Медіатори Everly Star Pick виконані в стандартних формі й розмірі, але мають одну помітну відмінність від медіаторів інших виробників - спеціальний проріз в формі зірки. Ця нехитра модифікація дозволяє надійно зафіксувати медіатор в руці під час виконання. Забудьте про випадаючі з пальців медіатори!
These might just be the coolest guitar picks i've seen yet!
They Glow now? They glow now,
Check out these Hufschmid picks here ⬇️
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Jimmy Wahlsteen demos DiMarzio's The Black Angel Piezo and Magnetic Pickups
Guitarist Jimmy Wahlsteem plays and talks about The Black Angel Piezo and Magnetic Pickups, and his new album, No Strings Attached.
How to get a great acoustic guitar sound live. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Magnetic Charging Glow-in-the-Dark Guitar Pick #guitar #guitarpick #imus #iMus
No babe your pick is perfect, the big ones are too uncomfortable.
Feel free to leave any questions in the comments.
Links for the Glow Picks:
Black Glow Guitar Picks (Amazon): =sr_1_40_sspa?crid=13308PAHPS0PF&dib=&dib_tag=se&keywords=glow+guitar+pick&qid=1713348697&s=musical-instruments&sprefix=glow%2Cmi%2C136&sr=1-40-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9idGY&psc=1
Black Glow Guitar Picks (Temu):
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ROCKHOUSE LED Guitar Pick Plectrum White Pink Green Light
Beautiful guitar for today's new #Straturday episode of #GuitarOfTheDay with @mikelemmo playing a guitar that was made just for us, a Fender John English Masterbuilt NRG Stratocaster in Black finish available here at #NormansRareGuitars! For any questions you may have or price inquiries about this #Fender #Stratocaster #ElectricGuitar give us a call at 818-344-8300. So what do you guys think of this #FenderStratocaster?
EMAIL US AT: normsrareguitars@
GUITAR: Fender John English Masterbuilt NRG Stratocaster
GUITARIST: Michael Lemmo
SELLING A GUITAR? click here:
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SUBSCRIBE/RATE/REVIEW OUR NEW PODCAST!!! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This Fay OM has a beautifully focused sound and ample power. Beautifully constructed, it's clear Simon loves his work. I love this wood combination, it creates a voice that is powerful yet sweet and warm. There's a lovely brilliance on the top end and it's very well balanced up the fingerboard. The overall look and feel is superb. I like the trim choices and how they bring out the natural beauty of the Amazon Rosewood. It's so exciting to be a part of introducing Simon Fay's work. - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Electrify Your Performance・ Applause AED96-5HG Black Gloss Electro
Unleash your creativity with the AED96-5HG. This electro-acoustic guitar features a black high-gloss finish, Applause AP3PT preamp with tuner, and the perfect blend of style and functionality.
Art. Nr.: AP510104
#ApplauseWoodClassics #GuitarElegance #AcousticHarmony Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
3rd Power Amplification MK II Launch: Dream Weaver Blackface vs. Tweed Settings
The Dream Weaver MK II amp head from 3rd Power Amplifications features '59 Tweed and '63 Blackface based amp voices on channel one and a rich, organic Plexi experience on channel two. In this video, 3rd Power CEO/Head Designer, Jamie Scott, demonstrates two different vintage American preamp voices, Blackface and Tweed. Blackface mode delivers that classic "scooped mid" American sound with excellent headroom. Tweed mode has that meaty "mid growl" and sweet top end that just oozes with vintage "voodoo."
Recording Chain:
Suhr Classic T Antique Tobacco Burst Electric Guitar
Vovox Instrument Cables
Klon KTR Overdrive Distortion Pedal
3rd Power Amplification Dream Weaver MK II
3rd Power Amplification Dream Series 2x12 Cabinet
Shure KSM 313 Ribbon Mic
Shure SM57 Instrument Mic
Maag PreQ4-500 Mic Pre w/ Air Band
Lynx Aurora 16 I/O Converter Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Что происходит с самыми дешёвыми электрогитарами спустя год использования на примере Rockdale Stars HSS и немного про экземплярность.
