Кнопка центральна для одноклавішного вимикача прохідного типу Ajax CenterButton 1-gang 2-way for LightSwitch. З появою LightSwitch в екосистемі Ajax користувачі системи отримали можливість керувати різними освітлювальними пристроями як на об'єкті, так і дистанційно через додатки Ajax. LightSwitch – це збірний пристрій, що складається із внутрішнього механізму, прозорої рамки та кольорової лицьової панелі. Саме лицьова панель бере на себе основну роль, коли справа доходить до створення дизайну інтер'єру будинку, квартири чи службового приміщення.
Детальні характеристики:
CenterButton 1-gang/2-way/Black
CenterButton 1-gang/2-way/Black
Кількість клавіш
Бездротовий протокол
центральна кнопка для одноклавішного чи прохідного вимикача
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LightSwitch поєднує в собі надійність професійних охоронних систем та продуманий користувацький досвід. Розумний вимикач від Ajax має велику сенсорну панель, яка спрацьовує як на дотик, так і безконтактно — достатньо просто піднести руку на відстань 15 мм. М’яка підсвітка допоможе зробити це в темряві. З LightSwitch легко вмикати світильники та торшери, керувати шторами чи жалюзі, навіть віддалено.
#розумнийдім #ajaxsystems #securua Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ajax LightSwitch - розумний вимикач для дому та офісу!
📍 Замовити розумний вимикач LigthSwitch
З першого погляду вимикач світла - це найбанальніший прилад з однією простою функцію. Але Ajax доводить зворотнє, презентуючи вимикач, який не тільки підкреслить стиль вашої оселі, але й зробить керування освітленням квартири, будинку або офісу розумним.
LightSwitch - це загальна назва лінійки вимикачів, які включають в себе одно, двоклавішні і прохідні моделі із вбудованим реле, що підключається до хаба. Таким чином ви можете прямо із застосунку керувати освітленням та програмувати сценарії роботи. А ще, вимикачі Ajax LightSwitch підтримують безконтактне натискання, наприклад, якщо у вас брудні руки або пристрій знаходиться у громадському місці.
На вибір клієнта Ajax пропонує цілих 8 сучасних кольорових рішень, тому ви без проблем підберете вимикач саме до свого інтер’єру. До того ж, новинка підтримує роботу з усіма хабами крім першої моделі (Hub), а також ретрансляторами.
Розумний вимикач ось-ось з’явиться у продажу, тож не забувайте відвідувати наш сайт та слідкувати за новинами у YouTube! Якщо вам сподобалося це відео, ми будемо раді вашій вподобайці та підписці на наш канал. А якщо у вас залишилися питання по роботі вимикачів - залишайте їх у коментарях і ми обов’язково відповімо на них.
00:00 ► Вступ
00:54 ► Огляд
03:48 ► Зборка та елементи
05:26 ► Підключення та налаштування
09:31 ► Демонстрація вмикання
09:44 ► Висновки
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👉 5 помилок під час встановлення сигналізації Ajax:
👉 Розумний дім. Огляди, інструкції та підключення:
Канал 👔 Pipl про відеоспостереження, системи безпеки та новинки технологій розумного будинку - для тих, хто шукає найкраще сучасне вирішення питання безпеки своєї сім'ї, будинку чи робочого приміщення.
Тут ми допоможемо вам з вибором камери відеоспостереження, системи сигналізації, контролю та управління доступом та багато іншого, а також покажемо покрокові інструкції з монтажу відеоспостереження та встановлення обладнання систем безпеки своїми руками!
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#pipl #AjaxSystems #lightswitch Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
LightSwitch is a smart switch from Ajax with a large touch-sensitive panel that can be activated both by tap and contactless. With LightSwitch, it's easy to turn on lights and floor lamps, and control automated electric curtains or roller shutters – just put your hand less than 15 mm close to the switch. A soft backlight eliminates groping the switch on the wall and looking for the right button at night.
Available in eight colours, remotely controlled, sized to fit into a standard European socket and seamlessly working with Ajax automation devices – LightSwitch truly combines the reliability of professional security systems and a thoughtful user experience.
Comfort and security in a touch
Learn more:
This is an official Ajax Systems channel. We manufacture security systems for home and business that revolutionize the industry. Our mission is to bring professional security technologies closer to people. The product line includes dozens of devices: motion detectors, opening detectors, glass break detectors, water leak and fire detectors, sirens, relays, and smart plugs. They allow Ajax to perform tasks of a burglar alarm and smart home system simultaneously.
