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Все ті ж матеріали – гартоване скло і нержавіюча сталь, все та ж "кремезна" форма. Втім, до дизайну жодних нарікань не виникає, рівень продажів TFV8 показав, що вейперів в цьому плані все більш ніж влаштовує. Головною перевагою атомайзера TFV8 Baby є легка установка на міні-мод.
У зв'язку з невеликими розмірами в TFV8 Baby неможливо поставити стандартні випарники. Втім, це не є проблемою, компанія випустила кілька варіантів випарників, спеціально для "малюка":
Незважаючи на зміни в розмірах, TFV8 Baby не втратив у розмірі для обдування — цього не помітно ані візуально, ані за фактом використання. Заправка бака залишилася традиційною, через відкидну кришку.
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Оригинальный SMOK TFV8 BABY BEAST танк атомайзер - Серебристый с Gearbest.com
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Обслуживаемый атомайзер Smok TFV8 Baby Tank -
Долгожданное продолжение линейки от компании Smok не пришлось долго ждать. Smok TFV8 Baby Tank это усовершенствованная и увеличенная версия атомайзера.
Устройство получило следующие изменения:
возможность установить любой испаритель из линейки V8 Baby(в том числе и rba)
значительно увеличился диаметр бака до 24,5 мм.
емкость резервуара для жидкости увеличена с 3 до 5 мл.
большой выбор расцветок
переходник для 510 дриптипа
Устройство в остальном похоже на своего младшего брата. Все та же фирменная заправка, через выдвижной отсек бака. Удобная регулировка обдува, позволяющая максимально точно настроить под свои требования. Как всегда, Smok TFV8 Baby Tank выполнен в привычном нам стиле от компании, и будет отлично смотреться на всех массивных батарейных модах(хотя некоторые устройство средних размеров тоже идеально сочетаются с баком)
два испарителя в комплекте: V8 X4 и V8-T6(один установлен)
обслуживаемая база
два защитных силиконовых кольца(вейпбенд)
запасная стеклянная колба
ремкомплект(винты, прокладки)
переходник под 510 дрип тип
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на бебу
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Один из лучших стартовых субомных баков - это конечно же Smok TFV8 baby.
Он прост в заправке, дает много пара и есть вкус на испарителях, если добавить чуток мощности на моде. RBA базу с двуспиральной конструкцией можно приобрести отдельно.
Посадка 22 мм и объем бака для жидкости 3 мл.
Компактные размеры
Удобная заправка
Возможность установки RBA базы
на большую бебу
ниверсальное устройство. Подойдет, как начинающему парильщику, так и человеку, который уже знаком с вейпингом. Успешный поход на рынке TFV8 серии продолжает средняя модель между большим и младшим братом, которая имеет диаметр установки 24.5 мм и объем бака 5 мл, а так же возможность использовать запатентованные компанией SMOK как свои турбо испарители, так и обслуживаемую базу на 2 спирали.
Качество изделия SMOK как всегда на высоте.
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Smok TFV8 Baby Beast Tank. Как папа, только меньше.
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Smok TFV8 Baby - меньше, но не хуже! Обзор VAPE`RU
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In this video we give an in depth review and tutorial of the Smok Baby Beast Tank. You will see us use each of the heads/coils that come with the tank and the suggested wattage we use for each.
To purchase the Smok Baby Beast visit:
To purchase the Smok Big Baby Beast visit:
To purchase the Smok Cloud Beast visit:
All available coils options for the Smok Baby Beast and Big Baby Beast can be found here:
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The new with TFV8 Big Baby beast tip is a liquid capacity of all 5 ml and its high quality finish. It has a 510 thread and has a diameter of 24.5 mm, which can also be found on greater battery straps. The smock TFV8 Big Baby beast/TF Hybrid Full Kit to the tip can also be several coils such as the V8 Baby/T6 Aluminium, V8, baby nail x4 and a V8 Baby RBA Coil Included. Thanks to the adjustable airflow system when with TFV8 Big Baby beast Evaporator not only taste, but also large clouds.
