Warrior Mini 2 - зовсім нова модернизація ліхтаря, яка по праву може зайняти позицію самого потужного компактного ліхтаря. Ліхтар включається двома способами: за допомогою бічної кнопки або тихої торцевої кнопки. В якості світлодіода використовується High Performance LED, а максимальна потужність ліхтаря становить 1750 люмен. Використання TIR-оптики дозволяє створити щільний і яскравий промінь світла. Спеціальний датчик приближення автоматично знижує яскравість в випадку близького приближения ліхтаря до будь-якої поверхні. Якщо ж лінза продовжує бути закритою, ліхтар автоматично виключається через 60 секунд. Крім того, на ліхтарі передбачений режим блокування. Корпус виготовлений з легкого алюмінію і має більш дрібну текстурну накатку. Warrior Mini 2 має двосторонню зручну кліпсу для комфортного щоденного носіння в кишені брюк. Також є невелике кільце для можливості кріпити шнурок. Фонарь харчується від кастомізованого акумулятора типу 18650 на 3500mAh і заряджається за допомогою, вже класичного для Olight, магнітного зарядного кабеля MCC3.
Warrior Mini 2 - приклад універсального ліхтаря, який буде актуальним в якості щоденного, тактичного чи навіть налобного. Його можна також використовувати для самозахисту, звичайно ж в парі з іншим засобом. Розгляне цю тему найскромніший та найкращий ведучий України - Сергій Шкаберда.
#olight #ібіс
00:00-00:46 - Вступ
00:46-03:27 - Зовнішність та різниця з попередником
03:27-04:48 - Основні ТТХ
04:48-05:19 - Як зробити налобний ліхтар
05:19-06:59 Самозахист з ліхтарем
06:59-07:53 - Додаткові функції
07:53-08:16 - Варіанти виконання
08:16-09:08 - Висновок Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Warrior Mini 2 Tactical Pocket Flashlight - Regal Blue
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✅Smart Proximity Sensor
✅Upgraded Defensive EDC
✅Powerful Beyond Size
✅Convenient Magnetic Charging Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A Red White and Blue Olight Review (Warrior Mini 2)
I really wish I could find something to dislike about the Warrior Mini 2, since I live the original so much. I could have ignored it, but the second clip location sealed it for me.
Clarification: light starts falling off from turbo at just over one Minute and 15 seconds
check out this independent review which is AWESOME!
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In this short, we run through all of the modes of the Olight Warrior Mini 2 in Battle Green.
If you would like to support the channel and/or you would like a discount on Olight products, use the 10% Coupon Code: PME10
Link to Olight store:
Link to Warrior mini 2: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Warrior Mini 2 Regal Blue
MAP Price: $
Series: Warrior-Olight
Product Code: Warrior Mini 2 Regal Blue
EDC / Self-defense / Outdoors
The Warrior Mini 2 Regal Blue is the brand-new upgraded version of the previous Warrior Mini, and one of the most powerful compact tactical lights on the market.
The Warrior Mini 2 Regal Blue is the brand-new upgraded version of the previous Warrior Mini, and one of the most powerful compact tactical lights on the market. As the successor of Warrior Mini, this flashlight still features a side switch for daily use and a tail switch for tactical operation. The three-level battery indicator tells the battery level and when to charge, and the customized 3500mAh 18650 battery charges with the MCC3 magnetic charging cable. Compared to its predecessor, the Warrior Mini 2 is more secure, way brighter, and packed with new refinements that make it one of the most well-designed tactical pocket lights out there.
Charge Type MCC3 Magnetic USB Charging Cable
Powered By Customized 3500mAh 18650 Rechargeable Battery
Light Form Smooth and well-balanced beam profile
Lens / Reflector Type TIR Optic Lens
Mode Operation Dual Switches
Form/Size Factor Small Size:
Head Diameter:
Body Diameter:
Unique Characteristics Enhanced user safety: built-in proximity sensor that drops brightness to protect against any nearby objects while turned on higher modes.
Powerful beyond size: maximum output of 1,750 lumens with a 220-meter beam distance. 17% brighter, and 16% further throw than the previous Warrior Mini.
Dual switches: a side switch to select six different modes during daily use, and a dual-stage tail switch for tactical operation.
