Автоматичний олівець для брів Brow Artist Xpert популярного бренда L'Oreal Paris допоможе вам без зайвих витрат часу і зусиль створити бездоганний макіяж. Косметичний продукт, який не потребує заточування, порадує вас високою якістю і стійкістю, а в багатій колірній палітрі ви легко знайдете відтінок, який ідеально підходить вам.
Косметичний засіб з мініатюрним грифелем охайно промальовує волоски брів, роблячи їх візуально густішими, довшими і ширшими. Після нанесення брови мають максимально природний вигляд, а зручна щіточка-йоржик оптимальна для того, щоб розчесати їх і розтушувати олівець.
Завдяки приємній нежирній текстурі Brow Artist Xpert зберігає бездоганний вигляд протягом усього дня, не розмазуючись і не тьмяніючи. Зробіть ваш макіяж справжнім витвором мистецтва з L'Oreal Paris!
Спосіб застосування: промалюйте лінію брів за допомогою олівця. Надайте форми і зафіксуйте її за допомогою вбудованої щіточки.
A unique 3-in-1 mechanical pencil with spoolie. The triangular tip precisely outlines, easily shades, and evenly fills brows. Soft styling spoolie blends for shaped brows. Waterproof formula provides longwear results. Available in 8 shades.
Product used:
Xpert Waterproof Eyebrow Pencil:
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LOreal Brow Artist Xpert: Review, Demo and Swatches
LOreal Brow Artist Xpert: Review, Demo and Swatches of all shades. This is a new Loreal Brow Pencil as part of their Brow Artist range. In United States of America the Shape & Fill Mechanical Pencil is the alternative.
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This video contains a product which was sent to me for editorial consideration.
Please view Makeup Tips disclosure policies regarding information and products mentioned on this blog/youtube channel - See more at: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Brow Artist Xpert | Xpert Brows made Easy| L'Oréal Paris
Perfect brows made easy. A retractable brow pencil that’s waterproof and lasts for 24H!
Choose from 7 shades for your best natural look—available for ONLY 9,700Kyats at L’Oréal Paris makeup counters nationwide! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is LOREAL Paris Brow Artist Xpert 2-in1 brow pencil for expertly designed, sculpted brows made easier than ever.
#Loreal #EyebrowXpert #LorealMakeup
#charieclarin #prettyfrugal #frugaliciousfamily
I believe the LOREAL Paris Brow Artist Xpert 2-in1 brow pencil has a good claim of tailoring the perfect match for my brow. I couldn't tell it was lined or drawn artificially because it looks so natural!
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Hello Loves, In today's video I did a detailed review on the Loreal Paris Brow Artist Xpert in the shade Ebony. I hope you all like it.
You can get the product here :
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#Loreal #Eyebrow #Ebony Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Loreal Brow Artist Xpert Pencil
In today's video, I am sharing with you my thoughts while using the Brow Artist Xpert Pencil from Loreal. It is available on drugstore. This is suggested by Pocca Lil Angel and I can see why she liked it. So if you want to know more about these, just keep watching.
R E L A T E D V I D E O :
ELF Ultra Precise Brow Pencil :
Pocca Lil Angel Channel :
#beabi #loreal #lorealbrowartistxpertpencil
Lens Adapter
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Natürliche oder dichte Brauen? Wählen Sie Ihren Stil und entdecken Sie Brow Artist – für volle Augenbrauen, ein natürliches, ultra-präzises Ergebnis wie gewünscht und einen unwiderstehlichen Blick.
Verwendete Produkte
Brow Artist Skinny Definer
Brow Artist Plump & Set Serum
Brow Artist Xpert
L'Oréal Paris Schweiz
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L'Oréal Paris
Wer sind wir?
L’Oréal Paris ist eine der führenden Kosmetik- und Pflegemarken weltweit und bietet Frauen und Männern erschwingliche Produkte mit Premiumanspruch aus allen Bereichen der Schönheitspflege – von Hautpflege, Haarpflege und Colorationen bis hin zu Make-up und Styling. Die Produkte überzeugen durch höchste Qualität auf dem neuesten Stand der Forschung. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Твои идеальные брови с Brow Artist от L’Oréal Paris
Идеальные естественные брови? Легко — со средствами Brow Artist от L'Oréal Paris. Каждое из них выполняет свою функцию — от тонкой прорисовки недостающих волосков до придания визуальной густоты и стойкости на 24 часа.
