Подготовили обзор ТСД Zebra, который оборудован RFID-считывателем с увеличенной дальностью действия и который мы - в компании "Интер АйДи" - используем буквально каждый день.
Ключевые особенности - 0:01
Подробнее о модификации и ПО Union EAM - 0:18
RFID-считыватель - 1:05
Сканер штрихкодов - 3:58
Аккумуляторная батарея - 4:41
Дизайн, конструкция, защита - 5:09
Программное обеспечение - 6:27
Выводы - 6:55
В обзоре фигурирует модификация Zebra MC339R-GE3HG4EU.с 38-клавишной клавиатурой и "дальнобойным" сканером штрихкодов.
Полный список характеристик доступен здесь -
Страница Zebra MC3390R в Интернет-магазине "Интер АйДи" - Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Оцениваем характеристики ТСД Zebra TC21, тестируем загрузку справочника товаров. Новый терминал сбора данныx от Zebra Technologies — достойный представитель нового поколения профессиональных мобильных компьютеров. Терминал подойдет для автоматизации логистики, для использования в торговом зале магазина или в дарк-сторе.
Zebra Technologies — производитель мобильных компьютеров, сканеров штрихкода, термопринтеров и расходных материалов для маркировки - один из мировых лидеров в области автоматической идентификации.
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Пишите: 507@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Дізнатися ціну, детальні характеристики та замовити товар Ви можете у нас на сайті за посиланням:
Американська Компанія Zebra є світовим лідером з виробництва передових технологій. Термінал збору даних Motorola Symbol MC3200 є одним з найбільш затребуваних і простих у використанні пристроїв у всьому світі і з кожним днем попит на нього продовжує зростати. Цей пристрій - одна з останніх розробок на сьогоднішній день. Він може сканувати 1D і 2D штрих-коди. Потужність Li-Ion акумулятора - 4800 мАг. Вся інформація відображається на контрастному екрані дуже чітко і точно.
Термінал збору даних MC3200 Symbol-Motorola має операційну систему Windows Embedded Compact 7.0 або Android Jelly Bean. Має три типи клавіатури: дві кнопкових (28 кнопок і 38 кнопок) і буквено-цифрову (48 кнопок), що гарантує легкість введення даних. Термінал може працювати з використанням USB або RS-232. Завдяки своєму надзвичайно міцному корпусу, термінал має захист від пошкоджень (IP54), завдяки чому він здатний прослужити своєму власникові дуже довгий час. Навіть падіння з висоти 1,8 м, не загрожують його роботі. Його конструкція дуже проста, тому розібратися в ньому досить легко.
Термінал збору даних Motorola МС 3200 в корпусі з "пістолетною рукояткою" мобільний комп'ютер MC3200 G (G-Gun) забезпечить комфортну роботу протягом всього дня. MC3200 G може безперебійно працювати в будь-яких умовах - робоча температура ТСД в діапазоні від -20 до + 50ºС.
Зараз проходить акція на торгове обладнання. Детальніше за посиланням Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Новый мобильный терминал сбора данных Zebra MC22 / MC27.
Сравниваем предшественника МС 2180 и новинку MC22 - терминал сбора данных на ОС Android начального класса. Терминал хорошо защищен и готов к недружелюбным условиям эксплуатации, подходит для автоматизации склада, может работать при минусовых температурах до -20С, устойчив к падениям. И, конечно, в отличии от МС2180 на винде, новый терминал на андройд готов к работе с маркировкой и большими номенклатурными справочниками.
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Сайт о продуктах, которые мы разрабатываем:
Наш телеграм:
Звоните: +7 (495) 980-10-69
Пишите: 507@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Терминал сбора данных (ТСД) Zebra (Motorola, Symbol) Symbol MC32N0-RL2SCLE0A
Fan Of Guns - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 9 - Sawedoff (Android Gmaes)
Google Play Fan of Guns -
Online battles 5 vs 5, Zombie mode, Jetpacks, Tanks, Hundreds of skins and more.
Play for free with your friends a first-person pixel online shooter. A large number of maps, skins and weapons! Shoot from the tank, AWP, Kalash, multi-barrel, shotgun and other weapons.
√ Dynamic shooter in the popular action games style
√ Over 40 types of modern weapons. Choose your tactics for battle: shotguns, machine
guns or snipers or any other favorite weapon
√ Create your clan and enjoy a team pvp game for up to 10 people in various locations
√ Rise in the ranking and play with more experienced opponents
√ Colorful weapon skins
√ Trades. Share skins with other players
√ Intuitive controls, great optimization on weak devices
√ 12 combat modes
Basic game modes:
+ Team fight
+ Zombie survival
+ Arms race
+ Hide and Seek
+ War
+ Full random
+ Maniac
+ Defense
+ Capture points
+ With a bomb
+ Hand-to-hand combat
Addictive gameplay
Fan of Guns is a multiplayer online shooter game with dynamic team gameplay.
Bright pixel 3D graphics that don’t require excessive performance from your device are combined with simple and intuitive controls. That, of course, is suitable for fans of the FPS genre shooter.
#FanofGuns #AndroidGames #AGT Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Найновіші мобільні комп’ютери від Zebra з ОС Android. Алекс Голдсворт, регіональний менеджер із продукту, робить огляд моделей MC2200 та MC2700, найновіших мобільних комп’ютерів від Zebra з ОС Android, створених для малого й середнього бізнесу. Докладніше з продуктом можна ознайомитися за посиланням: А щоб дізнатися, наскільки мобільність сучасного світу залежить від сенсорної обчислювальної техніки, читайте цей блог: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Zebra MC3300 este un terminal mobil performant, care faciliteaza migrarea catre Android. Acest sistem de operare intalnit pe piata B2C (Business to Client) este pregatit acum pentru afaceri, oferind o platforma mobila si o securitate sporita pe care va puteti baza oricand.
