Приймати по 1 таблетці на день під час їжі або між прийомами їжі в період планування вагітності, вагітності і лактації.
Що це?
Мультивітамінний комплекс Prenatal One від Rainbow Light містить незамінні поживні речовини в кількостях, що забезпечують оптимальне харчування і захист для мам і дітей протягом всієї вагітності і в період годування. Додаткова функція комплексу Prenatal One - підтримка процесів травлення. Ефективність інгредієнтів комплексу підтверджена клінічними випробуваннями.
Як це працює?
У формулі Prenatal One дбайливо підібрані рекомендовані для мами і малюка кількості інгредієнтів. Вітаміни А, С, Е, К, D сприяють зміцненню здоров'я шкіри, зубів, очей, підтримують імунітет. Повний B-комплекс підтримує вироблення природної енергії і нівелює стрес. Фолієва кислота має важливе значення при розвитку здорового мозку і хребта, запобігає появі дефектів нервової трубки. М'яка формула заліза підтримує метаболізм і необхідний рівень вироблення еритроцитів. Суміш ферментів покращує травлення без навантаження на шлунок, а органічна спіруліна і хлорела благотворно впливають на організм.
After the review, be sure to check out our list of the current 10 best prenatal vitamins!
Want to know what I think of Rainbow Light Prenatal One? After personally trying it out, I’ll go over everything you need to know about this product.
Here's a breakdown of what you'll learn in my review:
First, I’ll give you my overall rating of the product based on how it compares to all the other prenatals I’ve tried. You don’t want to miss this part!
Then, I talk about its ease of use and what it tastes like.
Prenatal supplements come in many forms such as tablets, gummies, drinks, etc. Each one is different, and I’ll tell you my first impression on if the product is tasty or not, and if I had any trouble taking it.
Next, I talk about the ingredients, which are extremely important. A lot of these prenatals don’t include all ingredients you need before, during and after pregnancy, and I’m here to analyze them you so you don’t have to.
After that, I go over if I experienced any side effects while using this prenatal vitamin. If you’ve ever wondered, “ Ok, there are hundreds of prenatals, but which one won’t make me sick?” then you’ll really like this part.
At the end of my review, I’ll tell you how it compares to other prenatals out there. You don’t want to miss this so make sure to stick around!
In short, if you want to learn all about this Rainbow Light Prenatal One, I’d recommend checking out this video.
And once you’re done, be sure to check out our list of the 10 best prenatal vitamins! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is a review of the prenatal vitamin that I took during my pregnancy. Please let me know if you have questions! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Rainbow Light Duo Prenatals |Top Prenatal Pills 2019
Rainbow Light Duo Prenatal
This product is a all natural prenatal pill that helps promote baby’s brain and eye development
It’s high in Folic Acid & non-constipation Iron
I will be using this product for a month and i will give my review of this prenatal pill.
Thank you so much for watching
#rainbowlight #prenatal2019 #pregnancy2019 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Prenatal Vitamins Marketed As 'Free Of Heavy Metals' Found To Contain Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium
An investigation using a third-party lab test found that vitamins made by the company Rainbow Light contained lead, arsenic, and cadmium. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A review of an awesome prenatal vitamin which is gluten free, vegan, additive free and much more! To read more about the Prenatal one and other products they carry check out the website below:
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FTC: These vitamins were provided to me for review. However, all opinions are my own :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Prenatal Vitamins for A Healthy Pregnancy In 2022
Links to the Best Prenatal Vitamins for A Healthy Pregnancy we listed in today's Prenatal Vitamins for A Healthy Pregnancy Review video & Buying Guide:
Top Rated Prenatal Vitamins for A Healthy Pregnancy List :
1 . Rainbow Light Prenatal One Multivitamin
2 . Garden of Life Vitamin Code RAW Prenatal
3 . New Chapter Perfect Prenatal Multivitamins
4 . Nature Made Prenatal Multi + DHA
5 . One A Day Women’s Prenatal Vitamin
6 . MegaFood Baby & Me Herb Free Prenatal Vitamin
7 . Ritual Essential Prenatal
8 . Olly The Essential Prenatal Gummy Multivitamin
9 . Nature Made Prenatal Multivitamin + DHA
10 . Best Nest Wellness Mama Bird Prenatal Multivitamin
In this video, we have gathered the Prenatal Vitamins for A Healthy Pregnancy for your beloved baby. With all types of consumers in mind, we made this list through extensive research, pricing, quality, durability, brand reputation, and a few other crucial factors. Meaning, you can get the listed products with utmost confidence.
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2. Best High Chairs
3. Best Baby Backpack Carriers
4. Full Size Prenatal Vitamins for A Healthy Pregnancy
5. Disposable Diapers
6. Best Jogging Strollers
7. Best Movement Monitors
8. Best Sippy Cups
9. Best Infant Car Seats
10. Best Portable High Chairs
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#PrenatalVitaminsforAHealthyPregnancy#BestPrenatalVitaminsforAHealthyPregnancy#PrenatalVitaminsforAHealthyPregnancys Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
After the review, be sure to check out our list of the current 10 best prenatal vitamins!
Want to know what I think of Smarty Pants Prenatal Complete? After personally trying it out, I’ll go over everything you need to know about this product.
Here's a breakdown of what you'll learn in my review:
First, I’ll give you my overall rating of the product based on how it compares to all the other prenatals I’ve tried. You don’t want to miss this part!
Then, I talk about its ease of use and what it tastes like.
Prenatal supplements come in many forms such as tablets, gummies, drinks, etc. Each one is different, and I’ll tell you my first impression on if the product is tasty or not, and if I had any trouble taking it.
Next, I talk about the ingredients, which are extremely important. A lot of these prenatals don’t include all ingredients you need before, during and after pregnancy, and I’m here to analyze them you so you don’t have to.
After that, I go over if I experienced any side effects while using this prenatal vitamin. If you’ve ever wondered, “ Ok, there are hundreds of prenatals, but which one won’t make me sick?” then you’ll really like this part.
