires highly advanced processing technology.
Kowa put forth extra care, time and technique to produce the ultimate viewing experience with a pure fluorite crystal lens. It’s what makes Kowa unique.
The optimum optical material to minimise chromatic aberration is fluorite crystal.
Fluorite crystal with extremely low dispersion characteristics is used for the convex lens of the Kowa TSN-550 PROMINAR models.
Measuring just a mere 270mm in length and weighing only 800g*, the TSN-550 PROMINAR is truly compact and makes the perfect travel companion.
Kowa’s dream was to create an ultra-portable spotting scope delivering the highest levels of optical performance. This vision has been realised in the TSN-550 PROMINAR.
The TSN-550 PROMINAR represents a way of thinking, a way of life. An optic that enhances every moment you use it. It’s unique. A spotting scope this compact creates new opportunities. Wherever your journey takes you, the Kowa TSN-550 is the perfect travel companion.
A lightweight yet durable, fully waterproof and nitrogen filled chassis ensures performance in the toughest of environments.
Not only does the TSN-550 PROMINAR adopt the unique styling of it’s larger predecessor, it also inherits what makes the TSN-880 still unrivalled to this day – decades of Kowa optical development. The result? A new benchmark optic in the compact spotting scope market.
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Kowa System - Breath Life in to your historical Kowa Spotting Scope
Own a historical Kowa spotting scope? Did you know you can breath new life in to your optic with a Kowa System upgraded eyepiece and digiscoping adapter? It's all part of the Kowa System that makes a range of #spottingscopes old and new one of the most versatile and functional spotting scope systems available. Here we demonstrate with a Kowa TS-611
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In our latest Georges Cameras TV video, Nathan takes us through the ultimate guide to spotting scopes on outdoor expeditions. Spotting scopes offer more versatility over binoculars due to their ability to spot elusive birds and wild animals from a distance. Using the right adapters, these tools are also well-suited for both outdoor photography and videography - especially in wide-open spaces.
The Vanguard Vesta 460A 15-50x60 Angled Scope Spotting is the best in the Vesta series. Its incredible features make it an excellent choice for bird-watching. The angled spotting scope features a magnification range of 15-50x. With an 11mm eye relief, this fog-and-water-proof scope has a field view of 125-57 feet.
The Vanguard Endeavor XF 60A 15-45x60 Angled Spotting Scope offers excellent optical viewing. The rigid, rugged body of the spotting scope makes it perfect for outdoor usage. Along with a magnification range of 15-45x, this scope offers a field of view spanning 69-144 feet. It has a sturdy build and an angled view, with an eye relief of 19-20mm.
Compact and lightweight, the Kowa TSN 501-20-40x50 Angled Spotting Scope with Eyepiece from Kowa is another excellent alternative you can consider. It is angled, sturdy, and delivers a magnification of 20-40x. The field of view ranges from 131-92 feet.
Vanguard has nailed the Vanguard Endeavor HD 82A 20-60x82 Angled Spotting Scope, from an impressive magnification range to incorporating unique elements in the optical design. Its top features are the excellent eye relief of 19mm and the magnification of 20-60x - not to mention the robust and waterproof build.
Like other spotting scopes in the Endeavour series from Vanguard, the Vanguard Endeavor XF 80A 20-60x80 Angled Spotting Scope has impeccable features. It has a powerful objective lens of 80mm and an equally excellent magnification range of 20-60x.
The Nikon PROSTAFF 5 Fieldscope 60-A is a remarkable product from Nikon. The field scope does not come with an eyepiece. We'd recommend the Nikon SEP-20-60 as it complements the field scope perfectly. Waterproof, tough, and durable, this angled scope has a decent objective lens of 60mm. Its 20-60x magnification range is also great for photography.
The most noticeable feature of the Vixen GEOMA II ED 67-S Spotting Scope is its extra-low dispersion glass element. It has a proper eye relief of 19mm, and an impressive magnification range of 16-48x. The tough build makes this angled scope well suited for outdoor shooting.