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The SMOKTech TFV8 Baby Beast Tank
The SMOKTech TFV8 Baby Beast Tank brings the unrivaled performance of the TFV8 Cloud Beast Tank into a smaller form factor, creating a well-balanced dynamic range with 3mL juice reservoir, precision airflow control, signature hinged top-fill system, and introducing the new Baby Turbo Engines coil structure. The chassis of the SMOK TFV8 Baby Beast measures 22mm in diameter, shortening the overall height from base to the top cap by over 15mm, while managing to hold a 3 milliliter juice reservoir. The refill system retains the ergonomically-orientated functionality, featuring the signature hinge-and-lock system to expose the e-juice ports. Despite the shorter stature and diminutive in size, the Micro TFV8 Baby Sub-Ohm Tank is a compact rendition of cloud-chasing achievement. Thew new Baby Turbo Engines coil family have been precisely redesigned with a lower wattage usage in mind, introducing the V8 Baby-Q2 Dual Core measuring with an output range of 30 to 80W and V8 Baby-X4 Quadruple Core providing ample vapor and premiere flavors. The option V8 Baby RBA head caters to building enthusiasts and is highly capable, integrating a two-post design for intuitive coil configurations. Internal airflow is immense for its structure, integrating massive dual airslots around the base of the mini TFV8 for adept airflow efficiency. The included Delrin widebore drip tip maintains high level of heat dissipation for use throughout the day, completing the performance-orientated platform. Built upon the core principle of high performance and unparalleled technological prowess of SMOKTech's Cloud Beast system, the SMOK TFV8 Baby Beast Tank is the crowning achievement of compact tank platform.
SMOK TFV8 Baby Beast Tank Features:
22mm Diameter
3mL Juice Capacity
Superior Stainless Steel Construction
High-Grade Glass Reinforcement
Convenient Top-Fill Design with Hinge Lock
Dual Adjustable Airflow Control at Base
Black Delrin Ultra-Wide Drip Tip
Patented Baby Turbo Engines Coil Structure
V8 Baby-Q2 Dual Coil - rated for 30-80W | recommended 55-65W
V8 Baby-X4 Quad Coil - rated for 30-70W | recommended 45-60W
V8 Baby-T6 Sextuple Coil - rated for 40-140W | recommended 70-90W
V8 Baby-T8 Octuple Coil - rated for 50-100W | recommended 60-80W
V8 Baby RBA - Two-Post Deck
510 Connection
Available in Stainless Steel, Black, Gunmetal, Gold, Blue, Red, Green, and Rainbow
Carbon Fiber Edition - Coming Soon
SMOK Baby Beast Package Includes:
1 SMOK TFV8 Baby Tank
1 Preinstalled V8 Baby-Q2 Coil Head
1 Extra V8 Baby-T8 Coil Head
1 Replacement Glass Tube
Spare Parts
Instruction Manual Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Features and Specs for SMOK TFV8 Big Baby Beast:
Dimensions: 2-1/4" x 1" (Including Drip Tip and Threads)
510 Threaded
e-Liquid Capacity
Top Fill Design
SMOK Baby Beast V8 Core Atomizer Heads for Variable Wattage
Larger Heating Air Tube for Higher Airflow Efficiency
Large Dual Adjustable Airflow Slots
Improved e-Liquid Refill Slot for Easy Refills
Wide Bore Delrin Drip Tip
Large Central Airflow Chamber
Stainless Steel Construction
Includes (1) V8 Baby-Q2 Core Dual Coil Atomizer Head (Pre-installed) (Designed for 40 - 80 Watts)
Includes (1) V8 Baby-M2 Core Dual Coil Atomizer Head (3.7 Direct Output Voltage)
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In this video, DeucesJack shares his review of the Smok TFV8 Baby V2 Sub Ohm Tank. Get a closer look at the Smok TFV8 Baby V2, know its pros and cons, and find out if it is DeucesJack approved. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SMOK TFV8 Baby V2 Sub Ohm Tank | A Giant Vapes How-To
A Giant Vapes How-To and beginners guide to the SMOK TFV8 Baby V2 Tank from SMOKTech. The SMOK TFV8 Baby V2 Sub Ohm Tank is the follow up to the ever-popular TFV8 Baby Beast from SMOKTech. The TFV8 Baby V2 retains the high-performance features from the TFV8 Baby Beast with significant upgrades to the structure and ushers in the arrival of the new Baby V2 A family of mesh coils.
