Розроблені і виготовлені компанією D'Addario на фабриці в Нью Йорку ці надміцні струни з нікельованої високовуглецевої сталі відкривають новий вимір музичної свободи, впевненості і сили звуку
Завдяки впровадженню нових методик виробництва, NYXL істотно міцніше стандартних бас-гітарних струн та помітно стабільніше тримають стрій. Перероблена обмотка з нікельованої сталі має збільшені магнітні характеристики, що в підсумку підвищує рівень вихідного сигналу з датчиків забезпечуючи глибий "панчевий" бас і багате, насичене гармоніками звучання. NYXL чудово підійдуть для будь-яких музичних стилів завдяки збільшеному динамічному діапазону та чудовому сустейну.
5 струнний набір 45 - 130
Нікельована сталь
Підходить до довгомензурних інструментів (довжина струни від шарика до звуження: 93,5см / 36,8")
D'Addario's NYXL electric bass string sets feature the innovative combination of NYXL nickel-plated wrap wire wound on our NY Steel core for expanded dynamic range and harmonic response. NYXL4095 offers more flexibility for players than a standard bass set while still maintaining a full tone. Fits long scale basses with a string scale length of up to 36 1/4 inches.
NYXL Bass features our high carbon NY Steel core wrapped with our reformulated nickel-plated steel. This new construction delivers deep, powerful lows, focused punch, and accentuated harmonics. Designed for all playing styles, NYXL Bass provides more dynamic range and sustain than any other bass string.
- Re-engineered core-to-wrap ratios for a more versatile string
- Reformulated nickel-plated steel wrap wire for a familiar feel and accentuated harmonics
- NY Steel cores for improved tuning stability and increased durability
- Fits long scale basses with a string scale length of up to 36 1/4 inches
- Made in the . for the highest quality and performance
NYXL4095 Super Light - Nickel Wound .040, .060, .075, .095
NYXL45100 Regular Light - Nickel Wound .045, .065, .080, .100
NYXL45105 Light Top / Med Bottom - Nickel Wound .045, .065, .085, .105
NYXL50105 Medium - Nickel Wound .050, .070, .085, .105
NYXL55110 Heavy .055, .075, .90, .110
NYXL45125 5-String Lt Top / Med Btm .045, .065, .085, .105, .125
NYXL45130 5-String Regular Light - Nickel Wound .045, .065, .080, .100, .130
NYXL45100SL 5-String Super Long Scale, Regular Light - Nickel Wound .045, .065, .080, .100
NYXL45130SL 5-String Super Long Scale Regular Light - Nickel Wound .045, .065, .080, .100, .130
NYXL32130 6-String Regular Light - Nickel Wound .032, .045, .065, .080, .100, .130
NYXL32130SL 6-String Super Long Scale Regular Light .032, 045, .065, .080, .100, .130
Click here to order these online now! FREE SHIPPING to USA and Canada on all orders over $35!
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Buy your guitar strings online and save! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Revisiting the NYXL bass strings.
All thoughts & opinions shown in this video are mine.
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► UAD Apollo Twin X
► Sommer Cables
► Dingwall Guitars Super PJ / Super J
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► Lakland Skyline 44-64 Custom w/ EMG GZR pickups
► Sony a6400 Camera
► Sigma 16mm 1.4
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► Shure SM7b
► SE Electronics SE4 Small Diaphragm Condenser Mic
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D'Addario France :
NYXL 45-130 : 'addario-cordes-basses-nyxl45130-p497590/
Video/mix/guitar/bass : Pierre-Jean Toty
Mastering : Geoffroy Lagrange
Guitar reamping : Laurent (Tao Menizoo)
Drums : Aurélien Ouzoulias
Drums recording and mix : Conkrete Studio -
Track : LOKURAH - the time to do better -
*No editing on the bass part.* Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Как калибр струн влияет на звучание акустической гитары? Обзор струн D’Addario разных калибров.
Как калибр струн влияет на звучание акустической гитары. Иван Захаренко тестирует струны D’Addario разных калибров. 🚩 Струны и гитара в каталоге
Parkwood S61:
D’Addario EJ10:
D’Addario EJ13:
D’Addario EJ11:
🚩Иван Захаренко - профессиональный гитарист, аранжировщик, коуч по гитаре.
🚩Онлайн гипермаркет
🚩Офлайн магазин: Минск, ул. Короля, 20 (м. Фрунзенская / Юбилейная площадь).
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D´Addario NYXL bass strings review - the better roundwounds?
Let´s find out what the D´Addario NYXL bass strings have to offer. They cost significantally more, but what about the sound & feel?
