Медіатори серії TIII - це відчуття і звучання легендарних Tortex, об'єднані зі швидкістю і точністю гострого наконечника, запозиченого у медіаторів Jazz III. Tortex TIII - найефективніші та дивовижні медіатори в лінійці Tortex!
Медіатори серії Tortex вперше з'явилися в 1981 році і спочатку розроблялися для того, щоб стати високоякісної заміною традиційних медіаторів з черепашачого панцира. Новаторське творіння Джима Данлопа не тільки з легкістю виконало цю задачу, але і встановило нові стандарти медіаторів, ставши еталоном, на який рівняються абсолютно всі.
Взявши за основу точність, стабільність і кольорове маркування товщини популярної серії нейлонових медіаторів Nylon Picks, Джим вирішив створити медіатор з яскравою та енергійною атакою, чудовою міцністю і пружністю, та поліпшеною чіпкою поверхнею. Взявши за основу матеріал Delrin, він витратив більше року, розробляючи спеціальний процес обробки цього матеріалу, щоб розкрити його повний потенціал. Саме цей хитрий процес і відрізняє медіатори Tortex від інших, забезпечуючи їм унікальну чіпку поверхню та агресивну атаку. На завершення, Джим розширив систему кольорового кодування товщини, щоб створити яскраву і впізнавану палітру, яка сьогодні стала загальноприйнятим стандартом.
У наші дні медіатори Tortex як і раніше виготовлені з тієї ж оригінальній формулі що і десятиліття тому, та як і раніше є абсолютним бестселером у всьому світі.
A short demo of Jim Dunlop Tortex standard guitar pick .73mm yellow
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Gears used:
Guitar: Ashton OM35S
Microphone: Rode Video Micro II shotgun Mic -
Camera: Canon EOS M50 -
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Tortex Picks are an iconic part of the fabric of rock ‘n’ roll. The world’s top guitar players—from Dave Matthews and John Mayer to Jim Root, Paul Gilbert, and Misha Mansoor—have made Tortex Picks their sonic paintbrush for more than 30 years. Known for a bright tone reminiscent of tortoiseshell and a unique, unmistakable feel, Tortex Picks are available in a wide variety of gauges to suit every playing style.
Learn more about Tortex picks at
Soundtrack was composed and performed by James Deprato using his Dunlop Tortex pick Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Check out all the Tortex picks at #fyp #foryoupage #stringsbymail #shorts #tortex #nickelback #passion #dunloppicks #onlineshopping @jimdunlopusa @nickelback Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Clean Tone Test @ 1:38, Heavy Tone Test @ 2:40 and Acoustic Test @ 4:38.
Get the Free 3D Printer files of the CHUGHEAD pick here: :4051929
Free 3D Printer .STL files of the CHUGHEAD Pro guitar pick here: :4051939 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A short demo of the Jim Dunlop Tortex .5mm red guitar pick.
Check out the price and other users' reviews of this product:
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Gears used:
Guitar: Ashton OM35S
Microphone: Rode Video Micro II shotgun Mic -
Camera: Canon EOS M50 -
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DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links and ads, and if you click on the product links, I may receive a small commission from 3rd party site. This will give support to my channel and allows me to continue creating videos. Thank you.
This video may contain a cover of the song written by somebody else. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ibanez Electric Guitar/Jim Dunlop/Tortex.
banez Electric Guitar/Clayton Guitar Pick/Orange.
Ibanez Electric Guitar/Clayton Duraplex Guitar Pick.
Ibanez Electric Guitar.
Ibanez Electric Guitar/Sound.
IBANEZ Guitar.
Electric guitar.
Electric guitars.
Steve Vai.
Steve Vai Ibanez.
Electric guitar.
Electric guitars.
Steve Vai.
Steve Vai Ibanez.
Electric guitar under 200.
Ibanez Electric Guitar.
Ibanez guitar.
Guitar sound.
Electric guitar sound.
Electric Guitar Ibanez.
Sound of Ibanez Guitar.
Ibanez guitar melody.
Choda Producer.
#shorts #shortsvideo #jimdunlop Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dunlop Tortex .60mm vs .88mm - Can you tell the difference?