The all-encompassing upgrade of the TFV8 series, the Baby V2 Sub Ohm Tank measures up to 30mm in diameter with the installed 5ml bubble glass tank and sports that incredibly stylish design style that SMOKTech has come to be known for. The structural material of the tank itself has improved, utilizing food-grade pyrex glass material, high-temperature resistant stainless steel, and precision welding. The TFV8 Baby V2 also includes SMOK’s signature rotary hinge top-fill method with a button-activated locking mechanism to prevent leaking.
A pinnacle of engineering accomplishment for SMOK, the TFV8 Baby V2 Sub Ohm Tank is a huge step up from its predecessor, and a precision product suitable for all types of vapers. Grab one today at Giant Vapes.
The SMOK TFV8 Baby V2 Sub Ohm Tank comes packed with:
1 - TFV8 Baby 2 Tank
1 - ohm Baby V2 A1 Single Mesh Core
1 - 0.2 ohm Baby V2 A2 Dual Mesh Core
1 - Spare Glass Tube
1 - Instructional Manual
Spare Parts
Buy Replacement Coils for your SMOK TFV8 Baby V2 Tank here:
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The SmokTech TFV8 Baby Beast Unboxing & Quick Product Overview
Available at:
Big things don’t need to come in big packages, and SmokTech’s newest TFV8 Baby Beast Tank is a perfect example. This Micro TFV8 promotes a smaller Stainless Steel/Pyrex Glass construction (1/3 smaller than TFV8 Cloud Beast) standing at 53mm tall and 22mm wide. The Baby Beast holds a maximum 3mL of E-Juice and premiers SmokTech’s latest air chamber design. The re-designed Delrin drip tip features bottom-pair air-slots that promote a powerful draw, backed by two wide airflow slots that can be adjusted via airflow ring near the base. The Baby Beast uses the same intuitive top-filling hinge-lock method that can be found on the Cloud Beast and previous TFV4 tanks. To fill the tank, simply twist the top cap to reveal the top-filling fill port. Fill the tank and twist the cap closed. Done.
The highly anticipated TFV8 Cloud Beast was revolutionary due to the impressive Octuple Coil and Quad Coil configurations. Never before has the vape community had access to pre-built atomizer heads that offered such incredible power at such a low and affordable price. The TFV8 Baby Beast provides best-in-its-class cloud/flavor production by imitating the successful Octuple coil configuration in micro-nano fashion. Included with the Baby Beast is a pre-installed 0.4 ohm Dual Q2 Core that’s rated at 40-80W (best performance: 55-65W) and the ever-impressive ohm Octuple T8 Core that’s rated at 50-110W (best performance: 60-80W). SmokTech also offers an RBA option (sold separately) for those vapers that prefer to build their own coils with the V8 Baby RBA head.
The TFV8 Baby Beast will raise future expectations for cloud chasers and flavor connoisseurs when it comes to Nano Sub-Ohm tanks. If the TFV8 Cloud Beast was too large for your current setup, the smaller/more manageable TFV8 Baby Beast is going to make all of your cloud chasing dreams come true.
SmokTech TFV8 Cloud Beast:
For more great vape products and vape deals, visit our store at
Find more SMOK Vape Mods, Tanks and vape kits here: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SMOK Veneno Kit 225W with TFV8 Big Baby Light Edition
Take a look at the Smok Veneno 225W Kit. Let' see how it works.
The mod of Smok Veneno 225W Kit impresses people as it is furnished with many LED lights that embellish the front and back of the device and has a sparking evil eye under the colorful screen. All these colors match the TFV8 Big Baby Light Edition Tank. It is easy to adjust various data by pressing the stylish button, lowering output power as low as 1W and up to the maximum of 225W.
