Призматичні приціли Vortex SpitFire призначені спеціально для використання з карабінами на AR-платформі. Чудове зображення і відсутність паралакса дають змогу стрільцю легко виявити й утримувати ціль, а конструкція призми і витравлена сітка вирішують проблеми викривлення для користувачів, які страждають на астигматизм.
У новій компактнішій моделі SPITFIRE™ HD GEN II оптична система HD оптимізована для забезпечення виняткової роздільної здатності, зменшення хроматичних аберацій, чудової різкості по всьому полю зору і високого показника світлопропускання.
Регулювання яскравості підсвічування прицільної точки має 12 рівнів, 2 з яких призначені для роботи з приладами нічного бачення.
Прицільна сітка AR-BDC4 розроблена для максимально ефективного використання патрона 5.56 з карабінами на платформі AR, забезпечуючи як швидке виявлення цілі, так і градуйовану шкалу для внесення поправок по горизонталі на дистанції до 594 метрів.
Водонепроникні ущільнювальні кільця перешкоджають проникненню вологи, пилу та сміття всередину приладу, забезпечуючи його надійну роботу в будь-яких умовах. Заповнення азотом запобігає внутрішньому запотіванню лінз при перепадах температур.
Матово-чорне анодоване покриття корпусу має противідблисковий ефект і гарантує стійкість до корозії та зносостійкість виробу.
Є можливість встановлення прицілу на низький (ВН - 27 мм) і високий (ВН - 40 мм) райзер.
Детальні характеристики:
призматичний Spitfire HD Gen II 3-х з сіткою AR-BD
Что же такое призматический прицел? К призматическим прицелам из-за недостатка информации, либо относятся настороженно, либо ничего о них не знают. Призматический прицел по своей сути - это компактный гибрид оптического и коллиматорного (или рефлекторного с красной точкой) прицела. Давайте внимательнее посмотрим на призматические прицелы, чтобы вы могли решить, может быть, это именно тот самый, компактный и с увеличением идеальный прицел, который вы искали для своей винтовки.
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Heckler & Koch MR223 A3
.223 Rem
6 MOA Dot Reticle
B&T Industries BT65-LW17 CAL Atlas Bipod Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
VORTEX Spitfire HD Gen II 5x Prism - First Person RePew
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Thank you again to supporter Dave for sending this in for review. Its nothing new that I would rather pick a LPVO over a prism. But that is irrelevant if you really like/want a prism. This Gen II Spitifre 5x is pretty good. It offers good enough glass and illumination. And a practical and easy to understand reticle. The fact its milled to accept Vortex's own micro red dots is not just smart, but very practical. It makes for fewer parts inbetween optics. Which means less weight, while keeping everything on a smaller footprint. Being able to go from 5x, to 1x on a microdot sounds like a pretty nice option to have.
#VortexOptics #prism #unboxing #firstpersonreview
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Пневматическая винтовка Леший и прицелы Vortex: Crossfire II, Spitfire X3 или X5, Crossfire Red Dot
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Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II 3x Prism Scope | 1MOA Dot | NV Capable | SPR-300
Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II 3x Prisma de alcance SPR-300
Vortex tomó el exitoso Spitfire Prism Scope y lo rediseñó con una construcción aerodinámica para un peso reducido y un perfil más bajo. Diseñado con plataformas AR en mente, el Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II viene equipado con una retícula iluminada AR-BDC4 avanzada con un punto central de 1 MOA en el medio de un círculo abierto de para una adquisición de objetivos increíblemente rápida. Directamente debajo hay cuatro subtensiones BDC que permiten disparos precisos a distancias de hasta 650 yardas. La retícula tiene 12 configuraciones de iluminación, 2 de las cuales son compatibles con la visión nocturna. La retícula en sí ha sido grabada en el vidrio, lo que permite que el Spitfire Gen II continúe funcionando sin iluminación.
Características del visor Prisim Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II.
12 configuraciones de iluminación
2 configuraciones de visión nocturna
Disponible en aumentos de 3x y 5x
Este artículo puede estar regulado para la exportación por el Departamento de Estado de EE. UU. O el Departamento de Comercio de EE. UU. Al hacer una oferta o comprar este artículo, entiendo, reconozco y acepto la Política de exportación de EuroOptic.
