Приціл Diamondback повністю змінює правила, коли справа доходить до співвідношення ціни і якості. Купуючи цей класичний мисливський приціл, ви отримуєте те, за що платите: від якісного зображення і якісного складання до загального відчуття від роботи з барабанами введення поправок і окуляра з швидке фокусування. Якщо ви шукаєте високоякісний оптичний приціл, зупиніть свій пошук на прицілі Diamondback - це відмінна і надійна оптика за ціною, яка залишить вам багато грошей на патрони.
Багатошарове покриття лінз:
Збільшує світлопропускання, запобігає утворенню відблисків на лінзах окуляра і об'єктива.
Прицільна марка в другій фокальній площині
Масштаб прицільної марки залишається незмінним при зміні кратності збільшення зображення. Наведені нижче розміри прицільної марки можна використовувати для вимірювання дистанції до мети, а також вони допомагають враховувати поправки по висоті і на вітер при стрільбі на далекі дистанції.
ОСОБЛИВОСТІ КОНСТРУКЦІЇ Діаметр центральної трубки: 25,4 мм. цілісний корпус Забезпечує максимальну співвісність всієї конструкції прицілу для високої точності стрільби та отримання найбільш якісного зображення, а також забезпечує високу міцність і герметичність. авіаційний алюміній Конструкція з цільного блоку авіаційного алюмінію надає підвищену міцність і жорсткість конструкції. герметичність Приціл запечатаний кільцями ущільнювачів, які перешкоджають попаданню вологи і пилу всередину корпусу. Незапотіваємість Приціл наповнений зсередини аргоном, що не дозволяє лінзам пітніти ні за яких погодних умовах і температурах. ударопрочність Жорстка конструкція розрахована, щоб витримати будь-яку віддачу від пострілів і удари. анодизирован покриття
Довговічне матове покриття корпусу прицілу не відкидали відблисків, що допомагає приховати позицію стрілка. Барабани введення поправок Захищені ковпачками. Також їх можна виставити на нуль після пристрілки прицілу. Високоточний механізм збільшення зображення В якому використовуються тільки кращі компоненти, що дозволяє здійснювати максимально плавне і точне зміна кратності збільшення зображення. Окуляр зі швидким фокусуванням Дозволяє легко і швидко здійснювати діоптрійну фокусування прицільної марки.
Габарити прицілом L1: 279,4 мм L2: 50,8 мм L3: 53,34 мм L4: 137.16 мм L5: 78 мм L6: 78,74 мм H1: 48 мм H2: 43 мм
Vortex Diamondback Riflescope
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Fully Multi-Coated. Proprietary coatings increase light transmission with multiple anti-reflective coatings on all air-to-glass surfaces.
Second Focal Plane Reticle. Scale of reticle maintains the same ideally-sized appearance. Listed reticle subtensions used for estimating range, holdover and wind drift correction are accurate at the highest magnification.
Single-Piece Tube. Maximizes alignment for improved accuracy and optimum visual performance, as well as ensures strength and waterproofness.
Aircraft-Grade Aluminum. Constructed from a solid block of aircraft-grade aluminum for strength and rigidity.
Waterproof. O-ring seals prevent moisture, dust and debris from penetrating for reliable performance in all environments.
Fogproof. Argon gas purging prevents internal fogging over a wide range of temperatures.
Shockproof. Rugged construction withstands recoil and impact.
Hard Anodized Finish. Highly durable hard-coat anodization provides a low-glare matte surface.
Capped Reset Turrets. Allow quick re-indexing of the turret (no tool needed) to zero after sighting in the riflescope. Caps provide external protection for turret.
Precision-Glide Erector System. This system ensures the components in the zoom lens mechanism glide smoothly and cleanly through all magnification ranges.
Fast Focus Eyepiece. Allows quick and easy reticle focusing.
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*subject to supply availability Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Vortex Diamondback DBK-01-BDC is loaded with features. With solid one-piece aircraft-grade aluminum alloy construction makes the Vortex Diamondback DBK-01-BDC riflescope virtually indestructible and is highly resistant to magnum recoil. With Argon purging this makes waterproof and fogproof performance a natural performance feature. Advanced fully multi-coated optics raise an eyebrow when crystal clear, tack-sharp images appear in the crosshairs. All this and more in a riflescope you would expect to cost quite a bit more.
3-9x40 riflescope is ideal for big game, muzzleloader, and slug shotgun applications.