The Nikon Monarch 20-60x82 ED Spotting Scope from Nikon features Field-Flattener technology, which gives it the ability to deliver edge-to-edge sharpness. The Monarch includes the MEP 20-60x eyepiece and offers a field view of 111 feet, an eye relief of 16.1 mm, and a magnification range of 20-60x.
Zeiss is another brand that offers great spotting scopes. One such excellent product from the brand is the Zeiss Harpia 85 body Angled Spotting Scope. The spotting scope is angled and has an objective lens of 85mm. The Zeiss Harpia 85 will require the Zeiss Victory Vario Eyepiece, which offers 22-65x.
Now that we've walked you through the very best spotting scopes, it's time for you to pick one that best suits your requirements. Remember, magnification, lens design, build quality, weather-proof features are essential aspects to look out for.
Vanguard Vesta 460A 15-50x60 Angled Scope Spotting - Includes Case & Tripod
Vanguard Endeavor XF 60A 15-45x60 Angled Spotting Scope
Kowa TSN 501-20-40x50 Angled Spotting Scope with Eyepiece
Vanguard Endeavor HD 82A 20-60x82 Angled Spotting Scope
Vanguard Endeavor XF 80A 20-60x80 Angled Spotting Scope
Nikon PROSTAFF 5 Fieldscope 60-A
Nikon SEP-20-60 Eyepiece
Vixen GEOMA II ED 67-S Spotting Scope with Case
Nikon Monarch 20-60x82 ED Spotting Scope
Zeiss Harpia 85 body Angled Spotting Scope
Zeiss Victory Vario Eyepiece
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Ab der Seriennummer 568106 benötigt man den Ring TSN-AR 500A zum befestigen des Handys mit der Kowa Handyschale. Die neuere Serie hat einen grösseren Durchmesser am Okular (40mm) gegenüber dem Vorgänger (37,5mm bis Seriennummer 568105)
Ein kleinst Fernrohr für die Berge. Sehr leicht, nur 400 gramm mit sehr guter optischer Leistung. Wasserfest, 20-40 facher Vergrösserung. Nahgrenze 2,5 Meter.
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Zubehör zum Kowa 501 / 502 zu Digiscoping Foto Video
Neu braucht es ab der Seriennummer 568106 den Ring TSN AR 500A (40mm) um die Schale von Kowa mit dem Handy an des Fernrohr zu befestigen. bis Seriennummer 568105 war es noch der Ring TSN AR 500 37,5mm. die neuen haben jetzt einen grösseren Okular Durchmesser.
Das richtige Zubehör zum Fotografieren, Filmen, und Digiscoping mit dem KOWA 501 / 502
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00:06 Kenai 2:-
00:54 Overview TS 82:-
02:27 Hummingbird:-
03:53 TSN-501:-
04:45 Endeavor HD:-
06:33 Ares :-
08:02 XP HD:-
09:56 Razor HD:-
11:07 Regal M2:-
12:30 Viper HD:-
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TSN-601 - Angled version
TSN-602 - Straight version
High performance in a lightweight, compact 's the stand out feature of these user-friendly models. Excellent cost performance and the ability to use a range of Kowa eyepieces and accessories. Carrying and handling is so easy with the TSN-600 model, anyone can enjoy viewing and observation.
All lenses, prisms and dust proof glass are fully multi-coated, ensuring sharp images and a clear visual range. The optics benefit from decades of Kowa optical design and technical advancements in coating technology. Optical performance for such a compact spotting scope is tremendous, delivering crisp and bright images with natural colour reproduction.
Despite the small and lightweight body, the Kowa TSN-600 series is strong and rugged. A tough polycarbonate body is sealed and fully waterproof and nitrogen filled to prevent fogging. Use the TSN-600 with confidence - it won't let you down even in severe weather conditions.
The TSN-600 series spotting scope benefits from the standard Kowa eyepiece bayonet fitting and accessory collar, meaning you can use a range of different eyepieces including zoom, wide angle and long eye-relief as well as a range of optical accessories including extender for greater magnification and reach plus digiscoping adapters for long range super telephoto photography.
The body design of the TSN-600 series with ergonomic shaping, smooth focus wheel and bayonet fitting eyepiece make the scope extremely easy to use, from beginners to the advanced, operation is effortless, focusing precise and observation a pleasure.