Large-capacity battery: customized 3500mAh battery which charges with the included MCC3 magnetic charging cable for extended runtimes.
Designed for everyday carry: a compact light featuring a two-way pocket clip, detachable lanyard clip, and a carabiner-style ring (not for climbing) for multiple carry options.
Packed with features: refined strike bezel, battery level indicator, lockout mode, IPX8 waterproof rating, and so much more!
LEVEL 1 (lumens) 1,750~500~200
Run-time LEVEL 1 4+206+40 minutes
LEVEL 2 (lumens) 500~200
Run-time LEVEL 2 218+55 minutes
LEVEL 3 (lumens) 120
Run-time LEVEL 3 19 hours
LEVEL 4 (lumens) 15
Run-time LEVEL 4 164 hours
LEVEL 5 (lumens) 1
Run-time LEVEL 5 45 days
Strobe Yes
Body Material Aluminum Alloy
Drop Test 1.5 Meters
Waterproof IPX8
Weight (g / oz) 122g / (Including Battery, Pocket Clip, Lanyard Clip )
Light Source High Performance LED (6000~7000K)
Packaging Carton Box
Everyday Carry
Self-defense Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#olight #ofan #flashlight #edc #warrior #comparison #lumens #tactical
Which has the tighter hotspot? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NEW Olight Warrior Mini 2: 1,750 Lumen EDC Flashlight- Magnetic Charger, Strobe, New Key Ring
NEW Olight Warrior Mini 2: 1,750 Lumen EDC Flashlight- Magnetic Charger, Strobe, New Key Ring
We are looking at a new everyday carry flashlight from Olight and this one has a lot of wins, not least of which is the new, cool ring that they give you with this light as you use it.
USE CODE "EDTV" to save 10% off all non-sale items on the Olight website.
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Olight warrior mini 2 comparison review & it is better than the original
The difference between the Olight Warrior mini & Warrior mini 2 is huge !
Side by side comparison of the two flashlights and the differences between them physically and performance wise. The New Olight Warrior Mini II is a huge update & upgrade from the original and worth getting. Higher lumen output, a proximity sensor for safety and much nicer detail in the build such as a glass lens and reversible clip. Check out the Olight Warrior mine two review and comparison video.
Olight Purchasing Link Check them out !
Use the SDNT10 promo code to get 10% off the non sale items.
Check out my other Olight review videos.
Olight Baton 3 Pro review
Olight Javelot mini review
Olight Warrior 3 review & comparison to the M2R warrior pro.
Olight Arkfeld review
Olight Seeker 3 pro review.
Olight baton 3 premium edition review.
Olight I5R rechargeable flashlight review & comparison to the I5T
Olight Warrior II mini review.
Olight Ostation review
Olight Warrior X3 torture test.
Olight Lantern classic pro review
Olight Oknife overview.
Olight Array 2S review.
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Olight warrior mini 2 comparison review & it is better than the original
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Olight Warrior Mini 2 with Light Diffuser - A Mini Lantern
This short showcases the Olight Warrior Mini 2 and it’s light diffuser or safety end cap accessory. This product enables your flashlight to be used as an area light or as a mini lantern.
If you would like to support the channel and/or you would like a discount on Olight products, use the 10% Coupon Code: PME10
Link to Olight store:
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Olight i3t with 10440 vs. Warrior Mini 2 High Mode
In this short, the Olight i3t with a 10440 Lithium Rechargeable Cell is compared to the 500 lumen high mode of the Warrior Mini 2. Can the tiny light possibly complete? The 10440 battery used in the i3t is from PK Cell.
PK Cell 10440s: =sr_1_1?crid=38RH6B70OFHW4&keywords=pkcell+10440&qid=1699404732&s=hi&sprefix=pk+cell+10440%252Ctools%252C154&sr=1-1-catcorr&_encoding=UTF8&tag=pardonmyengli-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=0af5190ff59e5086d841e17bf08817ab&camp=1789&creative=9325
If you would like to support the channel and/or you would like a discount on Olight products, use the 10% Coupon Code: PME10
Link to Olight store: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
#olight #ofan #baton3pro #warriormini2 #edc #everydaycarry #comparison Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Prepared Guy reviews the warrior mini 2 and points out some things you might wanna know about.
warrior mini review:
warrior mini issue:
Buy Warrior mini 2 here:
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Autonomie extraordinaire de 45 jours ! Lampe de poche parfaite pour les activités outdoor Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn more - ?streamerId=1428232770322472966&channel=YT2&utm_source=ol_yt
The Warrior Mini 2 may just be the best pocket flashlight of all time! With a side switch AND stainless steel tail switch, you choose how to use the light in a given situation! The 1,750-lumen output is no slouch either!