Dead-Hold BDC reticle has a customized design that helps eliminate guesswork on hold-over and windage corrections. Good for any hunting or shooting at varying ranges where estimating hold-over would be a concern.
Fully Multi-Coated: Increases light transmission with multiple anti-reflective coatings on all air-to-glass surfaces.
Second Focal Plane Reticle: Scale of reticle maintains the same ideally-sized appearance. Listed reticle subtensions used for estimating range, holdover and wind drift correction are accurate at the highest magnification.
Tube Size: 1-inch diameter.
Single-Piece Tube: Maximizes alignment for improved accuracy and optimum visual performance, as well as ensures strength and waterproofness.
Aircraft-Grade Aluminum: Constructed from a solid block of aircraft-grade aluminum for strength and rigidity.
Waterproof: O-ring seals prevent moisture, dust and debris from penetrating the riflescope for reliable performance in all environments.
Fogproof: Argon gas purging prevents internal fogging over a wide range of temperatures.
Shockproof: Rugged construction withstands recoil and impact.
Hard Anodized Finish: Highly durable low-glare matte finish helps camouflage the shooter's position.
Precision-Glide Erector System: Uses premium components in the zoom lens mechanism to ensure smooth magnification changes under the harshest conditions.
Capped Reset Turrets: Allow re-indexing of the turret to zero after sighting in the riflescope. Caps provide external protection for turret.
Precision-Glide Erector System: Uses premium components in the zoom lens mechanism to ensure smooth magnification changes under the harshest conditions.
Fast Focus Eyepiece: Allows quick and easy reticle focusing.
Customized dot design helps eliminate guesswork on holdover and windage corrections. Good for hunting/shooting at varying ranges where estimating holdover is a concern.
Magnification: 3-9 x
Objective Lens Diameter: 40 mm
Eye Relief: 3.3 inches
Field of View: feet/100 yards
Tube Size: 1 inch
Turret Style: Capped
Adjustment Graduation: 1/4 MOA
Travel per Rotation: 15 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment: 70 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment: 70 MOA
Parallax Setting: 100 yards
Length: 11.7 inches
Weight: 14.4 ounces
Buy Now at Armory Supplies: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Reviewing the Vortex Optics Diamondback 3-9x40mm BDC Optic/'s take a peek.
Want this optic? Get it Here👉🏼
Razor Red-Dot Get it Here👉🏼
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This video is a tutorial showing how to effectively use the Vortex Optics Dead Hold BDC reticle in the field.
Make sure to pay careful attention to the caliber you are shooting and which category it fits into in the Dead-Hold BDC manual, since trajectories can perform very differently over distance. Also, make sure to validate the ballistics of the specific rounds you will be firing in order to be aware of any difference in trajectory between your rounds and the trajectory suggested by the BDC holdover points.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at info@ or give us a call at 800-426-0048. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Diamondback 3-9x40 BDC V-Plex Rifle Scope Bought it from aimsurplus on sale free shipping. its going on my 20 inch AR15. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Swampfox Patriot 4-16x44 ffp scope! #swampfox #longrangeshooting Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Matching your BDC reticle to a specific load is easier than you might think. Here's everything you need to know to stretch your effective distance further.
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Full Disclosure: I did not pay for this optic. It was provided at no cost by Vortex.
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Вас без сомнения удивит цена этого прицела, особенно, когда вы взглянете на его параметры и особенности. Первая фокальная плоскость (которая характеризует прицелы с шестизначной цифрой в ценнике) позволяет стрелку по полной использовать высокоинформативную марку EBR-2C для определения расстояния и подбора поправок по вертикали и горизонту на любой кратности увеличения.
Заключенная внутри прочного корпуса, выполненного из цельного блока алюминия, четырехкратная оптическая система обеспечивает превосходное контрастное и яркое изображение. Открытые барабаны ввода поправок имеют достаточно низкий профиль, чтобы не мешаться при упаковке и транспортировке, однако они имеют плавный ход и с ними очень удобно работать. Боковой барабан позволит выполнить отстройку от параллакса на дистанции от 20 ярдов (18,3 м) до бесконечности.
Оптический прицел Vortex Diamondback TACTICAL 4-16x44 FFP, марка EBR-2C (MRAD) - один из самых лучших прицелов в этой ценовой категории для быстрой и точной стрельбы вводом поправок "кликами" и стрельбы с "выносом по сетке".
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Having fun with the .22 plinking setup!