Número de pieza del fabricante SPR-300
UPC 843829115025
Tipo de Batería
Campo de visión: 37,9 pies a 100 yardas
Acabado del alcance: negro
Posición del retículo:
Compatible con visión nocturna
Diámetro objetivo de la lente:
Configuración de brillo 12
2 configuraciones de visión nocturna
Alivio de los ojos: 2,6 "(67 mm)
Ajuste de paralaje: 100 yardas
Retícula iluminada: Sí
Ajuste de la torreta (valor de clic): 1 MOA
Peso del alcance: 9 oz.
Batería CR2032
Detalles de la torreta de elevación: 250 MOA
Factor crepuscular:
Detalles de la torreta de viento: 250 MOA
Pupila de salida:
tipo de producto
Dimensiones: Longitud: 3 pulgadas
Rango de aumento: 3x
Rotación de la torreta del alcance:
Detalles de la retícula 1 punto MOA en una retícula de 18,85
4 subtensiones BDC
Diámetro del objetivo del alcance: 21 mm
Tamaño / montaje del tubo del visor:
El paquete incluye cubiertas de goma para lentes, multiherramienta T10 Torx, sistema de montaje de altura múltiple, paño para lentes y batería
Peso: 9.3 onzas
Transmision de luz
Condición del artículo
Longitud del alcance: 3 "
Detalles de la retícula: retícula AR-BDC4 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex® Spitfire™ HD Gen II 3x and 5x Prism Scopes - Product Overview
With a redesigned HD optical system that cuts inches and ounces off the original platform, the new Spitfire HD Gen II 3x and 5x models are a shooter's dream come true. Choose your ideal magnification and mounting height, then rely on the BDC-style reticle to subtend with most popular cartridges for quick holdovers at known distances, keeping you locked on target.
Learn more about Vortex® Spitfire™ HD Gen II 3x and 5x Prism Scopes at:
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InRange is entirely viewer supported:
In this video, we take a look at the new line of Vortex Spitfire Prism scopes - both the 3x and 5x models. We then test drive them in a drill and then discuss the benefits, or detriments, of each model. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The BEST All-In-One Optic? Vortex Spitfire Review!
#vortex #Spitfire #optics
Can the Vortex Spitfire prism optic do it all? Is it the all-in-one site we've been missing? The boys review this gem, and discuss their thoughts on what makes it great. Big shoutout to @Vortex Optics for providing us with some of their AMAZING optics.
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The Smallest, Lightest Prism Optic: Vortex Spitfire Gen II 5x
The new Vortex Spitfire Gen II prism optics are lighter and smaller for the magnification than any other prism sights on the market. In this episode of TFBTV, Hop tests the Spitfire 5x Prism sight, with a piggy back mounted Vortex Venom red dot; a package which has 5x magnification and two sighting systems despite weighing less than an AimPoint PRO.
0:00 Intro
0:50 Vortex Spitfire Gen II 5x overview
4:29 Spitfire under night vision
6:10 Prism vs LPVO vs red dot & magnifier
10:16 Conclusion
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Three Times Is A Charm: Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II 3x Prism Scope
PatRMG returns to give us a look at the new Vortex Spitfire™ HD Gen II 3x prism scope!
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Коллиматорный Прицел, что это? На Примере Прицелов VORTEX
Выпуск Современного оружия от Guns-Review посвящен коллиматорным, с красной точкой, прицелам VORTEX: VORTEX Venom, VORTEX Crossfire, VORTEX Spark AR и VORTEX Strikefire 2. Технические характеристики, особенности конструкции, настройки и эксплуатации включая стрелковый тест прицелов.
