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5-НТР також відома як триптофанового амінокислота. 5-гідрокситриптофан від Jarrow Formulas це екстракт з насіння рослини гріффони, яку добувають в прибережній зоні Західної Африки. Ця амінокислота є прямим метаболічним попередником серотоніну, а також важлива для виробництва мелатоніну, гормону, що секретується шишкоподібною залозою, який допомагає регуляції біоритму в організмі.
Як це працює?
Триптофанового кислота збільшує вироблення серотоніну, що сприяє поліпшенню мозкової діяльності і також позитивно впливає на роботу нервової системи. У тому числі саме ця речовина впливає на здатність швидко засипати і відновлювати необхідні сили під час сну. Триптофанового амінокислота бере участь у передачі сигналів на клітинному рівні, які регулюють роботу серця, температуру тіла, покращують пам'ять і збільшують зосередженість. Однак, препарат 5-HTP найбільш відомий, як потужний, натуральний, що не викликає звикання, антидепресант. Він допомагає підтримувати емоції і розумовий стан на належному рівні і забезпечує здоровий сон.
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If you get the 5-HTP from the above link, you will receive an additional discount upon checkout. The discount will also work for multiple products.
Jarrow Formulas® 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is an extract of Griffonia simplicifolia seeds from coastal West Africa. Purity is assured by HPLC. 5-HTP is the direct metabolic precursor of serotonin and is important for the production of melatonin, a hormone secreted by the pineal gland that aids biorhythm regulation.
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5-HTP dosage for depression | The RIGHT WAY to take this natural antidepressant supplement.
Interested in resolving depression and anxiety naturally?
Check out Dr Janelle’s online course Real Relief Foundations.
5htp is one of the most popular and best natural antidepressant supplements. In this video Dr Janelle Sinclair discusses the most effective 5-htp dosage for depression. She provides very practical information such as what is 5-htp, why take 5 htp for depression, how much 5 htp for depression, 5-htp drug interactions, 5-htp risks and side-effects, as well as 5-htp contraindications.
There is a right way to take 5-htp. How much 5 htp to take? How much 5 htp should I take? Dr Janelle will answer these questions and tell you about 5-htp how to take it, what time of the day to take it, and whether to take 5-htp with or without food? 5-htp for depression dosages need to be started low and increased slowly to avoid side-effects. Dr Janelle gives you all the details.
If you find that 5-htp isn't right for you Dr Janelle suggests that you learn more about biological causes of depression.
Subscribe to this YouTube Channel to watch more practical videos on natural medicine (testing, supplements, diets & detox) for depression and anxiety.
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*Dr Janelle Sinclair received her PhD in biochemistry from the University of Basel, Switzerland in 2003. Her use of "doctor" or "Dr." in relation to herself solely refers to that degree. Dr Janelle is a licensed natural health practitioner in New Zealand. The content contained in this video is strictly the opinion of Dr Janelle Sinclair, and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. It does not create a doctor-patient relationship between Dr Sinclair and you. Dr Janelle nor Conscious Health Ltd are not liable or responsible for any possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content should seek advice from a physician or qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or interactions of supplements with medications. This description may contain affiliate links. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a short video about the supplement 5-HTP in the treatment of depression.
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5-HTP & ME - How I use it throughout the day. It's saved my life
Click Link to Left for a FREE Bottle of 5-HTP
5-HTP Review.
Are you under a lot of Stress? Do you have trouble sleeping at night? Are you suffering from depression? Do you get headaches all the time? Do you have eating disorders? Are you gaining too much weight even if you don't eat too much? If you can relate to these, no need to worry for they can all go away with 5-HTP.
What is 5-HTP?
5-Hydroxytryptophan also known as 5-HTP is a chemical by-product of the protein building block L-tryptophan. 5-HTP is produced using the seeds of the Griffonia simplicifolia which is known African plant. In other words, 5-HTP is an amino acid that functions in the central nervous system and brain by enhancing the making of the chemical known as serotonin.
5-HTP is essential to overall health. It is used to treat many conditions like depression, obesity, carbohydrate craving, bulimia, insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, migraine, headaches, and fibromyalgia.
What is Serotonin?
Scientifically, Serotonin is a hormone found in the pineal gland, digestive tract, blood platelets and brain. It works as a neurotransmitter that sends nerve signals between nerve cells.
