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Що це?
Це мультивітамінний комплекс з рослинними комонентами, що не містить гормонів, який допоможе жінкам впоратися із симптомами менопаузи та покращити якість життя в цей складний період.
Як це працює?
Менопауза – це період, коли організм перестає виробляти кількість естрогенів. Звідси припливи, надмірна дратівливість та загальне нездужання. Цимицифуга (клопогон) та соєві ізофлавони одні з найпопулярніших та найефективніших рослин для жінок із симптомами менопаузи. Вони містять необхідну кількість естрогенів та інших складових, здатних полегшити симптоми цих гормональних змін. Крім того, вони покращують роботу серцево-судинної системи та зміцнюють кістки. Чорний кохош широко відомий як помічник для жіночого організму. Разом з вітамінами групи В, він полегшує припливи у жінок у період менопаузи, сприяє виробленню гормонів радості ендорфінів, тобто піднімає настрій та заспокоює нервову систему. Кальцій допомагає підтримувати та зміцнити кісткову масу, яка з віком зменшується. Мелатонін сприяє спокійному і розслаблюючому сну, знімає тривожність. Цей комплекс надає підтримку жіночому організму у його непростий період.
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Complete Balance, Menopause Relief, AM/PM, Two Bot
🌟 Presentation about Menopause, Estrogen Decline, Heart Health, Bone Health and the Pelvic Floor.
🌟 Common conditions seen during menopause that can be treated with physical therapy and a multidisciplinary approach!
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GP and menopause specialist, Dr Rebecca Lewis, explains how to diagnose your perimenopause.
Find more evidence-based information on the perimenopause and menopause at , or download the free balance app from the App Store or Google Play. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Do you know how to find hormonal balance during the change?
Do you know how to get back into balance when you're in perimenopause and your periods are all over the place, and when you're suffering from severe menopause symptoms like hot flashes and insomnia?
Or when you're postmenopausal and you're suffering from osteoporosis and you can't have sex because your vagina is so dry?
How can you get your hormones in balance?
One of the biggest things that really help you transition through the change is supporting your hypothalamus. Your hypothalamus becomes really dysfunctional when your sex hormones plummet during menopause, causing a myriad of symptoms including hot flashes, insomnia, weight gain, low sex drive, mood swings, memory loss, muscle and bone loss, digestive issues, weird pains, allergies, and hypersensitivity. All of that is controlled by your hypothalamus. When you support your hypothalamus throughout the change, hopefully as early as premenopause when your hormones first start to get out of whack and through perimenopause into menopause all the way into the postmenopausal period, you're going to find that your endocrine glands are going to last a lot longer.
And you may be able to stave off taking hormone replacement therapy, or if you do need it, you’ll need the least amount of hormones possible to control your symptoms. By supporting your hypothalamus, you don't have to overdose with hormones and risk growing things you don't want, like tumors.
The other thing that you really need to understand is that finding hormonal balance during menopause does mean that you might have to make some lifestyle changes. You may have to change your nutrition plan, you may have to change your exercise routine. You may even have to change your sleep routine, you’re probably going to need to shift your mindset. I know that's a harsh one. But what you believe becomes. And if you're suffering through menopause symptoms, you're not aging as gracefully as you'd like to, a lot of that is affected by what you believe, in the sense that you may have imprinted beliefs from your childhood that affects the way you deal with stress and illness and how you even age. So shifting your mindset can be really, really huge at changing how menopause affects you physically, emotionally, and mentally, as well as your relationships.
I'd like to tell you there's a perfect menopause diet, exercise plan, and a perfect way to sleep. And there's a perfect mindset. But there's not. It's different for everyone. And that's why it's really important that you understand where you're coming from in terms of your family history, your genetics, and your lifestyle background as you enter the change so that you know what needs to be adjusted so you can be successful in navigating through menopause. And actually thrive.
That’s why I created this free guide for you:
My Menopause Action Plan guide to help you to decide if a menopause action plan is right for you and what exactly goes into creating a menopause action plan.
Let me tell you a secret. If it wasn’t for developing my own menopause action plan, well, I wouldn’t have been able to thrive. I’d barely be surviving the change.
Download your free Menopause Action Plan Guide now:
✔️ Join our Free Hormone Reboot Training:
✔️ Get your Hormones in Harmony with Genesis Gold®!:
✔️ Visit Genesis Gold® for more tips on keeping your Hormones in Harmony®:
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This video is not designed to and does not provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. Through my videos, blog posts, website information, I give suggestions for you and your doctor to research and provide general information for educational purposes only.
The information provided in this video or site, or through linkages to other sites, is not a substitute for medical or professional care, and you should not use the information in place of a visit, call consultation or the advice of your physician or other healthcare provider. Genesis Health Products and Deborah Maragopoulos FNP are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
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Get your free Menopause Action Plan Guide here:
You need a menopause action plan to help you get through the change as easily as possible.
I have found in over 30 years of helping thousands and thousands of women transition through the change that those who have a Menopause Action Plan transition through the change of life much more easily than those without a plan.
Women with a personalized Menopause Action Plan are able to control their symptoms, age less rapidly, suffer from very few if any chronic illnesses, even if it was genetically predisposed for them. They know exactly what hormones they need, or if they're even going to take any. They know what supplementation they need. What lifestyle changes they need to make. Because they're prepared for the change.
As soon as I developed my Genesis Gold I started supporting my hypothalamus. I was 39 years old. So that actually staved off my own menopause, until I was 57. And while perimenopause lasted quite a long time, I had my last actual period at 58, which was a little bit later than my mom and more than 10 to 15 years later than my younger sisters. And the difference was, they didn't support the hypothalamus.
So another huge key in your Menopause Action Plan is what are you going to do to support your master gland in order to transition through the change as gracefully as possible.