Магазинчик с Гитарами: +ncLATTtdJVJhMDRi
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Fender Player Strat. Профессиональная гитара за $1000 | gitaraclub.ru
ГИТАРНЫЙ КЛУБ- магазин и мастерская гитар.
Адреса магазинов:
✔️ Акустические гитары. Б. Новодмитровская 36/15, "Флакон". Тел: +7-925-176-55-65
✔️ Электрогитары. Б. Новодмитровская 36/15, "Флакон". Тел: +7-977-151-84-22
✔️ Бас-гитары. Б. Новодмитровская 36/26, "Флакон". Тел: +7-925-222-88-56
🕰 С 11:00 до 20:00 без выходных
✔️ Гитарный Клуб СПб. ул. Гороховая 49Б, “SENO”, Тел: +7-929-179-15-49
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Bleeding Through's Dave Nassie showcases the NEW Desolation Star with a clean tone. Guitar is played through the EVH 5150III. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Noodling around with these brand new pickups i got from Kiesel guitars, i think they sound amazing so let me know what you think about them below!
Huge thanks again to Albert for sending them over, thanks so much mate!
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2011 Gibson "Midtown Custom" with Amber "Spirit of '59" Pickups
Guitar Onlineshop:
These guitars are for sale at
(please check: if it is still available you can see the guitar advertised with more photos, price and infos.
In case the guitar has been sold, you do not find the item anymore on the website.)
Recording equipment:
- Clean amp sound: Fender Vibroverb amp (original 1963), plus additional:
- Boss RC 500 Looper
- Overdrive pedal: Okko Diablo "Gregor Hilden Signature Model" (available in my webshop)
- Delay pedal: Vahlbruch "Spacetime" Delay (available in my webshop)
other pedals:
Neunaber Wet reverb V5
- AKG D 320 B mic into a Behringer Xenyx 1002 FX
mixing desk ( Reverb No. 7 from the Behringer).
I'm recording direct to the camera (Sony HDV 1080i or Zoom 200m sometimes). The live mix video/audio is ready on the camera card then and will be uploaded to You Tube.
I'm using - Dunlop Delrin 2.0 Picks
German Site:
Informationen zu den Gitarren, FAQs, Fotos, Preisangaben etc. gibt es auf meiner Homepage:
Okko- und Vahlbruch Pedale, sind auch bei mir im Angebot und ständig auf Lager.
English Site:
For FAQs and more detailed information on the instruments presented here / close-up fotos, pricings etc, please go to my
Okko Diablo Overdrive / Vahlbruch Spacetime Delay Pedal
You are welcome to ask any questions about the items for sale on my sales page, I will try to answer as soon as I can. Please understand that I can not take the time anymore to answer questions like "Do you think Mexican Fenders are better than Korean Epiphones" or "What's your favourite stompbox under $ 100?" and other general gear-questions. I understand that the casual and informal way of internet communication is inviting to ask anything you ever wanted to know about guitars. However, I get about 150 emails a day (!) just like these, it would take many hours each day just to respond to all these general questions. That is simply impossible to do. However, questions related to items on my inventory I'll try to answer quickly
Allgemeine Fragen zu Gitarren und Amps:
Inzwischen habe ich über 10000 Gitarrenvideos erstellt, und die Leute denken natürlich nicht ganz zu Unrecht: "Der kann mir sicher ein paar gute Tipps geben", oder immer beliebter: Fragen beantworten, zu einer Gitarre, die gerade günstig bei Ebay ersteigert wurde und etwas merkwürdig aussieht... Das Problem ist allerdings, dass ich inzwischen jeden Tag an die 150 derartige Mails mit allgemeinen Fragen aus der ganzen Welt bekomme... ("welche Epiphone kannst Du empfehlen..., "...was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer Custom-Shop-Les-Paul und einer normalen...", "..welche Strat-Pickups soll ich in meine Road-Worn einbauen", "..was ist der Unterschied zwischen einer Vintage-Fender/Gibson und einer Reissue ..".
