Приймати по 1 капсулі 1-3 рази на день під час їжі.
Що це?
Риб'ячий жир (докозагексаєнова кислота) або Омега-3 – це незамінна жирна кислота, яка впливає на безліч функцій у людському організмі. Проблема в тому, що в їжі цієї важливої речовини знаходиться дуже незначна кількість, яка не здатна впоратися з усіма завданнями. Тому існує ціла низка препаратів з головною діючою речовиною Омега і цей один із них.
Як це працює?
Риб'ячий жир здатний розширити кровоносні судини, збільшуючи приплив крові до органів та тканин та перешкоджаючи виникненню артеріальної гіпертензії. Це позитивно впливає на роботу серця та запобігає виникненню аритмії, зменшують ризик виникнення атеросклерозу, ішемічної хвороби серця, інфаркту міокарда, інсульту. Омега-3 входить до складу нервових клітин, а також бере участь в обміні речовин нервової системи, таким чином сприяє більш ефективному проведенню нервового імпульсу. Це означає, що ця кислота нормалізує роботу мозку та нервової системи загалом. Докозагексаєнова кислота також регулює кількість серотоніну, який відповідає за настрій. Це сприяє зниженню ризику виникнення депресії або скорочення курсу лікування від неї.
Детальні характеристики:
Now Foods
Крилевый Жир 1000мг, Neptune Krill 1000, Double St
Now Foods, Neptune Krill 1000, 1000 mg, 120 Softgels
🔥🔴🔥 Top 7 HEALTH Videos:
✅1. California Gold Nutrition, Collagen UP 5000, Marine Sourced Collagen Peptides + Hyalur
✅2. Natrol, Melatonin, Time Release, 5 mg, 100 Tablets
✅3. Natrol, Melatonin, Sleep, Fast Dissolve, Strawberry, 10 mg, 60 Tablets
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✅5. 21st Century, Sentry, Multivitamin & Multimineral Supplement, 300 Tablets
✅6. Natrol, Biotin, Strawberry Flavor, 10,000 mcg, 60 Tablets
✅7. Solgar, Skin, Nails & Hair, Advanced MSM Formula, 120 Tablets
7 Trending Products of The WeeK:
✅1. Now Foods, 5-HTP, Sustained Release - Amino SR, 200 mg , 90 Tablets
✅2. Now Foods, Astaxanthin, 4 mg, 90 Veg Capsules
✅3. Now Foods, Essential Oils, Lavender, 13 fl oz (10 ml)
✅4. Now Foods, MK-7 Vitamin K-2 , 100 mcg, 120 Veg Capsules
✅5. Now Foods, Natural Beta Carotene, 25,000 IU, 90 Softgels
✅6. Now Foods, Organic Plant Protein, Natural Unflavored, 2 lbs (907 g)
✅7. Now Foods, Essential Oils, Black Pepper Oil, 1 fl oz (30 ml)
Now Foods, Neptune Krill 1000, 1000 mg, 120 Softgels
You can buy now, this product at the best price, with worldwide delivery, by clicking the link in the description.
Product Overview
1000 mg - Double Strength Enteric Coated
Cardiovascular Support
100% Pure NKO
Phospholipid-Bound Omega-3
Supports Joint Health
Neptune Krill Oil - NKO Original
A Dietary Supplement
Friend of the Sea
Omega-3 - Fish Oils
Family Owned Since 1968
GMP Quality Assured
Neptune Krill Oil (NKO) is known for its unique fatty acid (FA) profile, which includes EPA and DHA, plus phospholipids. In addition, NKO naturally has astaxanthin, a powerful free radical scavenger and immune-supporting carotenoid joint comfort, healthy blood lipid levels already within normal range, and may help to maintain healthy feminine balance. The phospholipid-bound forms of EPA and DHA from krill oil have also demonstrated exceptionally high bioavailability.
Neptune Krill Oil is manufactured under strict quality control standards. It is tested to be free of potentially harmful levels of contaminants (i.e. mercury, heavy metals, PCB's, dioxins, and other contaminants).
