Виріб призначений для фіксації поперекового відділу хребта, нормалізації кровообігу, а також стабілізації і розвантаження хребта. Анатомічний дизайн і унікальна технологія тривимірної В'язки вироби сприяє щільному приляганню до тіла, що забезпечує додаткову компресію, зручність і комфорт при носінні. Спеціальне плетіння на краях корсета, дозволяє уникнути скручування країв і попереджає здавлювання м'яких тканин. Безшовна технологія виробництва дозволяє уникнути надмірного тиску і потертостей. Інтегрована петля допомагає зафіксувати виріб без додаткових зусиль і сторонньої допомоги. Наявність ребер жорсткості забезпечує надійну фіксацію попереково-крижового відділу хребта. Матеріал корсета є волого-і повітропроникною.
больовий синдром в попереково крижовому відділі хребта різної етіології, слабкості м'язів і зв'язок поперекового відділу, остеохондроз, спондильоз, спондилоартроз, радикуліт, зміщення і грижі міжхребцевих дисків, травми.
для профілактики травм попереково-крижового відділу хребта при фізичних навантаженнях.
в реабілітаційний період після операцій в попереково-крижовому відділі хребта.
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Armor 3D printed and painted by @frankly_built, STL / 3D files from Do3D 👉Use promo code FBT20 to take 20% off entire 3D models on
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Корсет - это то изделие, "рисовать" лекала на которое можно сразу на аватаре.
В этом видео я тестировала для работы новый аватар, построенный на базе 9-го поколения цифровых людей из программы Daz. Они не только более реалистично выглядят, но и имеют грамотную топологию - равномерную меш-сетку, на которой удобно делать разметку.
Научиться работать в 3д можно здесь -
А процессом работы из 3д-скана в кравивый аватар я поделилась в телеграм-канале +UOwYY3KVFyZ3jPZ_ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Corset Blouse. Part 1 Blocking
Marvelous Designer, Clo3d.
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Мини обзор на 2 плитника от @ArsArma
CPC Mod. 2, Титан
#tactical #tacticalshooting #арсарма #tacticalgen #tacticalrussia #бронежилет #корсетныйбронежилкт Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is the upper body, for my upcoming viking character rendered inside unreal engine. This is a speedmodel procces video that will contain 5 parts
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Платье часть 1. Подробный урок построения корсета для платья.
Подробное описание построения корсета для платья. Пошаговая инструкция.
Подписывайтесь на мои соцсети, там я делюсь разными приятными бонусами:
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Iron Man 3d model by @HarlowGraphics #ironman #3d #armor #cinematic
Follow up video to my previous one where I introduced the prototype armor. It's mostly just a proof of concept as the small sheet that I have is already quite heavy so having a full cape or suit made of this would be insanely heavy and likely impractical.
That said it definitely is a fun idea that I had to make something somewhat heat resistant lol Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Warriors armor modeling.
Blender - Blender 2.9
Hope this video is useful for you
Thanks so much!
#Blender #Armor, #modeling Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Faraam Full Armor with Shield and Sword 3D printable model | replica | cosplay | stl | print file
Great 3D model of Faraam Full Armor with Golden Crest Shield and Moonlight Sword from Dark Souls ready to print for accurate cosplay, perfect replica.
Download files here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
3D Modeling: Design a Suit of Armor (intermediate) | Freepik course trailer_ENG
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About this course
On this course, we'll create a suit of armor, using classical and medieval style components with help from some of the new tools the latest version of ZBrush has to offer. We'll show you the most efficient workflow, which is to sculpt the pieces one by one and then put together the whole suit of armor.
With this course, you'll learn about the software's new tools and you'll improve your skills and knowledge of the program.
What project are we going to develop?
We're going to create a suit of armor inspired by both classical, medieval and even fantasy elements using the tools available on ZBrush. When you've completed the course, you'll have an amazing armor that you can use for a character or as a prop, and that will definitely enrich your portfolio. We'll also explore some of the functions and tools of the latest version of ZBrush such as the Nanomesh and the IMM brushes.
