Володарка аромату Calvin Klein One Shock For Her не боїться бути відвертою, вона любить епатувати публіку своєю незвичайною поведінкою і привертати до себе увагу навколишніх. Водночас квіткові акорди композиції не дають забувати про те, що перед нами, передусім, юна дівчина, яка потребує відповідного до себе ставлення.
Створіть образ тусовниці та зірки вечірок, готової день і ніч танцювати та веселитися всього лише завдяки парфумам CK One Shock від Calvin Klein. Пряний східний аромат із шоколадною гіркуватістю створить ваш день і задасть настрій.
Додані в парфуми амбра, мускус і ваніль не дають нам засумніватися в тому, що цей аромат призначений для того, щоб ним користувалися перед вечіркою, романтичним побаченням або вечерею на двох. Він накриє свою володарку серпанком спокуси, таким привабливим для протилежної статі. А для того, щоб підкреслити неординарність і унікальність парфумів та їхньої власниці, вони поміщені до яскравого розмальованого флакона, який точно не загубиться на туалетній полиці серед інших баночок і флакончиків.
One Shock дивує сміливістю й еротичністю, пронизливою ніжністю і квітковими відтінками, які так разюче відрізняються від усього, що випускає наша техногенна епоха.
Тестер — це демонстраційний варіант аромату. Жодних відмінностей (якість аромату, стійкість та ін.) від варіанта для продажу тестер не має!
Обзор необычного аромата от CK. Calvin Klein CK One Shock For Him. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing & Notes Calvin Klein CK One Shock for her Eau de Toilette #short
In this video I unbox a fragrance I purchased on a blind buy and open it up for the first time and give you my initial impressions of the fragrance. I will follow up this video with a full review once I have had time to test out the fragrance.
Thank you for watching and please consider subscribing if you like fragrance related videos. I will be reviewing both men's and women's fragrances on this channel.
To purchase these fragrances from Amazon (Affiliate) please use the links below. Typically the best value is the larger bottle and also remember to check fragrance discounters as well since Amazon pricing can fluctuate. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
ck one shock for her
To purchase other ck fragrances please see the links below.
ck one shock for him
ck one
ck one summer 2020 (limited edition)
ck one summer 2019 (limited edition)
ck be
ck everyone
Follow me on instagram at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fragrance House: Calvin Klein
Perfume: ck One Shock For Her
Top Notes: Passion Flower, Pink Peony & Poppy
Middle Notes: Blackberry, Jasmine, Mexican Chocolate & Narcissus
Base Notes: Amber, Musk, Patchouli & Vanilla
Launch Date: 2011
Perfumer: Ann Gottlieb & IFF
This is the unboxing of a 200ml / bottle.
Music: Dr. JanJu - Extant Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comparing an original CK One Shock for Him 200ml with fake CK One Shock for Him 100ml.
If this video useful please click like button and subscribe to my channel. It will motivates me a lot to do more videos of 'real vs fake' in future.
More details of the CK One Shock for Him in Fragantica :
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Fake vs Real Calvin Klein CK One Unisex Perfume 200 ml
Fake vs Real Calvin Klein CK One Unisex Perfume
How to spot fake Calvin Klein CK One Unisex perfume
The smell is almost identical, but the fake Calvin Klein CK One Unisex perfume does not last more than 10 minutes.
The original Calvin Klein CK One Unisex perfume costs 20 euros, the price of the fake is between 20 - 30 euros, be careful, buy only from official stores, it is not worth taking the risk to buy a fake perfume, the price is the same.
A safety element to identify the original perfume, is the front of the box, at the bottom.... on the original, the Calvin Klein text is written... with the first capital letter, the rest are small, compared to the fake one, which shows the same CALVIN KLEIN text. . uppercase.
The back of the box below ... there is another clue to identify the original perfume, the fake shows the serial number REF 607403 (LAST TEXT), compared to the original which shows the last text ... made in spain / fabrique in Espagne. .. see in the video.
The bottom of the original box shows, in addition to the fake one, the QR code, the original serial number is yellowish, compared to the fake one which is black... the recycling sign, fire warning are vertical on the fake one, on the original these aspects are horizontal... more the serial number on the bottom of the box must be identical to the engraved serial number (not with paint, take something sharp and scratch it... if the paint comes off it's a fake, if it stays it is engraved and it is original), if this safety element is not present, then you are surely facing a fake Calvin Klein CK One Unisex perfume.
The logo of the CK ONE company on the original bottle has a silver color, compared to the fake one, which has this black logo... see in the video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Today i review CK One Shock in 30 seconds to not waste your valuable time! Not Sponsored.
Cheapest price on CK One Shock Here: (Currently Sold Out)
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Platiquemos sobre One Shock de Calvin Klein, un perfume que es amado por much@s ( me incluyo) y odiados por otr@s😯🛍️
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In this video I unbox a fragrance I purchased on a blind buy and open it up for the first time and give you my initial impressions of the fragrance. I will follow up this video with a full review once I have had time to test out the fragrance.
