Інтенсивний колір, висока стійкість покриття, м'яка текстура для легкого та рівномірного нанесення, 100% натуральний склад і багата композиція природних олій для догляду — ось чому контурний олівець для очей SANTE вибирають багато представників прекрасної статі, щоб підкреслити красу своїх очей!
Органічна олія жожоба надійно захищає зовнішні покриви від несприятливих чинників довкілля, забезпечує абсолютно не липке і нежирне сухе пом'якшення, істотно зменшуючи трансепідермальну втрату води. Олія кісточок марули знижує зайву чутливість шкіри та зменшує алергічну реакцію на зовнішні подразники, відновлює ушкоджену шкіру та має виражену протизапальну дію. Стійкість макіяжу навіть у спекотливу погоду забезпечують карнаубський і канделільський воски в складі.
Підходить навіть для дуже чутливих очей і користувачів контактних лінз. Олівець можна наносити як на зовнішню, так і внутрішню повіку. Довірте красу своїх очей природі з Sante Naturkosmetik!
Сертифіковано NaTrue і Vegan. Не містить парабенів, нафтопродуктів, ЕДТА, SLS (Лаурилсульфат натрію), синтетичних барвників та ароматизаторів.
Спосіб застосування: проведіть лінію вздовж краю повіки уздовж вій, щоб окреслити контур ока.
Вітаю, мене звати Марія. Залишайся & став дзвіночок🔔, тут надихають
Мій інстаграм: @maria___gray
💵 Залишаю посилання на банку Monobank, якщо у вас є бажання і змога підтримати канал
➡️ COLOUR INTENSE косметика made in Ukraine
✏️ НАЗВИ ОЛІВЦІВ по черзі згадування у відео:
1. Lamel Professional Long Lasting Gel Liner 411, 407, 401, 405
2. Олівець для губ GlamBee тон 110, 104
3. Олівець для губ GlamBee Soft Touch з фіолетовим підтоном (На жаль, номерочок не зберігся)
4. Glambee Lip Pencil Gel 04
5. GlamBee Satin Lip Liner 204, 206
6. Colour Intense Satin Lip Pencil
• 01 Tea Rose,
• 05 Red,
• 06 Nude,
• 07 Cocoa
7. Malva Cosmetics Glimmerstick
• 106 Cabernet,
• 105 Natural,
• 111 Dark coffee
8. Jovial Luxe Олівець з точилкою 16 Cappuccino
1. Colour Intense ProFocus Eyeshadow Pen ES-56 413 Khaki
2. Patricia Ledo Duo Color Eye Shadow 03
3. Гелевий олівець для очей з шимером GlamBee Eye Pencil Auto 03
4. Lamel Professional Kajal Eye Liner 401 Чорний, 402 Коричневий
5. Lamel Professional Kajal Eye Liner 403 Зелений, 405 Синій
6. Lamel Professional Oh My Color Gel Eye Liner 401-406
7. Colour Intense Be Bold
• 202 Полуничний,
• 203 Апероль,
• 206 Темно-фіолетовий,
• 207 Банановий,
• 211 Білий,
• 212 Лавандовий,
• 213 Незабудка,
• 214 Сакура,
• 215 М’ятний
8. LCF Cool Wave Neon тон 07 Білий
9. Quiss Creative Eyes Контурний олівець для очей 06, 07
10. Jovial Luxe Олівець для очей і губ дерев'яний 28 Peacock Blue
11. Chanel Le Crayon Khol контурний олівець для очей 62 Ambre
12. LN Professional Easy Liner Eye Pencil 101, 104, 107
13. Patricia Ledo Soft Precision Eyeliner 01, 05
В цьому відео я нафарбована:
+ додані посилання на мої актуальні огляди
♥ Lamel Professional Insta Eyeshadows Base
♥ W7 Cosmetics Total Eclipse Eyeshadow Palette
♥ Anastasia Beverly Hills Norvina Mini Pro Pigment Palette Vol.2
♥ Верхня стрілочка GlamBee Gravity 3D Multichrome 04
♥ Золота стрілочка Colour Intense Just Star Glitter 104 Crystal Gold
♥ У слизовій Colour Intense Be Bold 207 Банановий
♥ По нижній повіці Colour Intense Scales of Mermaid Glitter Set (Gold Scales)
♥ Lamel Professional Flash Lashhh Mascara By Natalina Mua
♥ Enough 8 Peptide Full Cover Perfect Foundation SPF50+ PA+++ (13)
♥ Консилер Eveline Art Professional Make-Up 2в1 04 Light
♥ Eveline Cosmetics Wonder Match Loose Powder Rice
♥ Makeup Revolution Shimmer Brick Palette
♥ Makeup Revolution & SophX Highlighter Palette
♥ Рум’яна з палетки I Heart Revolution Disney Fairytale Books Palette Belle
♥ Malva Cosmetics Glimmerstick 111 Dark coffee
♥ Realher Moisturizing Lipstick Never Give Up Chestnut
♥ Туш для брів LN Pro Brow Filler Fixing Fiber Brow Gel 101
Відео не спонсовано.