Suggested Use
Take 1 softgel 1 to 3 times daily with food.
Other Ingredients
Softgel capsule (bovine gelatin, glycerin, enteric coating water) and glycerin.
Contains shellfish (krill).
This double strength product has twice the Krill Oil (1,000 mg) mg per softgel) than our regular strength product (500 mg per softgel).
Not manufactured with yeast, wheat, gluten, soy, milk, egg or fish ingredients. Produced in a GMP facility that processes other ingredients containing these allergens.
Caution: For adults only. Consult physician if pregnant/nursing, taking medication (especially anticoagulant or anti-platelet medications), or have a medical condition. Do not use this product if you have a seafood allergy. Keep out of reach of children.
Do not eat freshness packet. Keep in bottle.
Natural color variation may occur int his product.
While iHerb strives to ensure the accuracy of its product images and information, some manufacturing changes to packaging and/or ingredients may be pending update on our site. Although items may occasionally ship with alternate packaging, freshness is always guaranteed. We recommend that you read labels, warnings and directions of all products before use and not rely solely on the information provided by iHerb.
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покупайте высококачественные продукты масла криля для детей и взрослых в нашем магазине. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nilrich Капсулы с маслом криля от GREENLEAF ГРИНЛИФ
Nilrich Капсулы с маслом криля от GREENLEAF - ГРИНЛИФ
Лечебные преимущества масла Greenleaf Nilrich Krill:
Здоровье сердца - оно предотвращает и устраняет сердечно-сосудистые заболевания, изгоняет из крови изобилие холестерина.
Здоровье печени - Эффективен при жирной болезни печени
Здоровье разума - Улучшает память и повышает психологический потенциал у детей и взрослых.
Здоровье глаз - Хорошо для людей с водопадами и глаукомой. Улучшите ясное зрение и эвакуируйте затуманенное зрение.
Здоровье кожи - поддерживает кожу и возвращает ей молодой вид.
Nilrich Krill Oil
Масло криля - это масло от крошечного, похожего на креветку животного. Усатые киты, манты и китовые акулы питаются в основном крилем. На норвежском языке слово «криль» означает «пища кита». Люди добывают масло из криля, помещают его в капсулы и используют для медицины. Некоторые фирменные нефтепродукты криля указывают на то, что они используют антарктический криль. Обычно это относится к виду криля Euphausia superba.
Масло криля чаще всего используется при заболеваниях сердца, высоких уровнях определенных кровяных жиров (триглицеридов) и высокого уровня холестерина, но научные исследования в поддержку этих применений ограничены.
Как работает масло Nilrich Krill?
Масло криля содержит жирные кислоты, похожие на рыбий жир. Считается, что эти жиры являются полезными жирами, которые уменьшают отеки, снижают уровень холестерина и делают тромбоциты менее липкими. Когда тромбоциты менее липкие, они с меньшей вероятностью образуют сгустки.
Артикул: KO0000001 Категория: Здравоохранение Ключевые слова: масло криля , Nilrich
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Омега 3 рыбий жир какой лучше выбрать дорогой или дешевый. Solgar, now, carlson это топ бренды, с отличным качеством однако цена у них не дешевая. Прежде чем купить омега 3 посмотрите этот ролик.
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😘Масло криля вместо Омега 3
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Приглашаю на текущие курсы :
Почему я рекомендую масло криля?
Масло криля более благодоступно для нашего организма, но не каждый понимает, что это такое.
Что такое масло криля?
Это масло, которое производят из моллюсков.
Моллюски не успевают усваивать тяжелые металлы и накапливать ртуть.
Сколько можно пить масло криля?
Теоритически с приемом пищи чтобы выровнить омегу 3, можно принимать 3-5 грамм.
Отличие масла криля от омеги 3. В масле криля жиры прикреплены к фосфолипи́дам и доставляются в 48 раз быстрее, чем обычная омега 3, которую делают из рыбы.