At the end of my review, I’ll tell you how it compares to other prenatals out there. You don’t want to miss this so make sure to stick around!
In short, if you want to learn all about this Smarty Pants Prenatal Complete, I’d recommend checking out this video.
And once you’re done, be sure to check out our list of the 10 best prenatal vitamins! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is a review of my favorite multivitamin by Rainbow Light! They are all organic and the best multivitamin I have ever used!
You can get them on ThriveMarket: or at .
If you have any questions let me know by commenting below! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Prenatal Vitamins of 2021 | Top 5 Best Prenatal Vitamins for Pregnancy
Best Prenatal Vitamins of 2021 | Top 5 Best Prenatal Vitamins for Pregnancy
💯Hello, today we present the best Prenatal Vitamins of 2021. If you need to buy the Best Prenatal Vitamins for Pregnancy, we gathered for you 5 presentation video with the Best Prenatal Vitamins for Pregnancy on amazon to save one of the most important thing in your life - YOUR TIME. Hope you enjoy this presentation! We really apreciate if you give us a like to this video. Thank's for watching!
of Life Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal Multivitamin ►
Light Prenatal One Vitamins + Superfoods ►
of Life Prenatal Vitamins ►
Prenatal Multivitamin ►
Bird Prenatal Multi+, Methylfolate (Folic Acid) ►
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Best Prenatal Vitamins of 2021 | Top 5 Best Prenatal Vitamins for Pregnancy
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Best Prenatal Vitamins of 2021 | Top 5 Best Prenatal Vitamins for Pregnancy
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Inspired by Oakdale OBGYN - Maple Grove:
Best Prenatal Vitamins of 2021 | Top 5 Best Prenatal Vitamins for Pregnancy Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Second Trimester
→ As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
1. Prenatal Vitamins
Rainbow Prenantal One -
Rainbow Light Prenatal Petite Mini-Tab -
Rainbow Light Prenatal DHA Smart Essentials -
2. Water Bottle
CamelBak Water Bottle -
Lifefactory -
3. Yoga Mat
Gaiam Essentials Premium Yoga Mat -
4. Books
Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy -
Real Food for Pregnancy -
5. Leggings
Motherhood Maternity Leggings -
6. Bra
Women Seamless Nursing Bra -
7. Shoes
Anne Klein Sports Wedge Pumps -
8. Lotion
Palmer’s cocoa butter for stretch marks -
9. Pillow
Leachco Snoogle Total Body Pillow -
Gears used in this video
#pregnancy, #2ndtrimester, #newparents Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
WHAT I TAKE FOR HEALTHY HAIR, SKIN & BODY | Vitamin Routine + Unboxing
Thank you to iHerb for sponsoring today's video!
The first 5,000 people to use the code COOLCALMCURLY20 will receive 20% off their order!
Shop at :
-Solgar, Evening Primrose Oil, 1,300 mg, 60 Softgels
-Thorne Research, Adrenal Cortex, 60 Capsules
-Nordic Naturals, Baby's DHA with Vitamin D3, 1,050 mg, 2 fl oz (60 ml)
-Garden of Life, Dr. Formulated Probiotics, Once Daily Women's, 50 Billion, 30 Vegetarian Capsules
-Yogi Tea, Green Tea, Pure Green Decaf, 16 Tea Bags, oz (31 g)
-Bluebonnet Nutrition, Liquid Vitamin D3 Drops, Natural Citrus Flavor, 1,000 IU, 1 fl oz (30 ml)
-Rainbow Light, Women's One Multivitamin, 90 Tablets
-Solumeve, Biotin Gummies, Gelatin Free, Strawberry Flavor, 10,000 mcg, 100 Vegetarian Gummies
KEEP in touch dolls:
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I received the opportunity to review these Rainbow Light vitamins and comparing them to the ones I have been taking, and ones I have taken in the past. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
There are many opinions about what prenatal vitamins are essential to helping your baby stay healthy. In this short video, Oakdale ObGyn dietician Kim Plessel talks about why prenatal vitamins matter, reviews the latest recommendations for prenatal vitamins, and how to choose those that are right for you. For an appointment, call 763-587-7000. Learn more about pregnancy services at . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Why are prenatal vitamins important?
What prenatal vitamin is best?
When should you start taking a prenatal vitamin?
Is it ok to take more than one prenatal vitamin?
Check out this video to learn more.
Do you have questions? Leave me a comment below. I cannot give medical advice here, but I can share general recommendations in new videos based on what questions you have and what video topics you’d like to see.
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Men's Multivitamins tested in Water, Vinegar and Peroxide
Testing Men's Multivitamins in Water, Vinegar and Peroxide.
We take some sort of vitamin, but do we know what it is made up of or how it reacts to our bodies? Are all created equal and do we get what we pay for? In this test I want to see how they react compared to each other. Below are links to find these vitamins on Amazon to check for don't promote any one brand, but I prefer the organic and bio-available over the cheaper ones myself, for you are what you eat and drink :)
I am officially no longer a fan of the Rainbow Light vitamins after finding out they are owned by a mega corporation Clorox and being in a lawsuit for lying about their product being safe! *Article below in the comments.
(I) = I have used before or am planning to use.
Men's Multivitamins (USA):
Centrum men:
One A Day Men:
Jamieson Multi Men:
Webber Naturals Men:
(I)Rainbow Light Men's One: or
(I)Naturelo Mens Multi:
(I)Mega Food Men's:
(I)New Chapter Man's:
(I)Garden of Life Men's: or or
Men's Multivitamins (Canada):
Centrum men:
One A Day:
Jamieson Multi Men:
Webber Naturals Men:
(I)Rainbow Light Men's One: or
(I)Naturelo Mens Multi: or
(I)MegaFood Men's:
(I)New Chapter Man's:
(I)Garden of Life Men's: or or
(*Amazon affiliated links to support the video content:)
Thank you for watching!
Recorded using my Huawei P10. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hey guys! Thanks for clicking on this video! Today I just wanted to talk about the products and strategies that we used to get us pregnant THIS TIME! It's still so shocking and amazing that come July 2017 we will be PARENTS! I'm so excited to meet this little one!