Для PR та пропозицій щодо співпраці: geniouslady@ / Instagram @maria___gray Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is the fast and easy way to sharpen an automatic eyeliner or lipliner in case there is no sharpening tool included. All you need is a clear napkin or tissue. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
L.A. GIRL | Gel Glide Eyeliner 🖤 black magic
PIXI | Endless Silky Eye Pen 🖤 black noir
MILANI | Stay Put Eyeliner 🖤 after dark Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Covergirl Liquid Eye Pen
Lottie London Eye Stamp
Revlon Colorstay Eyeliner Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Универсальный карандаш для макияжа Make Up For Ever Artist Color Pencil
Очень долго наблюдала его у зарубежных визажистов, и ни секунды не жалела о его покупке.
Красивый коричнево-пыльный оттенок и мягкая тушевка - реклмендую😍 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to draw eyeliner with Pencil Liner? Eyeliner tutorial 👁
#eyelinertutorial with pencil liner !
Are you guys having trouble with drawing #eyeliner ?
Then follow the method in this video! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
These are the best drugstore eyeliners for 2022, both eyeliner pencils and my fave liquid eyeliner. They're all waterproof (making them great for the waterline / to tightline with) and cruelty free!
Essence Extreme Lasting Eye Pencil
Kokie Velvet Smooth Eyeliners **use SLASHEDBEAUTY for 25% off!
NYX Epic Ink Liquid Liner
(affiliate links)
✭ Let's Be Social ✭
TIKTOK: @slashedbeauty
#drugstoremakeup #eyeliner Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Привет! В этом видео:
- нюансы нанесения водостойкого карандаша;
- подводка нижнего века;
- быстрый макияж глаз одним карандашом.
Делитесь своими наблюдениями, трюками и советами!
- карандаш Contour Clubbing Waterproof
- тушь wist Up Extreme Fiber
- тональный крем healthy mix
- румяна boite ronde
- помада
#макияж #bourjoisrussia
❗️Это видео снято в сотрудничестве с брендом Bourjois. Это означает, что с компанией была согласована тема видео, а также дата публикации. Однако мнение о продукции является моим личным и честным, как и всегда.
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HACK maybelline tattoo studio gel pencil liner won't dispense
Новинка - карандаш для глаз, который можно использовать как в качестве подводки, так и в качестве теней для век. Его кремовая консистенция позволяет легко наносить и растушевывать, а высокая пигментация обеспечивает длительный эффект. Продукт также хорошо работает в качестве основы под тени для век, продлевая стойкость и насыщенность их цвета. Более темные оттенки разработаны специально
для смелого макияжа, например, смоки-айс, или просто для затемнения линии роста ресниц. Чтобы осветлить внутренние уголки глаз, выберите мягкие тона из всей коллекции. Карандаш поставляется со встроенной точилкой, которую можно удобно затачивать в любое время.
1,8 г Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We’ve talked about drugstore brown liquid eyeliners but what about pencil eyeliners? I break down the best drugstore ones to find out the ultimate long-lasting brown eyeliner.