Ruger American Rimfire & Vortex Diamondback Tactical
#shorts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
So last week I picked up the #Tikka #T3x Lite and I LOVE it. It's such an amazing rifle - chambered in .308 win. Looks amazing, super smooth action and super light as the name implies.
With it I picked up a #Diamondback Tactical from #vortexoptics . This definitely set me back a few bucks, bu it's pretty awesome too and really completes the rifle. I'm fairly new to mounting scopes but I got the first bit figured out. I actually ended up already putting the optic on, and getting it roughly in line with the area where I usually rest my cheek to peak through - but my only concern is trying to mount it straight, as I don't really have a gun vise, just a pair of Caldwell bags
If y'all have any ideas on mounting your scope straight, I'd love to hear them in the comments!
Cheers and hope you enjoy
#308 #rifle #boltaction #boltactionrifle #hunting
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You too can hit 1,000 yards with a budget of less than $1,000. No, the suppressor and Atlas bipod are not necessary.
Rifle - Ruger American Predator 6.5 CM
Optic - Vortex Diamondback Tactical 3-9x40 -
Rings - Pro 1" Medium Height Rings -
Ammo - Hornady 140 Grain ELD Match Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
We break down the differences between the brand-new Venom®, Strike Eagle®, and Diamondback® Tactical riflescopes. We'll dive into magnification and tube diameter variances, different reticle offerings, and other new technology, like the RevStop Zero System to help you find the perfect match for your specific shooting application.
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BDC Reticle explained by Buck Holly from C&H Precision Weapons
Note - we did not pick this optic, the client did. We just mounted it, zero'ed it and attempted to determine what the holds were for each BDC mark inside the reticle.
Also - The scope did not come specified for a specific caliber, bullet weight or muzzle velocity. It took several phone calls to the scope manufacturer and a conversation with someone in their engineering dept to determine what caliber this reticle was created for which was a 22-250 with a 26" barrel with 50 gr bullets. Once we know this and figured out what the increments were at, we could easily compute the correct holds for this rifle build.
We have turned off comments for this video since there are to many people that don't understand the content, make irrelevant and or non value added comments, or just want to hear themselves babble. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Diamondback HP 3-12x42 Reticle BDC subtensions
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Randy Newberg talks about a common mistake some people make when selecting the wrong rings for the size of their scope, most often to occur when mounting a large objective lens scope.
When mounting a scope it is desired to have the maximum eye relief, most often by moving the scope further back in the rings. As the scope moves back, the large objective end, usually called the "bell" of the scope get closer to the barrel. If the scope rings are not high enough and the scope is too large, it can cause the scope to come in contact with the barrel, resulting in serious issues of accuracy and consistency.
In this video, Randy purposely shows how it can happen and then shows how to prevent it from happening.
Thanks for watching and good luck at the range.
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PRODUCT DESCRIPTION - Exposed tactical turrets built for dialing elevation and wind age allow quick and precise bullet drop and wind drift compensation at extended ranges. When we say precise-we mean it. These turrets track better than any bloodhound and reliably return to zero every time. A zero-reset feature lets you re-index the zero reference marks on both turrets after sight in, while fiber optic rotation indicators integrated into the turrets provide a visual cue of your turret's position.
Strong o-ring seals, nitrogen purging, and shockproof construction guarantees rugged, waterproof and fogproof performance. With distinctive, responsive dialing, the exposed tactical turrets are built with the shooter in mind. A zero reset feature keeps zeroing simple and quick. VMR-1 MOA reticle can be used to effectively determine ranges, holdovers, windage corrections and moving target leads. Extra-low dispersion glass and XR fully multi-coated lenses give the brightest views possible. The extremely accurate hashmarked based reticle works especially well at extended ranges. The Diamondback Tactical Second Focal Plane 4-12x40 is built on durability and performance and offers features that will benefit any rifle platform.
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #27,858 in Sports & Outdoors (). Batteries: 1 Lithium ion batteries required. Item model number: 10025. California residents: for Proposition 65 warning. ASIN: B01MR4F4QK. Shipping Weight: 2 pounds (). Product Dimensions: 5.9 x 0.8 x 1.2 inches ; 1 pounds. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Diamondback 4-12x40 Dead Hold BDC Riflescope Review
Link to purchase the scope if you want to or just check out the exact specs:
Overall I think this is a great little scope for the money you spend. There are many other options out there and I'm interested in them as well. I need to venture out and by some other brands. I just like vortex and have had very good experiences with their products so I keep buying them. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40 review
in this video we review the Vortex Crossfire 2 in 3-9x40
a decently priced scope on the entry level north american market
If you are looking to pick one up
Optics planet:
primary arms:
Euro Optic:
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if you enjoyed this video you will likely enjoy
Sig Sauer Whiskey 3 3-9x40
Vortex diamaondback tactical 6-24x50
Vortex Diamondback hp 4-16x42
Nikon Buckmaster 3-9x40
from Vortex:
High performance meets economical. Clear, tough, and bright, our popular Crossfire II line is built to exceed the performance standards of similarly priced riflescopes. Long eye relief, a fast-focus eyepiece, fully multi-coated lenses, and resettable MOA turrets are hallmarks of the series.