MC3300 poate scana chiar si cele mai dificile conditii, fie ca vorbim de un cod de bare zgariat, murdar sau de unul slab printat. Datorita campului mare de vizualizare, terminalul poate citi pana si codurile de bare mai late, de la o distanta apropiata. Zebra MC3300 poate opera la o temperatura cuprinsa intre -20°C si 50°C, rezista la o mie de rostogoliri de la 1 m si la caderi multiple de la 1.5 m, dispune de protectie impotriva descarcarilor electrostatice si are un factor de protectie IP54.
Terminalele mobile Zebra MC3300 pot fi gasite in magazinul online al IT Genetics, in link-urile de mai jos:
Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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Ремонт авто. Ремонт кузова авто. Пескоструй кузова. Сварка кузова. Шпатлевка кузова. Грунтовка кузова. Покраска кузова. Полировка кузова. Как переварить кузов. Как зашпатлевать кузов. Как загрунтовать кузов. Как замыть грунт. Как перетереть грунт. Как покрасить кузов. Как отполировать кузов. Качественный ремонт кузова. Подготовка под грунт. Подготовка к покраске.
Почта: andrey1alekseev84@ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Terminal Zebra TC20 to najnowsze urządzenie marki Zebra z rodziny terminali mobilnych. Urządzenie posiada wbudowany czytnik kodów 2D oraz możliwość doposażenia w uchwyt typu GUN. Sprzęt dostępny w sklepie internetowym HDWR Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Fan of Guns - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 6 - AUG Gun Review (Android Games)
Fan of Guns - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 6 - AUG Gun Review (Android Games)
Google Play Fan of Guns -
Online battles 5 vs 5, Zombie mode, Jetpacks, Tanks, Hundreds of skins and more.
Play for free with your friends a first-person pixel online shooter. A large number of maps, skins and weapons! Shoot from the tank, AWP, Kalash, multi-barrel, shotgun and other weapons.
√ Dynamic shooter in the popular action games style
√ Over 40 types of modern weapons. Choose your tactics for battle: shotguns, machine
guns or snipers or any other favorite weapon
√ Create your clan and enjoy a team pvp game for up to 10 people in various locations
√ Rise in the ranking and play with more experienced opponents
√ Colorful weapon skins
√ Trades. Share skins with other players
√ Intuitive controls, great optimization on weak devices
√ 12 combat modes
Basic game modes:
+ Team fight
+ Zombie survival
+ Arms race
+ Hide and Seek
+ War
+ Full random
+ Maniac
+ Defense
+ Capture points
+ With a bomb
+ Hand-to-hand combat
Addictive gameplay
Fan of Guns is a multiplayer online shooter game with dynamic team gameplay.
Bright pixel 3D graphics that don’t require excessive performance from your device are combined with simple and intuitive controls. That, of course, is suitable for fans of the FPS genre shooter.
#FanofGuns #AndroidGames #AGT Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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У кожного з нас вдома є раритетні речі, які дістались нам ще від бабусь та дідусів. Надайте їм друге життя за допомогою аерозольних емалей "ZEBRA". Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Аерозольні емалі "ZEBRA" - Операція "Реставрація ver.2.0"
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❓Якщо Ви ще вагаєтеся який замовити мотоблок..., тоді це відео можливо надасть Вам наснаги💪
Дякуємо за ДОВІРУ та замовлення, нашим підписникам з Тернопільської області🙏
😉Кожен із нас мрії про надійний #мотоблок, який повинен закрити всі завдання на земельній ділянці....
👉Пропонуємо Вам розглянути мотоблок #WEIMA_DELUXE #WM900M_3 (бензин 7 к.с., КПП 3+1), він дійсно є бажаним помічником, тому переходьте за посиланням і знайомтеся детальніше -
🙏НАРАЗІ, Вам не потрібно нікуди їхати, ви отримуєте консультацію ON-LINE, спостерігаєте за нами, як ми працюємо і які в нашої компанії ЦІННОСТІ🙏, а ми зробемо все для Вас і за Вас на найвищому рівні!
❗І в кінці ось такого відео, є саме головне - це радість і довіра наших замовників! Тому що для нас первинно - це соціальна відповідальність та задоволення наших замовників❗
❓Якщо Вам цікавий наш підхід і ви вважаєте що ми на правильному шляху, поставте "+" в коментарях або напишіть пару строк і нам буде дуже приємно🙏🙏🙏.
❓А якщо забажаєте замовити собі консультацію від наших фахівців, то в коментарях ставте просто цифру "1" і не забувайте, що підписники отримають ДОДАТКОВІ БОНУСИ І ПРИВІЛЕЇ 🤫.
🔥Одна УМОВА - бути нашими підписниками і обов,язково писати коментарі!
🙏Якщо Вам подобається наша компанія і наш канал #BULATOCHKA, підписуйтеся і отримуйте першими нові розробки і новинки!
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😉А також для наших ПІДПИСНІКІВ є безліч ДОДАТКОВИХ пільг та АКЦІЙНИХ ПРОПОЗИЦІЙ!