You will learn
How to sculpt different parts of a suit of armor
How to optimize the pieces created
How to place all the components of the armor
How to add wear and tear to the pieces
how to add color and materials
How to use the Extract tool
About Polygroups and the Panel Loops
About IMM brushes
How to use the Nanomesh
How to create and use Alphas
Who's this course for? Requirements
This course is for anyone experienced in 3D modeling and who has a good base in the software. The course focuses on some of ZBrush's new tools and functions and the creation of a suit of armor that could be used as a prop.
To take the course, you need ZBrush installed and we'll also use Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator when we deal with some of the textures.
If you want to download the resources used in this course, follow these links:
If you want to access the full course, follow this playlist:
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How to Make Easy Thigh Armor [Crusader Cosplay from Diablo III]
Hey everyone! Today I'm making some *easy mode* thigh armor for my Crusader cosplay from Diablo III. They're really bulky but they're still SO LIGHT!
My pal Adam Grumbo edited the video this week. He's a PROOO! You can check out his work here:
Tools and materials I used:
Hot glue sticks:
Olfa knives:
Knife sharpener:
Exacto knife:
Exacto blades:
Super glue:
Zip Kicker:
Sharpies: (silver) (black)
Hot glue gun:
Industrial velcro:
TNT cosplay supply foam (I use the 10mm and 6mm the most) :
Heat gun:
Brown Paper roll:
Self healing cutting mat:
Super glue:
Music: Gee - 80's Hijack
For business Inquiries: Zonzonzonbi@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ч.3 Шьем исторический корсет | Обзор материалов, раскрой и пошив корсета ✨
Всем большой привет!💕
Эта серия видео (3 части) будет посвящена построению и пошиву исторического корсета. Это самый популярный корсет на сегодняшний день, такой корсет немного утягивает грудь и создает красивую линию декольте.
В этом видео вы узнаете, как сшить исторический корсет
Итак, программа:
Часть 1: Снятие мерок и построение базовой конструкции лифа.
Часть 2: Моделирование исторического корсета из БК
Часть 3: Обзор материалов, раскрой и пошив исторического корсета.
Подпишись, чтобы не пропустить ❤️
Я желаю Вам приятного просмотра 🎬
Магазин, где есть все для корсетов:
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Швейный блог в телеграмм: +a8x7mknbPiNhODg6
#корсет #историческийкорсет #пошивкорсета #каксшитькорсет #шьюкорсет #построениекорсета #построениебазы #построениебазовойконструкции #построениеБК #построениеисторическогокорсета #выкройка #строимкорсет Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HOW TO ARMORSMITH N°1 #shorts #cosplaytips #cosplay
Hi Creators,
Creating armor for a character can be challenging, but let me show you how easy it can be with ZBrushCore. ZBrushCore is a lighter version of ZBrush, but still very powerful. In this video tutorial, we will be going over extracting geometry, adding details using alphas and masks, plus so much more!
It's a jammed-packed tutorial, so let's get started!
Software Used: ZBrushCore 2021
Follow along! Download the alphas/mask for FREE here:
Please note that I do not own these images. They are for educational purposes only.
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Tiktok - academicphoenix Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Great 3D model of Soldier 76 Mask from Overwatch ready to print for accurate cosplay, perfect replica.
Download files here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
War Helmet Game-Ready - CG Trader 3D Models - Gabriel.
War Helmet Game-Ready Modelled, Textured and Lightened on Blender.
3D Object available on CGTrader (ready to use). Link below:
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#War #Helmet #Game #Ready #PBR #Textures #Blender Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cosplay Calipers! Easy way to scale Helmets & Armor for 3D Printing | TinkerCAD
I designed and printed my very own Cosplay Caliper based on Nikko Industries foam concept. This makes scaling files for 3D printing much much easier!
Liked the video? Buy me a coffee ➜
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Cosplay Caliper File ➜
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Journey by Declan DP Music
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
There are lots of different ways to extract armor from a body in ZBrush - Here are my two favorite methods that I recommend the most-!!
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I also have a steam game that combines Starfox with Ikaruga gameplay!
It took over 3 years to create :)
As always, thank you so much for watching, please have a fantastic day, and see you around!
- Royal Skies -
#3d #zbrush #art
Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
3d multi curved vs single curved. Українська Броня - Ukrainian Armor
This is the way to make Mandalorian armor! In this video, you will see how to 3D print the upper body armor. The models are free STL files on Thingiverse, so this is a cheaper way to make mandalorian armor.