0:00 - Intro
1:27 - Revlon So Fierce Vinyl Eyeliner vs. L'oreal Infallible Pro-Last Waterproof Pencil Eyeliner
3:51 - Essence Extreme Lasting Eye Pencil vs. NYX Slide On Eye Pencil Waterproof Eyeliner
Revlon So Fierce Vinyl Eyeliner (Mighty Mocha): +9aP7Ao3CVMVfCIS36gipMg
L'oreal Infallible Pro-Last Waterproof Pencil Eyeliner (Brown): +lGnPAMZa0JYv0Eg1526YOw
Essence Extreme Lasting Eye Pencil (Espresso): +nTCSX52jv8R12UYhYLOOhA
NYX Retractable Long-Lasting Mechanical Eyeliner Pencil (Brown):
My Favorite Amazon Products:
Tik Tok: @maesitler Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Мастер хев засіб для макіяжу очей - SAYEAH BEAUTY BLACK EYE PENCIL 💞
#SephoraSquad member Jessie Joe is showing love to liners today. Watch her explain the differences between gel, liquid, and pencil eyeliners.
Is this everything you wanted to see and more?
P.S. Get free shipping on all orders with the code FREESHIP
#Sephora #DifferentTypesOfEyeliner #EyelinerGuide #EyelinerTutorial #GelVsLiquidEyeliner #GelVsPencilEyeliner #LiquidVsPencilEyeliner #DifferentKindsOfEyeliner #HowToApplyEyeliner
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Welcome to the world of flawlessly defined eyes with Amaterasu Beauty. Discover our collection of long-wearing eye pencils. These innovative formulas glide like a dream, delivering precise, smooth strokes – without pulling, tugging, or fading.
With a flick of a wrist, create dramatic definition, dimension, and intensity to your eyes. The Amaterasu Beauty eye pencil is specifically formulated in your best interest. It is smudge-free, waterproof and can last for 24 hours if you need it too. Amaterasu Beauty natural make up brand is paraben-free, talc free, and commonly referred to as the best eye pencil on the market in the USA and Canada. For a long-lasting formula that magically transforms your eyes, our 24-hour eye pencil and shimmer eye pencil create bold, beautiful results that goes strong all day long.
Stays on all day
Easy to apply
Glides on smooth
Does not cause irritation to the eyes
Colours won’t fade
Paraben and phthalate free
Waterproof, tearproof, and smudge-proof
Non-irritating eye pencil ingredients
Looking for an eye pencil that won’t quit? Completely waterproof and smudge-proof, our eye pencils are renowned for being sweat, water, humidity and transfer-resistant. The Amaterasu Beauty eye pencil is gentle enough for even the most sensitive eyes. Our products are also totally safe for those who wear contact lenses. Made with the latest stay-all-day technology, this innovative formula glides on smoothly and will last day and night. Whether you prefer a subtle or bold look, a quick stroke across the waterline is all you need for fantastic all-day results. Designed with your health in mind, this clean, unique formula is paraben and phthalate-free, making it a makeup must-have for people who care about what they put on their skin. Our eye pencils deliver all the long-lasting, dramatic, and colour-intense effects you could ask for – and without all those toxic chemicals too! Click on the product below to learn more!
Cruelty free eye makeup & Cleaner make up alternatives
Like you, we are all about ethical and compassionate cosmetics. With our vegan formulas, rest easy knowing that no animals were harmed in the making. For perfectly defined eyes from dusk till dawn, turn to Amaterasu Beauty. Just take a look at the sheer volume of reviews for our popular eye pencils, and you will recognize that you have landed on a hidden gem. We take your skin health and the ingredients that you use on your face seriously. Amaterasu Beauty wants you to feel confident all day and night with these popular eye pencils. Our specially formulated eye pencil and shimmer eye pencil is developed with your needs in mind. Through the reviews, you can clearly see why our eye pencils are so popular. Read the independent reviews for yourself and learn more about this conscious makeup brand and its superior eye pencils.
