Ненав'язливий аромат Franck Boclet Geranium стане ідеальним вибором для повсякденного використання переважно в теплу пору року. Його неодмінно гідно оцінять чарівні, елегантні та витончені представники обох статей, що мають спокійний і розважливий характер. Цитрусові акорди кислуватого лайма та терпкого грейпфрута чудово доповнюються пахощами пухнастої лаванди.
Трепетна, квітна герань виступає в дуеті з запашним геліотропом, створюючи вишуканий, запаморочливий букет. У центрі парфумерного трикутника розташувався екзотичний апельсиновий цвіт. Деревні мотиви спокусливого сандалу переплітаються зі звабливими відтінками мускусу. Завершальна нота білосніжної ванілі відповідає за привабливий посмак. Підкресліть образ енергійної та незабутньої людини разом з ароматом Franck Boclet Geranium.
Всем привет!
Franck Boclet - это современный, талантливый французский модельер и прирожденный парижанин. В мир моды он пришел в 1985 году, начав работу в фирме Kenzo. За всё время создания модных дизайнерских творений он сотрудничал с такими брендами как Ungaro, Arrows, Francesco Smalto и Courrèges, но уже в 2010 году Франк создал личный бренд мужской моды.
Касаемо парфюмерии - первый аромат для бренда Franck Boclet был выпущен в конце 2012 года. Что линия одежды, что парфюмерная линия Franck Boclet следуют одному и тому же принципу – в них заложены сочетания смелости и элегантности, классики и экстравагантности.
Ароматы в видео:
Franck Boclet Cafe
Franck Boclet Cashmere
Franck Boclet Cedre
Franck Boclet Heliotrope
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Пеларгония душистая - эфирномасличное растение, некоторые виды этого рода культивируют в теплых странах в промышленном масштабе. Само растение (и даже его запах) обладает антисептическим, обезболивающим, мочегонным, антивирусным, бактерицидным, противодиабетическим и кровоостанавливающим действием. Препараты на основе пеларгонии используют для лечения ларингита, отита, гайморита, ангины и тонзиллита.
Эфирное масло, извлекаемое из листьев или целых надземных побегов пеларгонии, широко используют в парфюмерном, косметическом, мыловаренном производствах. Его применяют при изготовлении некоторых кондитерских изделий и с лечебными целями, особенно в народной медицине.
Если провести рукой по листьям пеларгонии вечером - то её аромат обеспечит вам глубокий и спокойный сон. К тому же, приходит в норму а/д.
От 🔆 вирусов - дым ♨ ЛАВРОВОГО 🍃 ЛИСТА.
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Geranium Maintenance for Increased Flowering (Pelargonium spp) (subtítulos en español)
Ahhh there's not summer bloomer quite like Geranium. Well, technically what we call Geranium are typically Pelargonium species. But that technicality aside, there's some easy maintenance that we can do for our Geranium to increase the season of flowers on these awesome plants. As well as general tidying to keep them looking happy! #geranium #pelargonium #plant #gardening #garden Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to get the aromatic scented geraniums to release their scents from the leaves. These amazing plants have fruit scented and spice scented to the true rose scented aromas. Learn which ones make better hanging baskets or do better as upright plants and how pruning is a necessary component for the culture and care of these fragrant beauties.
Learn more at
See all of our scented geraniums Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Voici ici notre collection de géraniums odorants.
Nous avons fait travailler un "grand nez" afin de déterminer les parfums dominants de chacune de ces variétés de géraniums odorants.
Ici, aucun OGM. Nous assistons simplement à une particularité végétale singulière.
Comme pour tous nos produits, toutes ces variétés sont disponibles sur notre site de vente en ligne :
#planteoriginale Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
1 ТАБЛЕТКА под СПАТИФИЛЛУМ и даже слабый цветок оживет, позеленеет и пышно зацветет
Чем обработать корневую от болезней у спатифиллума?
Грунт для спатифиллума?
Какое удобрение добавить при пересадке?
Какую таблетку использовать при пересадке?
Каким средством обработать от вредителей спатифиллум?