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Smok TFV8 Kit - Unboxing, Review & How To - VapeWild
Last year, vapers around the world were fascinated by the revolutionary marvel, the TFV4 Tank by Smok. This year, words could not describe the magnificent power SMOK’s next creation can brought; the cloud beast that dominated your heard beat - The TFV8 Cloud Beast! Now comes all of the greatness of the Cloud Beast in a sleek, compact design - The Baby Beast!
TFV8 Baby, which size is a third smaller in size than the Cloud Beast - TFV8, adopts revolutionary new Baby Beast engines: V8 Baby-Q2 Dual Core, V8 Baby-T8 Octuple Core, V8 Baby-X4 Quad Core, V8 Baby RBA and more in the making. Meanwhile, its airflow system: the bottom pair air-slots, the air chamber, the drip tip, are re-designed after precise calculations and optimizations. All those efforts ensure that TFV8 Baby is another Cloud Beast - a Baby Beast.
Smok TFV8 Baby Features:
3ml E-Liquid Capcity
22mm Diameter
Adjustable Airlfow
Top Filling
Removable Drip Tip
510 Threaded
Multiple Coil Options
RBA Coil Coming Soon
Weight: 47g
This Kit Includes:
Baby Beast Tank
V8 Baby-Q2 Coil ( Dual Coil) range of 30-80 watts and the best range is 45-60 watts.
V8 Baby-X4 Coil ( Quad Coil) range of 30-80 watts, but it performs best at 40-60 watts.
Replacement Glass Tube
User Manual
Spare O-Rings
Vape Bands
GMAIL : spitinyourdripperreviews@
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Smok Veneno 225w Kit with TFV8 Big Baby Light Subtank
SMOK Veneno 225W TC Kit with TFV8 Big Baby Light is a 'close brother' of Smok S Priv 230w Kit. More★
You may also interest in SMOK S-Priv 230W TC Kit with TFV8 Big Baby Light Edition ★ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Mesh coil head by Smok | For TFV12 Prince Baby & TFV8 Baby | Fast heating
Smok Mesh Replacement Coil head of TFV12PrinceBaby is also compatible with #TFV8Baby tank:D
The heating surface area has been increased when it comes to the mesh coil by Smok, Fast heating process with massive cloud production.
You might also interest in
LED version SMOK V8 Baby Replacement Core for TFV12 Baby Prince too(5pcs/pack)
Smok TFV12 Baby Prince
SMOK TFV8 Baby Beast Tank
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This is my first review so it may be a tad bit shitty.
Totally Wicked:
Music: NCS
Features & Specs – SMOK TFV8 Baby Beast
22mm Diameter
3mL Juice Capacity
Superior Stainless Steel Construction
High-Grade Glass Reinforcement
Convenient Top-Fill Design with Hinge Lock
Dual Adjustable Airflow Control at Base
Black Delrin Ultra-Wide Drip Tip
Patented Baby Turbo Engines Coil Structure
V8 Baby-Q2 Dual Coil – rated for 30-80W | recommended 55-65W
V8 Baby-X4 Quad Coil – rated for 30-70W | recommended 45-60W
V8 Baby-T8 Octuple Coil – rated for 50-100W | recommended 60-80W
V8 Baby RBA – Two-Post Deck
510 Connection
Available in Stainless Steel and Black
In The Box:
1 SMOK TFV8 Baby Tank
1 V8 Baby-Q2 Coil Head
1 Replacement Glass Tube
Spare Parts
Instruction Manual
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Coil Types for Smok TFV8 Big Baby and Baby Beast Tanks
In this video we show you all of the available Smok Baby Beast & Big Baby coil options in detail. We will give you a full overview of each coil type including M2, Q2, X4, T6 and T8. We will go over each along with recommended settings, use and performance.
