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Цей звабливий аромат акцентує увагу на вашій природній жіночності та грації. Виробник гармонійно поєднав в одному флаконі квіткові (гарденія, жасмин) і фруктові (лісові ягоди, мандарин) нотки із солодкими млосними акцентами карамелі, ванілі та праліне. Неповторний шлейф парфумів, який тягнеться за вами, стане вашою візитною карткою.
Витончений дизайн флакона також не залишить байдужою жодну модницю. А яскравий рожевий бант на кришечці став гламурним завершальним штрихом.
Дозвольте собі бути ще привабливішою і спокусливішою разом із парфумованою водою Juicy Couture Viva! Аромат прикрасить вашу індивідуальність новими відтінками і додасть образу легкої зухвалості.
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Всем привет! Меня зовут Вика. Я люблю косметику: ею пользоваться, о ней болтать и узнавать. Использую или тестирую косметику абсолютно разной ценовой категории и особенно люблю сравнивать ее между собой, так что если вы любите и бюджетную, и люксовую косметику, то вам всегда здесь будет интересно ♥
Я живу в Германии, поэтому иногда рассказываю о местной косметике, жизни, моде.На этом канале я делюсь отзывами о косметике, советами, полезностями и просто своей жизнью.Видео на канале 1-2 раза в неделю.Приглашаю вас дружить и подписаться, участвовать в конкурсах, уважать друг друга, культурно общаться и надеюсь вам будет интересно :)
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ссылка на аромат: https://якосметика.рф/parfyumeriya-dlya-zhenschin/juicy-couture-viva-la-juicy/ Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Viva la Juicy от Juicy Couture, #парфюмерия прерванное видео
В рубрике «Как выглядит оригинал?» мы делимся информацией, которая поможет безошибочно определить оригинальность парфюма Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy.
Мы показываем, на какие детали упаковки и флакона нужно обращать внимание перед покупкой.
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5. Где можно купить 100% подлинный парфюм
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Ароматы "цвета фуксии". Сладко - цветочно и гламурненько.
Рассказываю об истории брэнда и ароматах #JuicyCouture.
Что я узнала о необычном флаконе - "пепелаце".
И ещё небольшое воспоминание. Когда говорила о молодящейся учительнице физкультуры, вспомнила свою школьную "физручку". Она не молодилась, а может быть и зря. 🙂 Носила она шиньон. И однажды, когда она прыгала с лентой или на скакалке, точно не помню уже, шиньон начал отваливаться и повис. Всем было неловко и очень смешно. А вообще, дама противная была...
Обзор ароматов:
Juicy Couture от Juicy Couture (2006)
Viva la Juicy 🎀 от Juicy Couture (2008)
Couture La La от Juicy Couture (2012)
Couture Couture 👑 от Juicy Couture (2009)
Viva La Juicy Glacé 🍨 от Juicy Couture (2017)
Viva La Juicy Noir от Juicy Couture (2013)
I Am Juicy Couture от Juicy Couture (2015)
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Viva La Juicy Noir by Juicy Couture
Perfume close up
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Viva La Juicy Gold Couture
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В этом видео я рассказываю про САМЫЙ SЕKSI АРОМАТ по мнению блогеров .
Ютуберы все как один согласны с этим феноменом !
Так что же это ?
Может Jeremy Fragrance все преувеличил :) Зато - все побежали я побежаль :)
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Viva La Juicy JUICY COUTURE | First Review I Butchered | Fragrance Review
Viva La Juicy JUICY COUTURE. Eau de Parfum For Women. In this video I give a short review on Viva La Juicy by Juicy Couture. I talk about first impressions and overall experience during the time my wife was wearing this fragrance for a week. I did film a first impressions/reactions video of Viva La Juicy, but unfortunately some of the video parts were missing and overall video material got butchered. Next time will do better. Still learning.
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The opinion expressed in all of my videos are my own and reflect my own personal experience. I do not recommend nor advise to buy fragrances blindly. Content on this channel is provided for educational and informative purposes only. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
❤ My review of all 8 of the Viva La Juicy flankers:
❤ My run down of the entire Juicy Couture range:
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❤ Some of my other perfume reviews:
Best Sweet Perfumes:
Best Fruity Perfumes:
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Useful discount codes
❤ Airbnb: £25 off first trip
❤ Quidco: £5 credit
❤ Uber: £3 off first trip with code 'sophiek107lue'
Checkout my other videos on #SokiLondon #SokiLondonPerfumeReviews
Thanks so much for watching. I am forever grateful to each and every one of you for watching, liking and commenting :) Soki London xx Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Some of my other perfume review videos...
❤ The rest of the Juicy Couture perfume range:
❤ Every Chanel Perfume:
❤ Every Dior Perfume:
❤ YSL Black Opium Range:
❤ Armani Si Range:
❤ Flowerbomb Range:
❤ My 10 Perfumes For Life:
My article on every Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy perfume:
Perfumes in this video (UK links)...