Magnification 3-9x
Objective Lens Diameter 40 mm
Eye Relief 3.8 inches
Field of View ft/100 yds
Tube Size 1 inch
Turret Style Capped
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 15 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 60 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 60 MOA
Parallax Setting 100 yards
Length inches
Weight 15 oz
If you own one of these models, leave your experience (what you think of them in the comments below.)
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Long-range, precision shooting. Both these optics will have you on target at distance. But find out which one is right to help you extend your effective range.
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Buckle up, because we’ve been waiting a long time to bring you this deep dive into a topic near and dear to our hearts. Find out the big differences between first and second focal plane riflescopes, and get some tips on which one is perfect for you.
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A look at the Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24x50 scope. We test accuracy and tracking, along with a direct comparison to the Strike Eagle 4-24x50.
The Diamondback is not in stock at Amazon right now but can be found at a lot of other retailers. The Strike Eagle is starting to come back in stock at Amazon. Here's an affiliate link:
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At the intersection of precision and value, the Diamondback Tactical First Focal Plane Riflescopes deliver an impressive array of features and performance.
Find out more here:
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Just mounted my Vortex Diamondback Tactical 3x9x40 using Vortex Cantilever Mount, Firefield stronghold bipod, and Vickers 2pt sling.
Vortex Diamondback Tactical 3x9x40
Vortex Cantilever Scope mount
Vickers 2pt Sling
Firefield Stonghold Bipod
I bought all these items on Amazon. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Информация используемая в данном ролике, была частично взята с сайта и ютьюб канала по обзору оптических прицелов Cyclops Videos Joe W Rhea. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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QB78 with Vortex Diamondback Tactical - accuracy test
This is the result of scope zeroing at 30 meters with Beeman QB78 co2 airgun and Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24x50 MRAD scople.
I was using JSB Exact pellets for the test.
The scope zeroing was in three stages
1. Elevation correction 15 clicks up (1.5 MRAD)
2 Windage correction 2 clicks Left (0.2 MRAD)
3. Final test (target on the right)
Last group was little to high and to right the weather wind changed before final test.
The distance was 30 meters and the diameter of the shooting target was 13 centimetres.
If you like to see more videos about #co2 airguns or #vortex scopes just let me know.
0:00 Airgun setup presentation
0:46 Accuracy test results
1:50 Outro Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Diamondback Tactical FFP series | Optics Trade Debates
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 FFP Review,
Vortex Strike Eagle Review
In this video, we review the Vortex Strike eagle 5-25x56 FFP with the EBR7C reticle (Moa)
A quality optic made and designed for Precision rifle series competition style shooting , an long range target shooting.
We tested the new Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 on the Tikka T3X Varmint in .223 and .308 the Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 is likely Vortex`s currently one of the most popular model for a few reasons (shown in the video) the optic that MSRP’s at 799 USD (although can be commonly found at 700 USD).
This optic isn’t a budget scope, this Optic packs all of the desirable features that most optics in the 1200 price range provide.
the most important notable features being: ED glass (Extra-low dispersion (XD) glass increases resolution and color fidelity, resulting in crisp, sharp images) , 56mm mm objective, longer eye relief,34 mm tube that holds 110 moa`s worth of adjustment, (47 moa with the zero stop) Glass etched reticle (EBR7C moa/mil) really audible and positive turrets, and a hard stop zero stop (revstop) we show a how to install the zero stop in this video.
Ensure you shop around for the best price, SKU SE-52503
looking to pick one up?
