Антена RadioMaster Bandit Moxon — це високоефективна спрямована передавальна антена з високим коефіцієнтом посилення, компактною конструкцією та міцним корпусом для захисту внутрішніх компонентів.
Антена Bandit Moxon довжиною 80 мм забезпечує чудове розділення перешкод. Антена Bandit Moxon, яка використовує професійно розроблену підкладку радіочастотної плати та оптимізовану серію Bandit, ідеально підходить для застосування на великій відстані. Bandit Moxon оснащений потужним коаксіальним кабелем RG402 для оптимізації передачі сигналу та зменшення зовнішніх перешкод. Антена також оснащена поворотним на 360° гніздом RP-SMA, що дозволяє регулювати положення.
У цьому відео будемо знайомитись із передавачами Radiomaster Bandit які працюють на протоколі ExpressLRS 915МГц. Ці модулі сумісні з усіма контролерами від Radiomaster: TX12, TX16, Boxer, Pocket, Zorro. А також з апами від інших виробників
Пропозиції, співпраця і доступ у чат :
Перелік деталей для дронів:
Великий Bandit:
Bandit Micro:
Bandit Nano:
Спрямована антена:
00:00 Привіт
00:38 Загальні характеристики
03:20 Детальніше про Micro та Nano модулі
08:56 Детальніше про великий модуль
14:03 Вимірюємо потужність
15:29 Антени
17:57 Приймачі
19:40 Висновки
22:26 Дякую Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
915mhz!!! ELRS!!! Radiomaster BANDIT Series External Bay Modules
RadioMaster Bandit Nano 915mHZ ExpressLRS ELRS RF Module for FPV RC Racing Drones
00:00 ► Вступление
00:16 ► Распаковка
01:13 ► Moxon антенна
01:40 ► Приемник BR1
02:14 ► Приемник BR3
02:48 ► Установка ВЧ модуля
03:45 ► ELRS Lua Script
05:58 ► Что внутри ВЧ модуля?
06:49 ► Основные особенности и характеристики
08:02 ► Размеры и вес
10:58 ► Подключение приемника. Сопряжение с пультом
11:46 ► ExpressLRS Конфигуратор
12:05 ► Настройка через WiFi
13:04 ► Настройки в Betaflight конфигураторе
13:04 ► Тест
13:52 ► Выводы и заключение
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RadioMaster Bandit: 8x the range of 2.4 GHz, but at what cost?
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MANDATORY DISCLAIMER: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
00:00:00 - Is it time to switch to 900 MHz ELRS?
00:01:26 - Radiomaster Bandit and Emax Aeris modules
00:02:27 - 900 MHz also includes 868 MHz
00:03:07 - 900 MHz has more range and penetration
00:04:55 - 900 MHz has much bigger antennas
00:07:27 - What's a Moxon antenna anyway?
00:08:41 - ELRS 900 MHz has higher latency
00:10:41 - ELRS Hz is better than CRSF Hz
00:11:58 - 900 MHz is worse for racing and crowded environments
00:13:34 - Output power comparison
The weird relationship between range and output power
00:14:40 - What's the difference between the Micro, Nano, and Full Size module
How to install Crossfire (and ELRS) on Futaba:
How to install Crossfire (and ELRS) on Spektrum DX9:
Higher-tier Spektrum radios have a built in serial port that can be used without physically modifying the radio.
00:17:29 - Radiomaster modules can act as high-powered telemetry receivers
My PixHawk build, using the "Syk" radios that will soon be obsolete (right?) -
00:20:24 - Output power testing
00:22:36 - Have I earned your support yet?
00:24:03 - Why 900 MHz gives 4x to 8x the range
00:29:02 - How dare I not range test this Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Prendi il BANDIT MICRO qui:
Prendi il BANDIT NANO qui:
Prendi il BANDIT GRANDE (Micro e Nano) qui:
Prendi la MOXON ANTENNA qui:
Prendi la T ANTENNA qui:
Prendi la BR1 a 915MHz qui
Prendi la B3 a 915MHz con Diversity qui:
Prendi il REKON 5 con O3 qui:
Prendi le TrueRC X²-AIR MK II LHCP qui:
Adattatori universali per DJI GOGGLES 2:
Acquista le FLIP G2 qui:
► (FlyFishRC)
► (Banggood)
Prendi la DJI O3 qui:
► (D24H)
► (StoneHobby)
Prendi i DJI GOGGLES 2 qui:
Recensione REKON 5:
2KM con REKON 5:
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Come INIZIARE nel migliore dei modi con i DRONI FPV?
