Приймати по 1 желатиновій капсулі 1-2 рази на день, бажано, під час їди.
Що це?
Масло огірочника містить поліненасичені жири і гамма-ліноленову кислоту в величезній кількості, надає омолоджуючий і лікуючий ефект. Впливає на гормональний фон, зміцнює імунітет, тонізує і позитивно вплива на весь організм.
Як це працює?
Огірочник повний вітамінів, мінералів і дубильних речовин. Позитивно впливає на шлунково-кишковий тракт, роботу надниркових залоз і нормалізує роботу гормональної системи. Є прекрасним імуностимулюючим і противірусним засобом, при постійному прийомі масла огірочника активно виробляються ендорфіни, що позитивно впливає на настрій, нервову систему і сон. Сприяє лікуванню астми, діабету і атеросклерозу, різних захворювань шкіри.
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БАД #BorageOil имеет след. свойства:
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- омолаживающее действие.
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Лучшие масла для жарки во фритюре. Опасные масла для жарки
КЕТО-МЕНЮ на 2 недели 👉
СКАЧАТЬ БЕСПЛАТНО материалы Доктора Берга ➡️
Какие лучшие масла для жарки во фритюре? А какие вредные масла для жарки и опасные? Какое лучшее растительное масло для жарки? Какое масло выбрать для жарки: кокосовое масло для жарки, оливковое масло, масло ГХИ. Или может быть использовать подсолнечное масло для жарки?
Книга Доктора Берга 📗
Курсы Доктора Берга 🧑🎓
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Витамины и БАДы 💊
Кто такой Доктор Берг 👨⚕️ 👉
0:00 - вредные масла для жарки во фритюре;
1:14 - полезные масла для жарки во фритюре.
Поговорим о самых полезным маслах для жарки во фритюре. При жарке во фритюре вы должны избегать ненасыщенных масел, потому что они очень нестабильны и легко окисляются (особенно при нагревании). Сюда входят следующие масла: соевое, рапсовое, кукурузное, хлопковое, подсолнечное, сафлоровое, арахисовое.
Когда вы нагреваете эти ненасыщенные и очень деликатные масла, то создаются определённые химические соединения - конечные продукты перекисного окисления липидов. Эти соединения плохо влияют на сердце и есть вероятность, что они могут вызвать определенные виды рака. Некоторые эффекты от их употребления вреднее эффектов от употребления сахара. Эти масла могут замедлять аутофагию.
Самые полезные масла для жарки во фритюре:
- Кокосовое масло или пальмовое масло. Кому не нравится кокосовое масло, то можно брать пальмовое масло.
- Говяжий жир от коров травяного откорма. Говяжий жир люди используют очень давно, потому что он очень полезен - в нем много витамина В3.
- Масло ГХИ - это топленое масло. В нем нет ничего лишнего, всё фильтруется при топлении. Масло ГХИ содержит только чистый жир.
Оливковое масло для жарки во фритюре тоже рекомендовано, несмотря на то, что там тоже есть ненасыщенные жиры. На нем можно говорить, если не нагревать выше 200 градусов.
Также вы можете жарить на масле авокадо. Оно вполне стабильно.
Выбирайте масла с более высокой точкой дымления. И старайтесь готовить на не очень высоких температурах.
Этот ролик в оригинале на английском 🇺🇸 -
Опубликован 17 января 2021 года
РЕКЛАМА на канале 📩 ask@
❗️Этот видеоматериал представлен исключительно в информационных целях. Он не должен использоваться для самодиагностики или как замена медицинскому обследованию, диагностике, лечению, назначениям или рекомендациям врачей. Факт просмотра не устанавливает отношений «врач-пациент» между вами и Доктором Бергом. Вам не следует вносить изменения в свой режим или диету без консультации терапевта и прохождения медицинского осмотра, получения диагноза и назначения от врача. В случае любых вопросов, касающихся вашего здоровья, всегда обращайтесь к квалифицированному врачу. The Health & Wellness, Dr. Berg Nutritionals и Dr. Eric Berg, D.C. и Официальное представительство Доктора Берга в России не несут ответственности за советы, лечение, диагностику и любые принятые вами меры на основании данных из этого видеоматериала или на сайте.
