Нова вибухова технологія функціонального тренінгу з США! Ривок для фізичного потенціалу. Максимальна енергійність!
Тренування з найвищим ККД!
Максимум ефекту в одиницю часу, серед усіх відомих систем.
Тренування всіх груп м'язів (внутрішніх і зовнішніх м'язів корпусу), - подібно до електричного заряду активізує всі внутрішні сили.
Активне жироспалювання і прискорення метаболізму.
Зміцнення всіх зв'язок, багаторазове підвищення витривалості, поліпшення роботи серцево-судинної системи.
Мінімальний час тренування - всього 5 хвилин, оптимальний 5-15 хвилин, максимальний - 20 хвилин.
Ефективність - науково доведена: тільки Inertia Wave спалює до 50 калорій всого за 3 хвилини!
Максимальна безпека плюс більш ефективна і зовсім не нудне тренування.
Мінімальні 10-15 хвилин занять, по ефективності замінять кілька виснажливих традиційних тренувань.
На відміну від вільних ваг і канатів, тренування InertiaWave забезпечує оптимальне тренування м'язів при гранично мінімальному навантаженні на суглоби і сполучну тканину, а також виключає можливість отримання вивихів і розтягувань. Також, InertiaWave завжди можна мати при собі і не бути прив'язаним до залу і обставин.
Inertia Wave перевершує бойові канати для кроссфіта більш ефективним спалюванням калорій, задіює всі основні групи м'язів включаючи глибокі м'язи, м'язи стабілізатори, а також зміцнює зв'язки, сухожилля і весь опорно-руховий апарат в цілому. Дуже добре підходить для тренувань на свіжому повітрі, для домашнього спортзалу, фітнес-центру або спортивного комплексу.
І що вражає, енергія через інерційну гуму багаторазово повертається користувачеві, на відміну від канатів - тренуючись з якими, енергія просто йде "в підлогу".
Революційна інерційна гума для персонального високоінтенсивного інтервального тренінгу ідеально підходить для всіх спортсменів так як впливає на все тіло. У найкоротші терміни істотно зросте загальна сила, швидкість і витривалість, поліпшується координація, прискорюється обмін речовин. Ще однією перевагою є її здатність стабілізувати і розвивати глибокі м'язи спини і зміцнити зап'ястя рук.
Основні переваги InertiaWave:
Економія часу. Ефективне тренування з інерційною гумою триває максимум 15 хвилин. Допоможе прийти в себе і поліпшити здоров'я буквально в лічені хвилини.
Максимальна ефективність. В рази ефективніше традиційного тренінгу. Використання InertiaWave як частини програми з активними вправами на відновлення збереже м'язову масу, підвищить м'язовий тонус і одночасно позбавить від зайвого жиру.
Мобільний тренажерний зал. З InertiaWave можна результативно, цікаво і динамічно тренуватися без використання додаткового обладнання та аксесуарів. Для ефективного заняття більше нічого не потрібно. А варіації тренувального процесу - безмежні, обмежуються лише фантазією користувача.
"Спалювання" калорій. InertiaWave перетворить цикл відновлення тіла в "гіпердвигун" - протягом 24-х годин після тренування триває метаболічне спалювання жиру.
Безпека - в першу чергу! Система кріплення InertiaWave ретельно продумана і має подвійний запас надійності, дозволяє створювати високоінтенсивні коливання інерційної гуми, абсолютно не турбуючись про те, що користувач не зможе утримати її в руках.
Легко закріпити в будь-якому місці! Завдяки універсальній системі кріплення можна тренуватися в будь-якому місці в будь-який час. У комплектацію входять: - Інерційна гума - пара. - Кріплення: 2 здвоєних сталевих кільця, 2 сталевих карабіна і запобіжні нейлонові ремені, які можуть витримати навантаження до 270 кг обертаючого моменту.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Inertia Wave Review (Inertia Wave vs Battle Ropes)
Inertia Wave Review (Inertia Wave vs Battle Ropes)
➡️ Check out the Inertia Wave
🚨 Coupon code SHREDDED for a discount 🚨
➡️ Inertia Wave review
➡️ Inertia Wave STRONG review
➡️ Inertia Wave Duo in-depth review
➡️ Inertia Wave Duo video review
Inertia Wave review.