The TSN-600 series spotting is ready to accept a range of Kowa digiscoping accessories - quickly connect DSLR, compact system and smartphones to the scope body with ease for an effective, ultra compact long range digiscoping solution.
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What Does 96x Optical Zoom look like through a Kowa Pure Fluorite Crystal scope?
Ever wondered just what 96x optical zoom looks like through a Kowa Pure Fluorite Crystal scope?
Watch the video to see the Pure Fluorite Crystal Kowa TSN-884 spotting scope and Kowa TSN-EX16 extender from footage recorded with iPhone SE and Kowa TSN-IP5 smartphone adapter.
No enhancements have been made to the video footage.
Eyepiece zoom 60x
x 1.6 with Kowa TSN-EX16 extender
= 96x optical zoom
Equipment used:
Kowa TSN-884 spotting scope
Kowa TE-11WZ 25-60x eyepiece
Kowa TSN-EX16 extender
Kowa TSN-iP5 digiscope adapter
iPhone SE
iPhone SE video format recording at 1080p 30fps
Distance to subject measured by laser range finder at 38m.
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IPhone Digiscoping with Kowa TSN-1 Spotting Scope and iPhone SE
Here is an example of iPhone Digiscoping using Kowa System S adapters and a Kowa TSN-1 historical spotting scope. By changing the eyepiece to a current TE-9Z 20-60x we can utilise the Kowa System TSN-AR66Z adapter ring along with a Kowa Smartphone adapter - easy set-up and great results - pushing the eyepiece right up to 60x to eliminate vignetting. Kowa System S is designed so that owners of not just current spotting scopes, but those who own Kowa historical spotting scopes can still enjoy all the latest digiscoping adapters and accessories that Kowa have to offer.
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Need extra reach? The Kowa System TSN-EX16 extender increase the magnification of TSN-880/770 spotting scope by 1,6x - so if you are using our TE-11WZ 25-60x eyepiece - hat makes it an incredible 40-96x! The pure fluorite crystal objective lens still delivers amazing results even at this high magnification.
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Introducing the Kowa TSN-99 PROMINAR Spotting Scope Series
For those that arrive early and leave late.
For those who explore, searching for hidden secrets.
For those who create, and make precious memories.
For those making discoveries.
For those that trust their eyes:
We made the TSN-99 PROMINAR for you...
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Digiscoping adapter for DSLR, compact system and Micro Four Third camera bodies.
It’s never been easier to digiscope with your KOWA TSN 82SV, KOWA TSN 663M / 664M or KOWA TSN 601 / 602 spotting scope.
The Kowa TSN-PA8 connects to the spotting scope via the accessory collar located on the scope body. Designed to be used with the Kowa TE-Z9B eyepiece, the adapter slides over the eyepiece and secures to the supplied collar allowing full use of the zoom eyepiece range giving an amazing focal length reach.
Digiscoping with historical products has never been easier!
Did you know you can now digiscope with your old Kowa spotting scope using the Kowa TSN-PA8 digiscope adapter*?
Compatible spotting scopes
TSN-820/820M Series
TS-601 / 602
Compatible Eyepieces
KOWA TE-Z9B 20-60x
TSE-Z4 (20-60x) (discontinued)
TSE-Z7 (20-60x) (discontinued)
* Requires TSN-CR3 converter ring and compatible eyepiece.
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Kleines Fernrohr im Premium Segment, einzigartig in dieser Klasse. Asgestattet mit Fluoritlinsen und Wasserfest. 10 Jahre Garantie und ein Traum für jegliche Art von Beobachtungen vor allem bei genügend Licht und wegen des gewichtes (nur 800 Gramm) Ideal in den Bergen ob beim Wandern oder auf der Jagd.
Erhältlich im Optik, Jagd, Outdoor und Online-Handel.
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An Introduction to the Concept Behind Kowa TSN-550
Практическое применение подзорной трубы не ограничивается лишь охотой или рыбалкой. Не менее полезной она окажется и на семейном отдыхе на природе для наблюдения за птицами и животными или же шпионских игр вместе с маленькими детективами.