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Talk to a Dr. Berg Keto Consultant today and get the help you need on your journey. Call 1-540-299-1556 with your questions about Keto, Intermittent Fasting or the use of Dr. Berg products. Consultants are available Monday through Friday from 8 am to 10 pm EST. Saturday & Sunday from 9 am to 6 pm EST. USA Only.
. . Send Us Your Before & After:
Take Dr. Berg's Advanced Evaluation Quiz:
Your report will then be sent via email analyzing 104 potential symptoms, giving you a much deeper insight into the cause-effect relationship of your body issues. It's free and very enlightening.
Dr. Berg talks about GLA and what these are.
Omega 3 fatty acid and omega 6 fatty acid. GLA is different in that despite being omega 6, it is still anti-inflammatory.
This includes:
Dr. Eric Berg explains what Gamma-Linolenic Acid (GLA) is. GLA is also known as omega 6 fatty acid. You can find omega 6 in oils such as borage oil, black current seeds, evening primrose oil and hempseed.
Find out the amazing benefits of omega 6 and how it can help you!
Dr. Eric Berg DC Bio:
Dr. Berg, 56 years of age is a chiropractor who specializes in weight loss through nutritional and natural methods. His private practice is located in Alexandria, Virginia. His clients include senior officials in the U.S. government and the Justice Department, ambassadors, medical doctors, high-level executives of prominent corporations, scientists, engineers, professors, and other clients from all walks of life. He is the author of The 7 Principles of Fat Burning, published by KB Publishing in January 2011. Dr. Berg trains chiropractors, physicians and allied healthcare practitioners in his methods, and to date he has trained over 2,500 healthcare professionals. He has been an active member of the Endocrinology Society, and has worked as a past part-time adjunct professor at Howard University.
The Health & Wellness Center
4709 D Pinecrest Office Park Drive
Alexandria, VA 22312
Dr. Eric Berg received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1988. His use of “doctor” or “Dr.” in relation to himself solely refers to that degree. Dr. Berg is a licensed chiropractor in Virginia, California, and Louisiana, but he no longer practices chiropractic in any state and does not see patients. This video is for general informational purposes only. It should not be used to self-diagnose and it is not a substitute for a medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, and prescription or recommendation. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Berg and you. You should not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first consulting a physician and obtaining a medical exam, diagnosis, and recommendation. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. The Health & Wellness, Dr. Berg Nutritionals and Dr. Eric Berg, D.C. are not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis or any other information, services or product you obtain through this video or site.
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Как выбрать оливковое масло? Лучшее оливковое масло👍
Курс Доктора Берга ЗДОРОВОЕ КЕТО 👉
СКАЧАТЬ БЕСПЛАТНО материалы Доктора Берга ➡️
Как выбрать оливковое масло? Какое лучшее оливковое масло? Как выбрать оливковое масло правильно? Как выбрать оливковое масло хорошего качества, чтобы оливковое масло было без горечи? Как выбрать оливковое масло для салата и как выбрать оливковое масло для готовки? Есть ли разница? Выбирайте оливковое масло extra virgin.
КЕТО-МЕНЮ на 2 недели 👉
Книга Доктора Берга 📗
Курсы Доктора Берга 🧑🎓
Определить свой ТИП ТЕЛОСЛОЖЕНИЯ ⚖️👉
Витамины и БАДы 💊
Кто такой Доктор Берг 👨⚕️ 👉
ССЫЛКИ, которые упоминал Доктор Берг. Настоящее оливковое масло:
0:00 - настоящее оливковое масло;
1:09 - как выбрать оливковое масло.
С производством оливкового масла связано много коррупции, и это продолжается очень долго. Покупая оливковое масло, стоит следить за тем, что вы покупаете именно настоящее оливковое масло, а не поддельное оливковое масло.
Настоящее оливковое масло просто невероятно вкусное! Настоящее оливковое масло зеленого цвета и имеет яркий, свежий, перечный, травянистый вкус.
