Рассказываю о собственных впечатлениях об аппаратуре TBS Mambo (Ethix). Мнение субъективное, но обращаю внимание на мелочи.
Все имена вымышлены, актеры куплены, аппаратуры нарисованы в графических редакторах. В реальной жизни не повторять!
Купить Мамбу можно и в Украине
Ethix Mambo
TBS Mambo
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- Аэросъёмка дронами в Киеве и Украине. Фото, видео, FPV
- архитектурная и интерьерная фотосъёмка в Киеве и Украине Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Актуальная цена на аппаратуру TBS Mambo:
С пылу с жару подъехала к нам новенькая аппаратура от ТБС - Мамбо и не просто обычная tbs mambo, а версия ETHIX! В этом ролике я расскажу что и как с ней так или не так и почему она станет моей второй аппаратурой...
При поддержке магазина Air-Hobby:
Аппаратура на официальном сайте:
Аппаратура версии Ethix:
Набор с приёмниками:
Отвертка RJX:
TBS Agent M:
Аппаратура Tango2 PRO:
Аппаратура Radiomaster TX16S:
Очки Skyzone 04X:
Приёмники NanoRX SE:
Не знаешь что взять? Загляни в актуальную подборку:
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QIWI, самый удобный способ:
00:00 - Вступление
01:00 - Смотр комплектации
06:19 - Сравнение размера
07:40 - Органы управления
09:28 - Отвертка RJX
10:30 - Внутренности
14:20 - Замена пружин
17:54 - Прошивка
19:42 - Экосистема TBS Cloud
22:46 - TBS Agent M
23:24 - Сравнение с Tango2
25:20 - Боевой вылет
28:29 - Недостатки
32:39 - Заключение
35:13 - Комменты
Это Видео:
#TeamBlacksheep #AnikFPV #DroneRacing #Banggood
Music by Epidemic Sound Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тест сравнение TBS Mambo реальный полет с FrSky Taranis X9D Plus SE 2019 на квадре Molecula FPV M5
Протестировал в реальном полете аппаратуру TBS Mambo, мои ощущение по сравнению с моим "боевым" FrSky Taranis X9D Plus SE 2019.
Хочешь комплект для начинающего пилота? Пиши через месcенджер в нашей группе ВКонтакте и обсудим какой комплект больше подойдет именно тебе и путь в "Королевское Хобби" будет гораздо доступен!
Фпв квадрокоптер Molecula FPV M5 летает как надо. Теперь все зависит только от мастерства пилота. Миссия компании Molecula FPV - помочь фпв пилотам заниматься любимым делом - ЛЕТАТЬ! Сделать заказ на производство такого же дрона на наш завод FPV Plant #1 (срок изготовления 30-45 дней с момента оплаты) можно по ссылке в нашем магазине на AliExpress Россия -
ВКонтакте заблокируют последним, поэтому подпишись именно на него, чтобы нас не потерять - - здесь в первую очередь будут размещаться все фото и видео от нас про fpv тему. Прямо сейчас подпишись, а потом смотри видео.
Также подпишись на наш Telegram - - его заблокируют предпоследним, но не факт. Но подпишись на него во вторую очередь, не откладывай!
Наш интернет-магазин Molecula FPV Store на AliExpress Россия -
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Youtube-канал Molecula FPV Россия - @molecula_fpv - это моя история, о том как я стал пилотом FPV дрона. Интересно? Смотри до конца, подписывайся на канал, "палец вверх", жми "колокольчик". И конечно жду комментарии.
Поддержка проекта -
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Наши контакты в одном блоке:
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@molecula_fpv - YouTube
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- Интернет-магазин
Моё оборудование и софт и ссылки на покупку.
