Бінокль BX-1 McKenzie HD 10x42 мм з ідеальним полем зору навіть у густих заростях поєднує в собі значне збільшення з легкою вагою, що забезпечує виявлення об'єктів на великій відстані з високою чіткістю відображення. Бінокль розроблений на основі вдосконаленої оптичної системи Leupold, забезпечує перевірену та надійну світлопропускну здатність для тривалого користування, найкраще у своєму класі зниження відблисків при різкому освітленні, а також роздільну здатність та чіткість, які потрібні користувачам. Комплект включає аксесуари Pro Gear®: плечовий ремінь GO Afield™, футляр для бінокля, кришки об'єктивів та мікрофібру для обслуговування. Бінокль працює на найвищому рівні в найсуворіших умовах. Витримує від -40 градусів за Фаренгейтом до 160 градусів за Фаренгейтом (від -40˚С до 71˚С). Завдяки водонепроникним і протитуманним властивостям, будь то злива або перетин річок, вам ніколи не доведеться турбуватися про те, що бінокль Leupold протече або запітніє. Газове наповнення бінокля проходить випробування на глибині 10 метрів та безлічі змін тиску.
Детальні характеристики:
Кратність наближення
Діаметр об'єктива
42 мм
Діаметр вихідної зіниці
4.2 мм
Найменша відстань фокусування
3 м
Поле зору на 1000 м
102 м
Діапазон зміни міжзіничної відстані
56-74 мм
Оптична конструкція
Покриття об’єктива
лінзи з повним багатошаровим просвітленням (Fully Multi coated)
The BX-1 McKenzie™ HD reveals more details than other binoculars in its class. The roof prism delivers better resolution, and the compact design feels solid in your hands. It delivers class-leading low-light performance with our Advanced Optical System, which delivers the light transmission, glare reduction, and resolution all recreational sportsmen and sportswomen demand.
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Бинокль Leupold BX-1 McKenzie HD 10x42mm Mossy OAK Bottomland #kiev #бінокль #zcu #muraveinyk
Ціна 14440 Грн
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Бинокль BX®-1 McKenzie™ HD 10x42 ммс идеальным полем зрения даже в густых зарослях сочетает в себе значительное увеличение с легким весом, что обеспечивает обнаружение объектов на большом расстоянии с высокой четкостью отображения.
Бинокль разработан на основе усовершенствованной оптической системы Leupold, обеспечивает проверенную и надежную светопропускную способность для длительного пользования, лучше всего в своем классе снижение бликов при резком освещении, а также разрешение и четкость, которые нужны пользователям.
Комплект включает аксессуары Pro Gear®: плечевой ремень GO Afield™, футляр для бинокля, крышки объективов и микрофибра для обслуживания.
Бинокль работает на самом высоком уровне в самых строгих условиях. Выдерживает от -40 градусов по Фаренгейту до 160 градусов по Фаренгейту (от -40˚С до 71˚С). Благодаря водонепроницаемым и противотуманным свойствам, будь то ливень или пересечение рек, вам никогда не придется беспокоиться о том, что бинокль Leupold протечет или запотеет. Газовое наполнение бинокля проходит испытание на глубине 10 метров и множества изменений давления. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Бінокль Leupold BX-1 McKenzie HD 10x42mm MOSSY OAK BOTTOMLAND #оптика #kiev #zcu
Бінокль Leupold BX-1 McKenzie HD 10x42mm MOSSY OAK BOTTOMLAND
Ціна 13429 Грн
Бінокль BX®-1 McKenzie™ HD 10x42 мм з ідеальним полем зору навіть у густих заростях поєднує в собі значне збільшення з легкою вагою, що забезпечує виявлення об'єктів на великій відстані з високою чіткістю відображення.
Бінокль розроблений на основі вдосконаленої оптичної системи Leupold, забезпечує перевірену та надійну світлопропускну здатність для тривалого користування, найкраще у своєму класі зниження відблисків при різкому освітленні, а також роздільну здатність та чіткість, які потрібні користувачам.
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Leupold BX-1 Mckenzie HD 10x42 Binos and RX-1400I TBR Rangefinder | Gear Drop
Mossy Oak's Rusty McDaniels reviews the Leupold BX-1 Mckenzie HD 10x42 binos and the RX-1400I TBR rangefinder. Both are loaded with incredibly useful features that Rusty walks us through.
For all your hunting gear needs, head to the Mossy Oak ://
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Leupold BX-1 McKenzie HD Binocular, 10x42mm, Mossy Oak (182852)
Leupold BX-1 McKenzie HD Binocular, 10x42mm, Mossy Oak (182852)
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З промокодом STOKRAT, мережа магазинів STVOL надає знижку -5% на всі біноклі які є в наявності в магазині.