The Amaterasu Beauty eye pencil is specifically formulated in your best interest. It is smudge-free, waterproof and can last for 24 hours if you need it too. Just by seeing the sheer volume of reviews for our popular eye pencils, you will recognize that you have landed on a hidden gem. We take your skin health and the ingredients that you use on your face seriously. Our specially formulated eye pencil and shimmer eye pencil is developed with your needs in mind. Through the reviews, you can clearly see why our eye pencils are so popular. Amaterasu Beauty wants you to feel confident all day and night with these popular eye pencils. The Amaterasu Beauty natural makeup brand is paraben-free, talc-free, and commonly referred to as the best eye pencil on the market in the USA and Canada. Read the independent reviews yourself and learn more about this conscious makeup brand and its superior eye pencils.
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Карандаш для глаз TATOO LINER Maybelline ПРОВЕРКА НА СТОЙКОСТЬ! Гелевый, интенсивный цвет!
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-релакс Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Wet n wild 16 hour break proof vs Stila all day liquid eyeliner. Both claim to be waterproof. Let’s see which one is better🥳 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TIKTOK: @_alyssa_lorraine_
INSTAGRAM: @alyssalorraineartist
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Лучшие стойкие карандаши для глаз | Цветные стрелки | Мой летний макияж
Привет! Меня зовут Аннеля
#стойкиекарандаши #цветныестрелки
В этом видео я рассказала о любимых стойких карандашах для глаз, показала как я рисую цветные стрелки и что надо сделать, чтобы они держались дольше.
Видео о карандашах для бровей -
● Упомянутая в видео косметика:
Пудра Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder
Праймер для век Too Faced Shadow Insurance Eye Shadow Primer
Тени для век MAYBELLINE Color tattoo
Карандаш для глаз Л'Этуаль коллекция Synthetica (розовый)
Карандаш для глаз Soda #eyeloveunicorns (розовый)
Карандаш для глаз Pupa Milano Multiplay Eye Pencil (02)
Карандаш для глаз NYX Slide On Eye Pencil (13 Jewel, 06 Esmeralda, 18 Glitzy Gold)
Карандаш для глаз Estee Lauder Double Wear (Electric cobalt)
Карандаш для глаз MAC Pearlglide Intense Eyeliner (Designer Purple)
Карандаш для глаз Romanovamakeup Sexy Smoky Eye Pencil (Make a Wish)
Карандаш для глаз Marc Jacobs Beauty Highliner Matte Gel Eye Crayon (Irony)
Карандаш для глаз Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-on Eye Pencil (Roach, Deep End)
Бронзер Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer Murumuru
Палетка для контурирования Eva Mosaic Ideal Face Contour
Палетка теней Too Faced Sweet Peach Palette
Точилка для карандашей Essence
Тушь для ресниц MAC Instacurl Lash Mascara
● Для макияжа было использовано:
Тональное средство Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation
Консилер Tarte Shape Tape
Пудра Laura Mercier Translucent Loose Setting Powder
Запечённые румяна Milani Cosmetics BAKED BLUSH (Dolce Pink)
Бронзер Physicians Formula Butter Bronzer Murumuru
Хайлайтер Fenty Beauty's Killawatt Freestyle Highlighter (Mean Money and Hustla Baby)
Палетка теней Too Faced Sweet Peach Palette
Карандаш для бровей Eva Mosaic Ideal Brow (Карие очи)
Гель для бровей MAC Brow Set (Beguile)
Жидкая губная помада Lancôme Matte Shaker (186 Magic Orange)
Блеск для губ NYX Candy Slick Glowy Lip Gloss (Watermelon Taffy)
Спрей COVER FX High Performance Setting Spray
● Я в инстаграме:
Мой канал в телеграме:
♫Music By♫
●Kronicle - The Jazz Man ●
Soundcloud -
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Brush Recommendations:
Real Techniques Base Shadow Brush
IT Cosmetics Airbrush Smudger Brush (discontinued - similar option listed)
Morphe Bullet Crease Brush
Liner Recommendations:
Charlotte Tilbury Classic Eye Powder Pencil
Make Up For Ever Artist Color Pencil
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide On Pencil
-This video is not sponsored.
