Cool Water Wave Man від Davidoff - втілення характеру бурхливої і нестримної стихії води. Здається, ще трохи - і композиція вибухне пінними бризками прибою, а в обличчя подує легке солоне повітря, яке принесло свіжість і бадьорість з самого серця океану.
Ледь торкаючись тіла, парфуми ваблять і зачаровують гармонійним поєднанням водяних і деревних акордів, які огортають тіло неперевершеним флером. Композиція розкривається бадьорим звучанням соковитого і стиглого грейпфрута, дивовижною свіжістю морських хвиль. Китайський перець дарує парфумам незвичайні акценти. У серці композиції чується багатство зелені, втілене в звучанні листя берези і ялівцю. Шлейф огортає тіло ледь відчутною вуаллю, зітканою з акордів сандала і пачулів.
Davidoff Cool Water мужской аромат с randewoo
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DAVIDOFF Cool Water For Men
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Davidoff Cool Water
1988 год
Стойкость 3 из 5 (Субъективно - держится не больше 3-4 часов)
Шлейф 3 из 5 (Тихий аромат)
Возраст носителя: от 30... 35 до 100 лет ))
Подойдёт и для молодого парня, при условии, что он одет в классический костюм.
Davidoff Cool Water на Фрагрантике
Davidoff Cool Water в Золотом Яблоке (Пример стоимости) ?
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Дополнение к обзору EDT Cool Water Davidoff, относительно стойкости данного парфюма.
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TAG: Мой первый парфюм? Cool Water Davidoff! #парфюмерныйтег
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Davidoff Cool Water Wave | Fragrance Review | Best Men's Summer Cologne?
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Отзыв о туалетной воде DAVIDOFF Cool Water. Впечатление, пирамида нот, цена.
Дополнение к основному отзыву EDT Cool Water Davidoff Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Парфм-Баттл! Слепой Затест: Creed GIT vs Davidoff Cool Water
Друзья, привет всем!
В этом видео проведу слепой затест Creed GIT vs Davidoff Cool Water
Выясним, действительно ли Cool Water похож на Creed GIT
Сможет ли Davidoff Cool Water вообще набрать хоть какие-то голоса?
Все ответы - в этом ролике!
Приятного просмотра!
#Creed #DavidoffCoolWater #GreenIrishTweed Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
COOL WATER VS COOL WATER INTENSE 💦 Which Fragrance Should You Buy??
Hello fragheads,
Max Forti here! thank you for tunning in!
Another REVIEW from a fragrance that was released last year around May/June and got absolutely NO talk here on YouTube! Davidoff Cool Water Wave. Definitely worth checking out if you are into Aquatic scents but wanted something a little different. A perfect scent for the warmer seasons ahead!
Davidoff Cool Water Wave Perfume is very cool and casual!
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Actualización sobre mi perfume, resérvalo:
Mi opinión sobre la nueva Cool Water Parfum de Davidoff:
00:00 Introducción
01:36 Primera impresión
03:09 Actualización sobre mi perfume
04:06 Cool Water vs Dior Sauvage
05:18 El aroma
05:53 Conclusiones
Se trata del último lanzamiento de Davidoff, en este caso es la versión "Perfume" de la clásica fragancia Eau de Toilette, de finales de los 80's, y que en su momento revolucionó la perfumería.
Sólo por el nombre "Cool Water Parfum", la fragancia promete. En este vídeo analizo desde que abro la caja y la huelo por primera vez, hasta mis comentarios después de probarla por varios días e incluso compararla con fragancias similares.
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NEW Davidoff Cool Water Parfum Review - This Will Be A Cheapie HIT!
Hey friends, today I'm checking out the new Davidoff Cool Water Parfum. It doesn't have a ton to do with the original Cool Water, it's actually closer to things like Dior Sauvage. Once this hits discounters for cheap though, it'll be great! As always thanks for watching!
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Catch the wave with Davidoff Cool Water Wave! Like a rush of pure adrenaline, this immersive scent plunges you straight into the crashing swells of the ocean, an invigorating encounter with the euphoria of catching the perfect wave.