I picked up a set of these about a month ago and so far I’ve enjoyed the challenge and comparing them to the battle ropes I already have.
What Is Inertia Wave?
The Inertia Wave is a set of 9.5 feet long, latex tubes (special elastomers) that were designed for HIIT (high intensity interval training) to build a stronger core, give you a total body workout, and ramp up your metabolism.
Some call them a battle rope alternative but according to Inertia Wave, they are completely different and much better than battle ropes.
The product comes with a pair of carabiners and anchor straps that you can attach anywhere.
They come in 6 different colors which all offer the same amount of resistance.
The colors are neon red, neon yellow, royal blue fluorescent purple, military green, and grey.
How Does Inertia Wave Work?
The Inertia Wave is a form of High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and is specifically designed to build a stronger core and enhance your speed, stamina, and strength.
Once you start oscillating the tubes, the resistance you’re working against is the inertia that builds up in the tubes.
Whatever amount of energy you put into it, it will throw right back out at you.
So not only do you exert energy by moving the tubes but your body has to resist the energy the tubes shoot back at you.
That’s what forces you to use your entire body and engage all your muscles.
It utilizes all 3 energy systems and it is gentle on the internal structures like tendons and ligaments.
Inertia Wave Duo
The Inertia Wave Duo is similar to the original Inertia Wave, but it is meant for team or group based workouts.
You and a partner hold the opposite ends of the tubes and work together to perform the various methods of use.
The Duo doesn’t have anchor straps, instead it has a couple of wrist straps at each end.
This prevents the tubes from lashing back at the opposite user in the event that you lose your grip.
With the Duo, they’ve added 8 more methods of use for a total of 15 which makes it a whole lot more fun with a partner.
Inertia Wave vs Battle Rope
I’ve always been a fan of battle ropes for conditioning and muscular endurance.
And although I do get kick ass HIIT workout with battle ropes, I feel battle rope workouts can be limited by how quickly your arms and shoulders fatigue.
Especially with the heavier 2 inch battle ropes I own which feel more like an arm and shoulder workout than conditioning work out.
The big difference between the Inertia Wave and battle ropes is that the Inertia Wave pushes energy back at you, whereas the battle ropes “die” at the anchor point after you move your arms.
The energy the Inertia Wave throws back at you forces you to engage your whole body continuously in order to stabilize and absorb it.
Inertia Wave Coupon Code
I reached out to the company and asked them if I could get a special discount code for my followers and they have agreed to give you a discount.
Use coupon code SHREDDED at check out for a discount and FREE shipping.
How to Use the Inertia Wave
The instructions say to anchor down the bands 24 – 36 inches apart.
I hooked up the anchor bands to hitch pins on the inside of my rack.
They can really be attached to anything: dumbbells, weight sled, car trunk, fence, and anything you can think of.
After anchoring both bands down they are ready to use with the 7 methods of use.
The 7 Methods Of Use
There are 7 methods of use with the Inertia Wave and each one follows a specific pattern and oscillating waves.
I go over those methods in my review but before starting the exercises, make sure you’re in an athletic stance and hold that position throughout the entire short bout from one to three minutes.
Read my in-depth Inertia Wave review here
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#inertiawave #battleropes #hiit
Inertia Wave Coupon Code
Inertia Wave Review (Inertia Wave vs Battle Ropes) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A safer, more effective battle ropes alternative for High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Tabata workouts.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to the battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A safer, more effective battle ropes alternative for High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Tabata workouts.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to the battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Like a whole-body hybrid between Speed Ropes and Power Ropes, the Inertia Wave will add some spice to your metabolic conditioning, warm-ups and cool-downs.
Similar to how Power Bands changed free weight training forever with accommodating resistance, the Inertia Wave will adjust resistance depending on what you throw at it, making it suitable for all stages of a training session.