-"*" Indicates that the product listed was sent to me by a brand or PR company
-Links listed as "rstyle", "howl", "bitly", and "mgk" are affiliate links. This means if you do click on them and purchase a product, I receive a small amount of commission. Thank you in advance if you choose to use them! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
карандаши для глаз лучшие, бюджетные карандаши для глаз, лучшие бюджетные карандаши для глаз, карандаши для глаз вивьен сабо, гелевые карандаши для глаз, лучшие гелевые карандаши для глаз,карандаши для глаз как выбрать
✅ Pillow Talk Eyeliner - Charlotte Tilbury
✅ Teddy -
✅ 03 Blue Orchid - Clarins
✅ Golden olive SL05 - NYX
✅ 603- Vivienne Sabo
✅ 911 Smooth walnut- Maybelline
✅ 006- Jioney
✅ E8 - Color Me
✅ 83 - Bourjois Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Testing the BEST Drugstore Waterproof Eyeliner Pencils (Waterline, Smoky Eye, Smudge-Proof)
You all have been asking me: what are the best drugstore waterproof eyeliner pencils for waterline (tightlining) and smoky eyes? Today I’ll be testing five smudge proof drugstore eye pencils and comparing them side by side. We’ll find out which is the blackest liner, which is the most waterproof, which is easiest to remove and more! These have all been some of my favorite drugstore black eyeliner pencils for 2020, so I’m excited to see which comes out on top! Do you have a different pick for the best drugstore eyeliner pencil? Share in the comments!
✭ Products Mentioned | Products were sent to me by the brand, all opinions are my own. | Affiliate links allow me to earn a small commission from purchases I influence. Thank you! ✭
L'Oreal Infallible Longwear Eye Pencil
wet n wild Breakup Proof Retractable Eyeliner
. No Budge Retractable Eyeliner
Revlon So Fierce Vinyl Eyeliner
essence Extreme Lasting Waterproof Eye Pencil
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Eyeliner 101: How To Apply Pencil, Liquid, and Cream Eyeliners like a Pro!
Applying eyeliner for beginners.
If you're going for a more subtle look, opt for a brown eyeliner.
The liners I'm using in this video are all in the blackest of the black shades. I always do a winged or cat eye flick so if you're not
into that just omit it.
♥ Pencil Eyeliners:
Annabelle Smoothliner in Black (oil-based)
Maybelline Line Express eyeliner in Ebony Black (kohl kajal)
Other nice oil-based pencils include Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil and Make Up Forever Aqua Eyes Waterproof Eyeliner.
♥ Liquid Eyeliner:
L'Oreal Lineur Intense in Carbon Black
♥ Cream/Gel Liners:
Wet 'n' Wild Mega Eyes Creme liner in 886 Black
Maybelline Eye Studio Lasting Drama Gel Eyeliner in Black
MAC Fluidline in Blacktrack is very popular as well.
♥ Brushes:
Annabelle A-14 Angled Brush
Mac 209 SE Eyeliner Brush
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Best Eyeliner for Beginners: How to Use Pencil vs. Liquid vs. Gel 👁️ Sephora You Ask, We Answer
What’s the best eyeliner for you? Sephora Beauty Director Myiesha is here with the answers. In this video, she breaks down three different types of eyeliners and shares why you might prefer each one.
What eyeliner do you have your sights on? 👀 Let us know in the comments below ⬇️
P.S. Get free shipping on all orders with the code FREESHIP
#BestEyeliner #EyelinerForBeginners #HowToDoEyelinerForBeginners #EyelinerTutorialForBeginners #HowToApplyEyelinerForBeginners #LiquidOrPencilEyeliner #PencilOrLiquidEyelinerForBeginners
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Products Featured:
Sephora Collection 12 Hour Contour Pencil Eyeliner:
Rare Beauty by Selena Gomez Perfect Strokes Matte Liquid Liner:
MAKEUP BY MARIO Master Mattes Liquid Eyeliner:
Bobbi Brown Long-Wear Gel Eyeliner:
Bobbi Brown Ultra Fine Eye Liner Brush:
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Limes - Debonair w/ Aimless
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Сравнение дешевого и дорогого карандаша для глаз.Vivienne Sabo Virtuose 601,Make up Forever Kohl
Чёрный карандаш для глаз# Make up forever#Kohl#Vivienne Sabo Liner Virtuose 601#
Всем привет. Меня зовут Вера. В этом видео сравню 2 карандаша каяла для глаз. Большая проблема найти карандаш что бы он хорошо держался на слизистой. В этом видео определю лидера и покажу какой карандаш лучший Make up Forever или дешевый Vivienne Sabo? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to apply eyeliner on the waterline! Applying eyeliner to your waterline can really enhance your eyes!