Find all the Smok Baby Beast coils in this video here at a low price:
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SMOK TFV8 Big Baby Beast Sub-Ohm Tank
The SMOK TFV8 Big Baby Beast Sub-Ohm Tank combines the best elements of two of the most popular and critically acclaimed tanks today, packing in the manageable size and affordable performance coil family from the Baby Beast with the capacity and range of the full sized TFV8. Maintaining the same diameter profile of the TFV8 and measuring just 3mm taller in height than the Baby Beast, the Big Baby Beast packs in a rangy 5 milliliter tank capacity accessed and filled via SMOK's signature Hinge and Lock Top Fill System.
The Baby Beast Coil Family is based off of the high performance V8 line, retaining much of the same performance profile despite the diminutive size. Included with each kit is a trio of coil heads, featuring the V8 Baby X4 Coil Head, V8 Baby T6, and the V8 Baby RBA Head. Airflow is expanded, increasing each airslot to measure 15mm by 2mm which are located around the base of the chassis, with a full 8mm bore from chimney to drip tip. SMOK's Big Baby Beast enters the market as the prime combination of SMOK's two best Sub-Ohm Tank platforms, asserting itself as the premiere atomizer available today.
Please Note: TFV8 Coils are NOT Compatible with the TFV8 Baby Beast.
Product Features:
Hinge and Lock Top Fill System
Swivels Open and Shut
Fill Port
Max Capacity
SMOK Baby Turbo Coil Family
V8 Baby X4 Coil Head
Quadruple Coil
30 to 70W
45 to 60W Recommended Range
V8 Baby T6 Coil Head
0.2 ohm
Sextuple Coils
40 to 130W
70 to 90W Recommended Range
V8 Baby RBA Head
Two Post Dual Terminal Design
2mm Diameter Terminals
Dual 6mm by 3mm Internal Airslots
Quad by Wicking Slots
Prebuilt Dual Clapton Coil
30 to 60W
Includes Glass Tank Section and Spare Parts
Dual Adjustable 15mm by 2mm Airslots
Delrin Drip Tip
Stainless Steel and Glass Construction
Product Includes:
One SMOK TFV8 Big Baby Beast Sub-Ohm Tank
One V8 Baby X4 Coil Head
One V8 Baby T6 Quadruple Coil Head
One V8 Baby RBA Head
One Replacement Glass Tank Section
Spare Parts Pack
User Manual Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
SMOK Species 230w Touch Screen Kit | TFV8 Baby V2 Tank | Upgraded user interface
Introducing you to our brand new SPECIES KIT.
Learn More:
Main Points
1. Newly designed '' colorful TOUCH screen with upgraded coolest UI.
2. With new developed TFV8 Baby V2 tank and adopts two powerful coils--- Baby V2 A1 Coil and Baby V2 A2 Coil.
3. The new tank also uses antibacterial medical cotton, the best replacement of former organic one.
4. 1-230W output powered by dual 18650 batteries.
5. Independence screen. Lock and unlock just one button.
Besides, we have released Baby V2 A3 coil.(A3 coil can be paired with TFV8 Baby V2 tank, but the core is not included in the actual package ). A3 has three separate heating coils inside, combining with 3 larger airflow slots at the bottom of the tank, more air can be straightly brought in, and when you fire to vape, three coils will heat simultaneously. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
How To Fill And Change The Coil: SMOK TFV8 Baby Tank
For more information on priming and 'dry pulling' check out this link:
To find out which coils fit the SMOK TFV8-Baby Tank check out this link: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Smok G-PRIV KIT | TFV8 Big Baby Beast Tank Review VS TFV8 & TFV8 Baby Beast
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The SMOK ProColor Kit With TFV8 Big Baby Tank Unboxing and Quick Product Overview
Available at:
TFV8 Resin Drip Tips:
LG HG2 18650 Batteries:
SMOK astounds the market once again with the unprecedented SMOK ProColor 225W TC Kit with TFV8 Big Baby Tank. The remarkably well-designed ProColor 225W TC Mod has a weight of 151g, a height of 85mm, a width of 46mm and a diameter of that suits two high-drain 18650 batteries (batteries not included) through a hinged battery cover. The ProColor’s frame has an anti-slip design that gives it a firm and comfortable grip even during extended sessions from virtually limitless hand held positions. This mod includes numerous unique and user-friendly features, including a large 1.3” OLED screen that stands out with a customizable RGB backlight that’s trim shaped and can be setup to display