Subscribe to our channel to be the first to know about company news and watch expert reviews, interviews, and how-to videos.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ajax LightSwitch | Smart Light Switch with Jeweller Wireless Technology
Discover the convenience and efficiency of Ajax Systems' LightSwitch smart light switches. By simply touching the touch panel or reaching your hand within a 15 mm distance, you can turn your home's lights on or off. Ajax LightSwitches include Jeweller wireless technology, making it possible to integrate them into any Ajax system and control them from the mobile app.
In addition, the LED backlighting makes them easy to use in the dark and with the creation of smart scenarios, you can automate your home's lighting and improve energy efficiency. Don't wait any longer to upgrade your home lighting to the era of home automation with LightSwitch by Ajax Systems.
Ajax Fibra systems available for sale for professionals:
Visiotech, Security Systems Distributor Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🆕 🚀 ⚙️ Review & test LightSwitch Ajax I KMW Systems
Review & test LightSwitch Ajax!
Am montat și testat la sediul nostru din București, întrerupătorul wireless inteligent LightSwitch de la Ajax. Descoperă și tu motivele pentru care să alegi noul LightSwitch, atât pentru aplicații rezidențiale cât și comerciale.
Dacă dorești să știi mai multe, lasă-ne un comentariu.
00:09 Intro despre întrerupătorul wireless
00:21 Unboxing
00:32 Instalare ușoară la interior, fără cablu suplimentar
00:37 Ce știm despre noul LightSwitch
01:05 Teste cum funcționează întrerupătorul și cum îl putem controla din aplicația mobilă Ajax pentru iOS și Android
01:17 Concluzie
#KMW #Ajax #LightSwitch
𝗡𝗲 𝗴𝗮̆𝘀𝗲𝘀̦𝘁𝗶 𝗽𝗲:
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ТУПО УМНЫЕ выключатели Yeelight Smart Switch Light НОВОГО ПОКОЛЕНИЯ SLISAON! В ЧЕМ СУТЬ?
✔️Мой магазин гаджетов из Алиэкспресс тут - Подпишись и покупай ДЕШЕВЛЕ!
Привет. В этом видео я протестировал новые умные выключатели Yeelight Smart Switch Light c технологией SLISAON и FLEX
1. Выключатель одноклавишный
2. Выключатель двухклавишный
3. Выключатель трехклавишный
4. Умная филаментовая лампочка Xiaomi Yeelight Filament LED Smart Light Bulb (YLDP12YL)
✔️Кешбек letyshops - подключайся и экономь на каждой покупке -
++Мой инстаграмм
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Установка и краткий обзор сенсорного выключателя. при подключении будьте осторожны и соблюдайте технику безопасности.
#электрика #подключение #выключатель #сенсорный #алиэкспресс #aliexpress Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
LightSwitch is an electric switch with a large touch-sensitive panel responsive to a tap or contactless activation. The product line includes 1-gang, 2-gang, and 2-way models and frames of various sizes. Switches can be combined into sets of up to 5 devices in one frame. The wide range of options will make all the electronics in Ajax users’ homes look consistent.
With LightSwitch, users can control a wide range of illumination devices on-site and remotely through Ajax apps and automation scenarios. The switch has a soft LED backlight, so it’s easy to control lighting even in the dark.
Installation of LightSwitch is an entirely hassle-free process. The switch has standard European dimensions, does not require a neutral wire, and features easily replaceable face panels available in eight colours.
Learn more:
This is an official Ajax Systems channel. We manufacture wireless security systems for home and business that revolutionize the industry. Our mission is to bring professional security technologies closer to people. The product line includes dozens of devices: motion detectors, opening detectors, glass break detectors, leak and fire detectors, as well as sirens, relays, and smart plugs. They allow Ajax to perform tasks of a burglar alarm and smart home system simultaneously.
Subscribe to our channel to be the first to know about company news, watch expert reviews, interviews, and how-to videos.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Всем привет! В этом видео я расскажу вам о том, какие бывают умные выключатели для Алисы, как их устанавливать и подключать.
Мой магазин на OZON:
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Если вам интересно, в чем отличие выключателей с нулем и без, зачем выключателю нужен конденсатор, как включать свет по датчикам, и как сделать из обычных выключателей переключатели - тогда вам точно стоит посмотреть это видео!
