B-Complex 50 від Bluebonnet забезпечує всі водорозчинні вітаміни групи В, які грають важливу роль у клітинному метаболізмі. Колись ця група вважалася одним вітаміном. Пізніше дослідження показали, що вони є окремими складниками, які часто співіснують в одних і тих самих продуктах. Добавки, що містять усі вісім вітамінів групи В (тіамін, рибофлавін, ніацин, піридоксин, кобаламін, біотин, фолат, пантотенову кислоту), називаються комплексом вітаміну В.
Вітаміни цієї групи беруть участь у багатьох хімічних і біологічних функціях організму. Головними епіцентрами впливу є мозок, нервова та серцево-судинна системи. Вітамін В12 — це один із кофакторів, який відповідає за виробництво ДНК. Також у компанії з вітамінами В6 і В1 він забезпечує здоров'я серця і, відповідно, судин, нормалізує сон. Фолієва кислота та вітамін Б6 відповідають за емоційний фон, оскільки підвищують вироблення серотоніну. Біотин бере активну участь у процесах обміну білка, жирів і вуглеводів, чим допомагає активувати дії вітаміну С в організмі. За допомогою приймання цього комплексу можна досить швидко заповнити вітамінні прогалини в організмі й істотно поліпшити загальне самопочуття.
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Моя распаковка витаминов Solgar B-комплекс B-Complex "50" 100 капсул из Rozetka
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В видео врач-невролог описывает свой взгляд на использование комплексных препаратов витаминов группы В.
Больше информации о конкретных препаратах можно найти здесь:
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В подготовке к видео использовались различные научные источники, в частности:
Данилов А.Б. Применение витаминов группы В при болях в спине: новые анальгетики? // РМЖ. 2008. № 16. С. 35—43.
Данилов А.Б., Данилов Ал.Б. Управляй болью. Биопсихосоциальный подход. М.: АММ ПРЕСС, 2012. С. 582.
Исследование по витамину В 12. Mauro GL, Martorana U, Cataldo P. et al. Vitamin B12 in low back pain: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study // Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2000. Vol. 4 (3). Р. 53–58.
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Комплекс витаминов группы B от Solgar Для питания нервной и сердечно сосудистой системы
😘Комплекс витаминов группы B от Solgar Для питания нервной и сердечно сосудистой системы
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BComplex 100 By Bluebonnet 100 Vegetarian Capsules
Solgar, B-Complex "50", 100 Vegetable Capsules
B Complex vitamins are needed for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which convert food into energy. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Vitamin B Complex In 2021
👉 Solgar B-Complex "100", 100 Vegetable Capsules -
👉 Garden of Life Vitamin B Complex - Vitamin Code Raw -
👉 Super B-Complex – Methylated -
👉 Pure Encapsulations B-Complex Plus -
👉 Andrew Lessman High Potency B-Complex -
👉 Designs for Health B-Supreme - B Vitamin Complex -
👉 Pure Synergy Super B-Complex -
👉 NOW Supplements, Vitamin B-100 -
👉 Earn up to $ for every click -
Best Vitamin B Complex
Vitamin B complex is an essential group of eight vitamins that are needed for the proper function of cells in the body.
B vitamins are known to provide healthy skin. But they actually do so much more than that. The best vitamin B complex promotes your metabolism, as well as your immune and nervous system. It also keeps your muscles in good condition.
Some of the benefits of the best vitamin B complex supplements include increased energy, improved or more stable moods, healthier skin, hair and eyes. The vitamins are important for proper nervous system and immune system function.
The best vitamin B complex also helps maintaining the tissues of skin and muscle. It helps enhancing the humans’ immune system, making them less vulnerable to diseases. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Differences in B100 & B12. Part of the series: LS - Vitamins & Supplements. B100 and B12 are not the same thing and should never be treated as such. Find out about the differences between B100 and B12 with help from an experienced health and fitness expert in this free video clip. Read more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Solgar, B-Complex "100", 250 Tablets
Each required nutrients in the Vitamin B Complex performs a unique role in maintaining proper metabolic functioning, while nutritionally supporting the body during the stress of daily living. B Complex vitamins are needed for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which convert food into energy. In addition, these vitamins play a necessary role in supporting cardiovascular health, the promotion of a healthy nervous system, support for normal muscle function, as well as red blood cell formation. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Solgar, B-Complex "100", 100 Vegetable Capsules
Each required nutrient in the Vitamin B Complex performs a unique role in maintaining proper metabolic functioning, while nutritionally supporting the body during the occasional stress of daily living. B Complex vitamins are needed for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which converts food into energy. In addition, these vitamins play a necessary role in supporting cardiovascular and nervous system health. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Are you looking for the Best Solgar spent time to find out the Best Solgar you and create a review video. In this video review you will find the top products list, what is the feature of these products and why you should buy it.