BD = Baby Dance
Instagram: @Mackenzieeherman
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Rainbow Light Prenatal One:
Magnesium Citrate:
Taking Charge of Your Fertility:
Thermometer I used:
Rainbow Light Men’s One:
Black Maca Root:
Sperm Meets Egg Plan:
TOP 5 TIPS FOR SURVIVING MORNING SICKNESS: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ever wonder what prenatals I take? This video will go into detail as to exactly which vitamins I have taken with both pregnancies. Garden of Life products are my absolute favorite!
Garden of Life Raw Prenatal Vitamin
Garden of Life Oceans Mom
Garden of Life Vaginal Care Probiotic
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My husband and myself have been trying to get pregnant for a while now. In this video, I share with you the different things that we've been doing to get pregnant. These are tips that I hope you find useful. Links to the Prenatal vitamins I mentioned are below.
1. Prenatal Vitamins by One A Day :
2. Nature Made Prenatal Vitamin
3. Rainbow Light® Men’s One Multivitamin
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Hi! I'm Adenike, (Olori Esho), I upload videos 3 times a week; every Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday. I create content that relate to my life as a woman and a wife, vlogs and my lifestyle.
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*23 Things To Do When You're Bored
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#TryingToConceive #TipsToGetPregnant #PrenatalVitamins Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Prenatal Vitamins 2021 | Top 10 Best Prenatal Vitamin Buying Guide
Are you looking for the Best Prenatal Vitamins? This Video Will Inform Exactly Which are The Best Prenatal Vitamins on the Market Today.
1. One A Day Women's Prenatal 1 Multivitamin
2. Nature Made Prenatal Multivitamin
3. Ritual Multi Vitamins Essential
4. TheraNatal One Prenatal Multivitamin
5. Thorne Research - Basic Prenatal - Folate
6. Mama Bird Prenatal Multi+, Methylfolate
7. Prenatal Multivitamin for Women
8. Zahler Mighty Mini Prenatal DHA
9. SmartyPants Prenatal Formula Daily Gummy
10. MegaFood Baby & Me 2 Prenatal Multi Minis
What are the Best Prenatal Vitamins in 2021?
In today's video we reviewed the top 10 Best Prenatal Vitamins on the market in 2021. We made this list based on our personal opinion and we ranked them in no particular order, after doing our research based on their prices, quality, durability, brand reputation and many more.
After watching this video you will know which are the best budget, top selling and top rated Best Prenatal Vitamins on the market today.
If you choose from this list you can be sure that you will buy one of the Best Prenatal Vitamins available today.
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Best Prenatal Vitamins:
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Thanks for watching guys, I hope you liked this video.
Is this video making value to your search? If Yes please remember to leave a like and subscribe to my channel to see more videos like this in the future, and if you have any questions related to the products we listed here, leave a comment down below and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
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Portions of footage found in this video are not original content produced by Famous Tool team. Portions of stock footage of products were gathered from multiple sources including, manufactures, fellow creators and various other sources.
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#BestPrenatalVitamins #BestPrenatalVitamin #BestPrenatalVitaminReview
Keywords For this video:
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An EASY way to pick the right PRENATAL VITAMIN for YOU!
Garden of Life Organic Prenatal Multivitamin Supplement with Folate - mykind Whole Food Prenatal Vitamin, Vegan, 180 Tablets
Garden of Life Iron Complex - Vitamin Code Raw Iron Whole Food Vitamin Supplement, Vegan, 30 Capsules
Garden of Life mykind Organic Plant Calcium - Vegan Whole Food Supplement with D3 and K2, Gluten Free, 180 Tablets
Bluebonnet Biotin 5000 mcg Vegetable Capsules, 120 Count
BlueBonnet Cellular Active CoQ10 Ubiquinol Vegetarian Softgels, 100 mg, 60 Count
Earth Mama Angel Baby Body Butter for Pregnancy Stretch Marks, 8 fl. oz.
Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil, Virgin, 54 Ounce (Pack of 2)
Pre-Seed Personal Lubricant, 1.4 Oz
Pregnitude Reproductive and Dietary Supplement, 60 Fertility Support Packets
JASON Nourishing Apricot Deodorant Stick, 2.5 Ounce Sticks (Pack of 3)
Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test, 3 Count
Easy@Home 25 Pregnancy (HCG) Urine Test Strips, 25 HCG Tests
Sea-Band Mama, Anti-Nausea Accupressure Wrist Band
PREGMATE 50 Ovulation LH Test Strips
Clinical Basal Thermometer - BBT-113Ai by iProvèn - ACCURATE 1/100th Degree, Highly SENSITIVE, Perfect Companion for Family Planning
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ESDDI 20"X28" Soft Boxes
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Hi! My name is Erika and welcome to my YouTube channel. I've had this channel since 2009 but only started uploading regularly last year. I am a born and raised New Yorker. I've been a performer my whole life and in 2009 was offered the job of a lifetime - performing for Disney Cruise Line. Over three years with the company, I portrayed some of Disney's most beloved characters, danced my heart out, and met my husband! In 2013, I moved up to Toronto, Canada and studied for my full STOTT Pilates certification. Then, that summer, my husband and I got our first apartment on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, NY! In December 2013, my husband (then boyfriend) came home from his last ship contract and proposed! We got married at The Russian Tea Room in New York City on January 24th, 2015. We love adventure, and after 3 years living in Manhattan, in May 2016, we moved down to Celebration, Florida! In December 2016, I danced in the Macy's Holiday Parade at Universal Studios and had the time of my life! Although we've loved Florida, in May 2017, we moved back to New York to be closer to family and friends. In June 2017, we got the best news in the world - that we were expecting our first baby due March 2018. on February 28th, 2018 our little Hugo William was born. He is the light of our lives. PHEW.. So that's my story! I don't know what adventures lie ahead but I am SO excited to share them with all of you!