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Trovi il mio PRESET dei RATES ufficiale su BETAFLIGHT
00:00 Introduzione
01:15 Versioni e costo
02:01 Antenna T e Moxon
02:44 Analisi del Bandit Micro
04:48 Passphrase via WIFI
05:17 Rekon 5 con RX BR3 Diversity
7:45 Test del Bandit Micro + T + Moxon
09:57 Considerazioni fnali
#radiomaster #radiomasterbandit #expresslrs Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ImpulseRC ApexHD 7" - Radiomaster Bandit 868Mhz (50Hz) Range Test
Kind of boring testflight, looking at the OSD all the time so pretty much flying straight but there is some cliffs at the later parts of the video :)
Specs at the bottom.
ELRS works great but the RSSI is quite high? Had LQ issues with Crossfire in the same area so probably interference. CF actually dropped LQ to the 70s in the same area at 4km. The two islands are connected by radiolink towers and i fly right in the path. I have tested the ELRS link to -123db and the LQ was good almost all the way. Thats why i choose the Happymodel Diversity RX. It has the most stable LQ of the three tested. ELRS uses SNR to control radio power levels so it does not care about the RSSI, thats why most of the flight is at 100mw.
I am experimenting with a software called Dashware using logs from Blackbox, EdgeTX and DJI. I messed up the mah logging but i used 4000mah out of 7000mah this flight. Got so bitten by mosquitos so i cut the flight short and flew way faster than optimal hehe.
ImpulseRC Apex 7" frame
Aikon AK32Pro 4-in-1 50A 6S ESC
Aikon F7 v2 Flight Controller
Brotherhobby Avenger 2806.5 1300kv
J75 Props
DJI O3 Air Unit
Happymodel Diversity 868MHz
TrueRC Bardpole 868Mhz Tuned
ProDrone Dipole 868Mhz Tuned
Vifly GPS-Mate
Mateksys M8Q-5883 GPS (10Hz)
GNB 7000mah 6S 70C LiPo
GoPro 11
Radiomaster Boxer Max AG01
Radiomaster Bandit Micro
ProDrone Mox_R V2 868Mhz Tuned
Dji Goggles V2
4x TrueRC X²-AIR 5.8 MK II Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
RadioMaster Bandit Series. ELRS 915 / 868 MHz RF modules, antennas and receivers.
Bandit ELRS 915 -
Bandit Micro 915-
Bandit Nano 915-
BR1 Recevier 915 -
BR3 Recevier 915 -
Moxon Antenna 915 -
T Antenna 915 -
RadioMaster TX16S MkII -
RadioMaster Zorro -
RadioMaster Boxer -
RadioMaster TX12 Mark II Radio -
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👀 No single review will tell the whole story. Be clever, watch other reviews and shop around before making any purchase.
#AndrewNewton #Radiomaster #BanditELRS Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Getting modules and receivers on the 900Mhz frequencies for ELRS has always been more challenging than on . It seemed to lack much support from RC manufacturers. Great news, this is no longer the case, as RadioMaster has stepped into the game with 3 modules and 2 receivers. Let's take a look!
This equipment was kindly supplied by RadioMaster for review, so please consider using the following affiliate links if you want to find out more details about these products:
Bandit Module (the full “Thicc boy”) -
Bandit Micro Module -
Bandit Nano Module -
Bandit Moxon Antenna -
Bandit T antenna (in case you want an extra!) -
Bandit BR1 Receiver -
Bandit BR3 Receiver -
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► BetaFPV ExpressLRS TX:
- AE:
► ExpressLRS Nano RX: || ||
► TBS Tango 2:
► DJI Mavic Air 2:
🎵 Music:
* About the test:
* Both Radio TXs were set to 100mw and mounted on the Tango 2
- ExpressLRS Version -
- Pkt Rate - 200Hz / 250Hz
- TLM Ratio: 1:64
- 🐜 Antenna:
╔════╡My Gear╞═════════════════════╡
║ ► Goggles - FatShark HDO2 -
║ ► RX Module -
║ ► Radio Controller - Radiomaster TX16S:
║ ► Battery Charger - Hobbymate D6 Duo Pro:
║ ►Lipo Batteries:
║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ →
╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ I Really Appreciate Your Support!