#BULATOCHKA, #WEIMA офіційний сайт, #мототрактори #BULAT, навісне #AGROMARKA, #Grunwelt, #STIGA, #DeWALT, #МоторСіч, #INTERTOOL
☎️38099642-39-79 МТС (роздрібний відділ)
☎️38096901-70-77 КИЇВСТАР (роздрібний відділ)
☎️38093536-41-20 ЛАЙФ (роздрібний відділ)
☎️38068663-95-78 КИЇВСТАР (роздрібний відділ)
#Мотоблок, #обратиподарунок, #подарунокчоловіку, #інструмент, #МІЙ_ІНСТРУМЕНТ, #BULATOCHKA, #WEIMA, #WEIMA_DELUXE, #STIGA, #DeWALT, #intertool, #AGROMARKA, #ОБРАТИМОТОБЛОК, #ДОВІРА, #Grünwelt, #BULATOCHKA, #AGROMARKA, #оборотнийплуг, #мотоблок, #навіснедомотоблоку, #виробникнавісного, #WEIMA, #гуртовіпродажінавісного, #плуг, #оборотний_плуг, #конськийплуг
#замовитимотоблок, #мотор, #МоторСич, #ДОВІРА, #мотоблок, #купитимотоблок, #WEIMA, #WEIMA_DELUXE, #WM1100BE6, #VINDIESEL, #міймотоблок, #МІЙІНСТРУМЕНТ, #дизельниймотоблок, #доставка, #весна Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
💙ДОВІРА💛 по УКРАЇНСЬКІ або що таке МРІЯ УКРАЇНЦЯ? Як обрати мотоблок і не помилитися? Серіал ДОВІРА!
Welcome to counter terrorism shooting games and modern weapons in this shooting game for you free!!!. Accomplish your duty and play as you have to do is to fight with the terrorist.
√ Realistic 3D graphics and cool animations
√ Play in multiple battlegrounds and lots of thrilling missions
√ 50 unique weapon types: pistols, rifles, machine guns, shotguns and more!
√ Advanced enemy based on AI: The Challenge Is Real
√ Offline game and Free Shooting Game play
√ Easy and Intuitive Gun Shooting Controls
√ Perfect optimization even for weak devices!
√ Regular updates and new cool game elements
The best shooter can kill a whole army by
Show your best shooting skill, fight for your place on the leaderboard!
The game is regularly updated with new maps, weapons on game modes.
We hope you enjoy this new multiplayer
FPS, see you in the fight.
↓ Download Game
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Attention !!!
Weapons in this video are Dangerous. It hurts painfully when hitting the human body and can happen to be blind if it hits your eyes. Do not target any human and animal not target. Do not forget to wear safety glasses.
Realistic Arms Arsenal ! Hundreds of Guns and Rifles in the Gun Arsenal ! Power of Weapons
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Toy Weapons !! BB GUNS AK-47 - MP5 - TEC-9 Ninja Turtles Shredder Mask & Exploding Weapons -
#BeadThrowing #Guns #Weapons #Toys #pistol #samstoys #Toys #Toy #Guns #Weapon #Fire #Throw #Mask #Equipments #Arsenal #ShredderMask #BBGuns #ExplodingWeapon #Fighter #Hunter #Legend #Hacker #NinjaTurtles Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Toy Weapons !! BB GUNS AK-47 - MP5 - TEC-9 Ninja Turtles Shredder Mask & Guns of BOOM
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Kuboom - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 36 - New Gameplay (Android Games)
Download on Android:
Download on iOS:
Epic online 3D shooter!
Online battles with millions of players from around the world! Tune your weapons, upgrade your character and win!
- Dynamic battles 5x5 team mode, with up to 10 players in the "Deathmatch" with ranks and matchmaking!
- Easy control with the ability to autoshoot (can be disabled in settings)!
- Good optimization and high FPS!
- More than 20 carefully designed and balanced maps!
- More than 50 units of different types of weapons!
- Weapon customization: sights, silencers, lasers, increased clips, compensators and much more!
- More than 100 of the skins for weapons!
- More than 45 clothes for character customization!
- Beautiful graphics, not occupying much space on your device!
- Clans with the possibility of doing clan wars!
Join the community KUBOOM! It will be hot!
Official Facebook:
Our Discord server:
The game requires connection to the Internet.
We don't have any pixel gun, only high quality models.
What's NEW
- New interface and music!
- A new system of cases without dropping repeated items!
- 4 new maps!
- New weapons modules: key rings!
- New languages: Spanish and Turkish!
- Improving network code, fixing bugs and optimizing the game!
Many small improvements and fixes!
#Kuboom #AndroidGamesTop #AGT Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Kuboom - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 36 - New Gameplay (Android Games)
Wish you subscribe to the channel and do the Alerts button (🔔
New maps,new weapons,new game modes are waiting for you in this incredible action game,where terrorists and you going to engage the battle not for life,but to death.
Join now this fun first person shooter adventure! Play this shooting game for FREE: Complete challenges, join a squad, counterattack or just kill them ALL shooting a gun!
Become whoever you want: sniper, special ops soldier, shooting expert, rifleman, marksman, or just a combat killer to feel the thrills of the adrenaline in this online third person shooter full of multiplayer war action! Choose your weapon among gadgets, shotguns, rifles, firearms, thumper gun, machine guns… Join different teams and define your strategy and tactics for the fight to defeat the enemy in the battlefield!
- More than 185 single quests. Choose your shooter and start it now!
- Test all the weapons and plan your offensive in this pvp shooter
- Short battle for entertainment on the go!
- Practice your FPS strategy offline to counterattack and destroy your enemy
- 20+ weapons to attack and counterattack: Choose your favorite guns, equip a grenade, use a hunting rifle, a machine gun, a thumper gun, a colt, any military gun such as a AK47,M249,M4A1,AWM!
- Four shooting RPG modes: Free For All & Team VS & Defuse VS Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
zombie virus is spreading the whole world. The countdown of the dooms day hasstarted.
As one of the survivors, you have no other choices but take up your gun and fight!
Guard your survival materials and kill zombies as many as possible until the assistance comes.