Аппа FrSky Taranis X9d Plus SE 2019 - и -
Аккумулятор к аппе #1 -
Аккумулятор к аппе #2 (запасной) -
Передатчик к аппе
Гуглы (шлем) Eachine EV800D (оригинальный) -
Внешний 3S 4200mAh XT60 аккумулятор для шлема -
Зарядка SkyRC IMAX B6 mini -
Параллельная зарядка 4 канала XT60 для ЗУ -
Защитная сумка для хранения LiPo -
Программное обеспечение для FPV
Johnny FPV™ LUTS (GoPro Edition) - и купон 15% "molecula_fpv"
( эти LUTы от JohnnyFPV я использую для цветовой коррекции видео с GoPro )
Оборудование для ремонта и сборки
4 в 1 Emax Шестигранная Отвертка H1.5 H2.0 H2.5 H3.0 -
Разъемы XT60 и XT30 -
НЕФОРМАТ - радиоуправляемые корабли и машины
Аппа для корабля ( машины ) -
Приемник для аппы (дополнительный) -
Регулятор для исполнительных механизмов 30A -
Набор (водомет, мотор 380, охлаждение) -
Сервопривод (исполнительный редуктор) -
Вал для корабля ( L20cm Motor для 380-го мотора ) -
Мотор 380-ый щеточный под 2S аккумулятор -
Клеевой пистолет 11мм (вариант со всеми насадками) -
Клеевая палочка 11мм -
Ступенчатое сверло ( вариант 4-32мм ) -
Кэшбэк сервис MEGABONUS: -
Карта Tinkoff Aliexpress (баллы в подарок) -
Регистрация нового пользователя на BG (купон в $ в подарок) -
Регистрация нового пользователя на Ali (купон в $ в подарок) -
Getfpv - самый крутой сайт в США по з.ч. для дронов -
#moleculafpvrussia #fpv #tbsmambo #geprc #фпв #performance #a85 #tattu #rc #longrange fpv mountain surfing гоночный квадрокоптер fpv long range Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Part 2 TBS mambo nostalgia dipped CNC TBS Pyro Gimbals
I’m horrible at videoing while I assemble but it was pretty simple swap. These new gambols are amazing. #teamblacksheepfpv #nostalgia #hydrodipping Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Latest New Blacksheep TBS MAMBO Ethix 2.4G Transmitter Remote Controller Provided by SoloGood
#TBS #TBSmambo #fpv #impulserc #impulsercapex
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more flights with the tbs mambo using dji HD goggles footage.. now its on my HD quads...
Team BlackSheep has redefined the portable remote control with the TBS Tango 2. Now we're back with one of the most popular requests: a compact full-size remote! The TBS Mambo follows in the footsteps, but focuses on all of the things the Tango 2 tries not to have: a larger screen, traditional form factor with switches and potentiometers, JR module bay, replaceable batteries and trim buttons!
The TBS Tracer (XF) system is a R/C link system made for FPV enthusiasts. It features unheard of latency and performance without any of the clutter of choosing RF modes, link profiles. It just works. Two-way communications includes telemetry functionality and support for 3rd party autopilots.
FPV, has revolutionized the radio control hobby. By definition, it is a method used to control an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or radio-controlled vehicle from the driver or pilot's perspective. ... A live FPV system makes precise aerial photography and videography possible.
Help and Support DATfpv:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I was very excited to receive the new TBS Mambo in my mail and thought i do a short unboxing ceremony on it.
The Mambo is the latest full-sized RC remote from Team Blacksheep with built in TBS Tracer and FreedomTX. You can find more information on the their website. Get it there or any authorised dealers.
#FPV Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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remote pertama aku dalam fpv TBS mambo .
dan aku berasal dari sabah,kota kinabalu.
ok kali video selepas ni aku akan buat pasal remote ni kita kasih cantik2 sikit2. . custom dia hehe. . .
jngan lupa comment share dan like . . . jumpa minggu depan lagi sahabat2 semua!!! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ulasan unboxing secara singkat remote TBS mambo keluaran baru.
size compact dan cocok untuk daily use menggantikan radiomastertx16s saya Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TBS Mambo Controller / Transmitter Tracer FPV Flight
#TBS #TBSmambo #fpv
Support DATfpv for all his hard work:
Team BlackSheep has redefined the portable remote control with the TBS Tango 2. Now we're back with one of the most popular requests: a compact full-size remote! The TBS Mambo follows in the footsteps, but focuses on all of the things the Tango 2 tries not to have: a larger screen, traditional form factor with switches and potentiometers, JR module bay, replaceable batteries and trim buttons!
The TBS Tracer (XF) system is a R/C link system made for FPV enthusiasts. It features unheard of latency and performance without any of the clutter of choosing RF modes, link profiles. It just works. Two-way communications includes telemetry functionality and support for 3rd party autopilots.
FPV, has revolutionized the radio control hobby. By definition, it is a method used to control an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or radio-controlled vehicle from the driver or pilot's perspective. ... A live FPV system makes precise aerial photography and videography possible.
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I am happy to show you guys the remote I have been flying for the past 4 months.
The TBS Mambo is a new full-sized remote from Team BlackSheep incorporating the TBS Tracer link plus a jr bay for other RF Links.
I already switched to this remote and I quite like it. Worked without a hitch even though this was a prototype. Speaking of prototypes, the final product will have different types of plastics to mitigate the scratching.
Obviously, these are my own thoughts and opinions about it you better make up your own before buying it.
Thank you!
PS: You would help me considerably if you become a subscriber.