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Davidoff Cool Water Wave vs. Cool Water vs. Cool Water Frozen - Review
The 2017 Davidoff Cool Water Wave is getting some hype recently, but should you bother? Let's compare it to the original and another fun one I had kicking around, Frozen.
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#Davidoff #CoolWaterWave #CoolWaterFrozen #Review #Fragrance #FragranceReview #Cologne #Perfume #Parfum #PapiCare Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
¿Qué dice tu fragancia de ti? “DAVIDOFF COOL WATER”
This perfume was created for a woman who celebrates her free spirit and femininity, but is still self-confident. Perfumer Philippe Bousseton created this floral and fruity cocktail inspired by Aphrodite. With its freshness Davidoff Cool Water Wave reminds you of pure, crystal water. Read more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Davidoff Cool Water Wave. Antoine Lie, Francis Kurkdjian, Jean Jacques. Jak Invictus Aqua? Montblanc
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Davidoff Cool Water Wave (Давидофф Кул Ватер Вэйв)
Nicole reviews Cool Water Wave by Davidoff, inspired by the iconic men's scent Cool Water.
Get Cool Water Wave by Davidoff:
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marshalls haul, date night fragrances, zaharoff royale, creed aventus, nishane hacivat, versace pour homme, versace Signature, versace man eau fraiche, versace dylan blue, luxury fragrances, perfume, jeremy fragrance, perfumes, women's perfume, aaron marino, alpha m, alpham, real men real style, rmrs, women's fragrances, most complimented, most complimented fragrances, top 12, top 10, top 10 list, fragrances, fragrance, fragrance army, prada, dior, coach, Versace, gucci, louis vutton, drive men crazy, best fragrances, best perfumes, date night, dates, men's fragrances, buy fragrances, buy perfumes for your woman, ladies love these, cologne, colognes. men's cologne, men's colognes, best cologne, best colognes, cheap fragrances, cheap fragrance, affordable fragrances, affordable fragrance, cheapie, cheapies, best cheap fragrances, Tommy, Tommy Hilfiger, Tommy into the surf, freshie, fresh fragrance, dolce gabanna. the one, the one grey, chanel, allure homme sport, versace, man eau fraiche, jeremy fragrance, tommy bahama, dior homme cologne, top 7, dior, dior sauvage, creed aventus, gents scents, gent scents, big beard business, redolessence, cheap fragrance alternatives for aventus, smell great for less, compliment beast, Signature scent, professional, smell like the boss, long lasting, powerful fragrances, compliment, versace, niche, niche fragrance, fragrance collection, compliment getter, compliment getters, compliment beasts, attention getter, attention getters, attention getter fragrances Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Davidoff Cool Water biasa VS Cool Water Intense 🔥🔥🔥
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always keep original yah guys dengan cara menjahui parfum palsu yg bisa merusak kulit kita. Jangan termakan Tipuan embel-embel ori reject, ori singapore, non box, yg nawarin harga jauh di bawah alias gak masuk akal.
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KEEP SMELLING GOOD 🔥🔥🔥 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
4 Best Cheap Clones of Davidoff Cool Water Perfume For Men #shorts #perfumes
buying links
cool water 125ml
coty aspen 118ml
the man company black 50ml
the man company blanc 50ml
the man company pack of 2
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Hablaremos de un perfume icónico de la perfumería masculina, Cool Water de Davidoff.
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Davidoff Cool Water Wave (Eau de Toilette) - Unboxing
A summer freshie, nice release from Davidoff, this is a flanker of Cool Water, which is a top seller worldwide and a 's see how this 2017 release is.
Fragrantica link
Recommended for any age, any summer. gym, work, casual everyday wear.
Major notes to my , grapefruit, fruity notes, watery notes and woody.
Enjoy :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Review of Davidoff Cool Water Reborn. I will share my first impressions, what I think of the drydown, talk about the notes and will give a final rating.
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#curlyfragrance #mensfragrances #menscolognes Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fake vs Real Davidoff Cool Water Intense Perfume, 100 ml Eau De Parfum
Fake vs Real Davidoff Cool Water Intense Perfume
How to spot fake Davidoff Cool Water Intense Perfume
The boxes are identical, the only difference is the perfume code, the fake is much more towards the center, compared to the original one which is located on the left side, instead the weight differs (see in the video).
the bottle looks the same, there are only two differences - the weight of the lid, and the label on the bottom of the bottle. If the serial number of the perfume is not found on the bottom of the bottle, the perfume is fake.