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#ExpressLRS #BetaFPV #LongRange Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Looking for a new faceplate for my Zorro on the Radiomaster site, I came across this lil nugget
Be back with some results, (assuming it goes well and the alligators don't get me)
"Zorro External Antenna Upgrade Kit" Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Following extensive research and working closely with the ExpressLRS team, Radiomaster has officially launched this Bandit series. An innovative range of external 915MHz ELRS RF modules, with all the benefits of ultra long range performance that comes with 915MHz. And the range includes a couple of new, matching receivers. It's winter here in the UK, so I haven't had the chance to take these for a spin yet. This'll be my initial on-the-bench, first look review of the Bandit RF modules. And if past RadioMaster performance is anything to go by, I expect these will be fantastic.
► Bandit Module :
► Bandit Micro Module :
► Bandit Nano Module :
► BR1 Receiver :
► BR3 Receiver :
► Moxon Antenna :
► T Antenna :
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00:00 Hello and welcome
01:18 Intro and Ranger RF series comparison
02:04 Module overview
02:38 Flagship Bandit Module
06:12 Powering it up in a radio
07:14 The Bandit Micro Module
08:17 The Bandit Nano Module
08:52 Matching 915Mhz ELRS receivers
09:58 FAA and EU LBT 868MHz versions
10:53 Navigating the menus Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
2023 Best Radios for Fpv Drones * Results by Justin Davis and the Drone Camps Fpv Community. #fpv #radiomasterboxer #tbstango2 #rcradio #elrs #longrangefpv #radiomastertx16s #radiomasterpocket
NEW' Radiomaster Pocket here :
Justin's 2023 - Top 5 Radios ⚜️
1. Radiomaster TX16S 4in1 MAX Radio :
2. Radiomaster Boxer 1W Radio
Banggood :
Radiomaster :
3. TBS Tango 2 Radio :
4. Radiomaster Zorro Radio :
5. BetaFpv Lite Radio 3 Pro :
Radiomaster TX16 Bling Kit :
Best selling 2023 Fpv Drone in our Community.
The Geprc Cinelog20 Cinewhoop 🍕
DJI 03 Version :
Runcam Wasp Version :
Walksnail Version :
Analog Version :
Justin's Favorite Radio for 2023 ⚜️
Radiomaster TX16S 4in1 MAX Radio :
My Current Favorite Radio ⚜️
Buy a Radiomaster ZORRO Radio here :
Buy an External ZORRO 2S 5000mah Battery :
Buy a Radiomaster TX16S MAX Radio :
Justin's 2023 - Top 5 Radios ⚜️
1. Radiomaster TX16S 4in1 MAX Radio :
2. Radiomaster Boxer Radio :
3. TBS Tango 2 Radio :
4. Radiomaster Zorro Radio :
5. BetaFpv Lite Radio 3 Pro :
Radiomaster TX16 Bling Kit :
Easiest to use with ELRS ⚜️
Buy a BetaFpv Lite Radio 3 with Built-in ELRS :
Buy a BetaFpv 1W ELRS Module :
Buy a BetaFpv ELRS RC Airplane Receiver :
ZORRO Accessory Links below 👍
Radiomaster ZORRO Radio Case :
Extra ZORRO 18350 Radio Battery 2 Pack :
External 2S 5000mah Radiomaster Battery :
18350 Compatible Li-Ion Charger :
Use my code to get an 8% Discount : BGDavis2021
Buy a Jumper T-Pro 4in1 Multi-Protocol Radio :
Buy a Jumper T-Pro from Makerfire Website :
Buy a iFlight Commando Radio :
Buy a Radiomaster Zorro 4in1 Radio :
Justin's Whoop Season Best Pick's :
Buy the NEW Betafpv SMO 360 Camera :
Buy the NEW Betafpv PAVO 360 Version Quad :
Buy a RTF Meteor65 Bundle here :
Buy a Betafpv Cetus Pro RTF here :
Buy 1S 300mah 8 Pack Battery here :
Banggood Site Only Discount Code for 8% off : BGDavis2021
Justin's 2S Favorite Micro below : : : :
Buy a Geprc SMART16 2S Whoop here :
Justin's Choice for 2S XT30 Battery :
XT30 Connectors Pack here :
Recommended 40mm Propellers here :