Thank you for watching and please consider subscribing if you like fragrance related videos. I will be reviewing both men's and women's fragrances on this channel.
To purchase these fragrances from Amazon (Affiliate) please use the links below. Typically the best value is the larger bottle and also remember to check fragrance discounters as well since Amazon pricing can fluctuate. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
ck one shock for him
To purchase other ck fragrances please see the links below.
ck one shock for her
ck one
ck one summer 2020 (limited edition)
ck one summer 2019 (limited edition)
ck be
ck everyone
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Всем привет! У меня сегодня новое видео, и я расскажу вам о Calvin Klein One! Я его безмерно люблю, это мой аромат на все времена, на все погоды и настроения!
У вас есть этот аромат? Знаете его? Может, были фланкеры этого аромата? Расскажите!
Прошу учесть, что мнения в данном видео- мое собственное, на которое я имею право. Вы так же имеете право высказать свое, даже если оно отлично от моего- но только в корректной форме и уважительном тоне.
Вот видео, в котором я рассказываю о нашем визите в Музей Пафюмерии в Кельне! ://
Желаю хорошего дня, солнышка и прекрасного настроения! :)
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CK ONE SHOCK for her | Calvin Klein | Espanol | Perfumes de mujer | Perfumes frescos mujer
Perfume femenino para toda ocasion !!
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عطر سي كي ون شوك من سي كي . Ck one Shockالانطباع الاول وتمييز العطر الاصلي
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В этом выпуске Духи.рф расскажет Вам о популярных ароматах из линейки Calvin Klein.
Узнать стоимость ароматов Calvin Klein можно тут:
1. Calvin Klein Truth (Кэлвин Кляйн Тру)
2. Calvin Klein Euphoria
3. Calvin Klein Beauty (Кэлвин Кляйн Бьюти)
4. Calvin Klein Downtown (Кэлвин Кляйн Даувнтаун)
5. Calvin Klein One Shock For Her (Кэлвин Кляйн Ван Шок Фо Хё)
Также рекомендуем посмотреть другие обзоры:
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LANVIN ECLAT. Обзор линейки популярных духов от LANVIN
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La Pub TV des parfums féminins et masculins ck one Shock for Her et for Hime de Calvin Klein. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
قبل ما تشتري عطر كالفين كلاين سي كي وان شوك || Before You Buy CK One Shock
CK One Shock: (amazon)
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Calvin Clein ONE SHOCK For Him. Eau de Toilette For Men. We are opening and smelling this scent for the first time. Deep diving in to the release date, perfume rating and breaking down the composition. Fragrance in the video was bought blindly.
Master Perfumer of this fragrance is Ann Gottlieb and IFF.
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The opinion expressed in all of my videos are my own and reflect my own personal experience. I do not recommend nor advise to buy fragrances blindly. Content on this channel is provided for educational and informative purposes only. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
CK One by Calvin Klein is a Citrus Aromatic fragrance for women and men. CK One was launched in 1994. CK One was created by Alberto Morillas and Harry Fremont. Top notes are Lemon, Green Notes, Bergamot, Pineapple, Mandarin Orange, Cardamom and Papaya; middle notes are Lily-of-the-Valley, Jasmine, Violet, Nutmeg, Rose, Orris Root and Freesia; base notes are Green Accord, Musk, Cedar, Sandalwood, Oakmoss, Amber and Green Tea.
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In-depth review of Calvin Klein - CK One Shock.
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My name is Peter and this is my project Olfactory Ambition. I also created a website for you with reviews, recommendations and knowledge articles. It's available in 6 languages! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Calvin Klein Fragrances! Are they any good? My honest opinion! #frangrance #fragrancereview
Katie Puckrik smells CK One Shock for Him by Calvin Klein. For where to buy and more info, bop over to my blog:
Please subscribe!
Looking for fragrance recommendations and gift ideas? Visit Fume Finder: the Katie Puckrik Smells fragrance app - it's free! Click here:
Theme song: "Perfume" by Sparks. Hear the whole song here:
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Огляд Calvin Klein CK IN2U Her/ Ck One / Ck One Summer Daze розпив парфумерії
Огляд Calvin Klein CK IN2U Her/ Ck One / Ck One Summer Daze
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In this video I unbox a fragrance I purchased on a blind buy and open it up for the first time and give you my initial impressions of the fragrance. I will follow up this video with a full review once I have had time to test out the fragrance.
Thank you for watching and please consider subscribing if you like fragrance related videos. I will be reviewing both men's and women's fragrances on this channel.
To purchase these fragrances from Amazon (Affiliate) please use the links below. Typically the best value is the larger bottle and also remember to check fragrance discounters as well since Amazon pricing can fluctuate. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
ck one
To purchase other ck fragrances please see the links below.
ck one summer 2020 (limited edition)
ck one summer 2019 (limited edition)
ck be
ck everyone
ck one shock for him
ck one shock for her
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Fake vs Real Calvin Klein One Perfume
How to spot fake Calvin Klein perfume
The difference in weight of the bottle.