Normally, the body maintains a normal serotonin level, but there are times when the level of Serotonin drops. When this happens, you may experience various health conditions. A common cause of low- serotonin levels is prolonged stress. A poor diet can also cause serotonin levels to drop. Aside from that, hormonal changes may also contribute to low levels of serotonin. There are also studies that show that abuse of nicotine, alcohol and drugs may lead to a drop in the level of Serotonin in our body.
5-HTP Treats Depression
People with depression have measurable 'imbalances' in the brain's neurotransmitters. Doctors believe that low levels of serotonin cause the condition. One of the many factors that contribute to depression is the low level of serotonin in the brain. Some studies indicate that 5-HTP is as effective in treating people who are experiencing moderate depression since it works as antidepressant drug. Aside from that, these studies have also revealed that it is effective in improving mood, anxiety, insomnia, and physical symptoms.
5-HTP Improves Sleep Problems
People who suffer from sleeping problems are known to have low levels of serotonin. 5-HTP has been shown to improve the quality of sleep. Medical research indicates that taking 5-HTP before bedtime can induce sleepiness and delay wake times.
5-HTP Relieves Headaches
If you often suffer from severe headaches including migraines, 5-HTp can reduce them. 5-HTP can be used by adults and even children who are suffering from headaches. 5-HTP is not only effective in relieving migraine, also tends to decrease the frequency and severity of migraine headaches with continued use.
5-HTP treats Obesity
If your serotonin levels are low, you always crave for food. You may feel like you have to eat all the time. Eating can make you feel better temporarily but when all those calories wear off and eventually your serotonin levels drops. When that happens the pleasurable effect goes away, and the cravings return. When it does, it is also accompanied by anxiety, foggy thinking and irritability. This cycle cause you to gain a lot of weight and causes obesity.
Consuming 5-HTP could be very beneficial for one's health, to find out more about this supplement you can visit
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5-HTP - Dosage, Benefits & Side Effects For Depression And Weight Loss!
5-HTP is the precursor to serotonin, the neurotransmitter sometimes touted to be responsible for happiness. But do I recommend supplementing it? Check it out!
GET 5-HTP here:
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Dr. Jawad talks about the benefits of taking 5 HTP. 5-HTP has most often been used by adults in doses of 150-300mg.
5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) can be converted to serotonin in the body. It is often used for depression. It has less evidence for insomnia and anxiety.
5-HTP is a chemical byproduct of the protein building block L-tryptophan. It is produced commercially from the seeds of an African plant known as Griffonia simplicifolia. 5-HTP works in the brain and central nervous system by increasing the production of the chemical serotonin. Serotonin can affect sleep, appetite, temperature, sexual behavior, and pain sensation.
Since 5-HTP increases serotonin levels, it is used for conditions in which serotonin is believed to play an important role.
Should I Take Tyrosine and 5 HTP Together?
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5-HTP For Lucid Dreaming: Dosage, Warnings, Tips and Effects Explained
🔵 Lucid Dream Effortlessly In 30 Days & Experience Your Fantasies: Watch My FREE Training Video Now 👉
✨ There are MANY lucid dreaming supplements and pills, but 5-HTP seems to be one of the main ones that people use. In this video, I'll share how you can lucid dream with 5HTP, and how this lucid dreaming supplement can BOOST your dreams and make them more vivid.
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What is Lucid Dreaming, and who am I?
Lucid dreaming (sometimes called astral projection although they're not quite the same) is the ability to become SELF AWARE in your dreams, meaning you can control them.
There are also many benefits to lucid dreaming, such as improved sleep, more energy, more confidence, and more restorative sleep. Not to mention the fact you can become more CONSCIOUS and experience the impossible!
I'm Stef, the guy behind HowToLucid, and I'm dedicated to helping you learn how to lucid dream. I've been lucid dreaming for over 8 years now and I have a passion for dreams and travel. Follow my journey, and leave a comment if you've read all of this letting me know your best lucid dream experience! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
What is 5-HTP and why do people take it? Is it right for you? What is it made of? Dr. Terry Grossman, co-founder and author of TRANSCEND: 9 Steps to Living Well Forever, explains the benefits of taking 5-HTP as part of your supplement health routine.