Ich habe eine ganze Zeit jeden Tag solche Mails beantwortet - und im Einzelfall wäre dies auch kein Problem. Aber, sorry, in diesem Umfang geht das leider nicht mehr! Nehmt es also bitte nicht persönlich wenn ich solche allgemeinen Fragen deshalb grundsätzlich nicht beantworten kann! vieles steht bereits in den "FAQ" Seiten
Spezielle Fragen zum Equipment in meinem Shop beantworte ich natürlich weiterhin gerne. Bei umfassenden Fragen/Beratungen gerne auch telefonisch. Und ich bekomme so auch einen viel besseren Eindruck über die Wünsche und Vorstellungen des Kunden weil man direkt auch gezielt nachfragen-, Empfehlungen geben kann etc. . Am WE oder abends anrufen ist auch kein Problem - nur in der Mittagszeit von 12:00 bis 14:30 bin in nicht erreichbar! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fender Custom Shop Masterbuilt Dale Wilson 60 Strat | Heavy Relic Cadillac Green 3 Tone Sunburst
Introducing the Fender Custom Shop Dale Wilson Masterbuilt 60's Strat Heavy Relic – a masterpiece crafted by renowned Masterbuilder, Dale Wilson!
With an Alder body finished in a captivating Cadillac Green/3-Tone Sunburst nitro lacquer, this guitar ages gracefully, promising unique character over time. Its Quartersawn Maple neck, featuring a comfortable 60s Style Oval C profile, offers effortless playability with 21comfortable frets. Hand-wound Josefina pickups deliver classic Strat tones, from shimmering cleans to dynamic drive.
But don't take our word for it, in this video our good friend, Scott McKeon shows off just what this awesome guitar is capable of.
Find out more about this awesome guitar here:
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John Cordy - Killer Strat Tone from the M Abbey Kemper Profile Pack!
50% off "PLEASE" Sale is ending soon! It works on this pack too!
Check out John Cordy demonstrating some beautiful strat tones with the M Abbey Pack from Tone Junkie! At times John almost gets an American Mayer sequel sound out of this pack but with the "G" Gold speaker profiles its instant Top Boost Vox!!! Plus check out those singing lead tones!
C'mon John!!!
Check out more of John Cordy on Youtube:
Need a Kemper?
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Healy Guitars Growler Green Metallic Demo | The Music Emporium
The chimey response that the custom wound Gemini humbuckers deliver in this gorgeous Healy Guitars Growler is so intoxicating that we forget how great they sound overdriven. It's no surprise that guitarist Chris Brokaw is able to move effortlessly from clean passages to saturated overdriven bliss - these guitars are so dialed in that they practically play themselves. Recorded through a 1966 @fender Vibrolux Reverb into a @UniversalAudio OX Amp Top Box, using a @JAMpedals-yt Tubedreamer for drive.
Interested in learning more about this Healy? Follow the link below!
#themusicemporium #guitarshop #guitar #customguitar #healyguitars #healygrowler #electricguitar #madeinmassachusetts #boutiqueguitar Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Prestige Guitars Todd "Dammit" Kerns Anti-Star VI Signature Model
Guitar World Tech Editor Paul Riario demos the Prestige Guitars Todd "Dammit" Kerns Anti-Star VI Signature Model. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
John Cordy Plays the Arshall Kemper Profile Pack - Tone Junkie TV
Download now at:
John Cordy checks out the Arshall Kemper Profile Pack and shows us how to use those pushed British lead tones in a mix, bright or dark you can find all sorts of classic British Rock tones in the Arshall Pack.
Need a Kemper? Check out the Tone Junkie Loaded Kemper from British Audio!! It's the best deal in the Kemper-verse...
Check out more of John Cordy over on his YouTube channel
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Уроки игры на гитаре, сессионная запись адских соляков и душещипательных мелодий.
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Skype: Olrynik Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Aura Crunch Master - Review - Victor Pradella (ENGLISH)
Find more about it at:
Crunch Master is a true bypass distortion pedal by Aura. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is Brandon Ewing demoing the Kiesel Lithium Single Coil Pickups.
For more information on the Lithium Single Coils, call our custom shop experts at (858) GUITARS.