Justin's TOP 5 Whoops
1. Geprc SMART16 2S Whoop :
2. Emax Tinyhawk 3 :
3. Geprc Tinygo RTF Whoop :
4. Eachine UZ65 Whoop :
5. Betafpv Cetus Pro RTF :
Eachine Watch DVR to record your videos :
Justin's Recommended 1S Battery :
Eachine 6in1 1S Portable Battery Charger :
Recommended Goggle DVR Sd Card :
Save 8% Off your order with code : BGDavis2022
📸Justin's De-Cased Camera Winners - 🏆 🌟
1. Top Choice : Geprc HERO 8 Camera :
2. $159 Budget Camera : Firefly X Lite 4k :
3. Cinstar Hero 8 Camera :
4. Betafpv SMO 4K Camera :
5. Insta360 GO 2 Camera :
Save 8% off your purchase with code : BGDavis2022
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The long-range Express LRS Radiomaster Bandit 900MHz
Looks like TBS Crossfire has a full blown competition! Radiomaster just showed their Radiomaster Bandit series with full Express LRS support and 900MHz band (915MHz for FCC and 868MHz for EU). It consists of the “big” Bandit, Bandit Micro, Bandit Nano and two receivers: Radiomaster BR1 (single antenna) and BR3 (dual antenna diversity system).
Clips and less serious videos: @FPVBites
And yes, it is a long-range system! On top of the superior penetration, Bandit series offers a 1000mW output power at 250Hz refresh rate! A real long-range FPV just got much more interesting!
ExpressLRS (ELRS) is an open-source firmware designed for radio control (RC) systems used in drones, remote-controlled vehicles, and other radio-controlled devices. It specifically focuses on low-latency and high-performance communication between the radio transmitter and receiver.
ExpressLRS aims to provide a low-latency link between the RC transmitter and the vehicle, improving the responsiveness and reliability of remote control. Low latency is crucial in applications like FPV (First Person View) drone racing, where split-second reactions are essential.
Radiomaster Bandit
0:00 Intro
1:25 Full size Radiomaster Bandit
2:53 Bandit Micro and Bandit Nano
3:37 BR1 and BR3 receivers
4:09 Moxon antenna
4:32 Long-range FPV all the way!
5:08 There are some issues
6:05 EU and CE situation is complicated
#fpvuniversity #radiomaster #expresslrs Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
So good it's illegal. 👀 🔥🔥🔥 Radiomaster Ranger just broke the long range fpv game with a $99 Module that will fly 150km away! #longrangefpv #fpv #fpvplane #radiomasterranger #radiomaster #shorts #ukraine
Buy a Radiomaster Ranger here :
Best Mid-Size BUDGET Radio 🏆
Radiomaster TX12 MKII RC radio $129 :
Justin's Favorite Radio ⚜️
Radiomaster TX16S 4in1 MAX Radio :
My Current Favorite Radio ⚜️
Buy a Radiomaster ZORRO Radio here :
Buy an External ZORRO 2S 5000mah Battery :
Buy a Radiomaster TX16S MAX Radio :
Justin's Top 5 Radios ⚜️
1. Radiomaster TX16S 4in1 MAX Radio :
1. "Game Style" Radiomaster ZORRO Radio :
2. Radiomaster TX12 4in1 Radio :
3. BetaFpv Lite Radio 3 with Built-in ELRS :
4. DJI Radio :
5. Radiomaster TX16S Original :
Radiomaster TX16 Bling Kit :
The Quad below comes with an iFlight ELRS Receiver
iFlight Protek R25 HD Version Fpv Drone :
iFlight Protek R25 Analog Version Fpv Drone :
Get 8 % off your order with my code : BGDavis2021
"( Above code .... yes still good in 2022! )"
Easiest to Use with ELRS ⚜️
Buy a BetaFpv Lite Radio 3 with Built-in ELRS :
Buy a BetaFpv 1W ELRS Module :
Buy a BetaFpv ELRS RC Airplane Receiver :
iFlightRC Commando Radio here :
ZORRO Accessory Links below 👍
Radiomaster ZORRO Radio Case :
Extra ZORRO 18350 Radio Battery 2 Pack :
External 2S 5000mah Radiomaster Battery :
18350 Compatible Li-Ion Charger :