5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) is produced in the body from the amino acid tryptophan and is involved in nervous system health. It is a precursor to serotonin, a neurotransmitter involved in mood regulation, sleeping patterns, appetite, sexuality, and emotional states such as anger and aggression. 5-HTP increases serotonin levels in the brain, which can help promote a calm mood and healthy sleep patterns.
Unlike tryptophan, 5-HTP can easily cross the blood-brain barrier, making it effective for increasing serotonin levels in the central nervous system. Oral doses of 5-HTP are well-absorbed into the blood stream because it is not affected by other amino acids in digestion and it does not need a specific transport molecule.
Vitamin B6 works with 5-HTP to create serotonin. If you are taking a B vitamin supplement, such as our B-Complex, you may wish to take the two products at the same time to optimize effectiveness.
---About TRANSCEND Longevity ---
Aging is not a single process. It consists of a dozen or so processes that lead to the loss of our physical, sensory, and mental capabilities. In their bestselling book, “TRANSCEND™: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever”, Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman, M.D. discuss how to slow these processes, and how in the future new technologies will allow us to stop, and even reverse them altogether.
"I believe we will reach a point around 2029 when medical technologies will add one additional year every year to your life expectancy," says Kurzweil. "By that I don't mean life expectancy based on your birthdate, but rather your remaining life expectancy."
In the meantime, the trick is remaining healthy long enough to take advantage of these breakthroughs by leveraging the information that’s already available to help eliminate our chances of disease and slow the aging process.
TRANSCEND Longevity is a health and wellness company dedicated to transforming lives through education and access to information, products and tools that will prolong life. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ANXIETY: Benefits of GABA and 5-HTP, and L-Theanine
DeLaney shares the benefits of natural calming supplements such as GABA and 5-HTP, and L-Theanine Drops and 200 mg capsules for anxiety.
DeLaney Gabriel has decades of experience as a Holistic Health Practitioner and takes great care in sourcing her supplements from only the best producers. You can find more information on anxiety supplements and get DeLaney's carefully-vetted GABA and 5-HTP capsules here:
GABA and 5-HTP, and L-Theanine are supplements that DeLaney recommends to help people with:
- Anxiety or Anxiousness
- Brain Fatigue / Memory
- Sleep Issues / Insomnia
The first supplement is called GABA and 5-HTP which are amino acids commonly used together that are very helpful for calming the brain and helping you feel more like yourself.
Next, we have L-Theanine, which is also an amino acid and is available in drops and capsule form. What DeLaney loves about L-Theanine Drops is that they can work within just a few minutes to help you feel calm. L-Theanine benefits the body in much the same way as GABA and 5-HTP. DeLaney Gabriel offers L-Theanine in her carefully-vetted private-label line as either capsules or drops.
Learn more about DeLaney and how she can help you at:
DeLaney Gabriel HHP
3 W. Carrillo St., Ste. 201
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
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SAMe and 5-HTP are both natural supplements used to reduce the symptoms of depression, but which one is better suited to your needs? In this video I'm going to show you the similarities and differences, the benefits and side effects of both SAMe and 5-HTP for the treatment of depression.
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PURCHASE***Natrol Timed Release 200mg***PURCHASE
This 5-HTP supplement is a medium dose that releases 5-HTP slowly over several hours to provide increased and sustained levels of Serotonin production
PURCHASE***Natural Factors SAMe 200mg***PURCHASE
This SAMe supplement is a medium dose that works to promote neurotransmitter production in the brain which can help to improve your mood
S-Adenosyl Methionine, or SAMe is a chemical in our bodies that is involved in pain relief and depression. Normally, people who have higher levels of SAMe have more serotonin (the happiness hormone) and less depressive symptoms.
5-HTP is the natural precursor of serotonin, so people who have higher levels of 5-HTP also naturally have more serotonin and less depressive symptoms.
Both SAMe and 5-HTP supplements have been proven to reduce the symptoms of depression better than a placebo and in some cases they are just as effective as prescription antidepressant drugs.
However, SAMe is known to over excite some people and trigger anxiety, which is not an ideal side effect. 5-HTP doesn't usually have this effect, but it is very short lived in the body. You need slow release 5-HTP to receive any benefits from this supplement.