Unlike Power Ropes, the Inertia Wave is designed to be kept off the ground the entire time, so there is little rest unlike the intermittent nature of Power Ropes.
The Inertia Wave is the original single-person HIIT training device for at home or on the go. Anchor it virtually anywhere, and begin performing a fast-paced kick-ass workout.
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A Portable Metabolic Conditioning Device Burns More Calories Than Double Under Jump Rope. 3lbs In a Drawstring Bag. Far Superior To Battleropes, (Study done by MIT)
The Inertia Wave is far superior to the battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. With the Inertia Wave, you get to have an amazing workout in minimum time as you enhance athletic performance. Specifically designed for fitness enthusiasts, athletes, firefighters, military, law enforcement, and others who regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to the battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A safer, more effective battle ropes alternative for High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Tabata workouts. A safer, more effective battle ropes alternative for High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Tabata workouts. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is a portable HIIT & metabolic conditioning device used in boot camps, group training classes, athletic training facilities, gyms, fitness centers, and military training camps. See more at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
💥 The INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG gives you the option, by connecting the hand grips or belts included to integrate targeted muscle regions through a perfect resistance and strength profile. You get to train your glutes, and your core like never before… Strengthen, or rehab your legs, chisel your chest, shred your shoulders, benefit your posture, as you build your back, and get strong biceps and triceps.
As all the INERTIA WAVE ®️products the INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG is a versatile, portable, and very convenient tool. It is perfect for home use, garage gyms, group exercise, personal training, strength training, core conditioning, rehabilitative, pre-habilitation, which makes this tool ideal for individuals of all fitness levels. Heavy duty, high-quality patented elastomer tubing, with enhanced physical properties, ozone protection, resists tears and abrasions (in normal environments)
The original INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG features:
🔴 Total body strength, core, and cardio conditioning
🔴 Targets major muscle groups, with dynamic resistance load
🔴 includes a downloadable video tutorial
✔️Oscillation waves or variable resistance, specific to the user remember the user pumps energy into the tubes. You make it more challenging by hearing the wind, and keeping tension on the tubes... with your stance 12 inches apart! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
💥 The INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG gives you the option, by connecting the hand grips or belts included to integrate targeted muscle regions through a perfect resistance and strength profile. You get to train your glutes, and your core like never before… Strengthen, or rehab your legs, chisel your chest, shred your shoulders, benefit your posture, as you build your back, and get strong biceps and triceps.
As all the INERTIA WAVE ®️products the INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG is a versatile, portable, and very convenient tool. It is perfect for home use, garage gyms, group exercise, personal training, strength training, core conditioning, rehabilitative, pre-habilitation, which makes this tool ideal for individuals of all fitness levels. Heavy duty, high-quality patented elastomer tubing, with enhanced physical properties, ozone protection, resists tears and abrasions (in normal environments)
The original INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG features:
🔴 Total body strength, core, and cardio conditioning
🔴 Targets major muscle groups, with dynamic resistance load
🔴 includes a downloadable video tutorial
✔️Oscillation waves or variable resistance, specific to the user remember the user pumps energy into the tubes. You make it more challenging by hearing the wind, and keeping tension on the tubes... with your stance 12 inches apart! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🚨You now get to have a total body strength workout, as you supercharge your cardiovascular system and core with the benefits of the INERTIA WAVE ®️SOLO. If you are like most, we have no time to spend 30 to 45 minutes doing cardio. Boring! Now you no longer need to spend waste of time at the gym walking on a treadmill, using an elliptical, or using any cardio machines. Save time, and get faster results with the combination of wave length oscillations and the strength components of the INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG
Here’s what you get in your kit:
1- Two Inertia Wave ®️ STRONG tubes with military green “loop” when strength training spread noose slightly, and clip carabiner to the loop to secure handle.
2- Two double stitched military grade black padded belts, with O-rings on each end.