Чем подкислить грунт у спатифиллума?
Чем полить спатифиллум после пересадки?
Какими средствами можно спасти спатифиллум от пожелтения листьев? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pelargonium graveolens - Rose Scented Geranium care
Like the scent of roses in the garden year-round? Rose scented pelargonium is heavenly!
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Rose Geranium Essential Oil:
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Scented Geraniums - How To Use For Fragrance and Cooking
Scented geranium herb plant video shows the herb plant growing and how to use the leaves in baking, seasoning and aromatherapy to make your home and garden smell better. There are over 50 varieties of scented geranium herb plants for sale at each year. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I took some cuttings from a few of my all-time favorite scented geranium bushes, stuck them in jars full of water, and watched the roots grow! :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to PROPAGATE GERANIUMS::Pelargonium::Geranium stem cutting,grow
Hello everyone! In this video I wanna show you how to grow Geranium from seeds indoor, how you can easily propagate it and enjoy the flowery Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Grow and Care for Ivy geranium(Pelargoniumpeltatum)
In today's video, we take a look at my modest Pelargonium collection, with a few new plants recently arrived. Then I take you through my 'Pelargonium (Geranium) Care Tips' for summer and also a few tips for winter. As always with plants this is my take on these wonderful and popular house-plants and 'bedding' plants, and some of the Pelargonium care advice I've picked up along the way. Perhaps I can persuade you to look beyond the usual garden centre Pelargonium offerings...
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0:00 Pelargonium (Geranium) Care Tips - what works for me... : INTRO
0:11 New species Hippeastrum blossfeldiae in bloom
0:48 A new Pelargonium plant: Pelargonium Lavendar Lindy - a scented leaf variety
1:30 The difference between a Pelargonium and a Geranium
2:30 A new Pelargonium plant: Pelargonium Silver Glitter
3:10 A quick tour of my modest Pelargonium collection
3:33 Regal Pelargonium Kamahl in bloom
3:41 Where I buy my Pelargoniums
4:36 Species Pelargonium trifidum in bloom (also with scented leaves)
5:12 Species Pelargonium longicaule longicaule in bloom
5:48 Should you deadhead a Pelargonium?
6:04 Angel Pelargonium Eskay Verglo in bloom (also with scented leaves)
6:16 Regal Pelargonium grandiflorum in bloom
6:44 Regal Pelargonium grandiflorum Don Diego in bloom
7:00 Pelargonium arnside fringed aztec in bloom
7:40 What to do with a Pelargonium after it's bloomed
7:48 New regal Pelargonium Georgia in bloom
8:08 Dwarf Steller Pelargonium 's Fire in bloom
8:30 Species Pelargonium reniforme in bloom
8:36 Species Pelargonium sidoides in bloom
9:05 Pelargonium care - what climate do they like?
9:29 Pelargonium temperatures
10:44 How to prune back a Pelargonium
12:03 Why you shouldn't let a Pelargonium get too big
13:06 Pelargonium watering in summer and winter
13:49 What I prefer to pot Pelargoniums in
14:10 Pelargonium potting media
14:22 Pelargonium fertilizer
14:39 Yellowing leaves on Pelargoniums
15:00 Red leaves on Pelargoniums
15:27 Botrytis on Pelargonium leaves
15:49 Pelargonium humidity
16:30 Root pruning Pelargoniums
17:22 Why large Pelargoniums in the ground keep blooming
17:57 A recommended Pelargonium channel
18:38 Species Streptocarpus saxorum
📸Instagram: tropical_plants53n
#Pelargoniums #geraniums #houseplants ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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Это второе видео посвященное покупке трёх новых ароматов в мою парфюмерную коллекцию. Бренд Герлен - один из моих любимых брендов и приобрести новые духи от Guerlain всегда большая радость для меня. Почему ролик называется "Где купить божественный парфюм" ? Потому, что цветок тиаре, который звучит наиболее ярко выраженной нотой в моём новом аромате, называют сказочным, божественным и райским цветком. В цветах тиаре угадываются ноты туберозы, жасмина, гардении, франжипани, меда и ванили, кокосового молочка и яблоневого цвета. Итак, что же это за божественный, солнечный, ярко-цветочный, волшебный парфюм? Приглашаю всех жаждущих узнать ответ на этот вопрос, посмотреть моё новое видео и в случае, если ролик вам понравится - не поскупиться и поставить добрый, жирный лайк за мои старания! :))))) Маленькое дополнение: несмотря на то, что аромат представлен в концентрации туалетная вода, он обладает приличной стойкостью. На моей холодной коже держится 5 часов, для меня это очень приличный результат!