Tools that I use:
Hot Air Station:
Microscope camera:
Camera adapter:
PCB holder:
RIDEN Power Supply Module:
Soldering Iron:
Soldering Tips:
Solder: Loctite 60/40
Solder wick:
Thermal Camera:
Electronic load:
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Thank you!
0:00 Intro
0:40 Initial Thoughts
6:30 Dissasembly
11:49 Motherboard Talk
17:12 Conclusion
#TeamBlackSheep #TBSMambo #RC Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
นานๆ จะมีแกะกล่องสักที พอดีเพิ่งได้มาครับ เอามาให้ดูกัน เอาไว้ไป็นข้อมูลในการตัดสินใจ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Kanalmitglied werden und exklusive Vorteile erhalten:
My favorite Gears:
Quadmula Siren F5:
KISS Ultra
HGLRC Specter 2306.5 1900KV
Walksnail Avatar HD
Quadmula Siren F5:
Speedybee F7 Stack v2:
Xing 2306 1750KV
Walksnail Avatar:
Quadmula Djinn
T-Motor 1404 2900KV
Digital FPV:
Walksnail Avatar HD:
Walksnail VTX:
DJI Goggles 2 for my CaddxFPV Vista's
Googles Analog:
Orqa FPV one Pilot
TBS Fusion:
IB Crazy MadMushRoom V2:
Jumper T20S
HD Cams:
DJI Action 2:
Insta360 oneRS 4K
Insta360 go2:
GoPro Hero 11 Mini:
GoPro Hero 7 black
Cameras for unboxing & reels
Lumix GH5II:
#CaddxFPV #drone #DrFrantic77 #FPV24freestyle #BlogDrFrantic77
The most links are affiliate Links, means if you use them for any order I will get a little commission from it without any more costs for you. That will help me and the channel a lot, to bring more reviews and videos up. Thank you Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
MI PIACE! TBS MAMBO Starter kit | Radio per droni fpv e aerei che tutti vorranno!
#TBS #TBSmambo #fpv
Support DATfpv for all his hard work:
excuse the plaster - bando incident lol...
Team BlackSheep has redefined the portable remote control with the TBS Tango 2. Now we're back with one of the most popular requests: a compact full-size remote! The TBS Mambo follows in the footsteps, but focuses on all of the things the Tango 2 tries not to have: a larger screen, traditional form factor with switches and potentiometers, JR module bay, replaceable batteries and trim buttons!
The TBS Tracer (XF) system is a R/C link system made for FPV enthusiasts. It features unheard of latency and performance without any of the clutter of choosing RF modes, link profiles. It just works. Two-way communications includes telemetry functionality and support for 3rd party autopilots.
FPV, has revolutionized the radio control hobby. By definition, it is a method used to control an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or radio-controlled vehicle from the driver or pilot's perspective. ... A live FPV system makes precise aerial photography and videography possible.
Help and Support DATfpv:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
1st session, 1st lipo with tbs mambo ethix version. One pack edit. All I can say is i loved the radio ♥️♥️♥️ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Борзый и прыткий квадрик. Хорошо слушается руля.Имеет на борту все классные примочки, характерные для более дорогих моделей. Купить на Али по спец цене: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
tiktok: @datfpv
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#fpv #fpvfreestyle #fpvdrone #fpvracing #drone
fpv freestyle dvr with stick cam - enjoy
TBS Tango 2
Team BlackSheep has redefined the portable remote control with the TBS Tango 2. Now we're back with one of the most popular requests: a compact full-size remote! The TBS Mambo follows in the footsteps, but focuses on all of the things the Tango 2 tries not to have: a larger screen, traditional form factor with switches and potentiometers, JR module bay, replaceable batteries and trim buttons!
DJI FPV Goggles
The DJI FPV Goggles V2 with DJI O3 image transmission features high definition, low latency, long-distance transmission, and strong anti-interference capabilities. The DJI FPV Goggles Battery in the box supports up to 110 minutes of flight when fully charged. High definition, low latency, long-distance transmission, and strong anti-interference. Battery in the box supports 110 minutes of flight when fully charged.
FPV, has revolutionized the radio control hobby. By definition, it is a method used to control an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or radio-controlled vehicle from the driver or pilot's perspective. ... A live FPV system makes precise aerial photography and videography possible.