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Умный дом Яндекс, умный дом с Алисой, умный выключатель, умная розетка, умный пульт, умное реле, реле Sonoff, умный дом Xiaomi, умный дом Сяоми, умный свет, датчик движения, датчик открытия. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ajax WaterStop: remotely controlled water shutoff electric valve
The revolutionary WaterStop device is a single mechanism which combines a high-quality valve and a powerful electric actuator with a control unit that connects to the hub using the Jeweller encrypted radio protocol. In case of a water leak sensor alarm, the WaterStop electric valve will automatically shut off the water in 5 seconds.
Boost your comfort zone by creating automation scenarios and stay calm and confident at all times remotely checking the status of your valve.
Not a drop of problems
Learn more:
This is an official Ajax Systems channel. We manufacture security systems for home and business that revolutionize the industry. Our mission is to bring professional security technologies closer to people. The product line includes dozens of devices: motion detectors, opening detectors, glass break detectors, water leak and fire detectors, sirens, relays, and smart plugs. They allow Ajax to perform tasks of a burglar alarm and smart home system simultaneously.
Subscribe to our channel to be the first to know about company news and watch expert reviews, interviews, and how-to videos.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Chime: How to set up notifications about door opening when the system is disarmed
When the Chime feature (opening notifications) is enabled, the sirens generate a special sound to indicate that the opening detector is triggered when the system is disarmed. The feature is used, for example, in stores to notify employees that a customer has entered the building.
The Chime feature is supported by:
・ Hub Plus, Hub 2, and Hub 2 Plus with OS Malevich and higher
・ DoorProtect, DoorProtect Plus, and GlassProtect
・ Transmitter and MultiTransmitter
・ HomeSiren with firmware and higher
More about Chime:
This is an official Ajax Systems channel. We manufacture wireless security systems for home and business that revolutionize the industry. Our mission is to bring professional security technologies closer to people. The product line includes dozens of devices: motion detectors, opening detectors, glass break detectors, leak and fire detectors, as well as sirens, relays, and smart plugs. They allow Ajax to perform tasks of a burglar alarm and smart home system simultaneously.
Subscribe to our channel to be the first to know about company news, watch expert reviews, interviews, and how-to videos.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
✔️ Discover the new AJAX Hub 2 (4G) | Alarm System Central via SIM Card 📶 [UNBOXING]
The new Hub 2 (4G) control panel includes 4G technology, for communication of the alarm system with the Ajax cloud. Its triple Ethernet and dual SIM 4G communication path ensures a perfect functionality, even if there is a fall out on any of them. This three-way communications security is established automatically and instantly switches from one way to the other, with no delay or disconnection time.
Main characteristics:
- Professional Grade 2 alarm centre
- Ethernet and dual SIM 4G communication
- 868 MHz Jeweller and Wings Wireless Connection
- Up to 100 wireless devices
- Up to 25 IP cameras or video recorder channels
- Mobile App and PC Software available at Visiotech, Security Systems Wholesaler
Visiotech, Security Systems Wholesaler
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In this episode we will review AJAX Security System. Ajax is the most awarded wireless security system in Europe.
Some of it's main features are :
1) Ajax can be easily expanded with entry, fire and flood detectors as well as relays.
2) The maximum distance between the hub and detectors in open space is meters
3) The batteries can last up to 7 years and Ajax will send you a notification when a battery reaches a critical level
4) Ajax has application for iOS and Android
5) Pets smaller than 50 centimeters (19.5 inches) and 20 kilograms (44 lbs), don't affect Ajax detectors
6) You can add up to 50 users to the Ajax hub
7) Third-party cameras can be connected to the Ajax using the app
8) Ajax sends alerts using push notifications, SMS messages or calls to the system owner
9) The hub constantly monitors the detectors, and they regularly report back to the hub
10) In offline mode, Ajax operates the same way other professional security systems do
11) The hub battery provides up to 16 hours of reliable operation
12) Ajax has a closed ecosystem with it's own radio communication technology
13) Ajax uses dual communication channels to send alerts— cellular communication and broadband internet. When there's a problem with one of the channels, Ajax automatically switches to the other
14) The moment it fails to receive a signal from at least one of them, an alarm is sent to inform users about the communication loss
15) All device data are encrypted
16) You can set the system up on your own
17) Ajax system is eco-friendly with EU certification
18) Ajax works with central monitoring stations around the world
19) Ajax is free to use without monthly subscription
Ajax Web Page :
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Music :
"Shine" by Declan DP
Attribution 3.0 Unported
REAL RIDE by Nicolai Heidlas Music
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
DRIVE by Nicolai Heidlas Music
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library
Golden Ocean by Nicolai Heidlas
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music provided by Mouse Music
ON AND ON by Nicolai Heidlas Music
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Music promoted by Audio Library Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ajax Smart Alarm Arming Mode - System Integrity Check
In today's episode "Ajax Smart Alarm Arming Mode - System Integrity Check"
In today's episode i will explain Ajax's "System Integrity Check".
