активних заняттях спортом або важкій фізичній праці
Показання до застосування
Приймати 3 капсули формули А.М. вранці і 3 капсули формули P.M. у вечірній час в день під час їжі або за рекомендацією лікаря.
Що це?
Multi-Vitamin Elite A.M. & P.M. від Thorne Research — це дві комплексні формули вітамінів, мінералів і рослинних екстрактів, які необхідно приймати одночасно. Перша баночка є денний формулою, друга — нічною. Денна формула (A.M.) допоможе відчувати себе бадьоро весь день, а нічна (P.M.) допоможе Вам повністю розслабитися перед сном, якісно відпочити і набратися сил перед новими звершеннями. При систематичному прийомі цих препаратів Ви відчуєте значне поліпшення самопочуття, прилив сил і енергії. Також мультивітаміни Еліт від Thorne Research допоможуть покращити мозкову функцію і пам'ять, впоратися з апатією і нервовим виснаженням, підтримають організм при активних фізичних навантаженнях, серйозних заняттях спортом і схудненні.
Як це працює?
Двофазний комплекс мультивітамінів від Thorne Research допоможе вашому організму підтримувати енергію на оптимальному рівні для ведення активного життя. В денну формулу вітамінів входять всі необхідні дорослій людині мікроелементи в підвищених, але безпечних концентраціях. Вітаміни групи В необхідні для правильної роботи нервової, серцево-судинної, травної систем, коректного жирового і вуглеводного обміну в організмі. Також від В-групи безпосередньо залежить вироблення енергії. Вітаміни А, С і Е вважаються базовими вітамінами, які комплексно впливають на організм, підтримують і зміцнюють імунітет, мають антиоксидантну властивість. Вітаміни К1 і К2 потрібні для здоров'я крові, правильного згортання крові й безпосередньо процесу кровотворення. Мінерали, які в повному своєму обсязі входять до складу мультивітамінів Еліт від Thorne Research, також необхідні будь-якій дорослій людині. Від правильного змісту мінералів в організмі залежить не тільки здоров'я зубів, кісток, суглобів і зв'язок, але також здоров'я щитовидної залози, серця, нормалізація тиску, зовнішній вигляд. Як в денній, так і у вечірній формулах, містяться фітосоми куркуміну і зеленого чаю. Ці складові прекрасно знімають запальні процеси не тільки в суглобах (що особливо корисно для спорстменів і людей старшого віку), але і по всьому тілу. Також у вечірній формулі препарату містяться рослинні екстракти, які забезпечать спокійний і якісний сон, зменшать тягу до їжі у вечірній час, налагодять роботу кишківника.
Multi-Vitamin Elite provides highly bioavailable nutrients for athletes and others.* The A.M. formula promotes energy production, while the P.M. formula enhances rest and recovery.*
NSF Certified for Sport®
Click here to learn more about Multi-Vitamin Elite:
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Purchase Here -
Multi-Vitamin Elite Details
Thorne's Multi-Vitamin Elite provides active individuals who have high-performance nutritional regimens with essential nutrients in two complementary formulas.*
Both formulas contain a full complement of vitamins and minerals in their most absorbable forms.* Vitamin D promotes strong bones and healthy immune function.* B vitamins support heart, blood vessel, and nerve health.* Vitamins K1 and K2 contribute to bone and blood vessel health.*
AM Formula: Promotes energy production*
• Contains two specially formulated phytosomes: Meriva® and green tea
• Meriva provides relief from occasional joint and muscle soreness*
• Meriva supports a healthy inflammatory balance and joint mobility*
• Green tea phytosome promotes fat burning*
• Flavonoids in green tea promote cellular energy production*
• Both curcumin and green tea have significant antioxidant properties that support healthy aging*
PM Formula: Enhances rest and recovery*
• Contains Relora®, a proprietary blend of Magnolia and Phellodendron extracts
• Relora down-regulates evening cortisol levels that can cause anxious feelings and interfere with weight management efforts*
• Relora has been shown to curb late-night cravings and, coupled with the extra magnesium, supports restful sleep*
• In one trial, athletes who took Multi-Vitamin Elite P.M. fell asleep faster and achieved better sleep quality*
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Thorne Multivitamin Elite Review - Best Multivitamin For Athletes - Thorne Supplement Review
Multivitamin Elite Review - Thorne Supplement
Welcome to Dr. Bell Health, where we journey together through the latest and greatest in health and wellness. Today, Dr. Bell dives into the innovative world of Thorne's Multi-Vitamin Elite, a two-part formula designed to maximize your athletic performance and overall health from morning to night.