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Product used:
The 0.5 mm ultra-fine tip of the pencil is a perfect tool to recreate tiny brow hair, allowing you to precisely draw and shape your brows for a well-defined brow look.
Product used:
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Макіяж з акцентом на очі та брови ➥ Гель для брів Unbelieva Brow від L’Oreal Paris
#LOrealParis #СлаваЧайка #Eyes #Мейкап #МакіяжОчей #EyeMakeUp #PerfectBrow
Слава Чайка, офіційний візажист L’Oreal Paris Ukraine, створив ідеальний мейкап лук з акцентом на очі та брови, щоб продемонструвати нам новий б'юті-продукт — гель для брів Unbelieva Brow від L’Oreal Paris.
Як створити розкішний образ від Слави:
1. Більше ніж консилер Інфелібл наносимо під очі та на зони хайлайтера. Розтушовуємо пензлем або кінчиками пальців.
2. Скошеним пензлем наносимо на брови гель Анбеліва Броу, розчісуємо у напрямку росту.
3. Беремо світлий відтінок із палетки тіней Чері Мон Шері та промальовуємо обрис ока. На верхню та нижню повіку наносимо персиковий відтінок.
4. Малюємо тонку стрілку олівцем-каялом для очей Колор Ріш у чорному відтінку, також підкреслюємо нижню повіку та розтушовуємо.
5. Фарбуємо вії інтенсивно чорною тушшю Об’єм Мільйона Вій Фелайн.
6. Контуруємо обличчя рум’янами Альянс Перфект у відтінку # 140.
7. Наносимо на губи рідку матову помаду Ле Шоколя у відтінку # 862.
Дякуємо за перегляд відео «Макіяж з акцентом на очі та брови ➥ Гель для брів Unbelieva Brow від L’Oreal Paris».
Не забувай ставити «палець вгору» і підписуватися на канал L'Oreal Paris Ukraine.
👉 👈
Купуй 😍
Консилер Infaillible:
Гель для брів UNBELIEVA’BROW:
Палетка тіней Cherry My Cheri:
Олівець-каял COLOR RICHE:
Туш Об'єм Мільйона Вій Feline:
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ВЯЧЕСЛАВ ЧАЙКА – ОФІЦІЙНИЙ ЕКСПЕР-ВІЗАЖИСТ TM «L’OREAL PARIS» В УКРАЇНІ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Brows so easy, you can do them on the go! Which is handy, seeing as though I never seem to stop...
This is a paid advertorial with L'Oreal Paris for their #browpower campaign. The L'Oreal Paris Brow Artist Xpert is £ at Superdrug here: I use shade warm blonde, 103.
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NEWSLETTER: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Get fuller looking brows with this wonderful brow gel from L'Oréal Paris. It not only adds colour and definition to your brows, but also has small fibers so your brows will look fuller. The brush is small and makes the application easy.
(I've defined my brows with a brow pen before I've added this brow gel) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Loreal Paris Brow Artist Xpert Review | How to apply - Demo | 107 Cool Brunette | Eyebrow Kit |
Loreal Paris Brow Artist Xpert Review | How to apply - Demo | 107 Cool Brunette | Eyebrow Kit | Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Всем привет. Сегодня у меня на тесте НОВИНКА от L`Oreal Paris - Гель для бровей L`Oreal Paris Unbelieva Brow стойкий.
Средство прокрашивает брови, придает им идеальную форму и делает их визуально гуще. Гель создает пленку, которая мягко обволакивает волоски, не боится повышенной влажности и держится на бровях до 48 часов.
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Loreal Paris Brow Artist Xpert - Perfect Eyebrow - GVP Makeover | Give It A Try
This was the first product i used for Eyebrow and I really loved it, Hope you guys like it..
#lorealparisbrowxpert #Lorealparis #perfectbrowkit #perfecteyebrow Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Perfect the filled in brow look that’s all over the runway in less than a minute. L'Oréal has teamed up with Refinery29 to show you how to get brows that look like they just stepped off the runway in this segment of the Macro Makeover series.