Use my code to get an 8% Discount : BGDavis2021
Buy a Jumper T-Pro 4in1 Multi-Protocol Radio :
Buy a Jumper T-Pro from Makerfire Website :
Buy a iFlight Commando Radio :
Buy a Radiomaster Zorro 4in1 Radio :
Justin's Whoop Season Best Pick's :
Buy the NEW Betafpv SMO 360 Camera :
Buy the NEW Betafpv PAVO 360 Version Quad :
Buy a RTF Meteor65 Bundle here :
Buy a Betafpv Cetus Pro RTF here :
Buy 1S 300mah 8 Pack Battery here :
Banggood Site Only Discount Code for 8% off : BGDavis2021
Justin's 2S Favorite Micro below : : : :
Buy a Geprc SMART16 2S Whoop here :
Justin's Choice for 2S XT30 Battery :
XT30 Connectors Pack here :
Recommended 40mm Propellers here :
Justin's TOP 5 Whoops
1. Geprc SMART16 2S Whoop :
2. Emax Tinyhawk 3 :
3. Geprc Tinygo RTF Whoop :
4. Eachine UZ65 Whoop :
5. Betafpv Cetus Pro RTF :
Eachine Watch DVR to record your videos :
Justin's Recommended 1S Battery :
Eachine 6in1 1S Portable Battery Charger :
Recommended Goggle DVR Sd Card :
Save 8% Off your order with code : BGDavis2021
Justin's Top 3 Favorite Sub-250 Gram Drones
1. Flyfox Nano 3 Drone :
2. Rekon 3 Drone :
3. Crux 3 Drone :
Save 8% Off your order with code : BGDavis2021
Mini Cameras that will work with this drone ...
Buy a Firefly X Lite 4k Camera :
Buy a Caddx Peanut Camera :
📸Justin's De-Cased Camera Winners - 🏆 🌟
1. Top Choice : Geprc HERO 8 Camera :
2. $159 Budget Camera : Firefly X Lite 4k :
3. Cinstar Hero 8 Camera :
4. Betafpv SMO 4K Camera :
5. Insta360 GO 2 Camera :
Save 8% off your purchase with code : BGDavis2021
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an affiliate link in the description. Meaning I may make a
monetary compensation. Gotta eat! :) - Thanks for watching!
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This is a short video on unboxing of the following :
1. RadioMaster Bandit
2. Radiomaster BR1
3. Radiomaster BR3
These are all high performance and high range modules of upto 100km range.
#drone #aircraft #longrange Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Антенна меняет параметры в зависимости от сосотяния окружающей среды
Купить антенну Abbree (OPEK) VH-1208MU можно тут:
Купить NanoVNA можно тут:
Обзор антенны для автомобиля OPEK VH1208
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ELRS de 900mhz BANDIT DE Radiomaster, todas las versiones para hacer long range!
Hoy te muestro las 3 versiones del sistema bandit de radiomaster, elrs de 900mhz
Si los quieres los puedes encontrar aquí:
Bandit Micro
Bandit Nano
BR1 Recevier
BR3 Recevier
Moxon Antenna
T Antenna
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Review Nilai VSWR antenna Moxon Betafpv 915
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FPV University Newsletter
Radiomaster Bandit review
The new Radiomaster Bandit 900MHz radio link based on the Express LRS have something of an issue. This product does not have a CE mark and it’s not allowed to be used in European Union. Sure, it will work in correct 868MHz band, but as it’s does not follow the LBT (Listen Before Talk) and transmission power regulations, officially it’s not legal in Europe. And that creates a challenge.
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TBS CROSSFIRE DEAD? Almost. - Radiomaster BANDIT Long Range Fpv Modules
NEW Radiomaster Bandit series and a historical analysis and comparison of other legendary long range fpv modules. Bandit is a 915mhz 1W ELRS module series. We take a look and project what may be the future of long range fpv. Will I finally be switching over to ELRS fulltime? We will see. Video by Justin Davis of Drone Camps RC.