Below are my favorite eyeliners for the waterline application!
Eyeliner I’m using and it’s super affordable:
Other favs:
Eyebrow Pencil:
*commission links above
#shorts #youtubeshorts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The best way to use a white eyeliner #shorts #easymakeup #makeuphack #makeuptip #whiteeyeliner
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How to Sharpen Highliner Gel Eye Crayon - Marc Jacobs Beauty
Make a bold statement with Highliner Gel Eye Crayon, an extreme-wear, waterproof eyeliner. Like a gel pot eyeliner encased within a crayon, this breakthrough formula is exclusive to Marc Jacobs Beauty: a super-malleable gel eyeliner glides on smoothly for a flawless, precise application, then sets in place for all-day wear.
Included is a built-in sharpener that helps mold product into a perfect point for an instantly sharp look. Here's how to sharpen your highliner:
1. Remove sharpener from base of Highliner
2. Rotate the sharpener on the tip of Highliner
3. You can also sharpen Highliner with a tissue thanks to its soft
and creamy texture
4. Rub the Highliner edge a gainst the tissue, rotating until sharpened
@MarcBeauty #Highliner
Tips by Gilbert Soliz, Global Makeup Artist for Marc Jacobs Beauty Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Us but with black liner 👀 @spicegirlvane #girls #funny #relatable #girlthings #girlsbelike #makeup #eyeliner Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
By request- a roundup of my FAVORITE eyeliners. Pencil, liquid, waterline, you name it. ALL meet my criteria for being pigmented, long-wearing & easy to use! Subscribe plz!
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Jordana Color Envy Liquid Liner- Black Envy
Physicians Formula Eye Booster- Ultra Black
Maybelline Master Precise Skinny-Defining Black
Rimmel ScandalEyes Pencil- Nude
NYX Slide On Eyeliner (multiple shades)
Physicians Formula Shimmer Strips trios (multiple shades)
Essence Gel Eyeliner- Midnight in Paris
ColourPop Creme Gel Eyeliners (multiple shades)
Also mentioned:
Smashbox Always Sharp Eyeliner
Mally Shadow Stick Extra
Maybelline Color Tattoo Crayon
(most links are affiliates)
What I'm Wearing...
Shirt- TJ Maxx
Blush- Tarte Tarteist Contour Palette
Eyes- Juvia's Place Nubian Palette
Eyeliners- Jordana Color Envy Liquid Liner- Black Envy and Rimmel ScandalEyes Pencil- Nude (in waterline)
Lashes- Salon Perfect #615
Lips- Revlon Matte Balm - Fierce
Disclaimer: ColourPop Creme Gel liners were sent to me by ColourPop. All other products were purchased by me. These are my own, honest opinions. Not a sponsored video - I have never accepted money from a company in exchange for a video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is not your basic how to apply liquid eyeliner tutorial or how to do winged eyeliner with pencil tutorial. Instead, Ashlei major takes us through the best (and worst) of both methods of application, so you can decide how you want to achieve your winged eyeliner goals.
To settle the liquid eyeliner vs pencil debate Ashlei shows us her best tips and tricks (and some trials and tribulations) of applying eyeliner pencil and liquid eyeliner with a thin liner brush. Plus, you’ll learn to replicate the final results.