The bass has been plugged directly into the sound interface (Behringer UMC-404HD). A bit of EQ & compression has been added in Cubase.
Thx a lot for watching! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Find them on Thomann* ►
D'Addario on Sweetwater* ►
These strings on Andertons* ►
Find out more:
camera: @audiovisualelements
bassist: @thebassmatrix
host: @GregorFris
shorts channel:
*The links above are affiliate links. If you order something from this website after clicking it, we get a little kickback, which supports our channel. If you decide to do that - thank you very much!
This video was sponsored by D'Addario. This fact doesn't influence my opinions or test results. Technically it is considered to be an ad, even if that is not the intended purpose.
#basstheworld #daddario #bassstrings
0:00 Intro
0:18 NYXL Bass
2:36 Nylon Tapewound
3:56 Half Rounds Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
D’Addario EXL165 on Thomann* ►
D’Addario EPS165 on Thomann* ►
These Strings on Sweetwater* ►
Find out more:
bassist: @Sophie_Chassee
host: @GregorFris
Camera: @audiovisualelements
shorts channel:
*The links above are affiliate links. If you order something from this website after clicking it, we get a little kickback, which supports our channel. If you decide to do that - thank you very much!
This video was sponsored by D’Addario. This fact doesn't influence my opinions or test results. Technically it is considered to be an ad, even if that is not the intended purpose.
#basstheworld #daddario
0:00 Intro - Nickel Wound
1:21 Nickel Wound Groove Sound & Specs
2:15 Pro Steels Slap Sound & Specs
2:49 Pro Steels Pick Sound
3:23 Steel/Nickel Comparison Sound & Conclusion Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Какие струны использовать на БАС-ГИТАРЕ? | SKIFMUSIC.RU
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- Elixir NANOWEB Nickel Plated 45/105 🔥🔥Quieres comprar estas cuerdas?:
- d'Addario NYXL 45/105 🔥🔥Quieres comprar estas cuerdas?:
- Fender Jazz Bass 🔥🔥Quieres comprar este bajo?:
TIKTOK: @pepovidalmusic?lang=es
Electric bass string comparison.
Comparativa de cuerdas para bajo eléctrico.
Comparaison de cordes de basse électrique.
E-Bass Saiten Vergleich.
Σύγκριση χορδών ηλεκτρικών μπάσων.
Comparação de cordas de baixo elétrico.
電貝司弦比較 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NYXL 45-100 4-string Bass Set
Amazon UK -
Amazon US -
NYXL 45-130 5-string Bass Set
Amazon UK -
Amazon US -
I checked these strings out on my number 1 bass recently, and they were so good I had to shout about it.
Full disclosure - i'm not sponsored or endorsed by D'Addario, I paid for these myself. And I think I will again.....
What gear to buy? We recommend interfaces, microphones, monitors and more at our Thomas (Europe) and Sweetwater (USA) links below
Thanks to our Patrons who made this possible - your names are at the end of the video. You make a huge difference!
*All links are affiliate links*
#DAddario #NYXL #BassStrings
- Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Testing the D’Addario NYXL 40-125 bass strings on my custom shop built maruszczyk frog beta 5a.
Backing track Love Theory by Kirk Franklin.
I dont own the song. The video is intended for bass and the string used.
Recorded with Roland Go•Mixer through Garage Band. Empress bass Comp and Darkglass Alpha Omega Ultra v2 no drive. Cab sim on....
* no copyright infringement intended Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I'm thinking about upgrading to the D'Addario NYXL strings. However, they are double the price so I wanted to test out the differences and whether it's worth paying the extra money! Let me know your thoughts.
Here are the NYXL strings:
Here are the XL Nickel Wound Strings:
#guitar #daddario #guitargearreview Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
For me, I never cared about what kind of guitar strings I used...
As long as the strings were affordable, durable and of quality, I could care less about the Brand Name..
But recently, I decided to try out these D'Addario NYXL strings........
I have to say that these NYXLs are HANDS DOWN the greatest electric guitar strings I've used personally....
And I will tell you why...