Learn more and get a big discount today during our Christmas sale! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Warrior Mini 2 FIRE - Limited edition - this light is beautiful!
Olight Purchasing Link:
If you missed the sale you can use the coupon code below to get 10% off, except X9R
10% OFF Coupon code: jiujitsu2000
The Summer Sale is Olight’s biggest event since the beginning of this year. UP to 50% OFF, and at least 20% OFF Site Wide.
A FREE keychain light X9R Cell will be added to your cart automatically once login your account.
First Part:Features of New Products
Baldr S
1. Compact size with powerful 800 lumens output and 130 meters beam throw ;
2. A new 100-lumen low mode (max runtime of 140 minutes) for indoors need;
3. Added two tightening screws to the slide rail mount, keeping the green beam right on the target even after intense recoil;
4. Quick attach lever allows for installation and detachment in a second;
5. Comes standard with both Glock and Picatinny sized rail inserts for superb compatibility;
6. Limited edition Blue color for your choice.
X9R Cell
1. An ultra-compact keychain flashlight resembling the X9R Marauder;
2. Super tiny weighs only ;
3. Tough aluminum alloy body and PC lens for corrosion resistance and durability;
4. Powered by a single replaceable CR425 battery;
5. 2.5 lumens for up to 30 hours;
Warrior Mini 2 Limited Edition
1. Industry-first to etch the flashlight body and featuring the light a 3D pattern in titanium ;
2. Max 1,750- lumen output with 220-meter beam distance
3. Reversible clip to keep the bezel down in your pocket. Makes it easy to use as a tactical light in an emergency
4. Enhanced portability with a detachable lanyard clip, and a carabiner-style ring
5. Compact size and dual switches make it versatile for both EDC and Tactical use
6. Built-in proximity sensor, automatically dims in case of obstruction to prevent overheating.
Open Pro
1. A pen with both an LED light and a green pointer beam.
2. One L-type button controls all functions;
3. Compact and lightweight, making it perfect for everyday carry;
3. Optimized refill makes it more smooth writing;
4. Built-in rechargeable lithium-polymer battery;
5. Balck and Limited Blue Edition in Aluminum Alloy for your choice.
Warrior X Turbo Desert Camouflage
1. Ultra beam distance with 1,000-meter throw, ideal for hunting, search and rescue;
2. Using a powerful 5000mAh 21700 rechargeable battery;
3. Magnetic charging
4. Limited Edition in Desert camouflage color
Second Part: Summer Sale Details
A. Time
Summer sale date: 8:00 PM July 26th - 11:59 PM July 30th EDT,
VIP Early Access: Diamond and above starts at 8:00 PM July 22th EDT, Silver and above starts at 8:00 PM July 23th EDT.