*** Diversified weapons-
As many as 16 weapons- submachine gun, rifle, sniper gun, close combat weapons. You can view the 3D weapons in the weapon page and select the gun you like to combat with zombies!
*** Various game modes-
Different scenes- street, alley, station and night; different game modes- defense mode, elimination mode, snipe mode; Different kinds of zombies- guards, nurses, fatties, zombie dogs.
*** Rich rewards-
Obtain game gift packs to survive in the siege of zombies. The longer your online time is, the richer the rewards.
*** Easy to operate
Slide the screen to control the shooting direction and use the other hand to load bullets, use props and fire Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Overkill the Dead Survival _ Zombie Game _ Android GamePlay #5
Published on 25 July-2020
Welcome to Critical Frontline Strike : Offline Shooting Game. Keep the world safe from critical terrorist attacks. Arm yourself with the best guns and shoot to kill terrorist right now and bring piece for the world. Save the world is your mission, just you with your SWAT Ops team can save the world from Critical Terrorist Attacks.
- TDM (Team Death Match)
- Assault Story Mode
- Sniper Story Mode
- Survival Mode (Coming Soon)
- Zombie Mode (Coming Soon)
So this is FPS shooting gun game you want. Download and play this Counter Critical Frontline Strike : Offline Shooting Game. This FPS Counter Shooting Gun Strike Special Ops Games is addictive offline action game, so much hardcore interesting and exciting. This Critical War Strike FPS Counter Terrorist Attack mission is all free anti terrorist shooting game in which your player moves everywhere in search of enemies.
This Critical Frontline Strike : Offline Shooting Games is much exciting and interesting, with fantastic HD graphics with a lot of weapons like short guns, rifles, pistols, M9, M21, UMP45, G36, AK47, grenades for you to play. This Counter Army Terrorist Shooting Gun Game has nice fantastic battleground graphics and many advance weapons.
FPS Counter Terrorist Attack Missions :
• Complex situation, hijacked buildings, captured arenas and cross firing
• Short & long shooting guns rifles, pistols, snipers
• Exciting map with realistic fighting arena environment
• Shooting all the terrorists will lead you to the next stage
• Different auto loader guns
• Critical 36 different terrorist missions
• Amazing 3D graphics
How to play Critical Frontline Strike : Offline Shooting Game :
• Choose your mission
• Customize settings
• Multiple Weapons
• Joystick for player Movement
• Open World
• Many different type of weapons during action war
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Welcome to Counter Ops: Gun Strike Wars This is a free classic FPS shooting mobile game. It's easy to play and funny
- Pick up to 3 weapons from all the weapon banks to start the game.
- All weapons are provided free of charge.
- The sensitivity and smoothness of the operation can be set in the game setting.
- You can share screenshots of the game at any time in the game.
- Weapons list:
Deagle,AK47,M4A1,MAC10,P90,AUG,MP5,M3,SG552,AWP,Grenade. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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New maps,new weapons,new game modes are waiting for you in this incredible action game,where terrorists and you going to engage the battle not for life,but to death.
Join now this fun first person shooter adventure! Play this shooting game for FREE: Complete challenges, join a squad, counterattack or just kill them ALL shooting a gun!
Become whoever you want: sniper, special ops soldier, shooting expert, rifleman, marksman, or just a combat killer to feel the thrills of the adrenaline in this online third person shooter full of multiplayer war action! Choose your weapon among gadgets, shotguns, rifles, firearms, thumper gun, machine guns… Join different teams and define your strategy and tactics for the fight to defeat the enemy in the battlefield!
- More than 185 single quests. Choose your shooter and start it now!
- Test all the weapons and plan your offensive in this pvp shooter
- Short battle for entertainment on the go!
- Practice your FPS strategy offline to counterattack and destroy your enemy
- 20+ weapons to attack and counterattack: Choose your favorite guns, equip a grenade, use a hunting rifle, a machine gun, a thumper gun, a colt, any military gun such as a AK47,M249,M4A1,AWM!
- Four shooting RPG modes: Free For All & Team VS & Defuse VS Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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New maps,new weapons,new game modes are waiting for you in this incredible action game,where terrorists and you going to engage the battle not for life,but to death.
Join now this fun first person shooter adventure! Play this shooting game for FREE: Complete challenges, join a squad, counterattack or just kill them ALL shooting a gun!
Become whoever you want: sniper, special ops soldier, shooting expert, rifleman, marksman, or just a combat killer to feel the thrills of the adrenaline in this online third person shooter full of multiplayer war action! Choose your weapon among gadgets, shotguns, rifles, firearms, thumper gun, machine guns… Join different teams and define your strategy and tactics for the fight to defeat the enemy in the battlefield!
- More than 185 single quests. Choose your shooter and start it now!
- Test all the weapons and plan your offensive in this pvp shooter
- Short battle for entertainment on the go!
- Practice your FPS strategy offline to counterattack and destroy your enemy
- 20+ weapons to attack and counterattack: Choose your favorite guns, equip a grenade, use a hunting rifle, a machine gun, a thumper gun, a colt, any military gun such as a AK47,M249,M4A1,AWM!
- Four shooting RPG modes: Free For All & Team VS & Defuse VS Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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@crazy game 82tv #FuryStrike#gameplay
#TerrorismShooter #fpsshooting
Do you love to play Fps shooting games? Now a day FPS shooting games bringing a real revolution with the latest weapon for counter critical missions in FPS action games. Get enter into the counter ops to take an effective part in the antiterrorist shooter of battleground games.
Key Features:
☑ Real FPS shooting game!
☑ Large number of advanced ,M4A1,AWM,QBU88,MINI-Gun,etc!
☑ Simple and smooth controls!
☑ Realistic AI!