My two favorite guitar picks. I chose my Telecaster because the Wide Range pickups are very responsive to how hard you hit the strings. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jim Dunlop Standard Tortex assorted picks tone demo on acoustic guitar
A demo of various thicknesses of Jim Dunlop standard tortex guitar picks. I tried here the , and picks.
Check out the price and other users' reviews in the market:
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Gears used:
Guitar: Aston OM35S acoustic guitar
Microphone: Rode Video Micro II shotgun Mic -
Camera: Canon EOS M50 -
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DISCLOSURE/DISCLAIMER: This video and description contain affiliate links and ads, and if you click on the product links, I may receive a small commission from 3rd party site. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Thank you.
This video may contain a cover of the song written by somebody else. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jim Dunlop | Guitar Picks Shootout - The EASIEST way to IMPROVE your TONE and PLAYING | Taylor 414 🎸
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Interesting bits and go-to sections…
- Intro: 00:00
- Tortex 60mm: 0:11
- Tortex 73mm: 0:35
- Tortex 88mm: 00:59
- Nylon 88mm: 01:24
- Nylon 73mm: 01:50
- Nylon 60mm: 02:16
- Herco Flex 50: 02:41
- Tortex Flex 73mm: 03:07
- Tortex Flex 88mm: 03:32
- Ultex 60mm: 03:57
- Jim Dunlop Thin: 04:24
- Jim Dunlop Medium: 04:50
Acoustic Guitar Videos:
🎧 AMS RMX16 Digital Reverb HERE!!:👉
🎧 AKG BX Spring Reverb HERE!!:👉
🎧 Roland JC-120 Vs Fender Deluxe Reverb Test HERE!!!:👉
🎧 Fender Bassman '59 LTD Blonde Edition Test HERE!!!:
🎧 Fender Blues Jr Tweed Test HERE!!!:👉
🎧 Roland Cube 80XL Test HERE!!!:👉
🎧 RAW UAD ProcoRat Distortion!!!:👉
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Guitar: Taylor 414 ce
This Pick Variety Pack features a selection of picks that perfectly complement the tone and playability of acoustic instruments.
Looking to change up your acoustic guitar tone? Our Acoustic Pick Variety Pack is the best place to start your experimentation, featuring a selection of picks that perfectly complement the tone and playability of acoustic instruments. From warmer materials such as Nylon to brighter materials such as Ultex, this pack has all you need to refine your unplugged sound.
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Just making a video to show the differences in the Primetone 1.5 (non-grip), the Tortex .73 (yellow), the Ultex (clear), and the Tortex (purple).
Trying a few different pick grips as well. They all sound more similar when not holding them tightly, but when gripped firmly there is quite a difference. It should also be noted the yellow Tortex is well worn and the others are not. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Combining flexibility with monstrous attack, the lightweight and virtually indestructible Ultex® picks give you the widest dynamic range of any pick on the market.
Available in a variety of shapes and gauges
Jason Heninger (composition & performance)
Suhr Amplifiers (Badger 30)
Universal Audio (Apollo Interface & Plug-ins)
Royer Labs & Telefunken ElektroAcoustic (R-121 and M81 Microphones)
Eli Nelson Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Tortex Flex Picks combine the memory and durability of Tortex with the flexibility and warmth of nylon. Available in two shapes-Standard and Triangle - in the following gauges: .50mm, .60mm, .73mm, .88mm, , and . Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video we compare the sound of 8 different 1mm picks:
1. D'Addario Duralin Standard
2. D'Addario Duralin Precision
3. Jim Dunlop Nylon Standard
4. Jim Dunlop Celluloid Shell
5. Jim Dunlop Tortex Standard
6. Jim Dunlop Ultex Standard
7. D'Addario DuraGrip
8. Jim Dunlop Gator Grip
00:00 - Introduction
01:49 - Clean 1
03:56 - Clean 2
05:01 - Dirty
06:05 - Heavy
07:10 - Lead
08:17 - Closing remarks
More info about Rajani Amplifiers:
Gear used in this video:
- Rajani VOD-50 1x12 combo amp
- Sennheiser e609 dynamic microphone
- Fender American Standard Stratocaster guitar
- Performance Corsair superstrat guitar
#rajaniamps #dunloppicks #daddariopicks Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Jim Dunlop 0.88mm tortex: giving a super popular guitar pick a second chance
Jim Dunlop tortex guitar pick review
Please note, I purchase all guitar picks myself and am not paid nor receive any picks from companies. Frankly they wouldn't provide those to a small channel like mine anyway, with a mediocre player playing into his cell phone Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Comparing two guitar picks.