Here is the list of 5 Best Solgar B-Complex
products link: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Warning! You Should Never Take a B Complex Until You See This Video - VitaLife Show Episode 254
You Should Never Take a B Complex Until You See This Video - VitaLife Show Episode 254
In today's episode Dr. Janine Bowring, ND explains why you should never take a conventional B Complex Vitamin!
Most of the B complex vitamins on the market today are synthetically made, usually from the petrochemical industry.
For instance B1 is made from coal tar and ammonia, B3 is made from Formaldehyde and ammonia, and B12 cyanocobalamin, which is cyanide + cobalamin and inexpensive way to bind the B12 and get it into the body. Not something we recommend.
Some of the side effects of taking synthetic B12 vitamins include rashes from taking niacin in the synthetic form, insomnia, stomachaches, super bright yellow urine, nausea, vomiting, constipation, and diarrhea. All tell tale signs that you are ingesting a synthetic form of vitamin B.
At VitaTree we use whole food nutrients/ sources for our vitamins, and in terms of our B12 we use adenosylcobalamin a much better form of B12 that does not need the intrinsic factor. VitaTree Vitamin B12 also contains a mixture of nature’s best blue green algae Chlorella, which contains important cofactors for the best absorption of B12.
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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug product is not intended to diagnose,treat,cure or prevent any disease.
Please watch: "How To Do An Easy Full Body Detox - VitaLife Show Episode 265"
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Review of Solgar B Complex with Vitamin C Stress Formula - 250 Tablets
Get it here -
Just do a search with the name of the product.
I believe the product has been re-branded to Solgar B-Complex with Vitamin C Stress Formula
If you get B Complex through the above link, you can receive an additional discount upon checkout. The discount should also work for multiple products.
The B vitamins work together to metabolize carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which contributes to an increased energy production level in the body. They also support a healthy nervous system and mood, and are essential for healthy skin, hair and vision. Water-soluble B vitamins are not stored in the body and must be replenished daily.
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Water Soluble Vitamins: B-complex vitamins, vitamin C - Nutrition Essentials for Nursing
In this video, Cathy goes over the functions and sources of B-complex vitamins, as well as risk factors associated with deficiency of B-complex vitamins. She also covers specific conditions that result from deficiencies of B1 (Thiamin), B2 (Riboflavin), B3 (Niacin), B6 (Pyridoxine), B9 (Folate/Folic Acid), and B12 (Cobalamin). Cathy covers the functions and sources of vitamin C, as well as the risk factors and signs/symptoms associated with scurvy. Lastly, Cathy gives a quick little quiz to see if you have been listening during her video! 🙂
Cathy Parkes BSN, RN, CWCN, PHN covers (Wound Care for Nurses - Staging Pressure Injuries). The (Wound Care for Nurses) video tutorial series is intended to help RN and PN nursing students study for your nursing school exams, including the ATI, HESI and NCLEX.
#NCLEX #Vitamins #Nutrition
00:00 Intro
00:12 B-Complex Vitamins
1:57 Specific B-Complex Vitamin Deficiencies
5:18 Vitamin C
6:54 Quiz time!
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All of the nurses at Level Up RN are here to help! Cathy Parkes started helping her fellow classmates back when she was in nursing school, tutoring so they could pass their exams and graduate. After she got her BSN and started working as an RN at Scripps Encinitas Hospital, she started this YouTube channel to help nursing students around the world. Since then she has built a team of top-notch dedicated nurses and nurse educators who are focused on improving nursing education and supporting career advancement for nurses everywhere. With flashcards, videos, courses, organizational tools and more, we are singularly focused on helping students and nurses Level Up on their exams and nursing careers.
TikTok: @leveluprn
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Solgar, B-Complex with Vitamin C Stress Formula, 250 Tablets
Solgar, B-Complex with Vitamin C Stress Formula, 250 Tablets
B Complex vitamins are needed for the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which convert food into energy Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Can a Vitamin B Complex Supplement help to reduce your anxiety? In this video I discuss what a Vitamin B Complex actually is and how it can work to improve your physical and mental health.
Do you struggle with anxiety? Download my FREE resource "Top Tips for Living with Anxiety"
Or get my FREE Supplement Guide:
Here is the Vitamin B supplement that I take every day; Nature's Bounty Vitamin B 100 Complex -
This supplement gives you the perfect dosage of all 8 B Vitamins which will work to keep your body functioning at its finest!
The Vitamin B Complex is made up of 8 B Vitamins
Vitamin B1 Thiamine, which helps convert food into energy
Vitamin B2 Riboflavin, which helps the formation of new blood cells
Vitamin B3 Niacin, which helps to improve cholesterol
Vitamin B5 Pantothenic Acid, which helps convert food into energy
Vitamin B6 Pyridoxine, which promotes neurotransmitter production
Vitamin B7 Biotin, which promotes nutrient absorption
Vitamin B9 Folic Acid, which is involved in DNA formation
Vitamin B12 Cobalmin, which is important for organ maintenance
Together, these vitamins work to maintain a healthy physical and mental state. Luckily, you can get most of your B vitamins from a healthy, varied diet, but if you don't eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts, meat, eggs and fish, then you might be lacking in some of these vitamins, and should consider taking a Vitamin B Complex Supplement.