What other lifestyle changes do you need to make with your diet and your exercise program, with your sleep hygiene? And even with your belief systems and your mindset? All of those factors play a huge role in how you're going to transition through menopause.
(03:38) When is the best time to start creating your Menopause Action Plan?
Well, it’s never too early, and frankly never too late.
If you are premenopausal in your mid-30s, you need a Menopause Action Plan. It's a map to guide you so that when perimenopause shows up, you know exactly what to expect and you've already made decisions on what are going to be the best treatments for you. So you're not in major stress mode with young children, a busy career, and all the other stressors that women in their late 30s and 40s, go through.
If you're perimenopausal, you're already starting to shift and you're already feeling symptoms. Your periods are irregular, you're already symptomatic with perhaps insomnia and hot flashes and mood swings. Maybe you're gaining weight. Your cholesterol is rising. You really need a Menopause Action Plan that will enable you to make the best decisions on whether or not you need to start early hormone replacement therapy or other supplementation to boost estrogen and progesterone and basically get your life back into balance.
If you're menopausal and you haven't had a period for at least a year, your FSH is over 30, you need a menopause action plan. Things are falling apart at this point. If you don't have a Menopause Action Plan - you don't know what diet is best for you, what exercise routine is best for your body now, what kind of sleep changes you need to make and what kind of mindset shifts you need to have in order to really thrive during this time. You really need to use your Menopause Action Plan to help your healthcare provider help you through the change.
Even if you're postmenopausal it's not too late. A menopause action plan can help you stave off chronic illnesses, and even reverse them. Some of those illnesses like hypercholesterolemia and hypertension and diabetes, even hypothyroidism and arthritis can be reversed by taking action on getting your hormones back into better balance, either using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy or supplementation. It is always possible.
I have patients in their early 70s come to me and are able to reverse some of their chronic illnesses by taking action with their Menopause Action Plan. What happened to you when you were having babies makes a big difference in what's happening to you when you're menopausal. And what kind of contraceptive you used in your reproductive years - there are so many factors, most of which your healthcare providers are probably not even asking you about. So instead you come into your health care provider's office with your complete Menopause Action Plan and you direct your care, you partner with them to help you have the most graceful transition through the change as possible. It's incredibly empowering.
Yes! The more women who enter menopause with a menopause action plan, the more likely there's going to be a shift in how we take care of middle-aged women in the healthcare field. I want to see you empowered to direct your own health care, so you can navigate through the change as gracefully as possible.
So why don't you download my FREE Menopause Action Plan Guide here:
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How can you know you are in Perimenopause?
There are no absolutes when it comes to Perimenopause- Perimenopause is a process — a gradual transition. No one test or sign is enough to determine if you've entered perimenopause. Your doctor takes many things into consideration, including your age, menstrual history, and what symptoms or body changes you're experiencing.
If you are looking and feel motivated to embark on a healthier lifestyle through guided changes in your diet and a customized fitness plan, check
or contact us at contact@.
#menopausesymptoms #miyarawomen #instareelsindia❤️ #menopauseindia #perimenopause #menopauseaawareness #womenswellness #gynaecologist #healthawareness #menopausematters #menopause #menopausexpert #indianwomen Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How do I know if I am in perimenopause? #menopause #womenshealth #health
During this episode I’m going to provide you with the insight on 3 menopause fitness makeovers. Without disclosing or intruding on client confidentiality these three represent unique situations not uncommon in the 25 years I’ve been coaching midlife women. In the last decade, I’ve grown far more knowledgeable about how to help and the science behind both the stuck and the tools to get unstuck.
05:00 First let’s make it clear, exercise doesn’t replace or create hormones where you’re not making them at all.
However, a poorly planned or carried out exercise routine can:
trash your hormone levels.
A well-planned one can help optimize hormones.
The collective “hormones” is a term you should begin to run from, or ask pointedly, which hormone do you mean?
Because fiercely competitive yet vaguely educated trainers are using the blanket term themselves not knowing what it they mean.
For nearly a decade we’ve been serving both women and the trainers and health coaches that serve them, about cortisol being the pivot point for many of the problems that exist for women in midlife including weight gain, lack of muscle tone, and specifically belly fat.
However, with hormones and exercise, you must consider the interplay of hormones, exercise, and lifestyle. Let’s dive into these Menopause fitness makeovers.
Woman #1: It’s Not Working on Her Own
A woman comes to a trainer and wants to lose weight and fit into her clothes better. She’s always tired. What she’s doing isn’t working.
Old Way:
Trainer’s response is to put her in a bootcamp or a bootcamp-like training routine. Likely solutions depending on the woman’s budget were:
Either do a 4x a week bootcamp plus instructions for exercise on the weekend or meet with the trainer 3x a week for workouts and do the rest on her own.
The trainer suggests a caloric intake based on a formula from an online calculator.
The trainer has the client use a food and exercise log to show once a week.
This is a calories-in-calories-out formula. A formula for disaster, I might add.
It’s Like Flirting with Dieting: It Works for a While
I can’t deny for some women this works, for a few minutes. Maybe months. The high intensity workouts are an adrenalin rush, and the weight loss feels empowering. Until that moment when the lack of nutrition, ignoring ever-present micronutrient needs that increase with exercise, and the reliance on caffeine or giving in to cravings begins to take over.
The weight that came off, isn’t sustained because fatigue, and injury tend to happen more than they don’t. During times when a healthy athletic woman can have a disrupted schedule because of life and sustain a fitness level, someone with this underlying fatigue, will gain weight and realize there’s less muscle now, more fat, and she’s older, trying to gain muscle back.
New Way:
The trainer explores the reasons for the constant feelings of tired before adding exercise. There’s a thorough review of lifestyle, food, and exercise. It’s far beyond the health and activity history of trainers fresh from a certification or using the method they’ve used for decades.