🔥For Our Viewers:🔥
Purchase of Multi-Vitamin Elite and shop our exclusive Thorne catalog by visiting . Free shipping and returns.
What You'll Learn in This Video:
- AM Formula Benefits: Kickstart your day with energy production and joint mobility support.
- PM Formula Benefits: Wind down with enhanced recovery and restful sleep support.
- Full Spectrum Nutrient Support: Discover how essential vitamins and minerals contribute to your health.
- Lifestyle Integration: Practical tips for incorporating Multi-Vitamin Elite into your daily routine.
The information provided in this video is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. The statements regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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For more health insights and tips, make sure to subscribe to our channel and hit the notification bell so you never miss an update from Dr. Bell Health. Your journey to optimal health starts here! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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🌟 Elevate Your Health with Thorne Health's Premium Daily Multi-Vitamins! 🌟
A quality daily multi-vitamin should be a non-negotiable addition to everyone's routine. Thorne Health offers the gold standard in supplements, ensuring you receive the best care for your well-being. With specially formulated multi-vitamins for kids, athletes, adults, and seniors, Thorne Health caters to all ages and lifestyles.
💊 Unlock Your Potential 💊
Thorne Health's daily multi-vitamins are the key to unlocking your potential. Packed with essential nutrients, they bridge the gap between a balanced diet and optimal health, supporting immune function, energy levels, and overall vitality.
🏋️♀️ Tailored for Your Needs 🏋️♂️
Whether you're a dedicated athlete or a seasoned senior, Thorne Health has the perfect multi-vitamin for you. Experience targeted support for your specific age and activity level, ensuring you perform at your best in every stage of life.
🔬 Quality Matters 🔬
Thorne Health sets the bar high when it comes to quality. Rigorous testing and research-backed formulations guarantee you receive pure, potent, and effective supplements, promoting your well-being with every dose.
🎉 20% Off for Life! 🎉 #thorne
Ready to embark on your journey to exceptional health? Visit our website and unlock a lifetime 20% discount on Thorne Health supplements. Elevate your life with premium multi-vitamins and seize each day with vitality and confidence. 🌞💪 #ThorneHealth #QualitySupplements #OptimalHealth
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Barbell Shrugged helps people get better. Usually in the gym, but outside as well. In 2012 they posted their first podcast and have been putting out weekly free videos and podcasts ever since.
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Multivitamins supplements | Helps you stay mentally active and physically alert
Multivitamins supplements in the form of multivitamin tablets, multivitamin capsules or multivitamin gummies are an instant way to boost up your nutritional gaps and help you stay mentally active and physically alert.
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In today's episode, Dr. Bell, your trusted health advisor, explores the ins and outs of Thorne's Basic Nutrients 2/Day, a comprehensive multi-vitamin/mineral supplement. Designed to support various aspects of your health, this product stands out in the crowded world of supplements.
**** Buy Basic Nutrients through exclusive Thorne catalog: ****
Learn about the health benefits of Thorne Basic Nutrients 2/Day - a complete multi-vitamin/mineral formula for foundational daily nutrition support.