Thoughts and opinions are my own. Please use our links
if you learned something from this video! 🏆 ❤️
Radiomaster Bandit 1W Module :
Radiomaster Micro 1W Module :
Radiomaster Nano 1W Module :
Radiomaster Moxon 915 Directional Antenna :
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☀ Тест Frsky R9M на свежей прошивке. Тест антенны МОКС. Замеры антенны TBS CRSF V2. [Maple MOX]
По просьбам подписчиков мы обновили прошивку на ЛРС системе от frsky R9M на версию 1228 и протестировали на дальность на 10мв на новой антенне Mox от Maple. Антенна показала себя неплохо и дала прибавку на 25-30% и является отличной альтернативой стоковой стандартной антенне на r9m модулях.
Актуальная цена на R9M:
R9M с приемником R9 Mini:
Антенна MOX:
Антенна TBS Diamond:
Антенны TBS CRSF V2:
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maple wireless 915MHz moxon antenna Limit is 30km
image transmission system Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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To Infinity And Beyond! RadioMaster Bandit ExpressLRS 915Mhz Long Range Series
► RadioMaster Bandit:
► Bandit Micro:
► Bandit Nano:
► BR1 Receiver:
►BR3 Receiver:
► Bandit Moxon Antenna:
► Bandit T Antenna:
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#radiomaster #bandit #elrs Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The RadioMaster Ranger is the pinnacle of ExpressLRS module design. Built not only to look great but to last with its rugged CNC machined aluminum case that aids the high-efficiencty cooling system as a heat sink. The Ranger is up to any task and provides all the power and functionality you need.
Featuring an OLED display, directional menu key and two assignable shortcut keys the Ranger can be adjusted on the fly and personalized to your needs.
The Ranger includes a T Antenna for general use and a RadioMaster Moxon antenna for long-range directional applications. A micro module and nano module adapter are included to ensure the Ranger is compatible with most radios on the market today. A cable has also been included for use with Futaba radios that are CRSF capable.
Except for the Ranger, we also provide the Ranger Micro and Ranger Nano for your choice.
Rugged CNC Case
High efficiency cooling system
OLED Display
Wifi and Bluetooth support
Built in Accelerometer
Packet rates up to F-1000Hz
5 Direction Nav key and customizable short cut buttons
Up to 1 Watt Power output
Item: Ranger Module
Regulatory Domain: ISM2400
MCU: ESP32(main), ESP8285(aux,as espbackpack)
RF chip: SX1281IMLTRT
Frequency Range: 2400 MHz to 2480 MHz
Maximum packet rate: 500Hz/F1000Hz
Minimum receiver refresh rate: 25Hz
RF Output Power: 30dBm for FCC, 20dBm for CE (Adjustable by LUA)
Module bay adapters: JR standard 5pin socket & Nano standard 8pin socket
Futaba CRSF socket cable: Included
OLED screen: 64x128px
Wifi Support: Yes
Bluetooth support: Yes
3 Axis Accelerometer: Yes (STK8BA58 MEMS Accelerometer)
Built in RGB light strip
XT30 Power supply voltage: DC 6V - 16V
Weight: 138g (with Moxon antenna) / 135g (with T antenna) / 126g (without antenna)
Dimension: 178*51*25mm (with Moxon antenna) / 95*51*25mm (without antenna)
1 * RANGER Module
1 * Futaba CRSF socket cable
1 * JR Adapter
1 * Nano Adapter
1 * T Antenna
1 * Moxon Antenna
1 * Hexagon socket screwdriver
3 * M2*5 Screws
1 * Assembly Manual
Type: MOXON directional antenna
Antenna polarization: vertical/horizontal polarization
Type: T-type omnidirectional antenna
Antenna polarization: vertical/horizontal polarization
Ranger ELRS Module
Ranger Micro ELRS Module
Ranger Nano ELRS Module
T shape Antenna
Moxon Directional Antenna
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Как сделать антенну для цифрового телевидения из банок и вешалки ?) #Shorts
Показываю как сделать антенну из алюминиевых банок и вешалки. В итоге поймал все цифровые каналы) #Shorts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Базовые знания по радио для FPV-шников простыми словами.
Мини-лекция по основам прикладной радиофизики с ориентацией на FPV-пилотов. Только самый необходимый теоретический минимум для того, чтобы понимать, как распространяется радиосигнал, на каких частотах работают наши устройства, как улучшить качество приема/передачи, какие бывают способы противодействия БПЛА, на что нужно обращать внимание при планировании дальнего полёта и так далее.