(For lower body & creative moves)
3- Two black easy on and off STRONG and solid hand grips, with attached (permanent) carabiners
4- Two additional carabiners
(For padded belts)
💥 The INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG gives you the option, by connecting the hand grips or belts included to integrate targeted muscle regions through a perfect resistance and strength profile. You get to train your glutes, and your core like never before… Strengthen, or rehab your legs, chisel your chest, shred your shoulders, benefit your posture, as you build your back, and get strong biceps and triceps.
As all the INERTIA WAVE ®️products the INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG is a versatile, portable, and very convenient tool. It is perfect for home use, garage gyms, group exercise, personal training, strength training, core conditioning, rehabilitative, pre-habilitation, which makes this tool ideal for individuals of all fitness levels. Heavy duty, high-quality patented elastomer tubing, with enhanced physical properties, ozone protection, resists tears and abrasions (in normal environments)
The original INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG features:
🔴 Total body strength, core, and cardio conditioning
🔴 Targets major muscle groups, with dynamic resistance load
🔴 includes a downloadable video tutorial
✔️Oscillation waves or variable resistance, specific to the user remember the user pumps energy into the tubes. You make it more challenging by hearing the wind, and keeping tension on the tubes... with your stance 12 inches apart! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A safer, more effective battle ropes alternative for High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Tabata workouts. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to the battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Inertia Wave is a Full Body Workout You Can Do Anywhere
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🚨You now get to have a total body strength workout, as you supercharge your cardiovascular system and core with the benefits of the INERTIA WAVE ®️SOLO. If you are like most, we have no time to spend 30 to 45 minutes doing cardio. Boring! Now you no longer need to spend waste of time at the gym walking on a treadmill, using an elliptical, or using any cardio machines. Save time, and get faster results with the combination of wave length oscillations and the strength components of the INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG
Here’s what you get in your kit:
1- Two Inertia Wave ®️ STRONG tubes with military green “loop” when strength training spread noose slightly, and clip carabiner to the loop to secure handle.
2- Two double stitched military grade black padded belts, with O-rings on each end.
(For lower body & creative moves)
3- Two black easy on and off STRONG and solid hand grips, with attached (permanent) carabiners
4- Two additional carabiners
(For padded belts)
💥 The INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG gives you the option, by connecting the hand grips or belts included to integrate targeted muscle regions through a perfect resistance and strength profile. You get to train your glutes, and your core like never before… Strengthen, or rehab your legs, chisel your chest, shred your shoulders, benefit your posture, as you build your back, and get strong biceps and triceps.
As all the INERTIA WAVE ®️products the INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG is a versatile, portable, and very convenient tool. It is perfect for home use, garage gyms, group exercise, personal training, strength training, core conditioning, rehabilitative, pre-habilitation, which makes this tool ideal for individuals of all fitness levels. Heavy duty, high-quality patented elastomer tubing, with enhanced physical properties, ozone protection, resists tears and abrasions (in normal environments)
The original INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG features:
🔴 Total body strength, core, and cardio conditioning
🔴 Targets major muscle groups, with dynamic resistance load
🔴 includes a downloadable video tutorial
✔️Oscillation waves or variable resistance, specific to the user remember the user pumps energy into the tubes. You make it more challenging by hearing the wind, and keeping tension on the tubes... with your stance 12 inches apart! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
It was a conditioning day today, and what better way to get my heart rate through the roof than with my @inertiawave twins.
These waves might remind you of the more traditional cardio killer: battle ropes. And yes, while this workout can be done with battle ropes, it’s 3x tougher with the inertia waves 😱 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Inertia Wave STRONG Review (HIIT + Resistance Bands)
➡️ Check out the Inertia Wave STRONG here
➡️ Use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount
➡️ Inertia Wave STRONG blog post
➡️ Inertia Wave SOLO review video
➡️ Inertia Wave SOLO blog post
➡️ Inertia Wave Duo in-depth review
➡️ Inertia Wave Duo video review
The Inertia Wave STRONG is Inertia Wave’s new product.
