Ваш X-ніж є найміцнішим, найгострішим і найбезпечнішим ножем з нержавіючої сталі у виробництві. Якщо ваше життя в небезпеці, ви завжди можете покластися на свій X-ніж. Він спроектований так, щоб витримувати всі навантаження, що надаються рукою людини, що означає, що він практично не піддається руйнуванню. Це передбачає, проте, що ви обережні з ножем і що він використовується за призначенням, а саме як гострий точний інструмент. Основа міцності X-ножа полягає в ламінованої кобальтової сталі, а також в добре продуманій конструкції, в якій усунуті зони руйнування. Разом з опуклим лезом у формі руки, X-ніж - це концепція, яка перевершує все інше в світі з точки зору безпеки та комфорту. Fallkniven S1 являє собою абсолютно нову філософію щодо ножів для виживання. У той же час він поєднує в собі багаторічний досвід з виробництва ножів з сучасними технологіями. Ніж поставляється з литими під тиском Zytel піхвами.
Детальні характеристики:
S1 Forest Knife X Black Lam. CoS
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The Fällkniven S1X-B is an extremely robust outdoor knife. Ideal for hiking, bushcraft and survival. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
HANDLE: Thermorun - Zytel sheath
EXTREME TESTING Fällkniven A1X - Überlebensmesser A1X
Fallkniven A1x Expedition Knife, Outdoormesser - Laminated CoS STEEL
@ufprogear @Clawgearcom Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven S1 Forest Knife Review: Better Than The F1
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Bark River Bravo 1.25 Spearpoint vs Fällkniven S1xb (Första jämförelsen)
En (relativt) snabb jämförelse mellan Bark River Bravo Spearpoint och Fällkniven S1xb. Detta är bara del i av flera, så dom som är intresserade bör prenumerera på kanalen så att ni inte missar något. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fällkniven S1 - The most overrated knife out there?
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Отличия ножей Fallkniven S1 \ F1 и наборов с ножами S1Pro \ F1Pro
Good gravy its bricky on things
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"The Fallkniven S1 Forest Knife is one of the best knife ever made for outdoor adventure and fishing. The sturdy blade of the S1 made of extremely strong laminated VG10 custom stainless steel. The edge of the S1 is a convex grind for extra strong cutting power. The modified clip point blade shape works extremely well for penetrating tough materials, and the long curved edge is ideal for skinning.
The blade of the S1 is long enough for mild chopping work. With a full 5mm (0.2″) thickness, there is little chance the blade could ever break. The checkered handle of the S1 provides an excellent grip in all conditions even when your hands are cold and wet. If you are looking for top quality classic knife, the Fallkniven S1 is one of the best in the world."
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Компания Fallkniven появилась на ножевом «небосклоне» Швеции сравнительно недавно — годом основания предприятия принято считать 1984-й, хотя разработкой и производством именно ножей фирма занимается с 1987 года. Мастера компании используют для клинков высококачественную ламинированную сталь (пакетная сталь из нескольких слоев, с твердым сердечником и более мягкими, стойкими к коррозии обкладками), а для рукоятей — технологичные полимерные материалы, стойкие к низким температурам, прочные и надежные. Ножи Fallkniven обладают исключительными режущими свойствами, огромной прочностью и износостойкостью.
Общие характеристики
Общая длина: 24,7 см. Вес: 193 г.
Длина лезвия: 132 мм.
Тип лезвия: Clip Point.
Ширина в обухе: 5 мм.
Марка стали: ламинированная VG-10.
Твердость стали: 59 единиц по шкале Роквелла (HRC).
Спуски: Convex.
Тип заточки: Plain.
Покрытие: Satin Finish.
Клинок ножа, именуемый Lam. VG-10 Stainless Custom Steel, выполнен из трёх слоёв стали. Собственно VG-10 является лишь центральный слой, а два наружных, расположенных по обе стороны от него, выполнены из 420-ой нержавейки. Переход между слоями заметен на спусках лишь непосредственно у режущей кромки, где центральный слой VG-10 выходит наружу. Наружные слои ламината, по всей видимости, также имеют закалку из-за чего общая заявленная твёрдость клинка составляет 59 единиц по шкале Роквелла (HRC).Толщина лезвия в обухе составляет 5 мм.