Signal Chain:
Kiesel Bolt - Kemper Profiler - Apogee Duet
Be sure to follow Kiesel Guitars for guitar and bass build pictures, news, and updates from the custom shop:
All original music by Brandon Ewing
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Fender Strat (Emanuelli Pickups) - HIWATT DR103 & Crunch Box (Axe-FX III) Jam video
Another one from the 'unreleased' vault. I'm a bit short on detail for this because I couldn't even find the Logic file for it. Must have scrapped it or something. However, what we have here is my Mark Emanuelli modded Strat with Mark's pickups, through a HIWATT/Leslie/Crunch Box model-suite in the Axe-FX III. The backing track I 'think' is by Elevated Jam Tracks. The video's probably seven minutes too long but I'm putting it out there just so I don't have to think about it anymore. Rock on. More info about Mark's stuff when he's ready to properly launch, at this stage sometime in 2022. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fender Custom Masterbuilt Yuriy Shishkov 1960 Heavy Relic Stratocaster Olympic White:Three Tone
Holy Masterbuilt Strat, Batman!! We have a creation from Master Builder Yuriy Shishkov and it is spectacular. It looks gorgeous and the attention to detail on the aging is magical. The 60's style oval C neck is just right and feels great in a not too big, not too small kind of way. Another really fun detail is the LH bridge adding a bit of an SRV vibe. Add a set of Josefina Hand Wound pickups into the mix and you get a truly amazing instrument that sounds and feels as phenomenal as it looks. Another home run from Yuriy and the Custom Shop. Stop by the Casino or give us a call with more questions. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Originally designed for Kirk Hammett of Metallica, the KH-3 Spider made its mark throughout the ’90s, supporting the legendary Black Album on tour. With its striking spider graphic designed by Pushead, this guitar isn't just an instrument—it's a piece of rock history.
Fast forward 30 years, and the KH-3 Spider is back with some serious upgrades. This reissue features neck-thru-body construction, a lightning-fast extra-thin U-shaped neck, and an ebony fingerboard scalloped from frets #17-24. And let’s not forget Kirk’s signature EMG Bonebreaker pickups, delivering the crushing tone that defined a generation.
Whether you’re shredding on stage or adding a legendary piece to your collection, the KH-3 Spider is a must-have for any true Metallica fan. 🎸
Firehouse Guitars is proud to be a true family business in the music industry. In 1997, founder Tim Adrianson started selling music gear out of a tiny shop in Grand Rapids, MI. The original store quickly grew and became a chain of full-line musical instrument and pro sound stores offering all of the industry’s top products from the likes of Ibanez, Yamaha, Fender, Martin, Boss, Roland, PRS, MXR, ESP, Peterson, Ovation, Audio Technica, Line 6, Seymour Duncan, Suhr, Orange, Jackson, Schecter, and so many more! was then started with the purpose of providing easy, online access to these same products at unbeatable prices.
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Дмитрий Багель - гитарист групп 25/17, Лёд 9 и Michael Night на своём опыте убедился в удобстве и крайне полезных функция бриджа Evertune.
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#Evertune #Solar #Багель Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
В нашем московском шоу-руме Martin C.F. большое событие - в гости пожаловал уникальный инструмент Martin D-100. В мире всего 50 таких гитар, невероятно красивые, с шикарным звуком и стоят как квартира в Москве.
Купить гитары MARTIN:
Neumann U 87:
Neumann U 87 – THE RHODIUM EDITION приобретайте в салоне магазина «Мир Музыки» по адресу Москва, ул. Садовая-Триумфальная, 16
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Probett Rocket III Electric Guitar - Played by Gideon Boley
The Probett Rocket III is inspired by Epiphone's timeless Wilshire and Crestwood models. With its premium grade one-piece Mahogany body in a familiar S-style double-cutaway design, and a one-piece quarter sawn Mahogany neck alongside a first-grade Indian Rosewood fretboard decorated with single-ply Royalite binding, this guitar is a modern take on an electric classic.
Find out more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
You asked for it, here is a quick demo of the clean tones on our consignment Kiesel D6H Delos guitar. Recorded direct through the clean channel (Round) of a Strymon Iridium, an an Oopegg Reverb.