🖖Show Notes 🖖
0:00 Introduction
1:04 Gauntlets
1:14 Vambraces
1:47 Right Pauldron
2:02 Left Pauldron
2:18 Chest Plates
4:42 Helmet
9:18 Finished Prints & Plans
11:06 Conclusion
The time lapse of the Star Wars Mandalorian armor was made possible by TheBrokenNerd83, Mr_Corn, and Z9ld on . This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which mean if you buy something we'll receive a small commission.
🟦 Link to Helmet Model: :3578797
🟦 Link to Vambrace Model: :4032239
🟦 Link to Gauntlet Model: :4032239
🟦 Link to Chest Armor Model: :795332
🟦 Link to Pauldron Model: :4032239
🟦 3D printer filament used was this Inland PLA +:
🟦 Creality CR 10 3V2 D Printer Used:
🟦 Link to the primer used:
🟦 Link to the paint used:
🟦 Link to the elastic:
🟦 5 Common 3D printer Fails in 3D printing video:
Please connect with me on Social Media and join the 3D printing community. All support is sincerely appreciated, which you can do through my Patreon link below.
🟥 Patreon page*:
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*Patrons will have priority in choosing the next prints and videos. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How To Make Cosplay Armor: Episode 1 - Armorsmith software - TUTORIAL
Welcome to the first episode of "How to make cosplay armor."
a new series format we are trying out in where we show you from start to finish how we make our cosplay armors.
Now we need subject matter ofcourse so it will be the Mechanic Brigitte skin from Overwatch.
all these techniques can ofcourse be applied to your own project, we just show you how to do it on this one, and you do that on yours.
Enjoy :D
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facebook support group for armorsmith:
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Iron man 3D model #3d #3danimation #3dmodeling #blender #ironman
Donate to Lions Club and help out with hurricane relief in Puerto Rico:
-----Products I use-----
Olfa knives:
Knife sharpener:
Wig cap:
Exacto knife:
Exacto blades:
googly eyes:
Super glue:
Zip Kicker:
Got 2 b glued invincible styling gel:
Tinkle brush:
Chip brushes:
Sharpies: (silver) (black)
Sewing Chalk:
Rotating sander:
New hot glue gun:
Industrial velcro:
Steriite storage box:
Measuring tape:
TNT cosplay supply foam (I use the 10mm and 6mm the most) :
Heat gun:
Vallejo acrylic paint set:
Brown Paper roll:
Pin cushion (There are some REALLY cute ones on Etsy!) :
Self healing cutting mat:
Sewing shears: (The shears I own) (another good option)
Sand Paper:
Band saw:
Table/ belt sander:
1 2 3 blocks:
Vallejo weathering set:
Vallejo game colors leather and metal set:
8 oz squeeze bottle:
Lazy susan:
Shop cups:
5 lbs of hot glue sticks:
----------Show me what you’re making!----------
Instagram: zonzonzonbi
Email: Zonzonzonbi@
Music: Spring Autumn Sunset - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn to craft this armored corset and more in this latest tutorial. This is the female version of the Imperial Knight breastplate, the second complete armor suit theme at the Prince Armory Academy!
GLOWFORGE: - Save $500!
Metal Dome: (10% OFF code: PRINCEARMORY) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hulk Buster Blender File -
Hulk Buster Texture maps -
I Rendered this Project in Eevee [ Render Engine of Blender ]
Wire frame preview of this model is given with texture map link
This Hulk Buster model can also be used by low end PC Users with 4gb ram
if you have any doubt to ask me ,then feel free to comment on the comment box
//// Subscribe and wait for my upcoming Spiderman project ////
#Blender Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Taking a short break from my big project to live my knightcore armored corset dreams ⚔✨ I was very inspired by ixdoxdeclare and lizabetroberts on instagram and their armored lady knight collaboration. I've also generally been wanting to make more corsets and try out all the free corset patterns available so I can build up a catalogue for myself and for other people to know what they all look like on a body! What do you think, do you like the knightcore aesthetic? Do you want to see more thematic clothing?
