Morakniv Garberg - перший повнорозмірний «фуллтанг» в лінійці туристичних ножів Morakniv Outdoor, виконаний у співавторстві з відомим американським мисливцем і слідопитом Дейвом Кентербері (Dave Canterbury), з урахуванням численних побажань користувачів ножів Morakniv.
Клинок ножа Garberg, довжиною 109 мм, виготовлений з високоякісної шведської нержавіючої сталі Sandvik 14C28N, має товщину в обуху 3,2 мм, призначений для виконання найскладніших мисливських, туристичних і побутових завдань. Традиційні скандинавські спуски (Scandi-grind) забезпечать довгострокове утримання гостроти ріжучої кромки, а також простоту в правці і заточуванні. Збільшена тильна частина клинка, що проходить через всю рукоять, передбачена для використання його в якості «склобою».
Цілісна ергономічна рукоять ножа Morakniv Garberg виконана з ударостійкого поліаміду, посиленого скловолокном. Для запобігання ковзання і підвищення комфорту в утриманні рукоять текстурірована ромбом - традиційним шведським візерунком, поширеним в регіоні Даларна. Отвір в тильній частині рукояті передбачено для кріплення темляка.
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Garberg Black Carbon steel
Не є холодною зброєю і не є предметом забороненим до продажу на території України
Обзор мощного (фултанг) ножа от Мора. Предназначенного для силовых работ. Основные его достоинства прочность, очень высокая легкость заточки, относительно универсальное лезвие и рукоять. Позволяющие выполнять широкий спектр задач от разделки дичи на охоте до обустройства лагеря и приготовления пищи.
#garberg #bushcraft #morakniv #garberg_black #бушкрафт #мора_гарберг #гарберг
Нож мора Гарберг (Morakniv Garberg Black) это высокоуглеродистая сталь, 109 мм клинок, 229 общая длинна, 3.2 мм обух, 272 г вес с кожаными ножнами (168 г весит сам нож), фултанг, защитное DLC покрытие клинка (дословно "похожее на алмаз покрытие" делают каким-то графитным напылением, довольно стойкое, защищает от коррозии и не "тормозит" рез. Так как это покрытие скользкое.
Что полезно знать?
Видео на этом канале посвящены, в основном, бушкрафту (bushcraft) и жизни в дикой природе. Бушкрафт это системный набор техник, умений, ремесел, а также философия подобной жизни.
Это не обязательно выживание и экстрим, хотя такой раздел тут тоже есть. Эти знания могут быть полезны, отдыхающим на природе, туристам, охотникам, рыболовам, всем кто волей или неволей попал в дикие места. Но это не сама деятельность типа туризма.
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Обзор Morakniv Garberg Carbon -
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Нож Mora Garberg и Garberg Black Carbon. Ножи для леса.
Акция в ОгнивоПро:
Вот и встретились два ножа для бушкрафта от компании Morakniv. Ножи Mora Garberg и Morakniv Garberg Black Carbon можно назвать ножами для выживания.
Огнива высокого качества и оригинальные ножи Morakniv можно приобрести здесь:
Оба ножа стоят своих денег. Могу рекомендовать ножи Mora Garberg и Morakniv Garberg Black Carbon, как отличные ножи для леса. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Промокод на скидку 5% "serj32"
тип ножа — full tang;
для изготовления клинка выбрана нержавеющая сталь;
уровень твердости после закалки — 54-56 HRC;
лезвие имеет плэйновую (гладкую) заточку
размер клинка — 109 мм;
толщина лезвия со стороны обуха — до 3,2 мм;
рукоятка выполнена из пластика с прорезиненной поверхностью;
цвет ручки — черный;
нож весит 240 грамм. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#survival #bushcraft #camping #edc
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Morakniv Garberg is a powerful full-tang knife, designed to withstand the toughest challenges imaginable. The blade of the Morakniv Garberg is 3.2 mm thick and is specially treated in our factory to make it even stronger. Morakniv Garberg is available in both Swedish stainless steel (S) and carbon steel (C).
Explore Morakniv Garberg (S) with Leather Sheath here:
Explore Morakniv Garberg (C) with Leather Sheath here:
Explore Morakniv Garberg (S) with Polymer Sheath here:
Explore Morakniv Garberg (C) with Polymer Sheath here:
Explore Morakniv Garberg (S) with Multi-Mount kit here:
Explore Morakniv Garberg (C) with Multi-Mount kit here:
#Morakniv #Garberg #MultiMount #Outdoor Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Morakniv Garberg in carbon steel is really tough one! This version features beautiful leather sheath. One of best companions for your adventures.