B. Free Gift:
Free X9R Cell for all logged-in customers (Value $, limit one per person)
C. Main promoting products are as below:
1. Baldr S
1) Baldr S Black/Desert Tan, 35% OFF, $ (MAP: $), bundle i5T Stardust, 45% OFF, $ (MAP: $);
Baldr S Black Bundle Open Pro Black, 45% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
2)Baldr S Gunmetal Grey, 35% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle Open Pro Blue, 45% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle i5T Stardust, 45% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
3)Baldr S Blue (Limited globally 999 pcs), 35% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
2. Warrior mini 2 Limited Edition
1) Warrior mini 2 Fire/Air/Water/Earth, 30% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
2) The Four Elements Mega Pack, 35% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
3. Open Pro
1) Open Pro Black, 30% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle i3T BK, 40% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle Open Pro Blue, 40% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
2)Open Pro Blue( limited edition), 30% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle Obulb Purple, 40% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
X turbo
1) Warrior X turbo Desert Camoflague, 25% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle i5T Stardust, 35% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle Open Pro Blue, 35% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
2) Warrior X turbo Black, 35% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle i5T Stardust, 45% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle Open Pro BK, 45% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
5. Mega Pack
1) Baldr S Black +Open Pro BK+M2R Pro BK+Perun Kit BK, 45% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
2) Baldr S Gunmetal Grey+Open Pro Blue +Warrior X Turbo Desert Camoflague+i3T Brass, 45% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
D. Other Deals
1. M2R PRO Black
1) M2R PRO Black, 35% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle i3T Mountain Sky, 45% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle i5T BK, 45% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
2. Perun Kit
1) Perun Kit, 40% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle Obulb Moss Green, 50% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle i5T BK, 50% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
3. Olantern
Olantern Moss Green/Wine Red/Basalt Grey, 40% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle i3T BK, 50% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
4. Odin mini
Odin mini BK/DT (with FREE tactical grab ring), 30% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle i5T BK, 40% OFF, $ (MAP: $); Bundle Open Pro BK, 40% OFF, $ (MAP: $) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Olight Warrior Mini 2 is one of my favorites that I have reviewed, I have added it to my EDC Bag. Let me know what you think about this flashlight and what you think about the "wireless" charging.
Check out the Olight Warrior Mini 2 here:
And here's a link to Olight's website where they have lots of other great products:
My Instagram account:
My website:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
OLIGHT WARRIOR mini 2 Ti (EARTH] LIMITED EDITION EDC Flashlight - 1750 lumens - Magnetic charging
Get the OLIGHT WARRIOR mini 2 Ti (LIMITED EDITION) here using discount code: FLASH10 (Save 10% off all items not discounted except for X9R) - ?streamerId=1430081676111155203&channel=default
Get the whole Four Elements set here:
I measured 12639cd (225m) / Lumens N/A due to Proximity sensor
Below are our August Flash Sale details:
Olight Best Deals Up to 40% OFF
sale date: 20:00 30/08 -23:59 31/08/21
: X9R CELL/FREE i3E - Register Welcome Gift
I3E: £ £ SAVE: £ X9R Cell: £ £ SAVE: £
Terms: Register and the FREE X9R or i3E EOS will appear in your cart instantly.
(Get FREE i3E if X9R cell sold out)
2. Main promoting products are as below:
1) Green Laser Open Pro Olight Penlight 40% OFF!
Bundle1 : Open Pro Blue options
Open Pro Blue +I3T Orange,40% OFF, sale price £
Open Pro Blue +Obulb Green,40% OFF, sale price £
Open Pro Blue +I5T Blue,40% OFF, sale price £
Bundle2: Open Pro Black options
Open Pro BK +I3T Orange, 40% OFF, sale price £
Open Pro BK +Obulb Green, 40% OFF, sale price £
Open Pro BK +I5T Blue, 40% OFF, sale price £
2) Olight Warrior mini 2 Four Elements Titanium Limited Edition 30% OFF!
Warrior mini 2 Fire/Air/Water/Earth, 30% OFF, sale price: £
3) Olight Marauder 2 OD Green 14000 Lumens Torch Up to 35% OFF!
Marauder 2 OD Green , 30% OFF! (RRP: £; Sales price: £)
Marauder 2 OD Green Bundles 35% OFF!
Marauder 2 OD Green Bundle Seeker 2 Pro OD Green+a FREE Seeker 2 pro holster,35% OFF!(
RRP: £509.9; Sales price: £)
Marauder 2 OD Green Bundle Warrior Mini 2 Desert,35%OFF! (RRP: £449.9; Sales price:
4) Olight Seeker 2 Pro OD Green Bundle i5T blue 40% OFF!
Seeker 2 Pro OD Green + i5T Blue ,40% OFF (RRP: £182.9; Sales price: £);
5) Olight Olantern mini Bundle 40%OFF!
Olantern mini grey+i3E BK (RRP: £69.9; Sales price: £)
6) Packs for 40% OFF!!