Даю ссылку для тех кто не смотрел первую часть моего парфюмерного ролика о покупке новых ароматов
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HSA Educator Karen Kennedy, demonstrates how to properly propagate a scented geranium! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to take a cutting from scented geranium / Pelargonium plants
Following on from the video from earlier this year, as promised, Roger shows us how easy it is to take, and grow, cuttings of geraniums / Pelargoniums.
This simple step by step guide should help anyone get started with cuttings. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this episode on AzFlora ENG we will show You how to grow Geranium (Pelargonium) from seeds.
Pelargonium is a genus of plants of the Geranium family. Perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub plants. Stems are straight or creeping, branched. Leaves are simple, palmate. Flowers of various colors are collected in small or multiflorous umbellate inflorescences. Fruit is a box with conserved sepals, which opens in a special way, from the bottom to the top. Geranium is light-loving plant, easily carrying the lack of moisture. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. In the open ground do not hibernate. Unpretentious in culture.
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#geranium #propagation #azfloraeng #pelargonium #plants Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Family of Geranium
Scented leaves: Lemon/Musk
There are many different types of scented geraniums.
Scent in the leaves. Stronger scent when rubbed between your fingers. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In the last video I shared painting the red geraniums and this time we are working on the orange. This little painting tutorial in acrylics is beginner-friendly. No experience is required and you can have so much fun painting some bright, cheerful geraniums (pelargoniums)
In the first painting of the geraniums with bees, I didn't have orange geraniums in it and I really wanted to bring that pop of color into the painting.
This lesson is part of the tutorial for the entire painting available in the shop here:
*Painting Supplies:
Multi Media paper:
Filbert Brushes:
Canvas: Michaels Crafts
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ERROR: In this video, there is a typo error. Harvested roots should be read as Harvested leaves Should be in Harvest and Yield Slide.
Geranium (Pelargonium Graveolens) is a highly adaptable, drought tolerant, perennial aromatic herb cultivated under varied agro-climatic conditions.
Geranium also known as rose-geranium, belongs to family of Geraniaceae.
the chief constituents or Geraniol and Citronellol.
CIMAP-Lucknow, Under Aroma mission, developed several new varieties of medicinal and aromatic crops and developed new farming methodologies. To minimize the seedling / input cost, in-field stem cutting multiplication system was developed, this can be done by installing Semi-Protective shade system.
For more details, contact gronatura, +918848166393.
We sincerely feel, providing accurate information on different crops to you is our duty. we do our intensive R&D, consultation with farmers, visit and do consultations with scientists of various institutions. our aim is to empower the farming community and encourage people to embrace and implement natural farming practices.
subscribe our youtube channel, press bell icon, like and share our videos.
trust, we make farming easy, together we can grow. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is my favorite geranium fertilizer so far. I have tried several, but this is the first one I have found that is purposely made for geraniums! Just to clarify, I am not affiliated with this product, I just like it and had great results and thought to share it with other geranium lovers! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
geranium water propagation
geranium plant propagation
grow geranium cutting in water
my plant world Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Garden master Jim Duthie tells us about geraniums with some helpful tips on how to keep them looking good. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pelargonium Growing Guide - All You Need to Know to Get Started - by Gardener's HQ
Learn How to grow Pelargonium genus plants in your garden.