Start perfectly arched brows by outlining the shape of your brow with three dots. Connect the dots from the inner corner, to the arch, and to the tail. For the most natural results, use a shade that is lighter than your hair color. Create the illusion of more brow hair by using shorter strokes, then blend your brows thoroughly with a spoolie brush.
Lightly contour your eyeshadow to maximize the impact of your bold new brows. Apply a fun berry color to your lips and you will be ready for the runway or your commute to work.
Shop the products
Infallible Pro Matte Gloss Subscribe to L'Oreal
Brow Stylist Definer Subscribe to L'Oreal
Brow Stylist Plumper Subscribe to L'Oreal
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In today’s episode of Tina Tries It, I’ll be testing out the a new Maybelline Microblading Eyebrow Tattoo Pen. Does it work? Watch to find out!
Products Used:
- Maybelline Tattoo Brow Ink Pen
- Lashes I’m wearing
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Microphone: Rodelink Wireless
Lighting: Aputure Lightstorm 120D
Soft Box: Aputure Light Dome
Camera: Canon 80D
Canon G97X Mark II
Canon 24-70mm Lens 2.8
Editing Program: Adobe Premier Pro CC
Jahzzar Sea of Mars
**Disclaimer: This video is not sponsored. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Some of the links provided above are affiliate links meaning I do make a small commission when you purchase using the link. This does not cost you extra. You can also purchase from the brand’s websites so don’t feel obliged to use my link if you don’t want to. Thanks for all your support! xx Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
BEST BROW PENCIL OUT THERE #makeuptutorial #makeuphacks #makeup #eyebrows #eyebrowtutorial #lashes
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When you are creating your bold weekend look, eyebrows are essential. McKala walks you through how to shape and groom your arches. With all your tools in hand, you will start with brushing your eyebrows out with your spoolie. Then defining you need to identify your eyebrow shape which is different for everyone. Use your eyebrow pencil to mark the start, arch, and tail of each eyebrow. Third, outline each brow to clearly see where your stray hairs are. Tweeze away and then use your spoolie to brush them back out. Next, use Unbelievabrow Brow Gel to fill in your brows with an angled brush for the best results. Finally, brush your eyebrows out one more time to give them that fluffy look.
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Products used in this video:
3-1 Brow Pencil:
Unbelievabrow Brow Gel:
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How To Shape Eyebrows with a Brow Stylist - L’Oréal
Subscribe to L'Oréal Paris:
Subscribe to L'Oreal Learn 3 easy ways to define and shape your brows in seconds. Don’t be afraid to #BrowPlay with Brow Stylist products from L’Oréal Paris to define, frame & set, and fill in brows.
Go for soft & full, defined, or styled brows with this makeup tutorial from L’Oréal Brow Stylist. Use the Kabuki Blender to fill and soften brows. The soft, creamy crayon glides on smoothly for full looking brows with a natural finish. Outline and shape brows using the Definer for a precisely shaped look. Style brows with the Frame and Set Brow Stylist for a naturally defined, full styled look that lasts for up to 24 hours. Create any brow look with Brow Stylist by L’Oréal.
Click the link above to learn about the Brow Stylist Definer by L’Oréal. Because you’re worth it.
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Jak zrobić makijaż brwi w 90 sekund? UNBELIEVA BROW od L'oreal - Rewolucja w kosmetykach do brwi?
Jak szybko wykonać makijaż brwi? #browmakeup Szukasz sprawdzonych i trwałych kosmetyków? Dziś przedstawię Wam NOWOŚĆ od L'oreal Paris #lorealparis . UNBELIEVA BROW ma szansę stać się kultową serią! Jeśli lubisz trwały, wodoodporny, nierozmazujący się #makijazbrwi to #unbelievabrow podbije Twoje serce! Na #ladymakeuppl już dostępne!
skróty do filmu:
od 1:20 test z wodą
2:58 - swatch'e
8:25 makijaż brwi
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The art of brow made easy.