00:00 Makeup prep
02:43 Pencil eyeliner application
05:10 Liquid liner application
05:59 Inner eye liner application
06:42 Waterline liner application
07:23 Finishing the look
Eye Of Horus Goddess Pencil
Kryolan Proliner
Other products:
Benefit The POREfessional Primer
Kryolan Concealer Wheel
Bobbi Brown Skin Weightless Long-Wear Foundation SPF15
Benefit Hoola Quickie Contour Stick
Eye Of Horus Sacred Earth Bronzing Palette
MODELROCK Lash Adhesive Clear Latex Free
Visit our Instagram:
Visit Ashlei's Instagram:
--- Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hello beautiful ladies, in this video I have shown you a list of the 10 best waterproof eyeliner pencils that will stay all day long with a nice looking matte finished eye makeup. These long-wearing and smudgeproof eyeliner pencils are vegan friendly and tested by ophthalmologist with built-in sharpener.
Check out details of these waterproof eyeliner pencils (affiliate links) -
1. COVERGIRL Ink It! Perfect Point Plus Waterproof Eyeliner Pencil, Cocoa Ink 260 - 4.5 - $ -
2. HAUS LABORATORIES by Lady Gaga: EYE-DENTIFY Waterproof GEL PENCIL, Smokey Kohl Eyeliner - 4.3 - $ -
3. REVLON ColorStay Waterproof Pencil Eyeliner with Built-in Sharpener, Smudgeproof & Longwearing - 4.5 - $ -
4. Rimmel Scandaleyes Waterproof Gel Eye Liner Pencil, Black 001 - 4.3 - $ -
5. Wunder2 SUPER-STAY Makeup Eyeliner Pencil Long Lasting Waterproof, Matte, Essential Black - 4.3 - $ -
6. VASANTI Kajal Waterline Eyeliner (Black) Pencil, Long-lasting Waterproof Paraben-Free, Opthalmologist Approved - 4.3 - $ -
7. Christian Dior Waterproof Long-Wear Eyeliner Pencil, Trinidad Black , with Blending Tip and Sharpener - 4.5 - $ -
8. NYX Epic Ink Liner Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner, Black, Vegan Formula - 4.6 - $ -
9. Sorme Cosmetics Waterproof Eyebrow and Eyeliner Pencil, Natural Color - 4.4 - $ -
10. Julep When Pencil Met Gel Long-Lasting Waterproof Gel Eyeliner, Rich Brown - 4.3 - $ -
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DISCLAIMERS: TabaBeautyZone just picks the best-selling beauty products from Amazon to help save your time and money. Our mission is to sort out the best items. We are also the participants of the Amazon Affiliate Program from that we earn a little commission when you buy any products from the links mentioned above. We don’t test any product. We pick out the products based on the ratings, reviews, and customers’ satisfaction.
Music credit: Help You Out (ft. Jonathon Robins) by Leonell Cassio -
#LongLastingEyeliner #LongWearingEyelinerPencil #WaterproofEyelinerPencil Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Apply liner the easy way with this video full of easy steps to getting the perfect liner every time, learn what is meant by tightlining eyes, the water-line and how to create a cat-eye kicks!
Want to make your eye liner last all day check out this video -
I use (in order of appearance)
rimmel exaggerate eye definer
revlon colour stay liquid liner (in the pot)
17 felt-tip eyeliner (Use any one you want)
Tight line - Apply liner to the lash area to "fill in the gaps" which creates thicker lashes. By closing one eye it makes it easy.
For a cat eye look - Apply a thin line from the inner part of the eye and then add a "kick" out at the edge make sure that it is in an upward slant to lift the eyes and create a better shape. The line can be as long as you'd like, if you want it to be understated create a shorter line!
For Tips on Foundation Check These Out
Long Lasting Foundation Tutorial:
Applying Foundation Like A Pro:
Or If You Have Bad Break Outs and Need to Cover It Check this out Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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This is a makeup tip you don't want to miss! Gertie of Indie Beauty Brand, Elevé Cosmetics, shares her "life-changing" tip on how to sharpen your gel pencil eyeliner.
Prior to sharpening, pop your eyeliner in the freezer (with no lid) for at least 5 minutes. Watch the video to see why!