Viva La Juicy:
Viva La Juicy Noir:
Viva La Juicy Gold Couture:
Viva La Fleur:
Viva La Juicy Rose Couture:
Viva La Juicy Soiree:
Viva La Juicy Glace:
Viva La Juicy Bowdacious:
Perfumes in this video (US Links)...
Viva La Juicy:
Viva La Juicy Noir:
Viva La Juicy Gold Couture:
Viva La Fleur:
Viva La Juicy Rose Couture:
Viva La Juicy Soiree:
Viva La Juicy Glace:
Viva La Juicy Bowdacious:
Fragrance Notes Videos:
❤ I have my own amazon shop with all my perfume recommendations and the latest bargains I've spotted on amazon for you:
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Useful discount codes
❤ Airbnb: £25 off first trip
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❤ Uber: £3 off first trip with code 'sophiek107lue'
Checkout my other videos on #SokiLondon #SokiLondonPerfumeReviews
Thanks so much for watching. I am forever grateful to each and every one of you for watching, liking and commenting :) Soki London xx
NB : The links above are likely to be affiliate links, which means if I have inspired you to make a purchase and you choose to buy something through one of these links, I may receive a small commission on the sale, as a way of thanks! It makes no difference to you as a buyer at all but I may receive a small compensation :) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Sarah reviews Viva la Juicy Perfume by Juicy Couture. Find out more about this chic designer perfume for women.
Get Viva la Juicy by Juicy Couture:
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Болталка. Ароматы, которые я заказывала вслепую: Lolita Lempicka, Viva La Juicy и другие
1. Britney Spears - Midnight Fantasy
2. Rasasi - Instincts (похож на Lacoste Pour Femme)
3. Britney Spears - Fantasy In Bloom
4. Lolita Lempicka EDP
5. Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy (похож на Gucci Gardenia и Victoria Secret Tease) Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Viva La Juicy Perfume Collection (2018)- The Best and Worst!!
Hey Beauties! I hope you enjoy my thoughts on the Viva La Juicy Line!
Viva La Juicy
Viva La Juicy La Fleur
Viva La Juicy Noir
Viva La Juicy Gold Couture
Viva La Juicy So Intense
Viva La Juicy Rose
Viva La Juicy Sucre
Viva La Juicy Glace
Viva La Juicy Soiree
❤️Top 10 Designer Fragrances
Viva La Juicy
Vince Camuto Ciao
Bvlgari Omnia Crystalline
Bvlgari Omnia Coral
Tiffany by Tiffany
Viva La Juicy Soiree
I Love Juicy Couture
Gucci Flora
Prada Candy
CH Good Girl
❤️Top 10 Celebrity Fragrances
Purr (Katy Perry)
Heat (Beyonce)
Rogue (Rihanna)
Heat Wild Orchid (Beyonce)
Gold Rush (Paris Hilton)
Reb’l Fleur (Rihanna)
Pink Friday (Nicki Minaj)
Because of You (Jordin Sparks)
Crystal Gardenia (KKW Fragrance)
Onika (Nicki Minaj)
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All items mentioned in this video are my own personal thoughts and opinion. I was not paid for reviewing. However, I may receive a commission through affiliate links. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy Women's Fragrance First Impressions & Review
In today's video I'll be giving my first impressions of Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy. Enjoy.
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😍 Juicy Couture Viva la juicy Noir | Самый сексуальный комплиментарный аромат
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💜 Order my perfume Empress on my website: 📦 Worldwide Shipping 🐰 Vegan & Cruelty Free
Where to buy Viva La Juicy Petals Please;
USA Amazon:
USA Ulta:
🌟 My article on every Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy perfume:
🌟 Viva La Juicy Neon Perfume Review:
🌟 Viva La Juicy Le Bubbly Perfume Review:
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❤ £10 off your first LookFantastic Order: Code SOPHIE-R17JT
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Checkout my other videos on #SokiLondon
Thanks so much for watching. I am forever grateful to each and every one of you for watching, liking and commenting :) Soki London xx
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VIVA LA Juicy NOIR Juicy Couture | Undeniable VIVA DNA
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy Noir Eau de Parfum for Women. We are opening and smelling this scent for the first time. Deep diving in to the release date, perfume rating and breaking down the composition. Fragrance in the video was bought blindly.
Creators behind this fragrance are The officials of the house of Elizabeth Arden.
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This is appreciated and very helpful for the growth of the channel, but unnecessary. No content on this channel will ever be locked behind a paywall.
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Buy MotionGrey, CANADAS #1 dual motor electrical standing desk. The one I am using right now.
USE DISCOUNT CODE 54250237 at the check out.