1.Материал рукояти: Thermorun. 2.Отверстие для темляка. 3.Стеклобой
При общей длине ножа почти в 25 см., 11,7 из них выделены под всандую рукоять, выполненную из полимерного материала Thermorum. Широкий хвостовик проходит сквозь всю рукоять и образует стеклобой. Сквозное отверстие в этом цилиндре также может служить для продевания темляка.Рукоять по всей поверхности имеет мелкое ромбовидное текстурирование. В передней и задней части присутствуют сужения, а также имеются выемки и упоры под указательный палец и мизинец. Все эти конструктивные особенности служат одной цели — улучшению комфорта использования при длительной работе, и повышению сцепления. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven A1XB S1XB F1XB overview and comparison with S1 by www bushcraftcanada com
Fallkniven A1XB S1XB F1XB overview and comparison with S1 by www bushcraftcanada com. See them :// Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
FALLKNIVEN【ファルクニーベン】■ 「S1」Xシリーズ 【サテン】【】【サーモラン】【ザイテル】S1x コンバット
ナイフショップ グローイング
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Le couteau de survie ultime? Test du couteau Fällkniven S1X.b
Historique, test et avis sur ce couteau de la marque Fällkniven
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Tested: The New Fallkniven Black Coating vs Mora Garberg and Cold Steel SRK
Good gravy its bricky on things
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This is our Fallkniven Overview video. This video is part of our ongoing series, showcasing all the knifemakers and brands who participated in the making of our book, Knife Bible, History & Modern Knowledge.
Thank you @fallkniven for all the support!
Stay Sharp, Stay Tuned...
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In this video I field test the fallkniven S1xb. I attempt to do the one tree fire with just the knife, a soft ground wood preparation technique that usually needs a saw. After securing kindling I make and light feather sticks. Finally I field sharpen the knife and give my honest opinion on it. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven S1 Knife Review. Beating on the Classic Outdoor Survival Knife.
The Fallkniven S1 may be the ultimate survival knife if maybe it was the knife you had on you while you needed to survive in the bush or forest. This series of knives has been designed in Sweden and made in Japan for abuse, hard use, field tests, cleaning game, batoning, tactical purposes, and other words that help my SEO. Also in this series are the A1, and the F1- but I can't afford all three. Maybe one day if I get as popular as Nutnfancy. Buy from the links below to support the channel.
S1 Leather Sheath:
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This S1X sheath was modded to fit S1 Pro inside it.
Some material was removed from the locking switch tab and near finger guard. Also warm water was poured on the sheath and then knife pressed gently in.
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Fallkniven S1x BLACK view by www bushcraftcanada com
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This is is literally a dream come true for us! Fallkniven brought back a bunch of nostalgia with their new knife. The old skool F1 but... this time in our favourite stainless steel! Bloody CoS! And we are one of the first to test this magical bastard! Let's go!
Fallkniven Knives!
Fallkniven F1 CoS
Cru-wear edge retention
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Andrew applepie the legend:
ReadyMusic - Corelli - Concerto Grosso, Op6 no4:
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Built By Doug over at Yellow Hawk Customs Outdoors- Combat/Wilderness Grade Kydex Sheath Systems .
Yellow Hawk makes Military/Wilderness Grade Custom kydex Knife sheaths & Carry systems
This system here goes for $130 and that price will change Depending on what you choose and want out of your sheath.
This is known as a basket weave design W/ A Raptor Dangler allowing me to easily take off the sheath and carry it in the scout carry position or It can be unscrewed and canted to adjust to how i want to grab it
Thank you for your time and you can find Doug Using the links below.
Joe Beaudrow
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Destroying This $400 Knife! Ending The Fallkniven S1 PRO
YES in this video we finally give a good destruction test to the FALLKNIVEN S! PRO.
It has let us down alot so it deserved a good and nice beating!
We batonned it through metal, steel, stone, wood. Batonned it with a hammer.
It did hold up really well but the handle was loose even before we did the video. BAD move Fallkniven. To expensive for the knife you get..
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Please watch: "Battle of the Ultimate Chopping Knives! Which is the Best!??"
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Ножи Fallkniven:
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Good gravy its bricky on things
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Good gravy its bricky on things
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Into The Woods - The Fallkniven S1 Pro 2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for stopping in. My name is Johnny and I am an Artist/Musician who likes sharp tools. I like taking them "Into The Woods" and sharing my thoughts. All of the music here is by me. Please check out my playlists and don't forget to "LIKE, "SHARE" and "SUBSCRIBE". Have a Super Fantastic Day!
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Kind of a review of the Fallkniven S1x, but less of a review and more just slaughtering this atrocious design and execution.
Made a new handle - knife redeemed?
Come and buy the best diamond compound and strops available!
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The Fällkniven F1 and Fällkniven S1 are two of the most popular outdoor knives on the market today. But which do you choose? We made an overview of the similarities and differences to make sure you can make the best choice.
You can find our full article here:
All Fällkniven F1 knives:
All Fällkniven S1 knives:
All our Versus videos:
00:00 Intro
00:29 The similarities
00:43 Size differences
01:12 Blade grind differences
01:37 Conclusions
Knivesandtools is Europe’s largest online shop for kitchen knives, pocket knives, and a wide range of outdoor products including LED torches and binoculars.