The original box of Calvin Klein perfume does not have the original word on the front of the box.
The back of the fake glass shows the word Calvin Klein, compared to the original glass that shows no sign, logo, or word.
The push button is different. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This fragrance is a flanker to very popular top seller CK One and also got lot of love in community for the tobacco cherry fruity note. Many members asked me if this is a good fragrance for the budget, here are my final thoughts.
Fragrantica link
My other CK Fragrance reviews
My Official Facebook Page
My Facebook Fragrance Interest/hobby Group
My Decant Page For Bangladesh
Fragcomm Perfume Marketplace Bangladesh
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В преддверии 8 марта мир с завидным постоянством сходит с ума. А само 8 марта из праздника женской независимости и побед в борьбе за равноправие превратился в день пропаганды сексистских стереотипов.
В этом выпуске Духи.рф расскажет вам об ароматах, тем или иным образом связанным с сильными женщинами.
Узнать стоимость представленной парфюмерии можно тут:
1. Guerlain Jicky (Герлен Джики)
2. Gres Cabochard (Грес Кабошар)
3. Revlon Charlie Red (Ревлон Чарли Рэд)
4. Calvin Klein One (Кэлвин Кляйн Ван)
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CK One Shock (in under a minute) - Great Beginner Tobacco
notes from Fragrantica:
"One of the most successful fragrances from Calvin Klein is CK One, the citrus unisex fragrance from 1994. CK One Shock is a surprise for all the fans of CK One line. It is not an unisex edition, but two separate oriental compositions: CK One Shock For Her and CK One Shock For Him.
CK One Shock For Him is built around aromatic, spicy and deep oriental nuances. It opens with citrusy clementine, fresh cucumber and energy drink accord. The heart of black pepper, black basil and cardamom is placed on the base of masculine tobacco, musk, patchouli and ambrene wood.
Available as 50 and 100 ml EDT, shower gel, deodorant and after shave lotion. CK One Shock For Him was launched in 2011. CK One Shock For Him was created by Ann Gottlieb and IFF" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Инстаграмм @lasautsa
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Calvin Klein CK One Honest Review- What It Smells Like! 2023
Hello and welcome back to Product Freedom! Here's my thoughts on Calvin Klein CK One. Should you get it? What does it smell like? Find out now people :)
Got mine here:
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Fake vs Real Calvin Klein CK Be Unisex Perfume 200 ml
Fake vs Real Calvin Klein CK Be Unisex Perfume
How to spot fake Calvin Klein CK Be perfume
The smell is very similar, practically you can't tell in the first 5 minutes which perfume is fake or original, but the fake Calvin Klein CK Be perfume doesn't last more than 5 minutes, compared to the original one which lasts up to 24 hours on clothes.
The original Calvin Klein CK Be perfume costs 80 euros, the price of the fake is between 30 - 50 euros.
On the front of the fake perfume box we find the CALVIN KLEIN text in large letters, compared to the original one which shows the same Calvin Klein text, only with the first large letters. The same safety element is also found in the upper part of the box.
On the back of the box at the bottom, the only difference is the following text... the fake is made in ... fabrique in France, compared to the original one where we find the following text, made in Spain ... fabrique in France, if this safety element does not exist , then you are surely facing a fake perfume.
The bottom of the original box has a lower serial number than the fake one... see in the video, if this serial number is not identical to the serial number on the bottom of the bottle, then you will surely be dealing with a fake perfume, also on the box fake fire marks and packaging are at the top, compared to the original one that shows these aspects in the middle and bottom... see in the video.
The bottles are almost identical, practically you can't tell which one is fake or real, but the bottom of the original Calvin Klein CK Be perfume bottle shows the serial number along with the information about the engraved perfume, compared to the fake one shows these aspects on a glued label ... see in the video.
The inside of the neck of the original spray pump is rounder and bigger, compared to the fake one, which is smaller and more square... see in the video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Use coupon code "Jeremy" for 15% off. I came back to with a challenge to buy 5 must have fragrances for under $100. They have such a large selection; it was not easy but we did it! Free shipping in most countries.
Link: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Новинка от Calvin Klein 2020 года. Everyone с резиночкой
¿Quieres saber que pienso de Ck one shock de Calvin Klein ? ¿Este perfume que tiene tanto tiempo vale la pena? Realmente vale la pena CK one SHOCK. Todo esto aquí.
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#Parfum #Cologne #SmellGood #Edt #Versace #Dior #Chanel #EDP #NicheFragrances #CalvinKlein #CkShock
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Женственный. Стойкий. Шлейфовый. Универсальный. CK IN2U for Her Calvin Klein .Кельвин Кляйн. Для нее
Парфюм. Кельвин Кляйн. Для нее CK IN2U for Her Calvin Klein . Парфюмерия.
Понравился. Спокойный. Женственный. Стойкий. Шлейфовый. Уместен в любой ситуации. Бюджетный, особенно, если дождаться скидок и акций.
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Любимые ароматы CK One, CK Be и CK Summer+ как они попали в мой тезис
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