Shop the Elevé award-winning, waterproof gel pencil liner here:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Shop Sephora:
How to get this look:
Step 1: Prep eyes with Clinique All About Eyes Serum
Step 2: Prime eyes with Kat Von D High Voltage Eye Primer
Step 3: Tightline eyes with Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil; to do this, wiggle the pencil in between the lashes
Step 4: Using short, controlled strokes, apply Kat Von D Tattoo Liner in Trooper. When you get to the outer corner, use lower lash line as a guide for the angle of the wing. Lift up off of pressure gently to get a flawless tip to wing.
Step 5: Apply Make Up For Ever Smoky Extravagant Mascara; adding extra to outer corners of lashes
Products used to get this look:
Clinique All About Eyes Serum:
Kat Von D High Voltage Eye Primer:
Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil:
Kat Von D Tattoo Liner in Trooper:
Make Up For Ever Smoky Extravagant Mascara: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Wish you had a makeup artist at your beck and call? These makeup tutorials are the next best thing. In this video, makeup artist-to-the-stars Patricia Longo teaches you how to put on pencil eyeliner.
Hi I'm Patricia Longo and I'm a celebrity makeup artist. I've worked with models from Sports Illustrated like Brooklyn Decker and Julie Henderson to Alec Baldwin at 30 Rock. All those things that experts do that the average person doesn't know how to do we'll learn how to do it on these videos. So I'm going to be talking about eyeliner today. And when I want a nice precise line I have to sharpen my pencil and make sure I get a nice point. Like that. Now if I'm working on a model I ask her to close her eyes and usually what I do is I lift a little bit of the eyebrow and I start right in the middle. Gives me an idea on how thick I want to get towards the end. And then I move in closer, but it's giving me a nice thin line. And I try to stay on the liner so so close to the eyelashes. And that's a direct, simple, precise thin liner. So I just showed you how to use an eyeliner if someone was putting it on you. Now the question is do you know how to put it on yourself. What I recommend is looking in the mirror , slightly putting your head back so you're always looking into the mirror. I don't like the pulling. Everybody does constant pulling around the eye. You don't have to do that. That actually creates wrinkles. So I keep the eye closed and with my own hands, if I were her, I would start like I said in the middle and I'm delicately touching. And I just feel with my own senses, close to the eyelashes. Now bring it out and then I move into the corner of her eyes. And you can always use your finger to smudge it a little bit. Sometimes I take a sponge. Now if the liner doesn't come out perfect cuz when you do it on yourself it's not going to come out perfect, what I recommend is using a Q-tip that has a point and you lift your head back again. Now you can keep your eyes open. Just lift your back, lift your head. Now look in the mirror and what I do is I just clean it up with the Q-tip. And it'll soften the line at the same time it's smudging the line. And then the other side I just take off anything I don't want. There you have a line on yourself. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
White Pencil | How To Use A White Eye Pencil Under Eye Pencil |Menow
It’s FINALLY HERE!! The video you’ve all been waiting for!!! Here are the Top 10 Eyeliners According to YOU :) I hope you all enjoy the video & huge thanks to everyone who participated!! I’m so thankful for each of you!! Love you all so much!! Xoxo
UP NEXT: Lip Liners!! Submit your faves HERE-
According to YOU Playlist:
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1st PLACE:
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3rd PLACE:
4th PLACE:
5th PLACE:
6th PLACE:
7th PLACE:
8th PLACE:
9th PLACE:
10th PLACE:
Shirt: its so old lol
Nails: Lights Lacquer x Care Bears (use code “ALLIE” for 10% off your first order)-
Earrings: Tini Lux-
The BEST Makeup Bags ;):
Morphe X Ariel Brush Set (FAVE brushes):
Real Techniques Buffing Brush (GREAT SET):
BH Cosmetics Brush Set (GREAT SET):
Hourglass Vanish Foundation Brush:
Tarte Smoothie Blender Brush:
Morphe M439 Brush:
Morphe M173 Brush:
Morphe M405 Brush:
theBalm Double Ended Brush:
BH Cosmetics 6 Brush (in this set):
Morphe M441 Brush:
Morphe M433 Brush:
Morphe M124 Brush:
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🎁 Some links above are affiliate links! I earn a small commission if you click and use the link to shop. It doesn’t cost you anything & it helps support my channel! I’m so grateful! 🥰 This video is not sponsored. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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