Buy at our place:
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Mora Garberg Black VS Mora Garberg Stainless | The most Popular Knife got an Upgrade!
The Mora Garberg is DBK's most recommended knife! It's also MoraKniv's most powerful knife. Last April his Twin brother showed up... The Mora Garberg Black in Carbon steel! But who is the most powerful of the two? Find out in this episode as we put these knives on the test bench!
If you want to win these knives check out our Patreon!
Buy the Awesome Mora Garberg
Our Dedicated Review on the Mora Garberg Stainless
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Mora Garberg Carbon, The Ultimate Bushcraft and Outdoor Knife
We take a look at the Moraniv Garberg outdoor/Bushcraft survival knife. This is a Mira that is finally full tang and meets the needs of outdoor enthusiasts.
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Mora Garberg- Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Почему не стоит покупать ножи Morakniv ( На примере Mora Garberg)
In this video, I'm reviewing the amazing Morakniv Garberg BlackBlade - the ultimate tool for all your wilderness adventures! ⚔️🔥 #MoraknivGarberg #BlackBlade #Knives #OutdoorGear #Bushcraft #Camping #Hiking #Fishing #Hunting #EDC #EverydayCarry #Blades #CuttingTools #Quality #Durability #SwedishKnives #KnifeCommunity #MustHave #YouTubeShorts #Review #Adventure Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Dave Canterbury is the Global Ambassador for Morakniv. In this SHOT Show 2018 video we take a quick look at the new Mora Garberg Carbon Steel model.
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Mora Garberg Unboxing + Overview | The World’s Most Popular Bushcraft Knife?
Time to unbox, fondle, and discuss this brand new carbon steel Mora Garberg!
Is there a more versatile all-in-one bushcraft/survival fixed-blade knife out there? Seriously, I’d love to know.
After a friend let me handle his Mora Garberg I was pretty surprised at just how much better this knife is than the already outstanding $10-20 Morakniv Companion Knife.
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$$$--BUY THE MORA GARBERG--$$$ (via my amazon affiliate links)
-Carbon w/ leather sheath:
-Carbon w/ molle kydex sheath:
-Carbon w/ survival kit kydex sheath:
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-Stainless w/ molle kydex sheath:
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-Carbon w/ kydex sheath:
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Any musings, recommendations, or "advice" given on this channel around the topics of self-defense, survival, or "apocalypse" scenarios are purely hypothetical and are meant to be interpreted as satire. These topics are being presented for entertainment's sake and for the purpose of theoretical discussion to help prepare the mind and body for the worst case scenario... however unlikely that may be. I do not recommend anyone carry any knife or tool as a weapon and/or for the purpose of self-defense. Become familiar with and obey all federal, state/provincial, and municipal laws/by-laws in your area regarding self-defense, what knives/gear can be legally owned/purchased, and what can be legally carried on one's person. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Morakniv Garberg BlackBlade™ with Survival Kit (C)
Introducing the new Survival Kit – a perfect accessory for the bushcraft enthusiast, optimized and ready for unexpected challenges. Survival Kit is easily attached to the polymer sheath to Morakniv Garberg or Morakniv Kansbol and will act as the saviour in times of need.
The Survival Kit consists of an integrated, high-quality fire starter and a diamond sharpener that serves you the opportunity to light a campfire and sharpen the knife when you need it. The new accessory is also equipped with a reflex paracord that can be attached to the fire starter.
Survival Kit is sold as a separate accessory or together with Garberg and Kansbol.
Explore the Morakniv Garberg BlackBlade™ with Survival Kit (C) here:
#Morakniv #MoraknivGarberg #Garberg #Outdoor #Mora #MadeinSweden #Sweden Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Bushcraft Survival Knife For The Money? Mora Garberg Carbon Scandi Knife Unboxing & Review
Mora Garberg Carbon knife - Unboxing & review of the best bang for your buck bushcraft survival knife on the PLANET (in my opinion)! I picked the multi-mount sheath option for my backpack mounting and I will show how I mount this multi-mount sheath on different items. Let's take a look at this beauty of a bushcraft scandi grind knife. 🤠🐻Made in Sweden, Morakniv has a huge selection of bushcraft and survival knives. I bought and paid for this one after 2 years of jonesing for it and happy I did.