Нам нужно гораздо меньше масла криля, чтобы качественно усваиваться в организме, чем омеги 3.
Навигация по видео:
00:00 вступление
00:22 что такое масло криля
00:57 сколько можно пить масло криля
01:30 отличие масло криля и омеги 3
02:25 что выбрать масло криля или омегу 3
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Масло криля Полезные свойства криля #БАДЫ #продукцияGreenleaf #Nilrich
Масло криля и полезные свойства криля #БАДЫ #продукцияGreenleaf #Nilrich
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Antarctic Krill Oil 2000 mg 120 Softgels Omega 3 EPA, DHA, with Astaxanthin Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Кристапс Коситис
представитель фирмы LYL
В феврале в аптеках ВENU масло криля -- с 20% скидкой!
Больше видео -- на нашем сайте .
Подробнее о полезных свойствах масла криля на Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This video is for informational purposes only, not a suggestion or advice.
Please do your own research and consult with your physician before considering and taking supplements.
Krill Oil Benefits. Krill oil vs. fish oil. Essential fatty acids, phospholipid, omega-3's, DHA, EPA, choline, astaxanthin and canthaxanthin. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Please Note: Our choices for this wiki may have changed since we published this review video. Our most recent set of reviews in this category is exclusively available on Ezvid Wiki.
Krill oils included in this wiki include the viva labs naturals, megared advanced 4-in-1, naturo sciences k-real, sports research liquid, dna shift extra strength, amrap nutrition wild-caught, now foods neptune, dr. mercola antarctic, bronson softgels, and jarrow formulas softgels.
Most Recent Picks: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The health benefits and uses of Krill Oil. [Subtitles]
In today's video we will discuss the health benefits of Krill Oil. This is one of the healthiest sources of omega 3 fatty acids on the planet. Krill is an extremely renewable source of omega 3 oil as it is contains a higher population in its species than any other animal. Krill is a small crustacean which lives in the ocean and looks similar to shrimp. It is the number one best source of omega 3 and will provide your body with a host of health benefits.
Recommended Krill Oil:
Full Article:
Tags: #krilloil #krilloilbenefits #healthbenefitsofkrilloil
Making life enhancing videos is extremely important to me. I love sharing useful knowledge with you. Please let me know if there are any natural remedies or topics you wish for me to research. See my other videos on healthy foods for more info.
I wish you great health wealth and happiness.
Disclaimer: The materials and information contained on Ryan Taylor’s channel are provided for educational and general purposes only and therefore are no substitute for informed medical advice or care. Please consult a medical doctor to seek treatment for any illnesses or medical concerns you may have.
Music From: Purple Planet Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
6 Science-Based Health Benefits of Krill Oil.
Krill oil is a supplement that is rapidly gaining popularity as an alternative to fish oil. It is made from krill, a type of small crustacean consumed by whales, penguins and other sea creatures.
Krill oil is sometimes marketed as being superior to fish oil, though more research on that is needed. Regardless, it may have some important health benefits.
Here are six science-based health benefits of krill oil.
1. Excellent Source of Healthy Fats
2. Can Help Fight Inflammation
3. Might Reduce Arthritis and Joint Pain
4. Could Improve Blood Lipids and Heart Health
5. May Help Manage PMS Symptoms
6. It’s Easy to Add to Your Routine
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benefits of krill oil for skin,
benefits of krill oil for skin and hair,
benefits of krill oil for kids,
health benefits of krill oil,
benefits of krill oil,
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The health benefits of krill oil and it's uses. [Subtitles]
In today's video we highlight the many benefits of krill oil for joint pain, weight loss, skin health, brain health, eye health and many more. This oil is usually taken on a daily basis and contains some powerful healing nutrients including omega 3-s (DHA & EPA), Astaxanthin, Phospholipids and Choline.
To enjoy the healing benefits of Krill Oil, it is recommended to choose a good quality supplement from a highly reviewed company. Krill Oil from an Arctic source are some of the best, and can be stored in a dark cool place or the refrigerator.