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Some of the links in my video descriptions are affiliate links, which means at no extra cost to you, I will make a small commission if you click on them and make a purchase.
The opinion expressed in all of my videos are my own and reflect my own personal experience. I do not recommend nor advise to buy fragrances blindly. Content on this channel is provided for educational and informative purposes only. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
FIRST TIME REACTION. VIVA LA JUICY Sucre Holiday Edition. Eau de Parfum For Women. Simply Different.
FIRST TIME REACTION. VIVA LA JUICY Sucre Holiday Edition. Eau de Parfum For Women. Simply Different. We are opening and smelling this scent for the first time. Deep diving in to the release date, perfume rating, breaking down the composition and experience of smelling this scent for the first time. Fragrance in the video was bought blindly. # 90
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The opinions expressed in all of my videos are my own and reflect my own personal experience. I do not recommend nor advise to buy fragrances blindly. Content on this channel is provided for educational and informative purposes only. Some links in the description are affiliate, which can earn me a small commission if a purchase was made successfully.
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Decanting Viva La Juicy Gold Couture by Juicy Couture
Viva La Juicy Gold Couture is a new version of the Viva La Juicy fragrance from 2008 by Juicy Couture, coming out in August 2014. The fragrance is created by Honorine Blanc as a glamorous and decadent version of the original.
This "golden" composition begins with luscious wild berries that form an introduction to the heart of Sambac jasmine and honeysuckle. The base features warm aromas of sandalwood, golden amber, caramel and vanilla elixir.
The classic design of the bottle and packaging takes golden color, decorated with pink letters and logos. The fragrance is available as 30, 50 and 100 ml Eau de Parfum. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Hi everyone! This video is a true ode to my favourite line of fragrances, Viva la Juicy by Juicy Couture. I adore the gorgeous bottles and the original scent is heavenly, along with some of the flankers discussed in this vid. This collection might be excessive but it holds a special place in my heart. What's your favourite kind of Viva la Juicy?
💜Order the Viva la Juicy line from Fragrancebuy using my link for $5 OFF (not sponsored):
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💜My Poshmark: Use code "OVOSYDNEY" for $15 off your first purchase
Thanks for watching! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Viva La Juicy Perfume was released in 2008 by the house of Juicy Couture. With notes of caramel, vanilla, jasmine and amber this scent is fresh, floral and flirty.
Viva La Juicy Perfume review.
Visit ® for great perfume discounts!
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Jermey fargrance expression about viva la juicy gold couture
Featuring Candice Swanepoel
DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT own this video. No copyright infringement intended. For viewing enjoyment purposes only. For more information about the content of this videos please visit: Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Viva la Juicy Noir was released in 2013 by the house of Juicy Couture. With notes of mandarine orange, wild berries, honeysuckle and jasmine this scent is truly glamorous and great for year round wear.
Viva la Juicy Noir perfume review.
Visit ® for great perfume discounts!
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Juicy Couture's Viva La Juicy Perfume ( product review)| Best Places to apply a perfume 💄🌸✨
#vivalajuicy #bestplacestoapplyaperfume #juicycoutureperfumes
Amazon Link to buy this product:
The most special thing about this product is it’s girlie and glam bottle. I absolutely love the metallic lid and the dash of baby pink colour on the top!
Ok,so what attracted me to this product is it’s fruity and intense flowery scent. It’s kind of sweet and has notes of gardenia which makes it quite mesmerizing, being an aromatherapy junkie, I find the presence of such natural fragrances really bewitching! Every time I wear it, I can notice lots of people asking me ‘’what perfume are you wearing’’?!
Also, this comes in a beautiful ‘’gift’’ kind of packing which makes it a great anniversary gift option for one’s spouse! This one is a packaging of 100 ml which I feel is apt, not too less not too much.
Overall, I would rate it an 8 on 10 , looking at its alluring smell and larger-than-life kind of packaging, and recommend it for people who are looking for an authentic branded perfume for themselves or a loved one.
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Viva La Juicy Sucre by Juicy Couture Perfume Review!
Reviewing the latest Juicy Couture eau de parfum Viva La Juicy Sucre! Hope you enjoy this perfume review!
Viva La Juicy Gold Couture at Sephora!
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Viva La Juicy Gold Couture by Juicy Couture Perfume Review
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Julie Vorobyov
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All thoughts and opinions are my own, and all items mentioned in the video were purchased with my own money! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Juicy Couture |Viva LA JUICY PERFUME REVIEW!💕(Throwback Scent )
#vivalajuicy #Juicycouture #perfumereview #Browngirlswhoblog #perfumejunkie # Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
In todays video I was lucky to be picked by Influenster to try the new Juicy Couture Sucre perfume for free. All they asked was to give my honest opinion on what I thought of the perfume from Juicy Couture.