System Integrity Check is disabled by default. That means that you can leave a window open and arm the system. The window will be automatically excluded from the arming mode. If later you want to include the window in the arming mode just close it.
This feature is very convenient but it might be risky.
In order to change the default behaviour of Ajax Alarm you should enable "System Integrity Check Parameter".
System Integrity Check is responsible for checking the status of all security detectors and devices before arming.
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Ajax System Integrity Check :
Ajax Hub 2 Plus :
Ajax Door Protect :
Ajax Relay :
Ajax Space Control :
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Ajax WallSwitch / Relay Demo for Outdoor Lights and Wireless Alarm Van Security Activation.
Ajax SmartSocket Video Link: ⬇️
Facebook Link: ⬇️
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Ajax Systems has delivered a solution for protecting the works of world-famous artist Banksy in the Kyiv region. Project was developed by the initiative of the Kyiv regional military administration and local administration.
Ajax wireless security systems were installed on 4 Banksy’s paintings in Borodyanka, Irpin, and Horenka. Art objects are protected against potential vandalism and weather conditions. Objects are monitored 24/7 by the Sheriff security company. The rapid security team will instantly respond to stealing or damaging attempts. The paintings will be protected until delivered to the museum.
This is an official Ajax Systems channel. We manufacture wireless security systems for home and business that revolutionize the industry. Our mission is to bring professional security technologies closer to people. The product line includes dozens of devices: motion detectors, opening detectors, glass break detectors, leak and fire detectors, as well as sirens, relays, and smart plugs. They allow Ajax to perform tasks of a burglar alarm and smart home system simultaneously.
Subscribe to our channel to be the first to know about company news, watch expert reviews, interviews, and how-to videos.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ajax LifeQuality: smart air quality monitor with CO2 sensor
To help users evaluate the dynamics of air quality, we created LifeQuality, a smart air quality monitor with the carbon dioxide, humidity, and temperature sensors. It has been proven that poor air quality threatens health, so medical-grade measurement accuracy is always on guard for your productivity at home, in the office, workplace or any other space.
The air quality monitor is accompanied by comprehensive in-app information and automation scenarios Ajax users have already got used to.
Guarding your productivity
Learn more:
This is an official Ajax Systems channel. We manufacture security systems for home and business that revolutionize the industry. Our mission is to bring professional security technologies closer to people. The product line includes dozens of devices: motion detectors, opening detectors, glass break detectors, water leak and fire detectors, sirens, relays, and smart plugs. They allow Ajax to perform tasks of a burglar alarm and smart home system simultaneously.
Subscribe to our channel to be the first to know about company news and watch expert reviews, interviews, and how-to videos.
Learn more: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Показываю наглядно, как правильно подключить выключатель от источника питания, так же подключаем сенсорный выключатель с алиэкспресс через "нолевой" проводник.
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AJAX Alarm System Review: Ajax Relay & Ajax WallSwitch Review
Choose, buy, support
AJAX Alarm System Review: Ajax Relay & Ajax WallSwitch Review. Ajax Relay and Ajax WallSwitch are the devices from an automation segment with a one and only intend - to let you control your connected appliances remotely from the phone app. But they do that a bit different, and the difference lies in a supported voltage and the application place. That's all About Ajax Systems - it's the wireless system with the remote control, so these Relay and WallSwitch fit perfectly in this concept. Get the one you need officially on the Pipl Systems Store Website :)
Ajax Relay, Ajax WallSwitch, and all other 25 Ajax Systems Sensors are available officially on the Pipl Systems Store: – get your special offer by specifying you're subscribed as you order from us :)
AJAX Alarm System Review: Ajax Hub 2 [2019]:
AJAX Alarm System Review: Ajax LeaksProtect:
AJAX Alarm System Review: Ajax MotionProtect Curtain:
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#AjaxRelay #AjaxWireless Relay #AjaxRelayReview #AjaxWallswitch #AjaxWallSwitchReview #AjaxWirelessWallSwitch #AjaxRelaySensor #AjaxWallSwitchSensor #AjaxSwitch #AjaxRemoteControl #AjaxAlarmSensors Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing Ajax MultiTransmitter: Revolutionizing Alarm Systems with Luke Raymond
In this exciting video, Luke Raymond, Vice-President of Business Development at Inaxsys, presents the cutting-edge Ajax MultiTransmitter and highlights its numerous advantages as a state-of-the-art alarm system. Join us as we delve into the world of advanced security technology and explore how the Ajax MultiTransmitter is reshaping the industry.