twelve eye-catching colors. Along its exterior are three keys—a long, lateral firing bar on the side of the device that stretches from the top of the mod to the bottom of the mod, and two ultra-responsive regulatory buttons that’ll enable you to easily navigate through the mod’s menus, as well as alter the current wattage and temperature. Offering both Variable Wattage and Temperature Control, this mod offers a large spectrum of adjustable settings, including an operational wattage range that can be fired as low as 6W or cranked up to 225W, an output voltage that reaches 9V, a minimum resistance of ohms, and a temperature range that spans between 200 and 600 degrees. The ProColor 225W Mod has intelligent atomizer recognition, a puff monitoring system, over-heating protection, low-battery warning, and a twelve second cut-off that’ll drastically help conserve battery life. The ProColor also remembers your favorite settings so you don’t have to adjust them each time you’re ready for your next session. The SMOK ProColor 225W Kit is compatible with Ni200 Nickel and Titanium wires for all of your Temperature Control vaping needs, and can be used with Stainless Steel heating elements in both TC mode and Variable Wattage mode. This 510 threaded device ships ready to be vaped with any of your favorite 510 sub-ohm tanks and ships with SMOK’s heavy hitting TFV8 Big Baby Tank.
The SMOK TFV8 Big Baby Beast Tank has perfectly suitable dimensions for the ProColor 225W Mod. Made of superior Stainless Steel construction and high grade Pyrex Glass, the Big Baby Tank has a 56mm height, diameter and a weight of 60g. Sticking to their tried-and-true top-filling system, SMOK has continued to implement their top-fill swivel cap design. This user-friendly feature enables you to fill the tank by rotating the top cap counter-clockwise, with no need to remove the wide bore Delrin drip tip. Included with the Big Baby tank is the flavor-driven 0.4 ohm V8-Baby Q2 Dual Coil Head (rated at 30-80W) and the ohm V8-Baby T8 Octuple Coil Head (rated at 50-100W). Both of these atomizer heads are wicked with Pure Organic Cotton to bring out SMOK’s trademark bold and rich flavor, and feature SMOK’s patented Baby Turbo Engine coil structure. Time spent filling the Big Baby Beast will come few and far between, thanks to the massive 5mL E-Juice reservoir that’s more than capable of making it throughout the day on just a single fill. Between the elongated wide bore drip tip and the dual adjustable airflow slots at the bottom, this vape tank makes way for some intense cloud production that exceeds other tanks that are of similar size and stature. Altogether in a single innovative kit, the remarkable TFV8 Baby Beast Sub-Ohm Tank and ProColor 225W TC Mod stand out amongst the crowd, and will be quite unlike anything you’ve ever seen or experienced in the vape community!
SMOK ProColor 225W TC Kit:
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The SmokTech TFV8 Cloud Beast Unboxing and Quick Overview
Available at:
More E-Juice. More airflow. More flavor. More power. SmokTech promised greatness and the TFV8 Cloud Beast delivered. Smok’s newest sub-ohm tank is a Stainless Steel/Pyrex Glass constructed masterpiece and offers a massive fill capacity. The Cloud Beast sports a wide Delrin drip tip and two large adjustable air slots, dramatically increasing airflow in breathtaking fashion. Similar to the TFV4 style, a locking/pivoting top cap sits on top of the tank, revealing a larger top-filling fill port and the massive chimney. The Cloud Beast TFV8 is shipped with 3 new patented coil designs; an Octuple coil head, a Sextuple coil head and a Quadruple coil head (as well as a V8 RBA Head). The V8-T8 Octuple Coil head has a resistance of ohms (50-260w) and reins supreme as Smok’s most powerful coil head. The V8-T6 Sextuple Coil head offers a resistance of 0.2 ohms and is rated between 50-240w. The ohm V8-Q4 Coil head is Smok’s least powerful coil of the bunch and is still rated at 50-180w. A 2-post velocity style RBA head is included in this powerful batch of coils, catering to those who prefer to build their own coils. Smoktech crafted an incredibly powerful sub-ohm tank that cloud chasers dream of. If you’re looking to take your cloud production to the next level, Smok’s all-new TFV8 Cloud Beast will not disappoint.