☑ A variety of powerful weapons!
☑ Addictive game-play! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Are you FPS Game Fans? Call Of Battleground is a 3d first-person fps offline team shooting game for FPS crazy the battleground and destory all enemies with your Comrade-in-arms.
Join now this fun first person shooter adventure! Play this shooting game for FREE: Complete challenges, join a squad, counterattack or just kill them ALL shooting a gun!
Become whoever you want: sniper, special ops soldier, shooting expert, rifleman, marksman, or just a combat killer to feel the thrills of the adrenaline in this online third person shooter full of multiplayer war action! Choose your weapon among gadgets, shotguns, rifles, firearms, thumper gun, machine guns… Join different teams and define your strategy and tactics for the fight to defeat the enemy in the battlefield!
- More than 185 single quests. Choose your shooter and start it now!
- Test all the weapons and plan your offensive in this pvp shooter
- Short battle for entertainment on the go!
- Practice your FPS strategy offline to counterattack and destroy your enemy
- 20+ weapons to attack and counterattack: Choose your favorite guns, equip a grenade, use a hunting rifle, a machine gun, a thumper gun, a colt, any military gun such as a AK47,M249,M4A1,AWM!
- Four shooting RPG modes: Free For All & Team VS & Defuse VS
- Play with partner on a war action battle with a single goal: the survival of your army Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Call Of Battleground - Fun Free FPS Shooting Game - Android GamePlay Part 9
Let's Play Pixel Combat Zombies Strike - Guide to play Pixel Combat Zombie game and how to unlock Tommy Gun Angelo weapon skin in pixel combat - Pixel Combat is a zombie shooting game for both android and iOS Part 93 | Survival androidTV.
SUBSCRIBE to Survival androidTV Channel:
Pixel Combat: Zombie Strike - All Weapons Full Unlocked - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (Android, iOS)
Pixel Combat: Zombie Strike | All Bosses - How To Fight ALL BOSSES Gameplay Walkthrough
Pixel Combat Zombie Strike New Update - All New Unique Skins Full Unlocked Gameplay - Version
You keep the defense inside the house, which is stormed by a mob of zombies. You need to survive, build a time machine and save all the people!
The game has unique features. Barrier doors, numerous secrets and a huge selection of guns will allow you to fight with many unusual pixel zombies. You will get your own base for the survival and construction of a time machine. Your task is the salvation of mankind.
Passing a variety of 3D locations will not be an easy test. Use fancy guns to succeed. Do not forget to look for secret rooms that are on every level. It will not be an easy task, but the rewards received will make you a great warrior!
Install the Pixel Combat: Zombies Strike shooter and get really awesome emotions!
Always be on the lookout. Among the weak and half-dead, there are monsters with unique abilities. They are ready to tear you to pieces in seconds.
Game features:
- Cubic first-person shooter in confined spaces.
- A huge selection of 3D Locations in a pixel style.
- Survival and battle with many unusual bosses with special abilities.
- A huge arsenal of weapons (knives, axes, pistols, rifles, shotguns, machine guns, a flamethrower, a minigun and much more).
- Pocket edition that you can play on the go.
- Lots of 3D Effects that create the atmosphere of a royal battle.
- Craft weapons and ammunition.
- Pixel version of the Black Ops Zombie Mode.
- Characters and design as in Minecraft.
Welcome to Survival androidTV, I play many Android games like Zombie, FPS, and Shooting Games. Subscribe for best Android gameplay.
Survival androidTV
#AndroidGameplay #PixelCombatZombiesStrike #SurvivalandroidTV Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pixel Combat Zombie Strike - Tommy Gun Angelo Weapon Skin Full Unlocked - Android Gameplay Part 93
Dan Wesson 6 Revolver Air Pistols, New Arrival Toy Guns, Capsule Explosive And Bead Launcher Pistols
Join this channel to enjoy the privileges:
Weapons Box Toys ! Medieval War Clothes. Small-looking effective Weapons | Exploding Weapon Trials
Attention !!!
Weapons in this videos are Dangerous. It hurts painfully when hitting the human body and can blind if it hits your eyes. Do not target any humans and animals. Do not forget to wear safety glasses.
We are using toy weapons around the world United States to india. Guns look like PUBG mobile style and like CS:GO skins with colorful paints and paintjobs. You can see this weapons under the spotlight. Listen them shoot, pop and blow up! Feel the joy! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
क्या AK-47 पानी के अंदर चल पाएगी या नहीं। Dangerous Gun Ak। #shorts #ytshorts
Video is for education purpose only. copyright disclaimer under section 107 of the copyright act 1976 allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing, non-profit, education or purpose use tips the balance in favour of fair use
Thanks for watching
•voice & Editing BY- Rahul Naulakha✓
~🤙E-mail- rahulnaulakha185@
#shorts #ytshorts #fact #weapons #weapon #gun #unbelievable #ak47 #guns Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
क्या AK-47 पानी के अंदर चल पाएगी या नहीं। Dangerous Gun Ak। #shorts #ytshorts
Free Fire Guns Review | All Guns In Free Fire | Free Fire Shorts.
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Free Fire Guns Review | All Guns In Free Fire | Free Fire Shorts.
Guns at Dawn: Shooter PvP Game - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Tutorial (Android/IOS)
🎮 Name : Guns at Dawn: Shooter PvP Game
♦️ Full Size: 292 MB
♦️ Genre: Shooting, FPS
♦️ Mode: Online
📚 New Game Android/iOS Playlist:
⬇️ Android :
⬇️ iOS: -
Thanks for watching . If you enjoyed my video please Comment , Like , Favorite , Subscribe and Share as this really helps me :)
📋 Description:
Guns at Dawn: Shooter Arena is an action shooter multiplayer for mobiles.