#PreNatalVitamins #Pregnancy #PregnancySupplements Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
After the review, be sure to check out our list of the current 10 best prenatal vitamins!
Want to know what I think of MegaFood Baby & Me? After personally trying it out, I’ll go over everything you need to know about this product.
Here's a breakdown of what you'll learn in my review:
First, I’ll give you my overall rating of the product based on how it compares to all the other prenatals I’ve tried. You don’t want to miss this part!
Then, I talk about its ease of use and what it tastes like.
Prenatal supplements come in many forms such as tablets, gummies, drinks, etc. Each one is different, and I’ll tell you my first impression on if the product is tasty or not, and if I had any trouble taking it.
Next, I talk about the ingredients, which are extremely important. A lot of these prenatals don’t include all ingredients you need before, during and after pregnancy, and I’m here to analyze them you so you don’t have to.
After that, I go over if I experienced any side effects while using this prenatal vitamin. If you’ve ever wondered, “ Ok, there are hundreds of prenatals, but which one won’t make me sick?” then you’ll really like this part.
At the end of my review, I’ll tell you how it compares to other prenatals out there. You don’t want to miss this so make sure to stick around!
In short, if you want to learn all about this MegaFood Baby & Me, I’d recommend checking out this video.
And once you’re done, be sure to check out our list of the 10 best prenatal vitamins! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hey Guys! I'm now 6 months pregnant and things are getting real! Let's chat!!! Here are some products I use:
Rainbow Light Prenatal One:
Prenatal DHA Omega-3:
Healthy Mama Tame the Flame:
Organic Belly Balm:
Shampoo & Conditioner:
Argan Daily Moisturizer: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dr. Kim Goodwin, an OBGYN affiliated with Sharp HealthCare in San Diego, discusses the importance of prenatal vitamins.
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Natural Folate vs Folic Acid, MTHFR, and Why I Regret My Prenatal Vitamin
The prenatal I recommend that contains absorbable folate:
Read more, find links to studies, and see the vitamins I recommend:
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Top 10 Prenatal Vitamins 2015 | Best Prenatal Vitamins
More Info & Pics:
7tyg | 7tjJ
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How To Choose The Best Prenatal Vitamins and What Nutrients To Look For (2021)
Deciding what prenatal vitamin to take when trying to conceive and during pregnancy can be daunting with A LOT of options to choose from, so that’s why in this video we’re going to walk you through how to choose the best prenatal vitamin. Kaleigh discusses what you need to look for and what nutrients are the most important to have in a prenatal vitamin when trying to conceive and while pregnant to make sure your baby and you are healthy and happy!
Timestamps of the video:
01:40 Prenatal Cre and What is Important
02:20 Folate
03:03 Ferrous Fumarate Iron
04:03 DHA (Omega-3 Fatty Acid)
04:42 Ingredients in Prenatal Vitamins
05:43 Premama Prenatal
The Premama Wellness team is excited to be a part of your journey and wants to support you in every way that we can. If you have any feedback or questions, please leave a comment and we'll get back to you.
To shop and learn more about Premama Wellness go to the link below:
For our premamas outside of the U.S., you can order Premama products via iHerb, our international shipping partner.
Check out some of our science-backed supplements and nutrients mentioned in this video:
Prenatal Vitamin:
Prenatal Mix + DHA:
Prenatal Bundle:
Fertility Support for Him:
Duo Fertility Bundles:
Fertility Support for Her:
Conceive Bundle:
Balance Drink Mix:
Related videos we think you'll love!
Premama Prenatal Vitamin: Science-Backed Nutrients and How It’s Different (2021):
Benefits of Folate When Conceiving and Getting Pregnant:
Premama Wellness Fertility Support for Her: How our formula can increase chances of conceiving -2021:
What to ask your doctor when you're TTC:
Pregnancy Planning and Prepping to Conceive: Everything you need to know:
Preparing for Pregnancy: Dr. Mom answers your top questions around Trying to Conceive:
About Premama Wellness and our story:
We'd also love to invite you to join our virtual communities below!
Trying to Conceive, Fertility, and Early Pregnancy Support Group:
Modern Motherhood: Early Pregnancy to Early Years Support Group:
Disclaimer: The content of this video is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and has not been evaluated by the FDA. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider for questions regarding medical conditions and supplements.
#prenatalvitamin #premamawellness #prenatalforpregnancy Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Many prenatals currently don't contain correct amounts of key nutrients, such as folic acid, iodine, and choline. Tod Cooperman, M.D. of explains what to look for to get the best prenatal vitamin for you and your child while avoiding risks.
Dr. Cooperman discusses the latest recommendation from the American Medical Association that prenatal vitamins should include choline, a nutrient which is rarely added to prenatal vitamins, or added in insufficient amounts. He also discusses the difference between folate and folic acid, which form is best, and how much you need while pregnant -- and other important nutrients to look for, such as iron, vitamin C, and other B vitamins.
See ’s tests and Top Picks among popular prenatal vitamins on the market:
You can read more about folate and folic acid, how much you should take, and more, here:
You can also see ’s tests and Top Picks for other supplements Dr. Cooperman discusses using the links below:
Choline Supplements Review:
Iron Supplements Review:
Fish Oil and Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements Review:
And see ’s answer to this related question:
Can prenatal vitamins have too much folic acid? Mine has 800 mcg, but isn't that more than what's recommended? Is this dangerous to me or my baby? See ’s answer:
You can become a member now at for immediate access to exclusive reviews of over 1,000 products, hundreds of CL Answers, warnings, and other information about supplements and natural products that you won't find anywhere else!
#bestprenatalvitamins #folicacid #pregnancynutrition Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Prenatal vitamins provide critical nutrients your body needs before pregnancy, but women taking them before planning for a baby may be at risk for undetected health problems. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is a review of the Prenatal DHA supplement that I took throughout my pregnancy. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Деталі на .