@OOPEGG Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
"Pick of the Day" - 1963 Guild A-350 Stratford and Supro 1688T Big Star
It's been a while since we've featured a Guild on the channel, but today we're going right at it with a 1963 A-350 Stratford! This one is in great playing condition, with a few scattered dings and play wear around it. It has been upgraded with an excellent pair of floating humbuckers and sounds fantastic both acoustically and plugged into an amp! For the amp today we have a great Supro reissue, the 1688T Big Star! This is a 35-watt 2x12 combo, with two channels that can be linked for some interesting sounds. Today we're handing it over to our good friend Jimmy James again for the demo!
For more information about the guitar and amp, please check out:
Music: The Hollers "Zeb" (Instrumental) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Warwick Custom Shop Masterbuilt - IdolMaker Stevie Salas Signature
Music: Stevie Salas - Punkass Bitch
Check out: for more informations.
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This is a very cool guitar. It has a clear voice with lots of overtones. The Sinker Redwood is unique and incredible. Simon Fay is a young builder with a bright future because he's striving to make something unique and at the very highest level. This first guitar he's made for us is wonderful. The Sinker Redwood is really something special and together with the highly figured Claro Walnut give this guitar a voice that is at once punching and clear as well as rich and warm. The Sinker Redwood is extra stiff so the top can be thinner than usual with Redwood, so this is Redwood like you've never heard it. Much brighter and full of lovely overtones. Simon is offering this guitar at a very attractive price so that you, our customers, may begin to know his work. Don't pass this one by... - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Гитарная Схемотехника: The Black Strat Дэвида Гилмора (история, модификации и распайка)
Это видео о знаменитом черном стратокастере Дэвида Гилмора – The Black Strat.
Эта гитара начала свой путь со стандартной модели купленной в магазине, а закончила многократно модифицированной, и овеянной славой, на аукционе Кристис, проданной за почти 4 млн долларов…
The Black Strat - гитара с длинной историей, и о ней даже есть книга, написанная Филом Тейлором, гитарным техником и другом Гилмора.
В этом видео я постараюсь кратко рассказать историю этой гитары, осветить её модификации с течением времени, а также, мы подробно разберем её распайку, и так называемый Гилморс Мод.
Это видео для таких же любителей и энтузиастов как я сам)
Если видео вам понравилось - поддержите проект – подпишитесь на канал, поставьте лайк и оставьте комментарий.
00:00 Вступление
00:55 С чего всё началось
03:23 Установка XLR
04:42 Первая установка переключателя для некового звукоснимателя
05:39 Установка Gibson PAF Humbucker
06:16 Обратно к стандарту + Черный пикгард
07:18 Установка DiMarzio FS-1 + и переключатель для некового звукоснимателя
07:58 Установка Seymour Duncan SSL-1
08:21 Установка бриджа Kahler
08:59 BLACK STRAT в Hard Rock Café и реставрация после
09:39 Возвращение BLACK STRAT
10:23 Fender Stratocaster David Gilmour Signature
11:26 Финальные спецификации и продажа на Christie’s
12:50 Варианты установки переключателя для некового звукоснимателя
13:51 Распайка и “Gilmour’s Mod”
Полезные ссылки:
- моё видео про стратокастеры + 3 интересных мода
- моё видео про гитару Брайана Мэя - Red Special
- моё видео о Les Paul No1 Джимми Пейджа
- моё видео о Les Paul No2 Джимми Пейджа
- моё видео о Les Paul Black Beauty Джимми Пейджа Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#rockdale #telecaster
Хорошая бюджетная гитара ROCKDALE Stars TE HH Black ...
#fender #metal #djent Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Today we have an amp from a local builder under the name Greedtone, and this one is a beast! Seattle's Greg Williamson hand-wires these amplifiers, builds them rugged with high quality materials and components, and it shows! This model comes in at 100w through four EL34 tubes to power the matching 2x12" cabinet loaded with Celestion Creamback speakers. There are two inputs on this amp and we'll have Trevor plug into both as he gives his new lefty 2014 Gibson R9, so he's got a good humbucker guitar for demos in the future!