ImpulseRC Apex 5″ Quadcopter Frame
Through a process of continous refinement and always striving to improve we have created a new breed of freestyle frame. The Apex does not compromise in stiffness or durability, so you never have to choose between confidence and performance. Unique design elements new to the FPV world make your build and maintenance more simple than ever before. Toughness of the frame itself is increased while also offering much better protection for your investment in flight electronics. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
получили первый образец дрона mjx bugs 2 с завода и с удовольствием распаковываем его для вас Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The long anticipated TBS Mambo Tracer RC Controller release and first look. The Mambo is a “Full-size” Tracer Radio (built-in Tracer TX) with JR bay expansion port, that runs FreedomTX (will support OpenTX soon).
The second track that Thomas flew in this video is available through Velocidrone. Simply search for "BMSRacing TBS Mambo"
TBS Mambo is available through Team BlackSheep directly or your online TBS Retailer.
International Orders TBS Direct - HK
Ethix Version
Australian Orders
Note: This isn't a sponsored video, however the TBS Mambo was provided free of charge to allow us to test and provide feedback. All opinions are ours and TBS has no say in the content of this video
THE STICKENDS - That Thomas changed to
Gear that Thomas Runs on his Race Fleet
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Radio Master TX16S
JS-1 Overview
Battery :
Tattu 6S 1300mah V4.0
Current Gear:
Frame - BMSRacing JS-1
BMS Racing Raptor V2
Hong Kong
Flight Controller:
Foxeer Mini F722 Flight Controller 20*20mm
ESC - HobbyWing 40A 4-in-1 20x20
Foxeer Micro Predator 4 FPV Racing Camera
Antenna VTX:
Foxeer Lollypop
TBS Triumph Pro SMA & UFL
HQ R42 Orange
VTX System:
TBS Pro32 Nano 5G8
Control Link RX:
TBS Tracer
Tiny'sLEDs - As used in Video
- - - - - - - - - -
Camera Gear
- - - - - -
Canon 90D
Sigma 18-35mm f/1.8 DC HSM Art
Rode Video Microphone
HollyLand Lark150
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A minha experiência a abrir o novo radio da Team Black Sheep, o Mambo!
Espero que este video seja util para alguém que o tenha pensado em comprar...
Onde podem adquirir este radio:
Versão ETHIX:
Sigam me nas redes sociais
#tbs #tbsmambo #fpv #fpvlife #unboxing Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I broke a switch of my mambo, so I decided to replace them :) @TeamBlackSheepFPV Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
@TeamBlackSheepFPV 開箱 黑羊遙控器 TBS MAMBO Ethix Radio Unboxing
tiktok: @datfpv
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#fpv #fpvfreestyle #fpvdrone #fpvracing #drone
FPV freestyle dives gaps flips tango 2 and stick cam #fpvfreestyle
TBS Tango 2
Team BlackSheep has redefined the portable remote control with the TBS Tango 2. Now we're back with one of the most popular requests: a compact full-size remote! The TBS Mambo follows in the footsteps, but focuses on all of the things the Tango 2 tries not to have: a larger screen, traditional form factor with switches and potentiometers, JR module bay, replaceable batteries and trim buttons!
DJI FPV Goggles
The DJI FPV Goggles V2 with DJI O3 image transmission features high definition, low latency, long-distance transmission, and strong anti-interference capabilities. The DJI FPV Goggles Battery in the box supports up to 110 minutes of flight when fully charged. High definition, low latency, long-distance transmission, and strong anti-interference. Battery in the box supports 110 minutes of flight when fully charged.
FPV, has revolutionized the radio control hobby. By definition, it is a method used to control an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or radio-controlled vehicle from the driver or pilot's perspective. ... A live FPV system makes precise aerial photography and videography possible.
ImpulseRC Apex 5″ Quadcopter Frame
Through a process of continous refinement and always striving to improve we have created a new breed of freestyle frame. The Apex does not compromise in stiffness or durability, so you never have to choose between confidence and performance. Unique design elements new to the FPV world make your build and maintenance more simple than ever before. Toughness of the frame itself is increased while also offering much better protection for your investment in flight electronics. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
epic FPV flight using tbs tango 2 with stick cam #fpv
tiktok: @datfpv
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#fpv #fpvfreestyle #fpvdrone #fpvracing #drone
enjoy the epic fpv flight!
TBS Tango 2
Team BlackSheep has redefined the portable remote control with the TBS Tango 2. Now we're back with one of the most popular requests: a compact full-size remote! The TBS Mambo follows in the footsteps, but focuses on all of the things the Tango 2 tries not to have: a larger screen, traditional form factor with switches and potentiometers, JR module bay, replaceable batteries and trim buttons!
DJI FPV Goggles
The DJI FPV Goggles V2 with DJI O3 image transmission features high definition, low latency, long-distance transmission, and strong anti-interference capabilities. The DJI FPV Goggles Battery in the box supports up to 110 minutes of flight when fully charged. High definition, low latency, long-distance transmission, and strong anti-interference. Battery in the box supports 110 minutes of flight when fully charged.