Lots of differences here.
Delrin, which is a type of acetal resin created by DuPont. Delrin guitar picks were created as an alternative to tortoiseshell.
What is acetal resin made of?
A thermoplastic polymer produced by the polymerization of formaldehyde into very long, linear oxyethylene (-O-CH2-O-CH2-) chains. Polyacetal was first produced in 1959 by DuPont under the name Delrin®. The highly crystalline resin is glossy, dense, stiff and strong. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
3 Jazz 3 Jim Dunlop Picks Comparison ~ .88 mm vs. 1.0 mm vs. 1.14 mm (on a Clifton Jazz Telecaster )
HOT TIP: If you tune all strings to 444 hertz, using a free tuner app, or etc., you would then play the C note or C chord to be in the miraculous healing frequency of 528 hz! You can also use a free tuning fork app to double check this! You can also play the chord progression of C, G, and F, to be in harmony with the 528 Hz frequency!!! Experiment for yourself to find what chords and notes harmonize with other HEALING SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCIES - but remember - all strings MUST be tuned to 444 hertz!!!
Be sure to SUBSCRIBE so you don't miss out on more valuable mentionables and also my NEW HEALING medicinal SOLFEGGIO FREQUENCY MUSIC; which I am fervently producing in my studio on a daily basis!
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LeeRoy was Professionally set up at #ToneShack #cliftonguitars #jimdunlop #jimdunloppicks #xl #jazz3 #jazziii #guitar #picks #guitarpicks #review #comparison #vs #free #guitarclass #musicclass #HealingJourney #HealingMusic #HealingMusician Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Picks (left to right, top to bottom):
Dunlop Tortex Pitch Black Standard .60 mm
Dunlop Tortex Triangle .60 mm
Dunlop Tortex Standard .73 mm
Dunlop Tortex TIII .73 mm
Dunlop Tortex Jazz III XL .73 mm
Dunlop Tortex White Jazz III .73 mm
Dunlop Ultex Standard .73 mm
Dunlop Ultex Sharp .73 mm
Dunlop Ultex Sharp 1.0 mm
Dunlop Gator Grip .71 mm
Fender Premium Celluloid 351 Thin .46 mm
Fender Premium Celluloid 351 Heavy .97 mm
Dunlop Herco Medium Thumbpick
Dunlop Nylon Glow Standard .67 mm
Dunlop Jazz III XL Nylon
Dunlop Max-Grip Jazz III Carbon Fiber
Dunlop Big Stubby Nylon 2.0 mm
GraphTech TUSQ Teardrop Deep 1.0 mm
Winspear Icegrip Longsword Tapered 5.0 mm
Dunlop TeckPick Standard Clear Aluminum Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Does Guitar Pick Matter? | Acoustic Guitar Pick Shootout
Dunlop's Primetone Sculpted Plectra will glide off your strings and bring out the true voice and clarity of your instrument. They're made from Ultex for maximum durability and tonal definition, with hand-burnished sculpted edges for fast, articulate runs and effortless strumming. Available in a variety of shapes and gauges with a low-profile grip or a smooth traditional surface.
Michael Abraham (composition & performance)
Santa Cruz Guitars (D model)
Royer Labs
Universal Audio Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Let's hear a shout out from all you Tortex users!
Tortex is celebrating 30 years of inspiring musicians to continue making music. Over the years, players have turned into obsessive fans who have helped this pick/plectrum become one the most iconic tools of the music trade. The Tortex line continues to push the boundaries of innovation and influence players with eleven different shapes in a variety of gauges. Its brightly color-coded presence standardized the industry and stands out in the hands of each player. It is the first point of contact and the easiest way to affect your tone. There really is a different lick in every pick. Tap into what millions of players have already figured out; Tortex is more than a pick. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
What's Your Favorite Guitar Pick? Dunlop USA Guitar Picks
Quick short video of my collection of jim dunlop usa guitar picks. Tortex, jazz 3 and others! What guitar pick do you like to use? Mine is green tortex .88 mm. Let me know in the comments! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Nylon Max-Grip® Picks combine the classic warmth and resilience of Nylon with a raised gripping surface for maximum control so you can play hard without dropping your pick on stage.