Product used:
Brow Stylist Boost & Set
Brow Stylist Frame & Set:
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Video Making & Marketing Master Class - Free -
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**** L’Oreal Paris Brow Artist Xpert - 107 Cool Brunette
() MRP:₹725
L'Oreal Paris Brow Artist Xpert - 109 Ebony
*** Nyx Professional Precision Brow Pencil
💕 Nykaa
*** Lakme Absolute Precision Eye Artist Eyebrow Pencil - Natural Black
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*** Kay Beauty Eyebrow Enhancer Pencil - Chestnut
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***PAC SuperBrowww Cream - 02 Cedar Creme
(6gm) MRP:₹625
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💕 Pure by Priyanka 20% off code : Aparna
💕 Earth Rhythm 10% off code : Aparna
💃 About Me :)
Hi, I am Aparna Ganesh from Mumbai, India. I am on a mission to help us all look and feel good inside out with my content for my Beauty & Wellness Channel 'JoyGeeks'
Have named it JoyGeeks coz I think Joy is worth being Geeky about, and a joyful person looks damn good with or without make up :)
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My Honest Opinion On L'Oreal's 24 Hour Micro Tattoo Brow Definer
Hey guys, this is my first video of the new year. We're starting off with another new product review as that seems to be quite popular on my channel. Just a boring little disclaimer that this video is not sponsored, I paid for it with my own money so this is going to be a completely honest review.
This new product is by L'oreal Paris to add to their brow artists range, introducing the 24 hour Micro Tattoo Eyebrow Definer! I'll leave a link below to where you can buy the product and test it for yourselves.
If you enjoy this type of video then give this video a thumbs up so I know. I'm planning to keep making review/first impressions videos more often now so if you see anything you would like me to review then leave it in the comment section below!
The product:
Carefree by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence ()
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Watch The Brow Transformation With L'Oreal Paris's NEW Unbeliva-Brow
Subscribe to L'Oreal Draw, shape, and set stylish eyebrows in 3 easy steps. The Brow Stylist Sculptor by L’Oreal Paris includes 3 tools in one for achieving bold, defined brows.
The ultimate Brow Stylist Sculptor tools include a brush, color pencil tip, and wax tip for creating the perfect brow. With a Stylist Sculptor closest to your natural brow color brush the brow in the direction of hair growth. Define your arch by drawing a line from the inner corner using short wispy strokes to fill in any sparse areas. Elongate the tail end of the brow then use the brush tip to blend it all together. Finally, apply wax to set the brow in its place. Create bold brows with one simple tool using the Brow Stylist Sculptor by L’Oreal.
Click the link above to learn about the Brow Stylist Sculptor by L’Oreal. Because you’re worth it.
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Loreal paris brow artist genius kit review | how to apply brow colour with brush |
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Loreal Paris brow artist VS Nykaa brow chika wow pencil | Comparison and Demo
Brow Stylist Frame & Set ™ is our 1st cream pomade with angled brush and blending spoolie. The lightweight formula easily glides onto skin and brow hairs to frame and set your brow look. The angled brush draws in individual hairs, precisely shapes arches, and fills in eyebrows for a naturally defined and styled look that stays put up to 24 hours.
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Hay loves,
In this tutorial I will show you this brow product.
Give it a thumbs up If you like the video and don't forget to subscribe on my channel.
Use the code: NAJLA to save some $ on your order!
Anastasia Beverly Hills #12 brush,
Maybelline new york tattoo brow in medium brown
Use the code: NAJLA to save some $ on your order!
Fall Inspired Look --
Matte Brown Smokey Eye --
How To Apply Lashes --
Go To Daytime Glam --
Purple Mauve Glitter --
Easy Everyday Look --
Autumn Eye Look --
EWN - Feels [NCS Release]
2. Cartoon - On & On (feat. Daniel Levi) [NCS Release]
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Today i am going to review " L'Oreal Paris Brow Artist Genius Kit "
Price Rs : 910
Net Wt : 3.5 g
Shade : 01 Medium to dark
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L'oreal paris brow artist genius kit review & tutorial | Honest Review
Брови могут изменить многое!