Morakniv Garberg Full Tang Fixed Blade Knife with Carbon Steel Blade, , MOLLE Multi Mount System
DISCLAIMER: Links included in this description might be affiliate links. If you purchase a product or service with the links that I provide I may receive a small commission. There is no additional charge to you! Thank you for supporting my channel so I can continue to provide you with free content each week! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Morakniv Garberg Full Tang มีดดำรงชีพ Survival knife (ยืม)
The Garberg Carbon is a great knife for hikers, bushcrafters, campers, survivalists etc. It features a sharp 90 degree spine which is great for scrapping off material for tinder, as well as striking a ferro-rod to make fires. The blade is full tang high carbon steel and very sharp and durable, with a very comfortable handle.
I also share my lanyard that I made for the knife, which features an integrated mini ferro-rod, and I demonstrate some wood processing techniques such as batoning and shaving, as well as demonstrate the sparks it makes from striking a ferro-rod.
Mora Garberg Carbon + Leather Sheath:
00:00 Intro
01:42 Lanyard Setup
04:40 Fire making Demo
05:34 Batoning/Feathering
07:56 Closing Thoughts
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Mora Garberg - Dala Red Edition - Always strop a NEW Knife
My brand new Mora Garberg and Kensbol with the Survival Kit
#morakniv #shorts #bushcraft
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Mora Garberg Carbon Steel Review/ Desert Survival! -Junkyard Fox
While out in the West Texas desert, we put the Morakniv Garberg carbon steel blade by making a one-stick fire, striking flint of it to start the fire, process a kangaroo rat to cook, and break down a yucca root to make soap!
BUY The Leather Sheath Version HERE!:
Buy The Poly Sheath Version Here:
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filmed in parts of Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Survival, Self-Reliance, Bushcraft, Camping, Making Fire, James Harris. Original music by Cuervo Negro. Junkyard Fox Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Orpheus LeatherCraft Custom Mora Garberg Sheath - 🇬🇷 #edcknife #knifeskills #handmade de
This sheath was Handmade for my Morakniv Garberg by Mechmet Owner of Orpheus LeatherCraft A company Located in Greece 🇬🇷 and can be found on Etsy.
All of their Sheaths are Hand made no machines are used . Everything Is Made out of Very high Quality 8-9 Veg Tan Leather that you have complete Control over.
Feel free to pick what you like
Reach out to Mechmet and have yours customized from color of the sheath to the thread . Left or right handed with or without a Ferro Rod loop . Danglers are optional and you can also add your initials
Model: Mora Garberg
Steel: Stainless Steel:
overall length - 9” or
Blade length - 4.2 or
w/leather sheath
I buy all my mora Knives from RagWeed Forge . They offer the Best Prices and Selection Of Knives Knife accessories and many other Outdoor Related Gear and can be found at
I would Highly Recommend you take a look at what Mechmet Has to offer These Sheaths are Made So well and so perfect I couldn’t be any happier and his prices are unbeatable.
Thank you for looking and Look forward to any Comments or Questions you may have Just leave them below.
Orpheus LeatherCraft
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Review: Morakniv Carbon Steel Garberg Knife with Multi-Mount
While we cover all the specs of the knife, like we do in any product review, this isn't really a knife nerd or a knife expert's review. It's just me showing you around my one and only fixed blade knife of choice. I've never before felt so happy and confident in using a fixed blade knife. It fits my hand. It will last a lifetime. It's safe to say, " I like it - a LOT."
carbon steel blade
full tang
drop-point blade shape
edge angle: 27 degrees
total length: 9.0" (229 mm)
blade length: 4.3" (109 mm)
square-edge ground spine
spine width: " (3.2 mm)
knife only weight: 6 oz (170.1 grams)
polyamide handle with checkering
lanyard hole
carbon steel Garberg knife
plastic sheath
snap latch strap
belt loop
multi-mount base
narrow velcro strap
two wide velcro straps
(When you use the links below, at no additional cost to you, we may earn a small commission. Thank you for supporting Wobbly Otter.)
Morakniv Garberg, carbon steel blade, with MOLLE Multi-Mount System:
Morakniv Garberg, carbon steel blade, with leather sheath:
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Morakniv Ultimate Guide: The Best Morakniv Knives 2023
➡ Top 5 Best Morakniv Knives we listed in this video.
1. Morakniv Garberg Survival
2. Morakniv Companion
3. Morakniv Kansbol
4. Morakniv Carbon
5. Morakniv Eldris
0:00 Intro
0:39 Morakniv Eldris
1:54 Morakniv Carbon
3:08 Morakniv Kansbol
4:24 Morakniv Companion
5:35 Morakniv Garberg Survival
Looking for the best Morakniv knives? Look no further! In this video, we'll review the best Morakniv knives on the market and help you choose the perfect knife for your needs.