For more information on the amp, please check out:
Music: The Hollers "Alone Together" (Instrumental) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Presenta el demo del pedal Marquis Treble Booster de la marca Diamond Pedals Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
"Pick of the Day" - 1960 Fender Stratocaster and 1966 Fender Pro Reverb
Today, we're in solid 60's Fender territory, with a completely original 1960 Stratocaster and an excellent 1966 Pro Reverb! The guitar is a perfect slab-board instrument, with some honest wear but overall in great shape. Lightweight and balanced at and this thing resonates with every note, and the pickups deliver a fantastic tone in all positions! To show off that tone, we have our friend Aaron Hiebert playing some nice clean sounds through the Pro Reverb, which has a ton of headroom, a big sound, and plays nice with anything you want to plug into it!
For more information about the guitar and amp, please check out:
Music: The Hollers "Abandoned Speech" (Instrumental) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Фирмовая вертушка Даймбэга с унисонной нотой. Разбор и применение.
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Обзор на электроакустическую Customshop-гитару Dreadnought MiLena Music®
Не для кого не секрет, что мы в MiLena Music®, предоставляем Вам возможность получить в свои руки не только серийные инструменты, но и инструменты изготовленные по вашим пожеланиям.
Пример такого Customshop'а мы и Эдуард Лыткин хотели бы показать в этом видео обзоре. Приятного просмотра!
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#milenamusic #guitars #customshop #acoustic_guitar #russian_guitar Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
PRO'СТОЙ DREADNOUGHT? | MiLena Music® | Обзор на новую серийную модель
#milenamusic #guitar #ml
Привет друзья. Мы решили немного освежить модельный ряд наших гитар. До этого в ассортименте MiLena Music® не было гитар формы dreadnought с вырезом, и пора бы это исправить.
Мы с вами видели много разных dreadnought'ов, и казалось бы, на первый взгляд в этой гитаре нет ничего особенного, ОДНАКО, как говорится "дьявол кроется в деталях", и именно об этих деталях мы и поговорим в новом обзоре.
Приятного просмотра!
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Уроки на гитаре от Игоря Шиянова:
— — — — — —
0:00 - Приветствие
0:17 - Лайк за Nothing Else Matters
1:59 - Техническая часть
2:33 - Материалы
3:49 - Детали и фурнитура
5:16 - Демо
7:20 - Выводы
8:41 - Неудачные дубли
— — — — — —
Автор текста, ведущий, превью - Сергей Рубизов
Оператор, монтажёр - Игорь Шиянов
Звукооператор - Михаил Родин Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
For sound examples and specs watch the Corvette $$ - Product Demo with Andy Irvine:
For more information on the instrument go to:
Music: Floating Through Canyons by Bassists Alliance
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
"Pick of the Day" - 1959 Fender Stratocaster and Magnatone Twilighter
It's been a while since we've done a Strat, so why not a killer 1959? This maple board Strat has an excellent spanky tone to it and plays excellently. It has had a refret and has a new bone nut, as well as a tiny bit of work done to the fretboard to smooth out some of the wear, but other than that the rest of the guitar is original! Today we're featuring another of our new Magnatone amps, the Twilighter - this one isn't stereo but features the same awesome vibrato and tremolo system as the Panoramic Stereo.
For more information about the guitar, please check out:
Music: Timothy Robert Graham "Speak From The Heart" (Instrumental) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Электрогитару LAG Arkane 100 Matt Design #info демонстрирует Настя Туровская. Запись видео, звука, монтаж: Сергей Гаврилюк, Влад Гаврильчик, компания Allegro Music Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Электрогитара Solar Guitars GF2.6W (гитара от Ola Englund)
Solar Guitars – это удобная и стильная электрогитара (корпус G с вырезом), которая, с одной стороны, создана для игры тяжёлой музыки, а с другой, благодаря наличию отсечек отлично звучит и на чистом звуке. Дека гитары выполнена из красного дерева, как и гриф со сквозным креплением, а накладка – из чёрного. GF2.6 оснащена двумя хамбакерами Duncan Solar, трёхпозиционным переключателем звукоснимателей, ручкой тона и двумя ручками громкости с push-pull переключателями, отсекающими хамбакеры на синглы. Смотрите наш видеообзор мощной электрогитары для студии и сцены – Solar Guitars стильного белого цвета!