Can you survive in deadly all-out gun battles and be the last gunslinger standing? Grab your weapon and don't miss the shot. Make each bullet count!
Key Features
• Skill based PvP Duel Battles
• Play online and master the art of shooting pistols and dodging bullets. Unleash lethal skills to gun down your enemy in split seconds.
• Intuitive Controls
• It’s so simple than you learn quickly tactics to kill your opponent and rank up in your leaderboard. The skill-cap is high enough to be extremely challenging and be the last survival in this PvP shooting game
• Customizable Characters and accesories
• 8+ gunslingers with special skills: The Outlaw, the Bounty Hunter, The Graverobber or the Marshall. Create a unique hero by using a combination of hundreds of accessories and find the perfect look.
• Cool weapons
• 10+ iconic weapons: Walker, Navy, or the PeaceMaker. Choose the specific gun-fighting skills you want to develop and acquire new shooting abilities to become a better shooter
• High Quality 3D Battlegrounds
• Fight across 5+ console quality multiplayer maps with objects to hide and destructible environments and obstacles
• Worldwide competitions and modes
• Rise in the leaderboards Leagues and weekly Rival Ranks to battle to the top in competitive ranked mode. Compete against thousands of shooters worldwide in realtime 1v1 matches.
#gunsatdawn Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Guns at Dawn: Shooter PvP Game - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 - Tutorial (Android/IOS)
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More than 20 weapons, customize your exclusive weapons and characters! ★
21 types of weapons: Glock 18, USP tactical, P228, Desert AE, FN Five-seveN, Dual 96G Elite Berettas, MAC10, TMP, MP5 navy, UMP, P90, Galil, FAMAS, AK47, M4A1, SG- 552, AUG, M249-SAW, Scout, G3 / SG-1, SG-550 commando, AWP!
Detailed sniper rifle for shooters who love to be snipers.
Customize your weapon and get unique characters to be a fantastic player in this multiplayer first-person firing game. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Special Ops: FPS PvP War - Offline gun shooting games _ Android GamePlay #3
SUV gun locker safes are vehicle weapon storage cabinets that provide a safe and secure way to store small firearms and long guns. They are great for police and gun owners to keep their firearms stored securely while still allowing rapid access. Its universal design fits into any standard police vehicle. The gun safes open automatically via wireless remote or manual key openings in the event of a dead battery or lost remote. A 14-gauge galvannealed steel construction is tamper-proof and has plenty of storage space for two long guns. Velcro straps keep weapons in place during transit. Lockers can be placed on risers to allow spare tire access or extra space for an auxiliary drawer.
Designed for law enforcement, the SUV gun locker safes provide rapid access with its quick deployment system that can be activated before users reach the locker; there is time wasted with keys or combinations. During storage, it keeps weapons protected and out of sight without taking up space in the trunk.
Buy vehicle weapon storage lockers online at
Not sure what would work best for your weapon storage needs? Have questions? Send us a message on our live chat and we would be happy to help you decide. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SUV Gun Locker Safes Vehicle Weapon Storage Cabinet
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New maps,new weapons,new game modes are waiting for you in this incredible action game,where terrorists and you going to engage the battle not for life,but to death.
Join now this fun first person shooter adventure! Play this shooting game for FREE: Complete challenges, join a squad, counterattack or just kill them ALL shooting a gun!
Become whoever you want: sniper, special ops soldier, shooting expert, rifleman, marksman, or just a combat killer to feel the thrills of the adrenaline in this online third person shooter full of multiplayer war action! Choose your weapon among gadgets, shotguns, rifles, firearms, thumper gun, machine guns… Join different teams and define your strategy and tactics for the fight to defeat the enemy in the battlefield!
- More than 185 single quests. Choose your shooter and start it now!
- Test all the weapons and plan your offensive in this pvp shooter
- Short battle for entertainment on the go!
- Practice your FPS strategy offline to counterattack and destroy your enemy
- 20+ weapons to attack and counterattack: Choose your favorite guns, equip a grenade, use a hunting rifle, a machine gun, a thumper gun, a colt, any military gun such as a AK47,M249,M4A1,AWM!
- Four shooting RPG modes: Free For All & Team VS & Defuse VS Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Top 10 Most Dangerous Guns in the World I HINDI दुनिया की 10 सबसे आधुनिक और खतरनाक बंदूक।
The history of Weapon backs to 500,000 Years ago when our Ancestors, Early Man, developed Spears for hunting. Those Spears were made by attaching a pointed stone on a thick stick.
Lobaevarms: For a long time we have wanted to make a comparison of these two rifles: DSR-1 in 338 Lapua and our DXL-3. And then there’s the eve of Victory Day, we received a call from Russia Today guys who asked whether we plan something interesting to this date. When we said, “We were somehow going to compete with the best in the German rifle away,” the reaction on the other end was like – “With German one??? Yeah, that’s just what we need!!!”. In fact, I know that rifle very well and it is really bad (in a good sense). After Erma SR-100, with what we’ve made many beautiful groups at 1300, 1500 and 1600 meters in the late ’90s and early 2000s, DSR was probably the only worthy replacement in the market. In any case, AMP guys were the only ones except Erma who dared to put 740mm barrel on their guns. Other manufacturers prudently satisfied with the length of 680 mm, knowing about accuracy problems with increasing barrel length. 12 years ago I tested it at 1000 m and longer, and showed the results that reminded me of good old Erma, with the only difference that long and heavy bull-pup trigger hampered the production of accurate shot at exactly right moment. And the greater the distance, the more critical this factor is. Also, its felt recoil is much sharper than that of the Erma, comfort shot of which resembles current DXL-3, although it still falls short. This is critical for those who want to have big training volume required for shooting at long range. As for the accuracy and maximum effective range, they were comparable to Erma, making DSR-1, the absolute leader in the western market among serial rifles, maximum range wise.