So whether you're looking for a budget-friendly option or something with a bit more punch, we've got you covered with the best Morakniv knives that money can buy! Watch the video and find the best Morakniv knife for you!
#morakniv #knives #unboxrex
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The Morakniv Garberg | Morakniv’s ULTIMATE Survival Knife
Check it out for yourself:
Morakniv Garberg Black Carbon is a powerful full tang knife designed to perform the toughest tasks it encounters. Manufactured in Mora, Sweden, it features a 3.2 mm thick carbon steel blade with a black anti-corrosive DLC-coating and has a Scandi-grind profile making it easy to keep it sharp and a ground spine compatible with a fire starter. The handle is specially made from an extra-rugged polyamide with a rhombus pattern grip. Comes with a high quality black leather sheath.
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Morakniv Garberg vs Kansbol: What’s the best bushcraft knife for you?
Morakniv Garberg and the Morakniv Kansbol: two of the most popular bushcraft knives today. Both made by Morakniv, but still quite different. That is why we made an overview of all the differences between the Morakniv Kansbol and Garberg.
Read our full article right here:
All Morakniv Garberg knives:
All Morakniv Kansbol knives:
All our Versus videos:
00:00 Intro
00:15 The similarities
00:40 Blade steel differences
01:36 Blade grind differences
02:26 Blade thickness difference
02:38 Weight difference
02:59 Sheath option
03:22 Difference in how to use a firesteel
03:38 Difference in price
04:13 Conclusions
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This is an excellent knife! Enjoy!
Mora Garberg Stainless
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Вот и встретились два ножа для бушкрафта от компании Morakniv. Ножи Mora Bushcraft Black и Mora Garberg можно назвать ножами для выживания.
Нож Mora Bushcraft Survival Black:
Огнива высокого качества и оригинальные ножи Morakniv можно приобрести здесь:
Оба ножа стоят своих денег. Могу рекомендовать ножи Mora Garberg и Mora Bushcraft Survival Black, как отличные ножи для леса. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Morakniv Garberg Black Carbon. Dave Canterbury shows Felling Sapling
Introducting Morakniv Garberg in CARBON STEEL. Watch bushcraft expert Dave Canterbury start perform a Felling sapling.
This new version of our toughest full tang knife allows you to start your fire with flint as well as fire starter. The carbon steel is also slightly easier to sharpen in the field. Perfect for every dedicated survivor.
Read more about the knife on our website:
This blackened Carbon full tang knife is designed to meet the long-time wishes from our most dedicated users, as well as the desires of the knife lovers that haven’t yet discovered the world of Morakniv. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I review the mora garberg in carbon steel #bushcraft #mora #moragarberg. Morakniv Garberg Fixed Blade Knifes =cm_sw_r_awdo_FXFYJY2ZT6FMX7PA769X Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is an instruction video for the Morakniv Multi-Mount Kit:
Mount the hook and loop into the mounting rail and braid it into the backpack’s MOLLE mesh and then lock it in the desired position. Then take the narrow hook and loop and thread it into the smaller slots so that the knife sheath can be fastened in its mounting rail. Make sure that the secondary locking strap also fits under its slot in the mounting rail. Now just attach the knife to the rail and everything is fixed to the backpack.
Explore Morakniv Multi-Mount kit here:
#Morakniv #Multi-Mount #Garberg #Kansbol Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Short unboxing of the Morakniv Garberg BlackBlade™ Carbon Steel Knife.
disclaimer: we did not buy our knife from the official Morakniv website (see video)
🎵BGM: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Best Bushcraft Knife? - Mora Garberg Carbon vs Stainless
The Mora Garberg Carbon is a long-awaited version of their full tang design that first debuted in stainless. Both knives feature a sharpened 90° spine, Scandi grind, 3.2 mm (1/8") thick blade and a symmetrical synthetic handle that works well will multiple grips. In this video we take a look at both and try to start a fling and steel fire with the carbon model.
You can buy the stainless version now on Amazon and support this channel:
The Carbon version will be available soon.
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Review Morakniv Garberg with Leather Sheath - Available either Stainless or Carbon steel
Garberg price and links for Amazon (I do get referral credit if you use my links to make your purchase. Please close all browser windows to Amazon before clicking the link.