Full growing Guide over at:
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Geranium & Pelargonium spring care, how to prune and feed for more flowers and bushy growth
Roger prunes and adds fertilizer to his perfumed geraniums in spring to encourage healthy and bushy new growth - lots of lovely summer flowers Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to grow scented geraniums with light requirements, pruning, and how to use them in a basket or outside in a garden. Learn How to utilize scented geraniums in lower light conditions and the temperature trick to flowering geraniums successfully. Also, the leaves, when brushed emit the delicious scents of these scented varieties.
Learn more at
See all of our scented geraniums Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Подборка любимых зимних ароматов
A selection of your favorite winter scents
00:24 Painter Genyum
01:41 Fille en Aiguilles Serge Lutens
03:31 Eau de Minthé Diptyque
04:30 Laine de Verre Serge Lutens
05:44 Bloody Wood Les Liquides Imaginaires
06:39 Baptême du Feu Serge Lutens
08:29 Mandarino Laboratorio Olfattivo
09:13 Mandarine Mandarin Serge Lutens
11:07 1986 Eclectique Les Bains Guerbois
12:31 Le Participe Passé Serge Lutens
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Также рекомендуем посмотреть:
Обзор изысканных ароматов Fragrance Du Bois
«Лабораторные исследования» ароматов Le Labo
Выбираем аромат на Halloween 🎃
#зимниеароматы #parfum #парфюмерия #нишеваяпарфюмерия #духи #ниша #парфюм
#fragrance #fragrances #ароматы #обзорпарфюмерии #parfumrecommended #парфюмы Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
*This is part of a tutorial on painting Geraniums with Bumblebees available in my shop.
This excerpt is on how to paint a red geranium. This is loose and fun, no realism is expected. Just a bright, joyful flower that is easy to paint.
The complete video tutorial with printable step by step workbook and traceable is available here:
*Painting Supplies:
Multi Media paper:
Filbert Brushes:
Canvas: Michaels Crafts
**Camera Gear:
Vlog Camera:
Wireless Mic:
DSLR Camera:
Happy Painting!
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*Website for more Free Painting Tutorials:
*Painting Patterns & Workshops:
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Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) | Essential-Oil-Plant Portrait by Dr. Malte Hozzel
The Oshadhi brand has been present in over 40 countries for more than 30 years and was founded by Dr. Malte Hozzel (aromatherapist, entrepreneur and author) out of his enthusiasm for essential oils.
To ensure the uncompromising quality of his products, Malte has traveled around the world to establish contacts with the most competent and best producers who process the oils in the spirit of Oshadhi.
Find out more on Holistic Aromatherapy Lectures at:
The plant occurs in may different species, most of them growing in South major part of the essential oil is in the leaves. The oil blend well with Bergamot and other citrus oils, Clove, jasmine, Juniper, Lavender, Neroli, Rose and Sandalwood. Geranium oil is a toner of great amplitude and strength. It is particularly capable to revitalize female energies through its effect on the endocrine system, esp. during menopause.
The properties and indications of the medicinal plants in this video are taken from reference books, scientific websites, and other proven data on aromatherapy and phytotherapy. They are based on over 10 000 scientific studies from numerous research scientists around the globe often confirmed by precious thousands of years old ethno-medical traditions.
However pls. note: all the information here is only for the purpose of education and sharing of knowledge and does in no way constitute any therapeutic consultation or advice nor does it engage in any responsibility on our side for medical use. For therapeutic or medical purposes always consult a doctor, ideally one who is versed in Aromatherapy and Phytotherapy. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
All about scented Geranium part I - Basic informations and pruning
Hi guys!!! Today i am talking about scented Geraniums. This is the part one. The part two will be about, how to replant and propagate it. Hope you find it helpful.
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This step-by-step guide from will show you how to take Pelargonium cuttings. Pick a healthy mature plant and give it a trim, then use the cuttings to create new plants. Fresh cuttings make much better plants and it is best to take them as insurance. For more information and tips, visit Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to Plant Geranium Century: Summer Garden Guide
Click here to view our Geranium range:
Jeff demonstrates how to grow on Geranium Century in this video tutorial guide.
These geranium are a terrific addition to any garden. They are traditional favourites for summer bedding and will look beautiful flowering with eye catching shapes and colours which will add plenty of character and interest to your display.