Olight Omino Highly Recommended Pack
Omino + S1R II + S2R II + Perun mini kit + Obulb green,40%OFF(RRP: £; Sales
price: £)
Omino + Obulb green*2 + Obulb red*2, 40%OFF (RRP: £; Sales price: £)
Hot Deal Pack:
BLUE PACK: Open Pro blue + I5T blue + M2R PRO ocean camouflage,40%OFF (RRP:
£; Sales price: £)
ODG pack: Marauder 2 ODG + seeker 2 pro ODG + I3T ODG,40%OFF(RRP: £;
Sales price: £)
Olight New Arrivals Pack:
Seeker 2 pro ODG + O lantern mini grey + Open pro BK + I3T ORANGE + I5T
blue,40%OFF (RRP: £; Sales price: £)
Time1: (2021/08/30 20:00 - 2021/08/30 23:59)
Headlamp Perun 2 BK,30% OFF (RRP: £; Sales price: £);
Headlamp Perun 2 BK +i3T orange, 40%OFF (RRP: £111.9; Sales price: £);
Time2: (2021/08/31 20:00 - 2021/08/31 24:00)
Warrior X Pro Desert Sunset,30% OFF ( RRP: £; Sales price: £)
Bundles: Warrior X Pro Desert Sunset + i5T, 40% OFF (RRP: £162.9; Sales price:
3. Tier Gifts:
1)Over £89 get a FREE i1R2 random colour +£5 coupon (RRP: £);
2)Over £179 get a FREE i5T Stardust+ £10 coupon (RRP: £);
3)Over £259 get a FREE Baton 3 random colour + £15 coupon (RRP: £);
4)Over £309 get a FREE Warrior mini 2 BK + £20 coupon (RRP: £).
Note: Free tier gift can't be stacked.
Exclusive Code will work on non-sale listings ONLY.
People who want a high-performance torch may worry about size, weight, portability. However, some torches with a small form factor cannot deliver high performance. Here we have the Warrior Mini 2 four elements grand debut, small enough for your pocket but produces an astounding max output of 1750 lumens and a 220 meter. With a built-in industry-leading proximity sensor and engraved circuit secures protests the Warrior Mini 2. The difference between normal Warrior Mini 2, four elements version features industry-first gorgeous 3D pattern on its titanium body, with more craftsmanship and collection value.
#Olight #OLIGHTWARRIORmini2Ti #FourElements Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
NEW - Olight Warrior Mini 2 - Vorstellung + GEWINNSPIEL
Auf haben wir auch im Juni wieder einen Sale für euch. Neben der Freyr in Orange ist definitiv die Warrior Mini 2 in Schwarz, Desert Tan und Sky Mountain das Highlight des Sales! Alle Infos zur Warrior Mini 2 hier im Video.
Warrior Mini 2 schwarz Gewinnspiel
✔️ Daumen hoch und Kommentar mit der richtigen Lösung
✔️ Adresse in Deutschland oder Österreich und volljährig
*Teilnahmeschluss am Ende des Sales. Die Gewinner*innen des Gewinnspieles werden zeitnah in einem Live-Video von Miro bekannt gegeben. Erfolgt innerhalb von 14 Tagen nach Bekanntgabe keine Rückmeldung der Gewinner*innen, wird der Preis erneut verlost.
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The Warrior Mini 2 has been released in several different colors and materials for good reason!
This 1,750-lumen dual-switch light is the perfect pocket companion for any daily task!
Even with such high performance, the included proximity sensor and lockout mode ensure that it always stays safe no matter where you go or how you store it!
Check these out and more at the link above! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
This black lava Olight warrior Mini 2 is awesome and on sale as we speak. Check my links below.
Affiliate link to Olightstore:
Exploit(OD Green):
WARRIOR Mini 2(LongYan):
I5R EOS (red):
Freeze 2(OD Green Aluminium Handle):
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EDC’ing A Larger Light: the Olight Warrior 2 Mini Review!
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Warrior Mini 2 GIVEAWAY: To Enter - SUBSCRIBE to this channel, LIKE this video, and leave ONE comment below with what your favorite Warrior Mini 2 feature is! Winner picked next week!
The Warrior Mini 2 features some incredibly well-thought-out upgrades over the previous version. That includes better clip placement, better lens, proximity sensor, finger ring, and more! Get up to 35% off in black, desert tan, and limited edition mountain sky for the first time starting TOMORROW June 17 at 8:00 PM Eastern time! We are also offering the brand new Olantern Mini, Odin, and even more during this sale!