Krill oil Vs Cod Liver Oil?
Cod liver oil is contains more fragile chains of omega-3s which can easily go off and become rancid. Krill oil however has omega 3-s which are bonded to phospholipids and also contain astaxanthin. These additional compounds protect the omega-3s from breaking down, making the capsules much more fresh and less likely to go bad and cause burping.
Recommended Krill Oil:
Recommended Cod Liver Oil:
Ryan Taylor Facebook:
#krilloil #omega3 #krilloilbenefits
Making life enhancing videos is extremely important to me. I love sharing useful knowledge with you. Please let me know if there are any natural remedies or topics you wish for me to research. See my other videos on healthy foods for more info.
I wish you great health, wealth and happiness.
Disclaimer: The materials and information contained on Ryan Taylor’s channel are provided for educational and general purposes only and therefore are no substitute for informed medical advice or care. Please consult a medical doctor to seek treatment for any illnesses or medical concerns you may have.
This video and description may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I'll receive a small commission. This helps to support the channel so that I may invest more time in making informative videos. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Клуб Krillas: Эффективность приема масла криля, рекомендации и противопоказания
"Масло криля Kriella TM" имеет высокую биоактивность, быструю усвояемость и широкий спектр действия, практически для всех систем организма. Изготавливается ведущей норвежской компанией "Aker BioMarine" из экологически чистого сырья - глубоководного антарктического криля.
Продукт сертифицирован МОЗ Украины и имеет право реализации через сеть аптек и специализированные магазины. На Украине предлагается широкому кругу потребителей по единственной сервисной клубной системе в Клубе Krillas.
Телефон для бесплатной консультации 063-133-70-62 (Украина, г.Одесса). Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vücudumuz neden Omega 3'e ihtiyaç duyuyor? Omega 3 açısından zengin krill yağını hangi yaşta kullanmak gerekiyor? Hiperaktif çocuklara krill yağının etkisi nedir? Krill yağının kalp dolaşım sistemine faydaları neler? Kalp ve Damar Hastalıkları Uzmanı Prof. Dr. Bengi Başer, bu soruları cevaplıyor. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Greenleaf Antarctic Krill OIl
Limited production for eco-friendly
Krill Oil has Omega 3 fat that is more bioavailable than fish oil. It is anti-inflammatory, lowers cholesterol, reduces joint pain & can help to prevent obesity through blocking the endocannabinoid (EC) pathway, which controls appetite.
Nilrich Antarctic Krill Oil is:
🎯 3-10 times higher in efficacy compared to other common krill oils.
🎯 PURE Krill Oil. No other oils (cheap vitamin E oil, fish oil) are added.
🎯 Contains 3-6 times Astaxanthin found in highest grade products by other brands.
🎯 Fusion of phospholipids is the best amongst the current health care products. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Michel Timperio shares insights into the story behind Neptune Krill Oil at their stand at Hi Europe & Ni 2014 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Neptune Krill Oil at Hi Europe & Ni - Health Ingredients 2014
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Blulife Naptune KRILL OIL with OMEGA-3 | Benifits of Krill Oil, Blulife Results | What is Krill Oil?
Watch this clip to see the benefits of krill oil as featured on The Doctors TV program. See how krill oil benefits your heart and how it may be better utilized by the body than fish oil. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
▶ 🔘──────── 00:45
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Lançaram um NOVO ômega 3 ainda melhor / Dr Lair Ribeiro
Dr. Larry McCleary krill yağı hakkında bilgi veriyor.
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Dr. Larry McCleary krill yağının anlatıyor türkçe altyazı
Krill yağı'nın inanılmaz faydaları hakkında bilgi almak için bu videoyu mutlaka izlemelisiniz. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Omega-3 fatty acids like fish oil and krill oil are getting a lot of hype in the media as healthy foods, and deservedly so. EPA and DHA are "essential" fatty acids, meaning that we can't make them in our body and need to get them from our food, and they are necessary for proper functioning, particularly in your brain. DHA plays a very important role in your nervous system functioning, provides anti-inflammatory benefits, and is also associated with improved mood, insulin sensitivity, muscle growth, and better sleep.