It does everything the Inertia Wave SOLO does PLUS now you can use it as resistance bands.
So you get a balance of metabolic conditioning, core strengthening, and resistance training from one piece of equipment.
The Inertia Wave STRONG has a wire loop at the end of each tube giving you the ability to add attachments for upper and lower body resistance training exercises.
(1) Mesh travel bag
(2) Inertia Wave STRONG tubes
(2) Rail anchors
(2) Handles
(2) Padded belts/straps
Inertia Wave STRONG:
5” shorter
Elongation properties allow you to use it as a resistance bands
Wire loop at the end for attachments
Combines HIIT and resistance training
Inertia Wave SOLO:
Used for HIIT only
No attachments
With the Inertia Wave STRONG you can get a full body workout.
You can use the Inertia Wave methods for HIIT followed by resistance training exercises.
NEVER use the handles attachments while performing conditioning wave methods.
The big difference between the Inertia Wave and battle ropes is that the Inertia Wave pushes energy back at you, whereas the battle ropes “die” at the anchor point after you move your arms.
The energy the Inertia Wave throws back at you forces you to engage your whole body continuously in order to stabilize and absorb it.
➡️ Click here to buy the Inertia Wave STRONG
➡️ Use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount
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0:00 Inertia Wave Strong Review
0:40 Inertia Wave SOLO vs STRONG
1:48 Attachments
2:32 Inertia Wave vs Battle Ropes
3:05 Inside the Box
4:28 How to Anchor Inertia Wave
5:50 How to Use Inertia Wave Strong
8:37 Inertia Wave Workout
10:29 Inertia Wave Coupon Code
#inertiawave #hiit #homegym
Inertia Wave STRONG Review (HIIT + Resistance Bands) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A safer, more effective battle ropes alternative for High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Tabata workouts.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to the battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Inertia Wave Duo Review (Partner HIIT Workouts at Home)
Inertia Wave Duo Review (HIIT Workouts at Home)
➡️ Check out the Inertia Wave Duo
➡️ Use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount
➡️ Inertia Wave Duo in-depth review
Inertia Wave Duo Specs
Length: 9.5 ft
Weight: 2.5 lbs
Inertia Wave Duo vs Inertia Wave Solo
Like the name suggests, the Inertia Wave Duo is meant to be used by two people.
The Inertia Wave Solo and Strong have a rail strap that can be anchored down to any stable structure.
Check out my Inertia Wave Solo review
Here's my in-depth written review
The Duo doesn’t have a rail strap, it has a wrist strap on each end.
That strap got around your wrists and your partner’s wrists and it’s meant to be a safety mechanism in case one of you lets go of the tubes.
Inertia Wave Duo vs Inertia Wave Strong
The Inertia Wave Strong works like the Inertia Wave Solo for HIIT/Metabolic conditioning workouts but it can also be used as resistance bands.
It comes with handles that can be attached to it for resistance band exercises.
So it combines HIIT workout with resistance training for one hell of a whole body workout.
Check out my Inertia Wave Strong review
This is my in-depth written review
Just like with other Inertia Wave products, you can use them to do several Inertia Wave Methods (exercises).
The Inertia Wave tubes are perfect HIIT workouts at home with a family member or at the gym with a training partner.
Pros & Cons
Partner and group workouts make it fun
Easy to store and travel with
Can be used by people of all ages
Don’t need an anchor point
Need a second person to use it but that’s the point of the duo
Inertia Wave Coupon Code
Check out the Inertia Wave Duo
Use coupon code SHREDDED for a discount
0:00 Inertia Wave Duo Review
0:22 Inertia Wave Solo vs Inertia Wave Duo
0:58 Features
1:20 How To Set Up
1:38 Wrist Strap Safety Mechanism
2:12 Inertia Wave Workout
2:33 Pros & Cons
4:07 Inertia Wave Coupon Code
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Inertia Wave Duo Review (HIIT Workouts at Home) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn How to use the Inertia Wave for fighters.