Promotional video 2021. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pregnancy Update #1: First Trimester, Morning Sickness, and Pre-Natal Vitamins
Here's my first pregnancy update! I'm officially into my second trimester, so I decided to tell you about some of my morning sickness remedies and how I chose my pre-natal vitamins. Please let me know what you would like to see going forward and let me know what questions you want me to ask my husband when I introduce him to you in an upcoming video!
Liked this video? Watch these:
Third Trimester Update:
Newborn Must-Haves:
Visit my main channel Mixed Makeup:
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100% дневной нормы витаминов, минералов и антиоксидантов в 1 таблетке. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hi everyone! I'm so happy to be bringing you my first trimester recap video! In today's video I'm going to get into all of the details of my first trimester, including symptoms, apps I'm using, vitamins I'm taking, the gender of our baby, and more! I know this is a long video, so here are the details for where you can find these things:
Symptoms - 2:00
Apps - 8:27
Vitamins - 11:33
Caffeine - 14:39
Diet - 15:58
Boobs - 17:49
Cravings - 18:43
Dogs’ Behavior - 20:22
Gender Reveal - 21:22
Ultrasound Pics - 24:00
Baby Shower Plans - 27:20
Baby Haul - 28:36
I hope you enjoy this pregnancy update video! Thank you so much for watching!! XOXO
Ovia Fertility App:
Ovia Pregnancy App:
BabyCenter App:
What to Expect App:
Rainbow Light Prenatal Daily Duo:
Calcium & Fiber Chewy Vitamins:
Mother to Be Tea:
Grey Baby Dad Hat:
LA Hat:
Printed Baby Bandana Bibs:
Storksak Diaper Bag:
AB to Jay-Z Book:
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Hi, I'm Liv! I'm an Ohio girl living in a California world with my two dog babies and husband. I make videos on fashion, beauty, lifestyle, food, fitness, and overall health and wellness. Some of my favorite videos to make (that you'll see a lot!) are haul videos, lookbooks, try on videos, and style/beauty essentials. I LOVE to shop, socialize, hang out at the beach, and spread love & happiness. I believe life is too short to be anything other than your happiest self. Welcome! ♡ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Now that I am in the second trimester I have a few things that have been helping out! The thing that I have learned is to ask questions from other moms who have gone through the motions and take in their knowledge. So I wanted to share with you what I've been loving into my 17th week! Also, you get to see a quick clip of our gender ultrasound when we found out that we were having a girl! Best day ever!
Products Mentioned:
♥Rainbow Light "Prenatal One" Vitamins
♥Burts Bees Momma Bee Body Butter
♥SheaMoisture Mommy Stretch Mark Body Butter
♥Burts Bees Momma Bee Nourishing Body Oil
♥Palmers Coco Butter Formula Soothing Oil
♥Lounge Bralette
♥Boppy Pregnancy Wedge Pillow
♥SNAPCHAT: alexsismae
♥E-MAIL: alexsismae@
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♥ FAQ:
Camera- Nikon D3200 with a 18-55mm lens
Editing Software- iMovie ’11 & Adobe Photoshop
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Sweater- Cross Roads Trading
Nail Polish- Madam Glam "Its a Funny World"
♥♥♥ All opinions are my own, and all products were purchased by myself unless otherwise noted. I will always share my honest opinion so that you know when I tell you my opinion of products/methods you can trust what I'm sharing. Love you XOXO, Alexsis♥♥♥ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Prenatal Vitamins 2022 : Top 5 Supplements For Pregnancy
Best Prenatal Vitamins 2022 : Top 5 Supplements For Pregnancy
1. SmartyPants Prenatal Formula Daily Gummy Multivitamin
2. One A Day Women's Prenatal 1 Multivitamin
3. Actif Organic Prenatal Vitamin
4. Nature Made Prenatal Multivitamin + DHA
5. Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal Multivitamin
Introduction : 0:00
What To Look For In Prenatal Vitamins : 1:08
Best Prenatal with Probiotics : 2:03
Best Budget Prenatal Vitamin : 3:05
Best Complete Prenatal Vitamin : 4:22
Best Prenatal Vitamin For All Stages : 5:57
Best Prenatal Gummy Vitamins : 7:04
Vitamins for pregnancy, or prenatal vitamins, are nutritional supplements that provide women who are pregnant or even planning to become pregnant in the short term with vitamins, minerals and fatty acids essential for the development of the fetus.
These dietary supplements are highly recommended by healthcare professionals. Prenatal vitamins deliver key nutrients that may be lacking from your diet. The addition of these vitamins, minerals and other nutrients can help maintain a healthy pregnancy for mom and baby.
If you are not yet pregnant, starting a prenatal vitamin regimen can help your body prepare for conception. If you are already pregnant, it's a good idea to begin taking prenatal vitamins as soon as possible to cover any nutritional gaps in your diet.
However, finding the best prenatal vitamins isn’t easy when there are so many things to consider.
In this video, you will discover the top 5 prenatal vitamins/supplements you can get right now.
Disclaimer: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dr. Boyd here to recommend my favorite prenatal vitamins and why I think that these prenatal vitamins are the best for women in pregnancy. ►If you are trying to get pregnant, then we want to help with our $5 Getting Pregnant Guide ►►►
***This video states that choline should be taken in 400 - 450 mcg dose. This is an error. The correct daily dose of choline is 400 - 450 mg (not mcg).
► MegaFood Baby and Me 2 (*new with choline) ---
► Pink Stork ---
► Actif Organic Prenatal Vitamin with DHA ---
The Best Dr. Recommended Prenatal Vitamins video that many of you have asked for…
I am a board-certified OB/GYN, and I have been in practice for over 25 years. Now I am doubling down to help women become empowered in their pregnancy, labor, and delivery.
“What prenatal vitamins should I take?” This is a question I have received many times over the past 25 years and I am excited to cover this topic because it is of great importance to be taking vitamins as early as possible in your pregnancy. Honestly, you SHOULD be taking vitamins before you conceive. This will make sure you have the right nutrients in your body as your baby is developing.
With 50% of the pregnancies in America being unplanned there is a large number of women who show up at my office with this question having already reach 4 - 6 weeks into their pregnancy. This is not optimal and I encourage YOU to plan your pregnancy.