Vortex Strike Eagle:
Optics planet:
Euro optic:
Primary Arms:
All turrets in my videos are tested using Targets from Box to bench precision if you are interested check them out:
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Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vortex Viper HST 6-24x50
Vector Continental 4-24x56 FFP
Vortex Diamondback Tactical 6-24x50 Review
Vortex Strike Eagle 5-25x56 vs Vector Continental 4-24x56
Vortex Crossfire II 3-9x40
Vortex Diamondback hp 4-16x42
Rudolph T1 6-24x50 review
Info from Vortex:
When you're ready to step up your long-distance game, the Strike Eagle gives you more of the tools you need for less than you'd expect. Start with excellent edge-to-edge sharpness, and add a first focal plane (FFP) illuminated reticle for fast reads at any magnification and lighting situation. Add in our RevStop Zero System for a hard return to zero, and locking turrets for fast, stay-put adjustments. Build it around a 34mm tube that accommodates massive amounts of elevation and windage travel, and a throw lever for rapid magnification changes, and you've got a long-distance impact machine that'll have you wondering how you ever shot without it.
Magnification 5-25x
Objective Lens Diameter 56 mm
Eye Relief 3.7 inches
Field of View 24.0 - 5.2 ft @100 yds
Tube Size 34 mm
Elevation Turret Style Locking/Zero Stop
Windage Turret Style Locking
Adjustment Graduation 1/4 MOA
Travel Per Rotation 25 MOA
Max Elevation Adjustment 110 MOA
Max Windage Adjustment 78 MOA
Parallax Setting 15 yards to infinity
Length 14.6 inches
Weight 30.4 oz
This optic was purchased by myself and this is not a sponsored video
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The Vortex diamondback HP 4-16X is a really great scope for the money. The Diamondback HP's MSRP is $ and truthfully at that price you can do better. However, the scope does occassionally go on sale for between $200 and $250 and at that price I think it's a steal. I personally got mine from Midway USA for $200, and that was an excellent price.
I currently have this optic mounted on a Aero precision build 16" AR-15. My model in particular is the 4 to 16x model, which I like a great deal. I used a simple but effective $60 leopold cantilever mount to mount this optic to the rifle.
The scope is second focal plane, but being a lower end scope that is to be expected. Being a 4-16x we're starting to get into the realm of where a first focal plane scope might make sense, so I'll leave that up to you, but you won't find a quality first focal plane scope at this price point.
I'm able to shoot comfortably on 4x at ranges of 15-25 yards with no issues. The eye box on this optic at 4x is okay, very good for the price, but not as good as on higher end models. Shooting it with an A2 stock that doesn't give me a cheek weld can be a little more difficult, but running this on a lower with a B5 systems where my cheek weld can be easily repeatable is a very pleasant shooting experience.
You can get a feel for the eye box here where I slowly move a phone camera behind the scope, which is actually much harder and less intuitive than using your head. Something to note is the clarity is quite good as compared to other scopes in this range. That is because this is a scope manufactured in the Philippines, which tends to have better glass than scopes manufactured in China.
At 16x the glass clarity is still clear, but the eye box is a lot less forgiving. Still very usable, but cranked all the way in its easy to get shadowing along the edges of the scope.
The scope has a simple BDC reticle that is easy to use and not very noisy. The reticle is not illuminated, but I wouldn't expect it to be at this price given the other features.
One of the nice things on this scope is its adjustable parallax. Not many scopes have that feature in this price range, and it works very well for getting a clear and precise image.
The 4-16 adjustment ring is smooth and easy to adjust by hand.
Underneath the caps, the 1/4 MOA turrets are snappy and click audibly, making sighting in and adjusting this scope a breeze.
As with all vortex products, the scope comes with Vortex's incredible lifetime warranty.
On this build, I'm able to shoot tight groups easily at distance, the above shots taken with just standard PMC .
In conclusion, The scope holds zero well mounted on this 556 rifle. The scope is simple, but it does what it is designed to do very well. While there are much nicer options for more money available out there for precision and longer range shooting, the Vortex Diamondback HP really does punch above its weight class, especially if you get it at the low sale price. Now that I've tested it out, I'm probably going to move this off onto one of my hunting rifles, but I know that in that context this scope will be good to go. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
I am building a budget bolt rifle, basically building a gun good for 1000 yards for under 1000 dollars.
I've got a Savage Axis chambered in 308 and just picked up glass for it.
The scope is a Vortex Optic from their DiamondBack Tactical line.
The scope itself is a 6-24x50, it came with the sunshade, lense cover, and glass cleaner.
I'm looking forward to installing this and showing videos of the entire build.
The gun already has a Harris Bipod and a padded cheek rest. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Diamondback BDC Dead Hold Reticle POV 3-9x40mm Best Scope under $200 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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