Discover the unparalleled features and functionalities of the Ajax MultiTransmitter that make it a game-changer in the field of alarm systems. Luke Raymond walks us through its innovative design, seamless integration capabilities, and powerful performance, showcasing why it has become a preferred choice for businesses and homeowners alike.
During the video, Luke explains the key advantages of the Ajax MultiTransmitter, such as its ability to effortlessly connect various security devices, including motion detectors, smoke detectors, and door/window sensors, into a unified system. He demonstrates how this centralized approach enhances overall security management and offers real-time monitoring and control from a single interface.
Additionally, Luke highlights the Ajax MultiTransmitter's advanced communication protocols, including wireless connectivity and encrypted data transmission, ensuring reliable and secure communication between the alarm system components. This leads to improved responsiveness, reduced false alarms, and enhanced protection against potential security breaches.
Whether you are a security professional, an enthusiast, or simply interested in the latest innovations in alarm systems, this video provides valuable insights into the Ajax MultiTransmitter and its impact on the security landscape. Join Luke Raymond as he sheds light on the future of alarm systems and how Inaxsys is spearheading this transformation with the Ajax MultiTransmitter. Don't miss out on this informative and engaging presentation!
Inaxsys Security Systems is an first official distributor of Ajax products in Canada 😊.
Inaxsys is much more than just a security manufacturer and distributor. It's a team of human beings committed to supporting you and who are proud to contribute to the success of your organization 🤝.
📌More Information about Us📌
Inaxsys website:
Inaxsys on LinkedIn:
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Умный сенсорный выключатель Girer WiFi без нулевой линии - Smart Home автоматизация
Я давно задумывался весь свет в доме сделать умным, дабы можно было не только контролировать что включено, а что выключено, но и управлять им со смартфона, или создавать различные автоматизации. Но покупать новые умные светильники не входило в мои планы. Тогда выбор пал на умные выключатели, и так как у меня нет нулевой линии, а выключатель просто разрывает «фазу», пришлось искать умный выключатель с поддержкой WiFi. Нашелся интересный умный выключатель от компании Girer, которые е не только позволяет ЛЮБОЙ светильник сделать умным, и подключить его к системе умного дома, но и не требует нулевой линии в проводке вашего дома. Дополнительно отмечу возможность выбора как на 1 линию, так и на 3 . Кроме этого, достаточно стильный внешний вид с акриловым покрытием, и сенсорные кнопки с подсветкой. Как подключить умный светильник Girer, настроить его и проверить все возможности вы узнаете в этом видео. Умный IoT умный выключатель без нулевой линии Girer работает по протоколу WiFi, а значит не требует лишних шлюзов для подключения к системе умного дома Smart Life или Tuya Smart. Так же можно подключить к системе умного дома Home Assistant.
👉Умный сенсорный выключатель Girer -
👉Прямоугольная версия выключателя Girer -
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00:00 – 00:14 Вступление
00:14 – 01:35 Комплектация и внешний вид
01:35 – 02:32 Внутренности выключателя Girer
02:32 – 03:32 Монтаж сенсорного выключателя
03:32 – 06:43 Возможности и настройки Smart Life app
06:43 – 07:38 Автоматизация умного выключателя
08:25 – 10:01 Выводы
#Выключатель #Girer #УмныйДом #WiFi #Tuya #Умный #Светильник #Автоматизация #Освещение #SmartLife #SmartHome #Обзор #Valendarreview Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fibra technology: how to install a wired security system in 6 hours
Ajax's innovations have reached a new level. Contrary to the technology from the 80s that is still present in the security industry, our engineers have developed Fibra — a digital-generation wired technology. Fibra combines the reliability of wires with the freedom of radio connection. An ordinary four-core cable, coupled with Fibra, demonstrates absolutely unordinary features.