For more information, visit
Soundtrack was composed and performed by James Deprato using a Dunlop Max Grip Nylon Pick.
Executive Producer: Jimmy Dunlop
Director: Joey Tosi
Art Director: Graham Shaw
Set Dressers: Mick Waller & Justin Butler
Editor: Max Baloian
Nino Moschella at Bird & Egg Studios, Richmond Ca Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
■Blues Guitar World
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#Dunlop #JazzⅢ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Signal chain: Dunlop Tortex Picks - Various Basses - TC Electronic Wiretap - Logic Pro X (level adjusted, no effects)
Dunlop Tortex Picks -
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Let’s face it. Tortex picks are your calling card. Your first point of contact. Your good luck charm that’s on you at all times. Even when you aren’t playing guitar. You love ‘em. We all do. Use them for guitar, or as an all-purpose tool. Strum. Open. Pry. Seek. But don’t swallow them. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dunlop Ultex 1,00 mm Pick VS. Dunlop Tortex 1.00 mm Pick
Dunlop Ultex 1,00 mm Pick VS. Dunlop Tortex mm Pick
The guitar is Ibanez RG421EX-BKF
The Amp here is Marshall Code 25
Jazz III Red guitar pick VS Jazz John Petrucci VS Jazz Kirk Hammet signature Guitar Picks :
Ernie Ball Slinky cobalt /9-42/ Strings Demo :
Aquila Alabastro Nylgut Strings Demo:
D'addario EJ 45 Trebles / Thomastik KR -116 Basses-Strings demo:
Aquila "Rubino" - Normal Tension :
Fender Nylon Classical Trebles /Thomastik KR -116 Basses-Strings demo :
Ernie Ball "Ernesto Palla Silver Nylon and Ernie Ball "Ernesto Palla Black Nylon Strings Demo : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Another classic by dunlop and one of my favorite model for a while. Based on the ultra popular jazz three shape these picks are made out of tortex. This means that you have more grip and a very smooth and warm tone. Every alternate picking lick feels easier with these picks. Sound wise the red model is the brightest of the three; the opposite mm gives you a slightly warmer tone and in the middle, there is the classic green model, which is a very well balanced pick. If you like tortex pick in a jazz shape these models are made for you. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Привет! Гитаристы редко меняют медиаторы, к которым привыкли, но Dunlop Jazz III определенно стоит попробовать, даже если вы много лет играли другими. Если вы выбираете ваш первый медиатор - дайте ему шанс! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ссылка на товар в видео: - здесь Вы сможете увидеть сезонные и праздничные скидки, полное описание товара и правдивые отзывы от реальных покупателей
1 шт. Dunlop медиатор для гитары Ultex standard/Sharp/triangle/Plectrum 0,6 мм-1,14 мм медиатор для гитары аксессуары для гитарных частей Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
JIM DUNLOP vs V-PICKS (Feeling free to play and compare)
I used a Japanese textbook.(Mukyudo【written by Michishita Kazuhiko】Rittor Music)
Benedetto Bambino
DV Mark DVM-J212
Zonotone 6N2P-3.5 Blue Power
Elixir Nanoweb 012 - 052
V-PICKS Screamer
V-PICKS Big Fattie
Zoom Q8
1:35 V-PICKS Screamer
2:23 V-PICKS Big Fattie
3:11 Ending Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
for comparison to previous mm plectrum. It has more attack than the and much more than 0.5 provides the strongest and clean sound for the steel string baritone ukulele.
I use these picks and would be happy with any of them for different sounds and style. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Quick Comparisons: Dunlop Tortex Triangle VS Graphtech TUSQ Bi Angle Guitar Picks
Got my hands on a few of these Graphtech TUSQ picks. Thought I'd give'em a try and do another quick comparison video. Keeping this real simple and streamlined. Same guitar with the same pickup,, same preset, same basic picking patterns, same shape picks (all triangle picks) same right hand picking strength and so on.