The trainer recognizes the signs and symptoms a woman is experiencing and uses them as a basis for modifying small yet effective habits that increase energy and feelings of rest first. Small exercise assignments that lay a foundation for good fitness are involved … without an overhaul of change.
Strength to muscle fatigue in as few days a week as possible is the goal.
That’s key… strength to muscular fatigue in as few days as possible is the goal. More muscle, less breakdown. Less soreness, less fatigue, less risk of injury and more overall caloric expenditure because of the increased strength and stamina.
Though there’s a blueprint for menopause fitness, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach.
1) There is first a process to arrive at the 2) apparently healthy midlife status before applying it. 3) For those that want more… performance, competition, there’s an exchange of traditional “volume” for quality and planned training to increase result with reduced volume of training.
This method determines the effect of calories eaten and calories burned on hormones.
Hormones, not calories, control whether your body burns or stores fat.
Are you burning calories or burning out?
In midlife more than ever, it’s about what the exercise does to your hormones.
Woman #2: Diet Didn’t Work
A woman follows the old way of reducing calories, and the health-touted plant-based diet along with walking. It works for months. She’s losing weight. She feels euphoric. Until she doesn’t.
She realizes after reading about why this would happen, she’s lost lean muscle. Her metabolism is slower. She’s postmenopause by now... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#divinethreefold #pilatesformenopause #menopause
Hello Ladies and gentlemen,
It's time to move the body! In this video (Best Workout for Peri/Menopause Pilates Pumped Up) you will be working your whole body. Everyone will benefit from this workout, especially women entering into Peri/menopause and struggling with weight gain and softening muscles. It becomes crucial to add weights to our exercise routines. We are losing more muscle mass, our metabolism is slowing down and adding in weights is the best thing we can do.
Please use caution, listen to your body, and please consult with your physician to make sure you are healthy enough for exercise. If you are a beginner you can start with no weights learn the exercises first then slowly add weights.
Jennifer XXOO
Follow me on:
Instagram: @divinethreefold Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, OB-GYN physicians associated with Nuvance Health talk openly about menopause so that women can understand and manage their symptoms. The key takeaway: menopause doesn’t stop you from being your fabulous self. For any menopausal symptoms, it’s important to learn how to best deal with symptoms as effectively as possible, to find a physician who encourages questions and finds solutions. Learn more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Discover Pilates the easy way with this Free workshop perfect for women who are approaching the menopause and living life beyond!
Build exercise into your life and have fun at the same time with me to guide you every step of the way.
My Free Beginners workshop runs from Monday 11th October - Monday 18th June 2021 and is all online.
All you need to do is register to take part and I’ll do the rest!
You can find out all about the workshop and reserve your free place by following the link below ⬇️⬇️⬇️
You’ll learn:
🔹 The best way to get started with Pilates
🔹 What Pilates is all about and why it’s much more than just about the Core
🔹 All about the Pelvic Floor Muscles and how to get them working
🔹 How to successfully build exercise into your life and love what you’re doing
🔹 What we need to be thinking about as we approach the Menopause and live life beyond
What’s Included:
🔹 3 Online Pilates Classes working on Balance, Flexibility, Strength & targeting the whole body
🔹 2 Workshops where I'll talk about keeping consistent with exercise, managing stress, the menopause and much more
🔹 A Private pop up Facebook Group so you can pick my brain about all things Pilates and get your questions answered!
🔹 AND a few bonus extras along the way 😉
🧘🏽♀ You'll walk away from the workshop feeling the benefits of introducing Pilates into your life and have the confidence to keep moving forward in the best way for you💃🏻
You’ll also have a fantastic foundation of Pilates exercises to build upon and continue your Pilates Journey.
Spaces are limited so register to come and join us today 😃
Any questions? Pop a comment below
I hope to see you there 😃
Take care,
Zoe x Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pilates for the Menopause & Beyond - Join my Free Workshop
Natural Menopause Solutions
Hot flashes, night sweats or kick-your-booty fatigue ?
Those symptoms of menopause do not have to run your life. This episode is all about natural menopause solutions, that get you back on track, feeling 100% your sassy self again in no time.
I’ve been sharing … well pretty much everything with you lately about what I’ve done to my hormones, for my hormones, and one of the things I’ve discovered thanks to my Dr is Macapause by Femmenessence. I felt better within a week … so I’m super excited to introduce my guest today to talk about it.
My Guest:
Dr. Mona Fahoum who is a Naturopathic Doctor specializing in women's health, hormones and the microbiome. Dr. Fahoum’s philosophy is to use a personalized approach, creating a unique plan for each patient - whether that is to trust the body to do its job or use conventional or natural treatments to achieve wellness.
Dr. Fahoum is the Director of Clinical Services at the Bastyr Center for Natural Health, the teaching clinic for Bastyr University, she is the past-president of the Washington Association of Naturopathic Physicians, has her own private practice in Seattle and is also on the medical team of Symphony Natural Health, the makers of Femmenessence, which I personally use and have shared with many of you community members now also using (I’ll link to that in the show notes where all my resources are ) is why we have Dr Fahoum here today. Outside of work Dr. Fahoum is a mom, avid snowboarder, soccer player and fitness enthusiast!
Questions we answer in this episode:
Q: So I love the part in your bio about creating a unique plan for each patient and then you go on to say even if that is to just trust the body to do its job! Much like the exercise prescriptions designed at Flipping 50 - we are on the same page. Can you talk a bit about what that means for you when you’re working with a patient?
Q: my audience has heard how my doctor and OBGYN Shawn Tassone put me on both bio-identical hormones and suggested Femmenessence. Can you please go into some more detail for listeners about how each of them work and how they are complimentary?
Q: Listeners will love the possibility that this may mean that not all women might need bio-identical hormones if Femmenessence gets them into balance -is that what you’re saying?