One important thing to note is that Vitamin B 12, Cobalmin, is ONLY found in animal products, so if you are a vegetarian or a vegan, you are likely to be deficient in Vitamin B12 Cobalmin, and should be finding alternative sources of this vitamin.
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I'm Jesse, a science communicator currently living in Melbourne, Australia. I make videos about the science of health and wellbeing. I also write a weekly email newsletter that contains plenty of interesting information to help you live smarter, happier and healthier.
If you want to reach out, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to email me at jessecrowe@. I will try my best to respond but unfortunately I am very busy with work and 😭
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Amazon Link -
Nature Made Super B-Complex
Super B-Complex helps convert food into energy. B vitamins are also necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system. Our Super B-Complex formula contains high levels of B and C vitamins. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Time to Take Vitamin B Complex. Part of the series: Nutrition & Diets. The best time to take vitamin B complex is in the morning after eating a meal. Take a vitamin B complex to increase metabolism and energy levels with advice from a registered and licensed dietitian in this free video on nutrition and diets. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review of Solgar Magnesium with Vitamin B6 - 100 Tablets
Get it here with a discount -
If you get the Magnesium from the above link, you will receive an additional discount upon checkout. The discount will also work for multiple products.
Magnesium helps to regulate calcium transport and absorption. By stimulating the secretion of calcitonin, it aids the influx of calcium into bone and promotes optimal bone mineralization. Along with ATP, magnesium supports cellular energy release. It also promotes nerve and muscle function. This formulation offers Vitamin B6 to support energy metabolism and nervous system health in the body.
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When to take VITAMIN B COMPLEX (Best Times/Tips)2021
In this video I go over when you should take your vitamin b-complex supplement, and how you can get the most out of it.
Vitamin B-Complex Supplement:
Watch Next:
Best Time to take Vitamin C:
Best Time to take Magnesium:
Best Time to take Vitamin D:
Best Time to take Zinc:
When you should take vitamin b-complex:
- Morning is usually best
- Take it on an empty stomach for best absorption
- Take it with food if taking it on an empty stomach causes an upset stomach
- Check to make sure it wont interact with any medications you're taking
I hope you liked the video.
Thanks for watching!
Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, which means if you click a link and make a purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra charge to you. Thank you.
Medical Disclaimer: The information and opinions contained in this post are not intended to replace sound medical advice. Please consult with your regular health care practitioner before trying any new supplement. Also talk to your doctor about any possible interactions if you take any prescription medications. The statements in this post are not intended to treat, prevent, or cure any disease.
#VitaminBcomplex #Supplements #BVitamins Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
❗️Where to get the Pantothenic Acid:
Amazon (US) Link: ,
Amazon (CANADA) Link: ,
Amazon (UK) Link: ,
○ My Side Effects and Experience using Pantothenic Acid.. || What I REALLY think. Q&A!!!:
○ I TOOK PANTOTHENIC ACID FOR 6 MONTHS.. HERE IS THE UPDATE. || Did B5 get rid of cystic acne fast?:
🎥I have a WHOLE playlist on all of My Pantothenic Acid Journey for your convenience! ENJOY!:
Vitamin B100 Complex:
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The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1%:
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Link to the Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) I bought!:
Pantothenic Acid 100 Capsule :
Pantothenic Acid 250 Count:
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Best vitamin b complex featured in this Video:
0:18 NO.1. Country Life Coenzyme B Complex
1:08 NO.2. Solgar Vitamin B-Complex
2:07 NO.3. Garden of Life Vitamin B Complex
2:57 NO.4. Nature's Bounty Vitamin B-Complex
3:47 NO.5. New Chapter Vitamin B Complex
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
What is a vitamin b complex?
Vitamin B complex helps prevent infections and helps support or promote. B vitamins play a vital role in maintaining good health and well-being. As the building blocks of a healthy body, B vitamins have a direct impact on your energy levels, brain function, and cell metabolism.
What is the Best vitamin b complex?
If you are looking for the top vitamin b complex, then you are in the right place. Please watch the full video before taking the buying decision. Because we are here to help you in this regard. The Outdoorist team strives to collect as much information as possible, read tons of reviews from actual users and finalize the product selection based on different factors like quality, price, the reputation of the manufacturers, etc. Please let us know if you have something in your mind in the comment section.
best knee brace for running
best yogurt for probiotics
best cooling towel
Some of the footage within this video was developed for promotional/education purposes. Parts of stock footage of items were collected from manufacturers, fellow creators, and various other sources. If you are the creator or own the footage which may have reservations, please notify me via email and I will accommodate you for sure.