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Unboxing video
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● 10x42 mm
● waterproof
● fogproof
● comes with awesome storage bag
Leupold BX-1 McKenzie HD Binoculars, 12x50mm (181175) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leupold® BX®-1 McKenzieTM 10x42mm Binoculars. Phase-coated prisms and fully multi-coated lens system for exceptional contrast and clarity. Buy now at Sportsman's Guide: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The BX-1 McKenzie™ HD reveals more details than other binoculars in its class. The roof prism delivers better resolution, and the compact design feels solid in your hands.
Built around Leupold's Advanced Optical System, the BX-1 McKenzie HD offers the light transmission, glare reduction, and resolution all recreational sportsmen and sportswomen demand. Its rugged, waterproof design is purpose-built to handle the harshest conditions, making it the perfect choice for anyone looking to buy their first pair of HD binoculars. And like all Leupold binoculars, it’s guaranteed for life.
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Сравнение Биноклей Leupold BX-1 Yosemite против Bushnell Powerview
This is my review of the Leupold McKenzie 10x42 binoculars. I did this video in the evening to really check out the light transmission, as that is often the problem with more affordable binoculars. The binoculars are $199 msrp. If you are looking for a pair around that price range maybe this video will help. Like, share, and leave a comment to let me know what you think. Thanks. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leupold BX-1 McKenzie Binoculars Review at LancasterArchery.com
Leupold BX-1 McKenzie Binoculars 8x42
Leupold BX-1 McKenzie Binoculars 10x42
In this video we review the BX-1 McKenzie Binoculars from Leupold. Binoculars are popular products among the archers who shop at Lancaster Archery Supply.
To check out more binoculars visit us online
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Binoculares Leupold McKenzie BX-1 de 10x50 aumentos con un nivel de detalle y claridad óptimos para ser usados en condiciones adversas.
- Comprar prismaticos leupold BX-1 Mckenzie 10 X50:
- BlackRecon: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leupold BX-1 McKenzie Binocular clarity and sharpness of the image is outstanding, even in low light conditions. The color reproduction is very accurate, making it easy to identify different objects and animals.
They are very user-friendly, with a comfortable grip and easy-to-use focus wheel. The 12x magnification is perfect for getting a close-up view of distant objects.
The wide field of view allows me to scan the surroundings quickly and efficiently. The binoculars are lightweight, making them easy to carry around without getting tired.
The build quality is excellent, and they feel sturdy and durable in my hands. The upgraded carrying case and...
- Leupold BX-1 McKenzie Binocular
BX-1 McKenzie Binocular
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I give a review on this pair of binocular. I tell what I think about them and some of the feature they have. Thanks for watching and please like share and subscribe. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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For more details or to shop this Leupold 10x42mm BX-1 Rogue Binoculars, visit Hayneedle at
To view our full assortment of binoculars, visit Hayneedle at
Have questions? Give us a call! 1-866-508-1134 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is a breakdown of the Leupold BX-1 McKenzie HD binoculars. We go over all of the features packed into these 10x42 waterproof, fog proof, binoculars. We also discuss the Lifetime Guarantee, no matter if you are the original owner or not. You can't go wrong with Leupold products, and you can rest assured that they will stand with you and perform no matter where your adventure takes you in the outdoors.
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We bought and tested 9 different hunting binoculars in the $250 and under price range and discovered some really interesting things. Some binoculars cost more and are well worth the price. Some cost a lot less and are good enough for most hunters.
In this video we'll tell you why the Leupold BX-2 Alpine is the best binocular we tested for under $250, at least as far as the optics are concerned. To learn more about how these binoculars stack up against others (many of which cost a lot less), check out our comparison review in this video ( Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This is our unboxing video for the BX-1 Yosemite Porro Prism Binocular 8x30mm Mossy Oak Treestand Clam Pack mfg# 67740. At wholesale Hunter Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leupold 10x42mm BX-2 Acadia Binoculars - Product Review Video
For more details or to shop this Leupold 10x42mm BX-2 Acadia Binoculars, visit Hayneedle at
To view our full assortment of binoculars, visit Hayneedle at
Have questions? Give us a call! 1-866-508-1134 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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In this video, I take a look at 5 different pairs of 10x42 binoculars and compare their features.
Vortex: (Amazon) (Cabelas)
Leupold: (amazon), Cabelas ()
Vanguard: (Amazon)
Nikon: (Amazon) (Cabelas)
Celestron: (Amazon)
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Mossy Oak’s Austin Delano talks about using the Leupold BX-5 Santiam HD 10x42mm.
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О Люпольде. История создания и тест бинокль Leupold bx-5 15/56
Click here: .