Но чаще всего люди употребляют поддельное оливковое масло, даже не подозревая об этом и думая, что так и должно быть: безвкусное или прогорклое масло.
Всё это происходит, потому что многие производители смешивают оливковое масло с более дешевыми растительными маслами низкого качества.
Как выбрать настоящее оливковое масло? Лучше не покупать оливковое масло крупных брендов. В идеале стоит найти специализированный магазин, где можно попробовать масло. Это лучший вариант! При выборе оливкового масла обратите внимание на пару моментов:
1. Всегда выбирайте оливковое масло extra virgin (а не "легкое" или "очищенное", но и это не будет гарантией того, что оливковое масло настоящее).
2. Нелишним будет узнать дату сбора оливок (речь не о сроке годности или дате разлива, а именно о дате сбора оливок).
3. Хорошо, если будет штамп третьей страны (где это масло разливалось).
4. Лучше покупать масло в специальных магазинах.
5. Заказать масло прямо из Италии или из другой страны, где будет настоящее оливковое масло.
Этот ролик в оригинале на английском 🇺🇸 -
Опубликован 8 августа 2020 года
РЕКЛАМА на канале 📩 ask@
❗️Этот видеоматериал представлен исключительно в информационных целях. Он не должен использоваться для самодиагностики или как замена медицинскому обследованию, диагностике, лечению, назначениям или рекомендациям врачей. Факт просмотра не устанавливает отношений «врач-пациент» между вами и Доктором Бергом. Вам не следует вносить изменения в свой режим или диету без консультации терапевта и прохождения медицинского осмотра, получения диагноза и назначения от врача. В случае любых вопросов, касающихся вашего здоровья, всегда обращайтесь к квалифицированному врачу. The Health & Wellness, Dr. Berg Nutritionals и Dr. Eric Berg, D.C. и Официальное представительство Доктора Берга в России не несут ответственности за советы, лечение, диагностику и любые принятые вами меры на основании данных из этого видеоматериала или на сайте.
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A review and ingredient spotlight on Borage oil - whats the evidence? How have I found the Ordinary borage oil?
The Ordinary Borage Oil:
Naissance Borage Oil:
Makeup today:
Bare Minerals bare pro foundation in 09
NYX shimmer down pigment in Walnut
ABH modern renaissance palette
Stila liquid lipstick in Caramello
What equipment do I use?
Canon DSLR -
Ring Light -
Tabletop studio lights -
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Какое масло лучше: рафинированное или нерафинированное
На что нужно обратить внимание при выборе растительного масла.
Чем может быть неполезно нерафинированное масло и в чем его преимущества.
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How I Fight ACNE with Natural Supplements (before & after) | Joanna Soh
This video is in partnership with iHerb. New and Existing Customers can get a discount off their iHerb order at: For shipping outside of the US:
WATCH My Acne Story 5 Years Ago:
This is not something I often share, in fact it took me a lot of courage to share my ACNE journey with you. I went through an episode of really bad acne when I was 20 - 22 years old. Then it completely went away for 4 years, and I never thought I'd have to go through this phase again. Guess what? I started having terrible breakouts 3 years back, and that lasted for another 2 years.
Within that 2 year, I've tried different products and supplements, and I don't always get it right. But these are few natural supplements which have helped me. My skin has only started improving the past one year.
If you're going through acne right now, trust me, I know how it feels. It can affect your confidence, and it did for me. I hope you'll find strength in this video and that some of the tips will help you.
Do share your ACNE STORY with me in the comments below. Lots of Love xx
Products Mentioned:
1) Nature's Way, Fortify, Dual Action Digestive Complete
2) Nature's Way, Alive! Hair, Skin & Nails Multi-Vitamin, Strawberry Flavored
3) Nature's Way, Super Fisol Fish Oil
4) Nature's Way, EfaGold, Evening Primrose
5) Nature's Way, Hydraplenish, Sodium Hyaluronate Serum, Plus Vitamin C
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I'm a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach, with over 9 years of experience.