WARNING, CAUTION, and NOTE: All information published on this page, is solely intended for informational and educational in nature. Administration of this page does not sell weapon/sniper-weapon and distribution of firearms or any other weapons, ammunition, ammunition and related accessories.
Title=Top 10 Most Dangerous Guns in the World I HINDI दुनिया की 10 सबसे आधुनिक और खतरनाक बंदूक।
Credits= Vickers Tactical, DNA Cowboy, realweapons, GunsofTheWorld, Warleaks- Military Blog, Hickok 45, PC Gaming Videos, The Virginian-pilot, WestEndNews and Sleven90
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Background Music Credits=
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Note= All Information Are Based On Research
Top 10 Most Dangerous Guns in the World I HINDI दुनिया की 10 सबसे आधुनिक और खतरनाक बंदूक।
Created by= Bindass Fan AK
This beginning of weapons since the Early Man has changed a lot in the past. There is a whole history of the development of Deadly Weapons from time to time. Not only the weapons have developed, but also their applications have changed in the current world, from hunting and self-protection to the Mass Destruction. Listed below is the list of Top 10 most dangerous guns and deadliest weapons of present time on the Basis of Range, Number of Rounds, Effectiveness, Efficiency, and their potential to cause damage.
Love you All...............
Video is for educational purpose only. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyrighting Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non- profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.
Please contact for any copyright related issue.
#top10dangerousgunsintheworld #bestgunintheworld #top10mostpowerfulgunsintheworld Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Top 10 Most Dangerous Guns in the World I HINDI दुनिया की 10 सबसे आधुनिक और खतरनाक बंदूक।
Idle Guns Factory | iOS / Android Mobile Gameplay
Developer: Little Bit
Do you know how AK-47 submachine gun is built? Do you know what and how many parts there are to an AK-47? I think it would be interesting for you to build the submachine gun from scratch, and find out how it works!
With the game Idle Guns Factory, you will have a unique chance to sneak into arms warehouse and get a full assortment of best guns for each weapon class!
You can build such iconic submachine guns as AK-47, M-134, M-249, RPG-7. You also can build coolest and incredibly futuristic weapons that actually exist and have been recently used by the most powerful militaries in the world.
Advantages of the game:
1. A tremendous amount of content
You can build a lots of guns for each weapon class. When you build guns from parts you will get interesting facts and things about them.
2. Understandable and interesting gameplay
It is a super simple an educational clicker game. The gameplay is intuitively understandable to each player.
3. Splendor of color effect and a charming soundtrack
The game is accompanied with pleasant and impressive visual and sound effects. Enjoy a game to the full extent!
4. Play on whenever and wherever you like
Idle Gun Factory is offline game and doesn't require an internet connection. You can play in any time, even in-flight!
5. Includes a lots of different improvements and bonuses
An enormous amount of upgrades and boosters are awaiting you. Accelerate you progress with time travel, double speed and wheel fortune.
Even though a game is not launched, you would get income from your weapons. Upgrade your weapons and get more offline income. Feel progress and progress through game effortlessly and in automatic regime!
Idle Gun Factory is best and very educational clicker game about weapons. Download the game right now and you can not only enjoy the game but will know much more about best guns on earth! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sniper Team Challenge - Sniper
You will be able to join the sniper team and be able to fight for your team to rise up in the Sniper PVP leaderboard.
Game Features
Pure Sniper game features 3D design and sound, amazing graphics. With slow motion shots, your heart will race.
Many fun and exciting sniper rifles, pistols, bullets and grenades.
Pure Sniper is completely unlocked. Available in both offline and online multiplayer modes
Play in multiple battlefields
Simple and smooth shooting control
Connect with FPS snipers around the world to beat other teams.
Different types of enemies. Each type has its own strengths and combat objectives, which you must take into account when facing them on the battlefield!
This sniper shooter game includes five challenging modes, more than 400 missions, many secondary missions, and many special events that are celebrated regularly. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Pure Sniper : City Sniper Game Android Gameplay #20
How to make ALL kinds of GUNS with just ONE script! (Unity3d tutorial):
Here's how to make one script,, which lets you create any gun you like :D
All of the Links ^^:
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Brackeys video:
Gun Asset:
Check out my FULL MovementLab!
➤ Trailer:
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Thanks for watching, any questions pls in the comments, thanks!
Make sure to sub :)
Some tags (ignore, or read I don't care...^^)
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#unityshooting #unityweaponsystem #unityguntutorial Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How to make ALL kinds of GUNS with just ONE script! (Unity3d tutorial)
Let's Play Block Gun Game and Guide To Play FPS Shooter Android Games Like Block Gun Gameplay and How To Play Block Gun FPS Shooting Android Gameplay Walkthrough Part 8 | Survival androidTV
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Pixel Combat: Zombie Strike - All Weapons Full Unlocked - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 1 (Android, iOS)
Pixel Combat: Zombie Strike | All Bosses - How To Fight ALL BOSSES Gameplay Walkthrough
Pixel Combat Zombie Strike New Update - All New Unique Skins Full Unlocked Gameplay - Version
Pixel Combat: Zombie Strike vs Pixel Gun 3D vs Pixel Strike 3D vs Hide from Zombies Android Gameplay
The game has unique features. Barrier doors, numerous secrets and a huge selection of guns will allow you to fight with many unusual pixel zombies. You will get your own base for the survival and construction of a time machine. Your task is the salvation of mankind.