Krill oil is a superior source of EPA and DHA because the polyunsaturated fats are packaged as phospholipids, which can be used immediately by your body. The EPA and DHA in fish oil, on the other hand, are typically packaged as triglycerides and have to undergo additional processing in order to make them bioavailable. Krill oil is also more stable because it includes astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant, that protects the fragile fats from oxidizing.
Animal-based omega-3's from krill and fish oils are both better sources than vegetable-based omega-3's, such as the Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA) in flax oil. Only about 1-4% of ALA is converted into DHA, so getting those higher potency sources from krill and fish is more efficient. Vegetable-based sources also contain inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, which is another reason that they aren't Bulletproof.
Taking too much EPA and DHA can be detrimental since they do cause some blood thinning, and the delicate oils can be inflammatory since they break down so easily, but taking adequate amounts, around 1 gram a day, of krill oil or a high quality fish oil, can do wonders for keeping your brain performing at its highest levels.
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Neptune Krill Oil - What to look for when buying krill oil supplements and where to find the best deals. Visit us at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dose Deception: Why Taking 1 or 2 Omega-3 Capsules Is Not Enough to Produce Results
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Omega 3'ün faydaları neler, nasıl kullanmalıyız? Metin Yıldırım anlatıyor..
To join, (FREE Joining), call/whatsapp: 📞 7906574856
Dosage: One to two capsules with food.
Antarctic Krill, which is the source of Krill Oil, is comprised of three major components - omega-3 fatty acids, primarily eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) attached to phospholipids and astaxanthin. Most of the omega-3 fatty acids in Krill Oil are attached to phospholipids, making them more bioavailable to the body, and allowing omega-3 to be easily absorbed by target organs such as the heart, brain and liver, where they exert their beneficial effects. Vestige Prime Krill Oil is extracted by a proprietary technology, called Multi Stage Oil extraction (MSO) process, that assures high quality oil which has superior stability, quality and organoleptic properties.
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Green tea has been used as a medicine for thousands of years, originating in China but widely used throughout Asia this beverage has a multitude of uses from lowering blood pressure to preventing cancer. Herbal tea acts as a powerful anti-oxidant which helps to boost the immunity and protects from certain infections like cough, cold, flu and can help rejuvenate the mind and body.
Presenting Blulife Herbal Tea
The Blulife herbal tea is a blend of green tea, with herbs like Vrikshamla, Trikatu and Tulsi that acts as a powerful antioxidant. The antioxidants in the Blulife herbal tea help in fighting free radicals in the body, can help prevent complications like diabetes and loss of vision and also helps maintain body weight. This uniquely blended tea is also an instant rejuvenator and mood-enhancer.
Green Tea- Helps Reduce anxiety and stress, helps in weight loss, and regulates blood pressure.
Vrikshamla- Works as an appetite suppressant, inhibits fat synthesis from excess carbohydrate calories, and Improves digestion.
Trikatu- It enhances the metabolic activity and rapid absorption of the nutrients, excellent for the liver, spleen and pancreas as it helps to stimulate and increase the functions of these organs.
Tulsi- Combining Tulsi with Green Tea immensly enhances each others remarkable heath benefits which includes a potent abundance of phytonutrients and antioxidants which protect the body from damaging free radicals. Tulsi also naturally supports the immune systems and cardio vascular systems and promotes detoxification and anti-aging.
Indication - AS a health Supplement for weight balance and also as an antioxidant. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Special message from Mr. Shyam Sundar, Chief Marketing Officer - Blulife requests the Direct Sellers to help and motivate each
Blulife Marketing offers an INCREDIBLE CAREER OPPORTUNITY in the world of Wellness. Reclaim YOUR SHARE in this BILLION-DOLLAR INDUSTRY with our direct selling model.
OVER 50 YEARS of combined experience in Direct Selling and Wellness industry.