If the serial number on the bottom of the bottle is not the same as the number on the bottom of the box, then the perfume is fake. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fragrance Of The Day #fragrance #cologne #parfum #rangerover #cardrive #davidoff #coolwater #driving
Davidoff cool water men perfume model 1988 very famous for men Fragrance Aromatic, Marine ,green ,fresh ,spicy, lavender
Davidoff Hot water for men 2009 Fragrance warm spicy, Amber, fresh spicy, Aromatic, fresh
Davidoff Cool water men summer Edition 2018 Fragrance greeny ,fresh ,fruity, sweet, floral
Davidoff Cool Water Wave women 2018, floral
Marine ,tropical, citrusy, fruity, Aromatic Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Davidoff COOL WATER WAVE Unboxing and initial impressions 2017
OK, yeah, I totally messed up the camera shot.. I tried a new space in my apt and... it didn't work :) At least you don't have to see my bald head in this one :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Simțiți răcoarea brizei oceanului în fiecare strop de Davidoff Cool Water Wave.
Cheia se află în denumire: Cool Water este răcoritor, înviorător și pur cu nuanțe calde, iar Wave este elementul surpriză care face orice zi de vară mai incitantă.
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Introducing the new masculine fragrance from Davidoff, Cool Water Night Dive.
Davidoff Cool Water Night Dive opens with a clear and thrilling "splash" sensation brought by a blend of shivering mint and cold watery fruits, carefully assembled to enhance the green inflexions of lentisk. This striking prelude slowly gives way to magnetic and modern oriental notes of cashmeran. Its musky, spicy intensity is faceted with captivating ambery balmy notes heightening the woody force of lentisk.
Now available at The Perfume Shop: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Discover the power of cool: Cool Water Man from Davidoff. Inspired by the strength of the ocean, this iconic male scent has been giving men that vital feeling of intense freshness for over 25 years.
With its sparkling marine vitality, this legendary fragrance is the story of a man who plunges into the water in a splendid dive and emerges re-energized.
Davidoff Cool Water is an aromatic fresh scent that bursts to the surface in swells of peppermint and lavender, then moves outwards with force and intensity in notes of oakmoss, geranium and sandalwood, before finally gliding into a long, warm flow of amber and musk.
The archetypical blue flacon is a sleek, masculine, architectural bottle that encapsulates the essence of freshness.
The legacy of Davidoff’s unique sense of quality and art de vivre is reflected in all of our fragrances. We’re committed to bringing together the finest ingredients the world offers to invite to explore the intense sensations of life..
Top Notes:
Lavender, Coriander, Peppermint, Rosemary, Orange Blossom
Mid Notes:
Jasmine, Oakmoss, Geranium, Sandalwood
Base Notes:
Amber, Musk, Sandalwood, Cedar
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Please watch: "Adidas X-PLR Unboxing And Review"
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Davidoff Cool Water Reborn (2022) fragrance review
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Cool Water Summer Edition by Davidoff Cologne Review
Shariff reviews Cool Water Caribbean Summer by Davidoff.
Hey everyone, Shariff here, and today I'll be reviewing Cool Water Caribbean Summer by Davidoff. This men's scent launched in 2018, and, unsurprisingly, is an ideal summer fragrance.
I really like the strong note of mint, which mixes beautifully with citrus top notes of lemon, grapefruit, and mandarin. In the heart, basil, sage, and juniper add an aromatic dimension, leading into that mint note in the base alongside a note of sandalwood.
That's all for now. I hope you enjoyed this review, and please, don't forget to follow FragranceX on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, and please subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
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Davidoff Cool Water #davidoffcoolwater #summerperfumes #shorts
Sarah reviews Cool Water Cologne by Davidoff. Discover the aquatic notes found in the refreshing fragrance.
Get Cool Water for Men by Davidoff:
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A quick review of Davidoff's Cool Water Wave flanker, a cheap Francis Kurkdijan creation from 2017. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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