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Music Credit:
On the Way by Vlad Gluschenko
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library
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#Best_vitamin_b_complex, #vitamin_b_complex, #b_complex Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Doctor of Physical Therapy ( Utica, New York)/ Licensed Physiotherapist in the Philippines and United States/ Clinician/ Content Creator/ Speaker
Other Videos That Can Help You:
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Sleeping Position to Avoid
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This video discusses about neuropathy or affectation of the nerve in which symptoms can present with numbness and pins and needles sensation, sharp, shooting and burning type of pain and even weakness.
The medical information herein is to be used as a guide and in no way should replace personal consultation from a licensed medical professional. This video does not create a patient-medical professional relationship.
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Dr. Wolf gives you the rundown on B-Vitamin Complexes, the different types of B-Vitamins and how they function in the body.
Shop for a large selection of quality B-Vitamin Complexes:
- - -
About The Series:
Watch LuckyVitamin's Ask The ND series featuring LuckyVitamin Dr. Jeremy Wolf for healthy information, benefits and facts about popular nutritional supplements and wellness topics. These quick guides are great educational resources to learn about a variety of wellness oriented topics from a trained Naturopathic Physician.
About The Doctor:
Dr. Jeremy Wolf is a Licensed Naturopathic Physician (N.D.). He completed his four-year medical training from the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM) and Health Sciences graduating with high honors. Prior to receiving his Doctorate, Dr. Wolf received his Bachelors in Science with a focus in Biology from Towson University. Dr. Wolf's medical focus is based on Herbal Medicines, Health Supplements, Homeopathy, Pediatrics, Nutrition and Physical Medicine. He has also had extensive training in Therapeutic Nutrition. Dr. Wolf's medical philosophy is based on a healthy balance of diet, exercise and proper nutrition to aid in the reversal of disease and stimulate the body's innate ability to heal itself.
About LuckyVitamin:
For those leading active, healthful lives, LuckyVitamin is the inspirational and supportive source for products and knowledge dedicated to helping everyone on their journey towards happy wellness. Visit () to learn about healthy living and shop thousands of health and wellness products at great prices. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
VITAMIN B12 dosing strategies – 3 examples (and what I recommend)
Why is there such a range of doses in B12 supplements? Why do they often provide tens of thousands of percent of the RDA? Is this safe? Why is it so hard to find more conservatively dosed supplements? How much should you take?
And do you really need to take thousands of micrograms of the vitamin to get enough?
It is important to remember that the pros of ensuring a good B12 status far outweigh the potential negatives associated with how we must dose it to achieve this status. That being said, there may now be value in using a little more finesse in our dosing strategy and determining a dose that will provide enough B12 without ingesting thousands of micrograms unnecessarily.
Today we'll be exploring the relevant aspects of B12 absorption and how you can use them as a starting point to work out a conservative dosing strategy that still has a high probability of achieving adequacy, including three examples of regimens to make this topic a little easier to understand.
Please note that the strategies discussed in this video apply to healthy people with no known absorption issues. High-dose B12 supplements exist for a reason and are very effective for acquiring and maintaining a good status in some people with B12 problems, which are very common. In this case, the benefits of high-dose B12 supplementation far outweigh any potential drawbacks and you should persist with the regimen prescribed by your healthcare provider.
#B12 #Vegan #WFPB
References: 6:20
The information provided on this YouTube channel is not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The content presented is for informational purposes only. Always seek professional medical advice before starting any new health care regimen, treatment, exercise program or diet and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you saw on this YouTube channel. Always seek the advice of your doctor with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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☛ All The Links to Best B12 Supplements are listed in this Video:-
► 5. Nature Made Vitamin B12 1000 mcg.
► 4. Garden of Life B12 Spray.
► 3. Solgar Sublingual Methylcobalamin B12 5000 mcg,
► 2. Pure Encapsulations Methylcobalamin 1,000 mcg.
► 1. Nature’s Bounty Vitamin B12 Coated Tablets.
In This Video, I listed the Best B12 Supplements That are available in the market. I made this list based on my personal research, and I tried to list them based on their price, quality, and many more things.
Thanks for watching, I hope you liked this video. If this video Helpful to you, please make sure to leave a like, comment, and subscribe to my channel to see more review videos.
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MAGNEZIJ I VITAMIN B uzimajte ZAJEDNO ! Evo zašto ...