✔️Актуальное наличие и цена:
Электрогитара Solar Guitars
0:00 Древесина изготовления, как звучит электрогитара Solar Guitars
0:53 Датчики. Как звучит гитара Solar во всех трёх положениях звукоснимателей
1:38 Как звучит Solar с отсечкой
2:48 Особенности. Играем
3:38 Резюме. И ещё поиграем
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Обзор электрогитары Gibson Spirit DC USA 1982 l SKIFMUSIC.RU
Модель Spirit выпускалась компанией Gibson короткий срок - с 1982го по 1985й года. Изначально эту модель продавали под маркой Epiphone, но затем позднее начали выпускать и продавать под маркой Gibson. Инструмент редкий, состояние идеальное. Мы предлагаем Вашему вниманию модель Spirit, которая выпускалась в первые годы производства данной серии, гитара оснащена краснушной декой выкрашенной в чёрный цвет, с кленовым шпоном в стиле санбёрст, двумя ручками громкости - на каждый оригинальный хамбакер, одной ручкой тона и стандартным Гибсоновским свитчем-переключателем положений датчиков. Установленный Kahler - двухстороннее тремоло - идеально держит строй.
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I am a big fan of treble boosters. I grew up with them in the 70s and know them well enough to be able to tell a good one from a bad one. Despite them only having a half dozen or so components, it's a bit of an art nailing the perfect treble booster 'honk' and the Solar Boost from UK's Rook Audio has it in spades, probably due in no short part to it's NOS Germanium 'Red Dot' OC139 transistor heart. Here I've teamed up the Solar Boost with a Strat and SG, and a couple of suitable amps.
Today's tools:
Guitar: Fender Stratocaster (one part Eric Johnson signature neck, one part '57 RI body. Mark Emanuelli Pickups. Strapped together and modded by Mark). 2010? Gibson Custom Shop SG/Les Paul '61 RI. Tyson Tone TTL-2 Pickups (the greatest!)
Amp: Axe-FX III MKII running Cygnus FW . Vox AC30, Marshall JTM45 and 1987x models and appropriate IRs.
Cables: BOSS
Strings: Ernie Ball Slinky or Paradigm
Power Supply: Eventide PowerMax by Cioks
Mic: Samson Airline77 (me)
Camera: iPhone 11 Pro and Canon D60
Soundcard: PreSonus Quantum & Fractal Audio Systems Axe-FX III MKII (guitar, mixing and bouncing).
Desktop Monitors: PreSonus R80 R-Series Active AMT Studio Monitors ()
Computer: 2017 Apple iMac Pro, 2.5 GHz 14-Core Intel Xeon W, 64 GB 2666 MHz DDR4, Radeon Pro Vega 64X 16 GB
Software: Logic Pro X, Apple Final Cut Pro X, Compressor. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
24k GOLD Guitar Strings!! - Rich Tone or Waste of Cash?
Are super high-end strings worth buying? Today I compare a set of 24k gold coated strings up against a basic set of D'Addarios!
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The 56 Tweed Super pack seeks to capture the tone of 1956-57 Fender 5E4 Tweed Super- Amp. The pack contains 3 speaker compliments that provide an array of colors from this 6L6 tweed monster. We profiled the original Jensen P10s for the most period correct vintage tones, thru a set of 1965 Jensen C12N from a Fender Twin and HW’s Favorite speaker, the scum back M75. The C12Ns provides a larger cone less highs from the ceramic magnet. The M75s have a more British feel and a very unique sound when paired with this 50’s tweed circuit.
Compared to the 57 Tweed Band Pack we used lower output preamp tubes providing a bit more headroom. The Microphone channel in this amp seemed to not just have less presence but a bit of a gain push as well. Profiles marked “M” have a bit more fatness than profiles which feel like they have a bit more headroom.
25 Profiles (20 Studio and 5 Direct)
I - Instrument Channel
M - Microphone Channel
M75 - Scumback M75 speaker
C12N - Jensen Concert Series C12N speaker Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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