Strings on MY Electric Guitars:
- D'Addario NYXL Strings (my favorite) =
- Ernie Ball Regular Slinkys (my 2nd favorite) =
- Ernie Ball Skinny Top Heavy Bottom (on my punk/rock guitars) =
Strings on MY Acoustic Guitars:
- Elixir 80/20s (my all time favorite) =
- Ernie Ball Earthwoods (most well rounded) =
- D'Addario Phosphor Bronze (best bang for your buck) =
**The Guitars Reviewed..... So Far......
--------------------------------- THE REVIEW --------------------------------
- D'Addario NYXL (10-46)
Average Price
- $15 for 1 pack ($250 for 25 pack)
Country of Origin:
- Made in USA
String Rating:
- 9/10
- Strings seem to never lose tonal quality & bending performance even after months of heavy use
- Strings are still "shiny" even after months
- Vacuum tube lowkey makes strings hard to take out
My Main Gear:
- My Camera =
- My Mic =
- My Headphone =
- My Speakers =
- My Harddrive =
- My Memory Card =
- @ everysingleguitars
#DAddarioStrings #ElectricGuitarStrings #DAddarioNYXL #NYXLGuitarStrings #guitarstrings Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
link to this product (Special discount).
This is the best Bass Guitar Strings in the marketplace with cheap price that you can easily afford.
D'Addario EXL170 Nickel Wound Bass Guitar Strings, Light, 45-100, Long Scale Reviews:
D'Addario's best selling bass guitar set
Round wound with nickelplated steel for a distinctive bright tone with clear fundamentals
Fits long scale basses with a string scale length of up to 36 1/4 inches
String Gauges: Wound .045, .065, .080, .100
Made in the . for the highest quality and performance
Style:Long Scale
| Size:Light, 45-100
Product Description
D'Addario XL Nickel Electric Bass strings are world-renowned as ""The Player's Choice"" amongst bass players of all genres and styles. All XL strings are precision wound on our exclusive computer-controlled machines, ensuring each string has excellent into nation, clear fundamentals, and unparalleled consistency. The nickelplated steel wrap wire is known for it's distinctive bright tone and excellent intonation and delivers a universally appealing tone for all playing styles.
From the Manufacturer
EXL170, D'Addario's best-selling bass set and the standard for most electric basses, offers the ideal combination of bright, booming tone and comfortable feel. The most versatile and universally appealing set for all playing styles. Fits long scale basses with a string scale length of up to 36 1/4 inches. D'Addario XL Nickel Wound Electric Bass strings are world-renowned as ""The Player's Choice"" amongst bass players of all genres and styles. All XL strings are precision wound on our exclusive digitally-controlled machines, ensuring each string has excellent intonation, clear fundamentals, and unparalleled consistency. Each string is wound with a nickelplated steel wrap wire known for distinctive bright tone with excellent magnetic output delivering a universally appealing and versatile tone for all playing styles.D'Addario, the world's largest manufacturer of musical instrument strings, is known as The Players Choice with a reputation for unsurpassed quality and consistency. D'Addario's innovative packaging reduces waste and provides protection from corrosion. All D'Addario strings are manufactured in the . using proprietary, digitally controlled, state-of-the-art machinery for unmatched performance, set after set.
D'Addario EXL170 Nickel Wound Bass Guitar Strings, Light, 45-100, Long Scale Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fender 7250M. (45/105) vs d'Addario NYXL. (45/105)
-Fender 7250M / 45-65-85-105. 🔥🔥COMPRAR:
-d’Addario NYXL / 45-65-85-105. 🔥🔥COMPRAR:
-Fender Jazz Bass. 🔥🔥COMPRAR:
TIKTOK: @pepovidalmusic?lang=es
Electric bass string comparison.
Comparativa de cuerdas para bajo eléctrico.
Comparaison de cordes de basse électrique.
E-Bass Saiten Vergleich.
Σύγκριση χορδών ηλεκτρικών μπάσων.
Comparação de cordas de baixo elétrico.
電貝司弦比較 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NAMM 2018 | D'Addario NYXL Strings - Why are they so damn good?
Dagan chats to D'Addario about the new D'Addario strings and finds out why D'Addario NYXL, regular XL and D'Addario classical strings are so good!
Shop D'Addario strings over at PMT online:
We're at NAMM 2018! Follow us over at to see all the early announcement videos of new musical equipment being unveiled at NAMM 2018!
Get a closer look at the cool new gear from NAMM 2018 as it's announced over at PMT Online:
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Струны Elixir OptiWeb против D'Addario NYXL (Обзор)
Струны для электрогитары можно найти в Мире Музыки:
Гитара: LBstrat (Fokin Modern Rail Bridge pickup)
Поддержи канал Deussoftwebru 100 рублями!
Номер Яндекс-кошелька: 4100134876986
- Спасибо!
Видео Ивана Deus'a Сыромятникова.
Страничка ВКонтакте: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
D'Addario NYXL Strings - The strongest strings ever?
We take a closer look at the D'Addario NYXL guitar strings. Check out the full range of NYXL guitar & bass strings at PMT online:
Adam from D'Addario caught up with Dagan in our Newcastle store to talk about the D'Addario NYXL range of guitar and bass strings. These great strings are 131% less breakable than your regular guitar strings, so they'll last ages and sound great for even longer.