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O NAMA:"Aura centar je vodeća privatna praksa za liječenje i rehabilitaciju u Slavoniji (Hrvatska). Osnovani smo 2009. godine u Valpovu .2020 godine otvaramo novu zgradu i centar s najmodernijim svjetskim metodama za liječenje i rehabilitaciju naših smo za liječenje akutnih i kroničnih ,ortopedskih,neuroloških,degenerativnih,reumatoloških bolesti te sportskih strogo individualan pristup u radu s našim su naši korisnici uvijek na prvom ne dobivaju samo najbolju šansu za liječenje njihovih tegoba nego dobivaju i iskustvo koje ih vraća u bolji i kvalitetniji život,bez tegoba i štenjem koncepta individualnog pristupa u liječenju naš medicinski kadar prilagođava tretmane specifičnim potrebama naših pacijenata. Personalizirana medicina u svom konceptu nudi medicinsku izvrsnost, što nam omogućava ponuditi vam nove oblike liječenja koji predstavljaju budućnost liječenja i rehabilitacije. Bez obzira o kojem se zdravstvenom stanju radi, sigurnost i zadovoljstvo pacijenata glavni su prioriteti u našem centru.U praksi radi visoko specijalizirani kadar s preko 22 godina iskustva rada s s ponosom možemo reći da smo svih godina rada našeg centra imamo privilegiju raditi s pacijentima ne samo iz Hrvatske nego i 30 zemalja Europe i svijeta".
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B Vitamins - Dr. Cooperman Explains What You Need to Know
Find out how to choose the best B vitamin and whether or not you even need one. Base on its recent Review of B Vitamins () founder, Tod Cooperman, M.D., explains how much you need of B vitamins such as B12 (important for memory and cognition), folate (important during pregnancy), niacin (used for cholesterol-lowering), and biotin (promoted or hair and nails), what they do, how much is dangerous, and what CL found in its tests and reviews of B supplements and B complexes. To find out how much you need, use the tool at
You can become a member now at for immediate access to exclusive reviews of over 1,000 products, hundreds of CL Answers, warnings, and other information about supplements and natural products that you won't find anywhere else! Not ready to become a member yet? Sign up for our FREE newsletter
#bvitaminreviews #vitaminB12 #vitaminB6 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this "Vitamin B for Mental Health" video, a brief survey of the B-vitamins and their benefits and pitfalls are presented. Common conditions are cross-correlated with this category of vitamins.
⭐Suggested Supplements:
Adenosyl/Hydroxy B12 Liquid -
Lithium (Orotate) -
Magnesium -
Methyl Folate 5 -
Niacinamide -
Pantothenic Acid (B5) -
Supplement links are provided for convenience and are subject to change at any time. These links do not constitute medical advice or endorsement of one product over another-they simply provide the shortest, easiest path to generally good enough for most. Those who require specific recommendations should seek the advice of their physician.
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Lab-based Brain Chemistry Explained -
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Dr. Michael Pierce has 25 years of clinical experience in chiropractic neurology and metabolism and uses clinical and laboratory science-based reasoning wherever it is possible to provide safe and effective wellness and lifestyle changes for those suffering chronic pain or illness.
Dr. Michael Pierce is board certified in neurology by the American Chiropractic Neurology Board, which is the sole specialty board in neurology recognized by the American Chiropractic Association (ACA). The ACNB’s Diplomate program has achieved accreditation by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA). Chiropractic as a discipline is endorsed by the US Department of Education, by the Department of Health and Human Services, is applied by the US military, and research is partially funded by the National Institutes of Health.
❗ Disclaimer:
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to replace the advice of a physician. They are not intended to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or condition. Please seek the advice of your physician before attempting any of the methods referred to here. This is for educational and entertainment purposes only. This does not establish a doctor-patient relationship and you are viewing this material at your own risk. The opinions presented and viewpoints summarized are not necessarily those of the presenter and are intended to provoke discussion and healthy debate.
We love to see your comments and stories and the discussions that follow. Please do not send us detailed personal questions about your specific health needs as we cannot answer them in this type of forum. We will strive to use the questions here as an opportunity to explain general concepts, share resources, and clarify the clinical critical thinking process in general, but not for specific cases. If you have stories with detail to tell, feel free, but this is not a secure place, and your details are open for all to see. Sometimes that is a good thing and helps us all learn, and sometimes it can be risky-you decide at your own risk how much to disclose. We have lively discussions but there can be no personal answers provided or medical advice given.
There are lots of providers who have more skill and experience than I do, and many are closer to you. Here are some more resources and other options for you to find: You can locate -
1. Neurofeedback practitioners from
2. Chiropractic neurologists from
3. QEEG analysts from
Dr. Pierce's clinic is in Newport Beach, California, and Las Vegas, Nevada. You can visit both at the clinic website where you will find phone numbers for either of those clinics in the top right corner on the main page. You can schedule an appointment by calling one of those numbers (depending on the location that works best for you). Hope this helps and thank you for watching our channel!
❗ Core concepts:
- First, do no harm
- Always progress from the least invasive to the most invasive
- The simplest answer is usually the closest to the truth
- Those that wander are not always lost
- It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.