Это ключевой элемент макияжа! Поэтому я всегда уделяю им много внимания и комбинирую сразу несколько продуктов:
▫️гель для бровей
Гель #PUSY обожаю и покупаю постоянно уже больше года! Он единственный даёт эффект ламинирования, не склеивает и не оставляет белый налёт🤌🏻
Ищите его на #WB по названию «pùsy гель»❤️ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hiya guys,
This weeks video is going to be another review on another L'oreal Brow Artist product, the Brow Plumper! This new brow gel has a fibre - enriched formula to help thicken and set your brows in the most natural way possible!
If you are enjoying my reviews and would like to see more, then make sure you remember to subscribe and hit the little bell for notifications every time I post so you don't miss out!
Where you can buy The L'Oreal Brow Plumper:
This video is not sponsored, I paid for this product with my own money so this video is 100% an honest review. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is #beautytech you’ve been waiting for! 🤩 Introducing you L'Oréal Brow Magic as the first eyebrow printer to enable professional-effect, temporary microblading results at home. Featuring L’Oréal’s industry-leading Modiface AR technology, L'Oréal Brow Magic makes personalized shaping recommendations.😉#ces2023
Want to know more about Brow Magic?
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L’Oréal Paris presents Unbelievabrow, our first longwear brow gel to fill & thicken for brows that last. Brows for days. Enhanced up to 48 hours. Build and sculpt your dream brow from natural to intense. Formulated with longwear polymers that create a waterproof film to seal in pigments onto brow hair and spherical silica for natural looking color. Waterproof. No smudge. No transfer. Sweat-Resistant.
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Subscribe to L'Oréal Paris:
Subscribe to L'Oreal Master retro eyebrows with precision and ease. L’Oreal Paris has all the tools you need to perfect the brow trend with everything from a brow stylist, define and plumper.
Using a brow brush, comb through brow hairs to reveal the natural shape. Fill in the brow with short strokes to shape the brow. Add dimension and set in place by applying Brow Stylist Plumper, brow gel mascara. The Brow Plumper fiber-infused formula enhances brows by filling in hair for even texture. Recreate the retro brow look with natural-looking tint by the brow tool that makes the art of brow easy, Brow Stylist Plumper.
Click the link above to shop the Brow Stylist Plumper by L’Oreal. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
L'oreal brow artist micro tattoo | Review and demo
Hi lovelies,
Today I'm testing out the very strange microblading brow pen from L'oreal! Will it be the answer to all my brow struggles??
Products mentioned:
L'oreal brow artist micro tattoo brow pen in brunette
Makeup worn:
Lancome teint idole ultra wear foundation
Too faced chocolate soleil bronzer
Makeup revolution fast base F14 to contour
Makeup revolution concealer C5
Mac honeylove lipstick
Lancome monsieur big mascara
Anastasia beverly Hills soft glam palette
Hourglass vanish highlighting stick in champagne flash
Mac oyster girl lipgloss
My skin is normal with a very slightly oily t zone and early signs of aging like fine lines as well as some sun damage and REDNESS!
My current good foundation shade matches are (Summer/Winter):
Fenty pro filt'r - 240/180
Mac studio fix - NC30/NC25
Nars sheer glow - Strombolli/Punjab
Giorgio Armani luminous silk - 6/3.5
Clinique even better glow - Stone/Meringue
Estee Lauder double wear - Tawny/Dawn
Dior Star - 031/021
L'oreal true match - W5/W4
Instagram: charholdcroft84
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Business Inquiries: charlotteholdcroft@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NEW Loreal Brow Stylist Shape and Fill // Review and Demo
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Hi, guys! I'm Bon. Welcome to What MakeUp. I'm just your everyday girl who loves playing with Makeup and loves even more to talk about it!
In today's video, I tell you about 3 simple rules that can help you NOT look like YOU AND YOUR EYEBROWS HAVE ARRIVED!!!! xD
I mean let's be real, a "natural' looking eyebrows ALWAYS takes the cake. :)
Thumbs up if you enjoy watching this video!