Q: Hormone balance has become a bit of a catch phrase for women’s health over the last 5 years and yet it is used in very general terms or perhaps as a blanket statement. Can you break down specifically for the women listening how hormones impact the issues we experience during menopause and why imbalance is referred to as the root cause? And if we can let’s start with what so many women experience - hot flashes and night sweats?
Q: What about mood swings?
Q: What about poor sleep and lack of energy?
Q: What about weight gain and heart health…
Q: what about bone density and correlating diagnosis of osteoporosis?
Q: Finally, I am sure many of my audience have heard of or even use a product to support hormone balance and provide menopause solutions. I know my personal experience is all the proof I need to know how different Femmenessence is, but how would you explain the differences between Femmenessence and other products to my audience when it comes to hormone balance.
“Femmenessence is that it is actually the only natural product that actually has demonstrated statistically significant effects on hormones in published clinical trials in both peri and post menopausal women.”
Q: Can you answer this question that I know listeners who have followed me in using maca will want to know… if they’re adding maca to a smoothie daily or a few times a week following a workout, and begin to take Femmenessence, can or should they do both?
Connect with Dr Mona:
Instagram: @ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
✎ Подписывайтесь на наши ресурсы:
Мы регулярно публикуем новые видео и посты Доктора Назимовой о женском здоровье, актуальную информацию об услугах ДН-Клиники, акциях и предложениях. Не пропустите!
✅ Что такое ранняя менопауза, почему она возникает, в чем разница между преждевременной менопаузой и ранней? Какую роль играют половые гормоны в жизни женщины, а главное – что делать, если наступила ранняя менопауза ?
✅ В этом видео:
0:51 – Кратко о себе.
1:48 – Что такое ранняя менопауза?
1:52 – Когда в норме начинается менопауза?
1:59 – Какая менопауза называется ранней и почему?
2:06 – Что такое преждевременная менопауза?
2:12 – Почему эта тема волнует многих женщин. Статистика ранней менопаузы.
2:35 – Как часто современные женщины сталкиваются с проблемой ранней менопаузы?
3:40 – Что происходит в организме женщины с наступлением менопаузы?
3:52 – Связь менопаузы с гормонами, дефицит прогестерона и эстрогенов в женском организме
4:17 – Симптомы ранней менопаузы – приливы жара, как самый частый симптом.
4:33 – Если нет обычных симптомов, значит ли это, что ранней менопаузы нет?
4:56 – Почему дефицит гормонов вызывает нарушение здоровья?
5:08 – Правда ли, что женщины, пережившие раннюю менопаузу, в 3 раза чаще сталкиваются с одновременным развитием сахарного диабета, остеопороза, рака и других хронических заболеваний?
5:30 – Что происходит в организме женщины, когда она утрачивает нормальный уровень половых гормонов?
5:43 – Как наш организм справляется с заболеваниями, которые «прописаны» в наших генах? (сахарный диабет, заболевания сердца, сосудов, онкология).
6:33 – Чем преждевременная недостаточность яичников отличается от ранней менопаузы? И есть ли возможность вылечить это?
7:18 – Почему у женщин при наступлении ранней менопаузы могут быстро развиваться проблемы со здоровьем, характерные для людей уже в позднем возрасте?
7:49 – Подробнее о механизме наступления ранней менопаузы. Почему наступает ранняя менопауза?
8:01 – Менопауза наступает тогда, когда истощаются резервы яичников, что это влечет за собой?
8:22 – Какие функции организма прекращаются при истощении запасов яичников?
8:32 – Дефицит каких гормонов вызывает проблемы со здоровьем при наступлении ранней менопаузы?
8:46 – Отличие преждевременной менопаузы от ранней.
9:06 – Что делать при наступлении ранней менопаузы?
9:36 – Заместительная гормональная терапия - способ лечения ранней менопаузы, как заболевания.
10:03 – Обязательно ли принимать гормональную терапию или можно обойтись натуральными средствами?
10:18 – Могут ли другие средства, кроме гормонов, помочь организму при ранней менопаузе?
11:11 – Можно ли избежать наступления менопаузы?
11:56 – Почему необходимо регулярно наблюдаться у врача гинеколога?
Здравствуйте, меня зовут Евгения Назимова. Я гинеколог-эндокринолог высшей квалификационной категории, врач УЗД, маммолог, главный врач «Клиники Доктора Назимовой».
Я очень люблю свою работу 😍 и помогаю моим пациенткам решать их проблемы со здоровьем уже более 20 лет.
Я врач интегративной медицины, эксперт по женскому здоровью 🌺 и генетический консультант экспертного уровня.
Привожу организм в порядок и помогаю замедлить возрастные изменения у женщин любого возраста.
В своих видео ▶️ я буду делиться с вами своими знаниями и расскажу о том, как сохранить молодость, красоту, здоровье и гормональный баланс в любом возрасте 🌺.
☏ Телефон: +7 (495) 660-38-55
Ⓐ Адрес: город Москва, проспект Вернадского, дом 127.
⏰ Время работы: ежедневно с до .
Подписывайтесь на канал "Доктор Назимова"👉 , чтобы не пропустить новые видео.
#Менопауза #РанняяМенопауза #ЖенскиеГормоны #гинекология #Эстроген #Прогестерон
#ДокторНазимова #НазимоваЕвгения #БлогДоктора #БлогДоктораНазимовой #ОГинекологииПросто #гинеколог #гинекологэндокринолог Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Exercise has many benefits during menopause, from helping to manage weight gain to strengthening bones and boosting energy. But, when it comes to exercising during menopause, there are some key dos and don'ts you should be aware of! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#menopauselifestylesolution #liviafrancis #menovist
Welcome to your Saturday workout with Livia Francis
Listen to the instructions for this very simple EASY workout!