Adam also talks about the new D'Addario Players Circle, where you can collect points with each purchase of a D'Addario product and redeem them to get some great freebies.
Watch the full D'Addario accessories video with Adam and Dagan here:
Find us on social media:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
"Welcome to the next generation of electric guitar strings.
These strings have been re-engineered from the ball end up. The result is something you'll have to hear to believe. With 6% more magnetic permeability for higher output in the 2-5 kHZ range, they have more punch, crunch, and bite. They'll bend farther, sing louder, and stay in tune better, because they are the strongest electric guitar strings ever made."
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comparison: 40–95 vs. 45–107 D'addario Balanced Tension Bass Set
A very casual comparison between D'addario's balanced tension bass string sets EXL170BT (45, 60, 80, 107) and EXL220BT (40, 55, 70, 95).
The lighter set is very fast to play and easy on your fingers, even ready for a full step bend. The strings respond very quickly, and the tone is crisper, brighter, thinner with less overtone, more articulate and sweeter on the higher register. A no-brainer for solo player. (Con: The A string is so thin that it rattles in the nut slot without padding.)
The medium set feels stiffer and harder to press right away, entailing a half round adjustment of the truss rod to compensate for the increased tension, a worthwhile pain in return for power—the strings sound fuller and deeper, with stronger bites when slapped. A preferred choice for "sideman" players, yet balanced enough to be useful in soloing. (Con: The E string is slightly thicker at .107 vs. more common gauge .105, making it hard to fit in the nut slot.)
Audio is direct input via Apogee Duet into Logic Pro X without any processing. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Using a proprietary high carbon steel, D’Addario NYXL Electric Guitar Strings are designed to have longer tuning stability and be more resistant to breaking.
D’Addario NYXL Electric Guitar Strings also have increased mid-range response, play and feel great and continue to meet even the toughest standards in the industry.
• Longer tuning stability
• More resistant to breaking
• Increased mid-range response
• Play and feel great
• Meets industry standards
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Все что нужно знать о струнах // Какие недорогие струны для бас гитары купить?
Все что нужно знать о струнах. Какие недорогие струны для бас гитары купить сейчас, и сколько они проживут. Характеристики струн. Как выбрать дешёвые струны.
📌Olympia strings: 🔗 (Недорогие корейские струны Олимпия.)
📌Elixir strings: 🔗
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Hey guys, hope you like this Slap Bass Solo using DR Neon Strings!
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Поставил струны D'Addario - Одни из лучших струн для акустической гитары!
The D’Addario NYXL4095 on Thomann* ►
NYXL55110 on Thomann* ►
NYXL Strings on Sweetwater* ►
bassist: Frank Itt
*The links above are affiliate links. If you order something from this website after clicking it, we get a little kickback, which supports our channel. If you decide to do that - thank you very much! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
D'Addario NYXL Electric Strings | Everything You Need To Know
Hey there, Sam Ashers! Check out this awesome look at the incredible NYXL line from D'Addario!
Buy Now: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Лучшие струны для пониженного строя на бас гитаре | Сравнение и тест струн от Ernie Ball
#Max_Flame #Bass #Обзор
Какие струны нужны для пониженного строя? Чем толще, тем лучше - ответят многие. Так ли это на самом деле? Сегодня мы сравним и послушаем несколько комплектов для стандарта и пониженного строя на четырёхструнной бас гитаре.
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Jim D'Addario talks about the inspiration behind the development of the new NYXL electric guitar strings.
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D'addario NYXL strings boast to be some of the toughest and best sounding strings on the market! Let's put them to the test!
What did you think of how these strings sound? Have you tried them yet? Let me know in the comments section.
I am using a set of guage 10's, with minimal break in time, to get that fresh experience.
I really appreciate you taking the time to watch this video. I really hope that you enjoyed it! If you did, please give the video a like and subscribe to my channel for more guitar videos.
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Heavy Vs Light guitar strings - featuring D'Addario NYXL and XL
Today's video is an offshoot of a video i'm making comparing our new Two Notes cabinet series - the strings I was using didn't feel right since the riff I wrote sounded better to my ears in Drop C (C - G - C - F - A - D).
Big thanks to D'Addario for sending over the 11-56 NYXL strings to replace my usual XL 10-46 sets. Full Disclosure: - we are not being paid by D'Addario to use these, and they were sent for review.
Check out the Hop Pole Studios Zilla cabs for Two Notes here:-
What gear to buy? We recommend interfaces, microphones, monitors and more at our Thomas (Europe) and Sweetwater (USA) links below
Thanks to our Patrons who made this possible - your names are at the end of the video. You make a huge difference!