I use these for astronomy. They have everything you could ask for in a pair of hand held astronomy binoculars. They are light and compact, which makes them easy to hold steady. The optics are fully multi coated and the prisms are phase corrected, so the images are bright and have excellent contrast. High quality glass yields a sharp, crisp picture. These are truly fantastic binoculars. The only feature that would improve them is ED glass, but that is a feature no binocular at this price point offers.
1. Leupold 119198 BX-1 McKenzie Green Ring Binoculars, Black, 10 x 42mm
2. Leupold 113864 VX-1 2-7x32mm Matte
3. Leupold 8x30 BX-1 Yosemite, Water Proof, Porro Prism Binocular, Mossy Oak Treestand
4. Leupold 4""-50Mm Lensshade Matte Alumina 52353
5. Leupold BX-1 Yosemite Porro Prism Binoculars Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Sergeants Choice Channel
Review Challenge
Binoculars: Vortex Vs. Leupold 12x50 Bino Review Challenge
Vortex Ranked 9/10 & Leupold Ranked 9.5/10
#coffee #coffeeaddict #coffeelover @VortexOpticsUSA @LeupoldOptics
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I posted this comparison because I couldn't find it anywhere online.
Check out Optica Exotica and Backfire Youtube Channels for some great information on binoculars. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
ТОП—7. Лучшие бинокли 2021 года. Итоговый рейтинг!
recent trip to cabelas for some more hunting gear picked up luepold yosemite binoculars very happy with the quality of these. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leupold BX-3 Mojave Series Binoculars - Midwest Outdoors Tip of the Week
Find the Leupold BX-3 Mojave Series Binoculars at :
Leupold has designed a fantastic open-bridge design binocular in their BX-3 Mojave series. These binoculars have a great image quality and is highly ergonomic with the open-bridge design using a hinge in front. They are available in both black and Mossy Oak Treestand, and come in a variety of magnifications, check it out! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Leupold's BX-5 Santiam HD and BX-4 Pro Guide HD binoculars offer a host of features for the avid hunter and shooter looking for rugged durability and clear glass. In this video, we break down the key differences and similarities so you can decide which model is right for you.
Learn more about the BX-4 Pro Guide HD:
Learn more about the BX-5 Santiam HD:
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The Leupold BX-2 Alpine Binoculars have the durability, size, clarity, and price to be ideal for the high demands of binoculars on the road.
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Vortex vs Leupold binoculars
1. Binoculars for Kids
2. Educational Insights GeoSafari Jr. Kidnoculars
3. 12x42 Binoculars for Adults, Portable
4. Fullja 20x50 Waterproof HD Binoculars
As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
In this video, I’ll try to compare the two brands by the accuracy, reliability, look, and feel of their respective products. And, of course, we must consider the cost, as well. But before I go into the specifics, I wanted to share a few words about the companies themselves.
Number 1
Vortex Optics has been around since 2004, so it’s actually a much younger company than many other optics manufacturers. As such, Vortex seems to have a knack for advancing the technology, while keeping the necessary traditional elements of various optical imaging devices.
Other than scopes, they also make bird and wildlife-watching binoculars, as well as law enforcement equipment. Their scope series are pretty famous in their own right, and they make them in many price categories.
Number 2
Leupold & Stevens is also an American company, though it’s based out of Oregon. The Stevens branch of the company encompasses mostly water monitoring instruments, while the Leupold branch deals with optics.
Unlike Vortex, the company has been around for more than a century. However, Leupold scopes have been in production only since after World War II, which still means that they’ve been tried and proven many times over.
Number 3
Many readers, I’m sure, will have recognized the product lines I mentioned while talking about the individual companies. After all, some of the best scopes on the market are part of those series.
Most Vortex and Leupold scopes are clear, have decent eye relief and a full field of view. The differences come in the reticles, level of clarity, and settings.
Depending on the type of scope, the reticles can be etched in the second focal plane or illuminated.
Number 4
As I previously mentioned, both Vortex and Leupold offer scopes of various abilities. So, their performances will vary wildly depending on their features.
However, almost all of them are made of “aircraft-grade aluminum” or some other incredibly durable material. Most scopes, especially newer ones, are also waterproof, fog proof, and shockproof. Both manufacturers use these types of labels to signal that the scopes will be operational in various conditions.
Number 5
Look and Feel
When it comes to the look of a scope, most of them are fairly uniform at this point. They typically have some sort of overcoat to make them sturdier and give them a sleek matte look. Of course, the matte surface also helps to disguise the hunter, and prevent sun glares.
Number 6
When it comes to the cost, most people would say that Vortex is a winner. Most season hunters in the US have a marked preference for Leupold, due to the quality of their products. However, many younger hunters prefer Vortex because their products offer similar features at lower prices.
Finally, a good hunter will be able to get both companies’ scopes to perform well. Leupold may have a slight advantage with the quality of their scopes’ build, while Vortex has the price advantage.