LINK TO FRAGRANCENET BELOW. I don't make anything on this. I just want to make it easy for you.
#juicycouture #newperfume #perfume #parfum #sweetperfumes #parfumrecommended #perfumecollection #perfumereview @InfluensterVox @JuicyCouture @fragrancenet Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Watch Before Buying! Viva La Juicy Perfume Honest Review
Watch Before Buying! Viva La Juicy Perfume Honest Review
► Check it out and buy here:
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* Disclaimer: All opinions are my own. I may use affiliate links. As a customer, you do NOT pay any more or less because of an affiliated link. A small percentage of the sale will go to the person who generated the link. Thank you for your support of my channel! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
With the collection of Juicy Couture’s Viva La Juicy aromas a new addition arrives with Viva La Juicy Glace expanding the range after last year’s Viva La Juicy Sucre release. The series also includes Viva La Juicy Rose and Viva La Juicy Noir while other notable editions include Viva La Juicy Gold Couture and Viva La Juicy Extrait de Parfum.
In a universe of cooling sensations with the nippy freshness of iced luminous temptations that bring pleasure to your daily routine Viva La Juicy Glace is here ready to indulge the senses into the frozen world of #VivaOnIce.
Drawing inspiration from a fantasy world of frozen enchantments Viva La Juicy Glace opens in a coolness of frosted mandarin and cassis leaves sweetened with cool pear sorbet. In the heart a stylish touch of jasmine notes and delicious fruits play with the warmth of lovely vanilla and soft sandalwood rounding out the concentration for the most versatile wear in any season.
The new Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy Glace is already available in 50ml and 100ml editions of eau de parfum concentration housed in the familiar bow decorated bottle now featuring a pink bow with an ice glazed finish glass.
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy Glace 50ml/ EDP – Eau de Parfum
Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy Glace 100ml/ EDP – Eau de Parfum
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Viva La Juicy. Viva La Juicy is a floral fragrance that comes in a variety of sizes. The collection includes a body cream & bath and body lotions as well.
Viva La Juicy perfume review
Visit FragranceNet for great discounts on all!
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Hello everyone! I really hope you enjoyed my video about my REVIEW: JUICY COUTURE, VIVA LA JUICY GOLD COUTURE
It reminds me a lot of Prada Candy too!
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Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy na epocacosmeticos.com.br
Compre aqui: Viva La Juicy, uma fragrância sedutora com aroma floral frutal gourmand. Possui em sua composição notas de tangerina, mandarina, madressilva, gardênia, jasmim e para completar, ambar, caramelo, baunilha e sândalo, que acrescentam o toque ideal de doçura e delicadeza à fragrância. É envazado em um lindo frasco com detalhes dourados. Sua tampa é decorada com todo o charme Juicy Couture. É ideal para mulheres que adoram luxo e possuem uma personalidade espirituosa. Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
GOLD Couture Viva La Juicy. Eau de Parfum For Women. We are opening and smelling this scent for the first time. Deep diving in to the release date, perfume rating and breaking down the composition. Fragrance in the video was bought blindly.
Master Perfumer of this fragrance is Honorine Blanc.
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Viva La Juicy Gold Couture Review | Fragrance.com®
Viva La Juicy Gold Couture Review.
Viva La Juicy Gold Couture was released in 2014 by the house of Juicy Couture. With notes of wild berry, jasmine, caramel and vanilla this scent is glamorous and decadent.
Viva La Juicy Gold Couture perfume review.
Visit ® for great perfume discounts!
00:00 Viva La Juicy Gold intro & notes
00:15 subscribe Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Introducing Juicy Couture VIVA LA JUICY GOLD COUTURE
Juicy Couture presents VIVA LA JUICY GOLD COUTURE, the over-the-top, decadent rendition of VIVA LA JUICY that gives the girl who lusts for luxury the couture indulgence she craves.
“VIVA LA JUICY GOLD COUTURE is the ultimate elixir of sensuality,” says Master Perfumer Honorine Blanc. “The addictive elements of the original VIVA LA JUICY are enhanced to create a new texture for the modern world of femininity. It is an enjoyable challenge and a pleasure to reinvent VIVA LA JUICY in so many ways, creating new, coveted versions of a true classic.”
#COUTUREOVERDOSE Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
Viva La Juicy Gold Couture by Juicy Couture Perfume Review!
Today I've got a review of the Viva La Juicy Gold Couture eau de parfum by Juicy Couture! Hope you guys enjoy!
Buy Viva La Juicy Gold Couture by Juicy Couture
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If you want to send me something:
Julie Vorobyov
P.O. Box 604218
Bayside, NY 11360
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For business inquiries only: julievorobyov@
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This perfume was sent to me by Notino in exchange for a review but all thoughts and opinions are my own! Це відео автоматично взято із YouTube за назвою товару, можливий неправильний пошук.
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