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Лучший обзор на пульты Radiomaster TX16S и TBS Tango 2 PRO #fpv #fpvdrone #radiomaster #tbstango
Наш FPV-шный чат, в котором мы помогаем, делимся опытом и хвастаемся видео:
Ролик из серии "FPV для новичков" в котором даю базовые знания об антеннах, причём исключительно в практическом прикладном ключе. Данной информации будет вполне достаточно как для входа в хобби, так и для понимания общего принципы работы с антеннами. Кому-то может помочь увеличить дальность полётов или избежать потери связи
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Дипольні антени дуже розповсюджені через дешевизну і прогнозованість. В цьому відео ви дізнаєтесь як її треба розташовувати для стабільного радіозв'язку.
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Radiomaster Boxer SHORT REVIEW #fpvdrone #radiomaster #shorts
Product links:
Bandit -
Bandit Micro -
Bandit Nano -
BR1 Receiver -
BR3 Receiver -
Moxon Antenna -
Omni T Antenna -
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After extensive research and collaboration with the ExpressLRS team, we are thrilled to unveil the all-new Bandit ExpressLRS RF Module Series. This cutting-edge module series represents the culmination of our efforts to deliver unparalleled performance and reliability for your long-range drone and UAV applications.
Features of Bandit Module:
- Up to 1 Watt power output
- Optimized circuitry for ultra-low power consumption
- High contrast OLED display
- Low noise, high comfort
- High efficiency cooling system
Click the link below to explore more:
Bandit ExpressLRS RF Module:
Bandit Micro ExpressLRS RF Module:
Bandit Nano ExpressLRS RF Module:
Bandit BR1 Receiver:
Bandit BR3 Receiver:
Bandit Moxon Antenna:
Bandit T Antenna:
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Bandit ExpressLRS RF Module Series | Unmatched Performance for UAV Applications
Как включить встроенный модуль, если в пульте нет выбора для елрс crsf Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Radiomaster ZORRO. Что нажать если не работает внутренний модуль ELRS 2.4GHz not working. EDGETX
RadioMaster Zorro 16CH Hall Sensor Gimbals CC2500/JP4IN1/ELRS Multi-protocol OpenTX/EdgeTX System Radio Transmitter with RC Receiver & TBS Nano Crossfires Module Combo Set for RC Drone
00:00 ► Вступление
00:14 ► Комплектация
08:44 ► Настройка EdgeTX
32:35 ► Выводы и заключение
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RADIOMASTER ZORRO. Обзор новинки 2022 года. Инструкция по настройке пульта радиоуправления
The RadioMaster Ranger is the pinnacle of ExpressLRS module design. Built not only to look great but to last with its rugged CNC machined aluminum case that aids the high-efficiency cooling system as a heat sink. The Ranger is up to any task and provides all the power and functionality you need.
Except for the Ranger, we also provide the Ranger Micro and Ranger Nano for your choice.
Features of Ranger Module:
- OLED Display
- Rugged CNC Case
- Built-in Accelerometer
- Packet rates up to F-1000Hz
- Up to 1 Watt Power output
- Wifi and Bluetooth support
- High-efficiency cooling system
- 5 Direction Nav key and customizable shortcut buttons
- Micro and Nano adapters included
- Moxon and T-antenna included
- CRSF cable for compatible Futaba radios included
Ranger ExpressLRS Module Series
- Ranger ELRS Module:
- Ranger Micro ELRS Module:
- Ranger Nano ELRS Module:
- T shape Antenna:
- Moxon Directional Antenna:
We wish to thank the ExpressLRS team for their support and testing during the development of the Ranger series. To learn more and support the ExpressLRS project visit
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#radiomaster #RANGER #RANGERMODULE #expresslrs #expresslrsmodule Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ranger 2.4GHz ELRS Module | The pinnacle of ExpressLRS module design
This version of the A560 Airplane has no charger, radio or receiver. You can use transmitters like Radiolink, Frsky, Flysky, RadioMaster, Jumper and Futaba. Byme-A flight controller compatible receiver that supports SBUS or PPM signal. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How Far Can ELRS Go (signal strength comparison)? – vs 900mHz Antenna Test
TLDR: My test is pointless, with line of sight, Rx antenna makes the biggest difference. Need to redo the test without line of sight.