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Представляю Вашему вниманию уникальный продукт от компании Siberian Wellness - БОРАГО И АМАРАНТ-ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS /ПРОФИЛАКТИКА АЛЛЕРГИЧЕСКИХ РЕАКЦИЙ/
Источник незаменимой омега-6 гаммалиноленовой кислоты из масел бораго и амаранта для профилактики аллергических реакций.
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Review The Ordinary 100% Organic Cold Pressed Borage Seed Oil l Skin care
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The Ordinary 100% Organic Cold-Pressed Borage Seed Oil 30ml
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22 Benefits Of Evening Primrose Oil For Skin, Hair, And Health.
22 Benefits Of Evening Primrose Oil For Skin, Hair, And Health.
Ever wondered how an oil can change your health and beauty for the better? Evening primrose oil is the solution to a lot of health and beauty issues.
It is best known for its ability to balance the hormone levels, cure menopausal symptoms, and induce labor. If used regularly, it provides a wide range of benefits to your health, skin, and hair.
Keep reading to discover just how amazing this wonder oil is.
What Is Evening Primrose Oil.
Evening primrose is a small plant that produces dainty yellow flowers during the spring and summer seasons.
Evening primrose oil is extracted by pressing the seeds of this plant. This oil is known for its labor-inducing effects as well as relieving PMS symptoms like breast pain, headache, bloating, acne, etc.
It is also widely used in the cosmetic industry as one of the main ingredients in soaps and shampoos.
Here’s a glimpse into the profile of evening primrose oil.
Scientific Name: Oenothera biennis.
Also Known As: EPO, Night willow herb, Primrose seed oil, Primrose oil, Huile de Primrose.
Origin: The evening primrose plant is native to North America and Europe, specifically England.
Color, Smell, And Texture: The oil is a beautiful golden yellow and has a slightly nutty scent. It has a thick consistency that is absorbed into the skin very slowly.
Shelf Life: The general shelf life of this oil is 6 months, but it lasts longer if refrigerated.
How Safe Is It.
Evening primrose oil is usually safe for people who use it for a short period and in the recommended dosage.
Short-term implications include nausea, headache, and loose stools. If you experience these symptoms, it means that your dose is too high.
It is always a good idea to do a patch test on your arm to check if your skin is allergic to it. If you don’t experience any irritation, redness or rashes within 1-2 hours, you can use it on your face and body.
Let’s see why we this oil is good for your face and body.
What Are Its Health Benefits.
From regulating your mood swings to controlling your blood sugar levels, the benefits of evening primrose oil are plenty.
1. Helps Treat PMS And Menopausal Symptoms.
Women have been taking primrose oil to treat their hormonal imbalance since years, and all for a good reason.
Studies have shown that the omega-6 fatty acids in the oil help treat menopausal and premenstrual symptoms (PMS).
When a woman undergoes menopause or PMS, she experiences symptoms such as bloating, breast tenderness, acne, or irritability. Making sure to get enough of omega-6 fatty acids, like linoleic acid (LA) and gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), can help balance the overall hormone levels in the body.
Another common symptom experienced by most women is hot flashes. A six-week clinical trial study was performed on 56 menopausal women to test the efficacy of evening primrose oil to treat hot flashes. It was found that primrose oil was highly effective in treating and decreasing the frequency of hot flashes.
2. Induces Labor.
There are several natural ways to induce labor if you are past your due date. One of the best ways is to use evening primrose oil.
Its supplements can be either taken orally or inserted vaginally after the 37th week of pregnancy. Studies suggest that it can help shorten the duration of labor.
3. Improves Fertility.
Evening primrose oil can be used to increase fertility in women naturally.
But how.
Evening primrose oil increases the quality of cervical mucus, making it a very fertile ground for the sperm. This facilitates the free movement of the sperm through the cervix.
When a woman does not produce enough cervical mucus or fluid, the motility of the sperm is restricted, and this decreases the chances of conception.
4. Controls Diabetes.
Evening primrose oil helps people with diabetes by preventing its common symptoms and complications.
The GLA in the oil helps relieve nerve pain and prevent nerve damage by reducing the numbness and tingling that is experienced by diabetic patients.