Fifteen Reps
STRETCH NECK AND BACK with the Menopause Lifestyle Solution
1 - Lat pulldowns ( elbows to the side) with Livia Francis
2 - Over head seated row with Livia Francis
3 - Lat Pulldowns ( facing away from the band) with Livia Francis
4 - Bent over wide grip rows ( keep back FLAT!) with Livia Francis
5 - Ab crunches with Livia Francis
6 - Oblique crunches Livia Francis
STRETCH you back to finish with Menopause Lifestyle Solution
By intergrating resistance training into your week you will notice your body fat start to shift!! Not necessarily on the scales but most certainly in the mirror ! You will also notice that you clothes feel loser, you feel more positive! This is because as you workout you produce endorphins- this is a hormone that actually makes you feel happier & energised!!
Top tip this week : Create a bed time routine whereby you actually relax and slow down before sleeping. Try reading a book. Try mediation.
To contact Livia Francis for exercise choices in menopause and ways to introduce healthy eating:
Instagram: @livfitfreedom Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Back & Abs HOME Workout - Follow Along - The Menopause Lifestyle Solution
Your Body, Your Life video series for Women's Health Week
Video 9: Menopause
Doctor Poornima from our Women's Health Clinic runs through what menopause is, the symptoms you might experience, what you can expect through this change and the possible treatments that might help.
It's a big week for our Health Promotion and Women's Health Clinic staff as we premiere their Your Body, Your Life series of videos as part of Women's Health Week.
They've made some great videos for the series that will answer so many questions for you around important issues such as contraception and reproductive health, puberty, mental health and wellbeing, menopause, cancer screenings, consent, STIs and women's health for all genders.
And we know people are going to have questions after watching these videos or about women's health in general so our staff will be available from by email at WomensHealthWeek@ from each day to answer them for you!
Learn more and see all the videos from our Your Body, Your Life series:
I #BCHS #thereforyou Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dr. Daved Rosensweet & Dr. Jonathan Wright speak about the upcoming Specialty Workshop at the 22nd Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine in Las Vegas December 14, 2014. for more information, please visit: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#menopause #menopausematters #menopauselifestyle
A warm welcome to Menopause Lifestyle Solution (MLS)
The channel was created to motivate women to embrace the change by through lifestyle adjustments. Small changes taken every day to accommodate the menopause and embrace the change. It is not intended as a medical resource. But it is intended to encourage positive change.
I have been in health and fitness for 31 years. The fact that I was fit and healthy made no difference when it came to the menopause. 'She' was relentless in 'her' destruction. Yes, I would call it destruction.
And so, over the years, my fitness business has diversified into working with ladies who are struggling with their menopause and want to feel confident again. Some ladies just want to lose a little weight and tone up. Others want to combat symptoms that develop alongside obesity. Some ladies want to reduce the intensity of PCOS through resistance training. Others, to regulate their hormones through exercise. Others just want to feel more confident and motivated with positive active, community of like minded women online.
The Menopause Lifestyle Solution offers a 90 day plan. The plan is designed to offer positive changes though implementing exercise that does not release cortisol ( a hormone that makes us hold onto fat) and the correct food choices ( that encourages weight management) into your life. Its affordable and it works ( see testimonials on MLS YouTube channel and the website)
Welcome to a solution that can have a positive impact on your menopause.
To contact Livia Francis for exercise choices in menopause and ways to introduce healthy eating:
Instagram: @livfitfreedom Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Welcome to Menopause Lifestyle Solution YouTube Channel
Тишова Юлия Александровна, к.м.н., эндокринолог
Как понять, что «скоро менопауза»? Дефицит прогестерона как ранний маркер возрастного дефицита половых гормонов у женщин
На вебинаре обсудим, когда стоит беспокоиться о начале менопаузы, по каким признакам можно диагностировать это состояние и какие действия имеет смысл предпринять на данном этапе.
В конце вебинара лектор ответит на вопросы слушателей.
Telegram: Pro et Contra Med
Instagram: @pro_et_contra_med Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ю.А. Тишова. Как понять, что «скоро менопауза»? Дефицит прогестерона как ранний маркер
Say so long to menopause symptoms. Start your free visit here:
Perimenopause means "around menopause," and it refers to the time during which your body begins producing fewer hormones. Menstruation has not yet ceased completely, but this stage is accompanied by symptoms that shouldn't be ignored. It's not too early to begin treatments in perimenopause to find relief and improve your quality of life. We encourage you to take control of your journey with Winona!
Our channel covers topics related to aging, menopause, and bioidentical HRT (hormone replacement therapy).
#bywinona #winonawomen #menopositivity #menopausetok #pauselife #perimenopause #womenover40 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Understanding Perimenopause: What You Need to Know
Time is precious, which is why it can be so difficult to find time to exercise. Don't worry, we know! If you've got 2 minutes, climb the stairs. Count how many steps you do and see if you can improve it over time. You'll soon notice the difference in your heart rate as you get fitter. Remember, always choose the stairs as it's a fab way to burn extra calories too! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
✨ Дозвольте вашій шкірі відпочити та насолодитися моментом розкішного догляду!
💖 Лінійка доглядових засобів DERMA ACNE+ заспокоює запалення, зменшує вугри і дарує вашій шкірі сяйво та неперевершену красу. Забудьте про турботи і насолоджуйтесь бездоганністю кожного дня!
🌈 Час розкрити магію DERMA ACNE+ від TM FARMONA! Поспішайте до аптек "Подорожник" з по **, щоб вигідно придбати ваші улюблені засоби! Отримайте подвійний результат та потрійне задоволення!