Login before placing your order to automatically receive a custom keychain multi-tool with your order! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Unboxing & First Impressions Titanium Olight Warrior Mini 2 4K
This is an unboxing and first impressions video on the new Olight Titanium Warrior Mini 2. This example is one of four limited edition models, each in a different PVD finish, repenting the four elements of earth, wind, fire, and of course this blue example, water. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Warrior Mini 2 Limited Edition Color - Valentines Day Sale Feb 13,14th 2022
In this video I'll take a quick look at the new color for the Olight Warrior Mini 2. I love it! Enjoy!
Olight Valentines Day Sale:
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New Olight Warrior Mini 2 VS. Olight Warrior Mini! | So close to being GREAT!
Olight Warrior Mini 2 vs Olight Warrior Mini:
Warrior Mini 2 at a glance-
1750 Lumens
220-meter throwing distance
12,300 cd
6 total lighting modes
2 user modes
Magnetic tail switch
IPX8 waterproof
impact resistance
TIR Optic Lens & Protective Glass Lens
New proximity sensor
New reversible pocket clip for lens down carry
** Olight Warrior Mini 2:
(I AM NOT sponsored by Olight. I bought both of these lights with my own money. All the opinions are my own regardless if I receive an item for free or not.
If something sucks, it sucks and I'll let you know. Thanks!!)
UPDATE! Yes, I'm aware that in my beam tests I have the Warrior Mini showing 1750 lumens. Slight oversight on my part and thought I double-checked before I rendered that all the info was accurate we are!
So, the Warrior Mini should show 1500 1750. Thank you for your time and cooperation. 😂
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Manfrotto Hybrid 502:
Seville Classics Airlift Pro Desk:
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Olight Warrior Mini 2 - How to Switch the User Interface #olight #flashlight #flashlights #edc
This short demonstrates how to change the user interface on the Olight Warrior Mini 2 from configuration 1 to configuration 2.
If you would like to support the channel and/or you would like a discount on Olight products, use the 10% Coupon Code: PME10
Link to Olight store:
Link to Warrior mini 2:
#olight #edc #flashlight #flashlights #everydaycarry #howto Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Warrior Mini 2 Flashlight Review - Tactical EDC with Innovative Design and Magnetic Charging
Hello YouTube, Flashlight Enthusiast here! Reviewing an Olight flashlight after such a long brake was truly a huge adventure for me. Not only did it came to me with few pleasant surprises, but I have also renewed my perspective on this brand. I have to say I was pleased with these model, which displayed innovative and quality design. Enjoy!
Table of content:
0:00 Intro
0:49 Box
1:08 What's included
2:37 Battery, springs, threads
3:43 Tactical ring
4:28 Clip design
5:03 Knurling & Design
6:09 Switch design
6:36 Charging
7:04 UI, battery status indicator
9:52 LED, Proximity Sensor
11:23 Lens and beam profile
12:28 Charging Issue?
13:05 Turbo runtime graph
14:23 High runtime graph
14:53 Beamshots
15:44 Summary Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Music is from Epidemic Sounds Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
First Look at the Olight Warrior Mini 3! Is it BETTER than the 2?!🔥🔦🤯 #olight #fyp #shorts
Check out the Olight flashlights & gear.
Use the SDNT10 promo code to get 10% off the non sale items.
Some great new Light flashlights that will make great gifts for your Valentine or yourself. The Warrior mini II in Regal blue, The I5R in plum, The baton 3 in Deep see blue and the swivel now in blue. This is the time to save money on these limited edition flashlights and the sale is for only 28 hours so get on it.
Olight Warrior 3 review & comparison to the M2R warrior pro.
Olight Seeker 3 pro review.
Olight baton 3 premium edition review.
Olight I5R rechargeable flashlight review & comparison to the I5T
Olight Warrior II mini review.
Olight Warrior X3 torture test.
Olight Oknife overview.
Olight Array 2S review.
The official SDNT website
Charlie uses Fisher metal detectors
The Fisher F19 on Amazon
Check Out the gear & other items Charlie & the SDNT crew recommend on Amazon
If you would like to be a patron of this channel by making a pledge & being a contributor to Not Thursday.