Ever since 1999 it has been our goal to provide you with only the best products from the most famous international brands. We, however, also make sure we never lose sight of new, up and coming and unique manufacturers who decide to do things their own way.
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Fallkniven S1 & S1 Pro Comparison by www.bushcraftcanada.com
Good gravy its bricky on things
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- support me on patreon if you like, helps me do the expensive stuff! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven A1x F1x S1X Sheath overview by www bushcraftcanada com
Fallkniven A1x S1x F1x Sheath view by . See them ://
NOTE.. as far as I know the new x sheaths won't fit the Pro or other Fallkniven knives Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Music by Max Dahlby
West Coast Bushcrafters
We putted our collection of Fällkiven to a test. Amazing quality, very limited maintenance and perfect to take out when going on adventure. See for yourself how they perform during different bushcraft tasks.
Check our Instagram out:
Used in this episode:
#Fällkniven S1Pro
#Fällkniven F1X
#Fällkniven F1
#Fällkniven A1
#Fällkniven A2
#Fällkniven U4
#Fällkniven #Bushcraft #Sweden #Stromstad #Westcoast #outdoors t #Fjallraven #forest #survival #prepper #camping #Sverige #Beaverknife l #outdoor #COS #VG10 #Batoning #Firesteel Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Cold steel SRK cpm3v VS Fallkniven S1, chopping, batoning, fire making carving ecc. Simple test for comparing this knife. The srk is better in chopping, and in the steel performances. For everything else: handle, sheat, batoning, carving, fire making ecc. is better the fallkniven S1. Sorry for the issues on the camera focus, in the first part of the video. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
- The Official Survival Knife Of The Swedish Air Force Is The Fallkniven F1. Here Is The Tungsten Carbide Coated, CoS Steel Fallkniven F1Xb. Link To Russian Channel
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Welcome To Survival-Russia. One of the very best Outdoors and Survival related communities on YouTube, and yes, It's a pretty good Channel too.
My name is Lars. I'm From Denmark but I live in Rural Russia now. I live at a Homestead in wild nature surrounded by a huge forest.
On The Survival-Russia channel we do all things related to the Outdoors Lifestyle. I share my thoughts and experiences on Survival Techniques for the woodlands of the Northern Hemisphere. the Reality of Survival. I share Techniques and ways of the Siberian Tribesmen and the Russian Longhunters of the older days. Things not shown outside of Russia very much.
On this Channel we also do Off-Road driving, Vehicle builds, Metal Detecting, all things Outdoors basically. Enjoy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
S1x from Fallkniven with Ironwood Scales @thetopicala
Since the winter I had had troubles with my band saw machine until JG fixed it. Thank you Joonas! My first job was to finish Fallkniven S1x model with new scales.
Model x is genuine fulltang. I only wanted to shape finger guard a bit. And of course original scales are far too thin and that problem was solved too.
Hope you like it!
iMovie Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video I talk about Fällkniven Knives. I show the A1, the S1, and the F1.
They are soooooooo cool! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven F1 Pro Vs F1 VG10: Feathersticking and Batonning
In this video I'm doing some out of the box tests with the fallkniven F1 Pro in CoS steel. The new geometry seems to increase it's batonning capabilities while maintaining good feathersticking performance.
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There are survival knives, and there are survival knives for the professional survival. Our models F1, S1 and A1 have provided exceptional service for more than twenty years and due to their outstanding quality and durability will continue to do so for many years to come. Nevertheless our desire to strive for continual improvement has led us to develop the new Pro Series which takes the concept of the survival knife to unimaginable heights of quality. We began developing these impressive new knives in 2010 and five years later, we’re able to offer three survival knives which set the benchmark for survival knife manufacture the world over – the Pro series. To put it simply a knife is a blade and a handle. But if this vital tool is to remain strong and stay sharp you have to add fairly decent materials. If you then claim to call a knife “professional” you take on a responsibility to the user to raise the bar above what is normal. So it is with the Pro series.
New and improved Pro series specification
Pro series of F1, S1 and A1 differs from its predecessors in the following important details:
1. The laminated VG10 steel is replaced with a laminate cobalt steel (lam. CoS) which, amongst other things, ensures a durable edge and improved edge retention.
2. The blades are consistently thicker causing an increased torsional rigidity - they will withstand even greater external forces than before.
3. The tapered tang is wider and thicker and thus significantly stronger.
4. The crossguard is made of stainless steel and permanently mounted to the tang.
5. The convex edge has been refined to improve the cutting properties.
6. The zytel sheaths are redesigned meaning they are more durable and are better suited to the Molle attachment system.
7. The knives are supplied with our most valued combination whetstone, the DC4. It offers both a diamond whetstone and a ceramic stone for field sharpening.