Molle - $
Leather - $
Molle - $
Leather - $
Molle - $
Leather - $
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Leather - £
Molle - €
Leather - €
CHECK OUT our spreadsheet where we list how well the factory sharpened the knife and compare with other brands:
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Mora Garberg with Blackened Carbon Steel Survival and Bushcraft Knife
Mora's legendary full-tang Garberg, the ultimate bushcraft knife, is now available with a survival kit: a first-class fire steel paired with a sheath-mounted diamond sharpener. The Garberg is a "true full-tang knife" with a solid, full-width tang that runs the entire length of the handle and extends a bit beyond the pommel, making for a very solid, strong knife. It features a medium-length, drop-point blackened carbon steel blade with a rubberized handle with a checkered pattern for improved grip. The handle is mostly symmetrical, so the knife can be held comfortably with the blade edge either facing up or down. This version comes with a well-crafted plastic sheath into which the knife firmly click-locks, with a detachable belt loop. This "survival" version features an integrated firesteel, as well as a diamond sharpener. Look no further! This is the premier survival tool!
Available at, Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mora's legendary full-tang Garberg, the ultimate bushcraft knife. The Garberg is a "true full-tang knife" with a solid, full-width tang that runs the entire length of the handle and extends a bit beyond the pommel, making for a very solid, strong knife. One knife features a medium-length, drop-point blackened carbon steel blade, the other a stainless steel blade, both come with a rubberized handle with a checkered pattern for improved grip. The handle is mostly symmetrical, so the knife can be held comfortably with the blade edge either facing up or down. Look no further! This is the bushcraft tool!
Below are the detailed measurements of this knife. One important note: for best comfort and grip, the length of your middle finger should be similar to the circumference of the handle.
Blade Material: high carbon steel
Blade Material: stainless steel
Knife Length: 9 inches (22.9 cm)
Blade Length: 4.5 inches (11.4 cm)
Blade Width: inches (2.3 cm)
Blade Thickness: inches (3 mm)
Knife Weight: 6 ounces (170 grams)
Handle Length: 4.5 inches (11.4 cm)
Pommel: tang end
Handle Circumference: inches (9.5 cm)
Handle Material: rubberized plastic
Sheathed Weight: 7.3 ounces (207 grams)
Sheathed Length: 9.5 inches (24.1 cm)
Belt Loop Width: inches (5.7 cm)
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Not only is the Morakniv Garberg MOLLE compatible, but it's also lifetime compatible!
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The Mora Garberg was a big launch for Mora last year, and this year they have added a carbon steel version as well. This knife has all the same functionality of the original but it's now available in a new steel. The stainless steel was pretty well received, so I am guessing people will like this one as well - what are your thoughts?
Amazon link to the Mora Garberg in Carbon Steel:
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The New Carbon Steel Mora Garberg: Ready for Flint, Ready for Survival
My Mora Garberg. Quickly became one of my favorite utility knives. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Morakniv Garberg Full Tang Fixed Blade Knife with Carbon Steel Blade,
Main Features:
- Full tang carbon steel knife with polyamide sheath is powerful enough to handle harsh tasks without the risk of breaking
- Top grade carbon steel blade features razor sharpness, high hardness, and exceptional toughness and corrosion resistance
- Tough, impact-resistant polyamide handle and sheath includes click-lock to prevent knife from falling out of sheath
- Square-edged ground spine blade can be used as a striker with fire steel (sold separately)
- Total length 9.0 inches (229 mm); blade length 4.3 inches (109 mm); blade thickness inches (3.2 mm); weight 9.6 oz. (272 g)
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Morakniv Garberg Full Tang Fixed Blade Knife with Carbon Steel Blade, 4.3-Inch review
Mora Garberg Stainless Steel Knife with Survival Kit
#knife #bushcraft #survival #firestarters #sharpener
This Garberg with Survival Kit (S) has everything a real bushcraft enthusiast needs, optimised and ready for sudden challenges. Designed to withstand the toughest challenges imaginable, a powerful full-tang knife for any adventure. This Mora Garberg (S) Survival Knife Kit comes with a Mora Fire Steel and Knife Sharpener all attached neatly on to the black polymer belt sheath. With a 109mm stainless steel blade this Mora knife is a perfect companion for bushcraft, hunting and virtually all outdoor activities. The Mora Garberg Survival Knife Kit is also available in Carbon Steel Blade option, the Mora Garberg (Carbon Steel) Survival Kit 13915.
Knife Series: Garberg
Blade Material: Stainless Steel
Blade Shape: Straight
Blade Length: 109mm
Blade Thickness:
Blade Edge: Plain
Sheath Material/Colour: Black Polymer Sheath
Blade Length: 229mm
Handle Material/Colour: Black Polyamide
Overall Length: 250mm
Includes: Fire Steel and Knife Sharpener
Overall Weight:
Manufacturer Number: 13914
Country of Origin: Sweden
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