Up to 2,000 meters of connectivity, compatibility with all types of devices, 60 hours of operation of a system consisting of 30 devices on a backup battery, advanced anti-sabotage, photo verification, instant notifications, hassle-free installation, and remote configuration through an app — everything that was possible in wireless Ajax is now available with wires and Fibra.
📌 Learn more:
📌 Fibra installation advices:
This is an official channel of Ajax Systems. We produce wired and wireless home and business security systems that revolutionize the industry. Our mission is to bring security technologies closer to people. Our product line features tens of devices: motion, opening, glass break, leak, and fire detectors, sirens, relays, and smart plugs. Ajax can simultaneously perform security and smart home system tasks using these products.
Subscribe to our channel and be the first to learn the company news and watch expert reviews, interviews, and educational videos.
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Розпаковка Ontario RAT Model 2 Black Plain Edge (ON8861) Black
Розпаковка Ontario RAT Model 2 Black Plain Edge (ON8861) Black
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Ajax MotionCam Outdoor Review - PIR Meets Camera | AJAX Alarm System Review
Choose, buy, support:
- Ajax MotionCam Outdoor PIR Detector
- Ajax Hub 2 Plus Wireless Control Panel
- Ajax MotionProtect Outdoor PIR Detector
- Ajax MotionCam PIR Detector
- Ajax MotionCam Outdoor: Intro - 0:00
- Ajax MotionCam Outdoor: The Idea - 0:52
- Ajax MotionCam Outdoor: Operating Principle - 1:35
- Ajax MotionCam Outdoor: Difference Made - 2:29
- Ajax MotionCam Outdoor: Camera Module - 3:07
- Ajax MotionCam Outdoor: The PIR Sensor - 4:11
- Ajax MotionCam Outdoor: Main Features - 4:46
- Ajax MotionCam Outdoor: Activation & Demo - 5:46
- Ajax MotionCam Outdoor: Outro - 9:36
- Ajax DualCurtain Outdoor Review - Ajax Alarm System Review:
- AJAX Alarm System Review: AJAX HUB 2 PLUS:
- Hikvision IR Beam Detector & Ajax Alarm System:
- NEW Wireless Hikvision AX PRO Alarm System 2020:
Download Free Ajax Systems' App To Control Your System Here:
Ajax App iOS:
Ajax App Android:
Wireless outdoor motion detector with a photo camera to verify alarms. MotionCam Outdoor recognizes intrusion from the very first steps on the territory and confirms it with an animated series of photos. Visual verification helps to instantly ascertain the situation, saving users from concerns, and security companies from unnecessary patrol dispatches. The operating principle and the idea of how it works is simple -you got the sensor installed outdoors on the wall of your house, in front of the area you want to observe and protect of intruding. You arm your system, expecting no visitors at the time and keep doing your business. And then one moment the alarm suddenly goes on and you receive a phone notification with a series of photos, which altogether look like gif animation with a low framerate, yet giving you a clear understanding of what’s happening there, and they transferred ultra-fast over the radio frequencies. This is how you get a precise 2-step PIR motion detection and the rapid visuals to see what’s going on.
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Ajax introduces three new features that partners and users have been waiting for a long time: keypad access codes for unregistered users, photos by any device alarm, and temperature scenarios.
Access codes for unregistered users allow assigning a person or company a separate access code in the hub settings without creating an Ajax account. When a code is used, this will appear with the user name in the events feed and push notification. Learn more:
Photos by any device alarm allow PhOD-labeled detectors from the MotionCam lineup to take photos by the alarm of any device in the system: an opening detector, a panic button, or another motion detector. Learn more:
Temperature scenarios allow Ajax detectors that display the temperature in apps to trigger a scenario. All you need is a system with any device displaying the temperature and an automation device running the scenario. Learn more:
This is an official Ajax Systems channel. We manufacture wireless security systems for home and business that revolutionize the industry. Our mission is to bring professional security technologies closer to people. The product line includes dozens of devices: motion detectors, opening detectors, glass break detectors, leak and fire detectors, as well as sirens, relays, and smart plugs. They allow Ajax to perform tasks of a burglar alarm and smart home system simultaneously.