Key ingredients include:
- Vitamin D3 - 2000IU to support bone, immune and heart health (vitamin D deficiency is very common)
- B Vitamins including active forms of B12, folate, B6 to support energy, mood, nerves and brain function
- Vitamin C, E and mixed tocopherols as an antioxidant blend to combat free radicals
- Zinc bisglycinate, a highly absorbable form of immune-supporting zinc
- Vitamins K1 and K2 to contribute to bone and vascular health
- Chromium to assist with maintaining healthy blood sugar
- Absorbable glycinate forms of essential minerals like magnesium, calcium and selenium
Benefits of Basic Nutrients 2/Day Include:
- Helps fill common nutrient gaps that occur even in healthy diets
- Supports overall health and wellbeing
- Provides a solid nutritional foundation
- Improves absorption compared to cheaper multi-vitamin forms
- Just 2 small capsules per day for ease of use
Read review online:
I like this formula because it sticks to the essentials without lots of unnecessary ingredients - just high quality vitamins and minerals in bioavailable forms that provide a nutritional safety net to supplement your diet. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Women's Multi 50+ is a comprehensive daily multi-vitamin/mineral that provides support for a healthy, active lifestyle.*
Click here to learn more about Women's Multi 50+:
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cenovis Women’s Multi Capsules | Cenovis Australia
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Alive! Men's Multivitamins - Daily Energy Support Just for Men
Whether you’re hanging with your family, prepping for a big meeting, or heading to the gym, you need a multivitamin that can keep up with everything you do. Alive! Men’s Energy Multivitamin is an easy way to get the nutrition you need and the energy support your busy life requires. This high potency formula features 100% Daily Value or more of 19 vitamins and minerals. Plus, it’s packed with high potency B-vitamins to support your daily cellular energy. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Where’s your next adventure? Drop it in the comments below! 🌍👇
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A luxurious face serum parked with a potent blend of powerful multivitamins including A, C, E and Niacinamide (B3) designed to transform your skin by boosting skin hydration and collagen production, targeting hyperpigmentation, promoting skin cell regeneration and protects from environmental stressors. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Funny Story:
Determined to boost my health and vitality, I ventured into the depths of Amazon in search of the ultimate multivitamin. After sifting through a cornucopia of options promising boundless energy and radiant skin, I settled on a bottle adorned with promises of eternal youth and vigor. With visions of bounding out of bed each morning like a sprightly gazelle, I eagerly awaited the arrival of my miracle pills. When the package finally arrived, I tore it open with the enthusiasm of a child on Christmas morning, ready to embark on my journey to peak wellness. However, upon opening the bottle, I was greeted by an overwhelming stench reminiscent of old gym socks and stale cabbage. Undeterred by the odor, I bravely swallowed a handful of pills, convinced that the benefits would outweigh the olfactory assault. Yet, instead of feeling like a picture of health, I found myself experiencing a kaleidoscope of side effects, from rainbow-colored urine to a sudden affinity for opera singing in the shower. Turns out, the only thing these multivitamins were enriching was my bathroom experience. Lesson learned: sometimes, the pursuit of health and vitality is best left to a balanced diet and regular exercise – and a nose plug wouldn't hurt either!
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Best Multivitamin for Women 2023: Garden of Life, New Chapter, Thorne
📎Links to the Multivitamin for Women of 2023 are listed below:
👉10. Nature Made Multi:
👉9. MegaFood Baby & Me 2 Postnatal Multivitamin:
👉8. MegaFood Baby & Me 2 Prenatal Multi:
👉7. Seedwell Vegan & Veggie Multivitamin:
👉6. Women Multivitamin 18+:
👉5. SmartyPants Women's Formula Gummy Vitamins:
👉4. NOW Eve Softgels:
👉3. Thorne Research Women's Multi 50+:
👉2. New Chapter One Daily Every Woman's Multivitamin 40+:
👉1. mykind Organics Women's Multi:
Hey there, wellness warriors! Welcome to another sizzlin' episode on Top 10 Go Here Channel! Today, we're diving deep into the world of multivitamins, but not just any multivitamins— we're talking about the Top 10 Best Multivitamins for Women in 2023! 🌟 Whether you're a busy mom, a fitness fanatic, or just someone looking to boost your health game, we've got the perfect pick for you.
From vegan options to age-specific formulas, we've scoured the market to bring you the absolute best of the best. We're breaking down all the deets, like what nutrients you should be looking for, which brands are rocking the quality tests, and even which ones are easy on the stomach for those of you who can't stand swallowing pills. 🌿💊
Don't forget to smash that like button if you find this video helpful and hit subscribe for more top 10 lists that you won't want to miss! 🙌 Oh, and check out the description below for all the links to these amazing multivitamins. Your future self will thank you! 💪🌈
📌 Timestamps
0:00 Intro
0:31 Nature Made Multi
1:05 MegaFood Baby & Me 2 Postnatal Multivitamin
1:32 MegaFood Baby & Me 2 Prenatal Multi
2:13 Seedwell Vegan & Veggie Multivitamin
2:59 Women Multivitamin 18+
4:06 SmartyPants Women's Formula Gummy Vitamins
5:00 NOW Eve Softgels
6:00 Thorne Research Women's Multi 50+
7:04 New Chapter One Daily Every Woman's Multivitamin 40+
8:11 mykind Organics Women's Multi
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