FPV, has revolutionized the radio control hobby. By definition, it is a method used to control an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or radio-controlled vehicle from the driver or pilot's perspective. ... A live FPV system makes precise aerial photography and videography possible.
ImpulseRC Apex 5″ Quadcopter Frame
Through a process of continous refinement and always striving to improve we have created a new breed of freestyle frame. The Apex does not compromise in stiffness or durability, so you never have to choose between confidence and performance. Unique design elements new to the FPV world make your build and maintenance more simple than ever before. Toughness of the frame itself is increased while also offering much better protection for your investment in flight electronics. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TBS Mambo review. Part 1: Radio setup and features
Today, we'll be taking a look at the TBS Mambo radio - aside from its main feature of having a built-in Tracer module, there are a few other differences between it and the average OpenTX based radio.
This Radio was kindly supplied by so be sure to check them out if you are in the UK. You can find this version of the radio (along with the Ethix version, and various starter kits) here
If you liked this video and want to show your support please feel free to join my Patreon supporters here or if you decide to shop at Banggood, here's a general affiliate link which helps me out if you use it
If you want to look at other ways of supporting my channel, then check out all the ways you could help out here Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Gelmiş Geçmiş en garip drone! BONE & BROOM5" PLUS 😱😱😱
Gelmiş Geçmiş en garip drone! BONE & BROOM5" PLUS 😱😱😱
Şimdiye kadar bir çok farklı drone gövde tasarımı gördük bazılarına biraz şaşırdık. Bu sefer sizlerle şimdiye kadar sahip olduğum en garip cihazın detaylarını paylaşıyorum. Bir çubuk, sopa artk adına ne derseniz! Broom 5" Plus 230mm boyunda ve eni... sanırım 20mm filan olan bir gövde tasarımı. Motorlardan 2 tane si de altta pusher dediğimiz cinewhooplardaki gibi yerleştriliyor. Dronun bu garip dizaynı uçuş karakterini de inanılmaz etkiliyor ve sanki ilk defa dron uçururmuş gibi hissettirdi. Bir iki pil sonra uçuşuna alıştım ancak dronun yapısı hem PID ayarlarını hem de uygun Rate ayarlarını bulma sorunu oluşturdu. Sanırım otrimum ayarlar için biraz uğraşmak gerekicek...
Videoyu izlediğiniz için teşekkürler.
Gövde linki:
XXXFPV Bone 5'' 208mm/ PLUS 230mm 5 Inch Bone Frame Kit for Smaller Gaps Space FPV RC Racing Drone - 208mm
XXXFPV Broom'5 208mm / PLUS 230mm 5 Inch Bond Frame Kit FPV RC Racing Drone w/ 3D Printer TPU - 208mm
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Selamat Pagi 🔥 Masih bersama TBS MAMBO SE Ferrari Edition
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FPV fast and hard fpv freestyle stick cam #fpv #fpvfreestyle
TBS Tango 2
Team BlackSheep has redefined the portable remote control with the TBS Tango 2. Now we're back with one of the most popular requests: a compact full-size remote! The TBS Mambo follows in the footsteps, but focuses on all of the things the Tango 2 tries not to have: a larger screen, traditional form factor with switches and potentiometers, JR module bay, replaceable batteries and trim buttons!
DJI FPV Goggles
The DJI FPV Goggles V2 with DJI O3 image transmission features high definition, low latency, long-distance transmission, and strong anti-interference capabilities. The DJI FPV Goggles Battery in the box supports up to 110 minutes of flight when fully charged. High definition, low latency, long-distance transmission, and strong anti-interference. Battery in the box supports 110 minutes of flight when fully charged.
FPV, has revolutionized the radio control hobby. By definition, it is a method used to control an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or radio-controlled vehicle from the driver or pilot's perspective. ... A live FPV system makes precise aerial photography and videography possible.
ImpulseRC Apex 5″ Quadcopter Frame
Through a process of continous refinement and always striving to improve we have created a new breed of freestyle frame. The Apex does not compromise in stiffness or durability, so you never have to choose between confidence and performance. Unique design elements new to the FPV world make your build and maintenance more simple than ever before. Toughness of the frame itself is increased while also offering much better protection for your investment in flight electronics. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
► Comprar TBS MAMBO (tenéis que reservarla)
Mambo Ethix:
TBS es una marca que ha demostrado hacer componentes muy buenos. Durante mucho tiempo ha reinado con los VTX. También lo ha hecho con los receptores Crossfire y recientemente con las emisoras que ha lanzado al mercado. La TBS TANGO II y II PRO. Finalmente, con la TBS MAMBO en su dos versiones; la TBS MAMBO y TBS MAMBO ETHIX. Versión customizada por el gran piloto . Hoy os traigo una review de esta pedazo de emisora y mis pensamientos. ¿Será la mejor emisora para pilotos que vuelan con pinzas?