The UK's leading mail order plant and bulb supplier J. Parker's are in collaboration with regional personality Jeff Turner of Granada's gardener's Question Time North West to offer our customers great practical advice alongside our top quality products.
We have selected some of your favourite bedding Geraniums (Pelargoniums) as well as a few new introductions to add some summer colour. They produce an abundance of flowers through the summer, ideal for bedding, pots or for borders. Supplied as jumbo plug plants, for delivery from mid April into May. Their popularity stems from the wonderful range of colours available at relatively low costs, compared to more expensive pot grown varieties that you will find in the local garden centre.
To check out our bedding Geranium varieties, or for more helpful content and information, please follow the link below for our website;
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Did you take pelargonium cuttings and you're wondering when to check them or how to best care for them? We'll check our cuttings to see what rooted (if any, since it's kinda early to check) and talk about winter care. 🌱
Equipment We Used In This Video:
❄ Heating Mat:
❄ Thermostat:
Using a heating mat made in the USA and a simple thermostat, we set up our winter heating system in our greenhouse. See how we are making sure our cuttings survive the winter. Definitely leave your comments and questions ❓ about geranium cuttings below. And, thank you for watching! 👍
🌷 Prepare for spring plants and flowers with our upcoming book which you can preorder now: "Growing Plants and Flowers" 🌷
For other plant care information and more garden ideas, go to
In case this is your 1st time watching one of our many videos, we've been filming a daily video since March 2020 when we went under quarantine (previously called the "Quarantined Gardeners"). We've been sharing and teaching others how we're gardening and spending our time throughout quarantine. Now that we aren't really quarantined, we still want to share our daily garden activities with you with a new name, "Spoken Garden Daily." We've run our small business, Spoken Garden, since 2018, and as gardeners, podcasters, and small business owners, we felt it was important to connect with and teach others gardening skills on YouTube. Come join us every day to see what we are doing in our garden and THANK YOU for watching and subscribing! 😀
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Spoken Garden was created by Sean and Allison, a husband and wife team, who want to teach you how to become a better gardener. We'll help you build your confidence in garden care and strengthen your plant care knowledge so that you can improve your skills. We feature two different podcasts, the Spoken Garden Blog, and this YouTube channel.
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#pelargoniumcuttings #geraniumcuttings #geraniums
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All rights reserved for Spoken Garden. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to grow Geraniums from seed. Mr Fothergills Geraniums, how to grow Zonal Pelargoniums.
Attilas garden.
Essex Allotment waiting list.
How to grow flowers. How to grow Geraniums in pots. How to grow Zonal Pelargoniums in pots. How to overwinter geraniums. Late sowing flowers. How to grow late sowings of Geraniums. How to grow geraniums in a polytunnel. How to grow geraniums under cover. How to grow pflowers in the UK. Growing geraniums, Multipurpose compost. How to garden at home. Growing lovely geraniums. Geranium care. Geraniums in the Winter. Mr Fothergills flowers. Growing Mr Fothergill seeds. How to germinate Geraniums. How to grow flowers from seeds. How to sow geraniums. How to sow geraniums from seed. How to grow Geraniums from seed. I hope people enjoy the video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Geranium is a genus of 422 species of flowering annual, biennial, and perennial plants that are commonly known as the cranesbills. They are found throughout the temperate regions of the world and the mountains of the tropics, but mostly in the eastern part of the Mediterranean region.
The mention of geraniums typically conjures up images of bright red blooms against rich green foliage adorning window boxes and porch railings. You may be surprised to learn that there are hundreds of species of geraniums that range in size, shape and color. The common geranium comes in shades of white, red and pink with many striking bi-colors, too.
The geranium flower appears to have some conflicting meanings, which means you must rely on both the circumstances and their color to refine their meaning. Some of the most common meanings are:
Folly or Stupidity
Bridal Favor
Unexpected Meeting
Expected Meeting
True Friendship
Let's have a nice trip and see many beautiful Geranium this video gives u much pleasure.
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Music Credit: Music: Hoedown by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ()
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