* Пропозиція "1+1=3" діє на вибрані товари лінійки DERMA ACNE+ під TM FARMONA. Пропозиція діє в аптеках мережі аптек "Подорожник", "БАМ", "ОЩАД" на території України, з р. по р. або до закінчення товарних запасів. Конкретну вартість до і після знижки, деталі пропозиції уточнюйте у провізора.
** під "ВИШНЕВІ ЗНИЖКИ! ОБИРАЙ СВОЮ!" мається на увазі пропозиція "знижка до -20%", яка діє на вибрані товари. Пропозиція діє в аптеках мережі аптек "Подорожник", "ОЩАД", "БАМ" на території України, з р. по р. або до закінчення товарних запасів. Конкретну вартість до і після знижки, деталі пропозиції уточнюйте у провізора. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🌼 Зустрічайте неперевершену пропозицію 1+1=3* на засоби TM FARMONA, лінійку DERMA ACNE+
(Часть 1/2 ) Как правильно принимать витамин D3 ?
🔥СТАРТ ПГ Марафона 25 ИЮНЯ!🔥 (актуальная дата под новыми видео) Почта для заявок на ПГ марафон: pgmarafon@ В письме-заявке прошу указать:
1) Имя, фамилия
2) Дата и год рождения
3) Вес/рост
4) Город проживания
5) Профиль Instargam
6) Телефон для связи в WhatsApp и Телеграм
Стоимость участия в 21-дневном марафоне составляет 249 Евро. Для участников предыдущих ПГ марафонов 239 Евро.
🔥 Все правда о ПГ Марафоне -
💪 Отзывы о ПГ Марафоне
🏆 Результаты участников
Телеграм-канал Алексея Ворона
Подписываемся 💪: Инстаграм Алексей Ворон 🔥 🔥
Инстаграм Даши - супруги Алексея
Контакт VK
Друзья, хочу сказать несколько слов о программе и целях, которые я ставлю перед участниками «ПГ Марафона» и одновременно с этим отвечу на самые часто задаваемые вопросы, такие как: какое количество килограмм можно сбросить за марафон и на что можно рассчитывать в плане оздоровления.
📊 В среднем участники «ПГ Марафона» показывают от -3 до -6кг. и даже есть -9кг. за 21 день активной работы.
❗Безусловно некоторая доля этого веса приходится не чисто на жировую массу, а на очищение ЖКТ, избавление от задержки лишней жидкости в организме (лечение отечности) и очистку организма в целом на клеточном уровне от потенциально вредоносных белковых соединений в цитоплазме каждой клетки по средствам Аутофагии (профилактика зло и доброкачественных опухолей) -подробное видео об этом процессе Вы можете найти на моем канале.
⭐В «ПГ Марафоне» у нас не стоит в наивысшем приоритете во чтобы то не стало избавление от лишнего веса (хотя мы однозначно получим и это), а главными задачами будут:
✔ научиться слушать и управлять своим организмом
✔очистить своё тело по всем вышеперечисленным критериям
✔приобрести уверенность в своей силе воли
✔ побороть инсулинорезистентность
✔ углубить свои знания о физиологии тела
✔вместе готовить полезную еду
✔пройти детокс печени
✔вместе тренироваться
✔пройти детокс желчного пузыря
✔ пройти 48-72 часовое голодание
🔴все это на платформе закрытого Инстаграм профиля доступ к которому получают только участники «ПГ Марафона»
‼Безусловно важнейшим дополнением будут ежедневные лайв эфиры с подробными ответами на вопросы участников «ПГ Марафона» совместные походы в магазин за покупками в режиме прямых эфиров и тренировки тоже проходящие в режиме реального времени ну и конечно мое безраздельное внимание и ответы на все оставшиеся вопросы и (по желанию) разбор анализов крови марафонцев в специальном закрытом чате «ПГ Марафон Вопросы» ‼
💯 Также будет просто хорошее общение в дополнительном закрытом чате только для участников Марафона !
➕Все эти знания наши Марафонцы в последствии продолжают успешно практиковать самостоятельно укрепляя своё здоровье и что самое прекрасное помогают своим близким становиться здоровее уже вне рамок проекта.
💥И, конечно, бесконечная мотивация двигаться только вперёд и совершенствоваться !⚡⚡⚡
#ВитаминД #ВитаминД3 #ВитаминD3
(Часть 1/2 ) Как правильно принимать витамин D3 ?
После просмотра видео пишите комментарии о питании, спорте, тренировках. Задавайте вопросы о всем, что Вас может заинтересовать из мира похудения, культуризма, натурального бодибилдинга, того как построить тело своей мечты без допинга, и, конечно, пишите любые вопросы о Периодическом голодании !
Если видео (Часть 1/2 ) Как правильно принимать витамин D3 ? Вам понравилось ставим Лайк👍 и Поделитесь, пожалуйста, видео с Друзьями и знакомыми 🙏
Вступаем на правильный путь периодического голодания. Прогресса, Здоровья и Долголетия Вам и Вашим семьям! 🙏
#ПГмарафон #ПериодическоеГолодание #Здоровье Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Вебінар для медзакладів та ФОП, які не підключені до електронної системи охорони здоров'я eHealth та не знають, яку медичну документацію необхідно передавати до Центральної бази даних.
Залишити заявку на підключення чи дізнатися деталі можна за номером +38 (067) 600 79 83 (Валентина) або телефонуйте на нашу гарячу лінію 0800 756 856. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How I Mastered Menopause Metabolism with Exercise If menopause metabolism has put pounds on you and or belly fat is an issue no matter what else is going on with weight, this is your read. I’d be willing to bet that most of what you believe – because it’s what you’ve been taught – is part of the problem. In this post I uncover what worked for me, and how I discovered the research that made my “accidental” optimal menopause metabolism formula no accident at all.
I stumbled onto something that in any other circumstances I would have completely screwed up.