If you are one of the women in America with an unplanned pregnancy, (NOT unwanted, just unplanned) then I am glad you are here to watch this video or read this article.
There are five KEY ingredients in a prenatal vitamin. There are many other ingredients in prenatal vitamins, but these 5 are the main ones you want to make sure are in your prenatal. Later in this post, I will recommend to you my favorite prenatal vitamins.
ONE: Folic Acid / Folate
The amount of Folic Acid, also known as Folate, that is recommended is 400 - 800 mcg (micrograms). Folic Acid is important in the development of the babies brain and spinal system. It is very important to take this prior to conception if possible.
TWO: Iodine
Iodine needs to be taken in the amount of 150 mcg (micrograms) on a daily basis. Iodine is also important in the babies brain development as well as the mother later in pregnancy. As a woman develops in her pregnancy she will have increased stress on her thyroid gland (the gland in your neck). If not enough iodine is consumed then the thyroid gland cannot function and this puts women at an increased risk for preterm labor, miscarriage, and still-birth (babies dying inside of the mom).
THREE: Choline
Choline needs to be consumed in the amount of 400 - 450 mg on a daily basis. Choline can be found in many of the foods you eat like eggs, liver, legumes, etc…. But often times women don’t get enough choline from their foods and they need a prenatal vitamin to supplement the missing choline.
FOUR: Vitamin D
A lot of times women that live north of the Mason-Dixon line in the united states don’t get enough sun in their daily activity. Sun is very important when it comes to Vitamin D absorption in the body. You need to be taking around 1000 - 4000 IUs (international units) per day.
FIVE: Iron
Iron is very important in your blood transferring oxygen to your body. It is recommended to take 20 - 30 mg (milligrams) per day.
Those five items are very important to consume on a daily basis. I have identified one prenatal vitamin that is very good. It is called MegaFood Baby and Me. This prenatal vitamin has all of the elements we discussed except it does not have quite enough Choline it has 300 mcg of Choline per daily serving.
So, how do you get that extra Choline you need? You can eat eggs, dairy, beans, and spinach. So, with that in mind if you take your prenatal vitamin and eat one egg per day you will have the recommended amount of Choline in your daily intake.
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Disclaimer: Please discuss any healthcare information found on this channel with your healthcare provider. Pearently exists as a source of information and knowledge and in no way can we determine whether or not any of the information is specifically best for your individual case without conducting an in-person assessment. With that in mind, we are grateful to share this information with you and we hope that you find success in your journey to achieve a happy and healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery.
- Sincerely, Team Pearently.
All links Keep in mind this video/post contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Omega 3 Video:
Elderberry Recipe:
Pure Vegan b-12:
Chia Seeds:
Raw Walnuts:
Flax Seed:
Hemp Seed:
Hawaiian Spirulina:
Daily Green Boost:
Natural Calm:
Brasil Nut:
My Kind Organic Prenatal Gummy:
Red Raspberry Leaf:
Nettle Leaf:
Oat Straw Leaf:
Alfalfa Leaf:
Dandelion Leaf:
Pregnancy Tea Recipe:
6 oz. red raspberry leaf
3 oz. nettle
3 oz. oat straw
3oz. Alfalfa
3 oz dandelion
Music by Emma Kern - Sabotage - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
After the review, be sure to check out our list of the current 10 best prenatal vitamins!
Want to know what I think of Garden of Life Raw Prenatal? After personally trying it out, I’ll go over everything you need to know about this product.
Here's a breakdown of what you'll learn in my review:
First, I’ll give you my overall rating of the product based on how it compares to all the other prenatals I’ve tried. You don’t want to miss this part!
Then, I talk about its ease of use and what it tastes like.
Prenatal supplements come in many forms such as tablets, gummies, drinks, etc. Each one is different, and I’ll tell you my first impression on if the product is tasty or not, and if I had any trouble taking it.
Next, I talk about the ingredients, which are extremely important. A lot of these prenatals don’t include all ingredients you need before, during and after pregnancy, and I’m here to analyze them you so you don’t have to.
After that, I go over if I experienced any side effects while using this prenatal vitamin. If you’ve ever wondered, “ Ok, there are hundreds of prenatals, but which one won’t make me sick?” then you’ll really like this part.
At the end of my review, I’ll tell you how it compares to other prenatals out there. You don’t want to miss this so make sure to stick around!
In short, if you want to learn all about this Garden of Life Raw Prenatal, I’d recommend checking out this video.
And once you’re done, be sure to check out our list of the 10 best prenatal vitamins! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
After the review, be sure to check out our list of the current 10 best prenatal vitamins!
Want to know what I think of Nature Made Prenatal Multi + DHA? After personally trying it out, I’ll go over everything you need to know about this product.
Here's a breakdown of what you'll learn in my review:
First, I’ll give you my overall rating of the product based on how it compares to all the other prenatals I’ve tried. You don’t want to miss this part!
Then, I talk about its ease of use and what it tastes like.
Prenatal supplements come in many forms such as tablets, gummies, drinks, etc. Each one is different, and I’ll tell you my first impression on if the product is tasty or not, and if I had any trouble taking it.
Next, I talk about the ingredients, which are extremely important. A lot of these prenatals don’t include all ingredients you need before, during and after pregnancy, and I’m here to analyze them you so you don’t have to.
After that, I go over if I experienced any side effects while using this prenatal vitamin. If you’ve ever wondered, “ Ok, there are hundreds of prenatals, but which one won’t make me sick?” then you’ll really like this part.
At the end of my review, I’ll tell you how it compares to other prenatals out there. You don’t want to miss this so make sure to stick around!
In short, if you want to learn all about this Nature Made Prenatal Multi + DHA, I’d recommend checking out this video.