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Shot by @danielblackent Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Here are collegiate football athletes Braxton Hicks and Zach Calzado on Inertia Wave Single Leg series.
I rarely used battle ropes any more as Inertia Wave are superior in every regard. Use Code AHPWAVE at .
There are 10 reasons why the Inertia Wave is so effective.
1. Eccentric + Concentric contractions! Battle ropes represents a concentric only form of conditioning but with the inertia wave you get eccentric & concentric.
2. Once you start using these you’ll notice how alive they feel as you’ll not only be producing force but also absorbing it.
3. The Inertia Wave represents metabolic conditioning protocol that simultaneously involves oscillating kinetic energy similar to hanging band technique.
4. The intensity & effort level are incredibly adaptable as these can easily be used by any fitness level as these match whatever level of muscular exertion the individual uses.
5. The Inertia Wave is surprisingly user friendly as the learning curve is almost non-existent.
6. The level of mechanical tension & metabolic stress produced from these are incredible even after 10 sec of max exertion.
7. Many athletes comment on how shocked they are from the muscle pump.
8. The level of versatility & unique drills are near limitless & exponentially greater than battle ropes
9. Because of oscillating kinetic energy, force absorption, deceleration, motor control, coordination, eccentric tension, & rapid rate of muscular contractions, the Inertia Wave both exposes & addresses imbalances as slight deviations in form cause the ropes to lose synchrony.
10. They teach the athlete to stay tight & eliminate energy leaks.
Use discount code AHPWAVE at .
#hiit #cardio #workout #battlerope #battleropes #battleropeworkout #exercise #inertiawave Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Another Review by Fitness Professionals Inertia Wave ® vs. Battle ropes. Inertia Wave WINS 6 to 2 !!
➡️Many people have always been a big fan of battle ropes. However the Inertia Wave ®️ represents the superior modern-day variation of battle ropes that provides exponentially greater benefits MIT, with far greater versatility and effectiveness. There are literally hundreds of exercises you can do with these many of which cant be done with battle ropes. ➡️Additionally Inertia Wave’s involve Eccentric + Concentric contractions!!!! Battle ropes represents a concentric only form of conditioning suggesting limited carryover to actual sports since most athletic skills involve eccentric work. Fact is the battle rope takes all the energy into the ground -as it elevates your shoulder girdle.
The inertia Wave®️ represents a similar training modality with rapid movements only you’re now getting both eccentric and concentric movements. Additionally, compared to the Inertia Wave, battle ropes literally are dead, and feel dead. ➡️Immediately once you start using these you’ll notice how alive they feel as you’ll not only be producing force but also absorbing it. The core engagement & feedback response of the Inertia Wave is superior to that of a battle rope. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to the battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing the Intertia Wave
A Portable Metabolic Conditioning System (MetCon)
A tactical metabolic conditioning device to enhance athletic performance for firefighters, military or law enforcement personnel, and others who regularly engage in demanding physical activities. The Inertia Wave is a safer, more effective alternative to the Battle Ropes and blows them away by burning more than 50 calories in only 3 minutes!1 Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
What is another type of endurance training equipment on the market? What qualities make the inertia wave a top competitor in the market for gym equipment? In this video, I will be reviewing the Inertia Wave. The Inertia Wave on Amazon is under Gronk fitness, but is the exact same piece of equipment! I will be going over what the Inertia wave comes with, how to set it up, and what it’s best used for. I will also be going over briefly what makes the Inertia Wave different from using traditional battle ropes, and why you should buy the Inertia Wave over battle ropes! I will also be going over working out with the Inertia Wave standing vs sitting and the three main types of movements performed with the Inertia Wave. Additionally, I will be going over pros and cons of the Inertia Wave. Cons will include:
1. Price
2. Shoulder tension and excessive exercise
The pros include:
1. Portability
2. Great endurance training
3. Upper body specific cardio
The Inertia Wave can be found on with the link below!