I was in the worst year of my adult life. It started with excitement (doesn’t it always?) that quickly turned to panic, and fear, and tears taking every picture off my walls while others were putting up holiday decorations.
I had to sell my house. After having quit my safe, secure job, (I volunteered for that one), having a 10 year relationship fall apart, my son went to college, I was working in isolation feeling “dumb” about all things online.
I went from someone who exercised 10 or more hours a week to someone who exercised for 20 minutes a day.
I was stressed.
And blessed. Because…
This Menopause Metabolism Insight Will Surprise You I went from someone who exercised 10 or more hours a week to someone who exercised for 20 minutes a day.
And after months of it I barely recognized myself. I looked BETTER. I was leaner, stronger, and healthier looking than when I thought I was in the best shape of my life months before when I’d finished an Ironman.
I dug into all the research to figure out what had happened to me… since that was opposite all the dogma about “more exercise, less food” right? I was barely exercising compared to the fitness enthusiast I’d been for 3 decades. At 49… what a time to cut back on exercise, right?
Actually…. Exactly RIGHT!
What I learned is that I’d been doing it all wrong. And MOST women are doing it all wrong. Most trainers and fitness instructors are doing it all WRONG.
The exercise programs they offer have in fact the opposite intended effect for middle-aged women. (and… next on my to-do list is think of much sexier name because frankly, no one really wants to be the middle child, be middle-of-the-road or middle-aged)
How would I have screwed it up? I would normally have exercised more and harder to get results if I was gaining weight or feeling less than fit.
Hands up… is this you too?
It is the answer you’ve heard from your girlfriend, trainer, and even doctor. Exercise more, eat less.
You’ve been led to believe calories control your weight. That advice totally ignores that hormones control what’s done with those calories. Do you burn them or store them? Hormones call the shots.
Since 1984 I’ve been working as a fitness instructor, trainer, manager, international presenter, health coach, and trainer of trainers in the fitness industry. I’ve seen and heard every single problem women 40-60+ have because women in that demographic are the largest population represented in fitness participants, fitness members, and personal training clients.
What the Research Told Me I took all the first-hand primary research and experience I had and began to look for the research studies on women in perimenopause, menopause, and post menopause. I looked at the women who aged most successfully (without the personal chef, maid, or luxurious spa days regularly) and those who didn’t – who struggled.
I learned that a very small fraction of research is even done on women in perimenopause, menopause, or post menopause. And that’s important in it’s own right that we separate those because “after 50” programs for “seniors” are usually B.S. programs with a label. They ensure that you’ll be surrounded by peers within 10-20 years age of you (is that even narrow?) but doesn’t ensure the program is created based on research about you.
The guidelines or position statements created about exercise or given by the Surgeon General for that matter, don’t address nuances of hormones or you, the woman who is experiencing the most dramatic shift and roller-coaster ride on hormones in her life.
And… in case you’re thinking, thank God I’m done with that, you’re never done with hormones! You are a woman in menopause for 40-50% of her life. Which depending on how long you plan to live and when you first experience perimenopause is 40-50 years of your life.
TMI on Overdrive In addition to fighting o-besity, women in midlife are fighting info-besity. Too Much Information, or TMI, is killing us. The women I meet virtually, who are clients, or in audiences I speak to, tell me that they’re so confused by all the information.
It’s why I created Flipping 50. It is your filter. It is here that you ONLY find information that is based on research for and about you. Because what works for a 25-year old fit... Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Are you menopausal and find that suddenly you have become a member of The Sisterhood of the Shrinking pants? Here are three easy tips on how to get rid of that muffin top! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Good balance is really important to prevent falls as we age and can be linked to longevity. Try these simple balance exercises two or three times a week and see your balance improve! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Exercises to improve your balance. 10 minute workout.
Introducing Provitalize - Thermogenic, anti-inflammatory probiotics that help women ease menopausal symptoms like weight gain, bloating, hot flashes, joint pain, cravings, and low energy levels.
Read more and check out more reviews here:
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases. The weight loss and fitness testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical.
Every testimonial on this website is from a real customer who used the product Provitalize, and/or nutrition advice listed on the website. No one was paid for a testimonial or endorsement. Results (weight, body fat percentage, circumference measurements, etc.) were self-reported by the customer. You should assume that any results shown in testimonials, advertisements, stories, blog posts, articles, forums or anywhere else on this site or our associated websites are not typical. Results may vary from person to person based on body size and other factors.
Due to its potent anti-inflammatory effects, Provitalize should not be taken with NSAIDs, blood-thinners and Cox2-inhibitors. If you are on medication or suffer from medical conditions, please consult your doctor before consuming Provitalize or any of our supplements. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
You've heard of menopause, but what about perimenopause? Board-certified physician and menopause expert Dr. Sabrina Sahni (@sks_md) shares some important facts about this often overlooked period of transition into menopause.
#femhealthproject #femhealth #womenshealth #perimenopause #menopause
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FEMHEALTH PODCAST: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This helps women going through all stages of menopause #menopause #provitalize #shorts
ГО «Українська асоціація профілактичної медицини»
Національна академія медичних наук України
ДУ “Національний інститут терапії імені Л.Т. Малої НАМН України”
Наукова програма передбачає пленарні доповіді з обговоренням широкого кола питань.
Основні тематичні напрямки симпозіуму:
1. Проблеми ефективної профілактики серцево-судинних та ниркових ускладнень у хворих на артеріальну гіпертензію з коморбідними неінфекційними захворюваннями.
2. Особливості перебігу та лікування цукрового діабету 2 типу у хворих на серцево-судинні захворювання різних вікових груп.
3. Мікробіом кишечника та метаболічно-асоційовані захворювання.
4. Субклінічні порушення пуринового обміну та ризик серцево-судинних і ниркових уражень.
5. Сучасні можливості профілактики інсульту у хворих з неклапанною фібриляцією передсердь.