And once you’re done, be sure to check out our list of the 10 best prenatal vitamins! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🔅 Links to all the products mentioned in this video:
MegaFood Baby & Me Herb Free:
Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Prenatal:
Cod Liver Oil:
Green Pastures fermented cod liver oil:
Sonne's Cod Liver Oil:
Carlson's Super Cod Liver Oil:
Butter Oil/Vitamin K2:
High Vitamin Butter Oil:
Vitamin K2:
B Vitamins:
Vitamin Code B Complex:
Vitamin B6:
Pure Encapsulations Magnesium Citrate:
Ancient Minerals Magnesium spray:
Natren Probiotic:
Klaire Labs Probiotic:
Dr. Ohrika Bio-K:
Digestive Aids:
Digestive enzymes from Vitamin Code:
HCL with Pepsin: Pregnant? Check out my baby registry checklist:
Here are all my fav products for natural living:
Curious about the equipment we use to make these videos?
Genevieve Howland, aka Mama Natural
Bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy & Childbirth ➡️
Co-Founder of
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Life update!
⁃ Black & White Seamless Support Bands -
⁃ Maternity Belt -
⁃ Rainbow Light Prenatal Vitamins -
⁃ Real Aloe Aloe Vera Gelly -
⁃ NOW Foods Shea Butter -
⁃ Virgin Coconut Oil -
⁃ Body Brush -
(denise austin)
(bodyfit by amy)
(anna saccone)
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What I Ate In The First Trimester - Healthy Pregnancy Recipes & Diet Tips
Here are the foods I ate in my first trimester to make sure that mommy and baby are getting the proper nutrition and to help avoid morning sickness. Let me know if you think we can add anything to this list!
Order our new keto cookbook:
Immune boosting tea:
Poop enforcer tea:
Almond milk:
Spinach soup:
Cauliflower recipes:
Broccoli recipes:
Seafood recipes:
Costco haul video:
Salt review video:
magnesium spray:
Beautiful babies book:
Bone broth:
2 pounds of grassfed & organic bones
filtered water
2 stalks celery
2 carrots
1/2 a yellow onion
1 tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar
Add all ingredients to a pressure cooker and fill with enough water to come to the max fill line. If desired, you can roast the bones in a 400F oven for 10 minutes to add more flavor, but we don't usually bother. Cook for 3 hours once pressure has been obtained. Allow pressure to naturally come down, strain the broth to remove bones and solids. Allow broth to cool to room temperature before storing in the fridge for 7 days, or you can freeze for 3 months. Once the broth has been chilled, the fat will solidify on the surface, skim that away and toss it in the garbage, you don;t want to cook wit that. When serving, add a pinch of unrefined salt to the broth and enjoy. you can use the bones for a second batch, we do it all the time, just add 1/2-1 pound of fresh bones to them.
Get the bones & use FLAVCITY10 promo code:
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I'm out to prove that home cooks can be rock stars in the kitchen by rocking the best healthy meal prep recipes on YouTube every Saturday & Sunday morning! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fertility Supplements: What Supplements Should You Take if You Are Trying To Get Pregnant?
Dr. Natalie Crawford, board certified fertility doctor, talks about fertility supplements. What supplements should you be taking if you are TTC? What do you need if you are trying to get pregnant? What supplements help improve your fertility? What supplements help diminished ovarian reserve and egg quality? What supplements help endometriosis or PCOS?
One of the top questions asked is "Are there any supplements I can take to improve my fertility?" - in this video the following are reviewed:
Prenantal Vitamins
Folic Acid
Methylated Folate
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12
CoQ10 (ubiquinol)
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
*all information is for medical education only and is not medical advice. Please ask your doctor about medical advice and recommendations for your situation.
References discussed:
Gaskins AJ, Chavarro JE. Diet and fertility: a review. Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Apr;218(4):379-389. doi: Epub 2017 Aug 24.
Toivonen KI, Lacroix E, Flynn M, Ronksley PE, Oinonen KA, Metcalfe A, Campbell TS. Folic acid supplementation during the preconception period: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Prev Med. 2018 Sep;114:1-17. doi: Epub 2018 May 23.
Servy EJ, Jacquesson-Fournols L, Cohen M, Menezo YJR. MTHFR isoform carriers. 5-MTHF (5-methyl tetrahydrofolate) vs folic acid: a key to pregnancy outcome: a case series. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2018 Aug;35(8):1431-1435. doi: Epub 2018 Jun 7. PMID: 29882091;
Rudick BJ, Ingles SA, Chung K, Stanczyk FZ, Paulson RJ, Bendikson KA. Influence of vitamin D levels on in vitro fertilization outcomes in donor-recipient cycles. Fertil Steril. 2014 Feb;101(2):447-52. doi: Epub 2013 Nov 5.
Ansariniya H, Hadinedoushan H, Javaheri A, Zare F. Vitamin C and E supplementation effects on secretory and molecular aspects of vascular endothelial growth factor derived from peritoneal fluids of patients with endometriosis. J Obstet Gynaecol. 2019 Nov;39(8):1137-1142.
Florou P, Anagnostis P, Theocharis P, Chourdakis M, Goulis DG. Does coenzyme Q10 supplementation improve fertility outcomes in women undergoing assisted reproductive technology procedures? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized-controlled trials. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2020 Oct;37(10):2377-2387. doi: Epub 2020 Aug 7.
Zhang Y, Zhang C, Shu J, Guo J, Chang HM, Leung PCK, Sheng JZ, Huang H. Adjuvant treatment strategies in ovarian stimulation for poor responders undergoing IVF: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Hum Reprod Update. 2020 Feb 28;26(2):247-263.
Unfer V, Nestler JE, Kamenov ZA, Prapas N, Facchinetti F. Effects of Inositol(s) in Women with PCOS: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Int J Endocrinol. 2016;2016:1849162. doi: Epub 2016 Oct 23.
#fertility #supplements #nataliecrawfordmd
Dr. Natalie Crawford, MD is a double board certified OBGYN and REI, and co-founder of Fora Fertility, a boutique fertility practice in Austin, Texas.
Welcome to the "As a Woman" community where we are all stronger together.