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TBS Tango 2 Pro or? #fpvfreestyle #fpv #fpvdrone #shorts
Mohon ditunggu untuk paket RTF'nya om Indra di Papua 🙏
Beli TBS ETHIX Mambo
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FPV freestyle drone flight at matlock with stick cam #fpv
tiktok: @datfpv
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#fpv #fpvfreestyle #fpvdrone #fpvracing #drone
TBS Tango 2
Team BlackSheep has redefined the portable remote control with the TBS Tango 2. Now we're back with one of the most popular requests: a compact full-size remote! The TBS Mambo follows in the footsteps, but focuses on all of the things the Tango 2 tries not to have: a larger screen, traditional form factor with switches and potentiometers, JR module bay, replaceable batteries and trim buttons!
DJI FPV Goggles
The DJI FPV Goggles V2 with DJI O3 image transmission features high definition, low latency, long-distance transmission, and strong anti-interference capabilities. The DJI FPV Goggles Battery in the box supports up to 110 minutes of flight when fully charged. High definition, low latency, long-distance transmission, and strong anti-interference. Battery in the box supports 110 minutes of flight when fully charged.
FPV, has revolutionized the radio control hobby. By definition, it is a method used to control an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or radio-controlled vehicle from the driver or pilot's perspective. ... A live FPV system makes precise aerial photography and videography possible.
ImpulseRC Apex 5″ Quadcopter Frame
Through a process of continous refinement and always striving to improve we have created a new breed of freestyle frame. The Apex does not compromise in stiffness or durability, so you never have to choose between confidence and performance. Unique design elements new to the FPV world make your build and maintenance more simple than ever before. Toughness of the frame itself is increased while also offering much better protection for your investment in flight electronics. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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just some bando ripping, uk fpv Chesterfield, with apex 5inch... dji goggles footage no stabilisation, no edits, no fluff just fpv freestyle flying...
TBS Tango 2
Team BlackSheep has redefined the portable remote control with the TBS Tango 2. Now we're back with one of the most popular requests: a compact full-size remote! The TBS Mambo follows in the footsteps, but focuses on all of the things the Tango 2 tries not to have: a larger screen, traditional form factor with switches and potentiometers, JR module bay, replaceable batteries and trim buttons!
TBS Tracer
The TBS Tracer (XF) system is a R/C link system made for FPV enthusiasts. It features unheard of latency and performance without any of the clutter of choosing RF modes, link profiles. It just works. Two-way communications includes telemetry functionality and support for 3rd party autopilots.
DJI FPV Goggles
The DJI FPV Goggles V2 with DJI O3 image transmission features high definition, low latency, long-distance transmission, and strong anti-interference capabilities. The DJI FPV Goggles Battery in the box supports up to 110 minutes of flight when fully charged. High definition, low latency, long-distance transmission, and strong anti-interference. Battery in the box supports 110 minutes of flight when fully charged.
FPV, has revolutionized the radio control hobby. By definition, it is a method used to control an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or radio-controlled vehicle from the driver or pilot's perspective. ... A live FPV system makes precise aerial photography and videography possible.
Betaflight is flight controller software (firmware) used to fly multi-rotor craft and fixed wing craft. This fork differs from Baseflight and Cleanflight in that it focuses on flight performance, leading-edge feature additions, and wide target support.
Flight Controller (FC)
A flight controller (FC) is a small circuit board of varying complexity. Its function is to direct the RPM of each motor in response to input. A command from the pilot for the multi-rotor to move forward is fed into the flight controller, which determines how to manipulate the motors accordingly.
Radio Transmitter
The common frequencies used in FPV drones are and 900Mhz. is the standard nowadays for radio control thanks to its frequency hopping technology, which manages channel automatically to avoid interference between pilots. 900MHz is another popular frequency mostly used in long range flying.
FPV Analog Goggles
The term analog FPV refers to Analog video transmission technology and systems. ... The FPV camera signal is passed through to the VTx. The VTx have a carrier frequency (carrier frequency are frequencies that help the weak FPV camera signal to travel over long distances), the most commonly used carrier frequency is .