You can increase your amounts of both SAMe and 5-HTP through your diet, but you need to be eating a wide variety of very healthy foods and avoiding sugary and processed foods.
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Would you recommend 5-HTP supplements or tryptophan supplements for low tryptophan.?
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Question: If my tryptophan is low, and I'm on a low-carb diet, would you recommend 5-HTP supplements or tryptophan supplements or both?
There are multiple reasons why tryptophan could be low. It could be that you are not eating enough protein, or it could be that you have a high utilization of the tryptophan. I would look in the test and see if the 5-hydroxyindoleacetate is elevated — because if it is, then that would suggest high serotonin production, and that might explain the low tryptophan.
If that is the case, you may want to look into other explanations. In this particular case, we have talked about high estrogen levels and how they might be one of those things. In which case the root cause is the high estrogen levels and you need to address it at that level.
Repleting the tryptophan maybe isn't necessarily the goal unless you have symptoms that are related to low tryptophan levels. If you're overproducing serotonin, if anything, you might have symptoms that are more related to high serotonin levels.
You might not have any symptoms that are related to low melatonin levels, which is downstream from serotonin, in which case the main negative effect of depleting the tryptophan would probably be related to niacin because tryptophan is used to synthesize niacin — in which case the goal would probably be best served by supplementing niacin instead of tryptophan.
Something to note: if you're trying to put on lean mass and it's not working, it could theoretically conceivably be possible that serotonin overproduction would be depleting the tryptophan to the point where you didn't have enough tryptophan to put on the lean mass you want.
If the tryptophan is being diverted into serotonin, that's why it's low, again, judgeable by whether 5-hydroxyindoleacetic is elevated, then it makes no sense to put 5-HTP into the system because your problem isn't that you have low serotonin. If anything, it's that you have a high serotonin.
The only other explanation I would say is if you have a low protein intake, you might need to increase your protein intake. But if that were the case, you would probably see other amino acids more across the board that were depleted and not just tryptophan.
This Q&A can also be found as part of a much longer episode, here:
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DISCLAIMER: I have a PhD in Nutritional Sciences and my expertise is in performing and evaluating nutritional research. I am not a medical doctor and nothing herein is medical advice. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Experiences: 5HTP vs L-Tryptophan for Insomnia from Low Serotonin or Depression
My experiences, caution, and unexpected benefits of supplementing with 5HTP and L-Tryptophan for insomnia. Both can be very useful but only if your insomnia is caused by a very specific condition.
More detailed and updated post on my blog: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, I discuss the neurotransmitter serotonin. I cover serotonin synthesis, the primary location of serotonin-producing neurons, serotonin receptors, and functions of serotonin.
Welcome to 2 minute neuroscience, where I explain neuroscience topics in 2 minutes or less. In this installment I will discuss serotonin.
Serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter, a term that refers to its chemical structure and the fact that it is derived from an amino acid. To synthesize serotonin, the amino acid tryptophan is converted to 5-hydroxytryptophan, or 5-HTP, and 5-HTP is converted to serotonin, or 5-HT.
Serotonin neurons are primarily found in the brainstem in clusters of neurons called the raphe nuclei. Serotonin neurons from the raphe nuclei project throughout the brainstem and brain, and provide serotonin to the rest of the central nervous system.
Researchers have identified 7 different families of serotonin receptors, which differ from one another in distribution, the substances that bind to them, and the effects they mediate. All but one of these families of receptors consists of G-protein coupled receptors, the other receptor family consists of ligand-gated ion channels. Within these 7 families of receptors, 14 receptor subtypes have been identified as well. Serotonin is removed from the synaptic cleft by a transport protein called the serotonin transporter, or SERT.
In terms of function, serotonin is often linked to mood in part due to the understanding that many antidepressants cause serotonin levels to rise. However, an attempt to define any neurotransmitter by one function is inevitably an oversimplification. In truth, serotonin’s role in mood is very unclear and depression is not likely to be due to a simple serotonin deficiency. Additionally, serotonin is involved in a long list of functions other than mood. In most cases its actual role in those functions is still not completely understood.
Nichols DE, Nichols CD. Serotonin Receptors. Chem Rev. 2008, 108: 1614-1641.
Caption author (Arabic) Shwan Hameed Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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