SmokTech TFV8 Cloud Beast:
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100% Original SMOK Alien AL85 Alien Baby Kit with TFV8 Baby Tank
Smok AL85 Mod
Size: 71 x 48 x 27mm
Power Range: 1 - 85W
Voltage range: - 8V
Resistance Range: -3ohm (VW) / -2ohm (TC)
Temperature Range: 200℉--600℉/100℃--315℃
Smok TFV8 Baby Tank
Material: Stainless Steel
Size: 22 x 53mm
Capacity: 3ml
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Smok MAJESTY 225Watt TC Box Mod KIT with TFV8 TFV8 X Baby MOD and TANK REVIEW
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Majesty 225 Watt Kit Resin by SMOK:
Majesty 225 Watt Kit Resin by SMOK
Personal Vaporizer Can be artistic! Are you tired of the invariable materials of your normal APV? Then Majesty can be a special choice for you! It is made of colorful resin, a brand new material with great brightness and various colors, which makes the mod full of artistic features. Combining with powerful TFV8 X-Baby Tank you can just enjoy vaping! Majesty features a newly upgraded user interface and a larger colorful OLED screen to give you an unprecedented interactive experience. The mod of Majesty is ergonomically designed so you can get comfortable hand-feel. What's more, combining with powerful TFV8 X-Baby Tank makes Majesty a perfect kit.
SMOK Majesty 225W TC Box Mod Features:
Dimensions: by by
Dual High-Amp 18650 Battery - Not Included
Maximum Wattage Output: 225W
Min Atomizer Resistance:
Temperature Range: 200-600F
Supports Ni200 Nickel, Titanium, and Stainless Steel Heating Elements
Precision Memory Modes
Premium Zinc Alloy Construction
Colorful Accenting Patterns - Carbon Fiber / Resin
Full-Colored OLED Display Matrix - Customizable Colors
Battery Series Connection
Dual Battery Life Indicator
Puff Monitoring
Stealth Squeeze-to-Fire Mechanism
Ergonomically Placed Adjustment Buttons
MicroUSB Port - Firmware Upgrades
Available in Majesty Carbon Fiber Edition - Black, Purple, Red, Blue
Available in Majesty Resin Edition - Blue, Purple, Yellow, Green
510 Connection
SMOK TFV8 X-Baby Beast Tank Features:
4mL Juice Capacity
Superior Stainless Steel Construction
High-Grade Glass Reinforcement
Convenient Top-Fill Design with Hinge Lock
Top Airflow Control - Two Large Airslots
Black Delrin Ultra-Wide Drip Tip
Improved TFV8 X-Baby Turbo Engines Coil Structure
X-Baby Q2 Dual Coil - rated for 40-80W | recommended 55-65W
X-Baby T6 Sextuple Coil - rated for 40-130W
510 Connection
1 Majesty 225W Box Mod
1 TFV8 X-Baby Beast Tank
1 X-Baby Q2 Dual Core
1 X-Baby T6 Sextuple Core
1 Replacement Parts & Spare Glass
1 MicroUSB Cable
Instructional Manual
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Оригинальный Smok V8 Baby RBA для бака Smok TFV8 Baby - Серебристый с GearBest.com
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How to change the coils in the SMOK Mag Grip vape kit
Watch how to quickly change the coils in the SMOK TFV8 Baby V2 tank on the SMOK Mag Grip kit.
Buy TFV8 Baby V2 Coils here -
Buy SMOK TFV8 Baby V2 Tank here -
The SMOK Mag Grip kit features the awesome TFV8 Baby V2 tank. Inside the tank comes a preinstalled Mini V2 S1 Ω single mesh coil, rated at 40-80W - Best at 60-70W. Also inside the SMOK Mag Grip kit you also get the Ω Quadruple Coils, rated at 30-70W - Best at 45-60W.
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