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💥 The INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG gives you the option, by connecting the hand grips or belts included to integrate targeted muscle regions through a perfect resistance and strength profile. You get to train your glutes, and your core like never before… Strengthen, or rehab your legs, chisel your chest, shred your shoulders, benefit your posture, as you build your back, and get strong biceps and triceps.
As all the INERTIA WAVE ®️products the INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG is a versatile, portable, and very convenient tool. It is perfect for home use, garage gyms, group exercise, personal training, strength training, core conditioning, rehabilitative, pre-habilitation, which makes this tool ideal for individuals of all fitness levels. Heavy duty, high-quality patented elastomer tubing, with enhanced physical properties, ozone protection, resists tears and abrasions (in normal environments)
The original INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG features:
🔴 Total body strength, core, and cardio conditioning
🔴 Targets major muscle groups, with dynamic resistance load
🔴 includes a downloadable video tutorial
✔️Oscillation waves or variable resistance, specific to the user remember the user pumps energy into the tubes. You make it more challenging by hearing the wind, and keeping tension on the tubes... with your stance 12 inches apart! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
A safer, more effective battle ropes alternative for High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and Tabata workouts.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to the battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
The Inertia Wave is far superior to battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Include it in your everyday routine to enhance athletic performance whether you're an athlete, firefighter, military or law enforcement officer, or regularly engage in extremely demanding physical activities. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
These Bands are Sooo Versatile!!! Inertia Wave Lunging Chest Press
Here's my awesome client Leslie Petch on Lunging CHest press on the new bands from Inertia Wave which are incredibly versatile with hundreds of options and amazing strength curve. Use code AHPWAVE.
#inertiawave #chestpress #chestday #workouts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
🚨You now get to have a total body strength workout, as you supercharge your cardiovascular system and core with the benefits of the INERTIA WAVE ®️SOLO. If you are like most, we have no time to spend 30 to 45 minutes doing cardio. Boring! Now you no longer need to spend waste of time at the gym walking on a treadmill, using an elliptical, or using any cardio machines. Save time, and get faster results with the combination of wave length oscillations and the strength components of the INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG
Here’s what you get in your kit:
1- Two Inertia Wave ®️ STRONG tubes with military green “loop” when strength training spread noose slightly, and clip carabiner to the loop to secure handle.
2- Two double stitched military grade black padded belts, with O-rings on each end.
(For lower body & creative moves)
3- Two black easy on and off STRONG and solid hand grips, with attached (permanent) carabiners
4- Two additional carabiners
(For padded belts)
💥 The INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG gives you the option, by connecting the hand grips or belts included to integrate targeted muscle regions through a perfect resistance and strength profile. You get to train your glutes, and your core like never before… Strengthen, or rehab your legs, chisel your chest, shred your shoulders, benefit your posture, as you build your back, and get strong biceps and triceps.
As all the INERTIA WAVE ®️products the INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG is a versatile, portable, and very convenient tool. It is perfect for home use, garage gyms, group exercise, personal training, strength training, core conditioning, rehabilitative, pre-habilitation, which makes this tool ideal for individuals of all fitness levels. Heavy duty, high-quality patented elastomer tubing, with enhanced physical properties, ozone protection, resists tears and abrasions (in normal environments)
The original INERTIA WAVE ®️STRONG features:
🔴 Total body strength, core, and cardio conditioning
🔴 Targets major muscle groups, with dynamic resistance load
🔴 includes a downloadable video tutorial
✔️Oscillation waves or variable resistance, specific to the user remember the user pumps energy into the tubes. You make it more challenging by hearing the wind, and keeping tension on the tubes... with your stance 12 inches apart! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Inertia Wave 1 Minute Metabolic Complex - Nick Tumminello
Coach Nick Tumminello is a big fan of the Inertia Wave because its one of the best metabolic training tools around.
Get yours at
And, make sure to check out more of Nick's TRUE Full Range of Motion Strength Training at Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Learn the 15 Functional Methods of Use for the Inertia Wave® DUO™
The Inertia Wave is far superior to the battle ropes blowing them away in core engagement, energy systems, caloric expenditure, and cognitive skills. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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