ImpulseRC Apex 5″ Quadcopter Frame
Through a process of continous refinement and always striving to improve we have created a new breed of freestyle frame. The Apex does not compromise in stiffness or durability, so you never have to choose between confidence and performance. Unique design elements new to the FPV world make your build and maintenance more simple than ever before. Toughness of the frame itself is increased while also offering much better protection for your investment in flight electronics.
ImpulseRC Micro Apex
The Micro Apex incorporates all of the unique innovations pioneered by ImpulseRC and now widely imitated. From the compressed-X arm geometry, integrated camera tilt, front box-section and split main plate design, to our custom shoulder bolts and arm locking key. At the centre of mass where the arms meet there is a massive 8mm of carbon fibre, taking the stiffness of a micro frame to a new dimension so you can enjoy unsurpassed flight characteristics at this prop size.
Cinewhoops are drones specifically designed for capturing chrisp, stable, high-definition video that DJI drones can't capture. They are small, stable and much safer than your 5” FPV drone. They usually run 3” propellers that are protected in ducts that give them more lift. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hi everyone. Today I'm taking a look at the ergonomics of the TBS Mambo radio with an ExpressLRS module.
TBS Mambo
Happymodel ES24TX
Silicone switch covers
TBS Crown Jewels stick ends
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This was my first attempt. My only regret was not to tape the edges of the film. The first dip left wrinkles in it and I should have base coated first. Also I should have picked a lighter color. It would have shown the design of the dip a lot better. If someone is interested in a blue dipped mambo shell there may not be a part 2 lol. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
FACCIO LO SPOT alla TBS Ethix Mambo - FPV RC Radio Drone Controller | Dietro le quinte
Ethix Special Edition Mambo Radio 🚨
Il Team BlackSheep ha ridefinito il concetto di radiocomando con il TBS Tango 2.
Ora torna per soddisfare una delle richieste più popolari: un radiocomando full-size compatto.
Il TBS Mambo ne segue le orme, ma si concentra proprio su tutte le cose che mancano alla Tango 2: uno schermo più grande, fattore di forma tradizionale con interruttori e potenziometri, alloggiamento del modulo JR, batterie sostituibili e pulsanti di assetto.
Ma niente paura: non è il solito radiocomando.
Questa edizione personalizzata Ethix ha alcune modifiche degne di nota per un feeling professionale in stile Mr. Steele e Konasty:
• colorazione personalizzata
• superficie grippante per una maggiore aderenza
• impugnature laterali progettate per il massimo comfort e presa più sicura quando si tiene la radio
• stick "Crown Jewel" TBS,
• cappucci degli interruttori in silicone rosso e nero,
• una nuova tracolla Ethix V2
• cavalletto retrattile a basso profilo
Un upgrade fisico che trasforma la TBS Mambo di serie in uno strumento su misura dei piloti di droni FPV professionali che desiderano sentire la migliore qualità dalla propria radio!
Nella confezione troverete:
• 1 x Ethix Mambo
• 1 x set di molle (tensione inferiore)
• 2 x viti di limitazione dell’acceleratore (con chiave a brugola)
• 1 x cavalletto CNC personalizzato
• 1 x foglio di adesivi Ethix
• 1 x tracolla Ethix V2 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Things you need to know about the Radiomaster TX16S : Overview & comparison to Jumper T16 Pro
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Budget transmitters have been redefined in the last year or so. You now get OpenTx radios with all the bells and whistles, like hall sensor gimbals and large color screens, almost for the same money you used to pay for a decent entry level radio.
The TX16S has been long awaited and it took a while for Radiomaster to fine tune it, but it looks like it was worth the wait.
Just to be clear: a few months ago I bought the Jumper T16 Pro from a local store and it has been my daily driver since then. In the meantime I asked for a TX16S and Hobbyporter finally trusted me with one.
Radiomaster not only managed to improve the deficiencies of the T16 Pro but also did it at a much lower price.
Note: Recent batches of the TX16S come with an additional speaker installed on the back shell - make sure you disconnect the speaker cable connector before removing the shell.
00:00 Intro
00:15 Unboxing
00:42 Size
00:54 Ports
01:30 Rear grips
01:42 Battery bay
01:50 Buttons & Controls
02:50 Gimbals
03:50 Disassembly & Internals
04:54 Handle flip
05:14 UI & appearance
06:34 Support the channel
👉 TX16S MAX:
(Amazon paid link)
👉 TX16S Hall Sensor:
(paid link to Amazon)
👉 TX16S Basic:
(paid link to Amazon)
👉 TX16S with TBS Crossfire:
(paid link to Amazon)
👉 18650 batteries:
(paid link to Amazon)
👉 uFL pigtail for a removable antenna mod:
👉 antennas:
👉 Internal antenna:
A few accessories to get you started:
👉 M4 gimbal sticks:
(paid link to Amazon)
👉 Switch nuts:
(paid link to Amazon)
👉 Transmitter stand:
(paid link to Amazon)
👉 3D designs for the TX16S: (Thingiverse)
👉 Radiomaster FB page: (Facebook)
👉 TX16S User Manual: (Radiomaster)
You may also want to watch:
T16 Pro mods & accessories: (YT)
Internal balance charging mod: (YT)
How to adjust TX16S gimbals: (YT)
Custom splash / background / model images: (YT)
AE = AliExpress
BG = Banggood
EB = Ebay
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👍 👍 👍 THANK YOU in advance for your support!