1. Ballpoint pen tips-
Some of the footage within this video was developed for promotional/education purposes. Parts of stock footage of items were collected from manufacturers, fellow creators, and various other sources. If you can find any copyright infringement then send us an email. All rights reserved by respective owners.
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Highest Optical Quality Binoculars -
Best Price/Value Binoculars -
Best Inexpensive Binoculars -
If you are in the market for binoculars, this video is for you. We made our picks of the best binoculars at an accessible price range for hunting and shooting. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
New Leupold Binocular Overview | The Leupold BX2 Alpine HD 10x42
Hey guys! In this video we give a brief overview of the NEW Leupold BX2 Alpine HD binoculars! I got these in the 10x42 power making these great for 3D or Hunting. Over all these have a great build quality, clear glass, and an amazing warranty. Thank you guys so much for watching I hope you enjoyed!
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Водостійкий бінокль LOSSO ARMY з просвітленими лінзами 50 мм. Система призм - PORRO зі скла ВАК-4. Підствітка компаса та дальномірної сітки. Корпус заповнений азотом
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BX-2 Tioga HD
Good binoculars are no luxury, they’re a necessity. The BX-2 Tioga HD binoculars have the versatility you need in an affordable package, with an added edge. Leupold’s Twilight Max Light Management System gives you the power to see into the shadows at dawn and dusk — and find the game hiding there — like never before.
- 100% Waterproof and Fog Proof
- Armor coated, rugged, and waterproof.
- BAK 4 Prisms
- Central Focus Dial: Large, tactile focus dial is easy to find and use (even with gloved hands), giving you the precision focus you need to pick antlers out of the trees or hide out of the brush.
- Diopter Focus
- Ergonomic Design
- Fully Multi coated Lens System
- High Definition: Look for extremely vivid color, life-like clarity, and higher overall performance thanks to the calcium-fluoride lenses. Another added advantage of these non-lead based lenses is that they’re lighter in weight.
- Phase Coated
- Proprietary Nitrogen Fill Process
- Slim, In-Line Design
- Twist Up Eyecups
- Xtended Twilight Lens System: Now your hunt can reach further into the twilight than ever before possible, with the exclusive Xtended Twilight Lens System. It goes a step further than even the Index Matched Lens System, using Leupold’s index matched glass with wavelength specific lens coatings designed to optimize the transmission of low-light wavelengths. When most scope manufacturers quote percentage of light transmission, they usually mean at 550 nm, the green wavelength where the human eye is most sensitive. The challenge is that in twilight conditions, green light disappears and blue/violet light takes over. Your eye is already handicapped when it comes to seeing the blue/violet spectrum, and if your scope is cutting too much of it out, soon you won’t be seeing anything. The Xtended Twilight Lens System places extra emphasis on matching coatings to glass indices to achieve the best possible transmission of the blue/violet spectrum, without sacrificing the color balanced light transmission across the visual spectrum of the Index Matched Lens System. When you combine that with superior computer-generated optical design, lead-free lenses of unsurpassed clarity and quality, and 100 years of manufacturing excellence, you have a scope that gives you the details of low-light scenes in greater definition and luminance than any other scope in the world.
- Go Afield Shoulder Strap
- Go Afield Binocular Case
- Lens Cover
- Lens Cloth
- Finish: Mossy Oak Break-up Country
- Interpupillary Distance: High 57.0, Low: 71.0
- Actual Magnification: x
- Objective Clear Aperture (mm): 32.0 mm
- Linear Field of View (ft/1000 yd): 288.0'
- Linear Field of View (m/1000 m): 96.0 m
- Angular Field of View (degrees): N/A
- Twilight Factor
- Weight (oz): 18.0 oz
- Weight (g): 510 g
- Length (in): 4.5"
- Length (mm): 114.0 mm
- Exit Pupil (mm): 3.2 mm
- Eye Relief (mm): N/A
- Close Focus Distance: 5.0'
- Close Focus Distance (m): 1.4 m
Shipping Dimensions
Item Weight: 1.6 pounds.
Billable Weight : 2 pounds.
Dimensions: " (W) x " (H) x " (D) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mossy Oak: Advantages of the Leupold BX-2 Tioga Binoculars
You don't need high-power binoculars for every hunt. The BX-2 Tioga 8x32mm binoculars can give you the advantage you need in thicker, dark timber.
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Where are Leupold binoculars made? | Optics Trade Debates
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Максимальне корисне збільшення - 100x, Діаметр об'єктива - 50 мм, Фокусна відстань - 600 мм, Оптична конструкція - рефрактори, Тип монтування - азимутальне....
Максимальне корисне збільшення - 140x, Діаметр об'єктива - 70 мм, Фокусна відстань - 400 мм, Оптична конструкція - рефрактори, Тип монтування - азимутальне....
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