6. Актуальні питання стратифікації ризику ускладнень та нові підходи до підвищення ефективності терапії хворих на серцеву недостатність з коморбідними неінфекційними захворюваннями.
Науковий симпозіум з міжнародною участю внесено до Реєстру з’їздів, конгресів, симпозіумів та науково-практичних конференцій, які проводитимуться у 2021 році, узгодженому в НАМН України та затвердженому МОЗ України, до розділу 3 – симпозіуми - за № 027.
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Усі учасники наукового симпозіуму отримають сертифікати на 5 балів для врахування їх при атестації на присвоєння/підтвердження лікарської категорії відповідно до наказу МОЗ України від № 446 "Деякі питання безперервного професійного розвитку лікарів". Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
to join the program that teaches you how to feel better fast and have the energy and vitality you want, need, and deserve.
If you prefer to apply for private coaching, please reach out to support@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get your NMN supplement here - use the code “DRMARC” for a 10% off!
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Fertility Anti-Aging Training Masterclass👇
This week on Fertility TV, I wanna talk to you about NMN!
NMN is a Vitamin B3 derivative that has gained quite a lot of popularity over the past couple of years for fighting age-related symptoms.
Research is showing that it could be a game-changer for people trying to get pregnant ‘later on’ in life! I’m talking through all of this on this week’s episode.
Find out if NMN could be a great supplement for your fertility journey!
► You're ready to balance your hormones and get pregnant naturally
► You want to reset your reproductive health while preparing for IVF
► You want to improve your egg quality and ovarian reserve with proven natural fertility protocols
► You need a break from IVF and want to get pregnant naturally
► You have been diagnosed with a fertility condition, such as unexplained infertility, PCOS, endometriosis, low ovarian reserve, fibroid, thyroid issues, autoimmune, irregular cycles,
► You are worried that is taking too long and you're "wasting your time"
► You are worried that is taking too long and you're "wasting your time"
He is accepting applications now to work with us in a small group. Serious inquiries only pls. Check out the details and book a call here 👉
#fertility #getpregnant #fertilitytv Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Do I Need Supplements in Menopause | Muscles, Energy and Immunity
Perimenopause is the time around and during menopause; menopause is more of a medical diagnosis and is the absence of menses for 12 months. Learn more in this video from Robyn D. Stewart, DO from Parkland Medical Center. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🌼 Зустрічайте неперевершену пропозицію 1+1=3* на засоби TM FARMONA, лінійку DERMA ACNE+
Препарати для лікування нападів мігрені відомі близько 100 років. Першим препаратом був ерготамін, який зробив прорив у лікуванні мігрені. Проте 30 р. тому з’явилися інші препарати, а саме триптани. Яка їх специфіка та як їх приймати правильно? Відповідь дізнайтесь у відео.
Коментує д.м.н., зав. кафедри неврології Дніпровського державного медичного університету, Кальбус Олександр Іванович. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
«Пріоритетні напрями діагностики, лікування та профілактики неінфекційних хвороб»
The advice and information contained in this video may not be appropriate for all individuals. Therefore, the author, employees, company, affiliates, or any other parties involved in the creation or promotion of this workout and nutrition program are not responsible for any injuries or health conditions that may result from advice, opinions, and workouts contained in any Hayley Wilson workout and nutrition system. The information in this workout and nutrition program are the opinions of the author and are not a replacement for medical advice. You should consult a physician before starting any diet or exercise program. If you choose to follow the workout and nutrition program without consulting your physician, you are doing so at your own risk. We claim no responsibility for any injuries you might sustain. Exercises include tutorials and detailed descriptions to give you the information you need to be able to perform the exercise with proper form. However, it is your responsibility to warm up properly, determine the weight you will use, perform each movement correctly, get professional supervision if you’re unsure of an exercise technique and ultimately to decide whether or not you are capable of performing the exercise/workout without sustaining injury. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
"I went to my doctor and he said, 'Here's some HRT.' Did I want some anti-depressants to go with that?" Those are not solutions, and women deserve better. Meet the women who are changing women's health with science and natural solutions.
Research into women’s health is scarce, especially research into perimenopause (often referred to as “premenopause”) and menopause. In fact, the National Institute of Health doesn’t even have a category for research funding for menopause! We believe that women deserve better. We believe women should not wait for the medical research establishment to decide it is time to care about us. We believe the time is now and that all women are in this together.
Co-founders, Vanessa Ford and Danielle Jacobs, want women in midlife to feel like themselves again, and be the healthiest, best version of themselves - through their menopause journey and beyond. Through decades of research a better and all natural solution is now available to address hormonal weight gain, hot flashes, night sweats, mood and many symptoms of perimenopause.
Learn more about the science that helps women live better lives at and download the MENOLIFE app in the Google Play or iOS store.
#MenoLabs #MenoLife #MenoFit #WomensHealth Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
What is the difference between perimenopause and menopause? - Parkland Medical Center
Rejuvalife Vitality Institute
9400 Brighton Way #405
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
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📆СЕРЕДА, (16:00 – 19:00)
пошагова інструкція до реалізації репродуктивного потенціалу
👩⚕ Жабченко Ірина Анатоліївна
Керівник науковим відділенням патології вагітності та пологів ДУ «ІПАГ імені Академіка О.М. Лук’янової НАМНУ», д.мед.н., професор
👩⚕ Булавенко Ольга Василівна
Завідувач кафедри акушерства та гінекології №2 Вінницького національного медичного університету імені М.І. Пирогова, д.мед.н., професор
✔️Сертифікат 2 бали БПР (всім зареєстрованим, при підтвердженні авторизації в чаті прямого ефіру)
Чекаємо на Вашу реєстрацію⤵️
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Women's Health in Midlife Can Be Better, MenoLabs Can Help
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