I recently switched a couple of my quads over to and wasn’t getting the same range as with 900mHz so I though I would fly them back to back and see how they compare. I limited myself to 500m flights and all sub 250g drones and compared signal strength rather than out right distance.
The receiving antenna had the biggest impact on range/signal strength. I was flying line of sight so my challenges with range are likely a penetration issue. I will have to redo the test with some trees in the way of the signal.
You can jump to 3:05 to see the results.
Video Music is Grut by Patrick Patrikios.
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Radiomaster Bandit Series 900Mhz ExpressLRS Modules For RC & Telemetry, Crossfire could be in trouble.
Order Bandit $99 -
Bandit Micro $50 -
Bandit Nano $50 -
BR1 Receiver $20 -
BR3 Receiver $25 -
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=== All music licensed by either ===
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10PCS BAYCK ELRS 915MHz / NANO ExpressLRS Receiver with T type Antenna Support Wifi upgrade for RC FPV Drones Parts
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Topics We Cover 10PCS BAYCK ELRS 915MHz / NANO ExpressLRS Receiver with T type Antenna Support Wifi upgrade for RC FPV Drones Parts
Heads up: The info in this video is just for fun and learning! We’re not responsible for any issues arising from installing 10PCS BAYCK ELRS 915MHz / NANO ExpressLRS Receiver with T type Antenna Support Wifi upgrade for RC FPV Drones Parts or using products like the ANBERNIC RG406H RG 406H Handheld Game Console 4inch IPS Multi-touch Screen Retro Video Gam. Always check the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid potential hazards. 10PCS BAYCK ELRS 915MHz / NANO ExpressLRS Receiver with T type Antenna Support Wifi upgrade for RC FPV Drones Parts
This video may include affiliate links. If you make a purchase, we might earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.
Play it safe, and if you need help with installation, don’t hesitate to ask a professional! 10PCS BAYCK ELRS 915MHz / NANO ExpressLRS Receiver with T type Antenna Support Wifi upgrade for RC FPV Drones Parts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mengganti RX ExpressLRS ke TBS Crossfire #drone #fpv #cinewhoop #cinebot30
Radiomaster Boxer Remote Control Spare Part T Antenna Assembly Replacement Accessories Review
✅Buy on Banggood -
Rating: Stars - Banggood Wizard Review
The Radiomaster Boxer Remote Control Spare Part T Antenna Assembly is an essential accessory for hobbyists looking to enhance their radio control experience. Designed specifically for the Radiomaster Boxer, this replacement antenna assembly offers a perfect blend of functionality and durability.
First and foremost, the installation process is straightforward. The assembly fits seamlessly into the existing setup, ensuring that you can get back to flying or racing in no time. The build quality is impressive; the materials used feel robust, promising longevity even under rigorous use. This is particularly important for avid users who may take their equipment into challenging environments.
Performance-wise, the T Antenna Assembly significantly improves signal strength and range. Users will appreciate the enhanced connectivity, which translates to a more reliable and responsive control experience. Whether you’re navigating through tight spaces or flying at higher altitudes, the upgraded antenna ensures you maintain a strong link with your aircraft.
Another noteworthy aspect is the design. The T shape of the antenna not only looks sleek but also contributes to better orientation and signal distribution. This thoughtful design helps reduce the chances of interference, allowing for smoother operation.
While the price point is reasonable, some users might wish for a bundled package, such as including additional accessories or tools for installation. However, considering the quality and performance enhancements, the investment is justified for dedicated hobbyists.
In conclusion, the Radiomaster Boxer Remote Control Spare Part T Antenna Assembly is a must-have accessory for anyone serious about their remote control experience. With easy installation, durable build quality, and improved performance, it’s an investment that will elevate your enjoyment and control in the field. Highly recommended for all Radiomaster Boxer owners!
#RadiomasterBoxerRemoteControlSparePartTAntennaAssemblyReplacementAccessories #Radiomaster #Boxer #Banggood #WizzRev Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
10PCS BAYCK ELRS 915MHz / 2.4GHz NANO ExpressLRS Receiver with T type Antenna Support Wifi upgrade f
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