TikTok: @nataliecrawfordmd
Email: hello@
715 W 34th Street, Austin, TX 78705
To become a patient: email info@ or call 512-956-5006
Listen to the AS A WOMAN PODCAST here:
#fertility #fertilitydoctor #nataliecrawfordmd #doctor #asawoman
Sharing fertility facts to educate women about trying to conceive, getting pregnant, ovulation, fertility treatments, IUI, IVF, becoming a doctor, life as a woman in medicine, and more. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Prenatal Vitamins for Pregnancy || Folate vs Folic Acid Natural Pregnancy Supplements
**Garden of Life mykind organic prenatal**
- Much more nutritionally balanced, and all from real food ingredients and concentrates.
- It’s in gummy form, so there’s a fair amount of sugar (dextrose); and some of the nutrients are not fully available (like the vitamin A).
**Mega Food Baby & Me 2**
- Far less chemicals and synthetic ingredients. The vitamins/nutrients are more balanced (includes copper) and generally more usable.
- But vitamin A levels still way too low and in the form of beta carotene. And there are still highly refined additional ingredients.
ARTIFICIAL COLORINGS like Red #40 and Yellow #6 are shown to cause neurological defects
ARTIFICIAL PRESERVATIVES like BHA and BHT are banned in most countries because they cause cancer and retard growth.
OTHER CHEMICALS that cause negative effects
1. Ascorbyl Palmitate:
2. Propylene Glycol (PEG):
3. Titanium Dioxide:
4. Silicon dioxide:
FOLIC ACID is not folate. The active form is methyltetrahydrofolate (often just called folate). Folic acid has toxic effects and prevents the absorption of folate.
IRON supplementation needs to be balanced with copper in order to be absorbed and excreted properly. Iron without copper will likely lead to iron toxicity.
VITAMIN A shouldn’t be supplied as beta-carotene. 45% of otherwise healthy women (even when not pregnant) have genetic conditions where they can’t synthesize enough vitamin A from beta-carotene to fulfill their requirements.
0:00 - Intro / My wife is pregnant
1:01 - HyVee prenatal vitamins
1:30 - Artificial colors in prenatal vitamins
2:10 - Artificial preservatives in prenatal vitamins
2:48 - Synthetic chemicals in prenatal vitamins
3:34 - Folic acid vs. Folate in prenatal vitamins
5:07 - Iron & copper in prenatal vitamins
6:17 - Difference between beta-carotene and retinal/retinol
7:48 - Good prenatal vitamins: Mega Foods "Baby & Me 2"
8:39 - Good prenatal vitamins: Garden of Life "mykind Organic Prenatal Multi"
9:38 - What we are doing / Pregnancy diet
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🔅 My chat with Kiran from Just Thrive:
Just Thrive leaky gut study:
Genevieve Howland, aka Mama Natural
Bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy & Childbirth ➡️
Co-Founder of
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As always, thank you so much for watching... XOXO
Garden of Life Organic Prenatal Multivitamin Supplement with Folate - mykind Whole Food Prenatal Vitamin, Vegan, 180 Tablets
Garden of Life Iron Complex - Vitamin Code Raw Iron Whole Food Vitamin Supplement, Vegan, 30 Capsules
Garden of Life mykind Organic Plant Calcium - Vegan Whole Food Supplement with D3 and K2, Gluten Free, 180 Tablets
Bluebonnet Biotin 5000 mcg Vegetable Capsules, 120 Count
BlueBonnet Cellular Active CoQ10 Ubiquinol Vegetarian Softgels, 100 mg, 60 Count
Earth Mama Angel Baby Body Butter for Pregnancy Stretch Marks, 8 fl. oz.
Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil, Virgin, 54 Ounce (Pack of 2)
Easy@Home 50 Ovulation Test Strips and 20 Pregnancy Test Strips Combo Kit, (50 LH + 20 HCG)
Clinical Basal Thermometer - BBT-113Ai by iProvèn - ACCURATE 1/100th Degree, Highly SENSITIVE, Perfect Companion for Family Planning
Clearblue Rapid Detection Pregnancy Test, 3 Count
Easy@Home 25 Pregnancy (HCG) Urine Test Strips, 25 HCG Tests
Sea-Band Mama, Anti-Nausea Accupressure Wrist Band
The Sh!t No One Tells You: A Guide to Surviving Your Baby's First Year
Happiest Baby: Learn to calm crying your baby sleep longer! DVD
The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth
Heading Home With Your Newborn: From Birth to Reality, 2nd Edition
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Hi! My name is Erika and welcome to my YouTube channel. I've had this channel since 2009 but only started uploading regularly last year. I am a born and raised New Yorker. I've been a performer my whole life and in 2009 was offered the job of a lifetime - performing for Disney Cruise Line. Over three years with the company, I portrayed some of Disney's most beloved characters, danced my heart out, and met my husband! In 2013, I moved up to Toronto, Canada and studied for my full STOTT Pilates certification. Then, that summer, my husband and I got our first apartment on the Upper East Side in Manhattan, NY! In December 2013, my husband (then boyfriend) came home from his last ship contract and proposed! We got married at The Russian Tea Room in New York City on January 24th, 2015. We love adventure, and after 3 years living in Manhattan, in May 2016, we moved down to Celebration, Florida! In December 2016, I danced in the Macy's Holiday Parade at Universal Studios and had the time of my life! Although we've loved Florida, in May 2017, we moved back to New York to be closer to family and friends. In June 2017, we got the best news in the world - that we were expecting our first baby due March 2018. We are so excited that our little family is growing! PHEW.. So that's my story! I don't know what adventures lie ahead but I am SO excited to share them with all of you! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dr. Oz gives us a quick summary on what vitamin supplements he takes. Also, go to our blog to see our review on the best vitamin supplement brands!
Here's his daily supplement regimen:
1. A one-a-day multi-vitamin with vitamins A,B,C,D, and E
2. Vitamin D-3 supplement (preferably with Calcium-Magnesium) 1,000 to 1,200 IU
3. Omega-3s (with DHA): Either Algae or Fish Oil based Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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