8. The knives are packed in shock-resistant, waterproof boxes that can be used for storage of smart phones, GPS, documents, survival gear and much more.
Understandably these knives fall into a higher price category. However, considering the unparalleled quality they are by no means over priced. A professional survival knife should be able to be relied upon in the all-weather and we really mean all weather. It should also be pleasant, safe and comfortable to handle whether it’s fine or rough work, summer heat or winter cold. We have considered everything in the design of this quite superb knife and we, therefore, offer a lifetime warranty on materials and workmanship.
Total length (mm) 217
Blade length (mm) 100
Blade thickness (mm) 5
Blade profile Convex
Tang Broad, protruding
Weight (knife) 182g
Hardness (HRC) 60
Handle material Thermorun
Sheath Zytel
Please watch: "Battle of the Ultimate Chopping Knives! Which is the Best!??"
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"The Fallkniven F1 is the official survival knife Swedish Air Force pilots since 1995. A new world standard was set with the F1 through attention to important details including technical design, ergonomics and economy. The Fallkniven F1 surpasses international standards for strength, personal security capabilities, and value for money.
The Fallkniven F1 represents a new philosophy with respect to knives for survival use. The F1 successfully combines the experience of generations of knife manufacturing with the most modern technology and forging.
The well thought-out design and incredibly tough laminated steel are only two of the many details making the handy-sized Fallkniven F1 a knife you can always you can rely on even with your life. The F1 is well proportioned and tremendously versatile. The safe, comfortable grip along with its hard and tough laminated steel blade makes the F1 knife incredibly useful for all types of daily work and demanding tasks."
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Le TOP des couteaux de SURVIE : Fällkniven F1X, A1 Pro, S1X
#couteau #survie #Fallkniven #survivalknife #survival #outdoor #bushcraft #bushcraftknives
Je vous propose de découvrir les couteaux Fällkniven parmi les meilleurs du monde en matière de couteaux de survie avec lame en acier inox.
La marque suédoise propose de nombreux modèles, conçus pour la chasse et la survie, mais ce sont ceux de la gamme outdoor/survie que seront passés en revue.
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0:00 intro
3:02 F1X Elmax
8:18 A1 Pro
12:43 S1X Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven S1x and NL4 comparison by www bushcraftcanada com
Good gravy its bricky on things
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#gid=1607644856 - Full steel testing list for my cut test videos, free to all.
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Fallkniven A1 Pro CoS: unboxing and first impressions
A1 pro field test! :
The regular Fallkniven a1 was my favourite survival knife so I just had to get the pro version!
New and improved Pro series specification
Pro series of F1, S1 and A1 differs from its predecessors in the following important details:
1. The laminated VG10 steel is replaced with a laminate cobalt steel (lam. CoS) which, amongst other things, ensures a durable edge and improved edge retention.
2. The blades are consistently thicker causing an increased torsional rigidity - they will withstand even greater external forces than before.
3. The tapered tang is wider and thicker and thus significantly stronger.
4. The crossguard is made of stainless steel and permanently mounted to the tang.
5. The convex edge has been refined to improve the cutting properties.
6. The zytel sheaths are redesigned meaning they are more durable and are better suited to the Molle attachment system.
7. The knives are supplied with our most valued combination whetstone, the DC4. It offers both a diamond whetstone and a ceramic stone for field sharpening.
8. The knives are packed in shock-resistant, waterproof boxes that can be used for storage of smart phones, GPS, documents, survival gear and much more.
Understandably these knives fall into a higher price category. However, considering the unparalleled quality they are by no means over priced. A professional survival knife should be able to be relied upon in the all-weather and we really mean all weather. It should also be pleasant, safe and comfortable to handle whether it’s fine or rough work, summer heat or winter cold. We have considered everything in the design of this quite superb knife and we, therefore, offer a lifetime warranty on materials and workmanship.
Total length (mm) 283
Blade length (mm) 160
Blade thickness (mm) 7
Blade profile Convex
Tang Broad, protruding
Weight (knife) 363g
Hardness (HRC) 60
Handle material Thermorun
Sheath Zytel
Please watch: "Battle of the Ultimate Chopping Knives! Which is the Best!??"
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This is my review of the Fallkniven S1 knife. Made in Sweden by Fallkniven. Ironwood is what I test all my knives on to make should their tough and can hold an edge. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fallkniven A1X S1X F1X overview by www bushcraftcanada com
Fallkniven A1x S1X F1X overview by www bushcraftcanada com. See them all :// Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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