Passing a variety of 3D locations will not be an easy test. Use fancy guns to succeed. Do not forget to look for secret rooms that are on every level. It will not be an easy task, but the rewards received will make you a great warrior!
Install the Pixel Combat: Zombies Strike shooter and get really awesome emotions!
Always be on the lookout. Among the weak and half-dead, there are monsters with unique abilities. They are ready to tear you to pieces in seconds.
Game features:
- Cubic first-person shooter in confined spaces.
- A huge selection of 3D Locations in a pixel style.
- Survival and battle with many unusual bosses with special abilities.
- A huge arsenal of weapons (knives, axes, pistols, rifles, shotguns, machine guns, a flamethrower, a minigun and much more).
- Pocket edition that you can play on the go.
- Lots of 3D Effects that create the atmosphere of a royal battle.
- Craft weapons and ammunition.
- Pixel version of the Black Ops Zombie Mode.
- Characters and design as in Minecraft.
Block Gun: FPS PvP War-Online gun shooting games
Fight critical battles & strike enemies in this modern online FPS arena shooter
Here is for you !
If you like Online Shooter , Multiplayer PVP , Single Player FPS and to be a snipers, so This Multiplayer Shooting game is for you
Annihilate the completion in real-time PVP, face off against your opponents in blast mode or check out our terrifying single player mode! Block Gun: FPS PvP War-Online gun shooting games is coming at you with a brand new version and lots of new additions to keep the action going at a blazing pace! With new maps, awesome weapons and a new elite competition system; Block Gun: FPS PvP War-Online gun shooting games - Multiplayer will blow you away!
Intense, immersive real-time FPS action
- Awesome tactical movement system with console-like shooting experience
- Different real-world guns to choose from
Addictive multiplayer gameplay
- Work together with friends to annihilate your enemies in Team Mode
- Experience the terror of fighting off teammates once they’ve become the living dead
- Leap over the heads of your adversaries in space mode.
Varied and realistic scenarios
- Fair matches with no upgrading systems available for guns
- Sniper style
- Be MVP
★20+ Weapons, Customize Your Exclusive Weapons and Skins!★
21 types of weapons: Glock 18 , USP tactical , P228, Desert AE, FN Five-seveN, Dual 96G Elite Berettas,MAC10,TMP,MP5 navy,UMP, P90, Galil, FAMAS, AK47, M4A1,SG-552, AUG,M249-SAW, Scout, G3/SG-1,SG-550 commando,AWP !
Detailed Snipers for shooters who like to be a sniper.
Customize your weapon and get a unique skins to be cool Multiplayer FPS player.
★Upgrade Weapon and Armor System★
Upgrade your weapons and armor!
Claim first place at FPS Battleground Arena!
Snipers for shooters who love to be Sniper
★The Gameplay★
- Deathmatch: It's kill or be killed.
- Team Deathmatch: Team vs Team fight
- Create your own games (create any game maps/rules)
-Single Player - Campaign Mode
-AWP Maps for shooters who love to be sniper
★Up to 5vs5 multiplayers online PvP battle mode, fair fight!★
Have a fun with Block Gun: FPS PvP War-Online gun shooting games
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#BlockGun #SurvivalandroidTV #AndroidGameplay Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Block Gun: FPS PvP War - FPS Shooter Android Games - Android Gameplay Walkthrough Part 8
Attention! Toy guns that we have promoted in the videos should never be used on humans and animals. It is dangerous and not suitable for health to use on any living thing...
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#shorts Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Great Shots with Realistic Toy AK 47 !! Toy Bead Gun Shooting Test ! #shorts
KUBOOM - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 38 - AS Val Review (Android Games)
Download on Android:
Download on iOS:
Epic online 3D shooter!
Online battles with millions of players from around the world! Tune your weapons, upgrade your character and win!
- Dynamic battles 5x5 team mode, with up to 10 players in the "Deathmatch" with ranks and matchmaking!
- Easy control with the ability to autoshoot (can be disabled in settings)!
- Good optimization and high FPS!
- More than 20 carefully designed and balanced maps!
- More than 50 units of different types of weapons!
- Weapon customization: sights, silencers, lasers, increased clips, compensators and much more!
- More than 100 of the skins for weapons!
- More than 45 clothes for character customization!
- Beautiful graphics, not occupying much space on your device!
- Clans with the possibility of doing clan wars!
Join the community KUBOOM! It will be hot!
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The game requires connection to the Internet.
We don't have any pixel gun, only high quality models.
What's NEW
- New interface and music!
- A new system of cases without dropping repeated items!
- 4 new maps!
- New weapons modules: key rings!
- New languages: Spanish and Turkish!
- Improving network code, fixing bugs and optimizing the game!
Many small improvements and fixes!
#Kuboom #AndroidGamesTop #AGT Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
KUBOOM - Gameplay Walkthrough Part 38 - AS Val Review (Android Games)
Far Cry 6 - Even More Amazing Weapons You Shouldn't Miss Out! (Far Cry 6 Best Weapon Locations)
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Songs provided by EpidemicSounds Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Far Cry 6 - Even More Amazing Weapons You Shouldn't Miss Out! (Far Cry 6 Best Weapon Locations)
Ремонт комп'ютерів у Києві: ремонт і обслуговування ПК, модернізація, діагностика і лагодження комп'ютерів за низькими цінами. Васильківська, 55, обслуговування, налаштування, комп'ютерна допомога вдома та в офісі недорого. Купити Термінал збору даних Symbol/Zebra МС33 2D Long Range, Gun, 47 key, Android (MC330K-GE4HA3RW). Швидке заправлення картриджів для будь-якого принтера з гарантією якості від сервісного центру VPS Group по місту Києву. Купити тонер фасований. +38 (093) 290-17-17