A study was done on diabetic rats to test the effects of evening primrose oil on nerve conduction. It concluded that the oil rapidly reversed the nerve conduction deficits. It also acts as a vasodilator, thus helping to reduce blood pressure.
5. Helps Manage Osteoporosis.
Consuming evening primrose oil regularly helps to reduce the risk of fractures in patients suffering from osteoporosis. This oil improves the bone mineral density and makes your bones stronger and healthier.
A few studies have proved that the presence of GLA in the oil makes it highly effective in the management of osteoporosis,.
6. Aids Weight Loss.
While some studies found that evening primrose oil was quite useful for managing obesity, a few other studies showed no significant benefits of using this for weight loss. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We are harvesting our borage down on the farm and sharing with you all WHAT we are doing with it! From culinary to medicinal uses it doesn't seem like there is a shortage of what to do with borage!
Just a heads up! This is meant to be an informational video. We are not doctors and nor pretend to be one on Youtube! We do not intend to diagnose, treat or cure any illness or disease. If you believe these plants would be beneficial to you please seek a healthcare professional for advice.
RESORUCES- Some things that might be helpful!
101 Easy Homemade Products for the Skin, Health and Home
Simple and Natural Soap Making By: The Nerdy Farm Wife
Premier One Poultry Netting
Find our artisan loose leaf tea in the farm shop!
~*~ Books ~*~
Square Foot Gardening
The Winter Harvest Handbook
Four Season Harvest
Backyard Chickens
Stoney's Guide to Raising Chickens
Fresh Eggs Daily
~*~ Tools ~*~
Watering Can
Gardening Gloves
Organic Spinach Seed
Soil Blocker
Seed Starter Pots
~*~ Video Equipment ~*~
Nikon Cool Pix A900 Camera
Joby Gorillapod Tripod
iMovie Software
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I'm back with a half-face experiment to test the many and incredible benefits that retinol promises us all: wrinkle removal, a perfect skin glow, acne free, sun spots and hyperpigmentation fading. It's a lot! But will those benefits make a noticeable difference when applied to only half of my face?
►Grown Alchemist Hydra Repair Day Cream
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I Used ROSEHIP OIL On My Skin Everyday For One Week
Rosehip Seed Oil (1 oz):
Rosehip Seed Oil (4 oz):
I Used Rosehip Oil On My Skin Everyday For One Week
Hi guys! Today I’m taking through a week where I used rosehip seed oil on my skin as my moisturizer for my morning and nighttime skincare routine. I LOVE oils…castor oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, tea tree oil…I love them all. One of the oils that I hadn’t tried prior to making this video, though, was rosehip seed oil. I had heard a lot of positive things about rosehip seed oil, so I decided to add it to my skincare routine for one week to see what would happen. I was a little nervous as I’m so used to using jojoba oil and tea tree oil at night on my skin; both of those oils have significantly improved my acne. Ya know when you finally find a skincare product that works, and then you run out of it and have to use something different until you go out and buy a new one? And you’re scared your skin is just going to breakout? That’s kinda what this was like (at the beginning, lol). Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the video! Make sure to watch until the end to see what happened to my skin as I used rosehip seed oil everyday for one week. :D
▶︎Check Out My SKINCARE Products HERE:
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Jojoba Oil:
Tea Tree Oil:
▶︎Check Out More SKINCARE Videos HERE:
I Used ALOE VERA On My Skin For One Week And This Is What Happened
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age: 25 (born in 1993)
ethnicity: Guamanian, German, Irish
college I went to: Boston University
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acne treatment cleanser dry skin toner
i didn't wash my face
skin care
skincare routine
clear skin
oily skin
acne treatment
the ordinary rosehip oil benefits rosehip oil before and after
ROSEHIP SEED OIL Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Top 3 Ways I Use Evening Primrose Oil / Collab w/ Amanda D | Jessica Lee
I have always been into natural and holistic remedies for my health and well being. I was excited to try this evening primrose oil from Prime Natural through Tomoson. I am an avid user of many different types of essential and carrier oils, natural butters, etc. I have learned a lot since trying this EPO. I wanted to share the top 3 ways that I personally use it. Amanda will be sharing her top 3 ways that she likes to use it as well. Check out her channel link below, & Prime Natural Evening Primrose Oil. NOT an affiliate link.