*All links are affiliate links*
#DAddario #StringGauge #NYXL
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Steve from D'Addario takes you through some new products released at winter NAMM 2016 including the Nickel Bronze acoustic guitar strings and NYXL Bass Strings.
You can see more from D'Addario on our website:
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D’Addario Bass Strings on Thomann* ►
Find them on Sweetwater* ►
Find out more:
bassist: @kailemke2295
host: @GregorFris
shorts channel:
*The links above are affiliate links. If you order something from this website after clicking it, we get a little kickback, which supports our channel. If you decide to do that - thank you very much!
This video was sponsored by D’Addario. This fact doesn't influence my opinions or test results. Technically it is considered to be an ad, even if that is not the intended purpose.
#basstheworld #daddario
0:00 Intro/D’Addario Chromes
1:53 D’Addario Nylon Tape Wounds
3:05 D’Addario Half Rounds
4:12 Comparison Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Bass String In 2024 - Top 6 Best Bass Strings Review
Какие струны поставить на акустическую гитару? Мой выбор - D'Addario XS Phosphor Bronze.
Протестировал их в течении полугода, и теперь есть, что сказать.
Сравним немного со струнами от Elixir, а, так же, поговорим о том, насколько они хорошо себя ведут в эксплуатации в течении долгого времени.
D'Addario XS Phosphor Bronze 12-53:
Павел Степанов | MuzClass:
VK - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Подделка против оригинала | Сравнение струн D'Addario EZ910
Подделка против оригинала | Сравнение струн D'Addario EZ910
В этом видео послушаем, чем отличаются оригинальные струны купленные в музыкальном магазине от дешевой подделки с маркетплейса OZON. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
John D'Addario III explains what goes into D'Addario NYXL electric guitar strings. After the video, check out NYXL strings at Sweetwater here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
D'Addario NYXL vs Chinese Orphee G6 Electric Guitar Strings 10-46 Quick Tone Comparison Test
Both are tested with the same guitar through the same preset from my Axe-fx and no post EQ added.
Which one do you like better? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Daddario NYXL vs XT - Tone Comparison and Analysis!
In this video, we'll be comparing the two best sets of strings by Daddario, NYXL, and XT. Daddario NYXL are one of the best strings on the market, proven and used by many guitar players, and are known for their crystal clear tones and loudness, as well as durability. Daddario XT is supposed to be the next iteration of Daddario strings, where they introduced coating of the strings that are to extend the life of the strings as much as possible. How much difference in tone between the Daddario NYXL and XT are, find out in this video!!
👉 Timestamps:
00:00 - Intro
00:43 - Testing Process Explanation
04:29 - TESTS
06:20 - Final Thoughts, Analysis and Outro
Purchase links (Thomann International):
👉 D'addario NYXL:
👉 D'addario XT:
🖖 Hi, my name is Petar, and welcome to my channel Petar Makes Noise - where I post videos of gear demo and reviews related to either guitar or audio production in general and many other awesome things :)
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If you have any questions, or just want to talk to me, just leave a comment, write to me on Instagram, or here in the channel directly. I'll try to answer as soon as possible.
If you are interested, here is the gear list I used when recording this video:
Guitar: Caparison TAT II (with Bareknuckle Juggernaut in the bridge, and Dimarzio Liquifire in the neck) and tunned to Drop C
Amps: ENGL Savage 120, Fame / Yerasov Bulldozer, Laney Ironheart 60
Pedals: Lichtlaerm Audio - The Key and The Gate (Noise gate pedal), Lichtlaerm Aesahaettr, Airis Effects Savage Drive V4
DAW: Cubase Pro 11
Audio Interface: Audient ID 22
Strings: D'addario NYXL 11-64
Camera: Fuji X-T3 with kit lens
Microphone: Rode Video micro
#daddario #guitarstrings #nyxl Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Какие струны выбрать на классическую гитару? | SKIFMUSIC.RU
#обзоргитары #акустическаягитара #skifmusic #музыкальныймагазин #электрогитара Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
D'Addario on their new NYXL bass strings at the London Bass Guitar Show 2016
D'Addario on their new NYXL bass strings at the London Bass Guitar Show 2016 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В этом видео я расскажу о опыте использования разных струн)
Будут дорогие Elixir, Ernie Ball и DADDARIO и дешманские Orphee и Alice
если разницы не будет, то я буду счастлив! Есть ли смысл платить больше? Узнаем из этого видео) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Струни для гітари D'Addario NYXL Regular Light 5-String (45-130) (NYXL45130). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17