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What are Omega-3s and should I take fish oil pills to get them? Omega-3 fatty acids are the building blocks of every living cell in our body, supporting heart health, brain and vision health, and joint flexibility and mobility. But Omega-3s are not produced by our body.
To get what your body needs, the American Heart Association recommends 2 servings of fatty fish per week. Nutrilite Omega 3 supplements, using a high-qualify fish oil formula, naturally source from ocean fish like sardines, anchovies, and mackerel with no fishy aftertaste common in other omega supplements.
Nutrilite Balanced Health Omega supports brain and eye health:
Nutrilite Heart Health Omega supports blood flow & heart function:
Nutrilite is the #1 selling omega supplement brand and the #1 selling brand of vitamins and dietary supplements.
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Jasmine Green Tea
Here is expert view of Jasmine Green Tea, how to brew it, what it tastes like - then tell us what you think - are there any tasting notes you would add?
Twinings Jasmine Green Tea:
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Why Omega 3 Is Good For You & How Fish Oil Supplements Help | Amway
Hatching Brine Shrimp eggs? Just dumping the left over salt water, unhatched eggs and the last few shrimp? Here is a quick and easy way to raise those left over shrimp to adults using just a light source and some aeration and feeding spirulina powder. This is a collection of short videos spread over 6 weeks showing step by step how you too can be raising up your own adult brine shrimp for your fish. Come on, give it a try, its EASY! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Balık yağının kalitesi nasıl anlaşılır? İyi bir balık yağının özellikleri nelerdir? Eczacı Şebnem Şener sizler için anlattı.
Multimar Türkiye'nin ilk ve Tek Çiğnenebilir Formda İnovatif Gıda Takviyeleri Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Raise Brine Shrimp Indoors to Adults, easy and almost free
Omega 3'ün faydaları saymakla bitmez Eczane Canpark Ocean Plus Omega 3 ürünlerini tavsiye etmektedir. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Google IT Support Professional Certificate
This six-course certificate, developed exclusively by Google, includes innovative curriculum designed to prepare you for an entry-level role in IT support. A job in IT can mean in-person or remote help desk work, either in a small business or at a global company, like Google. Whether you’ve been tinkering with IT or are completely new to the field, you’ve come to the right place.
If you’re looking for a job, upon completion of the certificate, you can share your information with top employers, like Bank of America, Walmart, Sprint, GE Digital, PNC Bank, Infosys, TEKsystems, UPMC, and, of course, Google.
Through a dynamic mix of video lectures, quizzes, and hand-on labs and widgets, this program will introduce you to troubleshooting and customer service, networking, operating systems, system administration, automation, and security.
Along the way, you’ll hear from Googlers with unique backgrounds and perspectives, whose own foundation in IT support served as a jumping off point for their careers. They’re excited to go on this journey with you, as you invest in your future by achieving an end-of-program certificate.
Course 1 - IT Technical Support Fundamentals
In this course, you’ll be introduced to the world of Information Technology, or IT. This course is the first of a series that aims to prepare you for a role as an entry-level IT Support Specialist. You’ll learn about the different facets of Information Technology, like computer hardware, the Internet, computer software, and job-related skills. You’ll also learn about the history of computers, and the pioneers who shaped the world of computing that we know today. This course covers a wide variety of topics in IT that are designed to give you an overview of what’s to come in this IT Support Professional Certificate. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to: - understand how the binary system works. - assemble a computer from scratch. - choose and install an operating system on a computer. - understand what the Internet is, how it works, and the impact it has in the modern world. - learn how applications are created and how they work under the hood of our computer. - utilize common problem-solving methodologies and soft skills in an Information Technology setting.
Who is this class for: This program is intended for beginners who are interested in developing the skills necessary to perform entry-level IT support. No pre-requisite knowledge is required. However, if you do have some familiarity with IT, you can skip through Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Жирні кислоти Now Foods Крилевий Жир 1000мг, Neptune Krill 1000, Double Strength, 60 (NOW-01627). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17