XO ~ Jessica Lee
Amanda's Channel:
Prime Natural Evening Primrose Oil:
Uses/benefits of Evening Primrose Oil:
Nourish, Soften, Smooth & Radiant Skin: The main chemical components of Evening Primrose Oil's are Linoleic Acids(OMEGA-6), Gamma-Linolenic Acid(OMEGA-6), Oleic Acids(OMEGA-9), Palmitic Acid & Stearic Acid. Used as a skin moisturizer to hydrate and soften skin. Evening Primrose oil is well known for its anti-aging, analgesic & anti-inflammatory properties. Apply directly to your skin or add to your daily moisturizer or mix it with your favorite essential oil. Just smooth a few drops into your skin using gentle rubbing motions, as you would any face and body lotion.
Treat Eczema, Psoriasis & Nail Infection: Apply EPO directly to the affected areas. The high concentration of fatty acids restores hydration and softness to the skin. It can be used to treat eczema & psoriasis. Apply 2-4 drop of Evening Primrose oil on the infected nails and itchy skin between toenails. Repeat as needed until infection subsides.
Treat Acne, Black Heads, Dark Spots & Face Serum: Dab 2-4 drops onto the affected area using a cotton swab or cotton ball to treat and reduce future breakouts. You can mix it with Prime Natural organic geranium/myrrh/frankincense/lavender oil to use it as a deep pore cleanser and toner. It will not only cleanse impurities but will also leave your skin smelling good. Applying a few drops of Evening Primrose oil to skin afflicted by acne after cleansing and patting dry ensures that essential moisture and nutrients are introduced to clean, dry skin. Rubbing in gently and repeating twice daily can help clear up mild acne as well as balancing oily or dry skin.
Dry Skin Conditions: Apply a small amount of oil directly to skin and massage gently to give relief & encourage healing.
Protection and Healing: Smoothing a few drops of Evening Primrose oil into sore or damaged skin helps to speed up the healing process.
Cures Cuts, Burns & Rashes - Evening Primrose oil also works as antiseptic & anti-inflammatory oil. It helps cures minor skin cuts, rashes or even burns. you may even use it for healing insect bites
Anti-Aging: it gives skin a youthful glow and reduces the visibility of wrinkles. Its anti-oxidant effect makes Evening Primrose oil the ideal anti-aging product. It restores elasticity and leaves skin feeling plumper and softer. For the most prominent anti-aging effects, massage a few drops into your face and neck before bed. It acts as a moisturizer and anti-ager all in one. Dab 2-4 drops on affected area to treat and reduce future breakouts. Mix it with geranium/myrrh/frankincense/lavender oil to use it as a deep pore cleanser and toner. It will cleanse impurities & leave your skin smelling good.
Healthy & Silky Hair Repair & Stimulate Growth: Nourishes your hair to make it soft, silky, smooth & radiant. Apply a few drops onto dry or damp hair, focusing on split ends, or scalp to nourish follicles. It helps stimulate hair growth, counter dandruff, repair split ends, nourish, thicken and strengthen the hair, prevent hair breakage, stimulate blood flow to the scalp & counteracts an itchy scalp.
Foot, Hand, and Nail Treatment: Ideal for brittle nails, dry hands and cracked, hard skin on feet. It both moisturizes & softens skin, leaving hands and feet soft and nails strong and healthy. Massage a few drops of EPO into cuticles, hands, and feet before bed each night.
**The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is for educational purposes only, it is not intended to treat, cure, prevent or, diagnose any disease or condition. Nor is it intended to prescribe in any way.
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Instagram: @JessicaLee.3
Email: beautynbaseball@
Disclaimer: This is NOT a sponsored video. Sometimes I am sent products for my consideration, and rarely some links may be affiliate links. If I post an affiliate link it will be clearly marked!! As always, any opinions expressed are 100% my own. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dr. Tutera discussing the advantages of Oil of Evening Primrose
To learn more about the benefits of Oil of Evening Primrose, please visit us at our website at: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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