Products mentioned -
Loreal Brow Artist Designer -
Few other options for pencil/pen-form brow products -
Loreal Brow Artist Xpert -
#Lakme Kareena Kapoor Khan brow pencil -
#Benefit Goof Proof eyebrow pencil -
Benefit Precisely My Brow pencil -
#Nyx Micro Brow pencil -
Few options for eye-brow products in pot/palette form -
Loreal Brow Artist Genius Kit -
Loreal Brow Artist Pomade -
Benefit Ka-Brow -
Benefit Brow Zings eyebrow shaping kit -
Few options for brow tints/gels -
Benefit Gimme Brow gel -
Benefit 24-hr brow setting gel -
#Maybelline Tatto Brow gel -
Etude House Brow Tint -
Physicians Formula Brow Last Longwearing gel -
Links to my previous videos -
Rock Any Lipstick | Zombie-lips no more! -
The Secret to GLOWING skin -
My top 5 favourite foundations -
Foundation 101: IT'S NO FAIRNESS CREAM (And it shouldn't be!) -
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✦ DISCLAIMER ✦ All my videos are for informational and educational purposes only. Any content in my videos should not be considered as a substitute for what any professional or healthcare expert may suggest to you. Please do ensure to do patch test before using any makeup or skincare product to full application. In case of any allergic reaction or breakout, please consult a medical professional.
Everything I post on my channel is based out of experiences I have had with the product(s) and what has worked for me. All my opinions are honest and of my own and not done at the behest of any brand or company. Using or buying any product after watching my videos should be done at the viewer's discretion. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hi my loves!
Today I bring you a product that I really could not wait to try! I have been seeing these types of markers all over social media and decided that, since I will never get microblading done, I should give this a try :)
Let me know what you all think and if you would/have tried this before. What are your thoughts on this product?
Here's where you can find it:
Salon Perfect Brow Marker in Dark Brown
As always, thank you all so much for watching!
Please feel free to reach out with any comments, concerns, questions, etc.
And don't forge that you can also reach me through:
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Additional makeup worn in this video:
ABH Soft Glam palette-
Pretty Vulgar Gel Liner-
PÜR Pro Lashes in Diva-
Flower Beauty Light Illusion foundation in Classic Tan-
Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso-
Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder in Luminous Light-
Benefit Hoola Bronzer-
Huda Beauty Liquid Lipstick in Sugar Mama-
Affiliated link:
Brushes used in this, and in most of my videos, are from Sigma Beauty. Extremely affordable and extremely durable! Have been using them for years and they're still going strong!
Use code ALLBEAUTYBYSARAH for 10% off :)
Get them here-
Affiliate Code:
products use allbeautybysarah for 20% off of your entire purchase :)
Featured music provided by NCS
Song: Oneeva - Platform 9 [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
FTC Disclaimer- Not a sponsored video Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS GUYS!!!!! I hope you'd find this review helpful if you are looking for that long lasting eyebrow product.
Comment down below if you think this is worth the price! I love you all! xx
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The best brow product😍 | Loreal brow artist genius kit review + demo | kp styles
Hey loves🌸
Buying link : Check Out L'Oreal Paris Brow Artist Genius Kit Medium To Dark On Nykaa
For business enquiries : kpbhamrah634@
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Thanks for watching🌸
#loreal #lorealparis #review #demo #browproducts #eyebrows #eyebrowtutorial Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Makeup Artist's Secret to Fill in Your Eyebrows | #SHORTS
WATCH my video on brow mistakes to avoid here:
Do you brush your brows up or down before you fill them in? Here’s a trick I picked up from @MakeupByNikkiLaRose (obviously!). I brush my brows down now first. It shows you exactly where your brows need to be filled in.
All products mentioned are linked below:
🔸 Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Whiz
Affiliate Link:
🔸 Kosas Air Brow (Clear)
Affiliate Link:
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Mixed Makeup:
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FTC Disclosure: This video contains Narrativ affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links. Affiliate links support our channel, so we can continue to make fun videos for you. Also, some items may have been received through PR. Thanks for watching and shopping!
#SHORTS Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comparing NYX Micro Brow Pencil in Black and Espresso versus L'Oreals Brow Stylist Definer in Dark Brunette. Find out which is the best drugstore brow pencil!
NYX Micro Brow Pencil
L'Oreal Brow Stylist Definer
Visit my Amazon Store Front!
00:00 Intro
00:06 Price
00:16 Packaging
00:38 Spoolie
1:05 Retractable
1:26 Size
1:41 Ultra Fine Tip
2:03 Shades
2:20 Swatches
2:47 Application
4:16 Wear
4:39 Ingredients
4:44 Made in
#nyxmicrobrow #lorealbrowstylistdefiner
Pre-owned Louis Vuitton Sale at Fashionphile!