Video Reveal by @dondolcephotography
Neck Corset -
Sylvia Corset -
✨Materials + Tools
○ Aviation Snips -
○ Grommets -
○ Grommet Press -
○ Grommet Dies -
○ File -
○ Boning -
○ Chains -
Skip Ahead:
0:00 Intro
1:41 Inspiration
2:49 Pattern
3:52 Mockup
4:49 Mockup Fitting
8:50 Alterations
14:03 Cutting Corset
14:31 Sewing Corset
16:03 Grommets
16:17 Stitching Chains
16:37 Reveal
17:02 Discussion
23:22 Outro
🧵Other Videos in this Series:
○ CottageGoth Stays -
📷 Filming Gear:
○ My camera -
○ Microphone -
○ Lighting -
○ Softbox -
All Music is from Epidemic Sound:
“Here I Am at Last” - Jerry Lacey
“Ballad for Olivia” - Eneide
“As the Shadows Waltzed” - Trevor Kowalski
#costube #knightcore #armorcorset
Links included in this description might be affiliate links. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
3D Model Iron Man Hulkbuster Armor at 3DExport.com
Download 3D Model Iron Man Hulkbuster Armor c4d, obj, 3ds, fbx at
3D ModelsCharactersRobotIron Man Hulkbuster Armor 3D Model
Download Files:
Maya 2009: mb2009 MB
Render: Standart render
Lightwave ver. 11.5: lwo115 MB
Render: Standart render
Cinema4D r13: c4dr13 MB
Render: Standart render
3DS MAX all ver.: 3ds MB
Autodesk FBX: fbx MB
Wavefront OBJ: obj MB
3DS MAX : max2009 MB
Render: Standart render Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A demonstration of how well you can move in a properly fitted suit of 14th century armor. Gauntlets were removed for the pushups so I wouldn't scuff them up.
It consists of arming clothes underneath (a pourpoint, gambeson and hosen), a haubergeon of maille, then from bottom to top sabatons (feet), greaves (shins / calves), cuisses (thigh), breastplate (chest), vambraces with integral spaulders (arms with shoulders), and hourglass gauntlets (hands). Helmet was removed for the demo because it doesn't affect mobility and it's easier for me to see.
Breastplate Original
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nano Tech Suit Up Iron man Mark 85 #blender #ironman #armor #vfx #cgi #marvel #suitup #nanotech
This is My Final Version of Nano Tech Suit 2022, I’ve done 2 nano tech Suit Up previously.
now this time I’ll make this to be more accurate and closer to the movie.
Twitter: @aqibaleef
Snapchat: @aqibaleef Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Harness an Iron Man Suit! Iron Man Build pt. 3 Harness Tutorial #ironman #cosplay #3dprinted
One of the hardest part about an Iron Man Build is figuring out how to harness the suit. I struggled for over a weak on figuring this out and wanted to share what i learned making the harness.
Huge thank you to @ChrisBoshProps for sharing his file for the snap system. It make hinging the biceps and calves a dream!
Go check out his channel and the amazing robocop suit!.
Files by: 20% off with code: Q4N20
Want to help the build?
amazon wishlist!
Tiktok/Instagram: Quest4nostalgia
Chrisboshprops video:
snap file:
#ironman #cosplay #3dprinted Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#SaintSeiya - #LeoAiolia #armor.
Ripped from the game #Saint Seiya Soldiers Soul, fixed it with #Sketchup 2018 and rendered with #TwinMotion 2020.2. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Game character body armor and tactical vests 3d models for "Metro 2033 online".
More info: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Корсет декоративный | корсаж | Пошив корсета пошагово + выкройка | Набор для шитья корсета
Шьем корсаж (декоративный подгрудный корсет с мысом) по готовой выкройке.
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Hi Creators,
Now that we have the basic shape of the armor, it's time to add more detail, texture and render it! We'll be covering materials, surface noise and so much more.
By the way, we are using ZBrushCore which is a 'cheaper' but very powerful Pixologic software. It's a great way to introduce ZBrush.
Software Used: ZBrushCore 2021
Follow along! Download the alphas/mask for FREE here:
Please note that I do not own these images. They are for educational purposes only.
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Music: Olive Spring by Imperss is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
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