Недорогая зрительная труба Konus Konuspot-50 поставляется в комплекте с настольным штативом, мягким нейлоновым чехлом с ремешком для хранения и транспортировки, закрывающимся на липучке, а также инструкцией и бюджетной салфеткой для протирки оптики.
Цена, характеристики и текстовый обзор подзорной трубы Konus KonuSpot-50:
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See how easy it is to use " fitting astronomy eyepieces with a Kowa Prominar TSN-880 pure fluorite series and TSN-770 XD series spotting scope using Kowa System Astronomy adapters - Kowa and - Available now.
Use with the Kowa System TSN-EX16 extender for even greater magnifications.
All part of the versatile Kowa Spotting Scope System. Follow the story at Kowa System,
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Kowa TSN-99A + TE-11WZ II Wide Angle Photo Unboxing - by MHzOutdoor
Unboxing fotografico del nuovo cannocchiale di Kowa TSN-99A modello angolato, completo di oculare zoom 30-70x TE-11WZ II.
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Take a Tour of the Kowa Optical Products Factory in Japan!
With an optical design and manufacturing heritage spanning over 60 years - you might just be surprised where you will find a Kowa optical lens being used throughout the World and the difference they make every day to society.
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Kowa TSN-663 Prominar Angled Spotting Scope Body Photo slideshow
The Kowa TSN-PA7A is just one of many accessories in the Kowa System range for Kowa TSN-880/770 spotting scopes - this easy to use digiscoping adapter quickly slides over the eyepiece and can be used with full frame, APS-C and MFT camera system. Requires T2 ring.
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The classic, affordable large diameter scope from Kowa with outstanding light gathering power with 82mm objective lens and very bright field of view. All lenses prisms, and dust-proof glass are fully multicoated, ensuring sharp images and a clear visual range. With a selection of three eyepieces, accessories and digiscoping adapters - the TSN-82SV represents superb value for money and benefits from Kowa legendary optical design and engineering.
All optics inside the TSN-82SV are fully multi-coated using sophisticated techniques developed over many years of Kowa optical engineering. The large bright 82mm objective lens has superb light gathering power, perfect for low light observation and digiscoping where light is extremely important. The image is sharp, vibrant whilst retaining a natural warm colour.
Surrounding the fully multi-coated optics and large objective lens is a tough and rugged polycarbonate body perfectly suited to protect the precise engineering inside. The scope is fully waterproof and dry nitrogen filled to prevent fogging. A scope built truly for the great outdoors in the harshest of environments.
As with all Kowa spotting scopes, the TSN-82SV is designed to be a flexible and versatile optical instrument. The body incorporates the standard secure bayonet fitting for a range of different eyepieces. An easy accessible accessory collar is ready to accept the Kowa extender for extra reach or a range of digiscoping products for long range telephoto photography.
The body and engineering of the TSN-82SV has been designed to make operation out in the field as comfortable as possible. A large, responsive focus wheel gives you ultimate control whilst sleek and ergonomic styling makes handling the scope a pleasure. The large twist sun shade glides in to position - the whole scope looks and feels premium.
The TSN-82SV is fitted with the standard accessory collar meaning that Kowa digiscoping adapters can be quickly and easily connected. THe large 82mm objective lens is perfectly suited to the art of digiscoping and you can use Kowa adapters to attach DSLR, compact system cameras and smartphones to capture incredible long range telephoto images.
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In this video example we show how combining KowaSystem S components creates a simple digiscoping solution for DSLR cameras and an old Kowa TS-611 spotting scope.
Here we use the Kowa TE-9Z eyepiece with the Kowa TSN-PA8 digiscoping adapter with a #Sony E-mount T2 ring to connect to a Sony full frame camera. The TSN-PA8 is also compatible with APSC and MFT sensor sizes.
This video shows just how flexible KowaSystem S is allowing users of old Kowa scopes to digiscope with the latest digital cameras! Find out more on our websites.
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Links to Best Spotting Scopes are listed below.
Check Today’s Price on Amazon:
we've researched the Best Spotting Scopes options on Amazon saving you time and money.