(As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)
Music: " Evergreen " by Dye O
You can find the track on Epidemic sounds:
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В данном видео я хочу поделиться с вами своими мыслями по поводу двух аппаратур.
Приятного просмотра!
#fpv #radiomaster #tx12 #jumper #t12 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
FPV flight gridworks FPV Flight with stick cam #fpv
Support DATfpv for all his hard work:
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by fpv gear rest of World:
#TBS #TBSmambo #TBStango2 #fpv #ipswichfpv #impulseRC
just some bando ripping, uk fpv at gridworks Ipswich, with apex micro 5inch... dji goggles footage no edit.
TBS Tango 2
Team BlackSheep has redefined the portable remote control with the TBS Tango 2. Now we're back with one of the most popular requests: a compact full-size remote! The TBS Mambo follows in the footsteps, but focuses on all of the things the Tango 2 tries not to have: a larger screen, traditional form factor with switches and potentiometers, JR module bay, replaceable batteries and trim buttons!
TBS Tracer
The TBS Tracer (XF) system is a R/C link system made for FPV enthusiasts. It features unheard of latency and performance without any of the clutter of choosing RF modes, link profiles. It just works. Two-way communications includes telemetry functionality and support for 3rd party autopilots.
DJI FPV Goggles
The DJI FPV Goggles V2 with DJI O3 image transmission features high definition, low latency, long-distance transmission, and strong anti-interference capabilities. The DJI FPV Goggles Battery in the box supports up to 110 minutes of flight when fully charged. High definition, low latency, long-distance transmission, and strong anti-interference. Battery in the box supports 110 minutes of flight when fully charged.
FPV, has revolutionized the radio control hobby. By definition, it is a method used to control an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) or radio-controlled vehicle from the driver or pilot's perspective. ... A live FPV system makes precise aerial photography and videography possible.
Betaflight is flight controller software (firmware) used to fly multi-rotor craft and fixed wing craft. This fork differs from Baseflight and Cleanflight in that it focuses on flight performance, leading-edge feature additions, and wide target support.
Flight Controller (FC)
A flight controller (FC) is a small circuit board of varying complexity. Its function is to direct the RPM of each motor in response to input. A command from the pilot for the multi-rotor to move forward is fed into the flight controller, which determines how to manipulate the motors accordingly.
Radio Transmitter
The common frequencies used in FPV drones are and 900Mhz. is the standard nowadays for radio control thanks to its frequency hopping technology, which manages channel automatically to avoid interference between pilots. 900MHz is another popular frequency mostly used in long range flying.
FPV Analog Goggles
The term analog FPV refers to Analog video transmission technology and systems. ... The FPV camera signal is passed through to the VTx. The VTx have a carrier frequency (carrier frequency are frequencies that help the weak FPV camera signal to travel over long distances), the most commonly used carrier frequency is .
ImpulseRC Apex 5″ Quadcopter Frame
Through a process of continous refinement and always striving to improve we have created a new breed of freestyle frame. The Apex does not compromise in stiffness or durability, so you never have to choose between confidence and performance. Unique design elements new to the FPV world make your build and maintenance more simple than ever before. Toughness of the frame itself is increased while also offering much better protection for your investment in flight electronics.
ImpulseRC Micro Apex
The Micro Apex incorporates all of the unique innovations pioneered by ImpulseRC and now widely imitated. From the compressed-X arm geometry, integrated camera tilt, front box-section and split main plate design, to our custom shoulder bolts and arm locking key. At the centre of mass where the arms meet there is a massive 8mm of carbon fibre, taking the stiffness of a micro frame to a new dimension so you can enjoy unsurpassed flight characteristics at this prop size.
Cinewhoops are drones specifically designed for capturing chrisp, stable, high-definition video that DJI drones can't capture. They are small, stable and much safer than your 5” FPV drone. They usually run 3” propellers that are protected in ducts that give them more lift. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
TBS Mambo and Sixty9 Unboxing and First Impressions Live!!
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