Subscribe to our channel to be the first to know about company news, watch expert reviews, interviews, and how-to videos.
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Алексей Земсков расскажет про выбор электрики. Объяснит, что следует учитывать, когда подбирается чистовая электрика, и даст ответ на популярный вопрос, что покупается сначала — выключатель, розетка или рамки розеток? Полезные советы из видео пригодятся всем, кто делает ремонт квартиры своими руками и для кого важна качественная электрика. Посмотри видео и сделай нужный выбор сам!
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AJAX Alarm Review: Key Fob for Security System Control SpaceControl
Order Ajax Systems:
In today's video Frederic L. Bergeron, Director of technical support of Inaxsys, will talk about Ajax key fob for security system control SpaceControl. This topic is a very important for installers which start to work with Ajax Systems Brand.👆
For more information please watch our video 😉.
Inaxsys Security Systems is an first official distributor of Ajax products in Canada 😊.
Inaxsys is much more than just a security manufacturer and distributor. It's a team of human beings committed to supporting you and who are proud to contribute to the success of your organization 🤝.
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Inaxsys website:
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Проект и ремонт в любом городе:
База проверенных подрядчиков:
Приёмка квартиры у застройщика:
Приятного просмотра, друзья!
* * *
Алексей Земсков и Сергей Саратов дадут полезные советы по ремонту квартиры и установке системы умного дома в классе комфорт. Вы узнаете, как сделать умные шторы, умную дверь и освещение в квартире, получите лайфхаки по дизайну гостиной комнаты. Узнаете, какая мебель без ручек самая удобная и практичная, и где удобно расположить электрощиток в квартире и сделать его вентиляцию. Все советы применяются в техническом дизайне Земскова, поэтому смотрите видео до конца и используйте решения в своем ремонте!
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Ajax FireProtect 2: accurate fire detector through interferences
The detector reacts on first signs of fire due to the unique smoke chamber, dual-spectrum optical sensor, two thermistors, carbon monoxide and smoke sensors, and sophisticated software that minimizes false alarms. Add here a thought-out design and mounting, plus user-friendly settings in the app — and you will get a next-gen Fire Protect 2 product line.
The list of detectors that will be presented in the first wave includes the following models with replaceable (RB) and sealed batteries (SB):
FireProtect 2 RB (Heat)
FireProtect 2 RB (CO)
FireProtect 2 RB (Heat/CO)
FireProtect 2 RB (Smoke/Heat)
FireProtect 2 SB (Smoke/Heat)
FireProtect 2 RB (Smoke/Heat/CO)
FireProtect 2 SB (Smoke/Heat/CO).
Each detector is ready to do the job both autonomously and as a part of the Ajax system. If a fire is detected by one of the devices, an interconnected alarm will activate sirens of all the fire detectors on the facility in 20 seconds.
FireProtect 2
Accuracy through steam, dust, and time
Learn more:
This is an official Ajax Systems channel. We manufacture security systems for home and business that revolutionize the industry. Our mission is to bring professional security technologies closer to people. The product line includes dozens of devices: motion detectors, opening detectors, glass break detectors, water leak and fire detectors, sirens, relays, and smart plugs. They allow Ajax to perform tasks of a burglar alarm and smart home system simultaneously.
Subscribe to our channel to be the first to know about company news and watch expert reviews, interviews, and how-to videos.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Order Ajax Systems:
Order Ajax Systems:
In today's video Luke Raymond, Vice-President of business development of Inaxsys, will show how to enable and configure group mode in the Ajax App. This topic is a very important for installers which start to work with Ajax Systems Brand.👆
For more information please watch our video 😉.
Inaxsys Security Systems is an first official distributor of Ajax products in Canada 😊.
Inaxsys is much more than just a security manufacturer and distributor. It's a team of human beings committed to supporting you and who are proud to contribute to the success of your organization 🤝.
📌More Information about Us📌
Inaxsys website:
Inaxsys on LinkedIn:
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Ajax is smart, reliable, lightning-fast, and award-winning.
It reacts to real dangers only, not false alarms. If anything happens Ajax will notify you in a heartbeat.
Our newest info video – Relay
• Operating 3rd party devices & power cycles
• Triggering
• Power supply info
• Intruder system
• Ajax app
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Watch Ajax Special Event to learn about LifeQuality, LightSwitch, WaterStop, FireProtect 2, Socket Plus (type G), DIN Holder, and more.