So good looking ! Olight valentines day flashsale flashlights are the perfect valentines gift 2022
Not Thursday hiking exploring history flashlights metal detecting New Hampshire VlOG Fisher F19 metal detector Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Olight Warrior Mini 2: A Professional Caliber Flashlight with a near perfect blend of features!
The Olight Warrior Mini 2 is a Professional Caliber Flashlight with a near perfect blend of features. From a blinding 1750 lumens down to a single lumen, the Olight Warrior Mini 2 does it all in a small package. With two switches, a way into the single lumen without cycling, a deep carry reversible pocket clip, and magnetic charging, Olight really came through on this one. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
📣 Olight Warrior Mini 2 New Limited Elements Edition
😍 Unique Etched Patterns ➤ Fire, Air, Water and Earth
🔥 Up To 35% off ⏰ 8PM 7/26 - 11:59PM 7/30 EDT
⚡ 1750 Lumens, 220M Throw
⚡ Tail Switch & Side Switch
⚡ Magnetic Charging, Proximity Sensor, Battery Indicator
Score a FREE Flashlight, BONUS Free Gifts & FREE SHIPPING for all eligible orders!
👉 Check Now : Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hier ein kleiner Sneak Peak zur Warrior Mini 2 in Lava. Lass dir das Angebot auf nicht entgehen!
Teilnahmebedingungen 1x Warrior Mini 2 (Farbe je nach Verfügbarkeit) :
✔️ Daumen hoch und Kommentar
✔️ Adresse in Deutschland oder Österreich und volljährig
*Teilnahmeschluss ist der letzte Tag des Sales. Die Ergebnisse des Gewinnspieles werden zeitnah in den Kommentaren bekannt gegeben bzw. angepinnt. Erfolgt innerhalb von 14 Tagen nach Bekanntgabe keine Rückmeldung der Gewinner, wird der Preis erneut verlost.
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A vast improvement over the original Warrior Mini, the Mini 2 adds a new proximity sensor for overheat protection as well as improved lighting outputs. A couple of bonuses to this light include a longer pocket clip, the ability to carry bezel up or down, improved runtimes and throw distances. Olight corrected all of the problems from the first generation and then some. Let's take a look at the Warrior Mini 2.
Flash sale date: 8:00 PM June 17th - 11:59 PM June 18th EDT
10% OFF Coupon code: txtool
Coupon Code will work during sales on non-sale listings ONLY.
Free Gift:
1. Free Multi-Tool (value $)
2. Every Newly registered customer will get 2 coupons automatically
($10 off order over $60; $15 off order over $99).
Warrior mini 2
1) Warrior mini 2 Black, 25% OFF, $ (MAP: $);
Bundle I3T Mountain Sky, 35% OFF, $ (MAP: $);
2) Warrior mini 2 Desert Tan, 25% OFF, $ (MAP: $);
Bundle I3T Desert Tan, 35% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
3) Warrior mini 2 Mountain Sky(Limited Edition), 25% OFF, $ (MAP: $);
Bundle I3T Mountain Sky, 35% OFF, $ (MAP: $)
Warrior Mini 2
1. Built-in proximity sensor, automatically dims in case of obstruction to prevent overheating
2. Reversible clip to keep the bezel down in your pocket. Makes it easy to use as a tactical light in an emergency
3. Enhanced portability with a detachable lanyard clip, and a carabiner-style ring
4. Compact size and dual switches make it versatile for both EDC and Tactical use
5. Max 1,750- lumen output with 220-meter beam distance
6. Innovative magnetic charging
7. Olight brand-new product: upgraded version of Warrior Mini
8. Limited edition in Mountain Sky color Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Flash Sale 📣 Up To 35% Off The New Warrior Mini 2
Olight Flash Sale 📣 Up To 35% Off
🆕 Introducing The Warrior Mini 2 built-in proximity sensor, powerful 1750 lumens + 220m throw. Perfect self-defense tool for everyday carry.
🔥Improved two-way pocket clip, detachable lanyard clip, carabiner-style ring are included.
⏰ 8PM 6/17 - 11:59PM 6/18 EDT
💻Register Now to get a FREE Multi-tool + $10 Off When You Spend $60+ or $15 Off When You Spend $99+.