- One-quarter of what you eat keeps you alive. The other three-quarters keep your doctors alive
- Comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable
- Your body knows the truth
❗ Attributions:
Acetylcholine pathway - By BruceBlaus - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Bicosules B-Complex Forte With Vitamin C Capsules Review
Ang video na ito ay tungkol sa mga health benefits ng Vitamin B complex sa ating katawan. Ito ay tumatalakay sa mga sumusunod:
1. Ano ang sanhi ng peripheral neuropathy o ang pamamanhid, pangangalay at tusok-tusok sa kamay at paa?
2. Ano ang heath benefits ng vitamin B complex?
3. Ano ang mga pagkaing may mataas na content ng vitamin B complex?
4. Ano ang recommended dietary allowance natin sa b complex?
Sana po nakatulong. 😊 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
VITAMIN B12 | Deficiency, Supplements, Foods and Daily Recommendation
Today we're talking all about Vitamin B12. I share how much vitamin B12 I take per day, the daily recommended amount, best and safest sources, supplementation, signs of deficiency, and vegan food sources of B12.
Subscribe to my channel (& click the bell) to be notified when I upload:
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Jarrow Formula B12:
Sources I referenced to film this Vitamin B12 video:
I’m Jordan, and I’m a lover of all things holistic health and wellness.
I upload weekly lifestyle videos about:
Eating healthy, unprocessed, plant based food
Meal planning, prepping, cooking and recipes
and life as a graduate college student to become a Nurse Practitioner!
Some of the links in the description may be affiliate links, meaning, at no cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Thank you for your support! :)
This video is not sponsored. All opinions are my own.
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10 Best Vitamin B Complex Tablets | With Price | 2020 🔥🔥🔥
🎁🎁🎁 ▼10 Best Vitamin B Complex Tablets▼top 10 Best Vitamin B Complex Tablets India▼Top 10 best▼With Price▼
👽 This tutorial is about : 10 Best Vitamin B Complex Tablets ?
👽 Disclaimer - Consult doctor before consume the tablets or supplements.
🔗 🔗 Please Find the below list :- (Direct links no affiliation)
🎁🎁 Solgar B Complex "100"
🎁Simply Nutra Vitamin B Complex
🎁Nutrainix Certified Organic & Plant-Based B Complex Vitamin
🎁Healthvit Nutrition Natural B-Vit Vitamin B complex
🎁HealthKart B Complex (with Vitamin C & Vitamin E), 60 capsules Unflavoured
🎁Himalayan Organics Organic B Complex Vitamins
🎁INLIFE Vitamin B12 1500 mcg
🎁Doctor's Best Fully Active B Complex Nutritional Supplement
🎁Nature Made Super B Complex Tablets
🎁Solgar, B-Complex "100" Vegetable Capsules
🎁Nature's Bounty, Super B-Complex with
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Vitamins are a popularly advocated requirement for the human body and the water soluble ones are crucial players. Watch this video to understand the “What and Why” of vitamin B complex and its testing by Thyrocare Technologies Limited.
We all know it is our DNA which makes gives the how’s and why’s of our being! Cytogenetics is a diagnostic tool, which can help us understand problems at the molecular level. Watch this video to understand what is cytogenetics/karyotyping and why should anyone get tested?
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The Health Benefits of a Vitamin B Complex (Comprehensive Review)
Dr Kiel quickly reviews the healthy benefits of a vitamin B complex.
More Vitamins
Vitamin A (Retinol):
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine):
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin):
Vitamin B3 (Niacin):
Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid):
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine):
Vitamin B7 (Biotin):
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid):
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin):
Vitamin C:
Vitamin D:
Vitamin K:
Vitamin E (Tocopherol):
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I wanted to take a few minutes to talk about the health benefits of all the B vitamins in a vitamin B complex. Previously, I have made individual videos for each of the 8 B vitamins. They are all linked here, so if you’re interested in one specifically, I would make sure to click the link that that video.
In this video I discuss the health benefits of a vitamin B complex which includes Vitamin B1 (thiamin),Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (niacin), Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin B7 (biotin), Vitamin B9 (folic acid), Vitamin B12 (cobalamin). Some of the potential benefits include help with aging, Alzheimer’s disease, energy booster, immune system booster, cancer benefits, cardiovascular disease including heart attacks (myocardial infarction) and strokes (cerebrovascular accident), cognitive function and memory, Crohn's disease, Depression, diabetes mellitus and complications linked to diabetes, skin problems (dry, scaly, aging, eczema, atopic), lowering cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure (hypertension), joint disease and arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Parkinson's disease, Psoriasis and a lot of other medical problems. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vitamins with b complex । b complex uses in hindi । becosules capsule uses in hindi ।
Vitamin b complex uses and b complex benefits in hindi. This video explains about b complex vitamin ke fayde , becosules capsule uses in hindi #bcomplex Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vitamin B12: The Ultimate Energy Booster | Health Hack- Thomas DeLauer
Vitamin B12: The Ultimate Energy Booster from Health Hack with Thomas DeLauer is an in-depth look into vitamin B12, how it boosts energy and immunity, and how you can ensure that you are getting enough of it in your diet. Join Celebrity Trainer & Organic Foods Expert, Thomas DeLauer to learn how this power vitamin works within the body, how it enhances red blood cell production and aids in respiratory waste excretion. Find out how it supports other vitamins, oxygen production and how it helps to process carbs more effectively. Stay tuned weekly for more free health tips to help you stay healthy and remain on track toward your health and fitness goals. Thomas Creates Loads of Health and Fitness Videos, and you can get more of them at: If you found this video helpful, head on over and “like” Thomas’s Facebook fan page at and subscribe to his channel on YouTube at the link below.