Текстовый обзор и фото: %d0%b8-strikefire-2/
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Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II 5X Scope - Product Spotlight | Optics Force
With a redesigned HD optical system that cuts inches and ounces off the original platform, the new Spitfire™ HD Gen II 3x and 5x models are a shooter's dream come true. Choose your ideal magnification and mounting height, then rely on the BDC-style reticle to subtend with most popular cartridges for quick holdovers at known distances, keeping you locked on target. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex Optics Spitfire GEN II 5X Prism 40/340 Yard Challenge
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Prism VS Red Dot - Reticle Clarity, Speed & Parallax
A red dot sight is fast for aiming, but a prism sight offers way better reticle & sight picture clarity.
**Black Friday Deals:
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See more prism sights below:
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Big Thank you to Patreon supporter Dave for making this video possible. Prism's definitely had their role to fill. Do they fit yours perfectly?
#VortexOptics #prism #unboxing #firstpersonreview
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Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II 5 x Prism Scope and Venom Mounting & Zeroing
In this how-to video, I will go through Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II 5 x Prism Scope and Venom Mounting & Zeroing. We look at mounting options, mount the spitfire and venom red dot. After focusing the fast-focus eyepiece, and bore sighting, I zero on the 25m range then take it to shoot on the 50 and 100m range. I will then talk a little bit about the maintenance of your new optic. Vortex recommends using a 50 yard zero for best results with the AR-BDC4 reticle. The Spitfire™ HD Gen II 5x model comes equipped with a red dot mounting platform for use with Vortex® Viper® or Venom®.
Torque settings:
- Torque base screws to 20-22 in-lbs.
- Torque micro red dot sight to 10-12 in-lbs.
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00:00 Intro
00:27 Mount Height Options
01:10 Mounting the Optic
03:10 Mounting your Micro Red Dot Sight (Vortex Venom or Viper)
04:22 Reticle focus
04:41 Sighting In
05:10 Sighting in/Zeroing at the Range (Boresighting, 25m zero, 50m and 100m shoot
17:56 Maintenance
Adjustments: The Spitfire™ HD Gen II elevation and wind adjustments are scaled in 1 Minute of Angle (MOA) clicks. Rotate the windage adjustment clockwise to move the dot right, or anti-clockwise to move the dot left. Rotate elevation the adjustment clockwise to move the dot up, or anti-clockwise to move the dot down.
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Thank you to Vortex UK for loaning me the Spitfire Optic to try out. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Spitfire® HD Gen II Prism Scopes vs SPARC® AR and Micro 3x - FAQ
Should you go with a red dot and magnifier combo, or a fixed power prism scope? Learn the pros and cons here.
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Tune in for a step-by-step guide to mounting your Spitfire™ HD Gen II Prism Scope.
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Updated Spitfire™ HD Gen II 3x and 5x VS Original Spitfire™ 3x Prism Scope - FAQ
Find out what separates the updated Spitfire™ HD Gen II 3x and 5x prism scopes compared to the original Spitfire™ 3x.
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The Vortex Spitfire 3X Gen 2 is a light and compact prism scope that's great for rifles. Compared with a 1-4, or traditional 3-9 scopes, or the Gen 1 it is very compact.
00:00 Intro
00:54 Tabletop times
04:05 Range compilation
04:30 Conclusion Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vortex 5x Prism Scope SPITFIRE™ HD GEN II (SPR-500) Review
This is a review of the new Vortex 5x Prism Scope SPITFIRE™ HD GEN II (SPR-500). Overall, this is a quality optic for the price. The video contains a review of the manual and website material, unboxing, and a view through the lens.
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Disclaimer: These videos are strictly for educational and entertainment purposes only. Imitation or the use of anything demonstrated in my videos is done AT YOUR OWN RISK. All work on firearms should be carried out by a licensed individual and all state and federal rules apply to such. We (including YouTube) will not be held liable for any injury to yourself or damage to your firearms resulting from attempting anything shown in any of our videos. I do not endorse any specific product and this video is not an attempt to sell you a good or service. I am not a gun shop and DO NOT sell or deal in Firearms. Such a practice is heavily regulated and subject to applicable laws. I DO NOT sell parts, magazines, or firearms. These videos are free to watch and if anyone attempts to charge for this video notify us immediately. By viewing or flagging this video you are acknowledging the above.