1. Vanguard Endeavor HD 82A Angled Spotting Scope with 20-60x Zoom Eyepiece and Stay-On Case
2. Vortex Optics Viper HD Spotting Scopes
3. Celestron – Ultima 80 Angled Spotting Scope – 20 to 60x80mm Zoom Eyepiece
4. Kowa TSN-501 Spotting Scope
5. Celestron Regal M2 80ED Spotting Scope – Fully Multi-Coated Optics
#BestSpottingScope #SpottingScope #Scope
The best spotting scopes, also known as field scopes or digiscopes, are ideally suited for bird-watching, natural life spotting, and in any event, stargazing. They arrive in a scope of sizes and give you additional amplification to truly focus regarding your matter. Here is our aide the best spotting scopes marked down today.
On the off chance that you didn't have a clue, a spotting scope is a sort of open air optic that is utilized for amplifying a far off subject; basically, it's a little telescope. The benefit it has over optics and monoculars is the degree of amplification. The last option don't for the most part surpass an amplification of around 10x, and on the off chance that they do, will be amazingly weighty. Spotting scopes, in contast, are thin, convenient but then prepared to do amazing amplification.
Probably the best spotting scopes have variable zooms, which permit you to change the amplification dependent on the circumstance. They can even be utilized for photography assuming you connect a camera to one, a training known as 'digiscoping'. In any case, it merits looking at the best mounts, as a consistent hand is fundamental at high amplifications. (At the point when you're zoomed in that far, even slight developments will be significantly overstated.)
Spotting scopes are accessible at all unique sticker costs, and in this aide we've included models for all spending plans, from modest section level scopes to very good quality optical wonders like the Zeiss Conquest Gavia 85. Without a doubt, assuming you are on the lookout for an exceptional scope, you may likewise need to look at the Leica APO-Televid 82. Both of these scopes are magnificent, however accompany sticker prices that reflect it. In the mean time, for additional perusing choices, look at our advisers for the best optics and the best monoculars available today. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kowa System - Kowa's Unique Versatile Spotting Scope System
See the World and beyond with Kowa System, One of the most flexible spotting scope systems available. At the heart of Kowa System, a pure fluorite crystal objective lens making all Kowa System adapters perform like a dream,
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Kowa's Prominar spotting scopes takes image quality to the max by incorporating fluorite crystal lenses. With the enhanced resolution, color, and contrast, customers enjoy the ultimate viewing experience.
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Kowa C-883N and C-884N Modular Neoprene Case for Kowa TSN-883 and TSN-884 Spotting Scopes
Kowa C-883N and C-884N modular neoprene case for Kowa TSN-883 and TSN-884 spotting scopes, includes PROMINAR padded shoulder strap and carry straps. Enough space to use your TSN-EX16 extender. Streamlined fit with high grade neoprene material - available now. Also available for TSN-553 compact spotting scope models.
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Video demonstration showing Kowa System S in action - digiscoping with an historical Kowa spotting scope with the latest Kowa Digiscoping adapter. In this example we are using a Kowa TSN-1 with a current Kowa TE-9Z 20-40x eyepiece plus a Kowa TSN-DA20 digiscoping adapter with a Olympus OMD-EM5MK II Micro four thirds camera and 25mm lens. Connection between camera lens and Kowa DA20 is made using the filter thread on the lens by adding a Kowa TSN-AR46 adapter. The whole system takes seconds to set-up and results can be fantastic. Learn more about Kowa System S and how you could breathe life in to your own historical Kowa spotting scope on our websites.
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Andy Roy, SIG SAUER Academy Instructor and Army Long Range Marksmanship Instructor, walks through the features and benefits of the SIG SAUER Electro-Optics OSCAR7 20-60X82 MM Angled Spotting Scope. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kowa Neoprene C-883N / C-884N Case Fitting Instructions
Максимальне корисне збільшення - 100x, Діаметр об'єктива - 50 мм, Фокусна відстань - 600 мм, Оптична конструкція - рефрактори, Тип монтування - азимутальне....
Максимальне корисне збільшення - 140x, Діаметр об'єктива - 70 мм, Фокусна відстань - 400 мм, Оптична конструкція - рефрактори, Тип монтування - азимутальне....
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Підзорна труба Kowa 20-40x50/45 (TSN-501) (927704). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17