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The B vitamins are
B1 (thiamine)
B2 (riboflavin)
B3 (niacin)
B5 (pantothenic acid)
B7 (biotin)
Folic acid
These vitamins help the process your body uses to get or make energy from the food you eat. They also help form red blood cells. You can get B vitamins from proteins such as fish, poultry, meat, eggs, and dairy products. Leafy green vegetables, beans, and peas also have B vitamins. Many cereals and some breads have added B vitamins.
Not getting enough of certain B vitamins can cause diseases. A lack of B12 or B6 can cause anemia. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Want to learn Vitamin B6 ( Pyridoxine ) Biochemistry in a simple way , you should watch this video . This video explains about what is Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine , Properties of Vitamin B6 ,
Sources of VITAMIN B6 ,
Deficiencies of VITAMIN B6 ,
Toxicity of Vitamin b6 ,
Molecular Structure of Vitamin b6 .
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#vitaminB6 #vitaminb6inhindi
#Vitamins #Vitaminb #Vitaminb12
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The Only Vitamins You Actually Need On A Daily Basis
There are plenty of people who take countless multi-vitamins and supplements on a daily basis, and we often find ourselves speculating just how helpful all of that is. Surely they could cut out a few of them, or just change up their diet, and they would see the same results.
The truth is that there are some vitamins that we do need on an everyday basis, but it’s not as many as some people think. Let’s take a look at which ones experts say are truly essential. Here are the only vitamins that you actually need on a daily basis.
#Vitamins #Daily #Health
Vitamin A | 0:00
Vitamin E | 1:20
Folate | 1:59
Vitamin C | 2:40
Vitamin B6 | 3:30
Vitamin B12 | 4:18
Vitamin D | 4:57
Calcium | 5:34
Magnesium | 6:22
Iron | 7:07
So, do we need vitamins? | 7:41
Read Full Article: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Just like your family, Vitamin B Complex can be complicated. Naturopathic Doctor, Samantha Gray of Sage Clinic in Vancouver breaks down why it's important to take in the entire B family. If you're stressed, tired, having trouble concentrating... it's time to get cozy with ALL the B Vitamins.
How do you get your Vitamin B Complex? Do you take it as a supplement or getting it through your diet? Please share your comments below or at
Music Credit: Base Steps by Primamede Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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When a pro athlete needs to play a game under the weather or severely jet lagged, there is a standard protocol: a shot of B12 vitamin right in the butt cheek. B vitamins are involved in everything from the conversion of nutrients into neurotransmitters like serotonin to proper mitochondrial function. You can feel it when you take a good B vitamin like Active B Complete— there’s no question that it’s working. It has 100% of the RDA in all of the B Vitamin categories, with hands down the best forms of those ingredients available in the world. You will have more energy, more resiliency and more bounce in your step. Think of it like this: “I’ve got your back, B.”
There is a reason that thiamine is first on the roll call as a B vitamin (Vitamin B1). It’s absolutely essential. It is a required cofactor for the body’s production of several critical enzymes, including those in pathways involved in intracellular glucose metabolism. But we wanted to step up the game, by providing thiamine supplementation in the form of Benfotiamine—a novel, lipid-soluble analogue of thiamine that research shows is over more effective in raising bioavailable thiamine levels in the body than regular B1.
You know those cookies, breads, and carbs you love? Benfotiamine assists the body in responding to the toxic breakdown of compounds generated from things like excess sugar consumption.
Not everyone handles the absorption of B vitamins well. There is a good portion of people, for instance, who struggle to uptake the essential B vitamin folate, or folic acid. For them, supplementation with a methylated version, like 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, can make a huge difference in overall mental balance. Generally speaking, the methylated form of Vitamin B, like our methylated form of B12 methylcobalamin, is more easily absorbed by the body. Our standout ingredient, Benfotiamine, has clinical research indicating that the bioavailability of thiamine in blood plasma is reported to be approximately 3.5 times greater after a dose of Benfotiamine than after a dose of Thiamine. That is a huge difference in how effective your B vitamin supplement will be, so pay attention to your body and make sure you supplement with B vitamins that are packaged in a way that’s best for your system.
B vitamins help power your body’s critical systems. From mental support in the conversion of neurotransmitters, to energy support, to detoxification of sugar end products, a good B vitamin can make a huge difference in your day. For example, suppose B vitamins boost your mental energy. Instead of surfing your Facebook at work because your brain is too tired to focus on more important tasks, you can actually start working on the long-term project that is going to take your career to the next level. While Alpha Brain can help make you think more clearly, Active B Complete can help give you the energy to actually start thinking, period.