Learn more about new products:
0:00:00 Ajax Special Event: Intro
0:00:30 Ukrainian bravery and a leap towards comfortable partnerships
0:07:13 Ajax Ready Safer Pod: next generation of site security
0:12:33 PRO Desktop 3.4: better security services with maintenance reports
0:18:16 Co-branded app for Ajax partners: stand out from the competitors
0:21:34 New software features for greater comfort
0:33:24 LifeQuality: guarding your productivity
0:42:24 How to make design of Ajax apps more comfortable for users
0:47:41 LightSwitch: comfort and security in a touch
1:01:54 DIN Holder: bracket to fix Relay or WallSwitch on a DIN rail
1:04:02 Socket Plus (type G): smart plug protecting from fires
1:07:25 Leak prevention with WaterStop: not a drop of problems
1:14:37 FireProtect 2: accuracy through steam, dust, and time
1:26:39 Ajax Special Event: Outro
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Learn more about the previous presentations:
Ajax Special Event: One more link
Ajax Special Event: Doubled growth
Ajax Special Event: Pandemic edition
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Η Apple των συναγερμών! - Ajax Systems
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The presentation of new Ajax devices and software developments.
Learn more about new products:
00:00:00 Ajax Special Event: Intro
00:01:32 Ajax Systems in 2021: Doubled growth
00:03:20 DualCurtain Outdoor: Protected perimeter of your property
00:10:28 KeyPad Plus: Contactless system control without compromise on reliability
00:16:33 Online tools for PROs: Battery life calculator & Guide on Jeweller
00:22:00 MotionCam Outdoor: Photo verification of alarms for outdoor security
00:31:40 PRO Desktop 3.0: Maintenance and monitoring of Ajax systems in one app
00:37:46 915 A sneak peek at Ajax Systems’ R&D and new markets
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Follow Ajax Systems on social media:
Learn more about the previous Ajax Special Event 2020:
This is an official Ajax Systems channel. We manufacture wireless security systems for home and business that revolutionize the industry. Our mission is to bring professional security technologies closer to people. The product line includes dozens of devices: motion detectors, opening detectors, glass break detectors, leak and fire detectors, as well as sirens, relays, and smart plugs. They allow Ajax to perform tasks of a burglar alarm and smart home system simultaneously.
Subscribe to our channel to be the first to know about company news, watch expert reviews, interviews, and how-to videos.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Ajax: The Next Generation Wireless Security System
With our passion for science and love for art, we made a security system people want to use. Ajax combines aesthetic design, signature communication technologies, and cutting-edge software, giving a simple way for controlling the protection of property and loved ones.
This is an official Ajax Systems channel. We manufacture wireless security systems for home and business that revolutionize the industry. Our mission is to bring professional security technologies closer to people. The product line includes dozens of devices: motion detectors, opening detectors, glass break detectors, leak and fire detectors, as well as sirens, relays, and smart plugs. They allow Ajax to perform tasks of a burglar alarm and smart home system simultaneously.
Subscribe to our channel to be the first to know about company news, watch expert reviews, interviews, and how-to videos.
Learn more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Розпаковка Artisan Cutlery Ravine SW, D2, G10 Flat Black (27980159)
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Розпаковка Artisan Cutlery Archaeo SW, D2, G10 Polished Black (27980197)
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Four Way Switching Explained - How to wire 4 way intermediate light switch
How to wire 4 way light switch and intermediate switch, in this video we explain how four way intermediate switching works to connect a light fitting which is controlled with three or more light switches. We look at the EU colour coding wires and explain the different ways to connect the lighting circuit.
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👉What is a KWH:
👉How induction motor works:
👉Chiller Efficiency improvements:
👉Chilled water schematics:
👉Chiller crash course:
👉Chiller types:
👉Water cooled chiller Part1:
👉Chiller condenser:
👉Chiller evaporator:
👉Chiller compressor centrifugal:
👉Chiller cooling capacity:
👉HVAC Basics:
👉How Heat Pump works:
👉Heat pumps advanced:
👉Fan Coil Units:
👉VAV Systems:
👉CAV Systems:
👉VRF Units:
👉Cooling load calculations:
👉Pulley belt calculations:
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👉HVAC Cooling coils:
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👉Plate Heat Exchangers:
👉Micro plate heat exchanger:
👉Data Center cooling:
👉What is Density:
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