👉 Get your BODYGUARD here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Warrior Mini 2 Compact Tactical & EDC Torch
Warrior Mini 2 Blue Tactical EDC torch up to 35% off!
Warrior Mini 2 Blue,25%off (RRP:£ sale price:£)
Warrior Mini 2 Blue /MS/White bundle i1R2 BK,35%off (RRP: £112.9 £sale price:£)
Click this link and add Rob10 to get a further 10% off the price
● EDC: Suitable pocket size, smaller than a tall mobile phone.
● Tactical: Go-to tool with its outstanding strobe mode and perfect tail switch
● Enhanced Portability: New carabiner-style ring, detachable lanyard clip, and two-way pocket clip unlock new ways to carry
● Advanced Security: built-in industry-leading proximity sensor and engraved circuit secure the torch's ability. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Olight Warrior Mini 3 Full Review (and compared to mini 2)
10% OFF Coupon code: CFR10
WARRIOR Mini 3 Bundle:
imini 2:
OPEN Mini:
The coupon Code is not valid on sale items, nor the X9R.
00:00 - Intro
01:03 - Size Comparison
02:05 - WM2 vs WM3
03:29 - Emitter upgrade: SST-40 vs SFT-40
04:03 - New Button Design
06:22 - New Clip: Head up carry only
08:12 - New Proximity Sensor
10:31 - Battery & Charging
11:22 - UI
12:59 - Lumen Test
14:46 - CCT & Tint
15:45 - Beamshots
17:55 - Conclusion Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here is a look at my new EDC flashlight, the Olight Warrior Mini 2. It has multiple settings that will allow you to have exactly the amount of light you need for whatever situation you are in. Thank you Olight for sending this for the review!
You can find the Warrior Mini 2 by clicking this link:
(affiliate link)
Be sure to use the code WM20 to receive 20% off the Warrior Mini 2 until midnight EDT October 15th.
You can check out all of Olight's products by clicking here:
(affiliate link)
Coupon Code: DIY10 (10% off sitewide, except for X9R; Code never expires)
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This flashlight is awesome!
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Flashlight Comparison | Olight S1R Batton vs S2R Batton II vs Seeker vs Warrior X | Weekend Stuff
Lets see the difference between some interesting flashlights
red S1R Batton II (1000lm)
brown S2R Batton II (1200lm)
blue Seeker (3000lm)
black Warrior X (2000lm)
Have fun Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Brief Product description: I was really impressed with the Warrior Mini 2 and can't wait to keep using it! It has a ton of power and a long lasting battery, which is exactly what you want with a product like this.
Have cool products that you'd like to see reviewed? Shoot me an email or contact me on Instagram!
Intro Music by the Talented Mckay_Alexander_ on Instagram.
Outro Music is Dive by the Great and Powerful Sam FM on YouTube - Dive -
Note: Some of the links to products that I post are affiliate links, which simply means that a very small percentage of the total cost goes to support this channel. The commission I make from you using this link doesn't cost you anything and the small money made goes to buying more gear and my website fees. Thanks so much for supporting my channel! #CommisionEarned Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Фонарь Olight I1R 2 PRO - это усовершенствованная версия популярной модели Olight I1R 2 EOS.
Модель все также имеет компактные размеры (51 х 16 мм) при минимальном весе 22 г, что полностью соответствует концепции EDC.
Фонарь оснащен высокопроизводительным светодиодом, который в паре с TIR-оптикой создает хорошо сбалансированный луч света, что идеально подходит для ближнего освещения.
В моделе Olight I1R 2 PRO представлено 2 режима работы: на 180 люмен с максимальной дальностью свечения 48 метров и длительностью работы до 23 минут, а также на 5 люмен, с возможностью работы до 12 часов.
В качестве элемента питания используется литий-ионный аккумулятор емкостью 130 мАч, а заряжается через шнур USB Type C, который идет в комплекте. Полная зарядка аккумулятора производится в течении 100 минут.
В торцевой части фонаря имеется металлическое кольцо для закрепления на ключах или прочих аксессуарах повседневного использования.
Материал корпуса: Анодированный алюминий.
Степень защиты: IPx8. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Тип - пошуковий, джерело світла - LED, дальність світлового потоку - 350 м, яскравість - 330 люмен, елементи живлення - вбудований акумулятор, вага - 1048 г....
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