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I purchased all products featured in this video and I am not being compensated for my review or tips on how to use the product. All opinions expressed in this video are from my personal use/experience with the products. Amazon links are affiliate links.
Thanks for watching!
Ash Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HI Everyone!
This brow product is awesome! It lasts all day! No flaking or smudging! It is fully waterproof and only removes with an oil based cleanser!
I hope you enjoy ☺
*All opinions are my own*
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Contact me: courtneykellybeauty@
-Shiseido glow enhancing primer
-VDL perfecting last foundation
-Pixi peach corrector
-VDL master skin concealer 03
-Hourglass translucent veil
-Bourjois poudre de Riz powder
-Physicians formula matte sculpting palette
-Benefit gold rush
-Clarins blush 02 soft peach
-Urbana’s Decay all nighter spray
-Benefit stay don’t stray primer
-nude by Nature contour palette
-Chanel les 4 ombres 274 codes elegants
-Nude by Nature 03 anthracite pencil
-Lise Watier dramatique mascara
-Clinique fit mascara
-MesmorEyes lashes 352
-QUO lipstick heart beet
-Rimmel Liner cherry kiss
-Loreal Unbelieva Brow light brunette Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unbelievable гел от #LOrealParis за дълготрайни, по-пълни вежди. Формула, устойчива на размазване, която подчертава вашия характер. 😍 #browgoals Повече информация относно цените и онлайн поръчките вижте тук:
Прецизното рисуване на веждите никога не е било по-лесно! С молива за вежди Skinny Definer, който има изключително тънък връх, и формула, която не се размазва, веждите ви ще бъдат перфектни всеки ден #browgoals Повече информация относно цените и онлайн поръчките вижте тук: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How To: FEATHERY BROWS | My Brow Routine & My Favorite Products
Hey, Guys! (WATCH IN HD)
Here is a highly requested UPDATED BROW ROUTINE! I hope you enjoy! Thanks for watching! xoxo!
Products I Mentioned:
Anastasia Brow Wiz in Dark Brown (but testing out soft brown since my hair isn't as dark as it used to be lol)
Dior Diorshow Brow Styler Pencil in Universal
Benefit Precisely, My Brow in 3
Nyx Micro Brow Pencil in Brunette
L.A Girl Shady Slim Brow Pencil in Medium Brown
Instant Lift Brow Pencil in Taupe
Loreal Brow Stylist Definer
Colourpop Brow Pencil
The Balm Brow Pow Eyebrow Powder in Light Brown
Royal & Langnickel #10 Brush
Anastasia Clear Brow Gel
Givency Mister Brow Groom in Transparent
Loreal Brow Stylist Plumper in Light/Medium
Bumble & Bumble Sumotech Lo Gloss Molding Compound
Strong Hold Hairspray (I used Verb Ghost Hairspray but it was medium hold & I recommend one with a strong hold)
What I'm Wearing:
Top: Forever 21
Earrings: Forever 21
Nails: KL Polish "Hug & Roll"
Face: Tarte Tarteguard Tinted Moisturizer in Light, Marc Jacobs Tan Tastic Coconut Bronzer, Milani Powder Blush in Warm Petals, Milani Strobelight Instant Glow Powder in Day Glow
Eyes: Morphe 35R Palette, Trish McEvoy High Volume Mascara
Lips: Sephora Collection Outrageous Effect Volume Lip Gloss in 02 XXL Nude
MAKEUPGEEK -My favorite affordable eyeshadows:
*If you are a business/company who would like to contact me about reviewing a email me at kathleenlights@
Don't forget to follow me on my social media sites!
Instagram: Kathleenlights
Twitter: Kathleenlights1
Snapchat: Kathizzle11
*What camera do you use?
Canon 80D
*What do you use to edit your videos?
Final Cut Pro
*Where did you get your vanity?
Danny actually built it for me
FTC- This video is NOT sponsored.
(MUG is an affiliate link - Morphe & Ofra code is an affiliate code) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Олівець для брів L'Oreal Paris Brow Artist Xpert 106 - Сірий (3600523352845). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17