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Vortex Spitfire 1X - альтернатива коллиматорам
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In this video, I review the Vortex Spitfire Prism! I havn't had much prism experience other then the monstrums, so this was a little different. I am not 100% sure I like the concept of the prism and how it works. Maybe it will have to grow on me.
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quick video, down the range views and my impressions on it. i think its a great battle rifle short optic. not many reviews on it out there. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Vector Optics 5x Prism Magnifier in front of 1x Prism Scope
Paragon 1x prism scope is after 5x Magnifier.
Still work and has very good eye relief.
Compared with a red dot sight, with a 1x prism scope you can enjoy a much better crystal clear image.
An interesting test, which proves its working.
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Guns,Vortex Spitfire Gen II 5x.#Guns#scope#Vortex#Spitfire#Prism#TedNugent#Red dot#PSA#shortsfeed
There is a lot to consider when thinking about the best way to extend the range of your carbine, and we’re here to help! We break down the differences of running a magnifier paired with a red dot ( the brand-new Micro6x Magnifier with the SPARC Solar Red Dot), a low-power variable optic (Strike Eagle® 1- 6x24), and a prism scope (Spitfire™ HD Gen II 5x) to make sure you get the perfect setup for your needs.
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New Optic - VORTEX SPITFIRE HD GEN II 5X PRISM SCOPE for 5.56 #shorts #shooting #unboxing #gun
Unboxing New Optic - Vortex Spitfire HD Gen 2 5x Prism Scope for AR-15 #vortexoptics #plivetv
Great reticle option for AR
Precision Sports
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Stay safe and thanks for watching 💯 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In this video, I unbox the brand new Spitfire HD Generation 2 5 x prism scope from Vortex Optics.
During unboxing, I’ll go through what comes with the optic. I'll then talk about the specifications, run through the features of this new optic, and show you how to install the battery.
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00:00 Intro
00:26 Unbox
03:13 Specifications
04:07 Features
06:35 Battery Installation
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#vortexoptics #spitfire #prismscope #unboxing #riflescope #riflescopes #vortexopticsuk Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fun Gun Reviews Presents:The Vortex Spitfire 1x Prism Scope. Designed specifically for the AR-15/ M4 rifle. It has a 10 setting illuminated reticle in Red and green but it also features an Etched reticle that is a great back up feature. I want to thank 3 Rivers Precision for supplying the Spitfire for the review.
Thanks for watching~ Sootch00
Music is from Jingle Punks Royalty Free Music through the Fullscreen Network. Used with permission. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Коллиматоры VectorOptics Maverick 3х поколений. Особенности открытого прицела Сайга 12.
Обзор на столе коллиматоров Maverick китайского производителя VectorOptics от I до III поколения. В заключительной части - магнифер 3х22. Также кратко поговорим об использовании открытых прицельных приспособлений на Сайге 12.
00:00 Вступление
00:35 Maverick Gen. I
02:30 Maverick Gen. II
03:35 Особенности открытого прицела Сайга 12
04:20 Крепление на ласточкин хвост для коллиматоров Maverick
05:20 Maverick Gen. III
07:05 Магнифер 3х22
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Vortex Spitfire AR - Product Spotlight | Optics Force
When shooters demand the quick-handling characteristics of a red dot, but suffer starburst effects in red dots from common astigmatism, the Spitfire AR is the perfect choice. The glass-etched DRT (Dual Ring Tactical) reticle can be used with or without the red/green illumination like a traditional riflescope, and makes target and reticle acquisition in close-quarters a snap. Unique to the Spitfire AR, an included BDC turret allows shooters to dial popular AR-15 configurations to 700 yards—perfect for limited division 3-Gun competitors or range-goers who wish to engage targets from point blank to extended range. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Лучше чем коллиматор - Призматический прицел от Bering Optics ✌ [Обзор и тест]
Что такое призматический прицел? На примере Prismatic Supra 3.0х32 Bering Optics. Впервые на русскоязычном Ютубе!
Обзор и тест! Прицел для профессионалов!
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Тактический призматический прицел Prismatic Supra рассчитан на мощные импульс отдачи и предназначен для установки на любые виды лёгкого стрелкового оружия (включая калибры х54, 12 Gauge, 20 Gauge) и рекомендуется для стрельбы на ближних и средних дистанциях по быстроперемещающимся целям.