Getting down to business usually means long hours and late nights. B vitamins can help there, too. Research shows that they help reduce work-related stress and support a positive mood. These changes can manifest on a physical level that others will notice as well: B vitamins have been shown to promote skin health, assisting the body to recover itself from pimples, cuts, and sores. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hello my beautiful viewers!
Today I am going to share my favourite and tested supplements for beautiful skin, hair and nails, as well as good general wellbeing.
All products listed below. Hope you enjoy this video!
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Wileys Finest - Wild Alaskan Fish Oil
Solgar - Omegas 3,6,9
Salary- Liquid Vitamin E
Udo's Choice - Digestive Enzymes
Udo's Choice - Ultimate Oil Blend
Advanced Nutrition Programme - Vitality 2 ( Promocode available above)
Advanced Nutrition Programme - Sun Pack
Holland & Barrett - Valerian Plus Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this series health and nutrition expert Patrick Holford gives you the low down on vitamin and mineral supplements. From natural food sources to the ideal supplement package find out what you need to do to ensure that you get the perfect balance of nutrients into your body each day. He also offers his secrets to healthy ageing which will help you to keep the effects of the passing years at bay. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
हिंदी - विटामिन B | Vitamin B Complex | Functions | Sources | Deficiency | Hindi
Every nutrition is important in our of any vitamins or minerals affect our body.
Vitamin B complex is complex of Vitamin B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,B7,B9,B12.
Each vitamin have different to deficiency physical or mental problem occurs.
I mention each & every thing in simple language with images.
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Ms. Yas Muralla with our guest, Dr. Arnel Morte discuss the importance of Vitamin B-Complex to our health.
Doctors on TV at UNTV Channel 37
Every Sunday, 7:00 to 8:00 a.m.
Aired August 10, 2014
Doctors on TV follows a real-life medical cases from diagnosis and treatment featured and discuss by guest medical experts.
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Reduce Stress and Burn Fat with Vitamin C- Thomas DeLauer
Reduce Stress and Burn Fat with Vitamin C- Thomas DeLauer
Vitamin C is just one of the many BASIC vitamins that doesn't get enough attention, learn more at
We're always told that you can take vitamin C when you're sick or when you got a cold or when you've got the flu and it's going to help you fight the illness and get over it quicker, but no one's ever really looking outside the box and looking at what other uses we can use vitamin C for, at least in the business world for those of us that are living a high-stress life and are trying to balance work, family, health, and all that.
First, let's take a little look at what vitamin C does and exactly why it can be a benefit to you in this particular case. Before I dive into vitamin C, I have to talk a little bit about cortisol, which I talk about in a lot of my videos. I talk about how cortisol stimulates the release of adrenaline, epinephrine, norepinephrine, all those hormones and those basically neurotransmitters that are going to make you in that fight or flight response. They're going to make you have to fight for something or run away and basically not be able to focus on the work that really needs to be focused on.
Well, what vitamin C does is it actually blunts the cortisol, or more so, it blunts the effect of cortisol on the body. Simply by taking some vitamin C in a mega dose, your body can fight the cortisol and b in a better position to make executive decisions and to make the right progress in the gym and at home and in the kitchen. When it comes down to psychology and how you feel and how your stress levels are and how you can focus, there's even been a study out of Germany that took 1,000 test subjects, 500 of them, they were given a placebo, and the other 500 we're given high doses of vitamin C.
Well, all 1,000 of those participants or those subjects were going into a public speaking arrangement. They were going into a position where they were going to be speaking in front of a lot of people, something that was going to be unnerving and stressful. The test subjects that took the vitamin C had markedly lower serum cortisol levels than the others. Now the other interesting thing is those that took vitamin C also had about a 30% reduction in their heart rate. What this means is that vitamin C had a direct correlation with reducing cortisol and reducing stress.
What does this mean to you and what can you do? Simply put, mega dose some vitamin C. Take 500 milligrams with every meal, and don't worry about overdosing on it because vitamin C is water-soluble and whatever your body doesn't use, your kidneys are just going to excrete out. If you can keep a constant flow of vitamin C through the body, you're going to constantly be reducing that carbon footprint that cortisol is leaving on your body, and let's face it, as someone that's working all the time, someone that's focusing on business, someone that's trying to juggle all aspects of life, you are constantly stressed, and if you can combat it with a little bit of vitamin C, you're going to be more focused in the office, able to focus on what needs to be focused on to get the job done and to get paid.
You're going to have more energy, more energy in the gym, more energy to focus on what needs to be done in the gym. You're going to feel better and not stressed out so you're going to make better decisions at home in the kitchen. Most of all, you're going to have that sense of well-being that's going to skyrocket you into a new level of success where you feel confident, feel good about yourself, and never having to focus on that multitasking mode where you can't get the job done.
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