Hear a difference? Which pick do you prefer?
Musician, songwriter, sound engineer, designer, guitarist.
I design shirts n stuff!
Current projects I'm involved in:
No Shelter (Toronto's Tribute to Rage Against The Machine)
Anthems In Ashes
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It's the best known guitar pick on the planet. Those who play it are in the know. They know their color. What color are you? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing my new Dunlop Delrin .71mm picks....
Wow, it was fun!!!!11!111 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Buy Graph Tech Products Online:
0:00 - 0:47 Introduction
0:47 - 1:39 Dunlop Ultex Jazz III
1:39 - 2:26 Dunlop Jazz III XL Black Stiffo
2:26 - 3:08 Dunlop Original Jazz III
3:08 - 3:53 Planet Waves Black Ice
3:53 - 4:28 Ibanez Paul Gilbert Signature Pick
4:28 - 5:08 James Hetfield Black Fang
5:08 - 5:47 Kirk Hammett Jazz III
5:47 - 6:20 Fender Heavy Pick
6:20 - 6:57 Fender Medium Pick
6:57 - 7:33 Ernie Ball Medium Pick
7:33 - 8:30 Dunlop Nylon 1mm
8:30 - 9:03 Dunlop Ultex Jazz III
9:03 - 9:40 John Petrucci Signature Pick
9:40 - 10:20 Joe Satriani Chrome Dome
10:20 - 10:52 Dunlop Tortex .88mm
10:52 - 11:26 Dunlop Tortex .73mm
12:15 - 12:48 Gravity Classic Pointed Mini 3mm
12:48 - 13:22 Rob Chapman Signature Gravity Pick
13:22 - 13:54 Dunlop Big Stubby
13:54 - 15:14 Dunlop Fins IT'S STILL IN PRODUCTION
15:14 - 15:51 Dunlop Primetone
15:51 - 17:47 Graph Tech Picks
17:47 - 18:14 Conclusion
Equipment Used:
Schecter Nick Johnston Traditional - Atomic Coral
Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister Deluxe 20 Head
Orange PPC212V Vertical Cabinet with Celestion Neo Creamback Speakers
MXR DC brick Power Supply
Shure SM57
Rode SmartLav+
Audient ID14 Interface
About us:
Music Bliss came about in June of 2009, residing in a humble shop lot catering to music lessons and sales of instruments. As humble as it was, Music Bliss quickly grew to expand its range of products at a point in time where boutique products such as guitar effects pedals were on the rise.
As the name implies, Music Bliss truly aims to consistently provide excitement with our choice of products. It didn’t take long for people and musicians to notice that, and thanks to the age of the Internet people began frequenting both our site and our physical store at a quick pace.
We’re people pleasers, we don’t settle for less and we don’t do this just because “It’s Our Job”. Music Bliss has always insisted to recommend and obtain products that the people want. That is exactly how the store grew; from obtaining rare and boutique effects pedals for musicians to catering to pro audio systems for international schools and event companies.
Fast forward to 2019, Music Bliss has expanded to a Mega Showroom (Located in Petaling Utama, amidst of Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya, nearby Sunway and easily accessible through Old Klang Road as well as Puchong) with 3 separate floors for every product category. Because of the support of our loyal customers, Music Bliss now proudly has everything you’ll need: Guitars, Amps, Keyboards, Drums, Digital Pianos Studio Recording Equipment, Live Sound Equipment, Jamming Studios and an assortment of accessories to compliment your instruments and equipment.
Music Bliss Petaling Jaya HQ
No. 5-G, 5-1, 5-2 & 5-3,
Petaling Utama Avenue,
Jalan PJS 1/50,
Petaling Utama,
46150 Petaling Jaya,
Tel: 03-77813596
H/P: 016-3111286
Operation Hours:
Monday-Thursday 10am-730pm
Friday-Saturday 10am-7pm
Sunday 10am-6pm
Website: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Palheta Dunlop Jazz lll Shap 47R3N
Original - USA
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Review of Jim Dunlop Tortex guitar pick
Please note, I purchase all guitar picks myself and am not paid nor receive any picks from companies. Frankly they wouldn't provide those to a small channel like mine anyway, with a mediocre player playing into his cell phone Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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