Прицелы серии Prismatic сочетают прочный, компактный и водонепроницаемый корпус, выполненный из авиационного алюминия, с уникальной баллистической меткой RCE ™, которая позволяет вводить баллистическую компенсацию на дистанции до 350 метров. Изделия поставляются с элементом питания и чехлом.
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Vector Optics. Бюджетные коллиматоры на 12, 366ТКМ, 7,62... Держат отдачу!
Today we're reviewing the Vortex Spitfire 3x Prism Scope. An advanced "red dot" replacer, this prism scope doesn't rely on batteries only. It has an etched reticle, which enables you to keep shooting even if you happen to run out of battery power in the middle of a shoot or hunt. The reticle utilizes both green and red illumination so you can choose which you want to use. it features a retention wire for the adjustment caps so that you will never lose your adjustment caps ever again. The construction is superb, and the scope feels like a premium piece of technology. The reticle itself is designed with the cartridge in mind, and has drop reticles all the way out to 500 yards. However, all of these positive features are accompanied by a few dislikes, although moderate. The first dislike of mine concerns the short eye relief of the scope. Only 2.8 inches. That means that you have to get very close to the scope. If you were to use this scope on a higher caliber gun than an AR-15, the recoil may just leave you with a black eye! My second concern is with the weight of the scope. It's pretty beefy. weighing in at as shown on the vortex website, this scope actually weighs more than the previous dedicated sniper scope I had setup on my AR beforehand. However, those small negatives of this scope are far overshadowed by the positive aspects of it. I give it a 9/10 Highly recommended!
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В видео я упустил упомянуть высокое качество светопередачи оптики, а так же комфортное поле обзора на дистанции.
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UPC: 843829115032
Let us know what you think of the Vortex 5x HD Prism in the comments down below!
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The Vortex Spitfire HD Gen II 5x Prism Scope is leaner, meaner, and features a redesigned HD optical system for a significantly smaller, lighter tactical solution. The Spitfire HD Gen II 3x and 5x models let you choose your ideal mounting height while cutting inches and ounces off the original platform. Now with night vision compatibility and running on a BDC-style reticle designed to subtend with most popular cartridges for quick holdovers at known distances to keep you locked on target. Plus, the prism design and etched reticle give you ultra-fast target while still functioning without illumination, and the turrets are exposed-no more caps, no more snags .HD Optical System Optimized to deliver exceptional resolution and provide outstanding edge-to-edge sharpness and light transmission .Ultra Compact and Lightweight Design Rugged construction that's still compact, with a lightweight Reticle Purpose-built for most popular cartridges.
What's In The Box:
Rubber Lens Covers
T10 Torx Multi-Tool
Multi-Height Mount System - Lower 1/3 Co-Witness Height & Low Mount Height
Lens Cloth
CR2032 Battery
HD Optical System
12 Illumination Settings
2 Night Vision Compatible Settings
Nitrogen Purged
Fully Multi-Coated Lenses
Low-Glare Matte Black Finish
Micro Red Dot Sight (MRDS) Mounting Platform (5x Model Only)
Magnification: 5x
Reticle: AR-BDC4
Reticle Color: Red
Linear Field of View (at 100 YDS): 23.3'
Eye Relief: 2.7"
Battery Type: CR2032
Length: 3.6"
Weight (with battery and highest mount): 10.8 oz. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Feedback on vortex spitfire gen 2 5X prism scope. Most lightweight and compact prism scope I’ve ever seen but is it worth the hefty price tag???? Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Краткий обзор всей модельной линейки бюджетных коллиматоров и оптических прицелов от Vector Optics. Доставка по всей России! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Коллиматорный прицел!!! Как выбрать? Как устроен? Достоинства и недостатки?
The Vortex Spitfire 3X Gen 1 is a compact prism scope that's great for rifles. Compared with a 1-4 or other traditional scope, it's very compact.
00:00 Intro
01:00 Size comparison
01:33 Features
03:36 Shooting footage
04:04 Conclusion Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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